clearlypissed · 5 months
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steeiydan · 6 months
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i need more pee memes to make bad keiaki edits with
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ichippon · 1 month
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first n+c post is keiaki yuri kyaa
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kuobun · 8 months
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valkavavaart · 2 years
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wormwoodsmoke · 4 days
KeiAki No children but w a twist
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soakedinthewater · 5 months
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everyone agree akira is like an angel
(theyre not really reminiscent of tnc, sorry)
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ffflks · 2 years
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Title: Once Upon A Love
Fandom: Togainu no Chi
Pairing: Keisuke x Akira
During the usual hanging out with his college friends, Keisuke took more than he could swallow. And thus, now during the 24 hours he has to propose to his adored idol. Will he be able to do it? Read and find out~
AO3 Link
It’s already a late night, but not everyone can find peace of mind tonight.
That’s right, after hanging out with his friends from college, Keisuke has done something that he refers to as digging his own grave.
Earlier, on the same evening. When Akira was still at work, Keisuke got teased again.
This time, Keisuke’s unintentional habit of always bringing his precious boyfriend into any conversation and talking about him like an idol got him into trouble.
Finally, one of his friends had enough of it. Fortunately, it was their turn in the truth or dare game.
Even if it was a joking request for him to confess to Akira, the poor brunette took it personally and as a grave challenge.
After he bravely declared his intention to propose to his crush, the sound of the apartment door suddenly interrupted him. As Akira walked in during his speech, he froze in place.
For a while, Keisuke stared at his partner while fearing for his own life.
Perhaps the luck was on his side, and he dodged the bullet that was Akira’s silent, icy glare.
Yet, the brunette asked him out on a date.
Of course, the silver-haired male only covered his mouth and facepalmed.
Meanwhile, one of Keisuke’s friends patted his shoulder and wished him luck.
Lastly, he knew Akira would be mad at him for embarrassing him in front of everyone. Or so Keisuke assumed.
“What should I do now? I’m so screwed… Save me, Akira.” The brunette murmurs while hiding under the blanket.
However, he perfectly understands that he needs to deal with some business before the big day.
After taking a deep breath, he removes the blanket and leaves the tatami without waking up his partner.
It’s still a miracle how he finds his phone in the darkness without causing too much noise.
Suddenly, Keisuke is startled by the quiet mumbling and rustling sheets. As he slowly turns back and uses the phone’s flashlight, he feels like a heavy boulder is removed from his chest.
Apparently, Akira is sleeping peacefully, unaware of what is happening in the middle of the night. Lastly, Keisuke sneaks to another room to get one specific item, which may save his life.
Some time has passed. As Keisuke closes the tool shelf door, he leaves the room while holding measurement tape and hoping that Akira is still deeply slumbering despite the left mess in another room and other noises.
When Keisuke silently approaches his partner and kneels, he glimpses at him. Unfortunately for him, he becomes mesmerized by sleeping Akira’s beauty.
It was not the first time when Keisuke was restless. However, he would observe his beautiful and serene boyfriend until he fell asleep.
Despite his phone’s limited storage, he can’t resist taking and keeping countless photos of Akira - be it him taking a nap or doing anything else, he won’t have enough of him.
More so, after one time Akira accidentally noticed Keisuke’s lock-screen, his reaction was too precious to him.
Yet, the brunette didn’t take a photo of his boyfriend hiding his blushing face with one palm and sighing. After all, it was enough to have it burned into his memory.
Perhaps Akira doesn’t know how lucky Keisuke feels to be his boyfriend.
More so, Akira allowed Keisuke to move to his rented apartment and asked him not to worry about the rent and focus on his studies.
That’s right, last year, the silver-haired male graduated while his partner still had a year to finish college.
Despite not having much time, the brunette cherishes those small moments they share.
But for now, Keisuke shakes his head and returns to reality. Besides, he is on a crucial mission.
After the brunette nervously swallows the saliva, he takes his partner’s hand and wraps the measurement tape around his ring finger.
When he carefully removes it and sighs, he senses something is off.
Suddenly, his wrists are pinned, and without realizing it, he ends up getting cornered and under his partner.
As Akira observes the bewildered brunette, he narrows his gaze. “What were you planning to do with that thing?”
Even if his partner stares at him like this, he is determined to keep in secret about his ulterior motives.
Meanwhile, the silver-haired male only patiently waits for the answers.
However, it will be pointless when Keisuke makes big, scolded puppy eyes again.
When Akira closes his eyes, he sighs. “It’s late. Just go back to sleep.”
As he opens his blue eyes, he continues. “I know it’s been a while since we’ve done That. But wait for a bit longer. Besides, I need to get up early for tomorrow’s meeting.”
After he lowers his shoulders and climbs off the brunette, he ruffles Keisuke’s hair. “Good night.”
Just before his partner is about to call his name, Akira lies on his side and curls under the blanket.
In the end, Keisuke is left alone with his thoughts. Yet, he immediately checks on the measuring tape and feels relieved.
 After all, he saved the most valuable digits in his life.
But for now, he repeats them to himself before falling asleep while clutching the measuring tape, hoping that nothing goes wrong tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a challenging but big day for him. Yet, he cannot simply go to the jewelry store with Akira and pick an engagement ring.
Even if that wasn’t just for the out-of-blue proposal and ruining the surprise, there are other reasons why it wouldn’t work.
Firstly, even if Akira knew Keisuke’s plans, he would call them impractical and unnecessary.
After living a long time together, Keisuke noticed how his boyfriend was in charge of the finances, and maybe he took it too seriously.
Gladly, not to that degree when he would demand a report for every spent cent and nag on the brunette about overspending.
However, Keisuke is concerned about how Akira spends most of the budget on rent and other necessities but barely leaves anything for himself.
That’s why the brunette understands Akira would probably lecture him like a worrywart housewife for wasting money on something unnecessary.
Therefore, if he brings this up, Akira won’t agree with this idea and will not accept any negotiations.
Secondly, it’s wiser not to take Akira with him because it will stress him out learning where the brunette got the money for this.
However, the brunette isn’t afraid of getting scolded by his partner. No. He is concerned about how it will upset his boyfriend.
More importantly, Akira may misunderstand this as him not doing enough to support Keisuke. Therefore, he will take over-hours and work himself to death.
Yet, the main concern for the brunette is finding a ring that fits his budget while still expressing how much he cares for his partner.
After pondering for a while, Keisuke slowly falls asleep while having innocent, naïve hopes of soon making their relationship even stronger.
It’s the beginning of the new day. After Keisuke gets up and heads to the kitchen, he notices Akira is already gone.
At that moment, he is slightly upset that he missed his chance to wish his boyfriend a good day.
On the other hand, the blue-eyed male had time to prepare breakfast for Keisuke before leaving.
That’s right, Akira has been in charge of cooking since the incident when the brunette left an awful mess in the kitchen and nearly poisoned his partner with his half-prepared meal.
Thus, Akira making breakfast is not an exception.
Of course, the brunette understands that all this effort is his partner’s prevention methods from someone causing trouble.
However, he doesn’t want to overload Akira with more work, even after returning from his job.
That’s why someday he’ll make up for that and prove to his partner that he can be useful.
But for now, he sighs and starts digging up the prepared meal by his loving boyfriend.
After the lectures are over, Keisuke gets to the nearest jewelry store and buys an engagement ring.
But for now, when he steps outside, he carefully opens the small box and gazes at the silver ring adorned with a sapphire gemstone for a few moments.
Some time has passed. Somewhere in the city’s central park.
It is a beautiful, festive winter evening, and the snowflakes are falling slowly while the golden lights decorate the trees.
More so, tonight is even more special. Surprisingly, Akira agreed to go outside and let himself be distracted.
Besides, it’s been a while since they were on a date or at least spent time together without having unwanted attention. So, if that should make Keisuke happy, then it should be fine. Or so the silver-haired male wonders.
But for now, after noticing the fountain, which is not so far from them, the brunette stops walking.
After he turns his head to Akira, he stares at him with innocent, sparkling excitement in his eyes. “Hey, Akira. Can we go there? There is something I need to see.”
For sure, when his partner uses his big puppy eyes on him, the silver-haired male has no choice but to close his eyes and sigh. “Sure.”
A few minutes passed by.
While Keisuke stands in front of his boyfriend, he clenches his palms into fists and lowers his blushing gaze. “Um, there… There is something I wanted to tell you for a long time. But now… Now, I think it might be a right time to tell you.”
After a brief pause, he nervously swallows the saliva and lifts his eyes. “But you need to promise me you won’t be mad.”
“What is it? Did you get into trouble again?” The silver-haired male asks.
However, Keisuke only shakes his head.
When Akira silently exhales, he adds. “Fine. Then, what is it?”
Finally, the moment of truth has arrived, and it will determine the brunette’s fate.
After gathering all the courage, Keisuke kneels on his knee and starts looking for a specific item in his coat pocket.
When he picks a small dark blue box and opens it, he asks. “Akira. Will you do me make honored and marry me?”
For sure, this out-of-blue question bewilders even someone preserved as the silver-haired male.
Right now, all he can do is widen his eyes and cover his mouth. “Keisuke, I…”
“Did... did I upset you? I’m… I’m so sorry! I-I, I didn’t mean to.” The confused brunette replies.
However, just before he bows to apologize, Akira’s unusually shy voice stops him. “Y-you fool!… I didn’t say anything yet.”
When Keisuke lifts his head, the heat rushes his cheeks upon seeing his boyfriend extending his lowered palm and turning his blushing face away.
“There… That’s my answer for you.” The blue-eyed male adds.
Suddenly, the brunette’s teary eyes shine with pure joy. “A-Akira!…”
A second later, he doesn’t contain his emotions and jumps on Akira with his spread arms, making them fall.
“I’m so glad!” Keisuke adds while pulling the blue-eyed male into a tight hug.
For now, the silver-haired male struggles in his partner’s embrace and tries to push his face by using his palm. “I get it… Just get off me, Keisuke. We’re in public.”
After he climbs off from his boyfriend, he rubs his nape and helps Akira to stand up. “Ah!… Sorry. I got carried away.”
At that moment, Akira only closes his eyes and sighs. “Let’s go home.”
“But… but what about the ring?” The brunette whines like a small puppy.
“You can put it on when we’ll return.” Akira immediately replies.
Yet, Keisuke makes big eyes again. “Akira…”
Meanwhile, the silver-haired male rolls his eyes and lifts his palm without saying a word.
“R-right!…” the brunette responds.
After Keisuke picks up the ring again, he carefully puts it on his partner’s ring finger.
For sure, seeing how well it fit on his beloved hand and now knowing that his adored person accepted his feelings put a big smile on Keisuke’s face.
In the end, Akira takes his partner’s hand into his and prompts him to go.
Meanwhile, this gesture surprises the brunette. After all, this is the first time when Akira doesn’t mind doing such a thing in public and shows initiative.
But for now, he wishes to enjoy and cherish this moment as long as possible.
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yukarishoodie · 4 months
Resisting the urge to login to my side acc... I'm at work... Mutual you know who you are
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venyablyat · 9 months
hi, my name is benji, and im 16 y.o. artist
my main fandom is jjba, i love many ships, but my favourite are josuyasu, keikira/keiaki and keitaro.
my pronouns.page
btw english is not my native language so sometimes i make mistakes. correct me if that happens please.
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i also made 3 jjba au's but i gonna talk about them in other posts
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banka-kabanka · 2 years
I finally finished this!
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I DON’T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT CANON ENDINGS, I just want three of them to be happy
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steeiydan · 11 days
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did i ever upload this """"edit""""" i did??
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kojakus · 3 years
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motoakii · 5 years
I saw some adorable motoaki and keiaki fanart on pixiv <3 (although some pics are angst)
Here’s a link to the page: https://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=71899170
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goxjo · 3 years
── ♡ 「 ᴋᴇɪᴀᴋɪ 」 ♡
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─────────── ♡ ᴘɪᴄʀᴇᴡ ʟɪɴᴋ ɪғ ᴜ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ♡
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