#Kosovo i Srbija
kachcha · 2 years
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Traditional headwear from Prizren (south Serbia)
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fooriogiunta · 8 months
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Косовска Митровица некада…
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surfingkaliyuga · 10 months
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“Milos Obilic's attack on Sultan Murat (Battle of Kosovo, June 28, 1389)” Zoran Jovicic 2023
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uniquekindoftrash · 1 year
The Office for Kosovo and Metohija has stated that the returnee house of the host Ranko Janačković in Novo Selo Mađunsko near Vučitrn had been set on fire AGAIN.
source: x
they are trying to ethnically cleanse us not once but two times, and with no response from anyone, no outrage nothing because in the eyes of the west* only good Serb is a dead one
The Office has addressed the international community, requesting that they ensure the safety of the Janačković family and take the difficulties faced by Serbian families in Kosovo seriously.
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the-ic-corner · 2 years
I open tumblr for the first time today and y'all suddenly think the entire serbian national team supports genocide??
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Ne znam ko mi je ovde odvratniji, da li Aleksandra, koja bi moju porodicu i mene 90tih pljuvala isto ovako kao i ova ostala gamad, a sad nas koristi da pljuje po onima kojima zavidi što su uspeli da odu, ili ova bagra kojima su uvek i jedino krivi samo oni koji nisu dovoljno jaki da im uzvrate, bili oni izbeglice, Romi, LGBT+, prosjaci, migranti, nije bitno, samo da su efektivno obespravljeni, za čas će oni oplesti neku teoriju zavere po kojoj grupa na koju ciljaju u stvari imaju svu moć i sve pare da opravdaju zlobu i predrasude u kojima se valjaju ko svinje u blatu.
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head-post · 1 month
Kosovo signs grant agreement with USAID
Kosovo President Vjosa Osmani and the US Agency for International Development (USAID) mission director Eileen Devitt signed an agreement that would provide nearly $34.5 million in additional development assistance to the country, according to bne IntelliNews.
The funds, which are part of a long-standing partnership between the United States and Kosovo, are aimed at stimulating economic growth and improving public services nationwide.
The latest grant marks the 25th anniversary since the US first began providing development assistance to Kosovo. That brings the total US contribution over that period to more than $1 billion, according to the US Embassy in Pristina.
However, US Ambassador to Kosovo Jeffrey Hovenier acknowledged ongoing tensions between the United States, its international partners, and the Kosovo government led by Prime Minister Albin Kurti.
Many of you will have seen media reports about current differences between the United States and other members of the international community with the government of Kosovo.
The ambassador noted that while those challenges had affected the quality of the partnership, the US still hoped that the government would “return to close and constructive engagement with the United States, the EU, NATO, and Kosovo’s other close international partners.”
Read more HERE
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garfieldbutwithswag · 9 months
Now that it has been revealed that Bill Clinton is a pedophile will they now remove the statue of him in Kosovo or will they just keep it there?
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Promocija knjige Snežane Teodoropulos “Oslušni vetar”
U Press centru Udruženja novinara Srbije održana je promocija treće knjige Snežane Teodoropulos “Oslušni vetar”. Bilo je to izuzetno lepo osmišljeno književno veče uz puno poezije, muzike, grčkog i našeg zvuka, obraćanja izdavača, recenzenta i same autorke. Biranim rečima o Snežani i njenoj poeziji govorili su Žika Ajdačić, generalni sekretar Kulturne prosvetne zajednice Srbije, Majo Danilović, književnik i recenzent knjige, kao i teatrolog dr Milovan Zdravković, koji je ujak pesnikinje i koji je ispričao zanimljive priče o porodici pesnikinje, predstavivši i njenog muža Jorgosa i decu. Snežana Teodoropulos, devojački Đorđević, rođena je 1963. u Prištini, a odrasla je u Kuršumliji, pa je jugu Srbije i Kosovu i Metohiji i ljudima koje je poznavala posvetila i deo svojih pesama. Naravno tu je i pregršt ljubavnih stihova (ciklusi “Oslušni vetar”, “Šapat kiše”, “Šapat zvezda”…) zbog čega je recenzent Danilović knjigu nazvao “darovnicom ljubavi”. Pored autorke na promociji su njene stihove kazivali i Maja Savić, novinar i voditelj TV Kuršumlija i Lepomir Ivković, dramski umetnik. Na harfi ih je pratila Sofija Sibinović, a nastupile su i Senžanine drugarice iz Kuršumlije i Beograda sa kojima je kao vrlo mlada nastupala u horu, a koje su i ove večeri oduševile pristutne pre svega izvođenjem poznatih grčkih pesama. Aplauzom su pozdravljene i reči Žike Ajdačića da je Snežana Teodoropulos predložena za nagradu “Zlatna značka” Kulturno prosvetne zajednice.
Foto: Momčilo Karan
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cgvijesti · 2 years
Šta sve piše u francusko-njemačkom predlogu za Srbiju i Kosovo
Foto: Beta U članu 4 „evropskog” predloga „osnovnog sporazuma Kosova i Srbije”, koji je srpski list Danas dobio diplomatskim kanalima, piše da Srbija i Kosovo polaze od pretpostavke da nijedna od njih ne može predstavljati drugu stranu u međunarodnoj sferi ili djelovati u njeno ime. „Srbija se neće protiviti članstvu Kosova u bilo kojoj međunarodnoj organizaciji“, eksplicitno se navodi u tom…
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icarusinterlude · 2 years
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kachcha · 2 years
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Traditional clothing from Gnjilane, Serbia
Народна ношња из Гњилана
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fooriogiunta · 10 months
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jrepin · 2 years
Yugoslavia From Above - Europe Travel Documentary
In this scenic travel documentary Stef Hoffer takes you on an aerial journey through former Yugoslavia, one of Europe’s most fascinating, complex, and beautiful regions. Often overlooked as a travel destination, it offers captivating historic landmarks, vibrant future oriented cities, picturesque mountain villages, a stunning coastline, and friendly, welcoming people.
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uniquekindoftrash · 1 year
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Ходочашће чинићемо од Љевишке до Дечана, ако треба чекаћемо и хиљаду Видовдана!
We will make a pilgrimage from Ljeviška to Dečani, if it must be, we will wait even a thousand Vidovdans!
A thousand Vidovdans
God will grant us that the sun will rise on Vidovdan after Vidovdan.
Serbian souls tremble when Kosovo is mentioned, who picks peonies over there - picks the flowers but they fade away?
We will again one day pick peonies in Kosovo, if it must be, we will wait even a thousand Vidovdans!
Lazar, Miloš, Jugović, they gave us the covenant; if you want to reach Kosovo, you have to follow their lead!
We will follow behind Lazar and come to Kosovo one day, if it must be, we will wait even a thousand Vidovdans!
God protects Metohija, in his mighty embrace, Until Serbs fly their flags and to Prizren they race!
We will make a pilgrimage from Ljeviška to Dečani, if it must be, we will wait even a thousand Vidovdans!
Even at the thought of it, tears start to fall: Next year in Prizren!
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prussianmemes · 1 year
It's time for a world geography lesson with the Václav H*vel Airport in Prague! ヽ(・∀・)ノ
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El or San Salvador? New Zealand or Zeland? Let's just color Panama whatever.
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Korea is one! Sorry, I meant Corea! The airport also would like to remind us of the righteous glory of Saddam Hussein in his struggle to unify the Iraqi Iraki people - the British colonialist fabrication of Kuwait must GO!
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The Danish Empire is back! 1654 has been avenged and Gotland returned to its owners, as well as Äland. The end of apartheid also has brought about the creation of SAUTH Africa.
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The Russian minority of the Aral sea has been rescued, and finally KOSOVO JE SRBIJA!! 🇷🇸✊🏻 Ruzyně airport will never recognize the illegal NATO puppet state of Kosovo!
The entire nation of Macedonia has also ceased to exist.
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