#Kinda intrigued about their life there. I saw many people headcannoning that place as the hell that those two went through.
naurasweetarudesu · 1 year
I can't do this anymore, Stuart. I miss him. I miss Granpuff.
"To be honest, at that time... I also want to be comforted. To be told everything would be okay.
But I knew one of us had to be brave, and I was the one who took that role."
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Probably you: "Hey, Naura. WHY THE FUCK would you draw this???"
Listening to Kuyamu To Kaite Mirai is why I did this 😐
Btw, reference:
Project Sekai Nightcord at 25:00 event story
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 month
Gnirebmemer si gnipeews
Yrome gnivil gnitsegid saw I elihw em gnirehtob saw taht yromem tuoba gniht rehto tahT. Aloths'y tuoba tseuqedis ayotam a saw drawsnevaeh 95lvl raluger dne ni kcab raf
Is you done side quest (The Magic Word) before I go on?
Matoya removed her happy memories of with Y'shtola after they had a very bad fight and stored it off site.
In her case her memories are retrievable and I don't know how much it affect the tone of their relationship (constant snippy and semi-antagonistic?) thereafter. Maybe she would or maybe she won't retrieve it before she pass on. who knows.
It just had me thinking that Matoya did the same thing, but she retains access to it to come back and deal with it in time if she wish to. Maybe she's waiting for insight, mindset or something. who knows. Maybe she doesn't want to deal with it and left it as is.
Whether or not they have any new decently happy memories made thereafter is subjective to crankiness levels.
There may or may not be other Sharlayans who known them and be like - "There goes Matoya and her Miq'tten. Just the other day such and such a fine thing happen and etc and etc and gosh that was a funny learning experience for them." Other people probably remember something of them and still would when Matoya pass away.
Kinda like on the First where Exarch is technically gone. and some folks were writing books and making minions of him.
People processing his departure in their way
Headcannon territory ahead
Even in DRK the process took Post EW and 20-30 lvls to feel like things sunk in for Hylnyan where her guilt about Haurchefant was concern.
And then I may finally end up unlocking Pictomancer as a response to BRD-DRK synching up and surviving Living Memory. Draw stuff in honour of those who were lost. An in-lore way for Hylnyan to process things and get a bit of therapy.
The process of dealing with lost is dependent of time one takes. At least they know who is gone and there might be other people who know them to talk to.
In Amaurot's case Hylnyan is working with Claudien and the Studium's Faculty of Anthropology and some help from The Watcher and Unukalhai and very interestingly and carefully with Hegemony and some of the Elpis folks.
They are basing it on Erich's life since he's in an interesting position as Lahabrea's son and Pandamonium warden to see things from a certain angle. and talk about the three Unsundered and the society there probably and leaving out who Azem and Erich are in the here and now.
Emet wants Hylnyan to remember them. He never said how And he should know that when she should pass, who else is to remember if no one notes down the legacy for others to access.
And then there's Ultima Thule of which doing the later part of it into Dawntrail was a heck of an experience when the Omicron society contrast to Living Memory kicks in.
I am still not sure how dead Ultima Thule is. Or how different Ultima Thule is from Living Memory I'll get back to digesting this dynamis vs holgraqphic memory projection thing (more reasons why I don't let Hylnyan log out in both places. Technically dead worlds / spirit world thing - don't go where her friends on the Source and the First can't follow)
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What made Solution 9 and Living Memory seem horrible was the lack of access to the memories (How restricted is access to Living Memeory over time and how are people to even remember why its even there) and forceful erasure that left holes in not just one's lives but the people who interreacted with that person.
So many intriguing questions and to see where post patch goes.
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owlswing · 4 years
Okay, so I was tagged by
! Thanks for tagging me!
Answer these questions and tag your rotbtd friends! And please don’t reblog this, put your answer in a new post 😊✨
My blogging name is Owlswing, but I also go by Owl :)
How did you get into rotbtd?
Oh, gosh... I was about 15...? Anyways, I liked all of the movies individually, and I ended up stumbling across some fanart of all four of them together, and then I saw tags like “the big four”, and the rest is kinda history. I got in deep on a dying fandom and never left...
What made you stay/come back?
Hahaha! See, fandom was dying/dead when I came around, so I never left. I just started a really long Hogwarts AU that is still not finished... (also after checking the timeline for the last question, I realized that said Hogwarts AU is almost 5 YEARS OLD! Maybe I should do something special for the anniversary???)
Out of the four movies, which one is your favorite?
I mean, I absolutely love them all, probably wouldn’t be in the fandom if I didn’t, but... I have to go with Httyd. Hiccup is just a really relatable character for me, and I just love the exhilarating feeling I get every single time I watch Test Drive. It’s just so beautiful.
Dreamworks Dragons or Rapunzel’s Tangled Adventure?
You know, I think I need to go with Tangled Adventure on this one. While I love the Dragons series, I feel like Tangled did a really good job of staying true to the original characters while also adding more at the same time for more dynamic plots and such. I think it was just really well done, and there are no plotholes/awkward overlaps like there are sometimes in httyd (that could be because there are less movies so not as many toes to step on) but still, I think Tangled Adventures was really, really well done and I must give credit where credit is due! :)
Which one do you prefer to be made a sequel of, Brave or Rise of the Guardians?
It’s hard because I really want BOTH... I think I would prefer a remake of Brave with the original director, Brenda Chapman, because I feel like it would’ve been so much better if she hadn’t been taken off a project that was inspired by her own relationship with her daughter. Yeah. I’m still mad about that Disney.
But for overall sequel I would probably go with Rise of the Guardians. Brave seems like more of a stand-alone plot to me, so trying to shoe-horn in something else has high chances of being not so great *coughfrozen2cough*. Where as rotg has many characters with different legends and stories to be told, a whole book series to draw from, it’s a whole world that we’ve only explored one small part of, and I would’ve liked to see well-adjusted team dynamics/family-team antics of the guardians! :)
Ah, see I’m really NOT against any of the ships, I’m just not big on shipping in general. There are very few ships that I’m actually, ya know, Into. So I’m definitely more of a Brotp kinda gal. I love me some good, healthy, and strong friendships! Found Family? That’s my ish! Love that!
Favorite character(s)?
Hiccup. But there’s a special place for each of them. I’ve seen myself in each of them and nothing can really replace that feeling.
Favorite AU(s)?
Okay, I gotta say Hogwarts AU cause I’m chin-deep in that right now. Soon to be drowning. Simultaneously the best and worst decision of my life. Haha! Just kidding! Anyways, I like this AU because I’m really big on fantasy, and it just makes sense; why four people from completely different walks of life ended up in the same place at the same time? I think it’s pretty cool and it’s such a big world to explore!
Besides that... I would say a War AU could be cool, like medieval fantasy or futuristic sci-fi. Pirate AUs and Circus AUs will also always catch my attention.
Pick one! favorite B4 house placement in Hogwarts AU? | favorite B4 nation/bending headcanons in ATLA AU?
Okay, so for Hogwarts Houses I definitely have preferred Houses, but the whole system is so generalizing to begin with I really believe that any of the four could be in pretty much any house if you really want, but here are my preferences:
Hiccup - Ravenclaw
Rapunzel - Hufflepuff
Merida - Gryffindor
Jack - Slytherin
As for bending headcannons, I really haven’t put a lot of thought into it, but that question is very intriguing... I’d probably do something like...
Hiccup - Air, because the peaceful Nomad lifestyle and the desire to fly and explore and be free is just very fitting. Also he could befriend Toothless instead of a Bison, confusing everyone because they thought Dragons were dangerous!
Rapunzel - Earth, because for one thing I love breaking norms in this way! I love the idea of Rapunzel being the dainty, pretty princess but then she busts out some of the most badass Earth Bending moves, invents metal bending to escape Gothel, is just very kind but if you piss her off she’ll totally wreck you. I think this would be A LOT of fun. Also, I think it would be fitting with the whole “flower” thing. I also think it could be an interesting character arc where she’s not very good because her personality doesn’t exactly fit the “traditional earth bender attitude” and being raised by Gothel (”You? A bender! Oh, honestly Rapunzel, don’t make me laugh!”) could leave a lot of insecurities that she would have to grow and work through. I think it could be really beautiful.
Merida - Fire, on the flip side this one is kinda typical I imagine, but I would say (also on the flip side) make her afraid of it. Make it the one thing that Merida isn’t, well, Brave about. She doesn’t like fire bending. It could potentially make her a disgrace to her royal/noble family. It also would explain why she’s so good with a bow and sword: she chooses weapons over bending. Unlike Rapunzel who wants to learn but is hindered and must overcome, Merida would be against learning and would eventually have to learn that it is a part of her and learn how to accept it (after possibly visiting the dragons with Hiccup or whoever the avatar would be cause who the heck knows? could be interesting if none of the Four are the Avatar. Make a fifth character the Avatar and the Four could just be the teachers...)
Jack - Water, obvious, I know, but giving Jack ice powers AND another element makes him WAY to OP. I would say Jack is actually not a natural at water bending. He’s always accidentally freezing everything! (not unlike Katara). He has to work hard and earn his title as a master, eventually becoming the best because he trained harder than any of the others and surpassed the other water benders that used to torment him back in his home village! I also think Blood Bending could be an interesting plot device here (maybe Jack is tempted to use the technique because he’s worked so hard and still isn’t good enough? Or just in general Jack’s inner battle between the darkness and his fun-loving personality...)
......Dang it. I think I just started plotting something. o_o
Pick one! since this is 2020, any hot takes you want to give us? | what old fanon tropes that you still enjoyed to this day?
I will always love brotp between Jack and Hiccup! Absolute favorite. I also love the idea of the four having sleepovers and telling each other everything and overall being supportive and loving towards each other. All the positivity and fluff!
Any fic recs? Or if you couldn’t think of any, what was the last rotbtd fanfiction that you read? (It could be an old work or a recent one, do share!)
Uh... I honestly haven’t been reading many as I barely have time to write, but I did hear of one that I think is pretty good! It’s a pokemon AU by Acecove! I’ll link it below...
Whew! That was a lot! Anyways, I’ll tag @emixa26 and @adaminaart!
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