infernal-general · 7 months
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Hide your wives & girlfriends
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knivesillustrated · 4 years
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ru-titley-knives · 5 years
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A simple but effective little mod for anyone using a @varusteleka-fi Terava Jaakaripuukko as a bushcraft /survival knife,  creating a useful all in one emergency survival package .
A standard sized firesteel toggle fits well in the over large lanyard hole on these knives .
If you add a small 550 firecord tinder lanyard the cord sits on the back of the toggle and helps to create a nice fit inside the lanyard hole .
I finish mine with a ITW Nexus toggle end which allows for easy removal for striking on the Jaakari’s spine and have added gitd powder to the plastic clip for low light use .
 Custom knives , sheaths and gear from [email protected]
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johannesviii · 3 years
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Hi it’s been years but I made more
[images: various screenshots from Doctor Who with text posts pasted on them. 
1) Delgado!Master, to Three: “Dude... bro... what if we just became narrative foils for each other bro... had a lot of like... tension because of the symbolism in our character arcs that becomes clear when contrasted against each other bro...”
2) Delgado! Master and Three swordfighting: “we could be covered in blood together if you stopped playing hard to get”
3) Ainley!Master, smiling: “violence is always the answer because it’s funny”
4) Roberts!Master: “do my dark circles and my deteriorating health make me look hot”
5) Simm!Master, holding his laser screwdriver in the air: “in my defense your honor I had really good music on and it made me want to do something evil”
6) Simm!Master holding Ten’s head: “VIBE CHECK *gently presses our foreheads together*”
7) Missy kissing Twelve: “hey bro let’s do our secret handshake [kisses you right on the lips]”
8) Missy stabbing Simm!Master: “knifehack” “just stab the problem”
9) Dhawan!Master wearing a tux: “‘are you decent?’ not morally, but im wearing pants, if thats what youre asking”
10) Dhawan!Master smiling widely: “part of my masculine charm is that I’m completely insane”.]
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valtsv · 4 years
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Build a fire with your bushcrafter this weekend! Link in bio! #MyBenchmade #StrikeNow #StayLifeSharp #KnifeHack
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quotes-of-dreamland · 3 years
Galacta Knight: Knifehack. Just stab the problem
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Fink: Knifehack. Just stab the problem.
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robotslenderman · 4 years
My OCs as random tumblr text posts
Madeline Jones: baby girl i wont lie to you, i am not on my medication
Rose d'Eleanor: Do you ever have an odd sensation that the townspeople are getting ready to light their torches and come after u?
Elisa Mulgrew: haters will see you kill some one and be like hey that guys a murderer.
Oliver Stonecreek: goes to Evil Fifth Grade and goes to Evil Science Class and my Evil Teacher wheels out the Evil VCR and we watch Kill Die the Murder Guy
Harley Ross: Put that stray catboy back you don't know where it's been.
Amy Allegra: girlfriend chuckles sardonically at your order then tells the waiter to bring you a small cheeseburger from the kids menu instead.
Jonathan Grey: Life getting hard? this solution really worked for me -- self imposed exile.
Kiwi the Nosferatu: I wish i had the option of appearing only to the people I love. I don't want to exist to anyone else, if i have to be a physical entity, i wanna password-protect this vessel.
Olivia Martin: check in on your nemesis! make sure theyre doing poorly in these trying times.
Wendy Taylor: one of the only downsides of actions is consequences. but it's a big downside.
Nox Aquila: knifehack. just stab the problem.
Flea the Caitiff: whenever i say "we" I am referring to both myself and the mental illness.
Meredith Jones: why don't you plant some lavender and when it blooms you can squeeze a leaf or two between your fingers and the smell will calm you down. how about you do that. bitch.
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Memes! Part t h r e e
@awkward-snake-girl / @blind-mutant
Red: Does violence have to be the last resort. Can't it be like third
Samuel: You call it a "heinous violation of legal and ethical rules" I call it "creative problem-solving"
Rhys: You call yourself evil but you can't even stand up without getting dizzy
Rhys, talking about Sal: Stop messaging my bf bud
Mahogany: our boyfriend
Mattie: Do you have a self care routine?
Pascal: "Keep going bitch!" Said to myself in different accents
Morde, with Abby balls deep in him: Demons are usually depicated as red to indicate that they are heavily seasoned with paprika and chili pepper, like a chorizo
Finn: If I am sensitive. Why I gotta stop being sensitive? Why can't you just be a little nicer?
Pascal: Feeling cute today. Might commit acts of hubris.
Mattie: Why don't you plant some lavender and when it blooms you can squeeze a leaf or two between your fingers and the smell will calm you down. How about you do that. Bitch.
Rick: Well I don't want to be silly anymore. I want to engage in hoaxes and schemes now
Pascal: Any other unsettling promotions you'd like to share with the class?
Red: Could you be any more annoying
Rhys: Easily
Sal: Sorry for saying that you're "such an idiot" I'm actually "in love with you"
Iris: It's not the most ethical move in the world, but in a pinch you can hand off a cursed object to basically any baby
Ava: Witches in old fairy tales had the idea. Living alone, unmarried, in the middle of the woods, and if a hero stumbled across their cottage theyre like "maybe I'll give you a magical token to help you out. Maybe I'll fuck up your entire life. Depends."
Dae: I am not going to unleash my bitterness on you because I am trying to become a better person. Have a nice day
Rhys: what were you originally going to say bitch omg
Lace: Why did my last two braincells have to be a sad one and a stupid one
Finn: You should have never doxxed the rabbit community
Sal: I'm glad we only live once cuz I cannot do this shit again
Rhys: As your goth husband I will adorn you with cursed artifacts and then die mysteriously leaving you to be the most feared widow/er in the village
Edith: Some of you are simply not cut out to be the resident mean gay person. And that's okay, because I am. And I will be mean. And gay
Samuel: God complex this, victim complex that...I have an underground complex, it's where I perform my evil and fucked up experiments
Skaar, living by the sword: Haha! Fuck yeah! Yes!
Skaar, dying by the sword: well this fucking sucks. What the fuck.
Mahogany: I don't think my boyfriend, the 12 foot Halloween skeleton from Home Depot, would be too pleased to hear about this
Mattie: check in on your nemesis! Make sure they're doing poorly in these times!
Hulk: The hardest I've ever laughed was when I saw my dad cry. It was my moment of realization that I'm better than him.
Ava: Knifehack
Ava: Just stab the problem
Sal: What is wrong with you
Rhys: I will try to be brief (1/456)
Mimi: One of the only downsides of actions is consequences. But it's a big downside.
Samuel: I've done nothing wrong. Except for all the atrocities. Besides that I'm innocent.
Jen: After a thorough medical assessment, the doctors have described me as "a lot. Just like a lot to deal with."
Lace: Necomancer that doesn't know they're a necromancer and thinks they're just a really good emt
Pascal: Y'all ever want a pretty girl to just...boss you around a little bit
Rhys: sorry I'm bisexual and easily distracted
Mordecai: Whenever I say "we" I am referring to both myself and the mental illness
Mattie: Date a girl who is a home and an adventure all at once
Rick: Date a girl who doubles as a haunted house
Pascal: wlw what is your wisdom
Mimi: World hard and cold...tiddy warm and soft
Edith: girl hot
Mattie: Watch Naurto
Sal: No I'm not flirting I was only bothering my gay friends in a homoerotic way
Mattie: You can be positive and break a bottle over someone's head though. Multiplicity of identity
Edith: I wish men would stop having opinions about women. Honest to gog shut the hell up
Wulf: tell your girl she's hot or I will
Mattie @ Samson: I'm gonna be honest I hate you and so do my friends
Rhys: I am dying to see you topless
Dae: Then die
Sal: Money isn't real so don't worry about paying for stuff. Just take things for free. Nobody can stop you
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Grim: knifehack
Grim: Just stab the problem
Anakin: this might create more problems than it solves but there's nothing that can't be stabbed with enough effort and the right mindset
Obi-Wan: What if I am the problem?
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infernal-general · 6 months
Rozy, when it comes to men:
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Rozy, when it comes to women:
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infernal-general · 7 months
Love how she can be more civil with Valentino (Winter's to be exact) than with -so far- ANY portrayals of Alastor.
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infernal-general · 7 months
This came from nowhere and I learned to NOT stifle my sudden thoughts
Sending dick pics to Rozy is pointless at best, at worst she will text back an ‘Am I supposed to be aroused by the photographic evidence that you can get it up?’
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infernal-general · 7 months
omfg he's literally pussy height
WHY did you have to say that OUT LOUD
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infernal-general · 7 months
@grimgrinnrs you didn't ask for a height comparison, I fucked around and found out & now dealing with the consequences along with Rozy.
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