#Krul Tepes
okkottsus · 1 year
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highway-road23 · 3 months
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Bro wtf is this I am laughing my ass out😂😂😂
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evanescent-epiphanies · 4 months
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yeah okay. i'll jump on the queen krul bandwagon
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ok fine i'm a yuusexual
(c) Yuu_SmV on twitter
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l1va22 · 2 months
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dare I say kagami
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yandere-romanticaa · 1 year
Some of my favorite Seraph of the End covers because I miss talking about this series
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fisteeded · 3 months
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Owari no seraph fanarts 😔😔
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nightshadelinnette · 1 month
I'm feeling particularly weird today so here's another scenario quiz:
You're standing in the hallway of a train, choose a room to spend a whole train journey in
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What on earth do you want to discuss with these people?!😭 Stay atleast 13527 kms away from humanity thank you
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Lacus would try to talk to you to reduce the awkwardness in the room, Mika ofc silently looks out of the window. René would either add his comments to Lacus's yapping or sleep
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Welcome to Shinya's private tea party, I don't have to elaborate any further. Yuu and Guren are most likely to have an insult battle with each other, it's up to you to take one side or just peacefully sip tea with Shinya💀👍
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Krul and Ferid constantly bickering, Crowley would talk to you or suggest playing cards (Bad move💀) both of em would accuse each other of cheating in the game and start another round of bickering🗿
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Good choice if you like socialising, it's the most fun room in my opinion, you can play many games with them and tell each other stories
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Urd will leave you on your own, Ky's not interested in humans so he wouldn't care and continue talking to Lest, Little tyrant would be talking to Ky about how he's planning to overthrow Krul and conquer Japan. Don't even jokingly try ask him silly questions, he'd be so pissed off and Urd would have to stop him from rebuking you💀
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nono-uwu · 6 months
Chapter 136 predicitons
I hope Krul beats his ass
(audio by sharksona on tiktok)
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annoyingflowerwitch · 3 months
Are they trying to tell something to us?
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Matching each others freak ☺️
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vannichii · 4 months
Krul my Queen!
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bigbrainbiology · 4 months
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Mother <3
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my-quirk-is-fred · 1 year
Western vs Eastern vampire ❌
Western x Eastern vampire ✅
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highway-road23 · 19 days
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Can he win and open the next door too? I personally think and wish yes🥰
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lostsoulaltair · 6 months
OnS Chapter 136 Analysis - Love vs The Past
Well, a new chapter dropped. I must say that I liked it. We really are heading towards the end of the story and two sides now are on stage.
One fighting for love; the other one fighting to bring back something that is long lost.
Love can often be misunderstood in the manga story; to the point it distorts a lot, but in reality, it takes so many shapes, so many forms along giving birth to ideals.
Each character within the story is moved to do something for "love". But in this role too; the "love" for the "past" exists.
The past is a momentum that will always live in our memories; it is something that will forever be frozen; something that will not change. It's something that is part of us without defining us.
As we've seen today; the chapter starts with Yuu trying to reach the First; but given that the Progenitors want to avoid the destruction of the world much further; they were preventing Yuu from making contact with the First.
Of course, we see how Mika couldn't withstand the raw power of Urd Geales; we saw Shinya and Kureto alive and kicking once again; and finally, the main spot; the reunion between Shikama and Yuu.
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Shikama is aware that Yuu has all his memories back ever since he detected an anomaly along the interaction with the corpse of Mikaela. Of course, whenever Shikama knows the soul of his son is alive and kicking, it's up to interpretation. Though, it is clear he knows it exists.
Eventually we see how Shikama is going to bestow Yuu his knowledge and power
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But before he could give away his power to Yuu; Shinoa interferred with the possibility.
Leading to our possible future battle between Shinoa and Yuu.
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Two ideals being carried away within the story. And yet, at the same time they connect through the main theme. "Love."
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And no, it's not "romantic love ". The "love" or 愛 which is not the same as other interpretations of love itself. Just "ai". A love that takes so many shapes.
Let's begin with the real analysis here.
Yuu isn't exactly fighting for humanity nor his friends, nor his family. Given that the "regression" process he made to recall his whole life; he saw how his life originated alongside being the son of the First.
Given that, he is actually aiming for the task of "saving" but given that "love" is playing its role as well. It is the love he has deep down for his father that he is doing everything to bring back what his father cherished in the past. Which is something reflected as well when he was the angel Mikaela. Taking his life so divine punishment wouldn't fall upon his father.
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Shikama did love his angels, his followers and he did blame himself for the punishment that fell upon them. But given God's nature; it was normal that the punishment fell upon those angels given that they no longer praised for God.
Though; one thing Shikama and Yuu have in common, is the attachment to the past. It is the very fact that the past for them is something that should have prevailed instead of changing. What do I mean?
To Shikama, the Progenitors he chose, despite being reincarnations of those angels that followed him once; are not his angels.
And this is highly visible once Ashera asks Shikama what he should do back in chapter 117.
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To his eyes, Shikama's sired progenitors were just tools given that to him; they are shadows of who they were once, but to those progenitors; even if they have acknowledged that they are reincarnations; they made a choice.
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They chose to follow up their own path. And as they've stated back in chapter 114; their last and final task is to protect the world they live in. Meaning avoiding the resurrection of the angel Mikaela.
But now, why do I say Shikama and Yuu have one thing in common?
Yuu is a character that despite living endlessly; along having a constant memory reset until now that he gathered all his memories; he's done one thing to no end. And that is living in the past.
True, there are scars that take its time to heal from the past; some are very difficult nonetheless; he chose to live in such past. When he had a chance to make a choice; that choice was no longer centered in the present; it began to lead further astray to the past.
But then, what's the point of those promises?
Given how everything has turned. Those promises are something that can't be fulfilled. What do I mean?
In order to revive the angels from long ago; sacrifices must be made. But here's another thing that it is being dismissed. What could it be?
The absolute lack of appreciation to life.
Yuu might state he aims to save everyone; even to Ashera who at the end understood that there are limits to life. He loved and embraced he managed to get his sister back; but the cost for that was making her suffer for eternity; nevertheless, the lives both had, those kind of experiences they managed to live had their moments of bliss; bringing back entities that perished long ago, is discarting the moments experienced, the moments lived along the emotions that were carried through a lifetime.
But now, there is an opposite force here. And that force is no other than. "Love."
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Many might consider that Shinoa's love is "obssession, madness like Mahiru's love" but no. This is actually wrong.
Back when she stated she would kill Mikaela; there was a massive misconception of this which chapter 133 explained a lot.
Shinoa thought Yuu was being possessed by Mikaela at that time hence her retoric; but given that she saw first hand that Yuu had fooled them; she understood that Yuu was doing everything on his own will. And let's not forget that Yuu might be dumb, but not clueless or ignorant.
Shinoa's form of "love" is not something that came out of nothing; it's something that began taking shape by her own; it began from curiosity, turning into uncertainty, then transforming into caring, along developing feelings for a special someone. Such feelings for her were seen as something hideous or bad; but at the end, she understood they weren't bad, nevertheless, she never admitted them until or rather never accepted them truthfully until chapter 133.
Chapter 133 was a very reflexive chapter given that it gave Shinoa resolution; a resolution as to why it is the reason she was standing still in the very end of the world.
Shinoa's love is not centered to one person, but rather; it is centered to the very core family she gained through her journey which lead to this.
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Her battle and her resolution is directed to the very family that has stood with her and has followed her through the long journey she has taken so far. Hence why; she is standing along her squad just like how the vampires did; how they are going to live. Not by a decree of an entity, not by a decree of her sister and Guren nor the vampires; but rather, taking their own path until the very end.
Hence why Shikama states that her love is self centered, which is no different from him. He centered his love to his angels; Shinoa is centering her love to those who exist in the present. Along letting them return to their normality before the world ended; given that the end of the world, the events that took place before they were born, were all spiderwebs made by the First.
This is the first time they are fighting for their own.
What do you think it'll happen next?
Let me know!
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l1va22 · 21 days
It’s like people missed the whole point of kruls backstory, like where in her backstory did you interpret that she had a whole plan for herself that’s NOT centered around Ashera.
Her backstory was raw, it was real and it was probably the saddest one. I saw a lot of people taken aback and angry at the fact she died, I don’t wanna get hate for saying this but since the beginning it was quite obvious that Krul underestimated her opponents and has a really big ego. She’s also easily tricked and thinks shes the smartest in the room, we been knew she was arrogant. Her arrogance being the death of her was expected and it was written pretty well, kagami didn’t deserve hate for killing her off. She had no ambition other than saving Ashera, with him gone she had no purpose, its like people be reading there own version of the manga. Yes her death was rushed but let’s remember that she has no significance and is barely a main character, i feel like due to her immense popularity in the fandom people forgot that shes not a main character. She had one job to do and messed that up so naturally shes being killed off, the manga emphasizes a lot on desire and greed. Characters like Guren, Mahiru, shinoa and Yuu etc etc are probably the greediest in the game and they will eliminate anyone who gets in there way.
My point is people lost the entire purpose of kruls character in my opinion, I love her and she deserves nothing but the best because at the end of the day she started of as a child and quite literally everyone failed her. I’m sure she even was aware of that so I guess she wanted to save ashera to show that she won’t fail him like he failed her. But at the end of the day everyone failed her, ashera failed and she ended up failing herself and I think that’s what made her death and character so tragic but so beautiful.
If anyone disagrees let me know but that’s what I understood and opinionated for Krul.
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