#Knee Pain Treatment in India
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painspecialist · 2 years
Iliotibialband Syndrome
What is Iliotibial band syndrome?
Iliotibial band (ITB) is a thickened band of tissue that runs along the outer side of thigh from the pelvis to the shinbone (just below the knee joint). It helps to transmit forces from the hip to the knee and acts a stabiliser of the outer side of knee, playing an important role in postural control.
With bending and straightening of the knee this band moves over the lower outer end of thigh bone and sometimes repeated motion can cause the ITB to irritate the surrounding tissues. This is addressed as iliotibial band syndrome (ITBS) or IT syndrome. It manifests as pain along the outer side of knee after repetitive motion. Although anyone can develop this condition, it occurs more frequently in athletes and those participating in activities involving frequent knee bending and straightening.
Key points about iliotibial band syndrome
Iliotibial band syndrome causes pain on the outer side of the knee
This condition can affect anyone, although is more common in athletes especially runners
Most people recover with rest, simple painkillers and physical therapy
Early ultrasound guided injections can be helpful in reliving symptoms and promoting early return to routine activities
Identifying of the underlying cause is important for preventing reoccurrences
What are the symptoms of ITBS?
Common presenting features include:
Sharp, stinging, aching or needle-like pain on the outer side of the knee
This occurs at the same distance, late in or sometimes even after completing a sporting activity. As the condition progresses pain begins earlier in the course of the activity or can even affect the ability to walk or sit with knees bent.
Pain tends to be worse every time the heel strikes the ground. Activities such as running downhill, cycling or stairs can make it worse
Snapping or popping sound from the knee, sometimes associated with swelling
Pain may radiate upward towards the outer side of the thigh /hip or downwards towards the leg
ITBS is uncommon in the inactive population. It is seen more frequently in
Long distance runners- incidence ranges from 1.6% – 12%
Cyclists – accounting for 15–24% of overuse injuries in cyclists
Athletes participating in hiking, hockey, basketball, tennis, weightlifting, soccer, jumping activities, rowing and skiing
Military recruits – incidence between 1% to 5.3%
Those who squat repeatedly
What causes ITBS?
The exact cause of iliotibial band syndrome is not clear and there may be multiple factors contributing to its development. Most popular belief is that this is an overuse injury resulting from friction from the movement of the iliotibial band over the lower outer edge of the thigh bone, as during repeated bending and straightening of the leg. Most contact between the ITB and lower end of thigh bone occurs when the knee is bent (flexed) at 30 degrees, which is the angle at which the foot strikes the ground and hence the maximal pain at this time. Other theories attribute the condition to the abnormal compression of the tissues beneath ITB or to the inflammation in the small fluid-filled sac (bursa) bone and tendons in the area.
A combination of issues may contribute to its development including
Poor training factors like running on uneven of hilly terrain, abrupt changes in training intensity, running with worn out shoes
Poor strength and flexibility of muscles such as having weak hip muscles, tight IT band. The hip muscles play an important role in the gait and their weakness places increased strain on ITB
Other mechanical imbalances such as unequal leg length, arthritis of the inner side of knee or bowed legs. Imbalances may also involve low back and pelvis (abnormal pelvis tilt). These situations can cause the iliotibial band to become excessively tight thus enhancing friction.
ITBS occurs more commonly in association with certain other conditions such as outer hip pain (greater trochanteric pain syndrome/ trochanteric bursitis) and pain along the kneecap (patellofemoral syndrome).
How is this condition diagnosed?
Iliotibial band syndrome can be diagnosed on the basis of history and examination findings. There is often history of recent change in level of activities with the typical symptoms as explained previously. Tenderness on the outer side of knee just above the joint and other special clinical tests can help in the diagnosis. Investigations such as the MRI or ultrasound scans can help confirm the diagnosis and rule out other conditions with similar presentation.
Ultrasound scan has the advantage of being a rapid, low cost, widely available, in clinic investigation which can demonstrate swelling, fluid collection, bursitis and thickening of the ITB. It has the advantage of being able to compare with the other side and carrying out a dynamic assessment (assessment with leg movement). MRI may show thickening, tearing of ITB or swelling above / below the ITB.
What are the treatment options for ITBS?
Optimal management of these patients requires a multidisciplinary team approach with the pain specialists and physiotherapists playing the key role.
Acute phase treatment
During this phase the aim is to relieve pain and limit the inflammatory response. This requires activity limitation or modification and refraining from provoking activities such as running. General principles of management during this phase are
Refrain from the inciting activity for up to 6 weeks or until the pain has resolved. Activities such as yoga, swimming, walking which do not provoke pain can be continued.
Rest, ice, compression and elevation (RICE)
Simple painkillers and anti-inflammatory medications
Ultrasound guided Injections
Ultrasound guided steroid Injections
Local injections are considered in severe cases where physical therapy and oral medications fail to provide adequate relief. Local injection can help in confirming the diagnosis, providing prolonged pain relief and facilitating early return to routine physical activities, especially when used early in the disease. Ultrasound guidance throughout the procedure is valuable in improving accuracy and reducing complications. Any fluid collection, if present, can be removed at the same time. Post injection activities can be increased in a graded fashion once the patient has been pain free for two weeks.
Subacute phase- Gradual Stretching
Once inflammation is under control exercises focussing on stretching and improving flexibility can be started. This lays the foundation for subsequent strength training. Any contributory factors such as footwear, posture, sports specific technique training etc should be addressed.
Restarting activities
Most patients are able to return to activity within 6 to 8 weeks. ITBS however can have a fluctuating course and may relapse during the treatment or return to activity phase. Stretching of the iliotibial band, gluteus muscles and strengthening of the low back, hips, knees, and leg muscles is frequently recommended as part of the treatment plan to prevent reoccurrences. Improving strength around the hip helps to reduce the forces on the IT band.
Identifying and addressing the underlying causes of the problem is important. It may involve analysis of gait, leg length, pelvic tilt, and that of muscle strength, balance and flexibility.
Surgical intervention is reserved for refractory cases not responding to the above-mentioned measures for more than 6 months. Options include ITB release, ITB lengthening, removal of bursa (ITB bursectomy), and arthroscopic ITB debridement.
TAG : Pain Clinic in Gurgaon, Knee Pain Treatment in India,  Sport Injury Treatment in Delhi, Pain specialist in Gurgaon, Best Pain Specialist in South Delhi
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nirajvoradr · 8 months
Learn about the common knee injuries and symptoms explained by Dr. Niraj Vora, a professional orthopaedic, who recommends to following up earlier than later.
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sarathjohn · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Ayurvedic Treatment Hospitals in Kerala for Parkinson's Disease
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Understanding the Basics of Ayurvedic Treatment and How it is Helping People With Parkinson's Disease
Millions of people across the globe are afflicted by Parkinson's disease, a neurodegenerative disorder that worsens over time. While modern medicine offers various treatment options, an increasing number of individuals are turning to alternative therapies like Ayurveda to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, focuses on holistic healing and balancing the mind, body, and spirit.
Kerala, a state in southern India, is renowned for its traditional Ayurvedic treatments and wellness centres. The tranquil natural environment and skilled Ayurvedic practitioners make it an ideal destination for individuals seeking holistic treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kerala. In this guide, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of different Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala and discuss the benefits of seeking treatment at a state-of-the-art Ayurvedic hospital.
Advantages of Different Ayurvedic Treatment Hubs Available in Kerala
1. Expertise: Kerala is home to numerous Ayurvedic hospitals and wellness centres that have been providing traditional treatments for generations. These facilities boast a wealth of experience and expertise in Ayurvedic medicine, ensuring that patients receive the highest quality care.
2. Customized Treatments: Ayurveda believes in personalized treatment plans tailored to each individual's unique needs. Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala offer comprehensive consultations with experienced Ayurvedic physicians who assess the patient's condition and design a customized treatment regimen. This personalized approach allows for a more targeted and effective treatment of Parkinson's disease symptoms.
3. Herbal Medicines: Ayurvedic treatments primarily rely on herbal medicines derived from natural sources. Kerala's Ayurvedic hospitals have access to a wide range of medicinal plants and herbs, many of which are indigenous to the region. These herbal formulations are believed to have therapeutic properties that can help manage the symptoms of Parkinson's disease.
4. Panchakarma Therapies: Panchakarma, a detoxification and rejuvenation therapy, is a hallmark of Ayurvedic treatment. Kerala's Ayurvedic hospitals specialize in Panchakarma therapies, which involve various cleansing and purifying procedures to eliminate toxins from the body. These therapies aim to restore the balance of doshas (energetic forces) and promote overall well-being.
Disadvantages of Different Ayurvedic Treatment Hubs Available in Kerala
1. Limited Scientific Evidence: While Ayurveda has been practised for centuries, the scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness in the treatment of Parkinson's disease in Kerala is limited. The traditional nature of Ayurveda and the lack of rigorous clinical trials make it challenging to assess its precise impact on Parkinson's symptoms.
2. Individual Response Variability: Ayurvedic treatments may yield different results for different individuals. Factors such as age, overall health, disease progression, and individual body constitution can influence treatment outcomes. It is essential to approach Ayurvedic treatment with realistic expectations and understand that results may vary.
Benefits of Treatment at a Kerala's State-of-the-Art Ayurvedic Hospital For People With Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's disease is a progressive neurological disorder that can significantly impact an individual's quality of life. While there is no cure for Parkinson's disease, various treatments can help manage its symptoms and improve the patient's overall well-being.
Ayurveda is an ancient Indian medical system that uses a holistic approach to promote physical, mental, and spiritual health. Kerala is known for its tradition of Ayurveda, and many state-of-the-art Ayurvedic hospitals are located there. Here are some potential benefits of seeking treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kerala Ayurvedic Hospital:
Customized Treatment Plans: Ayurvedic hospitals typically offer personalized treatment plans based on the individual's unique symptoms, medical history, and overall health. These plans may include a combination of Ayurvedic therapies, such as herbal medicines, massages, and dietary changes, tailored to the patient's needs.
 Non-Invasive and Natural Treatments: Ayurveda emphasizes natural and non-invasive treatments that are gentle on the body and have fewer side effects. This approach can be particularly beneficial for individuals with Parkinson's disease who may be sensitive to traditional pharmaceuticals.
Comprehensive Care: Ayurvedic hospitals often provide comprehensive care that addresses the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of a patient's health. This holistic approach can help manage the emotional and psychological challenges that often accompany Parkinson's disease.
Experienced Practitioners: Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala employ experienced practitioners who have in-depth knowledge of Ayurvedic treatments and their potential benefits for Parkinson's disease. These practitioners may work in conjunction with conventional medical professionals to provide integrated care.
Access to Traditional Ayurvedic Therapies: Ayurvedic treatment hospitals in Kerala offer traditional Ayurvedic therapies that are not widely available in other parts of the world. For example, Panchakarma is a detoxification therapy that uses massage, steam baths, and herbal medicines to remove toxins from the body. This therapy is believed to have potential benefits for individuals with Parkinson's disease.
Overall, seeking treatment for Parkinson's disease in Kerala Ayurvedic hospitals may offer a unique and holistic approach to managing the condition's symptoms and improving the patient's quality of life. However, it's essential to consult with a medical professional before beginning any new treatment regimen, including Ayurvedic therapies.
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trustjointcenter · 1 year
Orthopedic Treatment in Vijayawada - Trust Joint Center
Orthopedic health situations can be painful and now and again quite crucial. But, there is an expansion of remedy options reachable that paint to cope with them. The extremely good manner to treat orthopedic conditions is through preventative care. There is no medical expert greater certified to provide preventative take care for orthopedic situations than an orthopedic healthcare professional from the orthopedic in Vijayawada.
Preventative care is a treatment focused on reducing the dangers of growing illnesses, ailments, and conditions. Preventative care makes a speciality of treating troubles in advance than they arise or come to be worse, and in advance than extreme treatment like surgical treatment ought to be finished. Although surgical approaches are powerful in treating heaps of health conditions, they arrive with intense capability problems. Orthopedic Surgeries can require prolonged recovery instances, run the danger of headaches, and encompass the functionality for pretty some ache.
However, many situations may be handled with using different alternatives. As instance, there are various styles of bodily treatment plans which could help reduce pain and boom functionality. That is wherein preventative care turns into essential. In masses of times, preventative care can gradual the development of a health scenario. Preventative care moreover focuses on making modifications in your day-by way of-day existence.
The best orthopedic healthcare professional in Vijayawada is the correct expert for preventative take care of your orthopedic situations due to the fact they're professionals within the place. On the surface, it’s clean to consider that surgeons are cognizant of treating situations through surgical operations best. However, knowledgeable orthopedic fitness care specialists will recognize orthopedic conditions and all remedy alternatives thoroughly. Orthopedic surgeons are dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and stopping musculoskeletal device conditions. They understand the development process and what steps you can take these days to save you the need for surgical treatments later on. An orthopedic fitness care provider will be cognizant of preventative care and non-surgical treatment, as masses as surgical answers for orthopedic conditions. Check online for a pleasant ortho medical doctor clinic close to me for a nice treatment.
Visit trustjointcenter.com for any ortho-related treatments in Vijayawada, India. Make an appointment with Dr. U. Venkata Ramana
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drsivakumar · 2 years
Orthopedic Doctors in Guntur, India
What reasons the ache
As the hip’s shielding layer wears away, the ball grinds in its socket. Walking and standing up from a seated function can end up painful.
How the hip works
The ball-and-socket joint of your hip lets in you to keep stable and stroll, squat or turn. A layer of cartilage protects both the ball and the socket and helps the joint flow easily.
A better approach to surgery
While conventional hip substitute cuts via important muscle corporations, the anterior-based totally, muscle-sparing technique is easier at the frame. A health practitioner makes a small incision at the the front of the hip to eliminate broken cartilage and area a new artificial joint. Because the incision is small, restoration is faster and ache is often reduced.
What you could count on after hip replacement
After recuperating, you may anticipate to stroll, bicycle and swim with ease. Your physician may additionally advise you to avoid excessive-effect activities, consisting of basketball, running and tennis.
Care for hips, knees, shoulders and extra
Dr. Sivakumar Mamillapalli, specializes inside the anterior-primarily based, muscle-sparing technique to hip replacements. Plus, with an orthopedic nurse navigator, you've got a further suggest assisting you every step of the manner. Adventist Health's orthopedic strategies and specialties encompass:
Hip and knee 
Shoulder surgical procedure
Sports remedy
Diagnostic approaches
For orthopedic treatments please visit keyholejointsurgery.com located in Guntur, India.
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iaure · 1 year
𝔦 𝔠𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱 𝔪𝔶 𝔟𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔱𝔥𝔰 𝔬𝔫 𝔶𝔬𝔲𝔯 𝔫𝔢𝔠𝔨, 𝔴𝔥𝔦𝔩𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲 𝔰𝔩𝔢𝔢𝔭
𝖞𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖊 𝖒𝖎𝖌𝖚𝖊𝖑 𝖔❜𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆 𝖝 𝖋𝖊𝖒!𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗
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𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 1: 𝔩𝔬𝔯𝔡 ℑ 𝔴𝔬𝔯𝔯𝔶; 𝔱𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔰 𝔳𝔦𝔬𝔩𝔢𝔫𝔠𝔢 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 2: 𝔴𝔥𝔢𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔪𝔶 𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔰, 𝔶𝔬𝔲'𝔯𝔢 𝔪𝔦𝔫𝔢 𝔱𝔬 𝔨𝔢𝔢𝔭 𝔭𝔞𝔯𝔱 4: 𝔰𝔞𝔡𝔫𝔢𝔰𝔰 𝔰𝔴𝔢𝔢𝔱 𝔢𝔫𝔬𝔲𝔤𝔥 𝔱𝔬 𝔰𝔴𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔴
CW: delusion, attempted kissing, chase sequence, snitchery, thoughts of reader being a mother, vivid fears of dying, reader is temporarily locked away, reader gets hurt, SpanishDict translated Spanish.
This part switches between Miguel's POV and the Reader's. ♱ stands for the translation being at the bottom of the post. please let me know immediately if there are any errors!
Severe spoilers for Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse.
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ we making it out of nueva york with this one !!!! maybe. there's a poll at the end to determine fundamental plot! please vote after you read and share your thoughts!! i had the she's homeless x spider-man india mashup on loop and reached a higher place of ascension.
wc: 3.8k
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𝐌𝐢𝐠𝐮𝐞𝐥 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐞𝐥𝐟-𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧.
Miles Morales had escaped, run amok to another world. Jess and Ben were trying to hunt him down, but with no back history on the Go Home Machine, they were stuck playing the waiting game. Margo was working on it, but Miguel had a hunch that her heart wasn't in on it. Traitors, everywhere. And the most painful traitor of all refused to meet his eye. Miguel sat on a chair in front the containment bubble, elbows on his knees with his hands laced together. Y/N had been sealed away, red filament twisting around her like a hamster ball, or a puffed up cocoon. The grapefruit glow bounced off her skin, casting an ominous light over the blooming bruises around her midsection, where her suit had torn from the glass, where Miguel had hurt her. He hated self-confliction. Y/N had betrayed him, the Spider-Society, the multiverse-willingly aided Miles in his escape. She probably was the reason he got away. Y/N had made the conscious choice to forsake the canon. She had known Miles for all of an hour, at most. Y/N threw away everything to help a teenager that (to Miguel, at least) had no idea the damage he was causing. She completely the deserved the situation she was in. It didn't matter what the reasoning was. And now she sat, curled up in a fetal position on the floor, trapped inside a containment bubble, her back to him. Y/N didn't meet his eye, but he knew it wasn't an act of shame or cowardice. It was the idea that he wasn't worthy of it; the idea that he didn't deserve to see her eyes. That she wouldn't even grace him with the idea that she was looking at him. She was being punished like a toddler with time out. Y/N had made a mistake.
But Miguel loved her.
He couldn't dance around the word anymore. There was a monster clutching his beating heart, and it haunted his immortal soul. It was love, as twisted and convoluted as it was. Love for a woman that had her back to him, pointedly refusing to speak. Miguel had seen her anger before. Being on the receiving end felt like a nightmare. Just silence, as thought the two of them were preschoolers and the silent treatment was the most lethal weapon in the schoolyard. He expected her vitriol to be loud, the kind that breeds screaming matches-not this.
"Y/N." Miguel was met with (shocker!) more silence. "Where did Miles go? This is important." Silence. "Why would you do this. You've potentially damned the multiverse." Y/N shuffled a bit, if only to wiggly further away. "You've helped disrupt the canon." Miguel sighs. "You're an adult. You should know better. Miles was a stupid kid-" "That you body-slammed into a train." Y/N finally spoke, biting like a viper and tilting her head a bit to look at Miguel out of the corner of her eye. "A 15-year-old that you saw fit to chase on all fours. His reaction was reasonable." Miguel's conflict swelled. Y/N was talking in that dulcet angel tone, so succulent despite her anger. But her insistence was irritating. She absolutely should've understood, better than any of the teenagers, her little acolytes. Miles was new. It was true that his reaction was...understandable, to a degree. Hobie always broke the rules anyway. Gwen was going through a rough time, and Pav was there to have a good time. But Y/N's brother died because of an anomaly. She of all people should know the threat they pose.
"We tried explaining it to him. It was his choice that he didn't listen. You, on the other hand, you knew the consequences." "I'd rather be a proper hero and fight for what's right, to help those that need help. That's a concept that's hard for you to understand, right?" "Oh, so trying to protect the multiverse is wrong. Okay, okay. Esto es ridículo.♱" Miguel rose from the chair, muttering under his breath and turning with his hands on his hips. His head was reeling. He knew Y/N was stubborn, but this was absurd. "I'm holding every Spider, every world, together!" "Says the guy who didn't even get bit!" Y/N counters, quick as lightning. "If your canon events are so true, then how is Nueva York standing? You answer me that!" "Canon events can differ-" "By so much that there's not even a spider? Get real, Miguel! The kid isn't doing the-the-the-!" Y/N tripped over her words, rising from her curl on the ground and talking with her hands, trying to get her thoughts in one row. "The devastation that you think he is! Canon isn't infallible!" Miguel whipped around, realising he'd come face to face with Y/N. She was panting like a dog, a scowl buried under a grimace buried under a glare. Her eyes were steely, finally meeting Miguel's eyes like rocks crashing with the sea. It was a clash of wills.
And Miguel hated how much he loved it.
What a woman, honestly. If she was this passionate about protecting a teenager she'd just met, what would she be like with her own kids? Miguel was sure that Y/N would be wonderful, always coming to the kid's defense, without question. That venomous tongue would be soft-spoken to a child, one that would have Y/N's eyes and Miguel's hair. Maybe a little girl, a Gabriella that would truly be Miguel's own. No switching places with the dead. No feigning love for a woman he didn't know. No technicolour nightmares. His own little girl, from his own wife. And god! Y/N as a wife! She'd be so sweet, waking Miguel up in the mornings with light kisses, whispering sweet nothings to him, letting his hands water as his slips out of groggy dreams. The rising sun on her skin would light her up like a holy statue, and the moment Miguel was conscious he'd be happy (honoured) to worship. From the second he woke up, to the second he fell asleep, he'd be worshipping, down to his dreams being dictated by Y/N. Holidays, weekends, family trips, saving the multiverse together...it would be-
"What, you going brain dead? Are you even listening?"
Y/N's biting words dragged Miguel back to reality, as hateful as the idea of reality was. His daydreams were so much kinder than this. She was still upset, still trapped behind that red barrier, and they were still enemies. But after the vision of what they could have, it was like a tease to just keep playing cat and mouse. It would be cruel and unusual punishment to torture himself like that. It'd take convincing. A lot of it. But Y/N wasn't unreasonable. She was noble at heart and maybe a bit naïve. But she was a Spider at the end of the day, always looking for the best solution to terrible problems. And that's where it's important. That's okay. Relationships were about compromise, after all. "Y/N." Miguel spoke softly. He really couldn't hide his affections for much longer. It was spilling out of him like a cup, pouring through the cracks and spilling over the sides. And he saw how Y/N shifted. He could tell that she was figuring it out. She could see how he moved. And she slowly backed to the other side of the containment bubble, moving further away until her back was against the wall. Did it break his heart? A little bit, but this was going to take time. All things would.
"Y/N," He repeated. "We...really shouldn't fight. We're-we're special, you and I." Miguel got close to the containment bubble, watching Y/N.
He didn't realise it, but sometime in the last fifteen minutes, the bubble's purpose had changed. It started out as capturing a prisoner, a traitor, someone who was dangerous and could be a threat to society as a whole. But it changed to a shield, protecting a prey animal from a predator. It was Y/N's last safeguard from Miguel doing anything unwise. The dynamic shifted. Y/N could tell it-every hair was on end, every sense was on fire. But Miguel was oblivious. "I'm gonna shut this off," He tapped on the filament, and Y/N swallowed. "Promise me you won't go running off. We can have an adult conversation. We can talk." And maybe Y/N should've protested. She could've asked to keep it on, but who'd admit they were scared in a situation like this? So she stayed silent. She kept in her corner, and irritation reared it's ugly head again. Miguel was trying to be cordial. Why wouldn't she just promise? He was offering her freedom.
(Somewhat. Details didn't matter, not here, not now.)
It's not like he was going to hurt her. It's two measly words. Two words in exchange for a lifetime and some of love, affection, devotion. Was that really too hard of a deal?
"Promise." Miguel growled.
Instantly, Y/N put her hands up in mock surrender. "Promise! I promise." Miguel's heart bloomed. She could be so charming when she wanted to be. So disciplined and playful, a good wife, a good lover. Listening was the first step, and she was listening. Miguel could only grin. "Okay." He put his hands to the barrier as his heart raced. He was so close. A step or two more, and he would have the love of his life in his arms. And Y/N was staying still. There was no tension that he could see. She didn't look like she was about to run. She was just nervous. The red barrier folded out of itself, and quiet suddenly, it was just Miguel and Y/N in a room. When was the last time they'd done this? Miguel couldn't remember the last time it was just them. It was always either in fleeting moments or with other Spiders around. It was impossible to get Y/N alone, no matter how hard he tried. But here she was, just him and her and them and an empty room where no one was going to stop them. She didn't move, watching him like he were a predator in the savannah. Miguel didn't like to say that he was excited, per se. But there wasn't really another word for it.
His eyes scanned over Y/N's pretty face, every inch memorised in Miguel's mind. Her sharp eyes. Her cute nose. Her pretty lips. Her pretty lips. What would they taste like? Did she use lip gloss? What would that taste like? How would it feel to have her lips linger on his? These were dire questions, and Miguel was done waiting. He walked up to Y/N, slow and purposeful. He had to seem as non-threatening as possible to pull this off. And quick, because chances were Y/N was going to do something harsh, like slap him. But it was a small price to pay. After all, he had his whole life with Y/N ahead of him. He just needed to get it started.
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Y/N was by no means a stupid woman.
She grew up with the same precautions every other girl did. Don't talk to strangers, they don't have candy in their van, and know when men are about to jump your bones. And in this case, she could practically smell Miguel's thoughts, like the gears in his brain were making smoke from how hard they were churning. She trusted him as far as she could throw him, if she tried throwing him when she was 12 and before she got bitten. That is to say, she didn't trust Miguel at all. He was a stupid, stupid man, and she needed to bolt. So, that's exactly what she did. Promises, schromises. Y/N could say whatever it took for Miguel to let her go, but at the end of the day, she had a responsibility to herself. For all his talk about having an adult conversation, she knew what the look in his eyes was. And when he began reaching for her cheek, Y/N knew it was now or never. Miguel's body weight was enough that she could web him up and hurl him into the nearby wall. It was like watching a cannonball get launched a Mach speed, and his surprised yelp was far more satisfying than it should've been. But he'd done this to himself, and as Y/N booked it down the hallway, she knew she was on a divine clock. Either luck or skill was going to get her out alive, and luck was unreliable at best. She had her hands, her webs, and her brain. That was going to have to make do.
A vast majority of the Spider-People were out, either in their own worlds or helping hunt down Miles. Poor Miles. He just wanted to save his dad. Y/N did her best, did the most she could, but right now? Right now, she had to focus on getting out alive, preferably with her pride intact. And as she heard Miguel's thundering footsteps behind her, an anguished yell, she found it in herself to go impossibly faster. Maybe if she was an outside observer, it would've been funny-a woman booking it past someone standing, only to be followed by a massive, 6'9 blue and red bullet on all fours. Wow. Miguel really did like just running like a dog. Y/N dove down into the lobby of the Spider-Society, ducking and weaving under bridges and platforms. Miguel leapt like an animal, clawing his way onto a platform above and dropping down.
"Stop running!" He barked, getting up to two legs again and reaching out. Y/N could feel his claws miss by a hair, and she leapt off the edge, swinging around and swerving to a platform above, stumbling into the containment room. Rows and rows and rows of sunset orange, anomalies staring at her with wide-confused eyes. None of them were the ones she'd caught, and as she heard Miguel claw up the side of the wall, she knew running wouldn't work forever. She had to do what Miles did-hide, outlast, outplay. These kids were getting too damn smart. Y/N dove behind the anomalous Rhino, praying that it wouldn't elect to shuffle over. It was the biggest thing in the room, the most stationary-and now Y/N realised she was putting far too much stock in luck. If Miguel found her, she genuinely didn't know what he would do. Would he cage her again? Hurt her? Kill her? It all seemed to be a possibility, all at once.
Now, all she could was hope the anomalies didn't sell her out.
In all honesty, she wouldn't blame them. The Spiders didn't have the most ethical treatment of anomalies. She wasn't even sure if they got fed, or what. But maybe a shared hatred for one particular Spider-Man would get it across. Y/N shared a look with a Doc Ock, and he stared at her. She grit her teeth, praying that somehow, the silent prayer would get across. A twitch throbbed in her neck from sheer tension, before the Doc Ock gave a barely noticeable nod. He looked away. It's a cold day in hell when the villains understood Y/N better than the 'good guys' did. Miguel burst into the room, claws tearing up the metal floor. Y/N could see a handful of the anomalies jump, all eyes on him. She had her back to him, and part of her hated how she'd put herself in such a compromising position. Short of her spider-senses, she wouldn't have a clue if she needed to run, and right now, she was having a Spider-Woman check engine light with how much the sense was going off already. It was rendered useless, because thank you very much, she was aware she was in danger.
"Vamos. Prometo que seré gentil.♱" Miguel cooed, heavy steps reverberating throughout the room. Maybe he was muttering to himself, or he genuinely was trying to speak to Y/N, but she knew better than to just leap out and go 'I'm here! Come and get me!'. Spider-Man was funny, but he wasn't stupid. And the same went for his 7290 variant. The anomalies all went silent, and Y/N felt her mouth go dry. It'd been so long since she'd last felt this genuinely terrified. Last time, she was 14, sobbing in an alleyway as she watched her uncle die. This time, she was being hunted by an obsessed, genetically infused daddy longlegs. This was absolutely, totally, completely fine.
"Mi corazón es tuyo. ¿Qué más se puede pedir?♱" Miguel kept muttering to himself, low and quiet and enough that if Y/N didn't have superior hearing, she wouldn't have picked it up. "I need you, I need you, I need you...you need me."
Mm. Y/N wrinkled her nose at that. That just sounded stupid.
Y/N kept her breathing controlled, trying to tame the soreness in her lungs and the shuddering breaths. Bile pooled in her throat as she heard Miguel slowly walk past the rhino, a shake in her hands that she hated acknowledging. But Miguel was terrifying. He was the ultimate predator, trying to hunt Y/N down like prey. She was prey, for the first time in years. She figured that maybe, if they'd done a better job of convincing Miles, then it would make sense. But if this was what the boy was seeing, feeling, then no wonder. She would've jumped off the bullet highway, too. Abruptly, there was a sudden crash, and Y/N's head whipped around to see that Miguel had thrown one of the containment contraptions, hurling it to the wall opposite to her. She practically jumped out of her skin, the bile leaping to her tongue in a bitter, acidic taste. Miguel swore hard in Spanish, howling like an injured dog, damaging more equipment and clawing up anything that wasn't an anomaly. With every hit, every swipe, Y/N flinched, because holy shit that could be her. He could pop her head off with a single slightly hard hit, and it'd be over.
He stalked out of the room, leaping down to the Go Home Machine below. Y/N's sigh of relief felt like it was shared with the whole room, all the anomalies relaxing at once. It's like a thread had been pulled out of a fabric, letting it finally fall the way it was meant to. One anomaly, a fucked up Green Goblin, did a dramatic flop to the floor. Y/N shut her eyes, taking a deep breath. At this point, she'd just abandon ship-leap out the nearest window and web her way out of the city before Miguel could deactivate her watch. And even if he did, then she'd hide out. Nueva York was insane, a metal jungle. She could spend the rest of her life hiding out there, if she had to.
"Beep beep."
Y/N's eyes flew open, looking to her left. Her gut plummeted. Miguel's golden boy, his favourite, one of their best, stood next to her, exactly 4 centimetres high. LEGO Spider-Man, with his teeny little watch. Before, Y/N thought he was cute, like a dog or something. But as his watch flickered to life and the visage of Miguel appeared, she regretted every single instance of her almost stepping on him. "H-Hey, wait-!" She whispered, harsh. "Don't-!" "Miguel, I got eyes on Y/N!" LEGO Spider-Man moved in a way that only a LEGO minifigure could, his head rotating a little bit. The Miguel avatar slowly turned, locking eyes with Y/N, and her blood froze. "Thanks, Peter. You're one of our best for a reason." "Beep beep." LEGO Spider-Man shut off the watch, looking to Y/N. "Sorry. Nothing personal." There was silence for a second.
"Peter." Y/N said. "You fucking suck."
She picked up the LEGO and proceeded to chuck him as far as she possibly could, launching him into the lobby and watching him fall. Some of the anomalies groaned, and already Y/N could hear Miguel barreling his way back to the room. Why the hell could she not catch a break? She only had a handful of options, most of which weren't actually options she could do. There was turning herself in-a non-option. There was calling for help-another non-option. And then there was simply...jumping out the window. The same thing Miles did. Which...felt cliché. Would Miguel really fall for the same thing twice? Literally? Miguel ran into the room, sliding across the floor. There was a moment where he looked up to Y/N, eyes wide and wild. His grin was wide, panting hard with his fangs poking his bottom lip. A flush had bloomed on his face, his eyes blown out like he was on drugs. "There you are," He hissed.
Well. The window it was.
Y/N's sides still hurt from the last time she got tossed out a window. This time, she gave herself the courtesy of bracing herself with her arms, but the glass still hurt like hell. It cut into her arms as Miguel genuinely shrieked, running out after her. There was a moment where Y/N was just in a free-fall, taking a second to reflect on her situation. Did she wake up this morning expecting any of this? No. If she had, she would've texted her neighbour to keep an eye on her fish. But nooo. She just had to get herself mixed up in super-hero shenanigans. She crossed her arms, a petulant scowl on her face. Maybe she still could call to make sure her fish would be okay. Miguel hurtled out the window after her, a hand reaching out to catch the front of her suit. His claws were out, the extra inch and a half proving far more of a threat than Y/N liked. She spun down and webbed Miguel's foot, yanking him down and using him as velocity to shove herself up. He tried the same trick on her, but if there was one thing she had on the 'kilogram of steel vs kilogram of feathers' built Spider was that she was that much faster. She yanked her foot out of the way, webbing to the side of the Spider-Society and slamming into the glass of a floor she'd never even been on before. Miguel plummeted like a brick to the ground, webbing to a building that was that much lower. Y/N had a total of two minutes to decide what the hell she was going to do. So...what was she going to do?
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♱ - This is ridiculous. - Come on out. I promise I'll be gentle. - My heart is yours. What more could you ask for?
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╰・ 𝙜𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙘 ⸜❤︎⸝‍ 𝙢𝙞𝙜𝙪𝙚𝙡 𝙤'𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖 ⨯・ ⨯・@ishqani ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @pix-stuff ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @localdepressedvampire ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @cantchoosejust1 ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @tired-writer04 ⸜❤︎⸝‍ @neteyamsbulletwound
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sanarhospitals · 1 year
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Sanar is the best total knee replacement surgery hospital in Gurgaon, Haryana - India by the top knee doctors & surgeon with an effective cost. and giving world class knee treatment and chronic knee pain or other issues related to the joint. With more than 2.5 lakh people undergoing the procedure in India every year, knee replacement tops the list of most common orthopaedic surgeries.
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noidaapollo · 1 year
Apollo Hospital Noida is one of the leading hospitals in India and is known for providing advanced medical services in the field of knee replacement. Knee replacement surgery is a major procedure to replace damaged or worn out cartilage and bone with prosthetic components. It is a complex procedure and should be performed by experienced and qualified surgeons.  At Apollo Hospital Noida, the team of experienced doctors and surgeons performs total knee replacement surgery with advanced technology and equipment. The hospital is equipped with the latest medical instruments, cutting-edge technology and highly trained medical professionals. 
The hospital uses the latest technologies in arthroscopy, which is a minimally invasive procedure used for knee pain relief. The team of surgeons and doctors at Apollo Hospital Noida are highly skilled and experienced in performing total knee replacement surgeries.  The cost of total knee replacement at Apollo Hospital Noida depends on the type of procedure and the complexity of the surgery. Generally, the cost of the surgery ranges from 1.5 to 2.5 lakhs. The hospital offers comprehensive packages, which include pre-operative consultation and post-operative care. 
The hospital also provides pre-operative tests, anaesthetics, and post-operative follow-ups. Patients can also avail of the services of a physiotherapist and a dietician.  The Apollo Hospital Noida is one of the best hospitals in the country and provides excellent medical care and services. The hospital is well-equipped with the latest technologies and offers world-class medical treatments. It is a preferred destination for total knee replacement surgery and provides a safe and comfortable environment for the patients.
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Knee joint is supplied by branches from many nerves and these are collectively addressed as genicular nerves. The initial diagnostic procedure involves local anaesthetic injections close to the nerves supplying the knee joint. If the diagnostic procedure produces good pain relief then it is beneficial to proceed with radiofrequency treatment from pain specialist.
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painspecialist · 2 years
Pain Management in Delhi, Pain Management Centre In Delhi, Pain Management Clinic In Delhi and Gurgaon.
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drmayurpurandare · 2 years
Best Orthopaedic Surgeon in Pune
Before recommending a course of therapy, our doctor evaluates the severity of the pain and attempts to identify the root source of the problem. Get in touch with us now to learn more about our lower back pain treatment solutions.
Dr. Mayur Purandare is Orthopaedic & Joint Replacement consultant who has extensive knowledge and training in the field. He is also trained arthroscopy & shoulder Surgeon. He has more than 14 years’ experience of in the field. He has been outstanding throughout his academic career. He has done his fellowship in the joint replacement from DMH Pune & fellowship in shoulder surgery from the esteemed Institute – Wrightington Hospital, England. He is owner and chief orthopaedic surgeon at Orion Hospital, Wakad, Pune.
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kneepainsurgeon · 2 days
25 Years of Excellence in Orthopaedic Care, 35,000+ Knee Surgeries and Counting!
Led by the visionary Dr. Dimple Parekh, our Director of Orthopedic and Knee Replacement, Parekhs Orthopaedic Hospital has been dedicated to transforming lives through exceptional orthopaedic care.
Our team of seasoned doctors, boasting over 20 years of invaluable experience, ensures that every patient receives the highest level of care and expertise. 🌟
At Parekhs Orthopaedic Hospital, we embrace cutting-edge technology, including State of the Art Robotic Systems, to provide you with the best possible outcomes and a faster road to recovery. 🤖
But the real stars of our journey are our patients! 🌟 Their inspiring success stories reflect triumph over knee pain and a renewed lease on life. 🙌
We're proud to be Gujarat's 1st Robotic Knee Replacement Center, paving the way for innovative and effective orthopaedic solutions in the region.
Thank you for entrusting us with your orthopaedic health. Here's to many more years of excellence and transforming lives! 🥂
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Rheumatology Specialists in Chennai: Comprehensive Care at Shri Bone & Joint Clinic
Chennai, a bustling metropolis and medical hub, is home to some of the finest healthcare professionals in India. Among these, rheumatologists stand out for their expertise in managing diseases that affect the joints, muscles, and bones. At Shri Bone & Joint Clinic in Chennai, we take immense pride in offering comprehensive rheumatology care, led by highly skilled specialists who are committed to improving the quality of life for patients.
Understanding Rheumatology
Rheumatology is a subspecialty of internal medicine and pediatrics that focuses on the diagnosis and therapy of rheumatic diseases. These diseases can cause chronic pain, swelling, and damage to joints, muscles, and connective tissues. Common conditions treated by rheumatologists include rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lupus, gout, and ankylosing spondylitis, among others.
Given the complexity and often chronic nature of these conditions, patients require a specialist who not only has extensive knowledge of these diseases but also a compassionate approach to long-term care. This is where the expertise of rheumatologists at Shri Bone & Joint Clinic comes into play.
Meet Our Leading Specialist: Dr. Shriram Krishnamoorthy
At the forefront of our rheumatology department is Dr. Shriram Krishnamoorthy, a highly respected orthopedic and rheumatology specialist. With over a decade of experience, Dr. Krishnamoorthy is renowned for his expertise in treating ankle pain, knee-related issues, and various rheumatic conditions. His board certification and dedication to patient care have earned him a reputation as one of the top orthopedic and rheumatology specialist in Chennai.
Dr. Krishnamoorthy's approach is holistic, emphasizing not just the physical symptoms of rheumatic diseases but also the overall well-being of his patients. He is known for his compassionate care, taking the time to understand each patient's unique medical history and lifestyle. This patient-centered approach ensures that treatment plans are tailored to meet individual needs, providing the best possible outcomes.
Why Choose Shri Bone & Joint Clinic?
Shri Bone & Joint Clinic stands out as the premier destination for rheumatology and orthopedic care in Chennai. Here are some reasons why patients choose us:
Expert Team: Our team consists of highly experienced and qualified rheumatologists and orthopedic specialists who bring over ten years of experience to the table. Each specialist is dedicated to continuous learning and staying updated with the latest advancements in their field.
Comprehensive Care: We offer a full spectrum of care for rheumatic diseases, from initial diagnosis to ongoing management. Our services include advanced imaging, laboratory testing, and state-of-the-art treatments tailored to individual patient needs.
Patient-Centered Approach: At Shri Bone & Joint Clinic, we prioritize patient education and involvement in their care. We believe that informed patients are empowered to make better decisions about their health, leading to improved outcomes.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with the latest medical technology, ensuring accurate diagnostics and effective treatments. We maintain high standards of hygiene and patient safety, providing a comfortable and secure environment for our patients.
Affordable Care: Quality healthcare should be accessible to everyone. We strive to offer affordable medical services without compromising on quality, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible care within their means.
Specialized Services
At Shri Bone & Joint Clinic, we offer specialized services to address a wide range of rheumatic conditions:
Rheumatoid Arthritis Management: Our team provides comprehensive care for rheumatoid arthritis, including medication management, physical therapy, and lifestyle modifications. We focus on reducing inflammation, managing pain, and preventing joint damage.
Osteoarthritis Treatment: For patients suffering from osteoarthritis, we offer advanced treatments such as viscosupplementation, physical therapy, and, when necessary, surgical interventions like joint replacement.
Lupus Care: Managing lupus requires a multidisciplinary approach. Our specialists work closely with other healthcare providers to offer integrated care that addresses the diverse symptoms of this complex disease.
Gout Treatment: Gout can cause sudden and severe joint pain. Our experts provide effective management strategies, including medication and dietary recommendations, to prevent flare-ups and maintain joint health.
Ankylosing Spondylitis Management: This chronic inflammatory disease primarily affects the spine. We offer treatments aimed at reducing pain and stiffness, improving mobility, and preventing complications.
Patient Testimonials
The trust and satisfaction of our patients are a testament to the quality of care we provide. Here are a few words from our patients:
"Dr. Shriram Krishnamoorthy's expertise and compassionate care have made a significant difference in my life. My rheumatoid arthritis is now well-managed, and I am able to lead an active life again." – S. Ravi
"The team at Shri Bone & Joint Clinic is exceptional. They took the time to understand my condition and provided a treatment plan that really works for me. I highly recommend them." – M. Lakshmi
Contact Us
At Shri Bone & Joint Clinic, we are committed to providing top-notch rheumatology and orthopedic care. For consultations or to learn more about our services, you can reach us at:
Phone: 9363 600 206, 044 3549 0206, 044 4524 2424
Our clinic is conveniently located in Chennai, making it accessible for patients from all parts of the city and beyond. We look forward to partnering with you on your journey to better health and improved quality of life.
Rheumatic diseases require specialized care and a compassionate approach to ensure the best outcomes for patients. At Shri Bone & Joint Clinic, our experienced team of rheumatologists and orthopedic specialists, led by Dr. Shriram Krishnamoorthy, is dedicated to providing comprehensive and personalized care. With our state-of-the-art facilities and patient-centered approach, we strive to improve the lives of those suffering from rheumatic conditions, making us the preferred choice for rheumatology care in Chennai.
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casca-remedies · 4 days
Increasing Demand for Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil
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Indians have been using Ayurvedic pain relief oil since ancient times. Ayurveda is rooted deeply in Indian culture and history. In those ancient times, Indians were aware of the medicinal properties of herbs and plants. Therefore, they were using a blend of those herbs and plant extracts to relieve pain in joints and muscles. In modern times, we precure our knowledge and heritage of Ayurveda to produce and manufacture the same Ayurvedic pain-relieving oil. The only difference is that we manufacture and pack them in modern packaging for public use. But it is the same old essence of ancient Ayurveda and herbal medicine. 
There are many recognized Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers in India that are making very effective and mint quality Ayurvedic herbal pain oils. These herbal oils are effective in relieving muscle and joint pain. Most of the time, they are very effective in treating common body pain. Pain around the knees, wrists, and musculoskeletal joints can be relieved by using an effective Ayurvedic painkiller oil. 
These oils are blends of selective and effective plant and herb extracts. This oil penetrates the skin and provides relief from pain and swelling. Rubbing affected areas also improves blood circulation, which eventually relaxes the muscles and provides relief from strain and stiffness. In total, these Ayurvedic painkiller oils are very effective and safe to use. 
Uses and Benefits of Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil
Herbal and Ayurvedic painkiller oils are safe to use. Anyone suffering from joint and muscle pain can use these oils for a longer period of time. Being herbal in nature, they do not produce any side effects. Herbally blended oils are extremely effective in treating chronic muscle and joint pains. These oils have inflammatory properties that reduce swelling and provide relaxation to muscles from stiffness and strains. They are able to cure mostly all types of muscles and pain associated with bones. 
These Ayurvedic Pain Relief Oil are best for both osteoarthritis and arthritis. They can provide relief for a long time. 
Best Ayurvedic Medicine Manufacturers in India
As we know, India is a land of Ayurveda. This is why Indians have faith and trust in Ayurvedic medicinal treatment methods. India is the biggest market for Ayurvedic and herbal products.
To meet this huge market demand for herbal medicines, manufacturing companies in India are producing very large quantities of herbal products. These big manufacturers also provide lucrative Ayurvedic PCD franchises for herbal medicines and products.
Ayurvedic PCD franchises products are one of the most profitable business ventures in recent times. Since the Indian consumer market for herbal and Ayurvedic products is huge, these PCD franchise programs are creating tons of opportunities to grow in the pharma market. And Casca Remedies is one of those PCD pharma franchises that enables its partner to expand and grow in the pharma market as an individual entrepreneur.
Their inhouse Ayurvedic painkiller oil, EVOJOINT, is best selling product on the market. That is why Casca Remedies is best for owning an Ayurvedic pharma franchise. 
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PCNL Surgery in India for Foreigners
Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy is known as PCNL. It is a surgery used to remove stones from the kidney with minimum invasion. It isused to treat stone those are large in size. It is treated with laser or ultrasound, to break the stone in small parts so that it can be removed easily. A person may feel a bit of discomfort after the surgery for a few days. However it can be controlled with prescribed medicine. Causes of kidney may include lack of hydration, improper diet, and certain medical conditions like hyperparathyroidism, urinary tract infection and people with genetic history of kidney stones. Symptoms that shouldn't be ignored include severe pain in the side, abdomen and back, blood in urine. Changes in the urine like recurrence, necessity and color. In some cases people may feel nausea and vomiting. PCNL surgery has the maximum success rate of 80 to 90 percent. In some patients it may include minimum complication depending upon the size of the stone. Nevertheless it can be taken care through proper medication. PCNL surgery has to be done by the expert urologist. It takes around 2 to 4 weeks for a patient to recover after the surgery. As the patient can't lift heavy weights also kidney stone is not life threaten but it should be treated on time to avoid complications.
PCNL Surgery Cost in India: Cost of PCNL Surgery depends upon factors like size of the stone, type of surgery, hospital stay and any additional tests if required.
Removal of Kidney Stones                          Rs 88600 to Rs 118200
PCNL                                                         Rs 97580 to Rs 130220
Right PCNL with Left DJ Stenting                        Rs 132100 to Rs 176600
PCNL Surgery Hospitals in India:Hospitals in India consist of well-equipped operating rooms with modern surgical tools, high end technology used to break the stone into pieces. They also have facilities like emergency care, pathology lab, machineries for fluoroscopy and ultrasound. They also have blood bank facility, special equipments for endoscopy, nephroscopy and stone retrieval. Our hospitals consist of certified and highly experiencedanesthesiologists to secure patients safety and comfort. Doctors in our hospitals work in collaboration with the team to give affective and successful treatment to the patients.
PCNL Surgery Doctors and Surgeons in India: Doctors in India are well experienced and skilled in PCNL surgery. Our surgeons are expert in handling any probable challenges during the treatment to give fruitful result to the patient. Our Urologists are well versed and trained in Minimal invasive surgery techniques. Our doctors discuss treatment and concern with the team before the surgery to give affective result. Patients are first priority of our doctors. Specializations and multi-disciplinary team of our doctors make them known across the globe for their treatment.
Al Afiya Medi Tour is a leading medical tourism company in India. We offer medical tourism services such as finding the right doctor, the right hospital, and cost estimation etc. Some of the main countries are Bangladesh, South Africa, Egypt, Uganda, Zambia, Sudan, Dubai, Namibia, Iraq, Kenya, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Nigeria, and so on. We provide free medical assistance for TURP surgery cost, lung cancer treatment liver transplant cost, blood cancer treatment cost, the best hospital for heart valve replacement, heart valve surgery, arthroscopic surgery, bone marrow transplant cost, best liver transplant hospital, pine tumor surgery,cancer treatment cost, lung transplant, top knee replacement surgeons, knee replacement surgery cost, top shoulder replacement surgeons, best bone marrow hospital, etc. 
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