#Kore's Adventures in Devildom
haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Happy Birthday Lord Diavolo
Just something short I wrote featuring my MC Kore (she/her) for Diavolo’s birthday.
(as an aside, sorry I haven’t been writing much lately. Not sure what’s wrong with me but my brain is uncooperative)
“Kore? May I borrow you for a moment?” The human turned, smoothing down her dress as she flashed him a bright smile. “Of course Di- Lord Diavolo! You hardly have to ask, it is your birthday.” He held out his arm and Kore slipped hers into the crook of his elbow, pressing herself against his arm as they maneuvered through the crowd. Behind them she heard Mammon shouting something, shaking her head Kore sighed, shooting a warning look over her shoulder. Diavolo chuckled, pushing his way through a side door and slipping away from the party, human exchange student in tow. “So, what did you need me for Dia?” He flushed a little. “Ah, well honestly I was just hoping to spend some time alone with you.” Kore smiled, her own cheeks going a pretty shade of pink. “Oh, well in that case I’m honoured. I’m more than happy to spend time with you. And it gives me and opportunity to,” she rifled through the small purse at her side, “ah! Here it is! I can give you this.” Diavolo took the small, neatly wrapped object from her hands, turning it over with a questioning look. “What is…?” “It’s a birthday present of course!” Kore beamed. “I know I gave you that pin before with the boys, but I arranged this in secret and I wanted to give it to you in private. You’re a difficult man to buy presents for you know.” “Ahaha, I’m sorry. But you know I appreciate anything you give me Kore.” He beamed back, carefully turning the parcel back over so the tape was facing him. “May I open it now?” “That was the point Dia.” Kore laughed. “I think that is my favourite thing about you Kore.” He hummed, carefully thumbing at the tape that held the paper together. “Hmm?” “You don’t stand on ceremony with me, you treat me like a normal person these days.” His voice was soft, eyes sparkling with joy. “As long as Lucifer isn’t around.” Kore laughed. “He still gets a twitch if I don’t refer to you as Lord Diavolo.” “Ah, yes. I do think he’s loosened up a little thanks to your influence though. He’s much less formal with me in private, but don’t tell him I said that.” He nudged her conspiratorially with his elbow. “I suppose I should open this now.” “Please?” Carefully he peeled away the tape, unfolding the paper until the small book rested in his palm. Slowly he opened it, his eyes lighting up as he flipped through the pages. Kore fidgeted nervously, hands smoothing down invisible wrinkles in her dress. “Kore, this is…” “Do you like it?” Her voice wavered, eyes flicking between the book and his face. “It’s wonderful! How did you get so many pictures?” He grinned, pausing in his flip through. “Oh, I really like this one! Is this from Christmas?” “Last New Years. It’s the one that got taken off Devilgram almost as soon as Barbatos spotted it.” She laughed. “It’s one of my favourites.” “Ah yes, I remember that night. How did you even find so many pictures?” “A lot of them were on my D.D.D, but I asked a few of the others if they had any. I thought… well, I know how much you like pictures, and I thought something like this would be nice for you to have if I have to leave again. There’s some human world trivia in there as well, and some memories. I kind of hoped you might be able to add to it?” “An excellent idea! Thank you, this is a truly wonderful gift!” “Happy Birthday Dia.” Kore smiled, reaching up on her tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips, one Diavolo deepened with his hand around her waist until they pulled back both flushed and Kore a little breathless. “I wish I could steal you away with me.” Diavolo sighed. Flushed Kore pressed another soft kiss to his cheek. “Maybe after the party, for now we should get back before anyone realises we’re missing.”
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Devildom Easter Egg Hunt
A little late, but the idea came to me at like 11pm last night and I'm old and suck at staying up late these days.
Anyway, Easter in the Devildom. With my MC Kore, because I missed writing about her.
Warnings: Female MC, Not a reader insert, polyamory, way too much description of baskets of chocolate, that's it.
“What the hell are ya wearing Kore?”
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“Everyone come to the council room after classes, it’s important.” That’s what the text had said. The one sent from your phone to all of the brothers, and all three residents of Purgatory Hall. It was more than a little suspicious, for one Kore never wanted to stay longer at RAD than she really had to, and secondly she was usually much more polite when requesting a favour. But to use the council room she must have gained Diavolo’s permission so it couldn’t be anything too bad right? At least, that’s how they reassured themselves before turning up. Whatever scenarios they had planned out, none of them came close to what greeted them in the council room.
She looked down for a moment, before grinning back at Mammon. “You don’t recognise it?”
“I believe what Mammon means is why are you wearing that?” Lucifer sighed, shaking his head at the younger demon who had been momentarily rendered speechless.
“Well…” She started, still smiling happily at them all, “it’s Easter in the human realm, and since I already had the bunny costume on hand from that serving job we did, I thought I could share some of the festivities with you all. Technically I’m a bit late, Easter was yesterday, but I wanted Dia, um, Lord Diavolo to be able to join in and he wasn’t back until last night.”
The Prince in question was standing behind her beaming happily, nodding along with everything Kore said. “Now now Lucifer, no need to look so grumpy. I think it’s wonderful Kore wanted to bring something from the human realm to all of us!”
“But, that doesn’t explain why yer wearing that!” Mammon huffed. “Anyone could see ya like that!”
“Mammon… everyone already has seen me in this? And you’re all here anyway.” She shrugged. “In the human realm there’s an easter tradition where a rabbit brings chocolate eggs to kids. I know you’re not kids, but it seemed like fun. I organised an egg hunt and everything!”
“Did you say chocolate?”
“Yes Beel, chocolate eggs. The ones for the egg hunt aren’t, because it would give you an unfair advantage, but the prizes are chocolate eggs.” She laughed, pointing to the small pile of baskets behind her. “No touching until we’re done.”
Beel pouted a little, but stared determinedly at the baskets. Levi frowned beside him.
“So, this is a game? Are there clues?” His eyes flashed with interest, games he could do.
“Not really, I can give you some if you’re stuck though!” Kore laughed. “So, I hid 60 eggs, with Barbatos’ help so he’s going to stay here and keep me company guarding the prize baskets. He isn’t allowed to tell anyone where they are, including you Dia, and you agreed to not ask him.” Diavolo nodded. “So, the rules are; no magic,” she nodded towards Solomon and Lucifer, “no stealing from other people, if they found the egg it’s theirs,” a few sideways glances towards Mammon, “and no fighting. Everyone got that?”
There were assorted nods and murmurs of acceptance from the gathered Demons and Angels.
“Don’t look so pouty Luci, you don’t have to join in if you don’t want to. You can still have a basket of chocolates.”
Lucifer huffed. “Of course I’m taking part. But you neglected to tell us where the eggs had been hidden, unless you mean for us to search the whole Devildom?”
Kore blushed and shook her head. “Sorry! They’re in RAD, the Castle and their grounds. I would have hidden them in the House of Lamentation and Purgatory Hall but I didn’t get time between classes and Barb had duties to fulfill.”
“Then can we begin?”
She nodded at Lucifer. “The inaugural Devildom Easter Egg Hunt is go! Good Luck!”
Kore leaned back against the table, watching with amusement as the group scattered, most heading for the door to scour the school. Simeon and Luke stayed back, opting to look around the council room first instead. Simeon glanced down at Luke, standing on his tiptoes to try and peer over one of the taller plinths and sighed.
She glanced over at the angel. “What is it Simeon?”
“Would it be permissible to work in teams for this game?” He nodded towards Luke, expression fond as ever.
“Of course Simeon! It’s not really as serious as all that, I only put the rules in place so no one spoiled the fun by magicking all the eggs to them or getting into a fight. It’s just for fun.” She giggled, patting one of the prize baskets. “Besides, I’d put money on Beel and Belphie already teaming up. Even if it’s just from Belphie’s laziness.”
As if on queue a shout echoed through the room from the corridor. “Oi! Ya not allowed to work together like that!”
“Kore never said working together was against the rules!”
“Mammon, let them be. Belphie isn’t likely to be much help when Beel is carrying him.”
Kore burst into laughter, shaking her head at their antics. “Well, I would wish you luck again Simeon, but I don’t think you’re in the most need of it.”
He chuckled in response, heading over to the younger angel to guide him out of the room. “Indeed, come on Luke. See you later Kore.”
She nodded, in response, leaning back and listening to the echoing voices through the halls as Barbatos came to sit beside her, letting her lean her shoulder against his.
That was how they found them two hours later, when all of the eggs had been collected and the hunters returned to the room, Kore tucked against Barbatos’ side giggling at something he’d told her while his arm rested around her waist.
“Ah, I’m glad to see you weren’t too bored while we were searching for eggs!” Diavolo boomed, chuckling at the sight before them.
Kore flushed bright pink, head shooting up to stare at the gathered group with wide eyes. Her gaze shifted quickly over Mammon and Levi, smiling softly at them to try and ease the tension from them. There would likely be time for a discussion later, but she was pleased to see neither jumped to chase Barbatos away from her, polyamory was hardest for the two of them but they were growing, learning.
“You should know already that Barbatos is excellent company.” She chuckled, shaking her head. “Go on then, how many eggs have you all collected?”
They handed over their eggs, letting Kore note down how many each had carefully before the next person handed theirs over. She paused half way through, looking at the ones Beel and Belphie handed over with a small frown.
“Um, Beel, why is this one half of an egg?” She asked, holding the slightly mangled object in her palm.
Beel rubbed the back of his neck, refusing to meet her gaze. “I, um, forgot you said they weren’t chocolate and I got hungry.”
“It was lucky he didn’t swallow it whole.” Belphie grumbled.
Kore giggled and nodding, noting down their score.
Once all the eggs were counted Kore jumped from the table ready to announce the scores.
“Alright gentlemen, the scores for the inaugural Devildom Easter Egg hunt are in! I’ll be going in ascending order of score, last place to first okay?” There were a few nods. “Okay, last place with two eggs is Asmo,”
“I knew I shouldn’t have stopped to fix my hair.”
“6th place is Solomon with three eggs, not bad, joint 5th place are Satan and the team of Simeon and Luke with five eggs each,”
“Well done Luke, you found most of those for us! I’d have been last without your help.”
“Damn, if Lucifer hadn’t beaten me up that tree using his stupid wings…”
Kore paused. “Wait, you climbed a tree Satan?!”
“Don’t worry Kore, I have it all on video. I may not have found many eggs, but I did capture most of the best moments on camera. Satan was very cat-like.”
“Thank you Solomon, I’ll be getting all of those from you later.” She grinned, looking back to the list. Okay, so 4th place is Lucifer with seven eggs. Then in joint 3rd place we have Mammon and Diavolo with eight eggs each, congratulations both of you,”
“I guess third place ain’t too bad. At least I beat Lucifer.”
“Oh excellent! I think that was very good for my first Easter Egg Hunt, don’t you?”
“Yes Dia, that’s a very respectable score. In 2nd place with ten eggs is Levi,”
“Damn, I guess it’s not bad for a game that involved physical activity…”
“Which means in 1st place is the team of Beel and Belphie with twelve eggs. Congratulations you two.”
“It was pretty much all Beel.” Belphie yawned. “As soon as he knew there was food on the line I mostly just napped.”
“Honestly I’d have been very impressed if anyone beat Beel in a competition that involved winning something edible.” Solomon chuckled.
“Alright, so Beel, Belphie, you get first choice of the Easter baskets.” Kore smiled, gesturing towards the table behind her.
“Are they not all the same then?”
“No Luke, they’re all the same value but the contents differ slightly. Different shops and types of chocolate. Some just have big eggs, there’s a couple with lots of small things, some are a mix of everything… you know? Also Barbatos baked a couple of treats, so there’s one in each basket too.”
“You put a lot of thought into this.” Diavolo hummed. “It’s very impressive Kore.”
She rubbed the back of her neck, looking down at the floor. “Well, Barb helped a lot, and… um, I just wanted to make sure it was fun?”
“You did an excellent job on your own, I merely offered a helping hand.” Barbatos sighed, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. “Do not sell yourself short Kore.”
“Ah… Thank you. Okay guys, pick your baskets.”
Beel, to the surprise of no one, picked a basket full of large eggs, Belphie went for one with small sheep shaped chocolates. Levi picked a basket with a mix, including some small pink flower shaped chocolates that looked just like ones from an episode of the anime he watched the week before. Mammon’s basket also had a mix, mostly white chocolates dusted with golden sheen. Diavolo picked a basket of large eggs, dark, white and milk with intricate decorations across their surface. Lucifer’s basket of choice was filled with the darkest chocolate, more bitter than sweet and perfect with coffee. Simeon and Luke picked matching baskets, large and small chocolates in marbled milk and white. Satan’s basket was small chocolates, full of unique flavours and combinations. The final two baskets were fairly similar, a mix of sizes and types, though Asmo’s leant more towards fruity flavours than Solomon’s. With all the baskets collected Kore grinned at them.
“Happy Easter everyone!” She paused, glancing over at Barbatos. “Oh, Barb, your basket should be in your room.”
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haloshornsinkstains · 4 years
Demons in My Head [Obey Me]
This is purely self indulgent comfort, I’m not remotely sorry. Featuring mainly Belphegor because apparently my comfort characters also like to try kill my MC. Also featuring my MC Kore.
CW: Mentions of Depression, Self Harm & ED behaviours. Nothing in depth really but be safe. Female OC. Lucifer is a bit of an ass in this, sorry Luci stans?
Belphie woke from his nap to find a second body under the covers with him, pressed up against the warmth of his own. It’s not the first time this has happened. It’s usually Kore, but sometimes Beel finds him in the attic and curls up under the covers with him, clearly not quite over the months they spent separated when he was kept up here against his will. It’s Kore this time, her shorter figure pressed against his chest, and really the fact he’d woken with a little spoon had given it away before he opened his eyes. But she seems smaller than usual somehow, curled up into herself in a way she isn’t usually. It worries him, and as he shifts up onto one elbow (carefully, so as not to wake her) he spots faded tear tracks on her cheeks. It sends a pang of anger through him, ugly and dark, wanting to lash out at whoever hurt her. Her face shifts, brows pulling together to form small wrinkles above her nose. She huffs and he sees her eyes cracking open ever so slightly before apparently she thinks better of it, burying her face in a pillow. Belphie sighed, gently wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging her into him, away from the pillows. “You’ve been crying.” Kore, eyes still firmly shut, shook her head. “You’re a terrible liar Kore. Unless you’re wearing eyeliner on your cheeks too now.” He grumbled, swatting her with his tail until she cracked her eyes open to look at him. “Who upset you?” She just shook her head again, burying her face in his chest. “Just sad.” Belphegor sighed, holding her tight against him as they started to drift off again, promising himself he would find whoever upset her and deal with them.
The Demon Brothers (New) (7) Belphegor: Alright, which one of you upset Kore? Asmodeus: Mammon? Mammon: What? Why’d you always blame me? Mammon: I was out all day. Can’t have been me. Asmodeus: You didn’t forget you had plans with her again did you? Mammon: Hey! Mammon: [angry demon emoji] Belphegor: So, not Mammon. Mammon: That’s what I said! Asmodeus: I’m fairly certain only you, Kore and Levi are in the house right now. Leviathan: I haven’t left my room all day.
Well shit, that was bad. It meant whatever had upset her wasn’t something external, which meant this wasn’t a problem he could easily fix.
Belphegor: And no one forgot a date or anything? Satan: Kore was supposed to attend the new cat cafe in town with me, but she told me she wasn’t feeling well and wanted to stay home. I presume that wasn’t entirely true? Belphegor: She doesn’t seem unwell. Just sad. Belphegor: I woke up from a nap and she was next to me with tear tracks down her face. She wouldn’t tell me who or what upset her though.Just that she was sad. Satan: Are you sure she didn’t just watch something sad? She was crying with Levi and Mammon over one of Levi’s animated films last week. Belphegor: She would have told me. Asmodeus: Come to think of it she has been acting strange lately. Asmodeus: I went down to the kitchen last night to get one of my face masks out of the fridge and she was just stood there eating Mammon: That’s not weird? Asmodeus: No. She was eating like Beel Mammon: Huh? Mammon: [confused demon emoji] Asmodeus: She was inhaling food like she couldn’t taste it.  Leviathan: Wait. Was that the night I heard someone throwing up? Beelzebub: I smelled blood on her the other day. Lucifer: Then it sounds like we have a problem.
Belphie swore under his breath. Saying they had a problem was a massive understatement, but then again none of them could see the way she was curled in on herself, or the dark circles and running makeup under her eyes. She looked like hell, and his worrying increased tenfold. She shifted restlessly in her sleep and sighing he pulled her closer again, gently pressing kisses against her head until she relaxed in his grip. Belphie hummed, resting his face against her shoulder and dozing off again.
He didn’t wake up again until Beel came to get them for dinner, the way his twins expression drooped on seeing the state of their human didn’t go unnoticed, though he managed to school it back into a smile as Kore opened her eyes and the corners of her lips quirked upwards in response. “Was I asleep long?” Her hand scrubs along her cheek as if trying to rub away some of the mascara tracked there, and her lethargy along with it. “Doesn’t really matter.” Belphie huffs in reply, looping an arm through hers and tugging her up. “We should get down there before Luci complains.” Normally she would make a joke, or protest about leaving the comfort of their small nest, but instead she nods slowly and follows him. Her footsteps are sluggish, slow in a way that suggests she’s dragging her feet though she doesn’t seem to be doing anything of the sort. She winces when she accidentally bumps a thigh against the door, a sharp hiss of breath through her teeth that she tries to pretend didn’t happen. He wants to ask, but the expression on her face makes him snap his mouth shut. There’s something empty in her eyes that gnaws at his insides horribly, and for the first time since they reconciled he almost regrets allowing himself to care so deeply for this little human. It was easier when he hated the lot of them, when he didn’t need to worry. He spent so long worrying about Lillith and Beel, he doesn’t need another worry to add to the pile. Yet here he was, worried about his human and the way she moved too slow, the way she hissed at anything coming into contact with her thighs, the tear tracks down her face and apparent late night snacking habit. Softly he guides her to her seat, watching like a hawk as she starts to eat, only glancing up to register the worried expressions on the faces of his family. Even Mammon, dense though he usually is, can see something is terribly wrong with their human, and they are all kicking themselves for not seeing it sooner. “Kore, sweetie, did you see Mammon made the cover of Devil Style again?” Asmo asks gently, clearly hoping to spark some excitement in her. Kore nods, blank and quiet. The silence is deafening, the absence of excitement feels so very wrong. Last time Mammon had a modelling gig she had sprinted through the house, locking herself in her room with a copy of the magazine and Mammon shouting through her door. The lack of reaction is somehow worse than the tears earlier, as if something had slipped out of her while she cried in her sleep, though her soul is still there burning brightly beneath her skin. He’d checked, of course, that nothing had managed to steal her soul away. “Kore. We need to talk.” Her head snapped up at that, eyes wide and panicked as she stared down the table at Lucifer. Belphegor felt a growl rise in his throat. “You need to snap out of whatever this is. You are disrupting the house.” Kore dropped her head as the table erupted in noise, tears burning in the corners of her eyes. Within seconds Belphie had an arm wrapped around her, scooping her out of her chair and guiding her towards the room he shared with Beel. And if he threw a rude gesture in Lucifer’s direction as he left, well everyone was too busy shouting to notice.
Before long they are in the twins room, Kore wrapped tightly in Belphie’s blankets. He considers it a small mercy that she manages to hold herself together until he closes the door. The sound of her sobs is so loud and so pained it hurts him to hear and he knows the chaos in the dining room would only increase tenfold if the rest of them had caught wind of this. In hindsight maybe he should have brought Beel with him, his twin was much better at comfort and Beel’s hugs were undisputedly the best in the house. But his twin wasn’t here and she looked so small and broken huddled in his blanket and sobbing. Sighing he pulled her against his chest, resting his chin on top of her head and gently rubbing her back. “Kore.... you have to tell us what’s wrong so we can help. You know that right?” Under him he hears her sniffle, shifting slightly to wipe the tears from her cheeks. “I don’t know. I’m just so sad. And… and…” she takes a long shuddering breath, desperately trying to hold back tears as Belphie squeezes her a little tighter “...he’s right isn’t he? I just… I-I- I cause trouble for you. I d-don’t deserve you guys.” A small growl rumbled in his chest, pressing her so tightly into him he could feel her heartbeat. “Lucifer is an idiot. We don’t deserve you, not the other way around.” “B-but, I get like this and I don’t know why and I-I…” “Shh.” Belphie clamped a hand over her mouth. “Lucifer is an idiot and I’m going to spike all of his food with hellfire chillies for a week. No, a month.”  He felt her chuckle against his hand at that, it was half-hearted at best but at least it was better than the lifelessness and the tears. “Now listen, I don’t want to have to say this again. We don’t deserve you, you’ve done more for us in a year than we managed to do for each other in centuries… you control Mammon better than Lucifer ever has, you get Levi to leave his room voluntarily, you calmed down Satan of all demons, and you never gave up on me even when I… Look, it doesn’t matter if you don’t know why you’re sad. Just tell us. We can help.” ‘I can’t lose you, we can’t lose you. Not like Lilith.’ Kore doesn’t say anything at first, but she leans back into his body properly and closes her eyes. Finally she whispers a sorry. Belphie huffs, pressing a kiss into her shoulder. The shouting from the dining room bleeds through the walls and he feels her flinch, growling into her skin.  “Let’s go to the attic.”
Leviathan (1) Belphegor: Grab Mammon and one of your shows that makes Kore laugh and meet me in the Attic. Leviathan: But, what show should I pick?  Leviathan: I have loads that make her laugh Belphegor: I don’t know, whatever you were watching the other week when she laughed so hard she choked? Leviathan: Do I have to bring Mammon? Belphegor: I’d rather not but yes. The idiot cheers her up.
By the time Levi and Mammon arrive Belphie has Kore bundled up in blankets in the middle of a pile of pillows, her body cradled against his. Mammon, ever the dramatic one, practically flung himself across the room to hug her, littering her face with kisses. If it wasn’t for the fond look in her eyes Belphie might have complained. “I was worried about ya! Can’t have my human being sad, it just aint right!” He whined, flopping down in her lap. Kore yelped, flinching away from the contact. Frowning Mammon tugged the blanket away, staring wide-eyed at the fresh bandage on her leg. His face dropped, and Belphie could swear he saw tears forming in his eyes as Kore tugged the blanket back over her lap. “You can still lie there, just be careful.” She hummed, patting her other thigh.  Slowly, as if she’d suddenly turned into thin ice, Mamon settled himself on the ground, propping his head on her un-bandaged thigh and humming contentedly as she ran her fingers through his hair. “I brought something for us to watch.” Levi hummed quietly, setting up the show on the small TV up there. “What are we watching senpai?” For all that Levi went bright red, her attempt at teasing sounded hollow and he whirled on her glaring. “S-stop pretending to be okay w-when you're not!” Kore blinked at him a few times before nodding. “Sorry.” “I brought the Devilball show. Um, “We’re Going To Defeat Everyone in Devilball and Maybe Learn Teamwork Along The Way”, that one.” This time Kore’s smile was wider, more genuine. “Oh! Thank you!” “A-and, I promise not to get too jealous when- when you drool over the characters this time.” Kore went a shade of red even Levi barely reached as the two demons on either side of her snickered. But despite the gentle hint of mockery their smiles and their warmth was genuine, Levi rolled his eyes (her one real companion in understanding the love for 2-Dimensional fictional characters) and settled down with them as soon as the show started, the three demons caging their human between them and their warmth. For the first time in a while Kore felt like she could breathe again, she felt safe. 
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haloshornsinkstains · 4 years
Happy New Year [Obey Me]
Just some new years sillyness and fluff with Kore (my MC) and the Obey Me boys. No trigger warnings, just a lot of smooches and soft feels.
Slowly Kore turned to the group, smile still fixed on her face as she looked at them all, eyes full of love and happiness. “Happy New Year everyone. I’m so glad I met you all, and I know this year might not have been the greatest, but I’m so glad I got to share it with you all. I hope I get to spend many more with you. You’re all stuck with me now.”
“No.” “Oh come on Luci.” Kore pleads. “It’s only once a year and you don’t know how many of those I have left.” “You’re not even middle aged yet, don’t be ridiculous. Do you recall what happened last year?”  “Yes, which is why this year we’re not doing any stupid timed dates and we will be inviting Diavolo and Barbatos. He won’t need to do anything like stopping time if he’s here with us.” Lucifer sighs deeply and Kore’s lips twitch upwards in a way that suggests she believes she’s won. It wouldn’t be the furthest thing from the truth. She just stands and watches him expectantly, smile never quite leaving her lips as she waits for him to finish mulling over the pros and cons of a New Year’s Eve party. Eventually he shook his head at her, shoulders slumping down just a fraction. “Fine. But this is your responsibility Kore.” The human just beamed at him, wrapping her arms around his waist in a quick hug before she darted off to start planning. Lucifer just watched her go with a tired huff of breath. “How are you even more of a handful now than when you first got here?”
It wasn’t difficult to rope the boys into helping with preparation, for powerful demons they were on occasion embarrassingly easy to convince into following along with her plans. Not that Kore would ever complain about getting to spend more time with them. She split the tasks up as best she could, sending Asmo and Satan to ensure they were well stocked with alcohol while Beel, Belphie (and Levi, when he left his room) were in charge of making sure they’d have enough to eat. Mammon, despite the complaints of the others, was dragged with her to deliver invitations and tidy the communal spaces. And honestly the look of utter delight on Diavolo’s face when she invited him and Barbatos to the House of Lamentation for a New Years Eve party was worth all of the complaints and scolding she had endured so far.
All too soon the house was filled with the noise of celebration, bottles of Demonus and plates of food passed around between guests, with Kore playing a cheerful host as the others mingled. It was nice to see them interacting outside of the constraints of RAD and status. Even Barbatos had relaxed a little, settled into one of the comfortable sofas discussing the finer points of celestial realm pastries with Luke. Kore chuckled to herself, one eye on the clock as she scooted closer to Simeon and Lucifer with a plate of nibbles in the hopes of eavesdropping on their conversation about the Celestial Realm. “I know what you’re doing Kore.” She flinched slightly at the sound of the eldest’s voice before fixing a bright smile on her face and turning with the plate in hand. “Mini quiche?” Lucifer raised one perfectly manicured eyebrow. “I’m sure we’ve had conversations about your unfortunate habit of listening in on others before.” “Oh, look at the time! Sorry Luci, you can scold me later!” She dashed away towards the center of the room, grabbing a glass of specially acquired champagne on her way, leaving a frowning Lucifer and one amused angel in her wake. “One minute to midnight guys, um, there’s champagne from the human world if you’d like some.” Kore called, motioning to the glasses set out on the side. “Or you can keep drinking whatever you have, Luke I’m looking at you.” Luke looked affronted. “I’m older than you!” “You’re a baby.” Kore laughed, shaking her head. Slowly the space around her filled with bodies, the brothers crowding around their human to ring in the new year.
“Ten, Nine, Eight, Seven, Six, Five, Four, Three, Two,  One! HAPPY NEW YEAR!” The room filled with the sound of clinking glasses and celebration, Kore downing her own champagne like a shot with a happy grin. Beside her Mammon wrapped an arm around her waist, tugging her into him while the others were distracted. “Ya got a New Years tradition in the human world right?” He asked quietly, refusing to look her in the eye. A surge of warm affection, perhaps helped a little by all the alcohol she had consumed in the night, flooded through Kore as she nodded, wrapping her arms around the demon’s neck and pressing her lips against his. She felt the arm around her waist tighten, his tongue gently tracing the seam of her lips. Just as she was about to part her lips to let him in a cacophony of protests broke through their moment, a groan slipping past Mammon’s lips as she pulled away. Smiling softly she leant forwards to press one last kiss against his lips, soft and fleeting. “Happy New Year, my first man.” She hummed, pulling back to face the complaints.
“How come Mammon got a New Years kiss? That’s no fair, I thought you were my Henry?” “It is rude for him to hog our lovely human all to himself!” “I thought we agreed we were all sharing?” Kore rolled her eyes. “I have enough kisses for all of you.” “But it won’t be a midnight kiss!” Levi was pouting now, jealousy starting to bubble up in his eyes. Across the room Diavolo cleared his throat. “But, Leviathan, it’s still midnight.” Twelve pairs of eyes turned to look at the clock, the hands stopped dead on midnight. Kore could swear she heard Barbatos sigh. “I thought we weren’t going to stop time this year my lord?” Lucifer asked, still staring at the clock. “I tried to stop him.” Barbatos agreed. “Well yes,” to his credit Diavolo did look a little embarrassed, “but look! I’ve solved this argument about midnight kisses! Now we can all get one.” Kore arched an eyebrow. “Everyone wants a New Years kiss?” There were murmurs of assent throughout the room and she shook her head, though it did nothing to hide the smile on her face. “Well then, happy new year everyone.”
Levi got a soft kiss on the lips, Kore leaning up to his ear to murmur ‘Happy New Year my favourite senpai’ before he nearly combusted on the spot. Lucifer’s kiss was deep and possessive, his hand gripping her chin tightly as he pulled away and sighed ‘happy New Year, troublesome human’. Asmo’s hands dug into the flesh of her ass as he kissed her, pressing the length of his body against hers, whispering ‘there’s more where that came for beautiful’ in her ear as they parted. Satan, ever the gentleman, kissed her gently on the lips, her hands held softly in his as he wished her a happy New Year. Belphie’s kiss was possessive, teeth catching her bottom lip as his fingers dug into her hips, murmured promises of later in the attic on his lips as he pulled away. His twin in contrast was soft and gentle, lifting Kore slightly so her lips met his in the sweetest of kisses, ‘you taste delicious’ ‘happy New Year Beel’. Slowly she shifted, making her way across the room to the angels and Solomon, a quiet question in her eyes as she stared up at Simeon. Smiling softly the angel took her hand, pressing a gentle kiss on her knuckles as she smiled back, lifting on her toes to press a kiss to his cheek ‘happy New Year little lamb’. Luke had a kiss pressed to the top of his head, his hair ruffled by her hand despite his protests ‘happy New Year little chihuahua’. Solomon pulled her close, his hands sliding down her back despite the whispered warning that if he went any lower he’d be dealing with some grumpy demons, his lips finding hers in a deep kiss that saw him licking against her bottom lip.  “You’re a menace.” She chuckled, shaking her head even as the glares of seven demon brothers burned into her back. “You’re going to get me into trouble.” Solomon smiled. “Maybe that was the plan, now, you still have kisses to give out.” She sighed, cheeks flushed from more than just the alcohol as she turned to the final two guests. If Barbatos was expecting anything it didn’t show on his face as she crossed over to him, hesitantly pressing her lips to his cheek. With a huff he pulled on her hand, pressing his lips against hers in a gentle kiss and a murmur of ‘Happy New Year Kore’. Blushing, she turned to Diavolo, freezing for a moment at the sad puppy look in his eyes. “There’s a saying in the human world about saving the best for last.” She smiled, leaning into his space. “Happy New Year Dia.” His lips were warm and soft against her own, one large hand resting on her waist as he kissed her. He tasted like demonus and warmth. “Happy New Year Kore, I’m glad you were the person we picked.” She beamed, nodding her head. “I’m so glad I’m here too. Thank you for letting me stay Dia.”  Slowly Kore turned to the group, smile still fixed on her face as she looked at them all, eyes full of love and happiness. “Happy New Year everyone. I’m so glad I met you all, and I know this year might not have been the greatest, but I’m so glad I got to share it with you all. I hope I get to spend many more with you. You’re all stuck with me now.” “We wouldn’t have ya any other way!” “I can think of a few ways I’d like to have her.” “ASMODEUS!” “Ahem. My Lord, if you could re-start time…”  
The next morning several pictures were uploaded to Devilgram that nearly broke the whole site. The most notable of which featured the future king of the Devildom with flushed cheeks, holding the human exchange student on his lap, her smile bright and cheerful behind slightly smeared lipstick. Beside him his butler sported a purple stain in a very similar shade on his cheek. Though the comments were mostly amusing, several were quick to point out the glaring figure with tan skin and white hair just visible in the background. It was swiftly taken down, though not before Diavolo got his hands on a copy to add to his small collection of memories with the human exchange student. The other was a picture of the eldest of the avatars leading their human in a dance, not strange in and of itself, but the drunken flush high on his cheeks and the smile combined with the pure affection in his eyes certainly had people talking. Never had Lucifer looked so soft (little did they know). There were more photos after that, Simeon and Lucifer deep in conversation, the angel smiling softly. Luke asleep on a sofa, covered with Solomon’s cape. Solomon and Asmodeus dancing in a way that borders on erotic. Beel holding a plate piled precariously high with nibbles while Satan and Belphie discuss the structural integrity of the mountain of food in the background. Levi in a corner, staring at his game with unfocused eyes while Kore kneels next to him speaking softly. Mammon, expression pure horror, while Belphie and Solomon absolutely crack up in the background. 
The one Kore likes most though, the one she’s saved as her lock screen, was taken right at the end of the night after most of the guests had left. She’s asleep, head resting on Belphie’s shoulder, while his head is pressed against the top of hers also asleep. On her left sits Mammon, his body pressed into hers, one finger held to his lips as he glares at whoever is behind the camera, blush high on his cheekbones. Between Kore’s legs, one cheek rested on her thigh, sits Leviathan, eyes focused on his game console, face content.
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Five Times Kore Went Drinking With the Devildom
Kore is my MC/semi self-insert for Obey Me. Enjoy some drunken chaos with her and a few faces from the Devildom.
Content warning: Alcohol, Mammon-style scams, pranks, Mammon slander, witches
1. Diavolo
"Lucifer, apologies for the interruption, but you may wish to come collect your human." Lucifer frowned at the handset, the beginnings of a headache already beginning to prod at the space behind his eyes. "Barbatos. She went to the castle to finish the festival preparations with Lord Diavolo less than an hour ago. What could she possibly have managed to do already?" On the other end of the line Barbatos chuckled, poorly hiding it behind a cough. "I'm afraid in this case it is my Lord's doing. Miss Kore had all the preparations finished shortly after her arrival, however the Young Master recently acquired some rare drink from a visiting emissary and wished to share it with his favourite human…" Lucifer bristled on the other end of the line, growling slightly into the static left by Barbatos' sudden pause. "Barbatos, what is happening?" A few more beats of silence and the muffled sound of a handset being picked up. "Apologies. The Young Master requested some water for Miss Kore. She is quite alright, no need to fret Lucifer. However the drink had a rather more pronounced effect on human biology than we anticipated. I thought you might want to collect her while she's still awake, I can always put her up in one of the spare rooms if you prefer…" Lucifer sighed. "I'll collect her. The headache I'll be subjected to if she disappears for a night with no warning isn't worth it." "Very well. I'll see you shortly."
By the time Lucifer arrived at the castle the dull ache in his head had become a slow throbbing. One that only spiked in intensity as Barbatos led him through to the room where Diavolo and Kore were supposed to be discussing the festival. Instead he found Kore curled up sleepily in the Prince's lap, one hand absentmindedly stroking through his hair as she murmured nonsense at him. Half a bottle of some strange liquid and two empty goblets abandoned on the table before them. Diavolo at least seemed to be enjoying himself, if her occasional mumblings of "your smile is so pretty" were anything to go by. Barbatos sighed, sounding far too much like a Demon who had seen such nonsense one too many times, and cleared his throat. "My Lord. Lucifer has come to collect his charge." Diavolo looked up, the sparkle in his eyes dimming ever so slightly as the words sunk in. In his lap Kore shifted, retrieving her hand from his hair and guzzling into his broad chest. "Oh. Barbatos, I thought she might be able to stay? It's rare I get to entertain guests casually." Good grief, he looks like a kicked puppy. Lucifer thought, shaking his head. "Try explaining that to my brothers." He grumbled under his breath, earning a raised eyebrow from the butler. "I am sure we can arrange that another day Young Master. But I believe Miss Kore has plans with the brothers and it would be rude to interrupt." Diavolo nodded, though he was still pouting ever so slightly. Gently he squeezed her shoulder, bumping her awake with a shift of his knee. "Kore, Lucifer is here to bring you home." He murmured. Kore blinked slowly, eyes widening almost comically when she spotted Lucifer standing in the doorway. "Oh no." Diavolo let out a booming laugh, shaking his head at her. "As much as I would like to keep you here all night, I believe you have plans?" She frowned a little, thinking for a few moments before nodding happily, eyes sparkling. "Movie night! You should come too Dia." "I'm afraid my Lord has duties to attend to. Perhaps some other time Miss Kore?" Barbatos cut in before Diavolo could answer. "Oh, okay. Next time I visit I'll bring a film and we can have a movie night." She smiled, slowly extracting herself from his lap. Lucifer darted forwards to catch her as she tripped on her own feet a few steps away from the desk, holding her up against his chest with a sigh. "Perhaps next time you can forgo the mystery liquids Lord Diavolo?" He hummed. “The human is quite enough trouble sober.” With those final words he turned on his heel and headed out of the castle.
As they headed out of the doors and back towards the House of Lamentation, Kore peered up at Lucifer. “Lucifer?” She asked quietly, brows pulled together slightly as she spoke. “How much trouble am I in?” The eldest sighed and shook his head. “While I cannot say I’m exactly pleased by your utter lack of decorum, I am aware it wasn’t your idea to get drunk. So, I won’t punish you too harshly.” Kore pouted a little, staring up at him with as innocent an expression as she could manage. “Still sounds like I’m in trouble.” “You are. In case you have forgotten you were sat in the Prince of Devildom’s lap petting his hair. If you thought such behaviour would go unpunished then you’ve learned nothing since coming here.” She sighed. “His hair is really soft, you should try it too Lucy, it’s soothing.” “Quit while you’re ahead Kore. I would hate to ban you from movie night after all the trouble I went to to collect you.”
2. Mammon
“Oi oi! Kore!” The human turned from where she was sitting at her desk, arching an eyebrow at the white-haired demon in her doorway. “What’s up Mammon?” She hummed, tilting her head. “Oh! Did you get another contract for Devil Style?” He flushed and rubbed the back of his neck, eyes darting to the pile of magazines safely stacked in one corner. A collection of every issue of a magazine he’d modelled for, one she’d been so embarrassed about in the beginning. “N-no. Not that. I just had a great idea!” Kore turned properly, a grin pulling at her lips. “Go on…” “Hah! I knew ya wouldn’t laugh at me like those jerks.” He grinned, crossing the room and flopping down on her bed like he owned the place. “Let me hear what your plan is first.”
And so, Kore found herself in the midst of a very exclusive party at The Fall, having snuck out of the House of Lamentation with Mammon and the two tickets he had somehow acquired (from one of his modelling contacts apparently). Their mission, to have fun and get drunk without spending a single Grimm. Which was why she was currently attempting to flirt with a demon who wasn’t one of the boys at the bar, while Mammon lurked nearby trying his best not to interrupt in a fit of jealousy. Eventually the demon caved, ordering them both drinks, and when he moved down the bar slightly to pay with his card Mammon swooped in, grabbing one of the drinks while she swiped the other and dragging her off to get lost in the sea of bodies. “Quick, before we get caught!” She laughed, bringing the glass to her lips and taking a deep drink. “This is delicious!” Mammon chuckled, taking a sip of his own drink. “Eurgh, what the hell is this?” Kore huffed, swiftly downing her own glass and snatching his from his hands. “If you don’t want it-” “Hey, hey, you can’t drink that!” He protested, trying to grab the glass back as she drank from it, spilling some down the side of her face and neck. “What if it was dangerous for humans eh?” Kore grumbled under her breath, licking her lips and trying to wipe the spilled liquid away while Mammon did his best to look anywhere but the trail of liquid glistening on her skin. Quickly he drained his own cup, grabbing both empty containers and settling them down on a table. “C’mon. We should hit the dance floor, it’ll be easier to hide.” Kore smiled, grabbing his hand and tangling her fingers between his. “I thought you’d never ask!”
Red faced and sputtering Mammon let himself be led by the giggling human further into the press of bodies. The crowd pressing them closer together, until her back was flush against his chest, his hands gripping her hips. She had danced with him before, more than once at the castle and clubs both, but it had never been like this before. This was how she had danced with Asmo that one time, drunk on fancy wine and trying to get his attention after he had neglected her for fancy trinkets all night. Her body rolled against his, pulling him back into the moment as her arm snaked backwards around his neck. Mammon huffed, squeezing her hip and burying his red face in her hair. "This is nice. We should do this more often." She hummed, nuzzling her head against his. "Ya that drunk already human?" He grumbled in response, lips pressed against the side of her head. "No way! I can get way more free drinks than that!" She giggled. "But this feels good too." Mammon sighed contentedly, squeezing her just a little tighter and enjoying the moment a little longer before they went to go 'acquire' more drinks.
"HEY! That's my drink! Get back here you bastard!" Mammon grabbed her hand, pulling her towards the exit as fast as he could. "Time to go?" She giggled, words slurring ever so slightly. "C'mon, stop laughing and run. Lucifer'll kill me if I let ya get eaten!"
3. Solomon
'Theres a gathering of a few witches I know this evening. I'd very much like it if you would come with me.' Kore read over the text a few times, frowning. She wasn't a witch, not technically at least, sure she had pacts with demons now and apparently some magical power, but she wasn't a part of magical society. 'Are you sure it would be okay for me to go?' The reply was almost instantaneous, as if the sorcerer had been watching his phone. 'Of course! You have some very strong magic Kore, you would be more than welcome.' 'Besides, I'd like you to be there. I feel like I haven't seen nearly of you lately x' Kore blushed, shaking her head at the message with a soft smile. 'You charmer :). Alright, give me a time, place and dress code and I'll be there.' 'I'll pick you up at 6. No need to dress up, it's just a friendly gathering.' Kore glanced at the clock on her screen, four hours, plenty of time to finish what she was doing and pretty herself up.
Solomon was alarmingly punctual, knocking on the door almost as soon as the clock ticked over to 6. Kore ushered him inside, still pulling at her hair to try and convince the unruly strands to stay in a neat plait. Solomon smiled softly, pushing her hands down and gently running his fingers through her hair. "Let me." "I didn't know you were a hairdresser too." She teased, leaning back into his touch. "Just a sorcerer." "That's cheating! Though at least this way we won't be late. Thank you." She tilted her head back to smile up at him. "Take me to your witches." "You've spent far too much time with Leviathan." He chuckled, pressing a kiss to her forehead and leading her out of the door. Once the place was locked up and they'd wandered far enough away from curious human eyes, he tugged her down an alleyway. Draping his cloak around her shoulders as he muttered a quick incarnation under his breath. She arched an eyebrow at the gesture but didn't protest, holding tightly to his hand as he teleported them to the meeting place.
"Solomon! You came!" "Oh, who is this pretty little thing? Did you finally take on an apprentice?" "Couldn't be! I don't recognise her. A servant perhaps?" Kore unconsciously pressed herself into his side, staring wide-eyed at the group. Solomon chuckled, pressing his palm gently against her lower back. A small gesture of comfort against the witches curiosity. "This is my… hmm… this is Kore." Kore nodded. "It's nice to meet you?" "Aha! So you're Kore? We've heard so much about you." A dark haired witch laughed, stepping forwards and wrapping a hand around her wrist. "Come, come chat. Agnes brought some of her home brewed blackberry wine, you have to try some. I'm Lucille by the way." Solomon watched with a soft smile as Kore was dragged away to chat with the younger witches, a glass of dark liquid pressed into her hands. "So that's Kore? Nik will be terribly upset he missed out." Solomon turned to the woman beside him. "She is. Try not to start any trouble Circe?" "Oh no, from all I've heard I doubt she needs my help there."
As it turned out Circe was, once again, right. Several stories and a few bottles of wine between the group later the conversation drifted onto the topic of pact-ed demons. Kore sat oddly quiet through the whole thing, leaning against Solomon's shoulder. "Hey Mags, surely you have a new story to tell us?" Solomon looked up and frowned. "Perhaps that isn't the-" "Oh come on Solomon. You'll want to hear these too, last time we were practically rolling on the floor." "I really wouldn't." Solomon sighed. "No really, you've missed out. I never knew a powerful demon could be such an idiot." Kore tensed against him, lifting her head slightly and narrowing her eyes as the unfortunate witch started her story. "...and that's how Lou got the Porsche. Honestly, none of us believed he was stupid enough to fall for it but I guess we overestimated him. And he still believes the money is going to that kid." Several of the witches were cackling, clutching their stomachs and brushing tears from their eyes. Against his shoulder Solomon could feel Kore practically vibrating with rage. Tentatively he wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "Try to stay calm?" He murmured softly. "Don't you feel at least a little bad?" Circe asked, ignoring the sharp look from Solomon for her stirring the pot. "Why should I? If he wasn't so stupid and scu-" What little restraint was holding Kore in place snapped. "How dare you!"
Solomon sighed, pulling out his phone and stepping away from the group. "Solomon! Missing me already?" "Sure. But that's not why I called." He sighed. "Oh, are you sure? I know my voice is wonderful… wait, is that Kore I can hear in the background?" "Ah, yes. There was a gathering tonight and I thought it would be nice to bring her along…. Unfortunately one of the witches here knows Mammon…" Solomon glanced over his shoulder to where Kore had squared up to the witch in question, jabbing a finger quite viciously in her direction while she berated her. "Oh my gosh! That's adorable! Hey Stupid Mammon, come here and listen to this!" "- don't you dare, you shut up and listen. Mammon isn't some idiot you can take advantage of whoever you want some extra cash! He might do stupid things sometimes but he's so kind, and he cares a lot, and you're trying to use that against him! You're the worst kind of person!" "Asmodeus, am I on loudspeaker?" "Of course no-" "Oi! Sorcerer! Ya tell my human to shut her trap, she's embarassin'." Solomon snorted, glancing over his shoulder. "You can tell her that yourself." "- do you know how much trouble you idiots get him into? Do you even care? You keep hurting him and you think it's all some big joke!" "Solomon! Come get your dog." One of the witches called, gesturing towards Kore. "She doesn't bite!" Kore whipped her head around at that, narrowing her eyes at the device in his hand, finally stopping her tirade. "You know damn well I do." "Oi, what was that?! What have you been doin' to my human?" "Oooh, Solomon, have you been taking advantage of sweet little Kore while you had her all to yourself? How utterly wicked of you!" "Ah. Well, I'm not sure sweet is entirely accurate. At least you didn't try to call her innocent…" He cleared his throat, suddenly aware he had spoken his thoughts aloud. "And on that note I should go. I'll be leaving her with you to cool off and sober up. Good luck."
Walking back towards the group he made a beeline for Kore. His little comment had knocked all of the wind out her rant so she was at least stood quietly at last, glaring at Mags with a ferocity Lucifer would be proud of. "I think you've had a little too much to drink." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pulling her into his side. "I did try to warn you. We'll be leaving now." "I'm not sorry." Kore grumbled. "I know." Circe split from the group, walking towards them as they headed away. She waved casually at Solomon, a soft smile on her lips. "I'm so glad you brought her. It was wonderful to meet you Kore." She tilted her head towards Solomon. "I'm extending your open invitation to Kore as well. Do bring her by any time." Solomon nodded. "Of course. Come on Kore, let's leave before Mags breaks out of her shock and curses you. Lucifer will have my head if I let that happen." Kore nodded, waving at the smirking figure of Circe one last time before she let Solomon whisk her away.
4. Satan (& Belphie)
"- I know right?! What was he thinking? It was so obvious!" Kore half-shouted, waving the book towards Satan. "I swear you find some of the best worst books for these." "Lady Cerewenn and the Crow was not a bad book!" Satan protested. "Fair. That was excellent, this on the other hand is wonderfully awful." She sipped from her glass and grinned. "The best kind of book to read with a drink." "So my research on human world book club traditions paid off?" Kore laughed, nodding. "So much! As long as Lucifer doesn't turn up to ruin the fun."
At that moment the door to the library created open, both demon and human cast worried glances across the room. Only to sigh in relief when when Belphie wandered in. "I thought I could hear you cackling." He chuckled, making a beeline for the sofa and flopping down with his head in Kore's lap. "I do not cackle!" She snorted, flicking his ear in retaliation. "Were you looking for me?" "Just wanted a good place to nap." He yawned. "I thought Lucifer banned wine at your book clubs after the chair incident?" "He doesn't need to know." Kore hummed. "We haven't broken anything since." "Except that vase." Kore shot a glare in the blonde's direction. "We don't mention the vase." Belphie chuckled, humming contentedly as the human started running her fingers through his hair. "Don't mind me, carry on with your book club."
"... that book sounds terrible." Kore glanced down, shaking her head. "I thought you were sleeping?" Belphie made a non-committal noise, glancing over at Satan's frown. "I'll admit it isn't my finest pick." He hummed. "I thought it would be more entertaining." "It was hillarious until the last chapter we read, they've started to lose the plot a bit now though." Kore smiled. "I've read worse books." Satan scrunched up his features in disgust, shaking his head. "Human lives are too short for bad books." "Well, since we're all here… how about a club meeting?" Kore glanced down at Belphie and sighed. "We really should keep a low profile. But… I guess I'm in the mood for a prank." "Excellent."
Thirty minutes and the rest of the bottle later the three of them were huddled around the corner from Lucifer's room. "We're sure the door opens inwards right?" Kore hummed, tapping the roll of cling film against her lips thoughtfully. "Yes. You've been in there often enough!" "Look, Satan, paying attention to how the door opens is never at the top of my list of things to think about when I go in there." "So!" Belphie interrupted, waving an arm between the bristling demon and human. "How do we do this?" "We just need to get the cling film across the doorway, as neatly as possible so he can't see it. Then we knock and run," Kore gestured to their hiding place "and we can watch him walk into the invisible barrier from here." "You know, that's not half bad for a human. Lucifer is usually on the lookout for curses, but I bet he wouldn't think of something as mundane as this." "I know, I'm an evil genius." Kore grinned. "Ready?" As quietly as they could, the three of them crept towards the room, pulling strips of the cling film over the door frame. Kore looked over it a couple of times, pulling edges taut and trying to smooth out any overlap so the wall was as invisible as possible. Finally satisfied she gestured towards the wall and nodded, lifting her hand ready to knock. She gave three sharp raps before turning and darting back around the corner to watch. After a few beats the door creaked open slowly and the trio watched as Lucifer slowly poked his head out to look for whoever had disturbed him, only to collide with the cling film.
Kore snorted, clapping a hand over her mouth in an attempt to stifle the noise as she fell backwards against Satan. "You three…" "Run!"
5. Levi
Levi looked up from his game at the sound of three knocks against his door, frowning. Mammon was with Lucifer doing some extra study after his last exam results were terrible, and Kore was supposed to be out with Asmo tonight at some over the top party, no one else really bothered him unless something was happening. "What's the password?" "Uhm… it was something to do with the 2015 Seven Lords… I knew yesterday, damnit!" Levi perked up, he knew that voice. "It's okay, you can come in." Grinning, Kore opened the door and bounced across the room to settle down next to him. "I thought you were with Asmo?" "I was," she sighed, "but there were way too many strange demons, and Asmo ran into a succubus he knows…" she fiddled with her hands a little "he couldn't keep an eye on me and some of them were getting a bit handsy… he knows I left, I think, I told him anyway." A flare of jealousy spiked through Levi, if it was his night with the human he wouldn't be sidetracked by some succubus. It wasn't fair Asmo still got chances like that if he was going to ruin them! "... so I came to spend time with my favourite otaku instead, if that's okay?" Levi flushed. "Oh. U-uh, yeah, it's fine. Are- are you sure you're okay? You seem…" he trailed off, frowning. "I had a few drinks, I can go…" "No! I mean, I, it's okay. You can stay." She smiled softly at him, settling against his side to watch as he gamed.
After a few matches she had started scrolling through her phone, looking up to watch when she felt the demon beside her tense up, or start giving excited commands through his headset. When he finally hit a break between matches she tugged gently on his sleeve. "Leviachan… do you know any anime dances?" Levi frowned. "Why?" Kore showed him her phone. "This one was popular in the human world for a bit. I can do it, but it's way cooler with two people… I maybe thought I could put it on my deviltube?" Levi stared at the screen, watching the movements of the animated couples on screen. It seemed simple enough, especially the Male parts, the dance he learned for their play had been much more complicated. "We don't-" "I'll try it! B- but, it doesn't go on deviltube unless I say so… okay? Or devilgram!" Kore nodded, smiling. "Of course. Thank you Levi!" He flushed as she leant up to kiss his cheek. "H-hey! I thought you said you'd warn me!" Kore shrugged, restarting the video so they could both study the movements more closely before trying to copy them on video. She quietly copied them with her own hands, repeating motions she’d made so many times on her own. After a few more viewings Levi joined in, slow and slightly clumsy at first, but soon picking up the gestures and slotting fluidly into the little routine. With a bright, perhaps slightly tipsy, grin Kore turned to look at him, holding up her DDD. “Are you ready to film?” Levi blushed again, fidgeting with his headphones, but slowly he nodded. She bumped against his shoulder gently, her smile softening with worry. “I promise I won’t put it anywhere unless you say so, and you can always tell me no y’know?” “No. I- I mean, I want to.” He nodded towards the screen. “Just… no, I’ll try.” “Okay.” Kore smiled again. “But first, I’m going to kiss you, okay?” She turned slightly, pressing her lips softly against his this time before pulling back. It was chaste and innocent, and still managed to turn him into a blushing mess. She giggled, crawling forwards to set up the camera while she waited for him to calm down again, despite his mumbles of her unfairness.
The video never made it to deviltube in the end, there were several takes, the first couple of times Levi let his nervousness get the best of him, then as more of the alcohol she’d drunk diffused through her bloodstream Kore got more giggly and her own dancing started to falter. But the final take, the one Kore saved to keep forever, was almost perfect. Until the end when she threw her arms around him and kissed him on the cheek, the last shot before they fell over out of view of the camera was Levi’s blushing face, frozen in shock as they overbalanced.
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haloshornsinkstains · 3 years
Devildom Christmas
My female Obey Me MC (Kore) and the other denizens of the Devildom celebrate Christmas.
I started this last year and finally finished it this year in time for Christmas Day. It’s not that long, I’m just that easily distracted.
Christmas wasn’t something often celebrated in the Devildom, for obvious reasons. But Kore had made the mistake of mentioning the holiday in passing while chatting to Lord Diavolo one time and all of a sudden the Devildom was decked in festive lights and a tree had sprung up in the House of Lamentation. Any protests she made about not wanting to make a big deal of it, that she didn’t particularly love the holiday as such, were dutifully ignored. Diavolo was really into the spirit of the whole thing, and the boys were mostly excited about the concept of gifts (or food in Beel’s case), so she just sort of… went along with it. Besides, decorating was pretty fun, even when Lucifer lectured her and Satan for two hours because pine needles kept appearing in his office. And the lights strung up in the tree and around the bed frame in her room made good light for reading manga and playing games. The gift giving, on the other hand, was going to be more problematic. What on earth do you get a group of biblical creatures with centuries if not millennia of life behind them to show how much you care about them all? Shopping would also be a problem, given Lucifer still hadn’t lifted the ban on her travelling outside of RAD without one of the people she was trying to secretly buy gifts for accompanying her. At least all of the preparation work would give her time to plan properly.
The day rolled around far too fast, the House of Lamentation filled with the smell of cooking and the sound of human world Christmas music courtesy of Solomon. Kore hummed to herself as she set the table, somehow squeezing six extra places on there (she was pretty sure there was magic involved, but as long as none of the table decor turned sentient and started causing chaos she wasn’t going to worry about it). “How are things going in here, we still got food?” Kore laughed, popping her head into the kitchen to watch Beel and Belphie preparing dishes. “Belphie brought extra snacks!” Beel grins, holding up a half-empty bowl of crisps. “But everything smells so good it’s been really hard not to eat any of it.” Kore smiled softly, glancing at Belphie who rolled his eyes at his twin affectionately. “It won’t be long until we can eat Beel, don’t worry.” “How are the decorations looking?” Belphie hummed, not looking up from the pot of vegetables. “Good actually, we’ll be finding glitter for months but other than that we managed to reign in Asmo’s more… dramatic tendencies.” She chuckled in response, picking a few bits of stray glitz from her sleeve. “The lights are really pretty, I put some up in the attic as well.” “Kore?” A few moments later Lucifer appeared in the doorway, frowning slightly at the three of them. “Beel, Belphie, you two need to change.” He glanced down at Kore. “You too Kore, I refuse to let you greet Lord Diavolo in your pajamas, regardless of how festive they are. I’ll watch the food.” “But, Dia would love these!” Kore huffed, tugging at the holly printed pants and ignoring the vein that throbbed on Lucifer’s temple. “What did you-” She was sprinting up the stairs before Lucifer even finished. “Oh hey, better go change!” 
Half an hour later Kore descended the stairs, fiddling with the hem of the dress Asmo had insisted she wore (“you have to dress up! Lord Diavolo is coming!”). At least he’d allowed her to wear a decorative pair of reindeer antlers on her head in concession. Christmas wasn’t Christmas unless you could do something a little silly. “Look how good I made our little Kore look!” Several head turned at the sound of Asmo’s voice, leaving Kore scowling at him and flushed with embarrassment. “I am not little!” Beel frowned. “You are quite small.” “Counter point, you’re just very tall.” She huffed, stepping off the last stair and turning towards the dining room. “I didn’t miss the others arriving did I?” “Not yet. Ya look, uh, nice by the way.” Kore blew a kiss at a furiously blushing Mammon. “Thank you love.” There was a quiet chorus of compliments from the others, leaving her cheeks flushed as she stopped in her tracks and fiddled with the fabric of the dress again, smoothing out non-existent wrinkles against her thighs.  “What- what on earth is that on your head?” Her gaze snapped up to Lucifer and she grinned, tapping one of the antlers gently and answering as if it were the most normal thing in the world. “Reindeer antlers.”  “Take them off.” “No. They’re festive.” Kore frowned, stepping back and holding a hand up to her head to protect the antlers.“I will not have you embarrassing me in front of Lord Diavolo by wearing ridiculous ornaments on your head Kore. Take them off.” Lucifer crossed his arms over his chest, expression stony. “Do not make me ask again.” “But Lord Diavolo will love them, you know he will.” In a perfectly scripted twist of fate, the door opened just in time for Barbatos and Lord Diavolo to catch the end of the conversation. “What will I love? Oh, Kore, what are those?!” “They’re festive render antlers!” Kore turned slowly, eyes widening with surprise. “Oh… wow.” “My Lord… what are you wearing?” Barbatos gave a long-suffering sigh. “I did try to stop him.” “It’s a very nice Santa suit Diavolo.” Kore giggled, “would you like a drink?” “Lead the way.” Kore grinned, gesturing for Diavolo and Barbatos to follow her to the main room, antlers still solidly positioned on her head.
Soon the seats by the fire were filled, their unusual little gathering spilling down onto the rug in front of the fire as nine demons, two angels, a sorcerer and a human all prepared to exchange gifts. It was as chaotic as she expected, but Kore wouldn’t change this for all the gold in the three realms as she happily handed out the gifts to their intended recipient, her own pile forgotten as she laughed and shook her head at some of the gift choices. “Why did you get me… what even is this?!” “It’s a sort of leash they use for children in the human world, Kore told me about them once. I thought it might be useful for when you take your Chihuahua on walks.” “I AM NOT A CHIHUAHUA YOU ROTTEN DEMON!” “Please calm down Luke. Thank you for the gift Lucifer.” Kore barely hid her giggles behind the next gift, passing it over to Beel carefully before busying herself to dig through the pile for something for those who were waiting. As she was sorting things for the others she heard Barbatos clear his throat behind her. “Excuse me, Kore? Was this from you?” She turned to see him holding up a recipe book and ducked her head with flushed cheeks. “Ah, yeah, that was me. It’s a book of dessert recipes from the human world. I, um, I’m not sure if you have anything like it.” “It’s a wonderful gift, I shall bring anything I make for you to taste test.” Kore grinned. “Thank you Barbatos.” “Oh Kore, I love this book. Did you write all these yourself?” “Hmm? Ah, yes I did Dia- sorry, Lord Diavolo. I know it’s not much but-”  Diavolo positively beamed. “No! It’s wonderful, no need to wring your hands like that. I love it. Thank you Kore!” She smiled softly, hiding her embarrassment behind the next present she collected. This was perfect, watching the smiles spread across everyone’s faces as they opened their gifts, hearing their thanks directed at each other. The brothers especially, it was rare to see them get along so well like this. Softly she lifted a gift from the pile set aside for her, carefully peeling apart the paper and folding it into a neat square beside her. The box beneath was beautiful, lacquered to a shine and intricately patterned with silver across the dark surface. Breathing in a sharp breath she opened the lid, her hand flying to her mouth as she did. “Oi, d’ya like it?” “You know I’m not good with suspense!” “You’ll let me put it on you darling, won’t you?” “Can you lot not behave for five minutes?” She turned, wiping away tears at the corners of her eyes as lifted the box. “Was… this is from all of you?” Lucifer nodded. “Yes, merry christmas from the seven of us.” “Ya don’t really wear bracelets or rings so we got a necklace, since yer always wearing one of them.” Mammon added. “The gems are magic, they all contain a special memory from each of us.” Satan hummed. “Though I can’t speak to the quality of the others, I know mine is excellent.” Beel, distracted from the snacks in his hands, grinned at her. “Can you work out which is each of us?” Kore gently eased the necklace from the box, settling it in her palm as she rang her fingers delicately across each crystal attached to the silver chain. “This one is Luci, a sapphire I think? The yellow is Mammon, though I’m not sure what gemstone that is…” “It’s citrine, they have it in the human world ya know? Means like, warmth or somethin’ stupid.” She smiled, nodding. “Thanks Mammon. So the orange one is Levi right? I’m sure I’ve never seen a stone like that before.” Levi shook his head. “It’s a Devildom stone.” He muttered something under his breath in what she thought was infernal. “It translates to something like ‘heart of the sea’. I think. If you even wanted to know that, which of course you don’t from someone like me-” “It’s beautiful Levi. The emerald is Satan right? And next to it, is that rose quartz?” “Of course! The stone of love! And gorgeous just like me.” Asmo preens. Chuckling to herself Kore ran her fingers over the last two stones, spaced a little closer together than the rest. “The ruby must be Beel, so the amethyst is Belphie?” If anyone noticed how her fingers lingered over the purple stone a little longer they didn’t mention it.  When she looked up again Beel was grinning at her so happily it was a wonder his cheeks didn’t hurt. “You got them all! You know us really well.” “Of course I do, I love you all.” She wiped at tears threatening to spill down her cheeks. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” “I think we’ve been outclassed Barbatos.” “I believe so.” Rubbing her cheeks Kore turned to the others, shaking her head and smiling brightly. “Of course not! I love you all, so very much.” “And we you.” Simeon murmured in response. “Of course, my adorable little apprentice.” Solomon added, gesturing to the parcels. “Now, shall we finish this before Beelzebub gets too hungry?” Beel nodded, gently rubbing his growling stomach and sending the others into fits of giggles.
After the presents were passed out and the food was eaten, (with only three arguments breaking out - a new record low for family meals), the group returned to the living room, holding drinks and followed by the sounds of Christmas music.  “So now we can start the real party?” Asmo chuckled, waving his bottle at them. “And where’s the mistletoe? I thought it was a Christmas tradition?” Kore huffed a laugh. “There’s no mistletoe because a) I didn’t know where to find any in the Devildom and b) we were hoping for less arguments than usual.” “What is the purpose of this mistletoe?” Diavolo asked, leaning forward with a wine flush high on his cheeks. “Perhaps I could acquire some.” Asmo nudged her side with a laugh. “Go ahead Kore.” “In the human world, when two people find themselves under mistletoe they’re supposed to kiss.” “Is that so Solomon?” Barbatos murmured and the sorcerer nodded his head. “Lord Diavolo I don’t think introducing mistletoe would be a good idea, unless you wish for the whole night to devolve into argument?” Lucifer huffed, narrowing his eyes at the prince. “Alright.” Diavolo conceded, though he was pouting more than a little. “If it’s any consolation my kisses aren’t typically dependent on botanical intervention. I would like to dance first if that’s okay though Dia?” Kore laughed, holding out a hand. The Prince’s face lit up again and he nodded. “Go ahead, it is a party after all. Perhaps I’ll join later.” With a grin she nodded, turning back to Asmo who was now flanked by Mammon, both grinning at her. Solomon chuckled, turning out the lights and murmuring a spell that made the room sparkle and glow, the music changing to a set of tunes more fitting of a party. Blowing him a kiss Kore started to dance, the alcohol flowing through her veins loosing up her movements and making the rest of the world fade away. Solomon and Simeon both joined after a while, then Diavolo, even Beel and Satan stepped up to dance while the others watched. Levi grumbling about ‘normies’ and ‘party people’, while Lucifer and Barbatos chatted amiably, their watchful gazes on the sleeping forms of Luke and Belphie.
The party continued well past midnight, only truly trailing off when Kore finally ran out of steam. Cheeks flushed and eyes a little glassy she had plopped down on the sofa, leaning over to rest her head against one of Diavolo’s thick thighs and had promptly fallen asleep before Lucifer could start his lecture in earnest. Diavolo, to his credit, merely smiled down at her, running a hand over her hair gently. “Really Lucifer, it’s fine.” Lucifer snorted. “You’re the ruler of the Devildom, not a pillow. She should treat you with more respect.” “I don’t mind, it’s nice to be treated like everyone else from time to time. It’s a shame we can’t do this more often.” “If you say so. Though I suppose we should call this a night, someone should take her to bed.” “Oooh! I volunteer!” Asmo called. “No ya won’t! That’s my human.” With a roll of his eyes Solomon waved his hand and Kore disappeared from the sofa. “There, she’s in bed now.” Seven pairs of eyes rounded on him. “Oi, how’d you know where her room is?” “Well, I best be off. See you all again soon. Simeon, do you have Luke?” The angel chuckled and nodded. “I do. See you all again soon, thank you for the wonderful party. And be sure to thank Kore for me too?”
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