#Keith snz
pmak2002 · 3 years
Sicktember Day 18 Alternative: Asleep on the couch.
Keith sighed as he curled up on the couch surrounded by blankets, pillows and tissues, lots of tissues. He coughed and sniffled.
This cold felt awful and he was coughing a lot and the sneezes were harsh and forceful making his nose hurt.
He grabbed the medicine and water to take medicine and then he tried to take a nap.
Despite the fact he wasn’t in his bed. The couch would do it was just as comfortable as his bed.
Sometimes when he was sick he preferred resting on the couch when sick.
He’d bring as many pillows and blankets as he felt he needed. Then he’d feel so tired that he’d fall asleep.
He’d awaken every few hours to a sneezing fit. Then he’d blow his nose, wipe away the snot. Drink water then sleep some more.
He decided to stay to recover in the living room until he got back to normal especially cuz he was so tired.
After a few days of rest and medicine. He was feeling much better.
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sickficgalore · 5 years
Keith's Sick Day
The Voltron team had been quietly observing Keith the whole morning. The paladins were going through their regular morning routine on the training deck, fighting training robots as usual, but something about Keith was off.
There was just something about how Keith swung his bayard around that lacked the usual precision he usually had. It was also odd how his forehead glistened with perspiration when training of this intensity usually would not cause him to break a sweat.
All the other paladins had noticed this and would take quick side glances at Keith whenever they had the opportunity to. However, no one mentioned anything about it or asked Keith if he was feeling alright, all waiting for someone else to bring it up first.
All the other paladins simultaneously whipped their heads around to face the source of the sneeze, Keith.
"Sorry, my allergies have been acting up today," Keith scambled to come up with an excuse.
"Since when did you have allergies?" Lance asked.
"I don't know? Space is weird. Maybe I'm allergic to space dust or somethi— Heh....het– htsch! Heh-htsch! Hehchoo!" Keith bit back, but had been interrupted by a series of sneezes.
"Seems like it might be a bit more than allergies, Keith." Shiro said, moving closer to Keith, "you alright? You don't look too good.." Shiro inched even closer, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
Upon closer inspection, Keith's complexion was slightly pasty and there were obvious bags forming under his eyes. Shiro's suspicions were proven true when he felt Keith's forehead with the back of his hand and could feel the unusual warmth radiating off his skin.
Keith quickly swatted Shiro's hand away and took a shaky step back, "I'm fine." However, his little congested sniff that followed had begged to differ.
"You're running a fever, Keith. You shouldn't be training in this condition." Shiro's words were firm.
"Yeah, you should be resting. You've been looking pretty pale, buddy.." Hunk spoke up.
"And you training today was pretty sub-par.." Lance added.
"Okay, okay! I got it!" Keith exclaimed, irritated at what Lance said even though he knew deep down inside that Lance was right. He could feel it himself that his knife-wielding and aim was off.
Shiro cut in to prevent any quarrels from escalating, "I think you should go take a rest for today, Keith."
"B-but I'm fine! Seriously, I can continue training." Resting was the last thing Keith wanted to do. He didn't wish to be confined to his bed. That would bore him out of his mind.
"Go and rest." Shiro's words were definitive this time, "The more you push yourself, the longer you will take to recover. And I don't want that."
Keith didn't argue back. He knew Shiro was right that he should be resting and not training. He knew he was not alright but his stubbornness would not let him skip a day of training.
After Keith was forcefully dismissed from training, he went back to his room, took a short shower and went back to bed, snuggling under the covers for warmth. He was so used to sleeping late and getting up early, sleeping for only a few hours at a time, that he forgot how nice it felt to sleep in.
The other paladins did not see or hear from Keith for the rest of the day. The next time they saw him was the next day, when Keith was awake the earliest and was waiting at the breakfast table for everyone else, looking healthier than ever.
Pidge yawned, "you're up early...and you look better."
"Well, yeah. I slept the whole day yesterday and now I feel great." Keith answered, more life in his voice than ever.
"You got better in a day? No way. Do you have some advanced Galra recovery abilities?!" Lance blurted.
"How would I know? Maybe??" Keith responded, confused.
Hunk approached the table in a chef's hat, an apron and balancing a few plates in hand. "Now, now everyone. Breakfast is served! Everyone gets an apple on the side today to keep the doctor away!" he announced.
an anon had requested for a keith snz/sickfic a while back and i finally had the chance to write it, so here it is! i was initially hesitating on posting this but i received some really nice encouraging comments on my previous post so i decided to post it anyway :")
i hope everyone enjoys this as much as i enjoyed writing it ❤️
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•You never really go to parties and are always really uptight and we made fun of you for it/expressed frustration at this so you forced yourself to go to this party and shit you’re so sick and you won’t go home because we made you feel bad I’m so sorry how can I make it up to you?? (Keith is not a fan of parties but his friends eventually pester him into going to one despite being sick as a dog.)
(I started this fic with the intention of having it for whumpmas, so if that is not a testament to how slow I am as a writer, idk what is! Also, btw this is weird but I love when sicknarios I write get back to me, lol! And I did write this scenario with Keith and E from les mis in mind, so this is a great prompt! This is college au, btw, I find it kinda difficult to write alien parties lmao!)
Parties are the perfect culmination of everything Keith hates in life.
Bright, strobe, head ache inducing lights with a wide variety of flashing, psychedelic colours, ear piercingly loud music with a tremendous beat that makes his heart thump and thump and feel way too overwhelmed, warm, sticky bodies way too close too each other and making him feel suffocated, too much people, having fun and feeling free when Keith can only feel more trapped.
Too much people.
Too much.
Keith has spent so much time in solitude, in simplicity. And being thrust into a situation where there is too much all at once is alien to him, and he can’t help the rapid beating and thumping of his wild heart when he looks around for some sort of serenity.
Keith feels trapped in this room, the overwhelming humidity and heaviness of this air weighing down on him and compressing his lungs so he can’t breathe.  He hates watching all these people exhilarated, vibrant, alive. When he can only feel more lifeless by the second.
He feels like an alien like this. Like he isn’t part of this world. Keith doesn’t even feel like here’s here. He can’t even feel his body, he doesn’t feel like he’s connected to it, and he’s floating away. Looking down.  And he hates what he sees.
All Keith can feel is the pounding and raging headache that seems to pierce into his skull and the pain is only worsened by the tremors of the pulsating waves of sound from the obnoxiously large speakers that litter the place.
He didn’t even want to be here; Shiro had told him this would be good, that college was great, and he needed to start living that college life. Shiro said he needed to be more sociable, because he would make the best friends of his life here. Pidge would tease him , and so would Lance. And Hunk encouraged him kindly, and Keith did not have any energy to fight them. So he went. And he could not have regretted a decision more than this very moment.
Keith stumbles around the night club like he’s drunk, and he doesn’t have one single drop of alcohol in his body. If he can be drunk on a fever, he definitely is. Due to his feverish haze he’s lost Shiro and Pidge, and his only hope is finding Lance and Hunk who are probably the life and soul of the party.
In this haze he hasn’t even realised the tickle blossoming within his sinuses and before he knows it he’s doubling over with one loud, powerful sneeze that grates against his throat with no time to cover, and just aim towards the floor. He gets a slightly irritated look from some person, and honestly, he doesn’t even mind. Keith feels awful being this germ incubator in this tightly knit space. This cold is horrendous, and he’s probably just passed it on to a good three people and he feels terrible.
Keith stumbles and wobbles around the night club dizzily, the technicolor lights seeming like an acid trip he did not consent to, and it seems to be sending waves of messages to his brain to hurt and throb. He feels a tad bit of anger and bitterness towards Shiro, Allura and Pidge, and maybe a little bit towards Lance and Hunk, but in fairness to them, they hadn’t pushed him to go this particular evening, but they had in the past.
“You need to enjoy your college experience, Keith! Get out of your room for once, embrace your youth!” Shiro had told him, in a way that was so middle aged dad he wanted to tear his hair out but so perfectly Shiro he couldn’t help but be persuaded into it.
“Don’t be such a stick in the mud, Keith,” Pidge had whined.
“It’ll be so much fun, Keith! Plus, I heard that Lance is wearing a pretty cute outfit tonight,” Allura had teased, causing him to scowl knowing she had played with his heart and manipulated him with the promise of his crush looking cute.
And Keith couldn’t even find Lance, so there was about zero reason for him even being here.
As Keith continues to feverishly navigate around the crowded night club, pushing past bare, sticky skin and profusely overheating, he is suddenly tapped on the shoulder.
“Hey, will you kiss my friend?” A girl slurs, an arm sluggishly wrapped around her equally as wasted friend, giggling to her heart’s content.
Keith opens his mouth to politely refuse, but before he’s even aware his nose is itching horribly and Keith is doubling over with one loud, almost obnoxiously, heavy and sickly sounding sneeze he doesn’t cover.
The girls take a step back, giggling and backing away from him and fading away worth the crowd.
“Too bad, he was pretty cute though, just gross,” He hears one of them say before they disappeared entirely.
Keith sighs sadly, the girl was pretty, and he didn’t swing that way but he still felt kinda bad for being so gross. But his guilt doesn’t last long before he’s back to pitying himself and reembarking on his quest to find Lance.
He doesn’t even know why he’s so keen on finding the guy, he doesn’t really know what he’s expecting and maybe it’s his fever talking, but he’s not leaving this damn club without seeing his cute as fuck crush who is the reason he’s in this hellhole to begin with.
And it’s almost like a fairytale but it’s the sound of a beautiful melody, like a mesmerising serenade that captivates him him and lulls him over to the source.
He knows that voice anywhere.
He would know Lance’s melodic, tenor voice anywhere, it’s sweet and enthralling and it makes him feel all warm inside. Everything the little shit does makes him feel that way, but Lance’s voice is a siren’s song calling him and putting him on this spell and he’s forever his.
His voice has taken on an edge, a kind of rock and roll gruff to it that he finds insanely hot–maybe the fever adds to it though, he doesn’t know–and it’s sure tell sign that Lance is drunk.
“I guess I got what I deserved, kept you waiting there too long, my love. All that time without a word, didn’t know you’d think that I’d forget, or I’d regret, the special love, I have for you, my baby blue!” Lance sings, people dancing and bopping and head banging to his song.
Keith  manages to get a glimpse of Hunk who was jamming it out on the drums, and then he saw what he was looking for.
“Fuck,” Keith breathes out, “Allura was right.”
He did look pretty great.
He had his hair tousled and ruffled in a way that made him look so irresistible and adorable and these strobing lights that he hated served one purpose, and that was making his skin glow and his eyes twinkle and pop. His blue t-shirt hugged his body and his jeans were flattering and he looked so great. Keith wanted to faint.
Partly because of how attractive he looked, but also because he was now super light headed.
Lance looks beautiful and radiant, flashing a random girl watching one of those charming, flirty smiles that makes Keith jealous every time he does. He understands Lance isn’t his, but god he wished he was.
Keith shakes his head angrily, he’s never  his sentimental or sappy over Lance, maybe he really is that sick.
Then Lance looks over and they lock gazes, and this stupid lazy grin wipes across the boy’s face and any jealousy or bitterness or illness Keith is feeling seems to disappear when he does.
However Lance seems to realise his current state because his face drops. He quickly passes the mic to the random guy who’s playing the guitar and rushes over to Keith, albeit in a zig zagged direction as he seems to be tripping over his own feet.
“Keith?” Lance greets worriedly, only he can still remain appealing despite reeking of alcohol.
“Hey Lancey-Lance,” Keith slurs feverishly, before his nose twitches and he’s doubling over and aiming two harsh sneezes towards the floor.
“Lancey-Lan–god, you look awful! And Jesus, for you to be calling me that you must be running a–” Lance cut himself off and placed the back of his hand against Keith’s forehead and frowned.
“Dammit, Keith! That’s not good, we gotta get you,” Lance hiccups, “–home!”
“Why did you come, anyway, while you were this sick?” Lance frets, hiccuping again.
“M'not a stick in the mud,” Keith mutters feverishly, leaning into Lance’s side and nuzzling his face against his chest in exhaustion.
He pulls Keith into his embrace and kissed the top of his head, eyebrows furrowing in confusion, “What? What are you–oh.”
Lance’s heart sinks, “Keith. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry for teasing you, I didn’t mean to hurt you at all, I just..I wanted you to be with us. When you’re not here..I miss you.”
Keith shakes his head, “Not you.. you didn’t make me come tonight.”
Lance bites his lip, “Still. I contributed to make you feel like you were uptight and boring when you are nothing but exciting and lovely. I’m sorry Keith, please, let me make it up to you.”
Keith cant help but crack a weak smile, “I didn’t know you were an emotional drunk. I’m glad I came here tonight, now I can blackmail you.”
Lance can’t help but laugh a little, “But we’re taking you home right now.”
Keith sneezes loudly into Lance’s chest, muttering, “Sorry.”
Lance smiles softly, tapping him on the nose, “Alright, Mullet. Enough, we’re going home.”
“But they’re having so much fun..look at Hunk..he’s jamming out..” Keith points over to Hunk.
“And you..need to keep singing..” He insists tiredly.
“No way, you’re too sick!” Lance protest as he began to walk Keith out, simultaneously pulling out his phone to order an uber.
Once they arrive outside Keith let out a sigh of relief to feel the fresh air, basking in all the space and the soft lighting. His head seemed to ease up a little bit.
However the cold quickly began to seep in, causing him to shiver violently. Lance pulls off the jacket he had tied around the waist and helped Keith out it on. He then pulls the boy into a hug to share his warmth.
“Thank you,” Keith manages to choke out before erupting into a series of harsh, heavy coughs.
Lance could only smile weakly, obviously feeling guilty but pushed it aside to wave over to the Uber driver and guided Keith in.
Lance hauls Keith onto his bed, with him muttering about taking out the aspirin because they’ll both need it the next day, and heads straight towards the bathroom to collect a damp towel for him. Once he returned he laid the cloth gently over his forehead and pulled a chair over, sitting beside him.
“Shiro called. He was wondering where we were, I told him you were sick and he feels awful. They all do. Pidge says Korean takeaway is on her tomorrow, if you’re up for it,” Lance explains softly.
“You’re not a stick in the mud, Keith. Okay? You’re not boring. You’re not any of these things we made you feel and I’m so sorry we ever did. You’re sweet and kind and such a great friend and– I’m so sorry, Keith, we should’ve understood. I love parties but there are days where I just don’t even want to get out of bed, I should’ve understood, showed you some compassion. I should’ve..”
“Lance, stop.”
He looks over Keith, feeling guilt and feeling responsible for Keith being this sick. He feels awful, he had made yet another mistake. He feels so stupid for being unable to read in between the lines, his jokes going too far and he hadn’t even noticed it. He just wanted  Keith to be with him, to be happy. And he had to go and fuck it up.
“You’re really good at hiding how you feel, Lance, but you can’t hide it from me, stop feeling so guilty,” Keith croaks.
“I can’t help it, I was hurting you and I didn’t know,” Lance murmurs.
Keith coughs harshly, feeling his chest rattle from the force of it, “I’ve felt worse pain.”
“That doesn’t make it okay.”
Keith smiles softly, “But you didn’t mean to hurt me. I know you never would try and hurt me. ..you said..you missed me when I’m not there. Yeah, I was hurt, but now I feel wanted.”
Lance manages a smile, “Always. You’re always wanted.”
“I hope you know that.”
“I know now,” He slurs feverishly.
Keith coughs again, and when he finishes he looks over at Lance with bleary, glazed eyes, and giggles, “You looked very hot tonight.”
Lance blushes hard, his eyes widening, “U-uh..n-no, you’re the feverish one, you’re hot.”
Keith scoffs before yet again coughing, “Don’t play dumb, you’re smarter than you give yourself credit for. You know what I meant.”
Lance shakes a little, so unused to being the one flirted with rather than the one initiating it, Keith did this thing where he shook his entire world and turned it upside down and he’d lose control.
“You’re not..you’re..you’re..uh..pretty. Uh, pretty cool. Pretty handsome. Whatever,” Lance blurts , extremely flustered.
Keith grabs at his hand with the sweetest look in his eyes, “Sing for me, please. It makes everything feel okay again.”
Lance swallows as his hand was grabbed, but he let himself relax into his touch and let it happen. He smiles.
“I’ve got no use for moonlight, or sappy poetry. Love at first sight is for suckers, at least it used to be. Look, girls are nice, once or twice, til’ I find someone new..but I never planned on no one like you.”
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If you like voltron, whump, and christmas, you’ll probably like vld whumpmas!! we’d love you to participate or at least read the content that gets made!! -Mod S
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elliotlikespuke · 7 years
Sneezy Lance from Voltron with a cold?
Ask and ye shall receive… in 28 business days. It’s been a hell of a summer, you guys. I’ll try to get on a schedule soon. Until then, have a drabble to tide you over.
“Lance, what the hell?” Pidge yelled into the com. “I thought you were supposed to be our sharpshooter!”
While Shiro yelled for Pidge to calm down, Lance was trying to quell the itch in his sinuses. Since the last planet they had visited, he had felt under the weather. It wasn’t until this morning, when he had woken himself up by snoring (he was almost 100% sure he didn’t snore) that he realized something was actually wrong.
More than just a headache, which throbbed incessantly, his nose was packed full with mucus that didn’t seem to budge. His sinuses only added to the pressure in his head. It didn’t just seem to be him who was different, Pidge seemed more irritable and Hunk a littler quieter. Lance was sure that everyone would catch this bug at some point, it was just a matter of time. Being exposed to so many little kids, he figured his immune system would be stronger than most but spending time in space had seemingly undone all of that.
Lance did his best to clear his throat. “Sorry guys.”
Thankfully, he sounded almost normal. He sniffled, barely budging anything in his nose and that only seemed to ignite the itch further. Lance let his eyelids flutter closed, and took a deep breath.
“Hu-isxh!” He sneezed into his hands. A chorus of bless you’s came through the speaker, along with some complaints of being deafened (whatever, Pidge). Lance wiped his (ashamedly messy) hands on his pants and set back to work. Only a few moments later, the itch returned. Lance felt his breath hitch once-twice-and-
“Lance, we need you!” Hunk called through the intercom. Hastily, Lance wiped his nose with the back of his hand and scrubbed at the tip. He sniffled.
“On it.” Chatter continued through the intercom. Having five impulsive and loud young adults all on the same channel was not always the best idea, but it seemed to be bothering Lance much more with his headache.
The enemy drone that Lance needed to shoot down was approaching rapidly from his right, shooting lasers at the group of lions. His breath stuttered as he held back the sneeze, desperate to complete his task and be left alone to be miserable.
He lined up the shot quickly, firing from the tip of his lion’s tail. A narrow miss. Lance swore, and once more rubbed at his quivering nose. The tickle was so distracting Lance thought of delegating the shooting to Hunk or — god forbid — Keith. His breath hitched, again and again, making calm breathing impossible. He let out small noises, pants, and groans as he fought back against the impending sneeze. Once again, he lined up the shot and fired, thankfully hitting his target.  
The team celebrated over the com, congratulating his work and praising their sharpshooter until they heard his breath finally hitch again, and he was thrown into a fit.
“Ashuh! H-h-heshoo! Hup-ishoo!” This continued for several more uncomfortable moments. Lance desperately wished he had something to wipe his nose with. His gloves were quickly becoming covered in snot and saliva. He tried desperately to sniff it back once the fit was over.
“Whoa.” Hunk’s voice came through the speaker. “Bless you, dude.”
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sneezykeef · 5 years
Hey guys! I made a keith snz/whump server awhile ago and then promptly abandoned it. Now i'm attempting to revive it. plz join and talk about keith snz with me :) (also help me come up with channel categories and names lol)
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 6 years
Scratching an Itch
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O1M07p
by GeekySnz (AssortedGeekery)
Shiro has a secret that he'd rather not talk about with....well, with anyone, really. There's never really a good time to unpack your kinks when there's an intergalactic war going on, but Keith....
Well, Keith has never been especially slow on the uptake.
Words: 4394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: snz, Sneezing, sneeze fetish, Established Relationship, keith is a sneaky bastard, shiro's dreams come true, Masturbation, blowjob
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O1M07p
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ao3feed-klance · 6 years
Teaparty II
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SEcXmp
by FreeSneezes4Every1
Keith caught Shiro's cold and now it's on Shiro to take care of his brother.
Words: 1496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Teaparty
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: lance is only mentioned, Sickfick, Sneezing, sneezy keith, kitten sneeze, kink related, broganes, caretaker shiro, snz, Embarrassment, Embarrassed Keith (Voltron)
read it on AO3 at http://bit.ly/2SEcXmp
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Teaparty II
read it on the AO3 at Teaparty II
by FreeSneezes4Every1
Keith caught Shiro's cold and now it's on Shiro to take care of his brother.
Words: 1496, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Teaparty
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Keith (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron), Lance (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith & Shiro (Voltron), Keith/Lance (Voltron)
Additional Tags: lance is only mentioned, Sickfick, Sneezing, sneezy keith, kitten sneeze, kink related, broganes, caretaker shiro, snz, Embarrassment, Embarrassed Keith (Voltron)
read it on the AO3 at Teaparty II
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pmak2002 · 3 years
A/N based on real event enjoy
From My KU sick fic book on Wattpad
You frown watching your sick husband perform on stage at lake shake in Chicago. He had to cancel the meet and greets cuz of his bad cold but insisted on performing despite feeling sick.
After the show you help Keith to the bus where he Thanks the fans then once he finishes the video.
He has a coughing and sneezing fit
You rub his back as he coughs. "Time for NyQuil and bed." You tell him. He nods and let's you give him medicine and water.
He takes the medicine and drinks the water. "Good boy" You say as you help him to bed.
After rubbing vapor rub on his chest to help his cough, wiping his nose and tucking him into bed. You head to bed too.
The next day
He wakes up still not feeling well. You immediately give him DayQuil and makes him drink water to help his throat. "No more work this week" you tell him.
He groans loudly as he rolls over in bed his back facing you. "You need to get better so you need to stay in bed." You tell him.
“What about when we get home?" He asks. "Your going straight to bed when we get home. No work!" You say. Keith moans in protest.
Later at home
You send Keith up to bed immediately and give him more medicine and water. You hand him a tissue box and place the garbage can next to the bed.
"Thanks" he mumbles
"You're welcome sweetie" You tell him as you tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead.
After a week off from working and plenty of TLC and medicine from you. He got better.
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sickficgalore · 5 years
I'm honestly always thirsty for some Keith snz/sick fics so honestly that would be great. I havent seen anyone in the community do any as of late though :/
honestly same :-( i miss the time when voltron fics would fill my timeline.. i'll write this soon for sure! :D
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Prompt: "I’m really feverish and I haven’t noticed you and this sneeze just won’t come out and I’m pulling the most ridiculous build up you’ve ever seen and shit now I’ve noticed you this is fucking awkward sorry" (I can imagine this with Klance and them being roommates or somthing. Lance coming home a finding Keith in miserable sneezy limbo and Lance just teasing him about it until he decides to help him out.)
(I lowkey love when posts I make come back to me omg!!! Also this is my first time ever writing voltron au!! I’ve always written canon verse!! So forgive me, and I have no time, so here’s a ficlet!Also great timing bc Keith’s vlog has me dead tbh)
Keith had a lot of pride.
He was fairly confident in his abilities, he had worked hard for them, and he was happy with the outcome. There were a few things about himself that he held dearly to his heart and was determined to not let them go, and with good reason. Some things, however, were slightly irrational.
Keith held pride for the fact that without fail he would always miss and avoid the annoying bout of sickness that seemed to plague everyone in school for the first while back. The plague skipped over Keith religiously every year. He’d missed it on his  first day on his last year in middle school, he’d missed it on his freshman year of high school, and he had done so on his first day of college.
He would never admit it, but deep down he knew how ridiculous this was. It was something Keith wasn’t embarrassed to show off, and boasted about constantly whenever it came up in conversation. Shiro and Lance were very close to jamming their ears out every year, without a fail, with how much Keith prided himself in this meticulous thing.
But Karma was a bitch.
He had supposed his constant teasing of Lance since they met their first day of high school finally came back to haunt him. Keith wouldn’t admit it, but he kinda deserved it.
He went through a denial to begin with, telling himself he’d just suddenly developed some allergy, and that was why he had woken up sneezing all over the place. It had left him breathless, monstrous sneezing ripping out of his throat, echoing off the thin walls of his and Lance’s dorm room.
He was a mess. Hair all over the place, sticking up in places where it shouldn’t, horribly reddened and chapped nose and the most bloodshot eyes he’d ever had. Keith was just glad Lance had a morning class that day, and that Keith didn’t have any classes until 4:30 later that day.
Keith coughed harshly, dragging himself out of bed and staggering over to Lance’s part of the room and grabbing the box of tissues he always kept on his bedside table. He resented the fact he needed them, and he was still kind of in denial. He was not sick. Not at all.
Keith blew his nose furiously into the tissue, hating the way the tissue felt soggy and all sorts of disgusting afterwards. He loathed it, and wished the cold virus had fucked off and gone to someone else. The cold virus didn’t look too bad on Lance, but the little shit never looked bad. Keith blushed furiously as he caught himself in his thoughts. He finished his trail of thoughts with the conclusion that it was not a good look on him.
Once he finished, he felt a little lightheaded and woozy. The world spun slightly, and everything in the universe was telling him to sit still and wait for it to steady again, but he was Keith, and everything was a challenge.
Keith forced himself to stand up, but the moment he did he was hit by a tidal wave of nausea that hit him in the gut, and an astounding shot of pain induced tremors throughout his head. The intense pain caused his knees to buckle, and Keith tried to find something to hold onto but the attempt was futile, because  he was tipping over and collapsing onto the floor.
“Oh for fucks sake,” Keith hissed to himself, trying to pick up his heavy and weak bones from the floor but to no avail. Keith coughed, the sound resonating from his chest as a wave of pain rang through his chest as he coughed. His chest ached horribly against the floor as he coughed.
Keith somehow managed to drag his heavy body up, only for an insistent tickling in his nose to make his breath hitch wildly. He snapped forward with a harsh, unrestrained sneeze that sprayed Lance’s bed, the force so strong he toppled over onto the bed.
“..Not sick..” He mumbled to himself, wanting to get off the bed and be productive to prove it to himself, but Lance’s bed was so soft and welcoming. His sheets were pleasantly crisp and cool, perfectly made. His pillow smelt of him, that flowery scent of his shampoo, the clean scent of his hand cream and moisturiser. So perfectly Lance that Keith was melting into it.
Keith hugged the pillow, letting its warmth engulf him into a heaven of softness. The thought of Lance made him go a deeper shade of pink, and thinking about him lifted his heavy head towards a better place filled with singing birds and swaying trees.
Then he was lulled back to sleep.
Keith woke a bit later, not quite knowing when, he’d lost his sense of time, to an annoying tickle in his nose. His chest heaved as his body began to succumb to the sneeze, breath hitching as his nostrils flared irritably. Keith tried to stubbornly scrub vigorously at his nose, still in denial of the state he was in.
But to no avail, his body was winning over him, as much as Keith hated to admit it. He managed to lift himself up with his elbows, gasping for air until he took one shaky inhale and fell into an intense sneezing fit that left him breathless.
Keith let out monstrous sneeze that sprayed across Lance’s bed, a brief, very short moment of clarity and relief coming to him before another round of intense prickling flooded his sinuses. Immediately he launched into yet another harsh and powerful sneeze that doubled him over.
Keith managed to clasp his two hands over his reddened face, feeling his nose tremble as it built up for another round of harsh sneezes. His body was racked by the new wave of sneezes, by the force of it. He kept sneezing, feeling a bit tired and couldn’t hold his hands to his face as they shook too much and went into another uncovered fit.
He felt absolutely miserable, his nose running and eyes red with irritated tears. All he could really concentrate on was the sound of his intense sneezing and the ticklish feeling in his sinuses. Everything else faded. Keith geared up for his next sneeze, but was left hanging in an awfully unsatisfying crescendo that had been building up to this very moment, the peak of the music, but it never came.
And just a little bit ago Keith would have done anything to deny his illness, but now more than anything Keith just wanted it to happen. He just needed to get this sneeze out, and he looked plain ridiculous, looking up with one side of his nose scrunches up and twitching with anticipation, his breath continuing to hitch as itchy tears threatened to fall from his irritated eyes.
“..What the fuck?” Lance gaped.
“N..n..” Keith tries to respond, but he can’t speak, too preoccupied with this tortuous sneezy limbo and the absolute shame flooding him. He doesn’t want to admit the truth, it’s deflating his pride way too much, which is so ridiculous, he knows that, but he can’t help how pathetic he feels for being sick.
“I’m uh..uh..tryi..trying to..sn..sn!!” Keith tried to make out through his hitchy, dazed voice, beginning to fan at his face desperately.
A victorious smirk crept onto Lance’s face. He crossed his arms and flashed him a grin, suddenly straightening in pride and amusement.
“So, you’re sick, huh?” Lance taunted playfully, his eyes gleaming with a mischievous light.
“No !!..im…not!” Keith protested breathily.
“Hmm,” Lance chuckles, “sure thing, Jan.”
“I just..need to..” Keith tried his best to speak, but was still overtaken by the insistent, incoming sneeze that just wouldn’t come out.
“Well well well, Keith fucking Kogane has finally caught the Fresher’s Flu. A bit late, sure, but it’s happened!” Lance exclaimed with gusto, extremely pleased with himself.
Keith could only squint as he tried to get the sneeze out of his system, nostrils flaring in a manner he believed to be horrendous and embarrassing.
“Now you’re in this sneezy limbo, like I have every single year on the first day, and now you have to suffer through it as a punishment for your relentless teasing! Karma truly is a bitch, ain’t she, Kogane?” Lance giggled, slightly bouncing from his excitement.
Lance kept rambling about his amusement, but Keith couldn’t concentrate on him as the intense tickling in his sinuses was way too much anyway. This limbo was too much, and Keith couldn’t bare one more second of it. The sneeze was right there, just at the end of the floodgates, waiting for the key to turn and unlock so it could just release.
Keith grew impatient, and he snapped.
“Lance, I’m sick! J..just shut up and help me sneeze!”
Lance grinned with victory and nodded, “Alright, sick boy!”
Lance approached Keith and tapped him on the nose, “Boop!~”
Keith finally took in a shaky inhale and when the sneeze finally came out of the floodgates, Keith had never felt more satisfied and complete in his life.
“Bless you!” Lance offered as he passed Keith a tissue to blow his nose with.
“Now, will you let me take care of you?” Lance asked gently, the softest smile framing his face.
Keith blushed hard, “W-what?”
“..I mean..you have to be sitting on my bed for a reason, Keith,” Lance stated, a little awkwardly.
Keith turned a deeper shade of red as he was hit by the sudden realisation of what he had just been doing.
“U-uh..I-I can explain–”
Lance could only smile softly, “You..don’t have to say anything. Just..let me take care of you?”
Keith had a lot of pride. It took over him sometimes, and it stopped him from doing many things, and often held him back from experiences. But somehow against all odds Keith was able to put it aside. For Lance.
He nodded shyly, as Lance climbed onto bed with him and wrapped his warm body around Keith’s shivering frame. Lance draped the blanket over the both of them, running his hands through Keith’s hair soothingly. Everything about Keith’s DNA would’ve made this moment awkward, but something felt so right. So in place.
“Are you really here, or am I dreaming..I can’t tell dreams from truth…” Lance sang softly, his lyrical tenor voice so sweet and comforting to his ears, lulling him into a peaceful rest.
Fresher’s Flu wasn’t as bad as Keith had anticipated, with Lance by his side. Lance took care of him well, so well that Keith wondered why he was so against the idea of getting sick when he had Lance to be there for him. It was almost like he had missed out.
And while Lance complained three days later when he woke up sneezing, he did not regret a thing.
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ao3feed--sheith · 6 years
Scratching an Itch
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O1M07p
by GeekySnz (AssortedGeekery)
Shiro has a secret that he'd rather not talk about with....well, with anyone, really. There's never really a good time to unpack your kinks when there's an intergalactic war going on, but Keith....
Well, Keith has never been especially slow on the uptake.
Words: 4394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: snz, Sneezing, sneeze fetish, Established Relationship, keith is a sneaky bastard, shiro's dreams come true, Masturbation, blowjob
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2O1M07p
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pmak2002 · 4 years
A/N based on real event enjoy
You frown watching your sick husband perform on stage at lake shake in Chicago. He had to cancel the meet and greets cuz of his bad cold but insisted on performing despite feeling sick.
After the show you help Keith to the bus where he Thanks the fans then once he finishes the video.
He has a coughing and sneezing fit
You rub his back as he coughs. "Time for NyQuil and bed." You tell him. He nods and let's you give him medicine and water.
He takes the medicine and drinks the water. "Good boy" You say as you help him to bed.
After rubbing vapor rub on his chest to help his cough, wiping his nose and tucking him into bed. You head to bed too.
The next day
He wakes up still not feeling well. You immediately give him DayQuil and makes him drink water to help his throat. "No more work this week" you tell him.
He groans loudly as he rolls over in bed his back facing you. "You need to get better so you need to stay in bed." You tell him. "What about when we get home?" He asks. "Your going straight to bed when we get home. No work!" You say. Keith moans in protest.
Later at home
You send Keith up to bed immediately and give him more medicine and water. You hand him a tissue box and place the garbage can next to the bed.
"Thanks" he mumbles
"You're welcome sweetie" You tell him as you tuck him into bed and kiss his forehead.
After a week off from working and plenty of TLC and medicine from you. He got better.
A/N enjoy sorry for the long delay I've been so busy with vacations and recovery. I hope you enjoy this.
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Scratching an Itch
read it on the AO3 at Scratching an Itch
by GeekySnz (AssortedGeekery)
Shiro has a secret that he'd rather not talk about with....well, with anyone, really. There's never really a good time to unpack your kinks when there's an intergalactic war going on, but Keith....
Well, Keith has never been especially slow on the uptake.
Words: 4394, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: snz, Sneezing, sneeze fetish, SHEITH - Freeform, Established Relationship, keith is a sneaky bastard, shiro's dreams come true, Masturbation, blowjob
read it on the AO3 at Scratching an Itch
0 notes
Teaparty I
read it on the AO3 at Teaparty I
by FreeSneezes4Every1
Shiro catches a sneezy cold and Keith is there to take care of him.
Words: 1283, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 1 of Teaparty
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Shiro (Voltron), Keith (Voltron)
Relationships: Keith & Shiro (Voltron)
Additional Tags: Sneezing, Sickfic, caretaker!keith, Sick!Shiro, snz, Keith & Shiro (Voltron) are Siblings, Embarrassment, Embarrassed Shiro (Voltron), kink related, sneezy Shiro, Male Sneezing
read it on the AO3 at Teaparty I
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