#Kiev 2017
jukbox · 2 years
JINJER - Pisces (Live Session) | Napalm Records 2016-2017
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onlyhurtforaminute · 2 years
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thecalendarwomen · 2 years
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Viking historian Nancy Marie Brown’s new book, The Real Valkyrie: The Hidden History of Viking Warrior Women, explores what life might have been like for the warrior woman of Bj 581. Using more evidence from the recent tests conducted on the remains, Brown traces her journey from Norway to the British Isles to Kiev then, finally, to Birka. Brown imagines the unnamed warrior meeting other prominent Viking women, such as Gunnhild, Mother of Kings, or Queen Olga, ruler of the Rus Vikings in Kiev. She also explores the Viking sagas and contemporary sources with a new lens.
Atlas Obscura spoke with Brown about her new book, valkyries, and the assumptions that underlie the history we think we know.
How did you initially get interested in Vikings—and female Vikings in particular?
When I went to college, I actually wanted to study fantasy writing and, you know, learn to write like Tolkien. I learned very quickly that that was not appropriate for an English major in the 1970s, so I decided to study what Tolkien studied, and he was a professor at Oxford University, teaching Old English and Old Norse. So I started reading all of the Icelandic sagas that I could find in translation. And when I ran out of the English versions, I learned Old Norse so that I could read the rest of them.
One of the things I liked about [the sagas] the most was that they had really interesting women characters. There’s a queen in Norway who appears in about 11 sagas, Queen Gunnhild, Mother of Kings. She led armies. She devised war strategy. And then I was looking at the valkyries and the shieldmaids and thinking, you know, these are really interesting people that have always been considered to be mythological.
So when I learned in 2017 that one of the most famous Viking warrior burials turned out to be the burial of a woman, that just absolutely dazzled my imagination.
Is this the first confirmed grave of a female warrior that we have?
This is the one that has the best proof. There are one or two others that have since been DNA tested and proven to be female. But in each of these cases, it’s hard to say if the person in the grave, whether male or female, actually was a warrior, or if the object that we are interpreting as a weapon was used for hunting or for some other purpose.
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What do we know about the life of the Viking warrior woman in Bj 581?
In 2017, by testing her bones and her teeth, [scholars] could say she was between 30 and 40 years old when she died. They could also tell that she ate well all of her life. So she came from a rich family or maybe even a royal one. She was also quite tall, about 5’7”. By the minerals in her inner teeth, [scholars can determine] she may have come from southern Sweden or Norway, and also that she went west maybe as far as the British Isles before her molars finished forming. She didn’t arrive in Birka until she was 16.
We also have her weapons and a little bit of clothing that were found in the grave. And these link her to what is known as the Vikings’ East Way, which was the trade route from Sweden to the Silk Road.
We can link, through the artifacts and through the bones, that she could have traveled from as far west as Dublin to as far east as at least Kiev in the 30 to 40 years of her life.
How do we know that there were Viking warrior women?
They are mentioned many, many, many times in the literature. In most cases, they have been dismissed as mythological because, of course, we know warriors were men. But we don’t know that. That is an assumption that is based on traditional Victorian ideas that because women are mothers, they’re nurturing, they’re peacemakers, and they don’t fight.
That’s not historically true. Women have always fought. And they appear in most cultures until the 1800s, when Viking studies and archaeology pretty much started. So we sort of have this problem of bias in our earliest textbooks.
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There’s this assumption that the warrior men of myth must have been based on real people, but it’s not the same for the mythical warrior women. Why is that?
It’s just an assumption based on what people think women are like. Most of the material we have from the Middle Ages was written by men, and most of the material we have until the 1950s was written by men, and women are slowly making their way into the field of Viking scholarship. But many of them are still working under the assumptions that they were taught.
I noticed when I went back and reread some of the sagas in Icelandic that there wasn’t this clear distinction between the warrior women being mythological and the warrior men being human. When you actually look at the old Norse text, there’s a lot of words that have been translated as “men” that actually mean “people,” but it’s always been translated as “men” because it’s a warrior situation.
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Is it possible for historians to remove all of those biases?
No, I don’t think it is. I think we all are looking through our own lenses. But we have to revisit those sources every generation to see past biases. So when you have layer after layer after layer of removing biases, you may get closer to the truth.
What most surprised you in the course of researching your book?
One of the controversies right now in Viking studies is should we really be talking about men and women at all? Maybe there were all kinds of different genders. We don’t know if there were more than two genders in the Viking age. Maybe it was a spectrum.
If you look at this one group of sagas called the Sagas of Ancient Times that are often overlooked because they have all these fabulous creatures in them, like dragons and warrior women. It’s really interesting [because] these girls grow up wanting to be warriors. They’re constantly disobeying and trying to run off and join Viking bands. But when they do run off and join the Viking band, or, in another case, become the king of a town, they insist on being called by a male name and use male pronouns.
So it was very shocking to me to go back and read it in the original and say, “Wow, all this richness was lost in the translation.”
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naturalrights-retard · 4 months
by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher
There is growing concern among the German leadership that NATO will not survive if Republican front-runner Donald Trump is re-elected as US president and that Russia will set its eyes closer to Berlin after Ukraine, writes The New York Times. This alarmist fake news comes as German Chancellor Olaf Scholz is using “fiscal policy trickery” to ensure that his government can continue supporting Ukraine despite budgetary restrictions and the rise of the Russia-friendly Alternative for Germany (AfD).
In a speech to his supporters in Las Vegas in January, Trump said: “We’re spending – we’re paying for NATO, and we don’t get so much out of it,” adding that “if we ever needed their help, let’s say we were attacked, I don’t believe they’d be there [to help].”
The former US leader has repeatedly accused NATO allies of failing to meet budgetary requirements and even proclaimed in 2017 that the military bloc was “obsolete.”
Trump remains in the lead for the nomination as Republican presidential candidate in the November elections, especially after several candidates dropped out of the race. The article notes that senior German officials fear there are significant doubts about whether NATO could survive a second Trump term.
“Their immediate concern is growing pessimism about the United States continuing to fund Ukraine’s struggle,” writes the NYT, referring to a months-long impasse in the US Congress over the latest $60 billion package proposed for Kiev by President Joe Biden. Republicans made the approval of more military aid to Ukraine contingent on the administration’s agreement to tighten controls at the US-Mexico border to stem the flow of illegal immigrants.
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laz2boo · 25 days
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Flow the Label Kiev Spring 2017
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Erika Zafirova, Bulgaria
Grand Prix Kiev 2017
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Cumpleaños 🎂
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Milla Jovovich cumple 48 años
Militza Bogdanovna Jovovich (en ucraniano: Мiліца Богдановна Йовович, en ruso: Милица Богдановна Йовович), más conocida como Milla Jovovich (Kiev, RSS de Ucrania; 17 de diciembre de 1975), es una actriz, supermodelo, directora de cine, diseñadora de moda y empresaria ucraniana-estadounidense. Nació y pasó sus primeros años en la Unión Soviética, adquiriendo posteriormente la nacionalidad estadounidense. Ha interpretado papeles en varias películas de ciencia ficción y de acción, apodada «la reina pateatraseros»
Jovovich comenzó su carrera de modelo a los once años, cuando Richard Avedon la presentó en los anuncios de Revlon, "Las mujeres más inolvidables del mundo", y continuó su carrera con otras campañas notables para cosméticos L'Oréal, Christian Dior, Donna Karan y Versace.
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En 1988, tuvo su primer papel profesional en la película para televisión "Night Train to Kathmandu", y ese mismo año actuó en su primer largometraje: "Two Moon Junction". Después tuvo más apariciones en series de televisión como "Fair Exchange" (1989), y en el mismo año un papel de una jovencita francesa (en ese entonces con solo 14 años) en la serie "Married with Children", además de otros personajes en pequeñas producciones cinematográficas. Ganó notoriedad con la película romántica "Return to the Blue Lagoon" (1991), la secuela de "The Blue Lagoon".
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Apareció en 1993 en "Dazed and Confused" junto a Ben Affleck y Matthew McConaughey y en el Biopic sobre la vida de Charles Chaplin "Chaplin". Posteriormente Jovovich actuó junto a Bruce Willis en la película de ciencia ficción "El quinto elemento" (1997), y protagonizó "The Messenger: The Story of Joan of Arc" (1999).
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En 2002, protagonizó la adaptación del videojuego Resident Evil, que dio lugar a seis películas: "Resident Evil" (2002), "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" (2004), "Resident Evil: Extinction" (2007), "Resident Evil: Afterlife" (2010), "Resident Evil 5: Retribution" (2012) y "Resident Evil 6: The Final Chapter" (2017).
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En 2003, ella y la modelo Carmen Hawk crearon la línea de ropa Jovovich-Hawk, que cesó sus operaciones a principios de 2008. En su tercera temporada antes de su desaparición, las piezas se podían encontrar en Fred Segal en Los Ángeles, Harvey Nichols, y en más de 50 tiendas en todo el mundo. Jovovich también tiene su propia compañía productora, Creature Entertainment.
Milla nació en Kiev, Ucrania por aquel entonces (Unión Soviética), única hija de Bogdan Bogdanovich Jovovic, un pediatra serbio, y Galina Loginova, una actriz de teatro rusa.
La familia paterna de Milla era adinerada, provienen de Zlopek, cerca de Pec, en la parte noroeste del valle de Dukagjini. Su bisabuelo paterno, Bogic Camic Jovovic, noble, fue cabeza del clan Vasojevici, así como oficial de la guardia real del rey Nicolás I de Montenegro; la esposa de su bisabuelo se llamaba Milica, de quien Milla recibió el nombre tiempo después. Su abuelo paterno Bogdan Jovovic fue comandante en la zona militar de Pristina, y más tarde investigó las finanzas en las áreas militares de Skopie y Sarajevo, donde descubrió el desfalco masivo de oro; fue castigado por negarse a delatar a un amigo involucrado en el crimen. Más tarde, el gobierno lo encarceló por un tiempo breve en Goli Otok por negarse a testificar. Cuando temía ser arrestado de nuevo, huyó a Albania, y más tarde se trasladó a Kiev. Una versión diferente de la historia afirma que fue él quien se llevó el oro. El padre de Milla, Bogich, se unió más tarde a Bogdan en Kiev, donde él y su hermana se graduaron en medicina
En 1980, cuando Milla tenía cinco años, su familia abandonó la Unión Soviética por motivos políticos y se mudó a Londres. Posteriormente vivieron en Sacramento (California) antes de establecerse en Los Ángeles siete meses después; los padres de Milla se divorciaron tiempo después.
Jovovich se casó con Shawn Andrews en 1992, a quien conoció durante el rodaje de "Dazed and Confused". Andrews tenía 21 años, mientras que Jovovich tenía 16; el matrimonio fue anulado por su madre dos meses después.
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Poco después de la anulación, Jovovich se trasladó a Londres con su amigo y músico Chris Brenner, donde comenzó a vivir con Stuart Zender exbajista de Jamiroquai, desde 1994 a 1995.
De 1995 a 1997, mantuvo una relación con Mario Sorrenti. En Las Vegas, se casó con el director de "El quinto elemento", Luc Besson, en 1998, divorciándose un año más tarde.
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Entre 1998 y 2001, se hizo amiga del joven poeta y músico, Anno Birkin, y fueron cada uno tras la inspiración detrás de muchas de sus composiciones. A Jovovich se le relacionó con Birkin justo antes de su muerte en un accidente de coche. También tuvo una relación con el guitarrista de los Red Hot Chili Peppers, John Frusciante.
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El 3 de noviembre de 2007 dio a luz a su primera hija, Ever Gabo Anderson, fruto de su relación con el cineasta inglés Paul W. S. Anderson, con quien contrajo matrimonio el 22 de agosto de 2009, habiéndose conocido durante el rodaje de "Resident Evil".
El 19 de agosto de 2014, la actriz anuncio en su cuenta de Facebook que se encontraba esperando a su segundo bebe con Anderson. Su hija Dashiel Edan Anderson nació el 1 de abril de 2015.​
En agosto de 2019 confirmó que está embarazada de su tercera hija tras haber sufrido un aborto espontáneo dos años antes. Su hija Osian Lark Elliot Jovovich-Anderson nació el 3 de febrero de 2020.​
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Milla Jovovich es trilingüe, pues habla ruso, inglés y francés.
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The Only Successful Chernobyl Robot: The Toy Tank
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Chernobyl is a notable example of the use of robots to clean up and scout out areas hazardous to human workers. The robots of Chernobyl are infamous amongst the Liquidators who worked with them for their unreliability and expense. Because of their cost and the way Soviet procurement worked, any robot that failed while being used had to be retrieved by the Liquidators. Since most of the robots died in high radiation areas, many men were 'burned' (met their radiation quotas) just to get them into relative safety where they could be repaired or scrapped. There is, however, one notable exception to this trend; the Toy Tank (seen in the photo above).
Purchased by a liquidator in Kiev for 12 rubles (~$5) in 1986 after the Chernobyl disaster, this plastic tank had a short cord attaching it to its remote controller. It could move forwards and backwards, turn, and rattle to imitate firing its gun. After being brought to the Chernobyl Zone, it was quickly retrofitted for use at the CHNPP. The controller wire was extended to ten meters, and the tank was retrofitted with a flashlight, thermometer, and dosimeter. Using these tools, the tank could be sent ahead of exploration teams in the warren of rooms and hallways of Unit 4 as a 'hunting dog' to do primitive dosimetric and temperature exploration. This allowed the Liquidators to move with far more safety and caution into the depths of Unit 4.
The tank was procured and used by the Chernobyl Sarcophagus Exploration Team, a group of scientists from the Kurchatov Institute tasked with locating and monitoring the uranium fuel of Reactor 4 within the Unit Block. Nuclear fuel gives off radiation and heat, and so the tank was used to keep the team out of any unexplored rooms that may have contained these hazards. The tank was by all accounts extremely effective, and as an added bonus was far easier to decontaminate than the complex robots provided by various science ministries.
The performed its task deftly and with great success until the spring of 1987, when it became impossible to decontaminate any further. It was entombed in the Sarcophagus which it so dutifully explored.
This may seem like an urban legend or a wacky story made up by a tour guide, but it is in fact corroborated by countless memoirs and interviews with Liquidators. Also, no discredit to the other robots that served admirably at Chernobyl. There were probably other, equally as effective robots used in the zone, but this is the one most people who worked at the CHNPP itself speak of with any form of reverence.
Borovoi, A. A. (2017). Chapter 5: Robots. In My Chernobyl: The human story of a scientist and the Nuclear Power Plant Catastrophe (pp. 68–69). essay, Piscataqua Press.
The Toy Tank does have a big brother, three (some sources say four) ISU-152 self propelled gun that were used to demolish large buildings in the Chernobyl Zone.
Below: One of the ISU-152 'Demolition Tanks' used in the Chernobyl Zone. The New Safe Confinement covering Unit 4 can be seen in the background.
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Click here for more info on the ISU-152s
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love-for-carnation · 2 months
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Amber and rubies Vera Kavura (b. 1978, Ukrainian)
Vera lives in Kiev, Ukraine, studied at the art studio of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine. She has been drawing since her childhood, and with pastels since 2017. Her favorite theme is flowers, as a part of wildlife, they are natural, beautiful, and diverse. She always paint from a live bouquet used natural light, so her work begins with the composition of a bouquet, the selection of flowers based on their form and color. Other painter's works: http://kavura-art.com/content
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delicatecombat · 11 months
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Ukrainians in folk costumes hold symbols of the star of Bethlehem as they celebrate Orthodox Christmas in central Kiev, Ukraine, Saturday, Jan. 7 2017.
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The Best (in my opinion) Cosplay Panels on YT
so, back in 2020 like six months after I had gotten into hetalia I was having a rlly hard time with my mental health for reasons besides Covid related stuff. And as stupid as it sounds one of the only things able to distract me were Hetalia cosplay panels on YouTube, I was literally watching these things on repeat, I still turn them on sometimes as background noise cause they make me happy.
So! I've decided to share my favorites that I've found! Again these are my favorites and I just want more people to appreciate them!
Sakura Con 2016 - Ancientalia - Cos-Space Films || it's in 4 parts, this is literally my favorite group ever. My Germania is basically almost completely based of this cosplayer they have a Tumblr but It hasn't been updated since 2018 T^T
Ichibancon Hetalia Panel 2015 {Friday} - Amydiddle0317 || I'm not fond of Spain bc of reasons I've stated and am not rehashing, but I love the Spain cosplayer on this panel so much! They just seem like they're having so much fun. I like the Austria and Lithuania cosplayers too even though neither of them talk much.
Hetalia World Meeting - Cos-Space Films || what would happen if you stuck America and Russia with a list of topics they needed to ask the audience about to solve (also Scotland won't shut up)? Again it's really the fact that the cosplayers seem to be having fun that make the panel! (also RusAme shippers rejoice they kiss)
Hetalia: A Beautiful Improv P1/3 [Daisho Con 2015] - MuteZombie || THE DENMARK COSPLAYER I AM IN LOVE. like okay, I used to think they were cool, (still do) but every time I watch I'm just like??? Marry me??? Not to mention watching Iceland and America try to teach Scotland how to play flappy bird is the most amusing thing.
Sakura Con 2016 - Sealand's Folly - Cos-Space Films || ohohohoh Sealand wants to have a world meeting and accidentally brings people from the past? Oops? Kiev (of Kievan-Rus) wants nothing but revenge on Mongolia and Turkey for killing her parents. China isn't such an old man yet. 13 Colonies and New France keep having little squabbles and its adorable.
Sakura Con 2017 - Ancientalia - Cos-Space Films || not as good as 2016 but I have heart eyes for Dacia, I love her, Scandia deserves the world. Britannia asks Germania how many ex-girlfriends he has, he proceeds to list of Scandia, Brit, Aestii and Gaul and follow it up with "I love u all dearly" its so awkward I love it.
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libertariantaoist · 9 months
Here is your daily roundup of today's news:
News Roundup 9/27/2023
by Kyle Anzalone
US News
Senator Robert Menendez denied the allegations levied against him by the Department of Justice. Last week, a grand jury indicted the powerful Senator on bribery charges. Investigators found hundreds of thousands of dollars said to be payments to access the Senator’s influence. The Institute 
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin announced the US would increase its military ties with Kenya. Washington agreed to provide additional security assistance to Kenya after Nairobi agreed to lead a UN mission to Haiti. The Institute
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Monday that the first batch of US-made Abrams tanks have arrived in Ukraine, which are armed with toxic depleted uranium (DU) ammunition. AWC
The Biden administration on Monday announced a $2 billion loan for Poland that will go toward modernizing Warsaw’s military. AWC
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said Budapest was ending support for Kiev on international issues due to a 2017 Ukrainian law that limits the rights of Hungarians. The announcement comes as Ukraine’s support in Eastern Europe wanes, with Poland halting all weapons transfers to Kiev after President Volodymyr Zelensky criticized Warsaw. The Institute
Four American advanced fighter jets arrived in Romania and will begin conducting patrols over the Black Sea region, according to NATO. The deployment comes as Washington wages a proxy war against Moscow in Ukraine that has stretched into the Black Sea. The Institute
The commander of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet attended a Russian Defense Ministry video conference on Tuesday, a day after Ukraine claimed he was killed in a September 22 missile strike on the fleet’s headquarters in Sevastopol, Crimea. AWC
A senior US official told The Washington Post that the Biden administration is not pressuring Ukraine to hold elections, while some Western officials do want to see a wartime vote. AWC
A report from 60 Minutes that aired Sunday detailed how US taxpayer dollars are not only funding weapons in Ukraine but are also subsidizing small businesses and paying first responders salaries, among other things. AWC
Senate leaders on Tuesday announced they reached a deal on a stopgap funding bill that needs to be passed by September 30 to avert a partial government shutdown. The bill includes $6.2 billion for Ukraine and $6 billion for natural disasters. AWC
On Tuesday, the Kremlin said US-provided Abrams tanks in Ukraine will not impact Russia’s operations and will “burn” like other Western armored vehicles. AWC
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Tuesday that the Turkish parliament will ratify Sweden’s NATO membership as long as the US follows through on its plans to sell Turkey F-16 fighter jets. AWC
President Biden is hosting Pacific Island leaders for a second annual summit in Washington that’s part of his administration’s strategy to counter China in the Asia Pacific. AWC
The Philippines is taking steps to retake Scarborough Shoal, a disputed chain of rocks and reefs in the South China Sea that has been effectively controlled by China since 2012. AWC
Middle East
Israeli Tourism Minister Haim Katz arrived in Saudi Arabia on Tuesday for a UN conference, making him the first senior Israeli official to publicly visit the Kingdom, which comes as the US is pushing for a Saudi-Israeli normalization deal. AWC
After weeks of clashes between the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Arab tribesman aligned with Deir Ezzor Military Council (DEMC), the SDF has imposed a curfew following a resumption of fighting on Monday. These ethnic tensions are boiling over in eastern Syria’s Deir Ezzor province, illegally occupied by the US and its SDF partners, as the Arab majority resists Kurdish rule. The Institute
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usafphantom2 · 9 months
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The F-35 fighter, the most expensive weapons program in the world, has just become more expensive
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/04/22023 - 08:11am Military
The most expensive weapons program in the world - the U.S. F-35 fighter - has become even more expensive, according to a recent Pentagon report.
The program to develop and acquire the plane will cost a total of US$ 438 billion, an increase of US$ 26 billion over the last estimate a year ago, according to the new F-35 Selected Acquisition Report (RAE) released on Monday.
The 6.5% increase is actually relatively modest given the program's standards, which originally was $233 billion when Lockheed Martin Corp. won the contract in 2001.
"The cost data in question were determined after accounting for inflation" and the readjustment of the production plans of the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, which extend from 2044 to 2049, the program office said in a statement. The new estimate does not change the total number of planned aircraft, which includes 14 jets in development and 2,456 production models for the US, he said.
The so-called "unit cost of program acquisition" per jet, which includes development and production dollars when calculated in what budget analysts call inflation-adjusted "year" dollars, increased to US$ 179 million per jet, from US$ 166 million last year, according to the RAE.
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The $26 billion increase is equivalent to what Congress allocated under Ukraine's Security Assistance Initiative to support Kiev's fight against Russia's invasion. It is also approximately equivalent to this year's budget request for NASA, the space agency.
Separately, the Pentagon said that the F-35, which faced several delays, surpassed an important milestone last month when it completed testing in an advanced Pentagon simulator, spokesman Russell Goemaere said in a statement. The simulations were designed to determine whether the plane is up to the task of fighting the main Russian and Chinese air defenses and fighters, and their results counted on 42% of the evaluation required for an approval grade.
The test is part of the legally required evaluation before Lockheed, based in Bethesda, Maryland, can proceed with full production. Of a potential fleet of 3,000 or more F-35s to the U.S. and international customers, at least 965 were delivered. Many of them may need to be adapted based on the test results.
The F-35 was supposed to carry out the exercise of 64 missions in 2017, but was postponed for years due to unresolved technical problems in the installation of tests of the "Joint Simulation Environment", aggravated by the COVID pandemic. The Pentagon testing office plans to deliver its test report no later than 90 days after completion, but does not plan to publish an unclassified summary, it said.
Source: Bloomberg
Tags: Military AviationF-35 Lightning IILockheed Martin
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Daytona Airshow and FIDAE. He has work published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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naturalrights-retard · 3 months
Within just 24 hours of the horrific mass shooting in Moscow’s Crocus City Hall on March 22nd, which left at least 137 innocent people dead and 60 more critically wounded, US officials blamed the slaughter on ISIS-K, Daesh’s South-Central Asian branch.
For many, the attribution’s celerity raised suspicions Washington was seeking to decisively shift Western public and Russian government focus away from the actual culprits – be that Ukraine, and/or Britain, Kiev’s foremost proxy sponsor.
Full details of how the four shooters were recruited, directed, armed, and financed, and who by, are yet to emerge. The savage interrogation methods to which they have been, and no doubt continue to be subjected are concerned with prising this and other vital information from them. The killers may end up making false confessions as a result. In any event, they themselves likely have no clue who or what truly sponsored their monstrous actions.
Contrary to their mainstream portrayal, as inspired purely by religious fundamentalism, Daesh are primarily guns for hire. At any given time, they act at the behest of an array of international donors, bound by common interests. Funding, weapons, and orders reach its fighters circuitously, and opaquely. There is almost invariably layer upon layer of cutouts between the perpetrators of an attack claimed by the group, and its ultimate orchestrators and financiers.
Given ISIS-K is currently arrayed against China, Iran, and Russia – in other words, the US Empire’s primary adversaries – it is incumbent to revisit Daesh’s origins. Emerging seemingly out of nowhere just over a decade ago, before dominating mainstream media headlines and Western public consciousness for several years before vanishing, at one stage the group occupied vast swaths of Iraqi and Syrian territory, declaring an “Islamic State”, which issued its own currency, passports, and vehicle registration plates.
Devastating military interventions independently launched by the US and Russia wiped out that demonic construct in 2017. The CIA and MI6 were no doubt immensely relieved. After all, extremely awkward questions about how Daesh were comprehensively extinguished. As we shall see, the terror group and its caliphate did not emerge in the manner of lightning on a dark night, but due to dedicated, determined policy hatched in London and Washington, implemented by their spying agencies.
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laz2boo · 24 days
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Flow the Label Kiev Spring 2017
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socmod · 1 year
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Dear friends , We are happy to announce that ”Socialist Modernism in Poland”, the sixth photo album/digital guide of @_BA_CU ‘s planned series, is available in 800 copies. The photo album includes landmarks of socialist modernist architecture in Poland – from the 1950s to 1980s. B.A.C.U. Association explains socialist modernist tendencies, it presents – in color photographs – a functional image of the buildings and their often original elements that synthesize local culture and traditions, while bringing you up to date with their current state of conservation. At the beginning of the book, a map shows the location of each of the buildings described. The 76 socialist modernist landmarks included in this volume have been organized by function, into five sections. The book contains the authors’ view on Poland modernist architecture. Print run 800 Pages 192 +1 Spread/ POLAND-SOC MOD Map Polish and English Size 26×28.5 cm Weight 1.25 kg Designed and published by @_BA_CU Association Those who are interested in #SocialistModernism are able to order the book on 👉🏻 @fdestribute @FuDeshopAmazon 👈🏻distributor page, (Link in our profile👆🏻) ; link: http://fdestribute.com/fdshop/ or AMAZON: https://www.amazon.de/dp/6069509757/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=socialist+modernism+poland&qid=1620899437&sr=8-1 (Shipping worldwide with DHL) #SocialistModernism #_BA_CU 1. PKP Warszawa Powiśle, (former ticket booth) Warsaw, Poland,1954-1963, Architects Arseniusz Romanowicz, Piotr Szymaniak 3. PKP Warszawa Ochota (Warszawa Ochota railway station) Warsaw, Poland,1963. Architects Arseniusz Romanowicz and Piotr Szymaniak. 5. Former furniture store pavilion “Emilia”, Warsaw, Poland, (1960-1970) Demolished in 2017 Architect: Marian Kuźniar and Czesław Wegner 7. Orthopedic-Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital, Poznań, Poland,1963-70 architect: Waldemar Preis, Maria Waschko 8. PKP Warszawa Powiśle, Warsaw, Poland,1954-1963, Architects Arseniusz Romanowicz, Piotr Szymaniak 9. Kino Kijow (Kiev Cinema) Krakow, Poland,1960-65, Architect: Witold Cęckiewicz 10. Hotel Forum. Krakow, Poland,1978-1989 Architect Janusz Ingarden. (c) BACU https://www.instagram.com/p/COzwKdts3B8/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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