#Ken Penders is a Douche
konnichibot · 8 months
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sally-mun · 1 year
Never in all my life have I wished for Optimus Prime to run over a human. You did it Penders, you sick fuck.
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This message was sent to me a little over 4 years ago, and I'm sure I didn't reply to it because I tend not to like reacting to Penders stuff in real time because that just brings more attention to his accounts (which is what he's ultimately after). What makes this funny is that Penders is SUCH a colossal piece of shit that this message literally could've been prompted by anything. If he were actually a decent human being I'd probably be looking at this and going "Ah yes, that horrible thing he said 4 years ago," because it would've stood out against everything else, but the fact of the matter is he says intentionally inflammatory stuff ALL THE TIME. Who fucking knows what this was about?? Short of looking back at this exact date on his Twitter account, who can even say??
And that's what makes this message so fucking funny to me. It's timeless. It doesn't matter when it was sent or when I answer it, it's still completely appropriate. This is it, folks. We are all looking into the time vortex, right now. Nations will rise and fall, the climate will kill us all, and Penders will still be shouting grotesque things into the void because it's the only way anyone will ever pay attention to him.
So with that in mind, there's only one thing left to do:
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robotnik-mun · 2 years
The Yuji Naka Story can only end one way...
... with him, upon serving out his sentence, getting in touch with Ken Penders for a big, collaborative Comeback Project! 
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((Gotta wonder how much Ken and the rest of the Archie STH comics’ team hate Amy, because so far she’s rarely involved in the comics so far.
Rant under the read more.
 Like, I’m going through it, and the bigest role she’d played so far is being used as a vehicle for Ken to force feed the readers his [admittedly rather shitty] world building. And Sonic had been transformed into his modern design at this point, so we know that Sonic the Fighters already came out and gave her a hammer. So she could have had a more active role in the freedom fighters.
And yes I know he admitted to never playing the games or even watching SatAM, just going to show how lazy he is when researching the source material he’s writing about in the first fucking place, but still this is just sad.
Look at the cover if the one I’m on.
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She’s barely visible here.
Then again, Ken seems incapable of wrapping his head around a strong female character in general. Ken had apparently been trying to permakill Sally off in Endgame because she “sidelined” Sonic, he felt. You know, not like he hadn’t done that with all his shitty OCs and Knuckles. In the issue loosely based off of CD, Amy’s story went from her ending up getting kidnapped because she went on her own to find Sonic and she happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time, to being a random fan that Eggman went out of his way to kidnap just to spit her and Sonic. Stripping her of the little agency that she had in CD in the first place. Bunnie was basially just there to cheerlead for Antoine and justify his place in the story [apparently in response to fans sending letters asking them to kill him off]. Hell, even Julie-Su’s choice was taken from her because of the bullshit soulmate thing, forcing a relationship between her and Knuckles. Because of fucking course.
And yes I know that Rosy will play bigger and bigger roles as the series goes on, but they made her whine her way to getting it, if I recall correctly. Not to mention the dumb wish thing.
IDK, I just don’t know if going through the Archie comics for icons is worth it. She rarely shows up in the series to start with at this point, and to be honest, the art and the scans rn aren’t even that great. Even if I go to the Genisis Wave Reboot thing, I don’t feel like wading through crap to get to the good stuff will be worth it. Especially because I don’t know when the good stuff will happen exactly.
A shame too, because there isn’t a lot of places to get her classic version...
Anyways, I’m done bitching, I’m sorry, this has just really been getting to me.
Oh, and fuck you Penders.))
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jammerlee · 6 years
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round2withtheblue · 5 years
Archie Sonic ... Oh, Here We Go.
Okay, I’m going to bump and butt some heads with people here but good God this grinds my gears. 
Okay, so I’m sure that a lot of Sonic fans out there are familiar with the Archie comics debacle with Ken Penders. 
In regards to that, let me say that I’ve read and researched quite a bit on this topic ... Especially because of everything and anything about Sonic is my special interest. 
Now, let me get out the facts here. Sonic Archie was the longest standing comic for a video game and won a Guinness Book World Record. 
The writing on these comics was a hit or a miss. Some things were good, some things were bad, and some things were just down-right weird. Most of the story was written by Ken Penders who had pretty much free reign to do what he pleased with no repercussions. 
When Archie and SEGA started to want a say in the comics because of popular media reasons and trying to actually get involved Penders didn’t like that. He really didn’t like that. He left the comic book and that’s where Ian Flynn took the helm and tried to detangle the convoluted mass that was Archie Sonic canon. 
In this regard, he fixed a lot of things I had found tiring in the comics, especially Penders’s open-ended plot points and fixing characters that had no depth. 
So, Penders's response to his characters being used was to start copyrighting them. Which, he had no right to do working for a licensed property where any and all of his creations were the property of the said licensee. 
Now, Archie should have kept up with their contracts, which is definitely on them and is what cost them the lawsuit for the characters Penders took with him. But the subsequent CR and lawsuits with Archie shouldn’t have happened. 
Penders, 1, should’ve just walked away and stayed away. Now we have this twitter nightmare of him gloating about these Sonic characters he pretty much stole and made them into these ugly uncanny valley-esque characters that are just so nauseating to look at. I mean, seriously, these LSU comics are not going to come out. Penders has no deadlines to meet, no pages to show, and even though he’s tried every which way to separate these aliens in design you can still tell that they are based of Sonic and are Knuckles recolors. 
But, there are people out there, the small devout few who stand with Penders saying that he had every right (Which he did not) and that those characters were his property. His pettiness is what caused an entire comic run to crash. He caused the continuity reboot and subsequent canning of the comics by SEGA from Archie. 
Of course, this could've been avoided by these things. 1) Archie actually giving a damn and backing up their worker freelancing contracts and keeping a hold of the copyrights. 2) actually trying to rebuff Penders in his copyrighting and stopping him from doing so since he had no right in the contract stipulations of writing for a licensed property. 3) Paying Penders his royalties for reprints of his stories, which is not unfair. 4) Keeping a reign on Penders from the very beginning so he didn't have so much creative freedom in the first place so his ego wouldn’t run wild leading to said events. 
Then there’s this doozy of a conspiracy theory which some fans of Penders state that Flynn was sent in by SOJ (Sega of Japan) to disassemble the SOA Sonic continuity and get rid of the Freedom Fighters and reboot the series from the ground up to make the games the only continuity, and that being the Japan games. 
Now, this theory makes me laugh because Ian was brought on to clean up Penders’s mess. Yes, he had some questionable things in his past with fan comics, but what fan of any series hasn’t written some strange stories? 
But let me break it down for you. Penders is the one who was in the wrong and he cast the first stone by copyrighting contracted properties under the licensed brand. He’s the one who got over 200 characters removed from the comics, and he’s the one who gloats on technicalities. Ian gets shit-talked for trying to fix something that got broken. He had to deal with the aftermath of long convoluted political story plots and 1-dimensional romances in a Sonic comic. A comic about a blue anthropomorphic hedgehog with a need for speed. 
Put blame where it belongs, which is on Archie and Penders. Penders for being a petty jerk and Archie for not having their shit together to keep their property. It’s no wonder why SEGA won’t touch the FF and other companion stories after this fiasco. 
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bisexual-medal-alex · 4 years
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I’ve been explaining Archie Sonic lore to my GF and it’s resulted in wonderful conversations like this.
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nianderful · 5 years
ken penders, to his detractors: get a life
also ken penders: is still trying over a DECADE later to act like his era of a 20 year old comic is still relevant
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sorcererlance · 5 years
Ken Penders hates Trump, yet shares many behaviors with him;
Doesn’t take criticism well
Considers himself a genius
Deflects blame to others
Resorts to whataboutisms criticizes the other guy in charge but does/did a worse job in that same position
Lusts after teens
Nonstop Tweeting
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feelzgremlin · 5 years
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Hey Ken Penders.....WHAT THE FUCK
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konnichibot · 2 years
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First he shits on my favorite comic. Then he shits on the sonic fandom. Then he shits on my autism. Is there nothing this man will NOT shit on?
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sally-mun · 2 years
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Just wanted to share with the class that I murdered Ken Penders in a game of Jackbox last night and somehow absolutely no one suspected me.
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zippityzap · 5 years
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It’s difficult to make unique enchidna hairstyles. But at least I’m trying harder than Penders ever did.
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robotnik-mun · 6 years
A while back I said I’d stop posting about Penders, and so far I’ve been pretty good at following that vow, and honestly its been rather emotionally fulfilling not festering in negativity over that jackasses actions. 
From time to time I check out his twitter. I don’t go delving in depth anymore, I just go to see what’s up. Morbid curiosity. Long story short, there’s nothing really to see. 
Except this time. This time there was something special. Something that needed commentary. And so, just this once, I’m gonna break my vow. Let’s be clear here- I’m not gonna make a habit out of this. This isn’t some glorious return. This is just me shaking my head in disgust at the fact that somehow, this man has actually managed to sink to a new low. 
What do I mean? Well, it goes like this- its Comic-Con this year, and as per tradition, Penders has decided to blight us with his art. 
Long story short? A lot of it is mediocre to terrible. This is practically a truth that need not be spoken. 
Except for a particular picture of Shadow, which, to my extreme surprise... 
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....was VERY well done. I couldn’t believe it really. Penders has never, ever been able to draw Sonic very well, nor has he even pretended to attempt to emulate the Sonic style. Yet here was Shadow the Hedgehog, in what was one of the best pictures to come from the man. 
Particularly puzzling since, days earlier, he’d done another picture for a fan, this one of Sonic and Amy. 
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Don’t look directly at it, you might lose a portion of your soul. 
So yes, it made me wonder, why is it that Penders did so well with the Shadow pic, but had earlier futzed up the Sonic/Amy pic? Especially given that Shadow is far more elaborately designed than Sonic is, with his quills, highlights and shoes. 
I discussed the matter with a friend, and they brought up something that had completely escaped me- the reason that this art looked so good compared to Penders’ usual fare was because it was pre-existing. 
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Penders had copied art. From Sonic Chronicles, of all things. And then proceeded to sell it to a fan for a profit. 
In case it isn’t obvious at a glance, let’s do a side-by-side- 
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Uncanny, no? 
There are really few words to describe the irony, the hypocrisy, or how just plain old scummy this is. Firstly, there is the matter that for a man who screams about creator’s rights and the like, he’s demonstrated very little guilt in profiting off the efforts of others- he’s copied something someone else made, very blatantly at that, and made a profit off of it. 
And therein lies the second, and most sickening aspect of this- someone paid for this, and what he gave them was a copy of another person’s art, right down to the pose. See, when someone commissions art off of an artist, it is done so because they want to see what that artist will do- they buy for the artist to do the art, in their style, the way they would do it. Penders however decided ‘To hell with it, I’ll just copy this picture and get money for it’. 
It’s disgusting, and deeply shameful. Particularly for a man who screams about being a professional at every given opportunity, as well as the rights of the creator and integrity and all that good shit. 
Its long been known that Penders is a deeply hypocritical man, one who does not apply the standards he sets for others to himself. Yet even I never imagined he’d honestly copy art, and then sell it to a fan of his. 
But then, my first mistake was ever assuming that Penders was ever capable of any real standards, whether it be in his art or his own repulsive behavior. 
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jammerlee · 5 years
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xericstudios · 5 years
I'm gonna say this because my dash has been flooded with this the past few days.. When people realise Penders is only saying what he is saying to get a rise out of the Sonic community and start ignoring him, the world will be a better place. Heck, unfollow him on Twitter. If you feel the need to see what shit he's spouting on a daily basis, just bookmark his account. His follower numbers keep rising so he's going to keep talking so much shit I can smell it over here in the UK. He's clearly getting some kind of sick high from the reactions off of the idiotic things he's saying. #unfollowpenders
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