celticcatgirl2 · 1 year
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“No no you’re supposed to hold it like THIS….”
“No man I’ve seen my mom do it 1,000 times it’s like THIS!!!!”
“Uh Honey…who’s telling the truth here?”
“Oh neither of them are right but I’m not going to correct them this is too funny to watch…”
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kazaanaxtaijiya · 11 months
Lazy Sunday Morning 🌄
Soooo... I didn't manage to finish out Mirsan Week completely 😭, BUT I did want to at least contribute one last short Fluff piece for the last day. Plus, it only seemed fitting for a Sunday 😜
Written for @loveofmirsan Day 7 Linens - a lazy Sunday morning with the Mirsan clan (including a slight nod to the Yashahime manga). Also, a Tumblr Exclusive.
Rating: G for General Audiences
Tags: Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Domestic, Family Fluff 😋
As the first rays of morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, Miroku's consciousness began to stir, feeling the warmth of the bed and the softness of the linen sheets. His gaze naturally fell upon his slumbering wife, her peaceful form serenely nestled beside him.
A tender smile tugged at his lips as he admired her beauty. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close and nuzzling his face into the crook of her neck, savoring the sweet scent that was uniquely hers. His hand instinctively found its way to her swollen belly, caressing it with gentle affection as he feels the life growing within her, a profound connection that fills him with awe and gratitude.
His movements eventually roused her from her slumber, her eyes fluttering open to feel her husband holding her close. A soft, drowsy smile curved her lips as she found herself wrapped in his loving embrace. "Good morning, Hoshisama," she murmured her nickname for him, her voice still husky with sleep.
"Good morning, my dear Sango," Miroku whispered, his voice laced with affection.
He leaned in to give his wife a kiss only to be interrupted by a sudden but gentle kick against his hand. He chuckled, "Good morning to you too, little one." Miroku laid a soft kiss on Sango's belly before planting a kiss on her lips.
In the quiet intimacy of the morning, they laid intertwined in the soft linen sheets, basking in each other's warmth. Time seemed to slow as they exchanged soft kisses and whispered words of endearment to each other.
Just as the peacefulness began to settle, the sound of little footsteps echoed outside their bedroom door. Their twin girls, Kin'u and Gyokuto, bursted into their bedroom, their laughter filling the air while their eyes widened in delight as they spotted their parents.
"Hahaue! Chichiue!" they exclaimed in unison, their voices filled with innocent enthusiasm. They clambered onto the bed, joining their parents in their loving cocoon.
"Good morning, my dears," Miroku said, his voice brimming with affection as he smiled at his daughters who shared their mother's gorgeous brown hair and eyes. "Did you sleep well?"
The girls nodded eagerly, their eyes sparkling with excitement. "I dreamt that Kirara was huge and could fly! She flew us through the clouds on her back!" Kin'u exclaimed, her imagination taking flight about their family cat.
Gyokuto giggled, bouncing up and down on the bed. "I had a dream that Chichiue and Hahaue were battling a giant monster and won! You were like superheroes!"
Kin'u and Gyokuto, suddenly noticed where their father's hand rested and crawled closer, their curious eyes fixated on Sango's growing belly. "Is the baby awake, Hahaue?" Kin'u asked, her voice filled with wonder.
Sango nodded, a soft glow of happiness emanating from within her as she watched her husband's hand be quickly replaced by two sets of smaller hands.
Gyokuto's face lit up with wonder. "Hello, little sibling," she whispered, her voice filled with sibling adoration. "We can't wait to play with you and teach you all the fun things we know!"
Just as they reveled in the embrace of their family, a soft babble filled the air, drawing their attention to the youngest member of their clan. Hisui stood by the bed, his indigo eyes filled with wonder and curiosity. With small, unsteady steps, he toddled closer to the bed, his face lighting up with a radiant smile.
Sango's heart melted at the sight of her son who, unlike her daughters, shared a striking resemblance to their father with his darker hair and deep blue eyes. Miroku reached out to gather him into his arms, pulling him onto the bed and into their family's loving embrace.
With the family now complete, they reveled in the loving chaos that their lazy Sunday morning had become. Laughter, playful banter, and tender moments filled the room as they exchanged stories, tickles, and warm embraces.
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Loosely character interview
by the author, Chisato Abe *
* One of the features of the fan book is Chisato Abe’s imagined interview with the main actors of “The Raven Doesn’t Choose Its Master.” (The translation is very rough, so apologies if you find mistakes.) Illustrations are done by Matsuzaki Natsumi, the princesses have also been “interviewed.” (Perhaps in the coming days, it’ll be their turn.)
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He will be the next Kin’u in Yamauchi. The child of the sun (the crown prince).
How do you feel now that you have returned to Yamauchi for the first time in a long time? As I was away for a long time, I couldn't escape the opposition of the Imperial Court. Well, I'm just prepared.
Are there some side servants planning to come? It would seem so. I'm sure I’ll be able to build a good relationship with them.
Wakamiya, according to Ms Abe: He’s the main character of the first volume’s main story. He’s the Crown Prince, but has hardly a good reputation. He has a Furaibo temperament. (風来坊 - vagabond, wanderer. A person who wanders from place to place without a fixed home: one leading a vagabond life.) … His hobby is cooking and is also good at making sweets. Maybe he’s not suitable for political struggle because of his unique personality.
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The “blockhead” second son of the governor/chief of the Taruha Village Yukimasa and an Imperial Court servant to Wakamiya.
How do you feel now that you have been selected as his personal attendant? I'm surprised and afraid that it's so sudden.
Are you looking forward to serving him? I think it's an honourable role.
Are you looking forward to it? I'm fucking looking forward to it. Can I go home now?
Yukiya, according to Ms Abe: The main character of the second volume’s main story, “I'm not a beautiful boy. I'm pretending to be a kind-hearted person, but I’ve been scolded a lot because I don't like to lose.” Still there’s his nature of being sweet. “Somehow, I was born and raised as a young master. And I always think of my family back home.”
Lord Natsuka
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From the southern family, the eldest son of the current Empress. Wakamiya's older brother.
What do you think of your brother? Even though he's my younger brother, one should swear loyalty to him. I will serve him with all my heart.
Rumour has it that you are thinking of recapturing the throne? No way (lol). By the way, who told you that?
Natsuka, according to Ms Abe: According to the book, he was supposed to be the king quickly, but various things happened and he gave up the position for his brother. He ignored his own will and the people around him, who became heated up in the power struggle, so he had to do his best to get along with it. He loves his brother! Maybe he himself has a moderately ruler-oriented personality. There are wrinkles between his eyebrows, but he’s quite honest.
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Wakamiya's only escort. A warrior who graduated from Keisouin Academy at the top of the class.
How is it to be Wakamiya’s escort? It's an honour for me.
Sumio-domo is a commoner, isn't he? Why was he selected? I wonder if you paid attention to the results of the Keisoin Academy.
Do you have a girlfriend? Huh? Why, all of a sudden?
Sumio, according to his creator, Chisato Abe: A good young man who came from the commoner class, but is forced to live the hard way ever since he’s become friends with Wakamiya, who he found wandering for some unknown reasons. A hard-working individual who has a good head, personality, and good motor skills, but doesn't have much luck.
Sometimes, I think when I’d exhausted their canon stories, it’d be interesting to put them in an alternate universe where these characters could move in a modern setting. I love them. I think it could work.
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烏は主を選ばない-[A Raven Does not choose its master]: Outside world through Inner lenses (Non-spoiler Free review)
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“The world isn't in your books and maps, it's out there.”-J.R.R Tolkien
On the last episode I feel it’s emptiness and yet it’s beauty as we close with Yukiya acknowledging Wakamiya as his master- you may wonder why I chose the subtitle- similar to an episode in the second half of the series, while I praised the first half for its tasty court drama, the second half zooms out to the world of Yamauchi, and it’s conflicts which affect its intriguing characters which made me proclaim the best series I watched to date (well alongside Fullmetal Alchemist, Fruits Basket, Dororo and Mononoke), and since we reached its conclusion, I would love to go to an in-depth review on this hidden gem since I touched it so briefly in my previous review (And yes I get to read the manga so yes, I got a different outlook of that gorgeous series.)
(FYI I am hiding this behind, in case you do not like to get spoiled by the plot points)
The 1st half is painted on the inside world of the Yamauchi-the court; ministers conspiring on court affairs, 4 consorts in their ‘bird-cage’ Sakura palace, fighting with one another to win the Kin’u’s hand. And those close to these noble court feeling the tidal wave of its affections, similar to every court intrigue drama which I thought of The Tale of Genji in my head.
We see two persons that are entwined to the ‘court’ world- Asebi (The Eastern consort); naive and kind- entering a glided world where she unfortunately holding little straws to the cut-throat inner world of Sakura Palace; and Yukiya-a ‘blockhead’ from Taruhi Village- a prominent point in the North prefecture; whom by unusual circumstances is called to serve Nazukihiko (I.E Wakamiya), a true Golden Raven (I.E the Kin’u), which it is emphasised through interactions between the clever Yukiya and the mysterious Wakamiya.
I would say navigating through a complex maze of court intrigue proves to be tantalising to me, because no one expect any moment of each character’s intakes whenever it was the stern Lord Natsuka, the strong-willed nature of Hamayuu or Atsufusa- one of Natsuka’s followers. You are introduced to backthroat court world, at a flip of a coin, he could either be a great ally or a cunning enemy that is willing to stuff a chicken in your robes to pretend you are stabbed by a burly bodyguard (Looking at you Atsufusa), having the two anchors which are Asebi-a kind-hearted consort with no allies holding this line out from Tennesse Williams -'A Streetcar Named Desire' (I will always depend on the kindness of strangers) energy, a moth intrigued by the bright blinding lights.
and Yukiya whose battle with his own conflicts of identity and purpose, both plunged into a world where facades are not what it seems and one must keep its toes up in order to survive.
You may wonder about who shall be his consort, well- it was an unexpected choice. Neverthless that twist of Aesbi on the end of the consort selection contest haunted our minds, which I am still reeling over- a beautiful flower that hid rot within her core (I need to mention that I wish to see the Empress' reaction on knowing Asebi's evil intentions to be animated because when I read the manga, it would be delightful but I see why it is edited out due to pacing purposes)
With the choice of the consort out of our mind, we pave for the second half, which Yukiya went home for a brief moment after a year in service in court. If the 1st half of Raven is about the inner politics; the 2nd half sees a world beyond the confines of Yamauchi- which make the selection ceremony a minor ripple in the pond , as always you are always keep up to your toes with our characters and its motives- expect it is no longer inner conflicts of ladies who desire Wakamiya’s hand with their courtly backstories. Instead we follow a young girl Koume who survived a village massacre and the rumours of a drug that cause its residents to go berserk.
You may think that we, like Yukiya can rest on our laurels on this case- however it went much deeper like the medicine that circulate the veins, this second half is when I fell truly in love with its series- because the real meat is here, a sheltered bubble threatened to burst. It is never what it seen, we explored the seedier areas only briefly explored on the 1st half, where the threat rippled at every crevice, which we hold our suspicions on Koume's truth if she is the carrier of the drug. As always- it is not a simple incident that concidently built up overnight, akin to a full course meal, with intriguing flavours, each moment enchant a truth or hide a lie, and Yukiya despite being jaded from witnessing the court’s cruel acts especially on Asebi, changing from a stubborn boy who desired to protect his small village, to a loyal and steadfast ally to Wakamiya, carrying the burden to protect his folk, his change proves to be gradual which made the last episode which he call himself a 'lowly servant' impactful.
I would say the Wisteria Arrows scenes are my favourite because the choice of music and animation made these scenes haunting, and tangible that someday that bubble could break anytime.
In the end, we no longer see Yukiya as charming “blockhand”, but as a young man with his eyes open upon the world that is beyond, it is a cyclical change for all characters, and in the end, akin to that Tolkien quote; the world is not simply written in books or whispered by scheming court officials but expanded through different lenses, neither good or evil, but layers of grey that one must journey.
If there is a flaw- is that the court intrigue drags a little longer and it may pull people off, which I can guarantee- it is not,it is a pity that it really flew under the radar among the packed anime season (BTW I did not follow much), because the plot and characters proves to be intriguing with unexpected twists and all.
I really hope for a Season 2, with that post-credit scene; I would love to dive to the world of Yamauchi again following Yukiya's devotion to the Prince, in the meantime I am going to try to catch up the manga with the translated scans, as much as I can (I actually finished A Raven of All Seasons Manga which dealt the 1st half of the series, and I tell you, it is soooo good)
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maomao9jinshi · 3 months
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I need you. I will soon be kin’u in name as well as fact. I want you to stay here and aid me. Of your own free will this time.”🥹🫶🏻
烏は主を選ばない #yatagarasu
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hanmajoerin · 1 year
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A/N: The best way to follow up @inukag-week is to follow it up with more InuKag. This chapter didn’t quite fit any of the themes this year, so I held off on posting. I’m so glad I finished this though. It’s been a long time coming—plus, I can focus on the final installment. I hope you’ll enjoy reading chapter two of One Day With You. (Everyone please send me inspirational vibes so I can give you chapter three ASAP.)
Chapter 2: She’ll Talk if She Wants to
The spring air filtered freely through the window, and sunlight traced lazy lines on Kagome’s checkered skirt while a kettle smothered the orange flames in the center of the Kaede’s hut. When they were on their journey to defeat Naraku, Kagome hadn’t appreciated the comely nature of these types of fire, but three years ago the high school graduate never imagined missing them. 
“Kohaku says he doesn’t like coming by, but he and Kirara still visit all the time. I know they’ll be so excited to see you again,” Sango said, idly combing her fingers through her daughters’ hair. Three years ago, Kagome’d listen to Sango talk about Kohaku, but it was never like this. Now there wasn’t any strain in her voice—the palpable weight she carried for him was gone. 
“I’m so glad to hear they’re doing well! Especially Kohaku,” Kagome replied, smiling softly as she caught Kin’u yawning. The twins, whom Kagome learned were named Kin’u and Gyokuto, hadn’t shared the same excitement as she did hearing Sango gush over their uncle. Instead, they’d taken to resting their heads on their mother’s thighs. They used their small hands to pillow these full, healthy cheeks that Kagome couldn’t get over. 
In doing this, the twins became mirror images of their younger brother, Hisui, who’d already fallen asleep secured to his father’s back. Being parents looked so natural for Miroku and Sango, and Kagome knew there was no other way for her to meet them again. 
“Enough about us, though,” Sango waved off, “I want to hear about you.” ... Read the Complete Chapter on Archive of Our Own or Fanfiction.net. And if you’re new to the story, check out the first chapter on Archive of Our Own or Fanfiction.net.
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eliza-faust-diary · 1 year
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Daddy’s heiress. Kin’u redraw.
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avionvadion · 10 months
Me looking at the angst thing about baby Sora: Oh, oh, dear. How is RIN gonna handle Irene leaving? Because I feel like Irene being with her will have been a great help to her transitioning to village life after Kaede pushed for Sesshomaru to leave Rin in the village. And Rin’s terrified of losing people. Just oh, oh dear.
I wanna say they’d be in the village for about a year before it happens, seeing as Kin’u and Gyokuto are already born, so Rin would already be living with Kaede and learning medicine. She’d have already adjusted fairly well- especially since there are a lot of friendly demons in the village and Toran would have practically taken Rin under her wing since Irene is fond of her.
I think Rin wouldn’t know what’s going on until after Irene has already left to hide with the Wolf Demon Tribe, but once she does she gonna be looking at everyone (mostly Miroku, since he’s the one who planted the bad thought (however unintentional, since it was driven from concern) like they’re idiots.
Rin: “Why would Lord Sesshomaru ever hurt Big Sister? He loves her! Lord Sesshomaru always goes out of his way to take care of her!”
Inuyasha: “Yeah, he likes HER. Not to so much the half-demon growing inside of her right now.”
Rin: “…Wait, Big Sister and Lord Sesshomaru are having a baby!??? WHY WOULD SHE RUN AWAY, LORD SESSHOMARU WOULD BE REALLY HAPPY TO HEAR ABOUT THIS.”
Miroku: “Are we sure the Sesshomaru you’re thinking of is the same Sesshomaru we’re thinking of???”
Rin: “Lord Sesshomaru is much kinder than you know!!! Now where is Big Sister hiding!? Lord Sesshomaru needs to know!”
Inuyasha: “We ain’t tellin’ you squat, kid.”
(Alsjskskks okay now imagine Rin overhears them (probably MirSan) talking about the wolf demons and has Kohaku borrow Kirara so they can find Sesshomaru to let him know where Irene (and Sora) are.)
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legofanguy1999 · 10 months
This is a entry for day 28 and day 29 of @inuvember event Inuvember 2023. This is a modern day AU featuring my fan Inukag children.
The alarm clock wake up Kagome, causing her to open her eyes. Getting up, she head to the bathroom to take her morning shower as her husband groan that he has wake up. The white hair man stretched his head as he start to open his eyes.
In his bedroom, fifteenth years old Akio get up from bed and start getting dressed, putting on his school uniform.
Kagome open the bedroom to see her fifteen years old daughter Moroha still sleeping in bed. Kagome feel a bit annoyed at her daughter laziness and she shout, “MOROHA, GET UP!” The black hair girl got surprised awake that she fall off of her bed. Moroha quickly got up and said, “Okay, okay, mom. Good morning to you too.”
Thirteen years old Izayo peek out of her bedroom and ask her mother, “Mom, I hear yelling. Is everything okay?” Kagome reply, “Yeah. I have to get your lazy older sister out of bed. Please get dressed, honey. You got a school day today.” Izayo close the door of her bedroom as Kagome head downstairs to get breakfast ready.
After his shower, Inuyasha start getting dressed for the work day as he hear his family getting their breakfast outside.
Akio, Moroha, and Izayo are having a quick morning meal while the younger of the kids, twin eight years old boys Haru and Atsugi, get cereal as Kagome work in the kitchen.
Haru and Atsugi grab their bowls of cereal and were about to run off to the living room until Kagome catch them in time and said, “Hold it right there! You two know not to bring food in the living room.”
The kids get their school supplies and backpacks and then head out of the door to their parents cars. Akio, Moroha, and Izayo get in Inuyasha’s car, while Kagome get the boys in her car.
Inuyasha drop Akio and Moroha off at the high school they go to, with Inuyasha saying to his twins, “You two have a good day at school today!” Inuyasha then drive off to Izayo’s school. The twins head inside while other students are entering as well.
Once they reach Izayo’s middle school, Inuyasha said to his daughter as she get off, “Alright, have a good day at school, Izayo! I love you!” Izayo said back, “I love you too, dad!” Inuyasha then drive to his work.
Kagome drop Haru and Atsugi off at their elementary school.
Arriving at the nursing home where she works, Kagome parks her car and head inside. She find the staff room and changed in her nurse clothes.
Kagome find Kaede, the 80s old woman she is taking care of, in her bedroom, looking out in the window. Kaede has some traumatic events since the Americans’ bombing in World War II which made Kaede lost her right eye. Kaede turn to Kagome and said, “Big sister.” It is a bit sad for Kagome that Kaede think she is her older sister Kikyo.
In high school, Akio and Moroha head to their home rooms. In her home room, Moroha meet her friends Kin’u and Gyokuto.
In her middle school, Izayo meet with her friend Hisui and her cousins Towa and Setsuna.
After school is over, Akio and Moroha walk home, with the black hair girl saying, “I’m glad that school is done.”
At home, the kids get ready for the most hard part of school ever, homework.
Kagome said to Moroah, “Here, let me help.” The mother look at her elder daughter’s homework while saying, “Let’s see....” only to get overwhelmed with the problems as Kagome think to herself, ‘Oh my kama. This changed from my high school years. Maybe that changed it, or maybe I just suck at it after so long. I don’t know if I can...’ Worried, Inuyasha ask his wife, “Kagome, are you okay?” Kagome reply, “I just need a nap.” Kagome then lay down on the couch as Moroha quickly said, “Maybe we have too much homework for one night.”
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Gyokuto and Kin’u (aka the MirSan children with actual rights)
Ahh, remember when Kin’u didn’t show up in the series for a while and a bunch of worms-for-brains started accusing Sunrise of killing her off so like, Towa and Setsuna could be the only twins in the show or whatever the fuck?
The Inuyasha fandom is so fucking dumb
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celticcatgirl2 · 11 months
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“Wow Mom!!!”
“You’re sooo cool!!! I want to be you when I grow up!!!!”
“Let me let you in on a little secret girls..want to be your mother when I grow up too…”
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heynikkiyousofine · 2 years
Nov. 9th, 2022 November InuPrompts: Childhood
My Children’s Childhood
read me on ao3
“How much farther?” Tiny legs struggled to keep up with his father’s as they walked the rocky path, a steep climb to a distant temple.
“Not too much longer, son.” He chuckled, holding out his free hand for him to take. Smiling, Miroku gripped his palm tightly, admiring the comforting jingle of the staff. They had been traveling for almost three full days now, his muscles burning with overuse, but he was determined to show his father that he was capable of being a strong, young man.
Not understanding why they were leaving home, along with all of his friends, Miroku remained silent, but observant. Every so often, he would wake from a nap, or stop mid bite and glance over while his father wasn’t looking, only to see the older man staring at his right hand. Wanting to know what was going on, he bit his lip and looked up, curiosity overshadowing his fear.
“Father, may I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why do you keep staring at your hand?” At his question, his father squeezed Miroku’s gently. He watched him take a deep breath before picking him up in his arms. At five years old, this was Miroku’s favorite place to be and he snuggled up against his father’s chest, ready to hear what he had to say.
“Do you remember the story I told about your grandfather?”
“Yes!” He smiled at his father’s chuckle. “He battled against a demon Naraku, who gave him the wind tunnel and that was passed down to you before he died.”
“Very good, Miroku.” Miroku felt his father’s arms hold him tighter as he continued, “Unfortunately, that wind tunnel will be passed down to you when I pass, but should you defeat the evil man, it would cease to exist.”
“I promise I will!”
“I have no doubt that you will, however I did not tell you how your grandfather died, as I will soon.”
“S-soon?” Miroku’s heart skipped a beat, a frown marring his features. “How soon?”
“One’s death is only known by the gods, but I’m afraid it might be sooner than I have realized.” They came to the top of the hill, a large temple across a field, surrounded by a forest of trees.
“Woah.” Miroku breathed, aweing at the sight. Their temple back home was modest compared to this one. “Is that why we are visiting your friend, Mushin?”
“Yes son, it is. Now, before we go greet my old teacher, just know I love you very much.” His father smiled, giving Miroku a hug, but the child knew something was wrong. Clutching his worn purple rob tightly, they headed off towards the new place he would call home.
“Miroku?” His wife called, her voice soft as their twin girls slept between them. Shaking out of his stupor, he smiled softly at her, his eyes tired as it had been a long day.
“Yes, dear Sango?”
“I just wanted to see if you had fallen asleep sitting like that.” She giggled.
“Ah no, I was just thinking back on a memory.” He mused, glancing down at Kin’u, brushing a dark lock away from her nose. When his wife didn’t respond, he knew she was waiting to see if he would explain. “I was thinking about the last good memory I have with my father.”
“You rarely speak of him, except the few times about his death.” She whispered.
“I do not remember much to be honest, he was not around for most of my childhood, even before his passing.” He shrugged.
“Tell me about the good one.” He smiled, grateful for Sango’s kind understanding and proceeded to tell her, laughing softly at his childish reactions to things. “It seems he cared about you.”
“I have no doubt he didn’t. He brought me to Mushin because he cared so much, but it is more of his absence that bothers me.”
“Because of the wind tunnel.” She stated and he nodded.
“I just am grateful we defeated Naraku, with the help of our friends, before we found ourselves having a family.” He sighed, reaching down to pull up the blanket Gyokuto kicked off in her sleep. Sango reached over, placing her hand atop his, understanding and agreeing. They settled themselves on their futon, sleep gradually overcoming them and Miroku’s final thought before succumbing was a vow to give his children the best life they could imagine.
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@blairex​ ; @mamabearcat​ ; @enchantedink-ag​ ; @splendentgoddess​ ; @mandirox89​ ; @sailorlolo​ ; @mustardyellowsunshine​ ; @hny-moroha​ ; @knittingknots​ ; @yukinon-writes​ ; @clearwillow​ ; @keichanz​ ; @serial-doubters-club​ ; @malditamigs​ ; @zelink-inukag​ ; @shinidamachu​ ; @bonny2323​ ; @banksdelivers​ ; @that-one-nerdy-gal​ ; @sarahk21​ ; @dchelyst​ ; @anisaanisa​ ; @lavendertwilight89​ ; @otaku-108​ ; @sailorbabydoll92​ ; @inukagbot​ ; @queerkagome​ ; @bluehawaiicat​ ; @chit-a-to​ ; @liz8080​ ; @lightmidnight​ ; @shikonstar​ ; @soliska​ ; @sometimes-icanstillhear-sitboy​
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His Favourite: Fragments
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Written once again for @flashfictionfridayofficial using the prompt #FFF260 fear is a sickness as prompt. There could be spoilers if you haven’t seen the 13th episode.
Fandom: Yatagarasu: The Raven Does Not Choose Its Master
Characters: Wakamiya/Nazukihiko/Crown Prince/Golden Raven/Kin’u, Yukiya, Hamayu/Sakura-hime/Sakura, mentions of Sumio, Lady Azusa, Lord Genya
Word count: 1090
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“IF you want to die, then you can do that all by yourself. I will not stand here idle for your assassins to kill you.”
Yukiya then poised to leave the courtyard, nudged his horse, and flew away.
“We will meet again. I know it,” Wakamiya said shortly before the boy’s departure feeling so sure of himself.
“In your dreams, maybe. I am not planning to come back here at all,” the boy faced his master as if forgetting something. “Of course, everything will be different if you decide to give up your claim to the throne. Let your brother Lord Natsuka rule for they want him. Then I promise I will be yours forever… to serve you.”
Wakamiya’s breath hitched for a second.
Yukiya never thought of it much: the longer he stayed with his young master, the easier it was to love him.
But when he thought of the downside of serving Wakamiya, he never longed to be a part of a farce they called the imperial court with so many schemers wanting to get ahead of each other by stomping everyone’s feet.
Yet, deep inside, the Crown Prince only had to say the word and Yukiya would fold at once.
“I know it because I am a kin’u. One day I will ask for you and you will come back to me.”
Yukiya gaped at Wakamiya as if he grew horns over his head. He stood there not moving but focused his eyes on the prince. The whole time Sumio was only waiting for his cue after His Highness stopped him earlier from interrupting the boy’s tirade.
“I am saying this because I worry about you. I do not want you to die.” Pain etched on Yukiya’s face.
A kumquat flew in the air. Yukiya caught the candied fruit with his right hand and looked grumpily at his now former young master. Wakamiya in turn fixed his gaze on the boy longer than he had intended to do until he vanished from his sight. A final goodbye at the moment.
“Sit down, Your Highness! You make me more than scared than I should be,” Hamayu poured sake on her cup and downed it at once eyeing at her husband.
Wakamiya circled the open hearth in the middle of the vast room of the study, unmoored, confused, and agitated. He should not have given his permission in the first place. Guards were watching the Sunrise Palace preventing him to leave. Even Sumio threatened to break his leg if he tried to escape from his chamber. There was a coup happening in the Northern Territory and His Serene Lord Genya and his entire family were in the middle of it. The rebels took hostage of his grandson, Lord Kiei, and his wife and their two children ages 4 and 7. Yukiya was rumoured to be imprisoned somewhere outside of the city when he, despite Wakamiya’s protestations, returned to visit his family in Taruhi then decided to join his grandfather’s force to quell the uprising. When Sumio came back to report what happened, he was devastated. He knew that it would come to this. Years ago, he had a premonition. Yukiya graduated at the top of the class from Keisoin Academy and there were plans to celebrate it at the palace, a special ceremony only for him. But as days and hours went by the idea of postponing it was imminent. The young man’s hardships began now.
“Would you let me suffer here too, Hamayu?” The Crown Prince asked his spouse, his face and no doubt, his heart, was in anguish as well. The Golden Raven was supposed to be above it all, but fear was a sickness of the heart.
She stared at him with her huge blue eyes that reminded him of the young man he should have welcomed in a few days but would not be able to. Sighing, she touched his thin, yet strong, shoulders. The Sakura-hime had not seen her husband so down that it broke her heart seeing him like this. He claimed that he did not have feelings, or that his love for all Yatagarasu was equal, but it was clear that as the soul of the youngest son of the head family, he had. And it was clear who his favourite was.
“Go ahead, Nazukihiko, I will manage it from here,” Hamayu squeezed his hands and kissed his lips signalling her assent.
That afternoon a handsome young lady was seen leaving the Sunrise Palace with her dainty feet as if she were floating then vanished into thin air.
When Wakamiya found Yukiya, he was unconscious. The face bloodied and swollen from the beatings, the young man’s long reddish-brown hair laid out on the dirty ground was sticky both from trickles of blood and dust that accumulated from days of torture and non-washing. The prison was long abandoned, but the smell of fear and deprivation lingered in the air.
No doubt the Yamauchi army’s higher-ups interfering with the negotiations between the rebels and the camp from Lord Genya helped. It was a dispute that should not happen in the first place. Fate had it that the families from Taruhi Village were spared. Thank the mountain god.
In a separate building of the governor’s mansion Yukiya recuperated. Lady Azusa, his mother, was overjoyed and thanked the prince for the young man’s salvation.
“Am I not disturbing you?” A familiar voice, albeit fuller, addressed Wakamiya catching him by surprise. “The Sakura and Sumio let me enter without fanfare. I hope it is all right. How long has it been? Three years?” There was still bandage on his head, but his body, now fully grown, remained intact. The young man’s crooked smile always got the prince every time, the mischief and the cunning when Yukiya first entered the service under him.
Nostalgia be damned.
“Yukiya!” Wakamiya stood there as if frozen, but his happiness was palpable.
Yukiya stepped toward him. Without saying a word, he went down to his knees, half-closed his eyes, bowed his head, and began to speak.
“Please welcome me again as your servant. I promise to serve you and Yamauchi with loyalty, respect, and love for all eternity until the day I breathe my last. I am ready.”
At the end of Yukiya’s speech, Wakamiya’s right hand hovered on the young man’s head then exhaled.
“I accept.”
And the course of the history of Yamauchi had changed forever with the Prince and his favourite vassal.
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viva-el-belt-libre · 2 years
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#there is this bit in the band of seven arc that miroku's last thoughts before he passes out is sorry inuyasha i couldn't protect kagome
My Top Posts in 2022:
New fic: Manipulation
Hello! I wrote this ages ago, and with the help of @ku-mi-ko, @hanmajoerin, @inukag, @companion-for-who and @born-for-eachother, I finally posted it! (jeez, viva, do you really need this many people to write something so short? Yes i do, shut up.)
So here it is something cute with Kin'u and Miroku! Please bear in mind that although I'm using some Yashahime elements, it is not set in the Yashahime universe and InuYasha and Kagome live perfectly happy being MirSan neighbours at the village. That's it.
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Rating: G/Everyone
Characters: Miroku and Kin'u
Universe: InuYasha cannon compliant, not HNY compliant
Read it in AO3
"Daddy, look!"
Oh, here we go…
Miroku braced himself for what was to come. He was only "daddy" when they wanted something. Otherwise, he was "father".
"Yes, sweetheart, what is it?"
"It's a puppy!" Kin'u beamed. "He followed me!"
Miroku looked down to see the puppy in question, a little scrawny thing with honey coloured fur and droopy ears, wagging its tail furiously and licking the girl's fingers. It was not uncommon for dogs and other animals to follow them while attending to missions, as they often could get scraps of food along the way. But when Miroku decided to take his eldest to experience the itinerant monk life, he wasn't expecting her to start collecting pets on the road.
"Can I keep him?"
"Kin'u, I don't think this is a good idea..."
"But Dad", she said alongating her syllables. "He’s hungry! And he likes me!"
The puppy jumped and barked, as if to agree with the girl. Miroku took a deep breath.
"I can see that. It's best if we feed him then go. We can't take him home."
"We can't just abandon him!" Her voice began rising in pitch. "He’s a baby!" As if on cue, the puppy whimpered.
"Kin'u, he’ll be fine. He’s survived until this point, he clearly can find food and shelter."
The girl frowned. The puppy jumped on her leg once more to try to grab her attention and achieve some pets on the head. Miroku was brought back momentarily to the time a couple of years previous, when he had to drag his daughter back home sobbing when she couldn’t take home the puppy that had been offered to him as payment by one of the villagers. A dog had just given birth and Kin’u seemed so enamoured by the litter, the woman suggested they take one as a gift. But the dogs were still too little to be weaned, and so it stayed behind. Bringing himself back to the present at hand, he hoped he wouldn’t need to carry a crying child all the way home again this time around.
"But Father," Kin’u pleaded, her mouth falling into a straight line and eyes closing. Miroku didn't miss the telltale change of tone when she spoke or the quiet inhale that filled the space between them. Kin'u was silent, but it wouldn't be long before she sold him a pitch. She was turning out to be every bit the merchant that he was. "Don't animals have souls with potential for enlightenment just like we do? Shouldn't we be kind to them just as much as we are to humans? For all we know, this could be the soul of Grandfather!"
'She’s getting good at assessing which arguments work best in each situation,' Miroku thought, half proud of his daughter's skills, and half worried. This had to be payback for all those years of tricking people with carefully crafted words. Miroku knew the karma would return his actions to him, but he just assumed it would be in his next life, a problem for whoever had his soul in the future.
"Yes, good to know you have been paying attention to the teachings. But theology won't help your case because we also don't take every person in need to our home. We help them as much as we can then go our separate ways, as fate will lead us."
The young girl sighed, defeated. "I had already chosen a name..."
Kin’u probably didn’t mean to spike her father’s curiosity this time, the comment was perfectly spontaneous. But it did anyway. "Which one?"
"No. Kin'u, you can't name the dog InuYasha."
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35 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
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Gyokuto has a gun.
Bang bang.
39 notes - Posted March 24, 2022
MirSan Head Canon Kids
Because I refuse to believe Miroku and Sango would have stopped at 3 kids, I have planned and created my own, so they can appear in my fanfic. And I figured I might as well share them here.
I'm keeping the Yashahime name and professions of the first 3 ones, but with a few adjustments to their personalities and looks (because yashahime made them annoying and I can't allow that).
So here they are, my complete set of MirSan kids.
1 and 2. Kin'u (金烏) and Gyokuto (玉兎)
They are the ones that most resemble Sango physically, but they are also the ones that are more like Miroku in personality, though in different ways.
When they were little, Kin'u tended to be the "leader" of their play, and Gyokuto was her right hand woman. They often got into trouble for being mischievous. They both learned the basics of combat, but in the end Kin'u had a greater aptitude for scholar and spirituality, while Gyokuto found some creative outlet in creating weapons and gear for the slayers. Gyokuto took great joy in experimenting and innovation when it came to her creations, and she has a special taste for flashy tools, such as bombs and new ways to incorporate poisons.
Kin'u keeps her hair short for religious reasons (she didn't want to shave it all off completely so she came up with a compromise). Gyokuto keeps her hair long for the most part, except for a period when there was an accident while she was experimenting with explosives, and burned off her hair and eyebrows. It took a while to grow back, but she was more careful after the incident.
Kin'u spends most of her time in Mushin's temple, and she assisted him in the last years of his life. She found some novices and young monks to help her get the temple back in order, and although they are all hard workers, one might also notice she got some really pretty people to live and work with her (she likes the view). She would never harass them or anything but you know, if they are willing, she's willing. Gyokuto is more direct in her approach and would definitely hit on people, though it seems like she takes more joy in making them blush and stutter than actually getting anything out of it.
They are both able to be pretty manipulative, and getting what they want with their words, but Kin'u tends to be more cunning. When the salyer village was able to rebuild and had more people join their ranks, Gyokuto took the opportunity to become a peddler, doubling as a scout for the slayers and bringing back news of any possible job they could get. She was a great saleswoman and made a lot of money during this period.
3. Hisui (翡翠)
Mama's boy, very easy target for teasing and light bullying. Literally the only thing he got from Miroku was his face, and even so when he was little somebody said he looked like his father and he started crying, because he wanted to be like mom and uncle Kohaku. Really proud of his slayer heritage and duty, and is always trying very hard to do his best and improve. Hisui is very innocent and very clueless when it comes to romance, so he usually doesn't notice when someone might be interested in him (and when he does he gets really uncomfortable). He was usually dragged around by his sisters when Kin'u had some great adventure idea, even though he thought the idea was stupid and they would get in trouble (they did).
4. Ruriko (瑠璃琥)
Hisui's only fan. Took on fighting because she wanted to be like her big brother, and really excelled at long range style (though she can do close contact if needed). At a first glance she may come off as serious and aloof, but she is actually shy and very sweet. She likes everything girly and loves dressing up in nice clothes. Really feels drawn to the slayers' sense of duty and honour, and is very proud of her heritage and role, just like Hisui. Could have been a flirt, but she's too shy to do it, and usually just ends up blushing furiously and running away when anybody shows interest. Gyokuto tried coaching her on it, but it didn't work.
Physically she is Miroku's spitting image. Same dark hair, blue eyes and eye shape.
5. Shinju (真珠)
Was a very sickly kid, to the point everyone worried she would not survive infancy. She made it, with the sheer power of will and violence. Her parents tried channelling her high energy to other activities because they worried about her health, but turns out the kid just was a very good fit for fighting. As a child she was always involved in more intense playing, and was always full of scratches and bruises. Even though she would get periodic fevers, she just hated staying home with all her might. She prefers wearing men's clothes, and can be loud and boisterous. She chose to fight with the biggest and least subtle weapon available at the exterminator shop. Is often paired with Ruri for missions, because they tend to balance each other out and make a good team.
Physically she is the one with the palest skin and lightest hair colour, and is full of freckles.
6. Kanaho (銀星)
Even though she is younger, she tends to be one of the more serious and mature of the kids. Since Shinju's health took up her parents' attention, Kanaho was mostly cared for by her older siblings. Never felt interested in fighting, and although she had some aptitude for spiritual powers, she just couldn't be bothered to be interested in it. Instead, she took on weapon making.
Unlike Gyokuto, who is an inventor and loves working on flashy gadgets, Kanaho is a traditional perfectionist. She went deep into studying traditional weapons and how to produce the best results with the best materials. She even managed to nag Totosai enough for him to teach her some of his techniques, even though she is only human. Kanaho's weapons became the Stradivarius of the slayer world. It became a matter of pride to have one of her products, as she took her time working on them and chose her clients very carefully, so there weren't that many available.
Kanaho's hair is darker than her mothers, and she has a bony structure. Nobody knows where she got her eyes from, it doesn't particularly look like Sango's or Miroku's. Maybe from a grandparent.
7. Chikai (小貝)
The baby of the family. Is absolutely pampered and spoiled by his older sisters. Has a cute round baby face and freckles, with darker brown hair. Is a little prince in the household with all the attention, but is actually a very sensitive and sweet child. Cries very easily but doesn't throw tantrums. Ruri likes dressing him up in cute clothes and caring for his hair. Sometimes he tries rebelling, but it doesn't go far and he always apologizes in the end.
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41 notes - Posted February 3, 2022
Fleet Week - Day 2: Friendship day
Oh yeah! This is it, my kind of fic!
There are so many good friendships in the series, and I went with InuYasha & Sango. Because I'm a sucker for dog boy having to adjust to his friend being a mama.
As usual, shout out to @inu-mothership for the event, and @hanmajoerin for helping me make it better.
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By then, Sango was used to having her stomach touched by everyone.
As her belly grew, so did the attention she received from everyone around her. 
Miroku, who was already a very touchy husband, became even more so the minute she announced her suspicions 6 months previously. He managed to mostly control himself when they were in public, but as soon as they were alone, his hands would fly over to her stomach, trying to feel any and every movement happening inside. He didn’t give her a break, not even at night: he now slept exclusively with his arms around her middle, which sometimes got him an elbow on the ribs from time to time when Sango needed to move.
The children were by far the most openly excited, greeting her hands first everyday. Shippou assigned himself the duty of “baby monitor” ever since he was the first–and only–one to detect two heart beats, signaling the presence of twins, months ago. Everyday he would press his pointy ears to her belly and relay what he could hear, always proud of the job only he could do. 
Kaede touched her periodically out of midwifery duty, and instructed Rin on how to do the same, and what to look for while doing it. The girl could barely contain her elation to be following through and learning so much with her first ever pregnancy, each lesson being punctuated by exclamations of wonder, some bouncing in place, and the occasional clapping. 
Other villagers always arrived full of questions. The children surrounded her with touches, wanting to know when they would meet their new playmates, while the older women asked about how she was doing, gently placing their hands on her stomach and recalling their own past pregnancies.  
Before their battle with Naraku ended, she would have avoided the interactions with scrutiny, she couldn’t deny it was enjoyable being the center of attention in this situation. Everyone seemed interested and excited about the babies.
Everyone, that is, except InuYasha.
He kept saying he wasn’t interested whenever she asked, but InuYasha had never been much of a good liar. Sango would catch his ears twitching and perking up whenever the subject of the babies came up, and he gave sideways glances whenever he thought nobody was paying attention. It was endearing how much her friend was genuinely attentive to the matter, and she truly wanted him to be part of it, but as long as he thought she was only asking on his behalf, he would dodge it, out of… embarrassment? If Kagome was here, she might be able to tell her why he acted this way. Sango wasn’t entirely sure as to why he kept depriving himself of the involvement he clearly wanted, but in the end, the reasons didn’t matter. She would find a way to include him one way or the other. 
It finally happened on a late afternoon when they were alone: Sango was hanging the freshly washed laundry, and InuYasha was by her side.
“Just sit down and let me do it. Miroku shouldn’t let you work like this.”
“I’m pregnant, not armless. I can still handle laundry.”
He huffed, but didn’t move to take the basket out of Sango’s hands. He just watched as she worked until she laid the load down and moved to sit on a nearby rock to rest.
“See? You get tired too easily now.”
“As far as I know, getting a little tired from carrying these two around isn’t life threatening. I swear, I’d die of boredom if you had it your way.”
InuYasha huffed again, and quietly made his way to her side.
They sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes, Sango choosing her next words carefully.
“They really seem to be moving a lot today,” she said with a sigh and a hand on her belly. “InuYasha… do you want to feel the babies?”
His face flushed.
“N-no. Why would I?”
Sango reached out to grab his nearest wrist. “It would mean a lot to me if you did,” she said, guiding his hand to her stomach.
InuYasha tried to squirm away as his palm made contact with the material of her clothes.
“I really don’t–holy shit was that a foot!?!”
Sango looked down, trying hard to contain her laughter at the genuine wonder of her friend feeling the babies for the first time. “Yes! Or a hand, I don’t know, they move too much.”
See the full post
71 notes - Posted May 23, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
InuYasha has a praise kink and Miroku has a humiliation kink.
I will not elaborate.
108 notes - Posted October 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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animeandfilmotaku · 28 days
烏は主を選ばない-[A Raven Does not choose its master]-Intrigue and Insight.
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In my normal regular brain, this is honestly my reaction to this series via a meme
But I am a serious film review writer, and I really really need to gush one of the best anime series I have watched in recent years, so shall jump into the world of Yatsugarsu.
I may come late to the court drama genre party, thanks to Apothecary Diaries (薬屋のひとりごと) [FYI I really highly recommend this, if you love strong female characters and intriguing plot twists), so unfortunately I have to wait til February 2025 for Season 2 (I should read the novels too, as I heard it is also good), but it would be another show that I will recommend. As for now, I need to talk about this series 烏は主を選ばない [A Raven Does not choose its master]
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So it started simply about Yukiya, a country boy from Taruhi who has unexpectedly cross pass with Prince Wakamiya (the true Kin’u), to be his aide (Though Yukiya has his sassy ways when dealing with his antics). So for the first half of the series- we deal with the 4 consorts vying for Wakamiya’s hand in marriage. I said it was great, it was cool, the intrigue is amazing with every plot twist from each consort having its own affairs and personality-all vying for . Not going to spoil for one of the biggest twists for that arc, but not all that it seems in the courts, that even Yukiya-an observer be like I am too old for this shit with these delulu nobles.
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I would say Hamayuu is my favourite among the consorts, because she radiated intelligence and wit that every time I see her, I be like QUEEN, I love you so much 😩
However I wanted to give the shout out to the next part of the series that totally solidify the series for me as a whole, so after the selection process of the consort is officially done (With oh course revelations of our lovely consorts, again no spoilers), trouble seems to brew at the countryside as there are mutated yatsugarasus and killer were-monkeys (These things scared the shit out of me TBH) prowling through the villages, killing the residents- which Yukiya is pulled back to the Prince’s side, to investigate these horrors. I guess that is how Game of Thrones fans feel like with the plot twists they watched, because Raven’s plot twists are muah Chef’s kiss. Like every time I be like ‘This so-so is SUS” and the same time, did not expect the unexpected with the motivations. Like from the intrigue on who shall win Wakamiya’s hand, now it become like there are drugs???? There are evil monkeys???? Gang pacts????? Quoting that Lady Gaga Meme;
You can say it makes you want more of its twists and turns in Yamauchi’s inner worlds.
Not to mention, I love the world-building that it is not jarring at all, but rather it serves you like a 9 course Michelin meal, which its politics, surroundings, mythos and livelihood interweaved so beautifully. I admit I am jealous how it is written, as I cannot even pen these worlds so intriguing and yet so brutal, which could be similar to real life.
As David Lean, one of my heroes said ‘I'm first and foremost interested in the story, the characters.’ and it really shined through the series, with the relationship between Wakamiya and Yukiya, who lived different lives; Wakamiya burdened with the destiny of protecting his fellow crows and Yukiya, a witty kid who learns that the world he lives is not what it seems and yet bonded by loyalty. They propelled the story through their observations and interactions with their allies, enemies or conspirators.
On the side note the endcard after every episode done by Natsuki-sensei (The illustrator for the Yatsugarsu series) which are so gorgeous by itself (I saw an online website where you can buy the postcard set itself, which I am jealous as it is expensive)
I am quite upset how this anime flew by the radar, with the more popular ones, but if you love court intrigue, refreshing world buliding and complex characters, this series is for you,and I hope you enjoy the ride as I was
I am hoping to get my hands to work on the novels by Abe-sensei itself so I can read it by itself, because it is just amazing
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maomao9jinshi · 21 hours
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Karasu wa Aruji o Erabanai 20 End Stabbed by a hairpin would have been a pretty ignominious way for the true Kin’u to go out, but happily the prince survives.
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