msmsillyarts · 1 year
no desc needed
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wambsgender · 2 years
from lake to bath to open sea. im fine
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oddluver · 5 months
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cwc-wiki · 2 years
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4 July - Independence Day. Chris writes and sends a fifth letter to Helena Fiorenza.
11 July - The letter is posted publicly on Eels and the Egg-man’s twitter.[1]
14 July - Chris sends another letter to Kengle expressing support for some kind of Sonichu Base. More Praetor Jail Art is also released.
22 July - Chris writes an open letter to the fans.
28 July - Chris’s criminal case for incest took place,[2] and, apparently having refused a plea bargain, he is scheduled to go before a grand jury for felony charges.
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
AYOOO u posted kenji … i would try anal for him
bro id kiss feet for kengle
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catbountry · 2 years
Not sure if you heard, but CWC is being brought before a grand jury and will most likely be charged with a felony.
Oh, I am aware. I found out right before it started trending on Twitter. Kengle confirmed it to be real.
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heesulovebot · 4 years
Love by chance, Dark Blue Kiss,Trapped
omg, bless u anon 😚 LBC:
Favourite character: ae! Funniest character: pond. hands down. Best-looking character: pete 🥺 3 favourite ships: i really only loved aepete & pondcha’aim but also brotp: aepond ;^;  Least favourite character: kengl—🤢 ken—🤮 i can’t do it Least favourite ship: sweet baby techno and kengshit (techno. sweetie. i’m so sorry that an ugly ass bitch (mame) would even do that to you. oh my god) Reason why I watch it: aepete were so soft i loved them Why I started watching it: everyone said it was iconique and i also wanted to not be confused @lbc universe DBK: Favourite character: pete. my son. Funniest character: rain!! + mork was also lowkey hilarious without even trying Best-looking character: oh..... my.... god..... don’t do this to me dON’T— (it only proves how disloyal i am but it’s between pete & sun) 3 favourite ships: EVERY SHIP WAS SO!!!! GOOD!!! kaopete. sunmork. rainmanow!!! 🥺🥺🥺 brotp: morkpete!! Least favourite character: non’s father can choke  Least favourite ship: i mean, i hated non tryna steal kao 🐍 Reason why I watch it: tawan vihokratana & sumork  Why I started watching it: tawan vihokratana 🙈 TRAPPED: Favourite character: i would die for tang yi but also shao fei  Funniest character: li an and shao fei were disaster cinnamon rolls Best-looking character: *sharp inhale* tang yi  3 favourite ships: tang yi x shao fei, jack x li an, shao fei x li an (brotp), and if we’re adding a ghost ship: tang yi x andy 👀  Least favourite character: honestly didn’t hate anyone. even the ‘villain’s’ backstory was emo :(   Least favourite ship: hong ye x the secretary dude. that age gap was not it, sis Reason why I watch it: tang yi x mob dad flashback scenes 😩👌😭 Why I started watching it: on my bl watchlist??? honestly i was mad @ myself for putting it off for so long it’s so good 10/10 would recommend  
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kennyengelhardt · 7 years
Chaos in Charlottesville
It was a disgusting display of white supremacy and open racism  that was on display in Charlottesville over the weekend. People from the KuKluxKlan, Neo-Nazi groups and so forth decided to hold their protest in Charlottesville marching through the campus of the University of Virginia. Along with the protest, there was a healthy portion of fist fights, along with weapons. This event was put together when the city decided it was time to remove a confederate statue in the park. On Saturday, the demonstration reached its lowest point when some lout decided to run his car into a group of counter-protesters killing one person and murdering 35 others. Two more people died when a police helicopter crashed killing two officers. Even President Trump fidgeted in doing the right thing in  unequivocally condemning  this white supremacist. gathering. To his credit, he did call them out Monday night condemning them. In reading the reports of who instigated the violence, it was instigated on both sides (though albeit, the alt. right takes more of the blame due to the automobile incident). So what was the alt. right that attended? According to a reporter that was there:  "Right-wing extremists carried a variety of different flags — the libertarian “Don’t Tread on Me” with the familiar sliced-up snake, flags with symbols of the racist neo-pagan cause Odinism, Confederate flags, Blue Lives Matter flags, Kekistan flags, and others. " This last one (i.e the Kekistan flag) caught my interest. Kekistan is a fictional country invented by users on 4chan’s /pol/ board. It's symbol is Pepe the frog and has been appropriated by the alt. right. A heavily armed militia group known as the "Three Percenters" was there to try and provide security for the alt. right and prevent violence on both sides. The group itself however does not align with the racist beliefs of the alt. right. Its philosophy is a more libertarian approach to interpreting the constitution. The alt right was more prepared for violence and more heavily armed for battle then the alt. left. From the perspective of an alt. right protester (i.e. Hunter Wallace a member of+ occidental dissent), the Charlottesville Police  assured the organizers of the Unitetheright in advance that Antifa would be restrained and that they could have their protest in safety. According to his eyewitness account, on the day of the protest the police refused to honor that agreement and decided to stand by and let the alt. right protesters take their chances on getting beaten up by the Antifa crowd. While this first video was relatively peaceful https://www.pscp.tv/w/1ypJdlnwNlqJW, the security of the protesters started to break down when they started entering the park: Here is the perspective from freelance journalist Daniel Shular from his twitter channel: https://twitter.com/xshularx/status/896388957524676608 It would be impossible to do a total analysis in the space of one blog, but Hunter's concerns are understandable from that twitter video. The question arises why did security fall apart in this case. Were the Charlottesville police simply overwhelmed or was there a Laissez-faire attitude on the part of the police to teach the protesters a lesson? If the answer is the former, then private security by these groups should be allowed to function without hindrance by police. If the answer is the latter, then this should warrant an investigation by internal affairs or the US Office of Civil Rights. Personally, I don't have an issue with security groups such as the Three Percenters coming to provide security for demonstrations like this and not simply because I am a white male. In fairness, if someone wanted to organize a Black Lives Matter or Antifa protest a month later in Charlottesville and bring in their own security to ensure the safety of the participants, I would have no issue with this at all. The heckler's veto and this kind of mob violence on both sides have no place when it comes to free speech. It is perhaps time for the unthinkable and that representatives from both the alt. right and radical left get together and come to an agreement about security to make sure something like this never happens again before the government steps in and makes that decision for us whether we like it or not. Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt or Kenneth Engelhardt is a public blogger who resides in Warwick, Rhode Island. His subject matter covers a number of topics on different websites. He is also known as Kengle in some circles. You can follow him on Twitter at OnionNull. Click to Post
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soulgems · 10 years
shout out to kyashana kengle for being perfect and wonderful and ilu even tho i cant get on skype right nnow i mISS YOU
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cwc-wiki · 3 years
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1 October - Barb turns 80.[2] With Bob long-dead and Chris in jail, it is her first birthday in decades spent completely alone.
3 October - Chris begins writing a letter to a ween in response to an apparent attempt to convert him to Islam.[3]
4 October - Chris finishes writing the Islam letter, then begins another letter shortly afterwards, this one directed towards Kenneth Englehardt.[4]
5 October - Chris finishes writing the Kengle letter.[4]
6 October - The Kengle letter is sent in the mail.[5]
7 October - The Islam letter is sent in the mail.[6]
10 October - The Kengle letter is received and uploaded online.[7]
13 October - The Islam letter is received and uploaded online.[8]
21 October - Chris writes yet another letter, responding to an inquiry about a plush doll seen in some of his videos.[9]
22-24 October - Chris finishes writing the plush doll letter and sends it in the mail.
25 October - The plush doll letter is received and uploaded online.[10]
25 October - Chris writes yet again another letter.
29 October - Jail Letter - 25 October 2021 is recieved and uploaded online.[11]
31 October - Chris spent Halloween in jail. Meanwhile, no trick-or-treaters showed up at Barb's door, so she spent this day in complete isolation.
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cwc-wiki · 3 years
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1 December - Two additional letters, one from 25 October and the other from 30 October, which Chris had written to Kengle are posted publicly.
2 December - A day which was "VERY Cosmically Eventful" according to Chris, apparently because it can be written as a palindrome (12/02/2021). Chris "observed" the date and later asked Kengle if he had done the same.[1]
3 December - The jail letter addressed to Onion Farms user Celestia from 30 November is received and posted online.
6 December - Chris writes and sends the sixth letter addressed to Kenneth Englehardt.[2]
7 December - The jail letter addressed to Twitter user Eels and the Egg-man from 30 November is received and posted online.
8 December - Kenneth Engelhardt reveals that he has received a fifth jail letter from Chris describing a car accident Barbara was involved in on 24 November which totaled her car and put her in the hospital. Kenneth does not make the letter public at the request of Chris. It also contains personal information about Chris's relatives.
9 December - Chris writes and sends the second and final jail letter to Onion Farms user Celestia. Chris bizarrely claims that Jacob Sockness started the COVID-19 Pandemic.
11 December - Kenneth reveals that he has received a sixth jail letter from Chris, this one concerning Null.
11 December - A Kiwi Farms user confirms that the Barbara automobile accident did actually happen (though apparently on the 23rd, not the 24th) by looking up the Vehicle Identification Number of the Dodge Caravan.[3]
12 December - Chris's Affirmations List‎‎, from March 2021, is leaked.
12 December - The jail letter from 6 December is posted online in full.[4][5]
13 December - Kenneth Engelhardt receives and posts a Christmas post card that Chris wrote to him at an unknown date.[6]
14 December - The jail letter from 9 December is received via Discord.[7]
16 December - A ween, Larry Vaughn, posts on reddit about his latest visit to 14 Branchland Court. In this post, he claims that most of the hoard was cleared out of the house. [8] A Kiwi Farms post made a few days afterwards would prove the contrary to this.[9]
25 December - Chris's first C-Mas while in jail.
29 December - Barb was found to be at fault for last month's car accident, and was charged a $30 fine and $76 in court costs.[10]
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cwc-wiki · 3 years
3 February - Chris's incest trial is pushed back by a third continuance.[1]
13 February - In the midst of a DDoS attack against Kiwi Farms, Kengle posts the rest of the January 11 letter.
15 February - YouTuber Bizzare Bazaar leaks a letter from early January.
17 February - Kenneth Englehardt shares in full a previously unseen letter regarding Barb's crashing of Son-Chu.
24 February - Chris turns 40.
27 February - Kenneth shares part of a newly received letter probably written in late January.
28 February - Chris is officially transferred from CVRJ to another facility. Details are currently unknown.
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kennyengelhardt · 8 years
Onionfar.ms Twitter channels
Onionfar.ms Twitter channels: A twitter feeds page has been added that you can access here Only Twitter channels that have been verified by Onionfar.ms will be linked from my website. Other Twitter channels with my picture or names such as "Kengle" or "KengleSonichen" claiming to be me are fraudulent. Click to Post
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kennyengelhardt · 8 years
House in Chaos After LGBT Vote
Yahoo news recently had an article about a fight that erupted in the house after Republicans barely defeated an amendment that would have barred federal contractors from getting government work if they discriminated against the LGBT community. To be honest, I agree with the amendment. A business who accepts work from the federal government shouldn't have to care one way or another who sleeps with who between the sheets at night. Someone's intimate life is their concern, not the company's concern and most of us have enough drama in our lives without having to go poke our nose around looking for more. There is of course one obvious exception to this. If someone's intimate behavior becomes a matter of public disrepute that impairs the goodwill or reputation of the company then it is no longer a private matter. It is a company matter. https://www.yahoo.com/news/m/3c6a7726-2c5a-3a59-841b-883761e9e991/ss_house-erupts-in-chaos-after.html   Click to Post
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kennyengelhardt · 8 years
Rosechu-Gaus (Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt)
Both Sonichu and Rosechu will have their names changed to Sonichu-Gaus and Rosechu-Gaus respectively. This is the first draft of Rosechu-Gaus Click to Post
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kennyengelhardt · 8 years
Self-Confidence (Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt)
Self-Confidence: Feel good and self-confident about yourself.You don't need approval from bullies. I believe it is very important to have trust and self-confidence in yourself. Remember, you are a very special and unique individual in God's eyes. He made no one else like you. You have individual skills and unique talents that are potentially world-changing. But who will know about your unique talents and special skills if you don't tell anyone about them or you let others control your life and your reputation. Remember to always be the true you.  Don't let the negative dwellers pull you into their traps and dramas. Keep looking up and keep your eye on the positive. This has been posted by Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt
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