mamajankyy · 4 months
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The Kingpin and Queenpin of my dreams😮‍💨
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cgbcomics · 4 years
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toxin45 · 4 years
A list of comic book big bads part 1 Marvel comics
So I am bored so I made this list off comic book big bads from Marvel and here are list of main villains of comic book series. This is Part one staring with Marvel Comics part two would be DC comics big bads.Marvel along with DC are the big two comic book companines being around since the 1930's and has a shared universe.
The Marvel Universe has several big bads aka primary antagonists for each series. Here is the list some of them even managed to menace the entire universe,
Thanos and galatus for the whole Marvel Universe.
Doctor Doom for the Fantastic Four series.
Ultron  and Kang for the Avengers.
Norman Osborn the Green Goblin  for The Spider-Man series
Zheng Zu for the shang chi series.
Loki ,Malekith,and Surtur  for the Thor Series
Magus for the Guardians of the galaxy series
Red Skull  for the Captain America series.
Mandarin and Justin Hammer for the Iron Man Series,
The Leader for the Hulk series.
Erik Kilmonger  for the Black Panther series.
Magneto and Apocalypse for the X-men series.
Hera for the Incredible Hercules series.
Kingpin for the Daredevil series.
Jigsaw for the Punisher series.
Geoffrey Wilder for the Runaway series.
Knonshu for the Moon Knight series.
Mad Jim Jaspers for the Captain Britain,Excalibur,and MI13 series.
Maximus for the Inhumans series,
Attuma for the Namor the Sub-mariner series.
Mephisto for the Ghost Rider series
Dormammu for the Doctor Strange series.
Tyler stone for the Marvel 2099 universe
The Maker in Ultimate Marvel
Dracula for the Blade Franchise.
Knull for the Venom franchise
Romoulus for the Wolverine series.
Well I think this is it now I will make part 2 of the list of Comic book big bads next time this time staring DC comics.
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stonyiscanon · 6 years
A list of Stan Lee’s creations
Taken from Wikipedia
Abomination (comics) Absorbing Man Acrobat (comics) Actor (comics) Adria (comics) Aged Genghis Agent X (Jim Burley) Agon (comics) Air-Walker Liz Allan Amphibion Ancient One Annihilus Ant-Man Ape-Man Ares (Marvel Comics) Asbestos Man Athena (Marvel Comics) Attuma Avengers (comics) Awesome Android
Balder (comics) Batroc the Leaper Beast (comics) Beetle (comics) Billy Connors (comics) Black Bolt Black Knight (comics) Black Knight (Nathan Garrett) Black Knight (Sir Percy) Black Panther (comics) Black Widow (Marvel Comics) Black Widow (Natasha Romanova) Blastaar Blizzard (comics) Blob (comics) Bluebird (Marvel Comics) Boomerang (comics) Bor (Marvel Comics) Betty Brant Brother Voodoo Brotherhood of Mutants Burglar (comics)
Captain Marvel (Marvel Comics) Peggy Carter Sharon Carter Cat-Man (Marvel Comics) Chameleon (comics) Circus of Crime Clea Clown (comics) Cobra (Marvel Comics) Izzy Cohen Collector (comics) Crime Master Crimson Dynamo Crystal (comics) Cyclops (Marvel Comics) Cyttorak
Daily Bugle Daredevil (Marvel Comics character) Death-Stalker Destroyer (Marvel Comics) Diablo (Marvel Comics) Doctor Strange Doctor Doom Doomsday Man Dormammu Dorrek VII Dragon Man Dredmund the Druid Doctor Druid Dum Dum Dugan
Eel (comics) Egghead (Marvel Comics) Ego the Living Planet Electro (Marvel Comics) Elektro (comics) Enchantress (Marvel Comics) Enclave (comics) Enforcers (comics) Eternity (comics) Executioner (comics)
Fafnir (Marvel Comics) Falcon (comics) Fancy Dan Fandral Fantastic Four Farley Stillwell Doctor Faustus (comics) Femizons Fenris Wolf (Marvel Comics) Fin Fang Foom Richard Fisk Vanessa Fisk Fixer (comics) Funky Flashman Forbush Man Bill Foster (comics) Jane Foster (comics) Frederick Foswell
Frankenstein's Monster (Marvel Comics) Freak (Marvel Comics) Frigga (comics) Frightful Four Nick Fury
Galactus Galaxy Master Mac Gargan Gargoyle (comics) Giant-Man Gibbon (comics) Gladiator (Melvin Potter) Goliath (Marvel Comics) Googam Goom Gorgilla Gorgon (Inhuman) The Governator Gregory Gideon Grey Gargoyle Jean Grey Dr. John Grey (comics) Grizzly (comics) Groot Growing Man The Guardian Project (comics)
H.E.R.B.I.E. Agatha Harkness Hate-Monger Hawkeye (comics) Heimdall (comics) Hela (comics) Hera (Marvel Comics) Hercules (Marvel Comics) Hermes (Marvel Comics) High Evolutionary Hippolyta (Marvel Comics) Happy Hogan (comics) Hogun Hulk (comics) Human Cannonball (Marvel Comics) Human Torch
Iceman (Marvel Comics) Idunn (comics) Immortus Impossible Man Inhumans Invisible Woman Iron Man
Jack Frost (Marvel Comics) Jack Murdock (comics) Jackal (Marvel Comics) J. Jonah Jameson John Jameson (comics) Edwin Jarvis Abner Jenkins Jester (Marvel Comics) Gabe Jones Rick Jones (comics) Erik Josten Juggernaut (comics) Junior Juniper
Ka-Zar (comics) Kaecilius Kala (comics) Kaluu Kang the Conqueror Kangaroo (comics) Karnak (comics) Karnilla Master Khan Kid Colt Kingpin (character) Klaw (Marvel Comics) Eric Koenig Krang (Marvel Comics) Kraven the Hunter Kree Laufey (comics) Leader (comics) Leap-Frog (comics) Ned Leeds Living Brain Living Laser Living Tribunal Lizard (comics) Lockjaw (comics) Loki (comics) Looter (comics) Lucifer (Marvel Comics) Willie Lumpkin
Machinesmith Mad Thinker Madame Masque Magneto (comics) Man Mountain Marko Man-Beast Man-Thing Mandarin (comics)
Stan has created so many heroes and idols, and he will now live through them. RIP
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The Second Official AMA has ended, and I here bring you some of the information that was dropped in there!
Let's start with the matter in hand, the very next event we will have, Legends Assemble. The event will center around Attuma and his minions coming to attack from Underwater! That side we have so unprotected! Something serious will happen, because Director Fury decides to take action himself, using the Helicarrier, and along with our teachers and instructors, Odin and Hank Pym. The confirmed selection of recruitable characters it's just... unbelievable: Fury, Odin, Frigga, Hank Pym, J.A.R.V.I.S and... Leader. Besides them, Peggy Carter will return to join the action, with a more comfortable Uniform and outfit for herself, and Hulk will use his brain this time... and become Bruce Banner, Finally! That's all for the upcoming event, but there was still some pretty good information about the Game as a whole: -Regarding Dating, they still very much want to do it, but they wanted to give first a much Bigger selection of characters for players to pair others up with. Hangouts will be the first step to it, but someday it will happen. - Sadly, they can't make any promises on things like the X-men and the Fantastic Four. They can't make any promises because they are very uncertain about those materials. However, they won't say it's completely Impossible. - Mandarin might turn up to be a Really big deal, since he has in his hands (or fingers) something important regarding the truth of the Academy, and might know something on Fury. - Confirmed characters for the future! Some of the characters you might want will totally show up later on, but some of them are just hard to figure out where the hell to put them. But some names like Gwenpool, Speed, Beta Ray Bill, Howard the Duck and more have been confirmed! - Confirmed events! They can't disclosure much information here, however some things Have been confirmed, like an Agents of Shield event, a Runaways Event (Mixed with another team/occurrence), and other stuff related to upcoming movies too, like the Guardians of the Galaxy 2, or Spiderman Homecoming! - They gave a pretty firm answer to this... when asked if people like Red Skull would be recruitable, Allen Warner said 'Not Red Skull'. I have nothing against truly evil villains like him and Carnage staying in their cells forever, but I hope they do free people like Kingpin or Hi-Vo who aren't 100% Evil! - New Zones will be added later on, after we reach the Thor Zone, and they have figured out how to not make our phones explode, with a Storage for Characters in the work bench. - Speaking of which, new features being worked on, like this Storage system, a way to organize the Inventory better, a Search Bar for the Database, a button to immediately store all the Non Story Decorations and Buildings and have our Schools clean to Remodel, and more! That's some of the things that were discussed there, you can totally go and see for yourselfs if you want, and check for more stuff I might have missed or purposely avoid to keep the secret-- (I added most stuff I remember though). Link: https://www.reddit.com/r/avengersacademygame/comments/61be3u/welcome_to_our_legends_assemble_ama_start_posting/ Hope you're all as hyped as me! Let's all do our best during this last Week of Monsters Unleashed, and in that upcoming amazing event!
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gokinjeespot · 6 years
off the rack #1232
Monday, October 15, 2018
 Jee-Riz had another successful Capital Trade Show at the Walkley Arena on Sunday. In other words we paid our expenses and each pocketed a bit of cash for our efforts. All of the credit for our success goes to my partner Chris since all I do is move stuff and watch that stuff doesn't get stolen. I even brought my own comfy chair to sit on this time. I would also like to thank Penny for the added security at the end of the day.
 One of the things that makes attending the monthly shows fun for me is seeing old Silver Snail Ottawa customers dropping by. I met two yesterday and Travis said he started shopping there when he was 10 years old. I saw another nearly forgotten face that surprised me. Arthur of the infamous Arthur's Place was also in attendance. It took a while for him to remember me, which made me wonder how many other Chinese guys wearing a headband does he know.
 Jee-Riz will be setting up at the inaugural Capital Comic Book Convention at the Ottawa Marriott Hotel on Sunday, October 28. We are hoping to see many new faces and old ones too.
 X-23 #5 - Mariko Tamaki (writer) Juann Cabal & Marcio Fiorito (art) Nolan Woodard (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Two Birthdays and Three Funerals part 5. Read this finale to find out if the Cuckoos get clocked. Evil Esme is about to get even more powerful but her psychic sisters may be having second thoughts about resurrecting her. Marcio's art isn't quite as pretty as Juann's but it's not so different that it ruined this issue for me.
 Catwoman #4 - Joelle Jones (writer) Fernando Blanco (past art) Joelle Jones (present art) John Kalisz (past colours) Laura Allred (present colours) Josh Reed (letters). Copycats part 4. One reason Selina left Gotham City is to visit her sister Magdalene. Maggie is in a catatonic state due to a catastrophic trauma that she suffered in the past at the hands of the villain Black Mask. I like these glimpses into a character's past that show us events that go into shaping them. Maggie has another unexpected visitor at the end of this issue that gives Selina cause for concern. I can't wait for the next issue to hit the racks.
 Domino #7 - Gail Simone (writer) David Baldeon (art) Jesus Aburtov (colours) VC's Clayton Cowles (letters). Loved the cover by Gang Hyuk Lim and the Alphonse Mucha tribute pin-up page by David Baldeon to start off this new story. Domino and her posse are hired to find and retrieve a box. Who's in the box is a big surprise. I haven't seen this character in a while and I'm curious to see what's going to happen next.
 Superman #4 - Brian Michael Bendis (writer) Ivan Reis (pencils) Joe Prado (inks pages 1-9) Oclair Albert (inks pages 10-22) Alex Sinclair (colours) Josh Reed (letters). The Unity Saga part 4. Yay, the Earth is saved from the Phantom Zone with a little help from The Justice League. There is also a hint to how Superman can defeat the villain Rogol Zaar (again). This is as good a time as any to bench this book. I have not been impressed with what Brian has been doing and he has other more worthy books on the racks that I can keep up with. So it's up, up and away for me.
 The Immortal Hulk #7/LGY #714 - Al Ewing (writer) Joe Bennett (pencils) Ruy Jose (inks) Paul Mounts (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Lots of big sound effects as the Hulk battles the Avengers. I liked how they had to use the ultimate weapon to stop the big green galoot. The last page was a real shocker which left me wondering if all the king's men can put Hulk back together again. Is Doctor Frankenstein in the house?
 Amazing Spider-Man #7/LGY #808 - Nick Spencer (writer) Humberto Ramos (pencils) Victor Olazaba (inks) Edgar Delgado (colours) VC's Joe Caramagna (letters). It's a free for all as Peter and Boomerang try to survive being attacked by all the super villains in the Bar With No Name after the Kingpin of Crime sticks his big fat fingers into the festivities. If you think a crook couldn't get away with being the mayor of a major American city then you have not been following the sorry excuse for leadership happening in the US right now. We are seeing how absolute power corrupts absolutely and I keep wondering how long this fiasco is going to go on. Getting back to the fictional world of comic books, a new villain appears at the end of this issue to exert some pressure on Wilson Fisk. I don't remember who this bad guy with the big creepy crawly is but he sure has an iron fist wrapped around the fat man. I'm going to bench this book too. This story about Peter and Boomerang being room mates reminds me of the one where Peter hired the bad guy Clayton Cole/Clash to work for Parker Industries and I already know how that turned out.
 Avengers #9/LGY #699 - Jason Aaron (writer) David Marquez (art) Justin Ponsor (colours) VC's Cory Petit (letters). Get ready to meet the Defenders of the Deep. Namor has had it up to here (again) with the surface dwellers defiling the oceans. Marvel is making another good guy into a bad guy and I can foresee how long this conflict will get drawn out just by comparing this book to Jason Aaron's Thor where the War of the Realms has been going on for a while now. Here are two things that bothered me about this issue. First of all, why is Tiger Shark robbing people on a cruise ship? What does he need money for? Secondly, how come Captain Marvel and She-Hulk don't need breathing apparatuses under water? I get that Thor can get away without one because he's an Asgardian God but I don't get how the ladies don't. Namor recruits Tiger Shark to be one of the Defenders of the Deep and I see that Orka has a new costume but I don't know who the other villains are. And where is Attuma? I do dig Namor's new threads though, so I think I'll see how the Mighty Avengers deal with Atlantis rising up again.
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