#Kinda cute but Barbatos being cute is sus too so like...
Anyone else playing with the Lowkey Headcanon that as soon as Barbatos saw MC and Luke he was like "Oh THERES my spouse and child"- MF acting like a Dad who just spotted his wife/husband with their child across the Swap Meet after looking at argyle socks for 30 min-
I feel like it's not a stretch that Barbatos instantly claims people as his family members whether they know it or not.. (͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)
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captainlevisteacup · 4 years
All Characters, the Nicknames MC has For Them, and the Events That Follow: A Wholly Unnecessary Thread
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Warnings: None, unless you count demon boys being butthurt about being called out
Enjoy my stupidity!
Pridey Pants
Gordon Ramsey of Life
Loosen-up Luci
Jesus's emo brother
*cough* Daddy *cough*
The results of these nicknames....they were not pretty. MC calls him Luci? He doesn't LOVE it. Does that small scary smile that MC knows (or should know) not to push.
Pridey pants...ohhh boy. MC says it at dinner....is absolutely terrified when he doesnt do anything. After dinner, follows MC into the hallway to dole out *ahem* punishment
Beel is the only one to understand the Gordon Ramsey one. Starts booming laughter
Mom. Oho. This is the second worst. Happened when MC asked Luci to pass them a steak knife. Ended up with the knife being thrown into the table, inches from MC's hand.
Ah. The worst one. Jesus's emo brother. He doesnt even know where to begin. The brothers AND Diavolo have to SPRINT away to keep from cackling like crazed lunatics. Simeon is the only one who openly laughs. Kitchen duty for 2 months. Absolutely worth it. Would do it again without hesitation.
Mammory Gland
Finding Nemo Seagull (Mine! Mine!)
Tan Elsa
General Greedous
"Ehhhhh? What's a mammary gland?"
*muffled Satan laughter*
Mc has to explain the crow one, because apparently it isnt common knowledge that crows love shiny things?
Tan Elsa. Levi was crying when this one slipped out of MC's mouth. All Mammon could do was be offended. After much, MUCH coaxing, reluctantly agreed to dance to "Let it Go" in a dress.
Has a thing for degradation, so you can really only insult him with anime stuff
Levi Heichou (if you get this, we can be friends)
Leviathan the lonely
Snake man
Mermaid Boy
Snekky snek
He could ignore all of them.....except for
I mean come on!
"MC did you really have to go there? That was really-"
"Below the belt?"
*distant suggestive Asmo noises*
Angry bean
Grumpy kitty
Angry librarian
Blond, angsty James Charles
Fashion disaster
There isn't a single one of these that DOESNT make Satan want to break something.
Who is James Charles? Fashion disaster?! "I happen to dress very nicely, thank you very much"
"How am I a librarian? I just read, it's very different, honestly MC"
Refuses to even acknowledge "grumpy kitty"
Polly Pocket
The kinky one
*jokingly* slutttttt
He, surprisingly, doesn't mind any of them. He thinks it's really cute that MC has nicknames for him. He always encourages you to call him them more often, and even makes a bunch of them for MC. His favorite one is Momo, because:
"Its just so cuuuuuuute!"
Sexy Vacuum man
The last Weasley
Snack Buddy
Hungry Bean
These all make the boy SO HAPPY
MC cares enough to make nicknames for him?
*happy Beel noises*
Wait. MC thinks he's sexy?😳
What's a Weasley?
He has a snack buddy?☺☺☺
Sloth man
That bastard with a choking kink
Killer grip
The emo twin
Black Sheep
"I woke up like this" master
He wants to be mad. He really does. But there's a problem: he can't argue with ANY of them. Kinda makes him smile just a LITTLE
Is glad MC has forgiven him enough to actually JOKE about the choking incident.
Spends a lot of time trying to get someone to explain what "emo" means. Levi knows what it means, and refuses to tell him because he thinks its funnily accurate
Double D Dia
Big Tiddy Divvy
King of the Boobs
Milk man
The rich, gay uncle
There isnt a single minute he doesn't find these hysterical. He thinks it's a charming human world custom, to give someone a nickname. He also thinks it shows how comfortable with him MC is.
His favorite is easily DD Dia. Mc noticed his body? *smirk* interesting
Why are so many of them boob related? MC does realize he is a male, right?
The rich, gay uncle. Diavolo has no words. Absolutely shook.
Lucifer overheard some of these...was appalled MC was harassing the PRINCE with their ridiculous nicknames.
He was about to go off on a terrified MC, when Diavolo stepped in laughing and told Lucifer....
"Calm down, Mom."
Mc nearly choked on their own suppressed laughter
Barbatos had to quickly usher them away so MC could openly laugh and therefore breathe
Barbatos 🧐👀🐀🕓
Simply one hell of a butler
Time warp man
Chuck E Cheese
The cake maker
Understands every single reference, is actually surprisingly cool with it, as long as MC doesn't embarrass him with it.
Diavolo catches wind of what MC is calling Barbaties, eventually starts adopting the nicknames
The only one Barbatos doesn't like is "Chuck E Cheese", because he hates rats so so much. How dare they compare him to one of those disgusting creatures?
Dad joke central
Beautiful man
Sinful shoulders
Angel Dad
Sin-ammon Roll
Simeon can't decide between being flattered or appalled. He's not THAT old. Nor is he a father! Well, maybe more of a father figure in regards to Luke, but still! He doesn't tell THAT many dad jokes.. right?
Blushes intensely at Beautiful man and Sinammon roll. Wonders if MC really means that or is just teasing him.
Eventually he makes the stupid decision to ask Asmo....wrong move. Asmo ends up laying out all of Simeon's desires towards MC, the week following he can't even look MC in the face. MC has no clue what happened and starts to think it was their fault.
They confront Simeon about it after a while, and Simeon full on breaks and confesses to MC
Asmo takes full credit for this happening
Shady Lady
The sus one
Kinky dude
Draco malfoy
Doesn't mind MC having insulting nicknames for him....he has them too. Starts swapping them with MC to see who can make the other laugh harder.
Sometimes, the brothers will sit in and listen while they exchange them, and they'll keep score and vote on who wins
Eventually, Diavolo and Simeon get involved
Barbatos caters these events
Baby angel
Little doggo
The poor boy has no idea which one he hates more. Gets so flustered whenever MC calls him one of these that his whole face turns red
Simeon tells him its adorable every time without fail
This makes Luke even worse. All MC has to do is call Luke one of the names and its fair game for Luke hunting
The only one he actually...kind of...likes is Son. He likes the idea of MC as a parent figure.
Which leads him to realize: what if MC and Simeon got together! Then MC WOULD be his parent
Gets Solomon and Barbatos to help bring MC and Simeon together
They end up bombarding the two with an obnoxious Valentine's day-esque cake
Did it work?
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Latin MC.
My MC.
I know; “if I wanted to be reading about a MC I would rather read mine.”  Well I want to talk about her, because I want you all to meet her!
It's a tragedy that I can't draw her, because I suck at drawing!
Her name is Yukari, all my OCs will be named Yukari If you find my profile in Obey Me! We can be friends!!! Anyways. 
Her full name is Verónica Yukari Perez Aguilar, she was born the 22 of June, in Mexico (She´s from the center of the Republic) As a good Mexican and Latin American she has a BIG family, the 25% of her blood is indigenous. (Her grandfather is 100% indigenous) and she will always brag about it. 
Small really small. Her height is 1.45 (4.76 feet... enserio ¿Por qué no se conformaron con los centímetros?)  brown wavy hair, even thought she bleached and coloured it in red. She always use dresses and shirts with a whole in her back, she has a lot of tatoos and she olny has one in her spine, the pact with Beel. Of course when she made a pact with every demon her back became black because of the ink and pacts, she use a lot of black, dark lipstick and tons of eyeliner, but just for speciall events, Yukari is way to lazy to make her make up every single day.
Her first interaction with the devils was not even natural, they imagine the new exchange student was pure, but nope. Her whole family is good with magic and more than that, when she was young accidentaly call upon Belzebuub, they made a pact in exchange of food and horchata water, after that they kinda became good friends. She was (10 years old and she was bored). 
The “Kidnap” by the other hand... Her whole family went straight to the Devildom, they knew, if her daughter was missing she was in hell, and yes, there she was half naked, from the waist up, her tattoo artist way to afraid of saying something, her mama was about to murder Diavolo (He loved it because he already knew Yukari´s mother) cousins and her older brother protected her with an encantation that she broke when things became espesas. And she used the pact with Beel to show everyone how she was gonna be fine. After that she bought lunch for Beel and her family started to shout at her. “Pendeja, los demonios no son juguetes.” “DEJA EN PAZ A ESE DEMONIO YUKARI VERÓNICA PEREZ AGUILAR O YO TE PUTEO AQUÍ Y AHORA” 
Yukari´s mom: ¿¿Quien te manda pendeja?? 
After the putazos. The demons understood, they better don´t mess up with her family. 
Her relationship with the brothers. 
He was surprised that Beel didn´t told him about his pact with a human, and he knew everything. After the show that Yukari put through, he decided that Mammon needed to stick around with her. 
He even went to her house for photos, books and action figures for her room. After that he saw Yukari in the big garden, planting cempasúchil, she even put in her door Papel picado she made an encantation with them so nobody could cross her door. He tried once when she wasn´t answering her D.D.D, he couldn´t.   He was amazed about her magic and power to talk, also she eats a lot for her small being, he has a Beel 2.0 but smaller. 
He tried to sell the flowers in the garden, but Yukari nearly kill him, not on pourpose though, she put a protection for her flowers, and he crossed the protection, tha result was burns level two, that she cured. 
He is the only demon that like the saying says. “Entra como perro por su casa” it seems that after he burned up her encantations didn´t worked on him, so she needed to make better encantations and even protect her books. Once in a while she likes to cast a spell of truth in him so she can analyse his ways. The first time she spoke Spanish he knew he needed to create a bussiness with her. And her tattos are sick, he takes photos for her, he´s so in love with the art in her back. 
LOOOOOOOL She´s like that character from that anime, plus her hair is sick. He got another otaku by his side, for Yukari it was easy to make a pact with Levi, they became friends in a anime group so they kinda knew each other.
When Levi saw her magic he started to tell her how amazing she was, and how he can summon Lotan, and they totaly need to make a pact, she´s Henry, like in real live. For first time in his life he feels better with himself. 
He actually has a secret pasword with her door, so he can enter whenever he wants too, and laughs when his other brothers can´t even open the door. 
He was the opposite of his three older brothers, he needed to draw a line between that woman and himself, but when he saw how she could read difficult books and even summon other demons and even angels. 
Yukari: Ay Güerito I´m creating this potion so Asmo can´t flirt with me, I just want to see his face. 
She was evil, and he loved it, once he understood that she wasn´t a threat they became quite close.The cherry that was on top of the whole cake, was, Yukari was studying literature back in the human Realm, so yes, Satan made a pact with her, not as fast as Mammon or Levi, but if he was going to have a master, it needed to be her.
For him, Yukari was cute, and the first impression was way to good for him. If anyone dares to see her body and thinks that she is not sensual, they are wrong, she just doesn´t like to show her atributtes, but damn, those Latin Americans were pure sensuality.  Omg, that type of clothes does match with her personality, she was evil and he loved it, needed more that a look. 
Bloking your door my dear? No problem I always have the key. (He doesn´t have it though)  His human is the best of all, even Solom can cry before her and she wouldn´t mind, his humans are great. 
Most protect my master, Beelzebub actually know her really good, he stayed in her life since she was 10 years old and they agree to make a pact. That means every familiar dinner he went, every birthday there he was, and after a break of each other, when he saw Yukari again he needed to hug and kiss her, she became a proper lady no longer a small child that summon him for cookies or for bullies. 
He got a crush in the 18 years old woman, and even if she doesn´t like him or she see him like a really old uncle that was okey for him. He knows that the flowers and potions that she makes can´t be eaten, so he always waits for her to give him a bite of her lunch or snacks. 
When he tried to kill her in the other line of timpe she threw a flip flop in his head, and actually used her pacts, so Yukari 2.0 could have enough time to cast a spell, she summon an Archangel. It was impressive and the brothers were terrified, one human could summon anything was a danger. 
When she returned to her line she hugged Belphie and told him; If you try to kill me here, I will take your teared your head off, with one spell. After that they became such good friends, and she kept her secrete for eternity. 
With the undateables
Try to bully him and she will bite. She´s small so she hates with all her heart when the brothers are mean to him. Luke loves her, she´s like a big sister, and finally someone can face those devils. She even knows Michael, and when he speaks with him, Michael always tell him how impressed he was. Luke stook with Yukari every time he can, they also make sleepovers, and the curse in her door always give him a candy. He is the happiest Angel alive. 
Worried, her magic is way to powerfull, he knows her type of magic, but, he can´t make it, that magic is from way far away in the humanity time line, and if she could summon one of the seven brothers when she was young, he didn´t knew how powerfull she was know. Ancient magic might stayed as a secret. He faced Yukari when she was angry, and damn, not even his magic helped him when he recived a Chanclazo.  
He liked her, her apperiance was angelical, and her height was the cutest of them all, but he knew that even the Archangels had respect for that human, he saw her once in the  Realm, and he was shocked, she was nearly 14 years old, and was talking with Uriel like nothing. 
As powerful as a human might be, they have a time limit, he´s not that affraid of Yukari, he knows that she can handdle herself, and won´t start a rebelion Right? Even if she does that, he can always marry her and that would be all. 
He got atonished when she returned from the temporal line time, that wasn´t part of his plan, and she managed to break it. They became close, not only to know Yukari better but he needed to keep an eye on her, she wasn´t normal, she was playing with fire, but she didn´t get any burn of it.
Chanclazo.  When a flip flop hit you
Güerito, This one is how should I say it? Kinda racist, means when a person has a white skin color and when he or she has a lighter hair. BUT in Mexico in the market, all people are güeritos, so dont worry. 
“Entra como perro por su casa”  He enters like a dog in his house
cempasúchil  A flower that means 1000 petals. And we use them for day of the deaths.
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Papel picado Type of paper, that is use for our day of the deaths, in the ofrendas
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It´s very common that Latins owns 2 names and put the two last names of the two families, the whole name from a mother, means danger. 
¿¿Quien te manda pendeja??
Who leads you asshole?
Type of drink,without alcohol. It is usually made of rice, and it´s sweet. 
espesas : Thick. 
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sparklingichigo · 4 years
Part 12
That evening, Ichigo goes to Asmo’s room to join him in his jacuzzi, she’s there with her swimsuit on and wearing a bathrobe to cover up. She also bought her regular clothes to change after that warm bath. 
Asmo: Oh hey, darling, ready for our spa trip?
Ichigo: Ready as I ever be, Asmo
Asmo: Come in, come in. Don’t mind Solomon, we were just finished with our session^^ 
Ichigo: O-oh... I see 
Asmo: Let’s go! I already have the stuff ready for you. Strawberry scented candles your favorite, I also ordered some macaroons for your snack, oh, I also have the masks as always. Just make yourself at home, love 
Ichigo: Thanks a lot Asmo, you’re really a good friend. 
Asmo: Of course I am, stress is bad for your skin, we don’t want wrinkles on that gorgeous face now do we? 
Ichigo: true... shall we get started?
Asmo: Let’s go! 
Asmo and Ichigo enter the warm jacuzzi turns out the Jacuzzi doesn’t fit three people just two so Asmo did one with Solomon and did another one with Ichigo. 
Asmo: Now tell me, what’s stressing you out, I’ll listen 
Solomon: I will to, spill the tea sis
Ichigo: Well besides what I told you... I guess I’m just very sensitive especially about my friends having a heartbreak, you remember what happened when you and Solomon had a fight right? 
Asmo: Oh those good times, darling, you’re so daring. But yes, Satan tends to be as smooth as butter at times then turns into a raging demon. 
Solomon: it’s raging ball of chaos, babe
Asmo: Shush! But that’s Satan for you, he masks his emotions quite well honestly so seeing him going all out with his rage is very surprising. 
Ichigo: Well for one, it stressed both me and Reika since we both live in such a household back then and two, Reika’s ex also pays for her stuff on their very first day of relationship. That’s why I’m very concern. 
Asmo: Then may I know why they broke it off? 
Ichigo: Because that guy cheated on her...
Asmo: There it is, darling, Satan is very loyal, don’t worry. He won’t do Reika dirty. Now cheer up, have some macaroons, it’s your favorite flavor. 
Solomon: can I have some too? 
Asmo: You’ve had yours! Stop trying to steal Ichigo’s share! 
Solomon: Alright, alright, enjoy your spa date, love. I’m going out. 
Asmo: Wait, why? 
Solomon: Lucifer and Diavolo summoned me yet again, it’s probably to ask why Ichigo was crying and to everyone I’m the most sus b*tch! 
Asmo: Oh, well good luck darling, you’re innocent after all, obviously not the reason why our baby starts crying. 
Solomon: Are we adopting Ichigo now? 
Asmo: If it’s possible~ 
Ichigo: [laughs slightly] Asmo... 
Asmo: Oh there it is! Her cute laugh, off you go then, she’s back to her cheerful self~
Meanwhile in the twins bedroom, Beel and Belphie are having a whole conversation about what happened. 
Belphie: That blonde son of a b*tch did what?! 
Beel: Belphie, don’t do anything rash, we’re on vacation remember?
Belphie: Yeah, and he has the audacity to stress out both mcs! He’s gonna get it when we’re home, I swear to Diavolo
Beel: [sigh] just eat your meal... before I start eating them 
Belphie: Fine... 
Suddenly Beel hears a knock at the door, he goes to that door and opens it finding Levi there.
Beel: Oh hey, Levi, why are you here?
Levi: Can I sleep here for a while? I don’t want to room with that raging ball of chaos for a while 
Beel: You sure? 
Levi: Totally, we can watch TSL together if you want 
Belphie: Just not on my bed please
Levi: I’ll sleep at the sofa! 
Beel: Deal. 
Levi gets in and joins the twins. The three of them starts talking about so many things until another knocks shocked them. 
Levi: I swear if it’s that blonde normie I’ll spit on his f*ckin face and no one is stopping me! 
Mammon: Geez! Open up!! 
Finally Levi opens the door and finds Mammon outside the door
Levi: Why are you here?
Mammon: I’m bored, Asmo wouldn’t let me in and so does Reika. Let me hang with you guys! 
Levi: Fine, come in.. 
Once he’s in all four of them turned even more bored, well not Levi he has his nintendo switch around. 
Beel: I miss Ichigo...
Belphie: We know
Mammon: I do too 
Beel: ...
Belphie : ...
Levi : ....
Mammon: In the most friendly way possible? Cause she’s fun and always have ideas for stuff to do when we’re bored? 
Beel: and a good cook~ 
Belphie: help, my twin is simping- 
Levi: Who wouldn’t simp for her? Well not me but- 
Belphie: Satan, Lucifer, Lord Diavolo, the angels, I can sense Barbatos simping for her but we’re not ready for that are we- 
Mammon: What?! Even Barbatos?! 
Levi: True... She’s the most understanding girl I’ve ever met~ in a friendly way of course- 
Beel: Yeah and the most supportive one too~ 
Belphie: And very fluffy~ 
Mammon: Wha- 
Belphie: Her chest is very fluffy, I tell you 
Levi: What the f*ck?! Belphie, you pervert! [smacks him with a pillow]
Belphie: Hey! I’m telling the truth! Beel is one lucky demon  if you ask- oof! 
Mammon: Ha! Serves you right! 
Another knock can be heard and this time Mammon opens it
Mammon: who are ya and what do ya want?!
Reika: Can I join you guys? I have uno cards :D 
Levi: Who is it Mammon?
Mammon: It’s Reika
Levi: Let her in! This room is anti-satan though 
Belphie: Can I just laugh for a second, the anti-satan club is more popular than the anti-lucifer club. 
Levi: OMD LMFAO That’s so true! 
Reika: Anti-satan?
Mammon: Yeah, just us insulting him, call it a uno reverse card. 
Reika: But he’s not that bad...
Mammon: Okay, I may be stupid as f*ck, but as you said he’s stressing you out and now he’s acting like your ex. Can’t you not see? No, this isn't me simping for ya human, I’m just telling this based on what Ichigo had said and how it applies in real life. 
Reika: Can I still join in?
Mammon: Sure, the room is always open, human 
All five of them end up in the room and end up playing Uno with Reika. Meanwhile in Lucifer’s and Diavolo’s room the two are questioning Solomon.
Solomon: in all honesty, I did nothing to Ichigo, I swear! To...Simeon! 
Diavolo: I see, well Asmo did tell us it was Satan but what exactly happened?
Solomon: It’s quite personal, sir... I don’t know if I can tell you 
Lucifer: Then I might have to peteranate your mind, is that okay?
Solomon: If it necessary
Lucifer: Good 
Lucifer penetrates Solomon’s mind and see through his memories, everything that happened at the gym, at the restaurant at the cafe, Asmo scolding everyone not to stare at them, Ichigo being angry at Satan, everything. 
Lucifer: I see, so it is indeed my son’s fault. Thank you for coming to my room, you may leave 
Solomon: By the way, Lord Diavolo, Ichigo bought that cheesecake knowing how much you love them, hope you enjoy them, sir. 
Diavolo: Send my regards then^^ 
Solomon: Will do!  
Solomon returns to his room and finds his boyfriend and Ichigo placing face mask at each other, totally having fun. 
Solomon: Cheering up yet my 702nd concubine? 
Ichigo: I never agreed to that! 
Asmo: Well I won’t mind but Beel does
Ichigo: Beel? What about him? 
Asmo: Oh darling, you sweet innocent strawberry~
Solomon: [holds down his laugh] Anyways, Diavolo said thank you for the cake. 
Ichigo: I’m glad^^ Well since I’m kinda a chef in his castle a.k.a Barbatos’s kitchen assistant I end up caring for him too. 
Asmo: That’s nice to hear, you’re adapting quite well in devildom are you? 
Ichigo: You can say that. 
Suddenly all three of them hear a knock at the door, of course Solomon answers it and finds Satan instead. Solomon scoffs at this, 
Solomon: What do you want? 
Satan: Is Ichigo here? I want to apologize... 
Solomon: Huh, quite rare but sure...
Asmo: Darling, if it’s that blonde b*tch, don’t let him in! We’ll be out soon 
Solomon: Sorry, my boyfriend says no, Ichigo will meet you soon, have a nice evening! 
Solomon closes the door to Satan’s nose and returns to them.
Solomon: Well he wants to apologize for what he did 
Ichigo: I guess, Imma have a protective lil sis mode now 
Asmo: Go roast him, darling~ 
Solomon: Babe, that’s gonna make it worse 
Asmo: For once he needs to know his place, just because he can get a girlfriend doesn’t mean he’s on a damn pedestal! 
Ichigo finally gets out and meets Satan, 
Ichigo: What do you want?
Satan: Can we talk?
Ichigo: Do it here, I’m not going somewhere alone with someone like you. 
Satan: Fine, I want to apologize for what I did, I’m sorry for “acting” like Reika’s ex and I’m sorry for concerning you about our relationship. 
Ichigo: Anything else?
Satan: [sigh] and I’m sorry that I’m a raging ball of chaos 
Ichigo: Apology... still on pending. I don’t want words, I want actions. Of course I do give you my blessings but you’re now back to the test. So I suggest start fixing yourself and try to get my blessings. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have a skincare session to do. 
Ichigo goes back in and returns to Asmo, 
Asmo: How did it go?
Ichigo: Well I can’t forgive him instantly, I want to see prove of what he said... 
Solomon: She did that to me too, help- 
Ichigo: But since you two are so unloyal to each other guess I’ll let it slide. But Reika is full of insecurities and has been hurt a lot of times, I want that ex to be the last time she gets hurt. 
Asmo: I understand darling, we all want that too. I hope this doesn’t stress you out much. But you know what’s more juicy? 
Ichigo: What?
Ichigo: What? 
Asmo: That man is simping for you and he hasn’t confess?! Is he what? Some kind of coward?!
Solomon: Oh my Simeon, babe chill! 
Asmo: I’m sorry, love, I might go a bit overboard but at this point Beel should’ve already confess by now or ask her to be his girlfriend. They are both acting like lovers yet- 
Solomon: I know, babe, I know...
Ichigo: Asmo...does he by chance...not like me? [insecure Ichigo noises] 
Asmo: Oh darling, he does like you, maybe more than like. We might even consider it love. 
Suddenly they hear a spiritual song beside them and here comes Simeon and Luke. 
Simeon: Hey, ready for your praying session?
Ichigo: Oh my Goodness! I’m late am I? 
Simeon: Not at all, child. I’m sorry Asmo but can I have her now for her praying session 
Asmo: Of course, the mask stays though, it needs a 3 hours rest on her face. 
Simeon: I see, that’s alright. Come, child
Ichigo accepts Simeon’s hand and off she go to heaven, eventually Asmo’s facemask disappears as soon as she’s there. 
Luke: Welcome to heaven! 
Ichigo: It’s beautiful! 
Simeon: Come, my room is this way
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