#Kobayashi-San Chi no Maid Dragon S
anime-cafeteria · 1 year
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teethelion · 2 years
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Once again, I am astonished that Lucoa from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid does not have a lot of minimalist wallpapers despite being one of the show's most beloved characters either because people like her for her personality and overall character or for "other reasons." I started work on this minimalist wallpaper yesterday night and finished it in the middle of the afternoon today, and I am happy with how it turned out. 
Character: Lucoa (from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
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medea10 · 2 years
My Review of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid S
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Season One Review
I have to say, it’s amazing when companies put so much hard work and dedication in what they produce. Kyoto Animation is one of those companies I have so much respect for when it comes to just about everything they do. And the fact that they were able to make a comeback just shy of 2 years since the tragedy!
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Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid was released in 2017 and was quite the surprising hit with fans across the world. And with a second season announced a year or so after the first season’s ending, fans were thrilled for more content. But then in July 2019, tragedy struck the studio that animated this little gem. An arsonist came in and in a pre-meditative move, trapped many workers, and set the building on fire. The end result of this attack left 39 people dead and many others injured. Add to that, a lot of footage that Kyoto Animation had for future projects were lost (at least those that weren’t on the cloud). No doubt that included stuff for the final Free! movies, all of the Violet Evergarden side-projects, and this upcoming season to Miss Kobayashi.
This second season was so close to never seeing the light of day. This tragedy would have been enough to set anyone back a few years with emotional and physical damage. There was even worry if KyoAni would be able to do this second season or if it would go to another studio. I’m unsure of some of the people who died in the attack and their connection to Miss Kobayashi as many of these people lived private lives. Regardless, a life lost is a big fucking deal. One notable person I would like to mention who lost their life in the fire was director Yasuhiro Takemoto. Takemoto was involved in many of Kyoto Animation’s biggest hits and in many different roles. He directed Lucky Star and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya after Yutaka Yamamoto’s departure. He did many animations and storyboarding for various animes. And do you remember that epic episode of Violet Evergarden where Violet literally walks on water? Boom! This man right here! And of course, was heavily involved with Miss Kobayashi working on scripts, storyboards, and was the director. Even though Takemoto is gone, his work will live on. Kyoto Animation, much like the characters of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid are like family and will thrive no matter what happens next.
Now that I’ve got the memorial, grim, and sad stuff out of the way…
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HISTORY: Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid is about a young woman named Kobayashi. When she isn’t hitting the keyboard at her job, she’s popping tops off beer cans to ease the stress from her day-to-day routine. One night, Kobayashi got so drunk she wound up at a park and talks with a young lady named Tohru. Oh, and Tohru is a dragon, but Kobayashi wasn’t aware at the time. Too drunk, you see! They got along very well and Kobayashi suggested she should come stay with her and become her maid. One can only imagine Kobayashi’s hangover the next morning when she sees an actual dragon at her front door saying she’s going to be her live-in maid. But don’t worry, these dragons are able to stay in a human form. Anime logic, don’t knock it!
Meeting Tohru lead to meeting several other dragons! Kobayashi’s loner lifestyle turns into a big family with Tohru and Kanna living with her, Fafnir living with her co-worker, Elma working with her, and Lucoa…Lucoa’s there too!
SEASON TWO: While this series was heavily anticipated from many, there came a lot of collar-tugs from many others. There’s another dragon about to hit the earth and cause havoc. This dragon hasn’t gotten the message that all the dragons living here on earth have found peace amongst the humans they live with as well as the other dragons. This new presence really pisses Tohru off as this particular dragon really enjoys combat and has already destroyed the meeting place of Kobayashi and Tohru. And when she sets her sights on harming earth and the humans, Tohru is willing to save these people.
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This is Ilulu.
Yes, she’s small and has big tits. We’re at the same problem we were at when Uzaki-chan aired. Again, I must point out that some small women might have big tits. It’s a thing that exists and don’t question it. But she definitely seems smaller than Uzaki and has a bigger bust size. Seeing this gives me a lot of bad flashbacks of that one girl from Eiken. I mean, that was just a crime against nature. But there’s a logical explanation for those fire bags. Her breasts are full of fire. She’s a dragon and that’s where she holds her fire power. Don’t question it, just go with it! But to be on the safe side, do not lewd Ilulu…
Oh that plea has just fallen on deaf ears.
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Ilulu notices Tohru and Kobayashi’s relationship and is not digging it and tries to put a wedge between the two. And by wedge I mean…someone’s getting a gender-bending! Ooh, I’m so glad they didn’t skip this episode because of Kobayashi’s gender-swap moment. Don’t think we forgot what happened to Interspecies Reviewers, FUNimation. Now Ilulu isn’t all pranks and tricks, she does change quite fast and we do see a lot of development from her. Now, she’s just one of the dragons that hang with Kobayashi. Here are Ilulu’s voice actors!
JAPANESE CAST: *Ilulu is played by Tomomi Mineuchi
ENGLISH CAST: *Ilulu is played by Kristi Rothrock
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FUCK THIS GUY: I don’t know who this guy is. I don’t know why he was only in one episode and never returns. And I don’t care. Nobody hurts Kobayashi like that and gets away with it. And that’s absolutely true because Tohru WRECKED this guy.
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SHIPPING PART DEUX: Ahahaha, oh the Kobayashi x Tohru ship is pretty much what you would expect. Now we do get some more touching moments from the two that are ship-worthy. Most of which are in the final two episodes! But Tohru does say a genuine “I love you” right when fireworks are popping in the air. We get soft subtle moments and then we get the insane in the membrane crazy in love from Tohru moments. Tohru expressing herself with a special ED theme playing!
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Saikawa still loves Kanna and that’ll never change. However, I do hope we see the little girl Kanna was with when she ran away to New York City. If for no other reason but for Saikawa to lose her shit! And just like that, we get an OVA with Chloe coming back. Do the anime Gods read my mind or am I just that freakin’ lucky? Believe it or not, Saikawa loves Chloe just as much as Kanna.
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Hey guys, keep it Rated-G! This scene is looking a little too Boku…don’t make me say it.
Now let’s talk about Ilulu! I thought that Ilulu was going to be Tohru’s rival for Kobayashi’s affection. And it certainly felt like it was going that way once Ilulu calmed down and started living with everyone. Ilulu is grateful to Kobayashi, but she sees Tohru as more of a mother figure. Because Ilulu had to grow up fast, she didn’t really have a childhood to enjoy fully. But she does get a part-time job. Where am I going with this? At the part-time job, we have Taketo.
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I’m just gonna ship these two here. Yeah, it’s cute. I support it!
CELEBRITY CAMEOS: It’s not that uncommon for a Japanese seiyuu or singer to pop up in animated form in an anime done by Kyoto Animation. But I seem to only recall it happening on Nichijou and Lucky Star. Regardless, the singer of the opening, fhana has made her way to pop up on the television. Hey, we even get to hear the first opening theme a couple of times throughout this season and that’s always a treat.
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ENDING: We get another appearance from “Daddy Dearest” or Tohru’s father if you will. Turns out he’s a close acquaintance of Kobayashi’s big boss. This season, we saw a lot of this guy. Not surprising since dude is also Shouta’s father. We got a bit of a backstory that involves Tohru and how she wound up in the human world.
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Throughout this season, we witnessed a lot of Tohru’s past and in a sense the actions she took kinda came back haunt her. Last season, we weren’t introduced to Elma until much later and there wasn’t much done with her character and why she and Tohru were always defensive. This season gave us a look at their relationship and Elma’s pain when Tohru disappeared long ago. We do get a satisfying conclusion with a beautifully animated dragon fight between Elma and Tohru. Back to what I was mentioning with Tohru’s father, his appearance was a lot more lax than what we witnessed last season. He still doesn’t approve of this friendship between Kobayashi and Tohru, but at least he didn’t try to go ballistic like last time. It was more of an explanation of what happened prior to meeting Kobayashi and a battle that took down between dragons and gods.
Thankfully, the final episode of the season didn’t consist of Tohru’s father fucking things up. Half the episode consisted of a summer festival and the other half was watching blossoms in the tree. It’s weird having the latter during the summer, but dragons can make anything happen. And after fun times with drinking, arm wrestling, and whatever the fuck Elma did with her stomach came the big event. During the summer festival, Tohru told Kobayashi that she loves her right under the friggin’ fireworks. What could top this?
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Tohru dressing Kobayashi in a wedding dress.
And Tohru wearing a wedding dress.
Okay, I am going way overboard for an already overboard moment. Of course Kobayashi wasn’t gonna go through with Tohru’s insane plan of getting married.
Yes. Love it. Love this series. Love this sequel. I’m so happy that this is the first television series KyoAni blessed the public with after the tragedy in 2019. Violet Evergarden got the first movies and specials, but Dragon Maid got the TV show! Wednesday became the best day of the week and that’s a hump day.
What else can I say about this anime that everyone else hasn’t already? First of all, the animation is stupendous. The fight scenes are out of this world in both meanings. Take a lesson second season of One Punch Man! Second of all, the stories! You think a lot of these stories aren’t going to go anywhere and just fill up time for an episode. But really, we see a lot of depth, existential crisis brewing, love, hate, passion, and so much more happening. We get to see everyone in the series go through some kind of personal change or character growth. Again, I cannot stress enough that we got to see more Elma on Tohru action. It was heavily needed and much of their relationship was lacking in season one. But here, we got an in depth look at how they met and what caused their rift. This series, while wacky and off the wall with talking dragons, it always strikes you when we see them go through some sort of growth.
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And just like with season one, sometimes family isn’t the people you’re related to by blood, but sometimes it’s with the people (and dragons) you’re around. Kanna knows that she’s never alone even when she travels all the way to NYC and will always have a home to return to. Lucoa will always be there for Shota with a hug. Fafnir and Takiya will always be there for each other in real life and in their games. Ilulu knows that she can let her guard down just a bit now that she has Tohru and Kobayashi in her life. That’s the kind of effect when you surround yourself with good people and dragons.
Thank you Miss Kobayashi. Thank you Kyoto Animation.
Let’s hope for more Kobayashi, Tohru, Kanna, and the rest for the future.
If you would like to watch any season of Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid, Crunchyroll and FUNimation have both seasons available to watch on their websites. Also available are the Mini Dragon specials.
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Oh and no, Kobayashi did NOT eat Tohru’s tail.
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a-titty-ninja · 4 months
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ztarzc · 2 years
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Anime: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S
Character: Tooru (トール) Ep: 1 Time: 0:04:00
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beneaththetangles · 10 months
Are you experiencing joy in your life? Could it be possible than anime could tell us something about the nature of joy and from where it comes? Join Paris, Tyler, Mike, and Eryn in this encouraging episode as they dig into the Bible and some of their favorite anime to explore this Fruit of the Spirit, while also sharing about joy (and sometimes the lack thereof) in their own lives.
0:00 - Introduction and a return to egosurfing 2:37 - Game: The Isekai is Right (or Wrong) 10:44 - Fruits of the Spirit: Joy 11:04 - Discussion—Mirio Togata (My Hero Academia) 14:34 - Discussion—Tohru (Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid) 18:26 - Discussion—Gon (Hunter x Hunter) 27:55 - Discussion—Yorha 9s (Nier: Automata) 33:27 - Cast Question 52:26 - Closing
Cast Question
What brings you joy?
Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
(Read More)
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mr-caae07 · 1 year
ilulu O.O
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tenshieiko · 1 year
Mini Dragon 03 Seeking a Place of Rest And It was Already There
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maidoftheday · 1 year
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Today’s Maid of the Day: Ilulu from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S
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anime-cafeteria · 1 year
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teethelion · 2 years
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Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid is one of my absolute favorite anime shows out there to date. I love the characters, the animation, and the story, even though it is not as complex and exhilarating as other anime. There are a lot of characters from Dragon Maid that I love so much, and Elma is one of them. She's cute, beautiful, and a massive lover of any food she finds. When the second season aired and I watched the episodes where we get flashbacks of a portion of her past life, I knew which shot from those episodes I wanted to make into a minimalist wallpaper. If you thought Elma could not get any more beautiful, we see her with long hair tied into a ponytail. I was astonished. She was so gorgeous with that hairstyle. And I am so happy with how this minimalist wallpaper of long-haired Elma turned out. I was going to make Elma in her colors during the day, but I decided to stick her colors during the night because it would be too difficult for me to do and handle. I also decided to make my logo a bit brighter than usual and give it an outer glow to make it look like the lighting on Elma is coming from the said logo. It has to be one of my finest minimalist wallpapers.
Character: Elma (from Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid)
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thequietkid-moonie · 3 months
Request: Kobayashi with a younger coworker who admits that they have started to see her as a big sister. Binge watching Dragon Maid s and I remember how much I love this series.
Co-worker reader sees Kobayashi as a big sister
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[ Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid / Kobayashi san no chi maid dragon ]
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What an interesting request!! I had fun while writing this, it make me feel fluffy and wholesome hehe
Hope you like it ❤️
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Even thought Kobayashi's goal isn't being the best at her work she always does her best and is pretty good at it, she doesn't mind at all helping her co-workers whenever someone ask for help, so it won't be to much of a surprised if you start admiring her
Getting close to Kobayashi isn't too difficult neither, if you actively want to spend time with her during the break she will find it a little weird at first but will probably just get used at it over time (she doesn't mind, is just surprising)
She wouldn't really mind if you are actually younger than her but sometimes make her think a little that she should probably act as some kind of model for you, but even if she tries to act as a model to follow most of the time she just end up forgeting about it when she relax and start acting like always. Even so, Kobayashi is quite responsible by nature, so she can be easily be seen as a model to follow
If you try to imitate her or pay more attention to how she does her work will surprised her a little, if you are obvious with it she will be weird out by it at first but will try to just brush it off and continue with whatever she is doing (although, she isn't too comfortable with being watched closely), but if you aren't that obvious with it she probably won't find out or just think that you are trying to imitate her to get better with your work
Honestly, after some time Kobayashi will notice your behavior, the little hints of wanting to get close to her or the silent (or loud, depending on your personality) expressions of admiration or how comfortable you seem with her, and even when she notice it she tries to don't mind it or don't make a big deal out of it, even when it would take her a while to get used to the thought of someone admiring her like that (it would also depend on how much you express your admiration and care for her)
At first she tries to brush it off by simple admiration from a co-workers and friend, but is Takiya (or you expressing it directly) who will suggest that you probably not only admite her but see her as a older sibling, what will surprised her and even flustered her a little, this is just too new and all of the sudden, it would take her even more time to get used and get comfortable with that, but she won't get angry or anything, she doesn't see it as something bad is just that she never thought it could happen
After getting comfortable with it Kobayashi will just return to treat you as a friend like how she had always treated you, it won't change her attitude but probably will grow to care a little more about you, now being she who feels a little closer to you
If you ever call her big sister or something across those lines (maybe a nickname or by an affectionate way) she will be surprised and won't know how to answer at first, if you do it in a serious tone she will be a little flustered but if you do it as a joke she will just smile at your sillines, she will probably ask you to don't do it but if you insist on doing will just give up and let you call ver the way you want (just please don't do it in work hours)
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a-titty-ninja · 4 months
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ztarzc · 2 years
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Anime: Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon S Character: Tooru (トール) Ep: 1 Time: 0:03:00
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doumekiss · 1 year
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My personal favorites of 2022
Books (Fiction)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (Singshong)
The Murderbot Diaries Series (Martha Wells)
In other Lands (Sarah Rees Brennan)
Nona The Ninth (Tamsyn Muir)
Carrie Soto is Back (Taylor Jenkins Reid)
Nettle and Bone (T. Kingfisher)
The Nobleman's Guide to Scandal and Shipwrecks (Mackenzi Lee)
A Wizard's Guide to defensive Baking (T. Kingfisher)
The Iliad (Homer)
The Odyssey (Homer)
Tracy Flick Can't Win (Tom Perrotta)
Amber and Clay (Laura Amy Schlitz)
Nothing to see here (Kevin Wilson)
Sorrow and Bliss (Meg Mason)
Sea of Tranquility (Emily St. John Mandel)
Books (Non-fiction)
Nothing to Envy : Ordinary Lives in North Korea (Barbara Demick)
Empire of Pain : The Secret History of The Sackler Dynasty (Patrick Radden Keefe)
On the move : a life (Oliver Sacks)
The Road to Jonestown : Jim Jones and The Peoples Temple (Jeff Guin)
This is going to hurt (Adam Kay)
Voices from Chernobyl : The Oral History of a Disaster (Svetlana Alexievich)
Rogues : True Stories of Grifters, Killers, Rebels and Crooks (Patrick Radden Keefe)
Mean Baby (Selma Blair)
An Anthropologist on mars (Oliver Sacks)
I'm glad my mom died (Jennette McCurdy)
Killers of the flower moon (David Grann)
Awakenings (Oliver Sacks)
Last Night at the Viper Room (Gavin Edwards)
The Man who mistook his wife for a hat (Oliver Sacks)
Cultish : The Language of Fanaticism (Amanda Montell)
Dungeon Meshi (Ryoko Kui)
Witch Hat Atelier (Kamome Shirahama)
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint (Singshong, Sleepy-C)
Sousou no Frieren (Tsukasa Abe, Kanehito Yamada)
Beware The Villainess (Bbongdda Mask)
The Trash of The Count's Family (Yoo Ryeo Han)
The S-Classes I Raised (Geunseo)
Fun Home (Alison Bechdel)
Semantic Error (Jeo SuRi, Kim Angy)
I think our son is gay (Okura)
Villain Initialization (CuZn Moyou Tangman Culture)
Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon (Coolkyousinnjya)
Couple of Mirrors (Li Zongchen)
Antique Bakery (Fumi Yoshinaga)
Sign (Ker)
TV Shows
Severance - S01
Yellowjackets - S01
Interview with the vampire - S01
Abbott Elementary - S01-S02
The Sandman - S01
Taskmaster - S12-S14
Spy x Family - S01
Dexter : New Blood - Minisseries
Our Flag Means Death - S01
Ghosts - S01-S02 (US)
Kevin Can Fuck Himself - S02
Kotaro Lives Alone - S01
Bocchi The Rock - S01
Chernobyl - Minisseries
Beastars - S01-S02
Fire Island
Everything Everywhere All at Once
What did you eat yesterday : The Movie
Perfect Blue
Bright Lights
House of Gucci
The Last Duel
The Eyes of Tammy Faye
Spiderman : No Way Home
Class Action Park
Our Father
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