spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Star Trek Enterprise "Kir'Shara"
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
Learning Modern Golic Vulcan (Vulkansu)
Primary Resources
Kir'Shara: Vulcan Language Page
Offers a Wayback Machine link to the Vulcan Language Dictionary and the basics of Vulcan word, tense, and grammatical structure.
*Vulcan Language Dictionary
Not the same as the VLD provided by Kir'Shara's Wayback Machine, rudimentary search engine to quickly find Vulkansu translations to english words and storehouses specific Vulcan cultural references that cannot be translated into an English word.
Vulcan Language Institute
A website in development by @yel-halansu among other contributors to composite a very large index of Vulcan languages (including dialects), words, and Vulcan stories in both English & Vulkansu.
The Vulcan Language PDF
A somewhat outdated but still useful Vulkansu dictionary, primarily helpful for the language lessons in the latter half.
Kor'saya: Vulkansu Script
Lore on the development of the ancient script, there are other fonts like “handwriting” and “Dzhaleyl” but AGV (Ancient Golic Vulcan) is the one which contains the letter-by-letter breakdown.
Vulcan Alphabet Song
A rudimentary children's song "ghost written" by Amanda Grayson on the absolute basics of the Vulcan alphabet from consonants, to vowels, punctuation, self-identification, to digits. (Hopefully I will be able to put it to music soon instead of just lyrics!)
City Names
Monastery Names
Name Prefixes & Suffixes
Translations for the apostrophes and hyphens in Vulcan names.
Vulcan Name Repository
A glossary of Vulcan names and their meanings. Explanations for types of names in Vulcan culture:
Place of Origin ~ Ancestry ~ te-Vikram (the Deep Desert Tribe) ~ Childhood Names ~ Personality ~ Occupation ~ Survival ~ Mysticism
Anecdotes & Ancillary Material
Vulcan Alphabet Song
A rudimentary children's song "ghost written" by Amanda Grayson on the absolute basics of the Vulcan alphabet from consonants, to vowels, punctuation, self-identification, to digits. (Hopefully I will be able to put it to music soon instead of just lyrics!)
Vulcan Flashcards
Beautifully designed flashcards for the Vulkansu alphabet from A through T in the phonetic alphabet.
The Vulcan Accent
What does a Vulcan accent sound like in Federation Standard? Question posited by @sporkandpringles, answer provided by @nuclear-wessels!
The Origin of "Fool"
Anecdote provided by @porthos-stew and lore provided by @yel-halansu
Vulcan Colloquialisms
Though logical only in specific contexts, @makeallthingsyours has accrued a handful of common Vulcan expressions and translated them into Federation Standard
Click Here to Return to the Vulcan Masterpost (Coming Soon!)
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giffingthingsss · 1 year
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gnosticpriesthood · 2 years
" What  are  you  reading? "
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"It's funny you should ask, Ambassador. I've just picked up The Discourses of Epictetus as dictated by his student, Arrian. Ah, in particular I've been mulling over this passage here -" he trails his fingertips over the words.
"Our concern is to assent to the true impression, reject the false, and suspend judgment regarding the uncertain. This is the act of choice."
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karlcagathon · 5 months
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I don't think I'll have time for either. You can't spend every second of your life studying that, whatever it's called. Kir'Shara.
Star Trek: Enterprise 4x10 - Daedalus
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quasi-normalcy · 7 months
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urban-disco-bones · 8 months
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indignantlemur · 2 months
Hello! i was was wondering if you had any head cannons on Vulcan society maybe their laws or marriage?
Thank you and glad you are feeling better.
Hello, Sky! Good to see you again!
I do not have a huge amount of headcanons for Vulcans, to be honest. They're fairly well travelled, as far as lore goes and there's certainly plenty of fanfiction about them already so I never really felt the need. I have some vague thoughts, if that's of any use to you?
Laws: Vulcan laws are an odd mix of social control, almost religious reverence for the teachings of Surak, and leftovers grandfathered in from the Before Times. Their goal is not, inherently, to punish but rather to correct and re-educate where possible. That being said, the older laws that survived the restructuring after the Kir'shara was found have a significantly different tone, which belies much darker origins. Many of these laws pertain to complications arising from pon farr.
Marriage: I don't have too many headcanons here, really. Mostly, I have the vague headcanon that Vulcans, when they restructured and rebuilt after Surak's time, became matriarchal by a combination of force and clever politicking rather than by nature - and the women from that point onwards maintained a draconian level of control over every aspect of marriage and marriage bonds. This was considered a vast improvement from the status quo of the Time of Awakening, particularly by the women who suddenly went from second-class chattel to first-class citizens.
Beyond that, I'm afraid I don't have much for you. Vulcans aren't my thing, but there's loads of amazing fanfic around written by wonderful folks with great ideas!
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
This is it! The final installment of the SoC Challenge! 🥳 I know it's been a wild ride, but thank you so much to everyone who stuck with me through all this chaos! All of your encouragement and kind words have really been so uplifting, and I couldn't have made it through without you, my gentle readers!
So, a little context: this is an AU version of my OC, Kollos, when he was still a Minister of the High Command. This is not connected to any other story about him that I have written/will write. This is set in the ST:ENT part of the timeline prior to the incident with the Kir'Shara, and from what I gathered, there are somewhere between five and seven members of the High Command (four to six Ministers, plus one Administrator). That number could be incorrect, but from watching the show/scrolling through Memory Alpha casting info, this was the impression given. Anyway, enjoy this final installment of the 2023 SoC! Thanks for dropping by!
Day 31: Free Choice - Multiple Orgasms, Creampie, Facial, Come Swallowing
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Entire Vulcan High Command (ENT Era) x Reader, Administrator V'Las (ST:ENT) x Reader, Minister Kuvak (ST:ENT) x Reader, Minister Kollos (OC) x Reader, Other Unnamed High Command Ministers x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Everything is consensual!!!! Interspecies sex, Human/Vulcan sex, oral sex (male receiving), voyeurism, masturbation, spit-roasting, multiple orgasms, creampie, come swallowing, facial, Vulcans becoming aroused in a completely logical manner.
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Apprenticeships like this were practically unheard of. A Human student being allowed to train under a Vulcan scientist at the most prestigious academy on all of Vulcan was a first. I could hardly believe that out of all the applicants for the position, I'd been one of the three selected for this honor.
For two years, I lived and worked at the Vulcan Science Academy. T'Van, the Professor with whom I'd been studying and working, had been reluctant to participate in the program when he found out that he'd be paired with a Human student. As time passed, however, I'd proven myself to be intelligent and dedicated to my work.
T'Van pulled me aside a couple of months before I was scheduled to return to Earth to express his concerns.
"I cannot offer you an extension myself. However, I will encourage you wholeheartedly to request one from the Academy's Board of Directors. It would be...inconvenient to train a new apprentice," T'Van murmured, and I couldn't stop a small smile from stretching my lips.
"You can admit that you'd miss me, y'know. There's no harm in finding the absence of another being displeasing, especially one you've come to think of as a friend." He lifted an eyebrow at my insinuation, and to my surprise, he nodded his head.
"It would be...logical...to assume that your absence would be disconcerting. I have become accustomed to you," he admitted as he practically shoved a data PADD under my nose. "This is the correct set of forms required to request an extension. I have already affixed my signature in the appropriate places and taken the liberty of setting an appointment for you with the Board tomorrow morning."
"As you are only scheduled to be here for another two months, I trust I needn't remind you that time is of the essence." With that, he swept from his office, leaving me to ponder what exactly I needed to say to persuade the Academy's Directors that I deserved to stay.
The next morning came both too quickly and not quickly enough for my tastes. I said my piece with as much eloquence as I could muster, hoping that I'd done well enough to avoid an immediate rejection.
"You have some interesting theories, t'sai, and your accomplishments are not in question. However," the Vulcan in the middle of the group steepled his fingers as he spoke, "we do not have the authority to grant you an extension in this instance. Our receptionist will provide you with the correct set of forms that you will require to present your request to those whose authority exceeds our own. Should you be successful, the Vulcan Science Academy will be agreeable to your continued presence. Live long and prosper, t'sai."
The next group of officials I spoke with responded in nearly the exact same way, acknowledging my accomplishments, giving their apologies, and shunting me off to the department above theirs to become someone else's problem. After three more such instances, I was quite used to the placating words and abrupt dismissals that punctuated each of these meetings.
As my quest for an extension continued, I found more and more people looking at me in the hallways of the Academy. I had been an interesting sight to the Vulcan students and professors before given that I was a different species, but the day before my final meeting nearly two weeks later, I caught a phrase that made my eyes widen.
"...believe her next appeal will be to the High Command," a Vulcan woman said to her companion as T'Van and I walked through the hall to his office.
As soon as the door was closed behind us, I blurted my thoughts in a panic.
"What did that woman mean about the High Command?"
T'Van looked up from his desk with a raised eyebrow.
"You have exhausted all other bodies of authority. Your next appointment to request an extension is with the council of the High Command tomorrow. Were you unaware?"
After the professor's casual statement, the rest of the day was a blur. Right up until I got into the elevator in the building that housed the High Command's office, I felt a sort of detached calm as though it wasn't really me who was going to be speaking with the heads of the Vulcan government.
"You're the woman who's requesting an extension, right?" I turned to find a perky, blond woman standing next to me in the elevator. She was clearly Human, like me, and I felt a dim sort of comfort.
"Yes, but how did you...?"
"I work as a secretary to Ministers Kuvak and Kollos. My own assignment was supposed to be temporary, but here we are," she said waving a hand airily. "May I make a suggestion?"
I nodded my head, and she pulled a small bottle from the pocket of her robe.
"None of the Ministers are in happy marriages. They were all arranged for political gain or social status by their parents. Your best bet for getting that extension would be an appeal to their pride...and a little flirtation. A spritz or two of this pheromone enhancer wouldn't hurt, either," she said. "They're a tough room, but the few times I've seen them interacting with women who aren't their wives...well, let's just say they were much more agreeable with a little ego-stroking."
I accepted the spritz of seemingly-odorless liquid, and as the door opened to our floor, I couldn't help but let my curiosity rule my tongue.
"Thank you. I'm grateful, really, but why are you doing this?" I asked quietly as we walked down the long hallway toward a pair of thick double doors.
"Because, I know what it's like to deal with this planet's bureaucracy. It's a pain in the ass, and when we spoke to set up your appointment, I couldn't help but notice that you sounded a bit frazzled," she murmured as the doors hissed open.
There were a few desks in this space, two of which were currently occupied. A third stood empty to one side of the room, and it seemed to be my companion's destination. Not exactly knowing where to go, I opted to follow her. Setting my stack of PADDs down on an empty corner, I allowed myself a short pause to gather my thoughts and my courage.
Admittedly, the thought of flirting with the Ministers to better my chances had crossed my mind - Vulcans were quite attractive - but before Jana suggested it, I had dismissed that as a possible solution. Surely people in such important positions would be even more stoic and disgusted by such blatant attention?
"Alright, the Ministers are ready for you now. Good luck." How long had I been standing there lost in thought? Mentally shaking away my nerves, I strode to the door leading to the council chamber and watched as it slid open before me.
"Come in, t'sai," a surprisingly warm voice called from the center of the large room that lay before me. A tall, broad Vulcan man with graying hair stood behind a long, highly-polished desk. I recognized him as Minister Kollos from the rather hurried research I'd done the night before.
He took his seat along with the other four Vulcans, only two of whom I recognized. Administrator V'Las, a harsh-looking Vulcan sat dead center, and to his other side was Minister Kuvak. The two younger Vulcans flanking the two ends of the desk were a mystery, though. I remembered their faces, but I couldn't quite put names to those faces.
"We have convened to hear your appeal for an extension of the duration of your apprenticeship with Osu T'Van at the Vulcan Science Academy," Administrator V'Las called as he folded his hands in front of him. "You may begin when ready."
Taking a deep breath as I walked farther into the room, I launched into the speech I'd given repeatedly over the past two weeks. handing each of them a data PADD with the relevant information as I spoke, I made my statement as quickly and concisely as possible.
"Your accomplishments cannot be denied, but forgive me...it sounds as though you have rehearsed this several times," Kuvak said with a hint of amusement sparkling in his eyes.
"Ah, that would be the result of having given that speech to five groups before you. Administrator, Ministers, I was hoping that, given your combined wisdom and logic, this little request of mine could be sorted out rather easily," I said giving the most attentive of them all, Kollos, a small, hopeful smile. "You are my last hope. Surely there's a way we can resolve this situation today...?"
Truthfully, I was probably being a little too obvious with my praise, but in my social encounters with Vulcans, I found that it was sometimes necessary to lay it on a bit thicker than normal. I could have been imagining things, but I could have sworn that a faint, green blush was rising in his cheeks and the tips of his ears.
"T'sai, we have already heard and denied the appeals of both the other candidates from your selection pool," Administrator V'Las intoned from his seat at the center of the long table. His cold, steely blue eyes watched dispassionately as I took a steadying breath. "What makes you believe that we should rule differently in regards to your case?"
Okay. Okay, not all hope was lost. The other two apprentices were men. I was familiar with them and their unfortunate personalities. They likely came in here brimming with arrogance and puffed-up theories which had no logical basis. They likely assumed that they would be granted the extension they sought once the Ministers recognized their brilliance. I needed to use a different tactic.
"I have no logical reason to believe that I deserve to stay more than the others. I do, however, believe that this council is wise enough to distinguish between a theory concocted of assumptions and one based on solid research. Each of you gentlemen has an achievement-filled career prior to your current appointment. To accomplish everything that you have and also serve your people in so selfless a manner...I must admit that I admire your dedication," I stated, allowing my eyes to skim over each in turn. Minister Kuvak looked practically stunned. "I only hope that one day, I will be able to say that I attained even a fraction of your success, and I firmly believe that my continued apprenticeship with Osu T'Van will be instrumental in giving me the best chance at accomplishing that lofty goal."
There was silence for a long, tense moment, then came the rustling of fabric. Minister Kollos stood and made his way around the polished wooden table, pausing only a few feet in front of me. How was one man that broad? His robes were clearly tailored to hug his figure closely, but really, the further reminder of how much he towered over me made my breath hitch.
"You present a convincing argument, t'sai," he said in a voice as deep and smooth as top-shelf whiskey. "We will deliberate and inform you tomorrow of our decision."
Wait, it was over already? Throwing caution to the wind, I took a few slow steps closer to him and bit my lower lip.
"Thank you for your consideration, osu, but...is there anything more that I could do to convince you to decide in my favor?" I asked looking up at him and batting my eyelashes as my fingertips brushed lightly over the back of one of his hands. Kollos's eyes widened, but he didn't protest or move away. His jaw clenched, and his gaze darkened significantly. "Anything at all...?"
"T'sai...you needn't feel pressured to take such actions," Kollos stated, but he didn't move away. The other Ministers likely had a good view of how scandalously I was touching a member of the Vulcan government.
"We would likely rule in your favor regardless of your personal persuasion," Kuvak called, but despite the concern on his face, there was hunger lingering in his gaze, as well.
"If she feels the need to seduce us to make certain of our decision, who are we to stop her? Proceed, if you wish." Administrator V'Las posited as he leaned back in his chair. Minister Kollos's free hand turned my head back toward him and he looked somberly into my eyes.
"You don't have to do this." His voice was barely above a whisper, but the vehemence in his voice made up my mind for me. The two younger Ministers who sat at either end of the long table seemed to have no opinion on the matter, choosing instead to defer to the wisdom of the three more experienced members of the High Command.
"I want to, osu," I replied firmly, and in a flash, Kollos had spun me around, pressed my back against his front, and curled his fingers with mine.
"Are you quite certain that you know what you are doing?" Kuvak called as he shifted in his seat. "Humans are fragile–"
Kollos's warm breath caressed my neck, and a quiet moan escaped me. Any further protests Kuvak might have had were silenced and replaced with slow, hungry exhales.
I vaguely noted one of the younger Ministers ordering the whole council's schedule cleared for the next two hours.
"Is this what you originally planned to do when you made this appointment with us, girl?" V'Las called as he stood and made his way over to us. I couldn't bring myself to answer. Kollos's hands had already begun to wander, divesting me of my robes and exploring my curves as his colleagues watched. "Look at me."
Opening my eyes - I hadn't even realized that I'd closed them - I found the head of Vulcan High Command breathing heavily and palming the growing bulge in the front of his robes. Once I was fully nude between them, V'Las freed his erection and guided one of my hands to grasp him.
"Make yourself useful, then," he growled, and I looked up at him as innocently as I could.
"Wouldn't you prefer my mouth?" Both men let out a groan, and soon I was speared between them. The broad-shouldered Minister Kollos thrust into me from behind, grasping my hips tightly so I wouldn't fall, and Administrator V'Las grasped my hair, pushing himself farther and farther into my throat.
Moaning around the lok in my mouth, I fell apart when Minister Kollos rubbed my clit in quick, deliberate circles. V'Las practically shouted his release moments later, shoving himself deeper in my throat as he came.
When he finally pulled away, Kuvak appeared before me looking both concerned and aroused.
"Are you alright?" He murmured, but instead of answering, I pressed a soft kiss over his own clothed erection. After a split second's indecision, he began fumbling to free himself. Grasping his hand as I took him into my mouth, I relished the skill in Minister Kollos's fingers.
He brought me to orgasm twice more before he spilled himself. Kuvak came a moment after him, and I swallowed his pleasure. The sound of hurried footsteps made me open my eyes. The two youngest Ministers, who had until a moment before been stroking their lengths to the show before them, now stood in Kuvak's place and groaned as erupted.
Hot ropes of their come splattered across my cheeks, and after a few quiet murmurs of gratitude, it was over. Kollos helped me to my feet, handing me a cloth to clean my face. I was attempting to replace my clothing in some semblance of the order it had been in prior to our tryst when V'Las spoke.
"T'sai, I think I speak for all of us when I say that should you need any other requests granted in future, you need only come to us and we shall ensure that you are not refused," he paused, "assuming that we have more sessions like today's, of course."
Kollos laid his hand lightly on my shoulder.
"You are not obligated to agree to that. We would grant your requests whether or not we repeat today's activities," he said with a glance of reproach at the Administrator.
"And you will receive your official extension notice this evening," one of the two younger Ministers called.
"I appreciate your concern, Ministers, but I'd be more than happy to come back do this again," I replied. They all seemed rather pleased to hear that.
As I made my way back toward the elevator, a familiar head of blond hair appeared next to me. Jana looked like the cat who got the canary. Clearly she'd guessed what happened.
"I'm just going to assume you're getting that extension. So...knowing how much the Ministers appreciate a steady routine, should I set up an appointment for the same time next week?"
Vulcan Words:
t'sai = lady (title)
osu = sir (title)
@akamitrani @android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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spockvarietyhour · 1 year
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Opposing fleets, "Kir'shara"
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
The Music of Vulcan
Relevant Kir'Shara Article: What Does A Vulcan Listen To?
Songs from T'Khasi
Songs created by Vulcans, primarily in Vulkansu
Nadordatoran na'o T'Khasi (Tribute to Vulcan)
A mourning dirge for the Vulcan home world composed after it's destruction in the Kelvin Timeline, performed by T'Prion.
The Ballad of Solkar The Slut
A chiding parody ballad recounting the historical event referred to as "First Contact", specifically the handshake transpiring between Ambassador Solkar and Zefram Cochrane. Written by @yel-halansu and performed by @axelastralis
Falor's Journey
An excerpt of the musical epic known as "Falor's Journey" performed by Tuvok (played by Tim Russ) from the Voyager episode "Innocence" in Federation Standard via Universal Translator.
The Works of Sidzhan T'Gai & T'Prion
Sidzhan T'Gai's youtube channel consists of 7 original compositions in various Vulcan musical traditions and styles performed by T'Prion. The titles consist of I'kushizhau Etek Salan (Now We Shape The Wind), Ken-tor Rik'faiyan, Dvel (Choice), Sochya (Peace), IDIC, Kaiidith (What Is, Is), Fmak t'Sochya (Sanctuary of Peace). For more information go to Vulcan Legacy.
Earth Songs in Vulkansu
See the Vulcan Linguistics Post for translation tools!
Ki'orentor (You & I Have Learned)
A poem written by Leonard Nimoy in 1981 and shared on Twitter a few days before his death, translated here into Vulcan (with English subtitles).
How to Save A Life
Original song by The Fray, translated and performed by Denatonia, title translated to "Remembering A Friend" for lyrical restructuring purposes.
Aluk-kumsu (The Wellerman Song)
A translation of the New Zealand whaling shanty that took the internet by storm earlier in the pandemic, translated and performed by myself.
Rom-halan Mahk (The Parting Glass)
A translation of an old Irish drinking song into Vulkansu by myself, since dedicated to Nichelle Nichols and all beloved Star Trek actors now departed from us.
Inspired by Vulcans and Vulkansu
Songs of T'Khasi
A five playlist Masterpost composed by myself of short playlists meant to depict the grander overarching history of Vulcan. From when they first evolved into thinking humanoids in the unforgiving T'Khasi desert, to their ever changing and enlightened future among the stars.
Aluk-kumsu (The Wellerman Song)
A translation of the New Zealand whaling shanty that took the internet by storm earlier in the pandemic, translated and performed by myself.
Pon Farr: An Amok Time Tribute
A fan re-interpretation/playlist recounting the events of of Star Trek: The Original Series' "Amok Time", each song depicting a particular chapter in the narrative.
Vulcan Performance at Unifision
Theoretical waxings on the various stylings of performance from Federation worlds at a United Federation of Planets "Eurovision" instigated by @goddamnshinyrock and @swordfern. With particular description on the Vulcan performance by @aceofwands. Fanart depiction can be found here, created by @sleepysnowfinch!
Click Here to Return to the Vulcan Masterpost (Coming Soon!)
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giffingthingsss · 2 years
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‘a vulcan who’s been dead for a thousand plus years’
‘uh huh yeah okay’
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A Whovian Watches Star Trek for the First Time: Part 083 - Vulcan Corruption Undone
Star Trek: Enterprise - Season 4 Episode 9 - Kir'Shara
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We open with the Vulcan High Command preparing to Invade Andoria. Their leader is claiming that the Andorians have the Xindi prototype weapon, from Season 3. Of Course, we know that Archer destroyed that Prototype when the Andorians tried to take it, so these are just lies for the Vulcans to justify a war.
Meanwhile, Archer is on his way to the Vulcan Capital with the Kir'Shara, and Enterprise is heading to Andoria. Trip's plan is to meet Shran, because of course he's the only Andorian who would trust Enterprise without evidence. Apparently, if the Kir'Shara is revealed to the public, it will prove that the Syrranites are correct about Surak's teachings, and will remove most of the Vulcan High Command's support.
Apparently the Syrranites also know a cure for Panar Syndrome, from way back in the episode Stigma. This doesn't feel like as big a revelation as it should be though, because we haven't really seen how T'Pol's Panar Syndrome has effected her since that episode. If we had been shown its effects throughout, say switched out her Trellium Addiction for the effects of Panar Syndrome, I feel like the revelation would feel more important.
Enterprise arrives at Andoria and tell Shran about the invasion. His anger in this scene is really well performed. Instead of believing their plans however, they transport Savol onto their ship for a torture session. I love that their way of torturing Vulcans is to just forcibly lower their emotional inhibitions, I thought it was a little bit funny. Savol also got a few good lines while being tortured, specifically about his story about the Soldier who's name now means fool in the Vulcan Language. Eventually Shran and the Andorians do come around though, and even invite Enterprise to join them in the battle
A few Vulcans working for the High Command intercept Archer's group, and we get a pretty cool Melee fight scene. T'Pol also lying about where they're taking the Kir'Shara was also great. Archer and T'Pau's various guerrilla tactics in the desert make for some great action.
Meanwhile T'Pol is taken to Vulcan Command, and I just love how slimey V'las sounds when he talks about executing her, like he's just so delighted to have an excuse for an execution. Sent a shiver down my spine. However, his plans are interrupted by the Andorian fleet intercepting the Vulcan fleet. Plus, scans aren't showing the Xindi tech, because it doesn't exist. A Firefight breaks out between the fleets just as Archer arrives at High Command to present the Kir'Shara, and the fleet is called off.
Apparently, also T'Pol's husband has annulled the Marriage, which is a nice conclusion to that particular conflict, I just wish he was more directly involved in the arc for him to come to that conclusion. It looks like Vulcan is going to go through a huge reformation now.
The episode also ends off on a really weird note of revealing that V'Las was working for some other Vulcan dude, and the episode acts like it's a big reveal, but I've never seen this guy before.
This was definitely the political intrigue focus episode I've been looking for since the start of this arc. The Vulcan religion and Worldbuilding stuff is fun, but I'm glad we're really digging into the political corruption themes. I find it really interesting that the Religious sect of the Vulcans seem to become the dominant force on Vulcan after this arc. Is that what they're like going forward? I'm here for it, it's just weird that what I thought about the Vulcans before starting these posts was more akin to how they've been so far.
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more-better-words · 8 months
Here it is, Chapter 20: What We Will Build, the final chapter of What We Build Here, the second part of your “Built to Last” series. So, any behind the scene details to share? Thank you!
I always knew there'd be a mind meld in this chapter. T'Pol has telepathically shared things with Trip before, but this needed to be different. It needed to be more momentous. So in this moment of stress and pain, she melds with him, to reassure him, and herself, of the strength of their bond.
Because I also knew they were going to be separated at the end. They're needed in two separate places - T'Pol is basically the only person who could conceivably be Archer's first officer again now that he's a commodore, and who else could possibly take command of Endeavour than the man who built her engines?
The idea of giving Trip his own command was actually born out of the Vulcan trilogy in Season 4 ("The Forge"/"Awakening"/"Kir'Shara") when he's left in command of the Enterprise and does a pretty good job of it! (He'd certainly come a long way from Season 1 when he was getting in slap fights with T'Pol about being in charge lol) So yes, I give him a promotion but not her - not because I don't think she'd do well with a command of her own, but being first officer of the fleet flagship in time of war is a pretty big deal!
So they get six months of domestic bliss in San Francisco before anything goes to hell. But as T'Pol points out, their relationship is made of pretty strong stuff. It'll hold.
(I'd never ended a fic on a downer before and I was not prepared for the emotional reaction I got! I now understand why/how fic writers can be tempted to use their powers for evil 🤣🤣🤣)
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: ENTERPRISE S4E9 "Kir'shara Part 3"
archer just neck pinched. AGHGGH but also LIRPAS no im sorry the choreo in this series as of s4 is so good. VULCAN. COMBAT. FUCK. ME.
seeing vulcan militarising is so off god i like this pressure in this vulcan arc the more dramatic score makes it better uGHHHH vulcan calligraphy looks so glorious
theres somehting…. really… really cool about archer and t'pau being the ones to meld vulcan with earth.
and for what that means on all that comes after.
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shranstan · 2 years
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