#Kimihiro Arata
kanzakls · 6 years
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shsl survivors’ society aesthetics: kimihiro arata; former shsl DJ, killer
"but, you know, i think that’s why i fell for you in the first place.”
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aki-chan2014 · 6 years
BEFORE I PASS OUT AND FORGET - 5C, 1D, 4G, 1J, AND 3M Fr koutarou and (if thats not too many lol) 2X, 1W, 3Q, 5O, and 5L for kimihiro? if thats too many tho u can just do the ones for koutarou 👍
Sure thing!
(Note: Please excuse if this ends up having typos and I post it incomplete, currently it is thundering outside despite it being sunny and I am just o.O. Speaking of which, to the three anons who also sent me asks for this thing I will do them tomorrow because again, I am now very confused)
Koutarou Ueda
1D (How would they decorate a house if they have one in their name?) : In an everything’s-fine-and-nobody-dies AU, I’d say probably fairly simply, mostly neutral colours and simple shapes for the furniture. With that being said, it wouldn’t be austere or overly show-room like, it’d look like a place that would be lived in, but it wouldn’t be fussy and over-decorated. There’d be splashes of personality and colour here and there though-a couple of  photographs of Chieko (and her family, maybe), his mother, grandparents, on the mantelpiece and in the bedroom, simple tasteful prints on the wall in the hallway, a few random trinkets here and there (gifts from Chieko and of his mother, maybe even from other friends). If living with Chieko, it’d be similar, but more colour-there’d be flowers in vases in quite a few places, she’d try for some pieces of colourful furniture, if they had kids together there would 100% be colourful magnets holding up kids pictures on the fridge and all that jazz.
In an AU where Koutarou survived, and Chieko didn’t, I think his house/flat would be a lot more austere. I mean, decorating wise it’s much the same as above, but he’d have far less of the colourful touches, if any at all. And though he wouldn’t have a family shrine for her as such (because that’s something that’s for her family to have and it’d feel like he’s trying to compete with their grief), there’d be a small cupboard or shelf or something set over with a photo of her and maybe a few flowers in a jam jar (which he’d take care of religiously).
1J (What brings them the most joy in the world?): Chieko, mainly. A lot of it he’d view as contagion, because she gets joyful about a lot, it’s hard not to even feel a little bit of it. And he does enjoy being in her company in general anyway. I think he also gets joy when he does well in something he’s worked hard at, whether that be academic, physical, whatever. Though particularly with the latter, it’s a very quiet sense of joy, one he’d label more as satisfaction.
3M (Would they be a good parent?) : Oh, definitely. He’d definitely be a quieter sort of parent, the steadying influence type. His love for his child(ren) may not be obvious from an outsiders’ view given he’s not very effusive , but it would very much be there in the way he’d watch over them, the quiet tone of pride that sneaks into his voice every time he talks about them, and just his actions in general. I can kind of picture him reading stories at night and then making up his own, being happy to let his kids play under his desk while he studies towards becoming a doctor or deals with paperwork or whatever, quietly going in to watch them as they sleep, , putting in loads of effort to make them a special treehouse, that kinda thing. One caveat would be that he would probably coddle them a little, be very protective, especially if they end up looking more like him, given his own experiences of bullying from being mixed. But yeah, he’d be a good parent.
4G (What part of them do they like and dislike): Hmmmm. I could see him disliking his skin colour sometimes as a result of his childhood, though the feeling really only makes itself known after particularly. But generally I’d say he’s rather apathetic about his body. As long as it’s not diseased and dirty, and as long as he’s presentable, then it’s not like his appearance matters.Personality wise, he likes that he knows when to brush off things and when to not let them slide, and he likes to be kind and protective when he can-but he dislikes he’s not great as being open about this.
5C (Who is the best at comforting them when down?): Chieko.
Kimihiro Arata
1W (Do they drink enough water?): Yeah, he’s generally good at taking care of his health. Not perfect, he might forget during long concerts and things like that, but he doesn’t get to the point of dehydrating completely.
2X (Do they have a favorite song?): Not particularly, he likes a lot of music, it’d be hard for him to pick one.
3Q (Do they answer questions that make them feel uncomfortable?): He would certainly give it a good attempt as he’s easygoing enough for that, but after a point he’d probably just attempt to laugh it off and politely decline to answer.
5L (What is their favorite food?): Nothing in particular, but to me he’s very much the snack food and milkshakes type.
5O (Were they always optimistic?): Pretty much, yeah. When it comes to his problematic ventures into love, when it’s really properly over his optimism is pretty shaken, but he bounces back from it well enough, and then he falls in love again and it starts over….But generally speaking, he’s always been an optimist.
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beanssschan-blog · 7 years
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So what is up with these cute guys with the short black hair and glasses...
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Ships you will die for?
Hi, I love this question!!
I would die for so much ships? In canon, I’d probably happily die for IsshiNene, EtsuNe and ReMea!! Also I would die defending SouMegu and loving Sorina. TakuMegu. ALSO OF COURSE RYOALI!!!!! 
If we talk about oc wise there’s… so much ships I would die for
@muggleinvidbuay I really ship Sole & Lisa and Kenji & Umi??? I WOULD DIE FOR THESE TWO SHIPS!!
Also my ships with Lea so far?? HANARU AND RYORI? Would die for them too!! LIKE I WOULD TAKE A BULLET FOR THEM
Also there’s like a pair with another friend which I ship but watch me jump out the window because I’m screaming internally because I don’t know how to say it
I would also personally die for my own ships like TeruSae, YuZuya and TatsuMi okay? TakaRu, YuRiku and TaNami? I WILL DIE 
I’m probably missing a lot of ships and these are only a portion. Being real I’d die for all the ships of my friends and my own, but I had to do some special mentions kjbdfg
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aki-chan2014 · 7 years
The SHSL Survivors' Society: Class 78 birthdays
I mentioned I would do this at the end of Scraps of the Past 10, so here it is. The numbers in brackets are the ages they were when they started at Hope's Peak-the ages I would have been given in the forms for each character. So, anyway, here it is:
Koutarou Ueda-20th April (17) Hibiki Kazama-6th June (17) Akira Kazama-6th June (17) Wakana Abe-21st June (17) Hokuto Nanto-7th July (17) Shiro Usami-23rd July (17) Hironori Nobunaga-28th July (18) Kimihiro Arata-3rd September (17) Erica Cain-31st October (17) Tyson De Guerre-11th November (17) Chieko Akamine-25th November (16) Hideki Inoue-19th December (17) Kanekatsu Iwafusa-21st December (17) Nobuyuki Oshiro-21st December (18) Daisuke Ueno-1st March (17) Yashiro Tsukishima-13th March (16) Noriko Edano-14th March (17) Masashi Kita-26th March (17)
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