eyesofanapothecarian · 6 months
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Top to bottom goes right to left
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nillabean · 2 months
Youko: Team A will consist of myself, Koushou, and Sekki.
Youko: Team B will consist of Kantai.
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koutoshou · 6 months
1. How it began...
It was an afternoon and there were two silhuetes in a classroom. These two were Kousuke and Shoutarou.
"Who the fuck are you?"
"Hi, I'm Shoutarou, from your class"
Kousuke just scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Whatever."
"Hey! I sit behind you, do you not remember me?"
Kousuke looks at him suspiciously and his eyes narrow, "Of course I remember you."
"Oh, then do you remember when i lent you my textbook yesterday?"
Kousuke grumbles a little and thinks back, "Hmm… yeah, yeah I do… what about it?"
"Liar, I never lent you my textbook."
Kousuke blinks his eyes twice and glares at him. "What do you mean? You did lend me your textbook."
"Blah blah blah" And scoffs at him.
Kousuke clenches his fist, now fuming. "What did you say to me, you little-?"
"What? You mad cause your memory's not working?" Shoutarou grins at him.
Kousuke glares at him again, his fists clenched as he takes a deep breath. "And you're a smartass, too."
"Tee-hee!" winks at Kousuke.
He rolls his eyes, "Just stfu, will you?" He looks away and mutters, "God, you're more annoying than I thought..."
Shoutarou decides to walk up behind him.
Kousuke hears footsteps coming from behind him, but he doesn't bother turning and looks straight ahead.
Shoutarou jumps and hugs him from behind, "Gotcha!" he said with a victorious look.
Kousuke feels something suddenly grabbing him from behind and hugging him, his surprise being apparent when he jerks backwards but stops suddenly once his mind comprehends what's just happening. He clenches his fists again and tries to get out of the hold. "What the…? Let me go!"
"Why?" asks Shoutarou. "I just wanna be friends" and shows him a naughty little smile.
He glares at him again and tries to pull himself free of the hug, but to no avail. He blushes a little as he feels the warmth from the other one's body pressing against his back. Still, he remains adamant with his words. "I already said no, okay? I don't need any friends."
"Ooooh <3 Looks like somebody is flustered!"
He grumbles at him but his cheeks are a deep red. "Damn it… I'm not flustered, you idiot."
"So you've never been hugged by someone before, have you?" Pokes his cheek to see his reaction. Shoutarou seemed to be quite bored.
His face blushes a deeper shade of red as he turns his cheeks away from his hands. "Shut the hell up…" He tries wiggling himself free again to no avail.
Shoutarou decides to have some fun by whispering in his ear seductively "Why don't you come have some fun with me?" and licks his ear jokingly.
He stiffens a little when he suddenly hears those words. He grits his teeth and tries to push himself away again but gets held even tighter, causing him to turn his head back to look at him. His blush is a deep red as he grumbles a response. "I said no. Let me go right this instant."
"Whoa whoa whoa, what the fuck were you thinking, you dirty minded big guy? I meant going to the arcade together!" Teases him and finally gets off him.
Kousuke freezes as the other finally lets him go. He blinks a bunch before huffing and looking away. "What the hell…?" His face is still extremely red as he looks at him, now a little confused.
"What were you imagining? Tell me..." He grins and looks deep into his eyes.
Kousuke looks away again and grumbles, "Nothing... absolutely nothing, so stop asking. It's annoying..." He tries looking away from him but then feels the other's stare and blushes even deeper.
"Hey, do you even know what my name is?" He asks.
"Yes, obviously. Shoutarou. What about it?" Kousuke says confused...
"Tee hee" Shoutarou seemed happy to hear his name from his lips. He then grabs his face,pulls him close and kisses him "Well, see you tomorrow!" And just left.
His eyes widened, but before he could shout anything, Shoutarou had already left. He then just blinked his eyes a few times before clenching them shut. "Damn, damn, damn… what the hell… what just happened…? He just-…" He sighs heavily, thinking about what happened.
Then, the very next day...
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iskratempestmadness · 1 month
Hi! I really like your Baki headcanons, so I was wondering if I could headcanons for the boys having a small s/o like a lot or more shorter?
Okay, let's do it.
I'm going to try a new format to describe more characters.
A thing from a high shelf
It was quite funny to watch. Honestly. He was probably trying not to laugh. But the picture he saw was funny, a little awkward, but undoubtedly sweet. The thing is, you've been trying to get a pack of cookies from the top shelf for a while now. While you were trying to finish the job you started, for some reason the idea of taking a chair did not occur to you. And of course your height was certainly not playing in your favor right now. So small and neat, you jumped, stood on chains, stretched and, alas, could not get the coveted pack in any way. And of course, this charming picture was accompanied by grumbling that the cookies could have been placed lower, and that it was probably done on purpose.
So how could he not help you? Of course he did. Coming up behind you, it took him a little effort to get the cookies off the shelf.
It has probably already become clear that he extremely likes your height and for this reason it becomes the reason for many of his jokes.
Yuuichirou Hanma, Chiharu Shiba, Retsu Kayoh, Atsushi Suedou, Jun Guevara
wearing on your shoulders
Not so long ago you decided to make a habit of walking in the park. However, with your boyfriend, every walk turned into a race. And this time was no exception.
So, as usual, you were walking behind and were already several dozen steps behind because of the length of your legs, and he was walking ahead with an energetic step, and for you he was flying, again because of the length of his legs. When you asked him to slow down for the hundredth time, he stopped. The moment you reached him, he picked you up in his arms and a second later you were sitting on his shoulders. Because of your height, your dangling legs barely reached his abs. The hands were on his head, gently running through his short hair.
... It was unexpected and perhaps sweet.
But that's only on your part. He was rather embarrassed at that moment. But he does not deny the fact that it is doubly pleasant for him to walk with you like this.
Jack Hanma, Hanayama Kaoru, Hector Doyle, Dorian, Kato Kiyosumi (he liked it between Your legs), Biscuit Oliva, Nomi no Sukune
You're wearing clothes
Perhaps lately you've been noticing posts in your feed too often about how girls took guys' clothes for themselves. Someone complained about it and was outraged, someone liked it and thought it was cute. You've never done anything like this. Well, the hour of your debut has come.
When your boyfriend came home, the first thing he felt was the smell of dinner. He could clearly hear the smell of baked chicken and potatoes, as well as the notes of salad. And of course the first thing he did was head to the kitchen. And bingo! He guessed right. The appetizing-smelling chicken was cooking in the oven, and at that time you were busy with the salad.
But there was something else that he noticed. He recognized one of his hoodies on you. Oh, don't worry, she sat on you wonderfully! Despite the fact that it was a little too long, the sleeves were long and the neckline was a little wide.
And.. it caused emotions. At first, a slight surprise, and later it was replaced by tenderness and quiet joy.
He definitely has a couple dozen of that image in his phone.
Baki Hanma, Kozue Motsumoto, Orochi Kastumi, Orochi Natsue, Tokugawa Mitsunari (in this case, the clothes just fit), Sikorsky (the coat was stolen), Koushou Shinogi
Oh, it's uncritical for him, trust me. He has eyes, he knew who he was meeting and immediately appreciated your size. So... Your height is just your height. He doesn't attach much importance to it. However, he will support you if you have complexes about it.
Yujiro hanma, Orochi Doppo, Kaku Kayoh, Shibukawa Goki, Ryuukou Yanagi, Spec, Kureha Shinogi
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yandere-writer-momo · 6 months
Baki Rahen
Ch. 16 Upholding Aesthetics
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morgana-artt · 3 months
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Kosho Shinogi
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lindsaytimberlake · 13 years
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Fashion model Lindsay Timberlake posing in a fashion editorial for accessories designer, Koushou Aji - Nashville, Tennessee (2011)
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touhoufigureposts · 6 months
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By Kawauchi Zoukei Koushou
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
Idk why this got on my mind but what if (yandere baki’s characters of your choice) do if their darling faked an orgasm to get over with that shit ?
This ask makes me SO happy that I quite literally evilly cackled when I received it, so tysm and bless you anon. <3
Here is a list that I have lovingly comprised for your perusal :
Believes you are actually getting off and gets a big head about it. He’s SO good at pleasing his baby, look how quickly he made you turn into a quivering, cumming mess? Stroke game IMMACULATE, tbh. It’s pure skill baby! He knows all the techniques you love and is a literal sex god built for bringing you pleasure. (☞ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)☞ : Doppo, Biscuit, Koushou, Katou, Guevara, Musashi.
Can tell you are faking and gets really sad about it. He loves you so much, why is that not translating to his love making??? Why are you pretending, do you really want to get this over with that quickly? He is hurt and distraught and just kind of gives up after he gets off, planning and plotting how to approach this next go around so that you feel as good as he does. (ㅠ﹏ㅠ): Baki,  Retsu, Katsumi, Biscuit, Motobe.
Can tell you are faking but for some fucked up misguided reason thinks that you are doing it to benefit him? Like you are concerned you are taking up too much of his time or something so you are rushing yourself so as not to not bother him. It frustrates him and actively makes him DETERMINED to keep going until he coaxes something REAL out of you, no matter how long that may take. You could never be a burden to him baby, he’s ready to give you all the time in the world.😤😌: Baki, Shibukawa, Retsu, Hanayama, Katsumi, Motobe, Guevara, Musashi.
Realizes you are faking and it PISSES HIM OFF. ( 。 •̀ ᴖ •́ 。)💢 Because you are being a lying little brat he is going to take EXTRA time and pay you EXTRA attention to you until you are cumming again and again and again. He’s gonna be mean as hell about this, incessantly edging you and teasing you until you are BEGGING for actual release. By the time he’s actually done you are going to be an overstimulated, sore, fucked out mess. : Yujiro, Jack, Koushou, Katou, Kureha.
Realizes you are doing it and doesn’t give a shit, he’s not doing this for your pleasure anyway. He’ll be done when he’s done, he couldn’t give a fuck if you get off or not.💅: Yujiro, Kureha, Doyle, Pickle (in Pickle's case it’s not so much that he doesn’t care so much as he’s just like well, time to mate because I want to! Where’s my partner? Time for them to fulfill their role in this, they’ll take it how they take it. :))
Is too caught up in their own feelings of pleasure to even notice your response. ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ: Doppo, Shibukawa, Hanayama, Jack, Doyle, Pickle.
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sailormoonsub · 7 months
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read that as LOCAL TARGET IN THE KOUSHOU WARD SHOPPING DISTRICT and I was like "yeah that looks like my local Target"
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queeniecore · 6 months
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La mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá de la mamá
Los padres de kureha y koushou
Kureha and koushou parents
No me funen solo es un headcanon weon
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lrickwig · 8 months
otra vez yo- está vez con esto de mis otros 2 personajes fav de Baki, voy avanzando poco a poco con mis ilustraciones a ese estilo, es trabajoso jaja~ 😵‍💫💗
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Los quiero mucho Kureha y Koushou
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koutoshou · 6 months
Character descriiptions
This is a story revolving around 2 high schoolers in Japan. They are classmates and it is the season of… …love?
Kousuke Akiyama:
Tall about 190 cm, delinquent, male, foul mouthed, loner, blonde hair and piercings, Gets flustered and blushed easily. Has very little love experience and is quite dense.
Shoutarou Takahashi:
Short about 160 cm, cute, male (is mistaken for female). He has kinda long hair, which he ties up in a bun. He’s a brunette.
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umekawa-eve · 2 years
Names on Each Other Phone(Friend Stage)
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-His name on your phone: Saint Hanayama
-Your name on his phone: 1A classmate Y/N
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-Retsu’s name on your phone: Retsu-san
-Your name on Retsu’s phone: Y/N
-Katsumi’s name on your phone: Brainless Orochi Katsumi
-Your name on Katsumi’s phone: Brainless boobless Y/N
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-His name on your phone: Dumb ass bitch (Note: It was later changed to "Yujiro-sama❤️😘️" under Yujiro's rape threat.)
-Your name on his phone: バカ(Baka)
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-Pickle's too stupid to use a phone
-He only uses your phone to watch My Little Pony
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-His name on your phone: President
-Your name on his phone: Pee girl
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-His name on your phone: Baki‘s dog(Note: Baki’s dog is called Musashi as well)
-Your name on his phone: Tokugawa’s stupid ass granddaughter
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-His name on your phone: Crackhead
-Your name on his phone: Cracked head
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(Translation: I want to have sex with you.)
-His name on your phone: Parasite
-Your name on his phone: Y/N-sama, who's been super generous to me❤️😘
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-His name on your phone: Orochi Doppo‘s illegitimate son
-Your name on his phone: FWB
-His name on your phone: Hobo dude at the park
-Your name on his phone: The one who can't protect
-His name on your phone: Quack doctor
-Your name on his phone: This one can be electrocuted immediately
-His name on your phone: Shawty🥵
-Your name on his phone: Horny ass
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(Translation: Turn that Oliva into the hardest substance in the world…… )
-His name on your phone: Bald Head
-Your name on his phone: Friendzoned
-His name on your phone: DIO(Note: Doyle is voiced by Takehito Koyasu, who is also the voice actor of Dio)
-Your name on his phone: Weeaboo
-His name on your phone: Cyka Blyat(It Means 'Whore Bitch' In Russian)
-Your name on his phone: Cyka
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yandere-writer-momo · 2 years
All your hcs are so good, do you think you could write for Kosho Shinogi and maybe more Gaia sometime?💖
Of course!
Yandere Baki Head canons
Koushou Shinogi, Gaia, and Jun Guevaru are in this one. This one implies s3xual relations.
Minors DNI
I take requests at anytime
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Koushou Shinogi (bonus Kureha)
Honestly, you’re probably dating his brother and he couldn’t stand you when he first met you. He didn’t think anyone was good enough for his brother so he’d try to chase you away at first. It wasn’t until you showed how genuine you were with your feelings towards Kureha that he calmed down. And when you showed him so much care and kindness, he would fall for you too. You treat him like a precious, younger brother but he would take your kindness as interest in him. Why else would you cheer for him when he fights and make sure he eats properly?
You praise him a lot and he eats up every word. He is really strong and cool isn’t he? His technique is so cool. You’re right. And you’re so sweet and pretty! Koushou would start laying down the compliments on you as well. To the point they’d get uncomfortable but you didn’t want to upset his feelings. He’s your boyfriends precious little brother after all and you were just too sweet for your own good
Clingy. Follows you around like a puppy. Koushou starts spending even more time around his brother, just to see you both. Koreha and you are his favorite people in the entire world, so he’s going to seem like the most supportive brother ever as the relationship progresses.
Kureha notices the way Koushou’s eyes linger on you and the look in his eye. Kureha has the same look when he looks at you. Kureha would start keeping more of an eye on the two of you. Kureha would bring up sharing you if Koushou’s obsession gets worse. Kureha cares a lot about his little brother and he loves you too
Delusional too. He truly believes he’s also your boyfriend because you make him meals whenever he’s over and cheer him on for every fight. The first time you hugged him, he pulled you into a bone crushing hug. He was so happy
Stalker. Constantly keeps an eye on you to make sure nothing happens to you. Would probably lay under your bed to count how many breaths you take to make sure you’re in good health. Surely not to be as close to you as he can be. It’s just because he worries about you
Koushou is a voyeur. He listens to you and Kureha every chance he gets since the wall is so thin between his and Kureha’s rooms. Koushou envies how his brother touches you so much while he’s left in the shadows. Kureha would hear Koushou’s whines at night and instantly know what was up. There wasn’t anyone else that knew Koushou as much as he did
Kureha would set Koushou and you down to discuss if it was okay for the two of them to both date you. He had noticed Koushou’s feelings for you for a few months now and he wants to know if you’d be acceptable with being with both of them (at different times of course)
If you accept, you’re set for life. You have two beautiful men who cater to your every need and desire. You’re never unsatisfied in any aspect of either relationship. You just may feel like you have little to no time for yourself though
You may find yourself constantly sandwiched between the two of them at night since they both want to cuddle you. (I could see this potentially becoming suffocating over time if you’re not much of a physical touch person)
If you decline, Koushou is still going to keep listening through the walls. His delusions will get worse and worse until he does finally act upon them. There’s little to nothing you or Kureha could do to stop him. Koushou loves you just as much as Kureha, if not more. You’d never be dissatisfied in anything Koushou does to or for you. No was never an option
Gaia (PT 2)
You two would be living in a bigger living space after you got married. He would be the one cleaning all the time while you cook. It would be pretty peaceful living situation, nothing would seem abnormal to anyone on the outside looking in. (If you’re a child bearing person, you’re with a child at this point in your idyllic life with Gaia)
Gaia makes sure you’re taken care of 24/7. You’re a house spouse but he still pitches in to do chores. You two go grocery shopping together frequently and he constantly heckles the grocery markets for the best deals
It was when you ran into one of your old friends that you began to question things with Gaia. They were terrified when they saw Gaia, you swore they were crying when they ran out of the market. Gaia would just brush it off as them being rude to you to hurt your feelings… yet you knew they weren’t the type to act like that. Gaia excuses himself but you follow him out of curiosity
It’s the first time you becomes aware of Nomura, Gaia’s other personality when you see him threatening your friend not to hurt your feelings. It’s the first time you’re on edge about Gaia. Gaia knows you’re there but he doesn’t want to hide his true self from you any longer
He will explain everything to you, manipulating most of the truth of course. You’re friend had upset you and he couldn’t bear to see his spouse so upset. He’s just defending your honor, he didn’t hurt anyone, just shake them up a bit. Gaia would never be violent with you
He’d up the charm. Spending more time talking with you and bonding. You’re his precious spouse, he never wants you to be upset. You’d eventually settle down and accept Gaia. It was all perfect again. Good thing Gaia hid your friend’s obituary from you. He didn’t need them getting in the way of the two of you
Jun Guevaru
Going off the version of him in the story I’m working on, you were dating him before he went to prison. Your mother hated him so she did everything in her power to keep you two away from each other. Too bad it hurt you even more in the end when he came back from prison
Delusional. Still believes you two are madly in love and he will interject himself into any other friendship/ relationship you have until you’re eyes are back on him and only him
Clingy. You two used to spend time together all the time back in your home country, so why don’t you want to spend all your time with him now? He’s never going to leave you again
Obsessive. His prison cell was covered in drawings he made of you. He’s surprisingly a pretty good artist. He was so happy to have one picture of you so he could always get your face right. He never wanted to forget your pretty face
Jun planned your whole future out with him. You two can just travel the sea and live as pirates for the rest of your days. You don’t need to fight alone anymore, you can fight and steal from the government with him. It’ll be just like when you two would pick pocket people when you were kids, just at a higher scale
Won’t take no for an answer because he truly believes you never stopped loving him. Just look at him. He’s really attractive and he’s not covered in ugly scars like those other guys you hang around
Would kidnap you 100%. Can’t really try to escape when you two are out in the ocean. You’re nowhere close to a land you can swim to. You’re stuck with him so you might as well start getting to know him again. He has so many stories to share with you
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