meganwhalenturner · 11 months
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Hands down, the best dinner I had in Greece was in the hill town of Koronos. It was worth being almost blown off the road to get there.
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naxosandsmallcyclades · 7 months
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Located in a ravine between two mountains, the picturesque village Koronos will enchant you. Traditional houses are surrounded by a verdant natural landscape. The village comprises seven neighborhoods, connected with flights of stairs and alleys.
Have you ever visited the village Koronos on Naxos?
Let us know in the comment section!
For more information visit the website www.naxos.gr
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v3r0k4 · 5 months
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funni funni man from youtube :D
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axiolotl · 23 days
wishing i had deviantart level status updates so im making it now
📺 currently watching: star wars the clone wars (tv show)
📖 currently reading: the rising storm by cavan scott (second book in star wars the high republic series)
🎶 currently listening: on a pop streak with chanell roan
🎙currently listening: Rude Tales of Magic (going through their backlog), My Brother My Brother and Me (weekly)
🎮 currently playing: Pikmin 4
✍️ currently writing: several roleplay responses. a pirate au, vampire au, rivals to toxic lovers
🎲 currently playing: yuan-ti cowboy Ace in Western campaign, shadow arcane trickster rogue Ollie Oxenfree in Imaginary campaign, and minotaur war cleric of Nike, Koronos (new!) for a bachelor party one shot
🎨 current projects: finishing a miniature moon painting, painting birdhouses, folding paper birdhouses (extra: design text logo)
🪴 current projects: repot my peperomia silver frost (got hydrophobic:[), get cuttings of my hoya for a friend, take cuttings of several pothos for other friends
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demorta · 2 months
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Koronos and Hvelga
The villainous duo always up to no good~ The bad guys from my Drust campaign in Duskwood on WoW.
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starpie-arties · 2 years
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Koronoe in her sonic outfit ~
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dantexxorihara · 2 years
I was tagged by @rorronoa to show 9 fav characters!! Thank you for tagging me
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I know this prompt said 9 but i had to 10 lol to make it even in also in no particular order probably could have added a few for now i think about it 🤔🤔
Tomoya Okazaki
2. Light Yagami
3. Rin Tohasaka
4. Izaya Orihara
5. Takumi Fujiwara
6. Shikamaru Nara
7. Kurumu Korono
8. Akeno Himejima
9. Eikichi Onizuka
10. Saeko Busujima
Tagging: @coloreyeddreamer @life-fucking-sucks-x @lovelybbygrlj@je-violet96 @the-fragile-world-of-paula @roseillith @sadbroski @omeletteu @konjura @reaperlight
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bykokoro · 3 months
long time ago; mid-90s, probably, used to have the moniker kokoro. way back when i attempted bishoujo senshi sailor moon fan fiction. hence, by kokoro. this blog hosts mostly animated characters. anime, manga, video games, etc. list is under the cut.
work schedule; sundays [ 2:00 pm through 7:00 pm EST ], mondays through thursdays [ 8:00 am through 3:00 pm EST ].
blogroll; @stcllata, @galcttica, @nottc.
affiliates; @byeolyeou.
MORIYAMA, shiemi. OKUMURA, rin.
FONTAINE, frank.
AINO, minako. TENOH, haruka.
ISHIDA, yamato. TAKAISHI, takeru.
rude. STRIFE, cloud. VALENTINE, vincent.
roxas. sora.
KORONO, kurumu.
LOWELL, yuri.
MAIAVA, jonah.
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tomasyono · 1 year
Teisininkai ruošia milžinišką bylą koronos aferistams
Garsus vokietis teisininkas DR. REINER FUELLMICH, laimėjęs supergarsias bylas prieš gigantus Volkswagen (diesel scam) ir Deutsche Bank (po bylos bankas buvo paskelbtas nusikaltėliu) su (kaip rašoma) “tūkstančiais” teisininkų ruošia didžiulį kolektyvinį beprecedentinį bylų “tortą”, kuris bus keliamas daugybėje valstybių lygiagrečiai tai bus Nürnberg -2 tipo byla, nes korona skandalo kūrėjai yra…
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novastellavox · 1 year
I was bored a few months ago... so I made my first conlang, which I call TueSoan, which is spoken on the fictional continent called SoanTa.
To understand how this language works... it's simple:
TueSoan = Tue Soan, SoanTa = Soan Ta
Soan = It's a name
Tue = Language, Ta = Location / Land
So... this is a language made of Wordstems and suffixes / prefixes.
I basically took a few letters out of the alphabet, namely B, F, M and P... as well as Sh, St, Th and Ch and then said: Let there be Kr, Kj, Dj, Zt and whatever else I want >:3
And now I got roughly 600 words.. which all have their own meaning.
For example: The wordstem Neo is for Water... but Neo ≠ Water.... NeoNo = Water, NeoRe = Wet, Neo'YtKa = to Swim, NeoRi = Water Spirit, YoNeo = Driftwood, NeoToa = Rain, NeoXy'Toa = Storm, NeoTa = Lake / Body of Water, NeoYtta = River, Ru'NeoTa = Ocean, Neo'IciKjo = Bottle of water... there's a lot
And that's just one wordstem and not even all of its versions. It's a very simple combination-based language. The first part of a two part word is the wordstem. The second part then further defines that wordstem... that's why Neo ≠ Water... Because Neo describes everything that has anything to do with water...
If you were to say "There was Water outside" That could either mean: A bottle of water was standing outside, puddles on the ground, it was raining outside, etc... so that's why that's a thing
Three part words are more complicated...
For example, Ru'NeoTa translates to "Large Water place"... an ocean.
or Hi'YoKi means "Good Wood Construct"... a construct being a Spirit that has inhabited an inanimate object, such as a dead tree... and made it its own body.
Hi'YoKi can also be described as Wooden Golems or Wooden Guardians...
The Elements / Material wordstems in this world are:
NeoNo = Water
KruaNo = Fire
KruoNo = Ash / Ember / Coal
KryoNo = Ice
KraiNo = Air
GiyNo = Soil / Earth
KoroNo = Rock
RazNo = Electricity
LuaNo = Light
NiluNo = Darkness
JaNo = Life
JouNo = Death
YoNo = Wood
DuaNo = Music / Sound
and most importantly:
Lyria... it is the form that magic has in this world. Lyria is a particle like a Proton... except it has a strong positive charge, making it able to hold 3 electrons in a stable orbit. As soon as 4 electrons are in the orbit, they're all shot off of the particle, releasing the high amount of energy.... This is pseudoscience, don't @ me >_>... And roughly 80% of all lifeforms are affected by Lyria on a genetic level.
This allows people to bundle huge amounts of energy in the form of Heat in their hands, allowing them to cast Fireballs! Or by taking away a lot of temperature from their hands, they can cast an Ice Shard or Ice Knife! This is how Dnd is brought into all this
And plants use this power to grow to EXTREME sizes, such as the Everwood trees, whose leaves glow with a dim purple and sparkle with golden dew which disappears after dropping from the leaf... If you were to stand below an everwood tree and look up, it would look like the nightsky itself has turned into a nebula.
Is it obvious that I have way too much going on in my brain? Also hi, this is my first actual post after years... Since I forgot my original login... I have no idea anymore how tumblr works.. reblog if u got questions I suppose :P
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herkausmintys · 1 year
Odė Gerovei II dalis
Įsivaizduojat - žuvėdų medicinai taip trūksta lėšų, kad jie per baisiosos Koronos pandemijos pikų piką net kaukių neišgalėjo nešiot… Pagailėjo kelių nusususių kronų tam, kad saugotų žmonių gyvybes… Ir policija pas švedus blogesnė, nei taryb… sovietinė milicija - aš negalėjau patikėti, kelias dienas viriau pykčiu tiesiog - pasirodo švedų policija net neįspėdavo, net menkutės baudelės (kas yra keli šimtai eurų, palyginus su išsaugota žmogaus gyvybe???) neišrašydavo tiems kvailiems švedams, rizikavusiams ir savo, ir savo senelių, ir anūkų gyvybėmis… Kalbant apie gyvybes. Ačiū Partijai ir JAM, kad gyvename geriau, nei Švedijoje. Ačiū Partijai, kad man gerovės valstybė nupirko ir padovanojo gyvybės eleksyrą - skiepus nuo baisiojo viruso. Kad leido man, narsiai atstačiusiam petį už laisvę, grįžti į normalų gyvenimą. Po dviejų dozių pasijutau saugus. Tiesa, sustreikavo širdis - prieš šią prakeiktąją, baisiąją pandemiją pėsčias (nes dėl tvarumo, įtraukumo ir žalumo nustojau be reikalo važinėti savo Askonija) nueidavau į ganyklą ir parnešdavau du bidonus pačiutės primelžto pieno. O šiemet jau ir pusės kibiro širdis neleidžia panešt. Bet čia klimato kaita kalta. Ir toksinai, besiveržiantys iš mano pavasarį suartų arimų. Tikrai ne eleksyrai kalti. Nes gi mano pati mylimiausia (po Dalytės, Raselės ir Ingridutės) politikė Uršulė sakė - skiepai ne tik saugūs, bet ir veiksmingi, tai nuo jų tikrai negalėjo nei širdis, nei inkstai sustreikuot. O kai mokslininkas Vaidys Zajabavičius, ar Zajabys Vaidavičius (prabočykit, kažko atmintis kelinta nedėlia šlubuoja) pasakė, jog jis išskaičiavo, kad kuo daugiau sveikųjų skiepų dozių, tuo sveikiau, tai anundei (kažkur prieš mėnesį) iš rozo dvi dozes kai užsibūstinau, tai nepamenu net kaip namo parpūstinau… Ech, gyventi gera. O gyventi gerovės valsybėje - dar geriau. Valgau kokybišką (nes brangus, o jei brangus, tai ir kokybiškas, savaime suprantama) maistą, kai prireikia (o dėl klimato kaitos reikia vis daugiau ir įvairesnių) vaistų - pilnos vaistinės kokybiškų (nes dar brangesni už maistą) vaistų. Aš, kaip pridera dėkingam tiems, kurie apsaugojo jo sveikatą ir gal net gyvybę žmogui, perku tik Moderniosios Faizerio produktus. Juk nebūtų mano mylimoji (po Dalytės, Raselės ir Ingridutės) Uršulia pirkusi kokio mėšlo, atsiprašau už neįtraukų ir netvarų žodį? Nes ji darbuojasi mūsų gerovei, mūsų mylimosios Tarybų… tfu, per tą klimato kaitą liežuvis pinasi… Europos Sąjungos žmonių klestėjimui ir laimei. Bet ką ta ES. Aš mūsų krašto gerove vis pasidžiaugt noriu. Anksčiau, tarybi… tfu… sovietiniais laikais valdžia nesaugojo nei gamtos, nei žmonių. Kur tai matyta - į mūsų kaimą keleivinė atvažiuodavo tris kartus per dieną. Siaubas koks apima dabar prisiminus. Koks netvarumas, kokie CO2 kiekiai…kokia tarša… Dabar, klestinčios ES gerovės valstybėje yra žymiai geriau - keleivinė kursuoja tik kartą per tris dienas. Ir tai ne į mūsų kaimą, o tik sustoja prie pagrindinio kelio už 5 kilometrų. Va čia tai rūpestis paprastu žmogumi. Net ašara nuriedėjo mano neskustu (dėl klimato kaitos trečia savaitė, kaip odos egzema…) skruostu pagalvojus, kaip mus myli mūsų geriausia, kas galėjo nutikti mums ir visam pasauliui, valdžia. Aš rimtai - ir gamtą saugo, nes mažiau važiuoja - mažiau teršia. Ir žmonės sportuoja, kol sakysim rajono centre nupirktus produktus į kaimą parsitempia. Vis tik penkis kilometrus tenka kulniuoti. Bet ir tai tik į naudą - nereikia daug pirkti, nereiks tempti. O mažiau pirksi - klimatą saugosi.
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meganwhalenturner · 11 months
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Rest stop on the road from Koronos to Koronides
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Koronos village is located in the northeastern part of Naxos and is surrounded by a lush landscape. This picturesque traditional village includes seven neighborhoods and is definitely worth a visit!
Have you ever been to Koronos village on Naxos?
Post your comments below!
For more information visit the website www.naxos.gr
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philoursmars · 3 years
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Le 12 août 2007, Nours quittait la vie. Chaque jour, il me manque.
Alors, en couleurs, quelques images de lui :
- vert : Echternach (Luxembourg), 1990
- jaune : Naxos, vers Koronos, 1996
- orange: Rome, le Capitole, Palais des Conservateurs, 1995
- rouge: Bruxelles, dans l’Atomium, 1990
- violet : près de Sisteron, 1993
- bleu : Istanbul, mausolée d’Eyüp, 1990
- blanc : Paros, Lefkes, 1996
- Noir : Le Tréport, 1997
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axiolotl · 6 days
so far in bachelor party oneshot:
- found the corpse of a dead god in the astral sea
- our druid gets cursed, the ever hanging spectre of the void stronger near the god
- we go to rescue a crashed ship on the corpse; capn is actually an imposter aberration (death slaad) and cast modify memory on the crew & killed og captain
- my war cleric of Nike, Koronos, beat lvl 7 modify memory w 4th lvl dispel magic on a 26 roll
- aasimar artificer does an experiment to see how dead god reacts to his blood. explodes into necrotic energy and magical darkness
- get closer and closer to Wild Space (any leveled spells act like youre a wild sorcerer)
- met baby giant space hamster named Charles who now stays in Koronos' hair
- found a dead deva, took their heart and put it in the artificer's contruct. it can create portals now
- got Chimes of Banishment (free banish 1/day)
- barbarian and rogue went into the spinal cord of dead god to find a lost blinkdog. found a cloaker (the cloakerrrr. succeeded
- killed the shit outta the death slaad
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demorta · 4 months
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My WoW RP villain OC Koronos and his shit eating grin~
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