hello-project-zone · 6 years
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A day, an idol ⭐ Kudo Mondays! ❤❤❤σ(≧ε≦σ)❤❤❤
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konraxart · 2 years
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Monstergirl Supremacy
Uncensored version at 
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nakurity · 7 years
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Time flies.
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amarestellas · 7 years
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Since I was so quiet on here last month, today is turning into a dump of art. 
It was Duu’s birthday last month and I made this quick thing to celebrate.
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haropro-confessions · 2 years
I really have been missing Kuduu. But lately I've taken a shine on the 15ki. I feel like since they joined I became a bit more interested in the group again :3
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berryakult · 2 years
yawlaaa pengen nangis, tapi kuduu stroongggggg
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perbucinannn · 3 years
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Kuduu piyeee :")
Kenapaaa sihh kenapaaaaa :")
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Jasa layanan tukang taman terbaik di kabupaten kuduus jawa tengah, kami hadir sebagai penyedia jasa layanan pembuatn berbagai macam jenis konsep taman yang menarik.
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sulastri · 3 years
Aku sadar mengurangi kebiasaan buruk, harus ditemani membangun kebiasaan baik
Lagi berusaha banget buat ngurangi jabutin rambut, kebiasaan yg udh hampir 16 tahun
Do anyone have the problem as long as my years? 16 tahun, kebayang setengah lebih dr hidupku habis buat kebiasaan ini, di usiaku yg udh 27, so sad and feel bad
Knp kok blm bisa berhenti? Mungkin karena ak emang gak terlalu niat, komitmen yg lemah sama diriku sendiri
Ini makin parah beberapa tahun terakhir, terlbih aku yg smeakin apatis wkwkwk
Aku sadar, aku gk boleh kayak gini terus
Bukan tanpa alasan, tapi aku pun sadar bahwa aku sudah menyakiti diriku terlalu jauh
Aku mulai hilang ingatan, hal yg pas masih kuliah aja, temen2 pd ngatain aku memori berjalan, karena aku bisa ingat detail apa yg terjadi dimasa lampau, tp skrg jangankan masa lampau, beberapa jam saja aku udh gk ingat, dan yg bikin paling sedih aku sll lupa cerita film yg abis aku tonton, pdhl dulu sampai jaman kuliah, detail filmpun aku ingat
Aku juga mulai hilang fokus pada percakapan, suara/vokal waktu ngobrol sama orang, entah karena pendengaran atau otakku yg makin lemah untuk menangkap bahasa/artikulasi dari lawan bicara, sampek pas dengerin musik ngerasa, kok aku gak ngerti kata yg diucapkan ya, i know that there is problem with me, ada yg gak beres sama saluran ke otakku buat nangkap sinyal
Aku hilang pemahaman buat memahami informasi, baca buku harus berulang-ulang buat paham maksudnya, ngerasa banget makin susah nyerna informasi yg masuk ke otak
Dan masih banyak lagi😭
Klo dilihat antara dampak dari tricho atau kebanyakn dosa nih wkwkk
sadar betapa udh ngrusak tubuh selama belasan tahun, tp knp masih blm bisa berhenti nik hwaaaa
Iyaaaa yaaa maaf ya Nik, maaf masih egois dan masa bodoh sama tubuhmu Nik
Ni lagi nyoba belajar berkomitmen membangun kebisaan baik, supaya kebiasaan buruknya bisa agak kegeser yoh
Gak boleh tidur pagi, ntah sejak kapan kebiasaan ini muncul, harus bangun oagi wlpun cuma buat bengong wkwkwk
Baca buku 20 halaman
Minum air putih minimal seliter KUDUUU HARUSSS
Olah raga mininal 30 menit, gak perlu terlalu over, yg penting gerak
Mulai makan sayur/buah teratur, seadanya gak papa yg penting ada seratnya
Kurangii nyari info gak penting di sosmed, gak perlu sok pengen tahu info/gosip/urusan orang, kalau itu gk buat kamu makin pinter dan ketawa wkwkwk
Sholat nya harus kuat ya Nik, jangan sampek kelewat please, udh gak pinter ngaji, cuma bisa sholat aja masak masih mangkir 😭
Paling penting usahain tidur dibawah jam 12, ini kuduu usahain belajar dipaksa tidur
Gak tau kewujud nggak, yang penting coba dulu, belajar berkomitmen terutama sama diri sendiri yak
Ada org2 yg sayang buanget sama kamu Nik, masak kamu gak sayang sama diri sendiri sih
Noted; nahan jari pas di kamar mandi, parah banget sih ini, tiba2 dapat 10 aja, padahal cuma kencing 😭 bukan salah syetan kamar mandi kok, ernik aja yang nyuri2 wkwkwkw
Bismillah, God please help me please please yak 😉
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momuse · 6 years
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Harunan: I and Ogata and Kuduu, so-called Triple A, offer our original beverages containing soybean milk at the cafe which has opened today.
(note: In Japan some people think consuming soybean milk makes their breasts bigger.)
Haachin: Hey, look that triumphant expression on Akane-chin's face.
Haga-chan: I hate soybean milk. Don't you understand it's all the expression of gene? You'd better give it up!
at Pacifico Yokohama, 3 Nov 2017
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hotarutranslations · 7 years
Morning Musume '17's Kudo Haruka talk about her love for Hello! Project with "20 Questions"!
In 2018, Hello! Project is celebrating its 20th anniversary, so we’re starting a celebratory serialization for it! We have a hot discussion including thoughts towards the 20th anniversary, how they have been active, enthusiasm for 2018, and everyday life as an idol, we have a hot discussion with “20 Questions”~. This time its Morning Musume ’17 member Kudo Haruka!!
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Kudo Haruka = Born October 27th 1999. Hometown Saitama. Blood Type A. 10th Generation. Nickname Kuduu.
Q1: Tell us the origin of your name!
It looks cool when written in cursive. That’s it (lol). It was decided based on Haruka’s stroke count and its compatibility with my last name.
Q2: What Senior to aim to be?
Yoshizawa Hitomi-san and Tanaka Reina-san. With Tanaka-san, even though Morning Musume changes with the times, I admire her ability to keep her own color and continue to keep herself the same at the core. My personality is honestly boyish and although that isn’t a personality related to being an idol, when I saw Yoshizawa-san I felt like it was ok if idols were cool-looking as well. She has aspects of being a cool beauty. Yoshizawa-san is my senior who gave me the opportunity to be able to join Morining Musume.
Q3: Who would you like to be reborn as?
C-ute-san’s Okai Chisato. She has a presence of being beloved, and she is a mood maker to the extreme. She can make people smile, and the gap in her personality when she stands on stage is amazing. I want to be able to change like that.
Q4: What do you think you are number one in within Hello! Project?
I think I’m the number one member in being showered with girly cheers!
Q5: Tell us something amazing about Hello! Project!
There are many people, but each member has their own personality so it is a wondrous place. No one gets buried.
Q6: Who would you want to form a Hello! Project special unit with?
Haga Akane-chan, Sasaki Rikako-chan and myself. I want to gather members who like Kudo Haruka and perform “Mr. Moonlight ~Ai no Big Band~”. If there are girls that I don’t know that have said they liked me, they can also be pulled into the ‘Kudo Haruka with those that like Kudo’. I want to take on the male role and have everyone squeeling. (lol)
Q7: Tell us a Morning Musume song you like!
“Love Innovation” is a coupling song that is insanely cute. Its an extreme of cuteness. Because I love it, I want to sing it, the biggest problem is that it doesn’t ever appear in concert setlists. I’d like to sing it once before my graduation!
Q8: Out of all of Hello! Project, what song do you like?
Juice=Juice’s song “Ai ・ Ai ・ Gasa”. Its seriously cute, it’s a seriously good song. I personally like Juice=Juice’s songs; I bought their album. In particular with “Ai ・ Ai ・ Gasa” Uemura Akari-chan’s voice has a charming feeling with sex appeal, it’s a good thing.
Q9: What is the difference between previous and current Hello! Project?
In the Hello! Project of the past, everyone had an adult-like feel. So there were a lot of sexy songs, with an elegant image. Recently Hello! Project has a lot of members from the younger era, because we are overall young, there is really a chattery, bustling atmosphere. I feel like the charm tickles something maternal in people as a result.
Q10: Other than yourself, who is a member that is your oshi within Hello! Project?
Angerme’s Kamikokuryo Moe-chan. She is cute and insanely beautiful. Her eyes are amazing, you are attracted her just from one glance. Moreover, her singing and expressions have firepower, it isn’t at all proportional to the size of her body. ‘Where is this power coming from with a body so small?!’ is the type of charm she has.
Q11: What is the number one thing you want us to see from you?
My desperation (to do well). I want to be good at anything I do, I may not always be told that I’m skilled at something, but in any case I’ll do my best! I’d like you to see the power of my sincerity with it.
Q12: What is work you would like to challenge yourself with from now on?
If there is ever a third remake of “For You in Full Blossom - Ikemen Paradise” I want to play the role of Ashiya Mizuki! I’m always playing the male role in Morning Musume plays so, I have a boyish image and I’m often the receiver of “kyaa!”’s from female fans. I think I can make use of these experiences from my era in Morning Musume. Even though it is an outrageous dream.
Q13. What is the number thing you want us to see from Morning Musume?
The current Morning Musume has a lot of young members. The group has a 20 year history but, I think it is something good that only the current us can show off now; I want those who are the same age as us to come and watch us. Of course I want older people to come as well, cheering us on like ‘Amazing, do your best!’ like we are their own children.
Q14: What will you be doing in 20 years?
I want to be an actress who takes on mama roles. I want to work towards being in roles like Yoshida Yo-san and Koike Eiko-san are cast as.
Q15: Because it’s the 20th anniversary, tell us a secret!
When I was in 5th grade, I was in a Kanto Swimming Competition, and the special guest who was handing out medals was Kitajima Kosuke-san.
Q16: After the 20th anniversary ends what do you want to be able to do?
I will also be graduating high school, so I want to get my driver’s license. I want to drive a moped! But, is that uncool?
Q17: What would have become if not an idol?
A swimmer. Because it was something I had always done, if I hadn’t been an idol I would have tried for the Olympics. I would’ve been just the right age for the Tokyo Olympics.
Q18: What is something you’re into right now?
I’m into the game “Kingdom Hearts”. I had bought it for the DS 2~3 years ago and it had been a while since I had pulled it out, I had burned through my DS games and had mostly been playing phone app games.
Q19: Who is someone you get along with in Hello! Project?
Juice=Juice’s Takagi Sayuki-chan. We haven’t hung out in a while but, before we debuted and were doing Kenshuusei activities, she had the presence of being an affectionate older sister. During Hello! Projects summer concert, I hung out in the Juice=Juice dressing room and played mafia.
Q20: What is an idol to you?
It is life. Because I was in Morning Musume, I realized my next goal of becoming an actress. I feel I must do my best towards being an actress for Morning Musume. Its like having a sign on your back in a sense.
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hello-project-zone · 6 years
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A day, an idol ⭐ Kudo Mondays! ❤❤❤σ(≧ε≦σ)❤❤❤
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magicmorningmeteora · 6 years
Ping Pong Pinpoint, January 2018 Edition: Beginnings and Endings Galore
A roundup of news galore involving current and former #HelloProject members.
Greetings, Citizens of the Universe!
How’s your year so far?
Well, as promised in the 2017 Year-End post, here’s a rundown of minor news from late 2017 to earlier this month.
We’ve got news to cover, involving new beginnings for Inaba Manaka, Sugaya Risako, Tsubaki Factory, Suzuki Airi, Yasuda Kei, and Ishikawa Rika, along with endings for Taguchi Natsumi and Aikawa Maho.
(Don’t worry, Kuduu…
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nakurity · 7 years
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Are you crying now?
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haruzatranslations · 7 years
[Kudo Haruka] Miscellaneous Haro!Con Tweets (August 2017)
このツアーでハロコンラストのどぅーがMCの相手に選んだのはりかこ。その理由はメンバーで一番最初にどぅー推しを表明してくれてたからで、最後だし地元宮城ということもあって選んだとのこと。さすが男前! For the last concert of this [Hello! Project] tour, Duu chose Rikako as her partner for the MC. The reason was that out of all the [H!P] members, [Rikako] was the first one to declare her [fan] love for [Duu], and also because it was the last, and [the concert was held] in [Rikako’s] hometown of Miyagi. As expected of an ikemen!
工藤、佐々木トーク 工藤「尊敬してる先輩に私の名前を出してくれた初めての子が莉佳子ちゃんなんですよ。きっかけを知りたい」 佐々木「高橋愛さんの卒業コンサートの時に10期が入ったじゃないですか。そこで見て、は!可愛い!って」 工藤「(笑)」 佐々木「天使が舞い降りた!って思って」 Kudo & Sasaki MC Kudo: “The first person who named me as her respected senpai was Rikako-chan, you know. I want to know the reason.” Sasaki: “The 10th gen were introduced during Takahashi-san’s graduation concert, right? There, I saw [you] and thought, “She’s so cute!” Kudo: [laughing] Sasaki: I thought, “An angel has come down!”
工藤の卒業までにしたいこと 佐々木「あの〜、ご飯食べに行きたいです(ニヤニヤ)」 工藤「いいよ、行こう!これハロプロあるあるの行く行く詐欺じゃないですから!ガチで行きます」 佐々木「あと〜一緒に歌を歌いたいです(ニヤニヤ)」 工藤「歌おう!偉い人聞いてますかー!」 Things you want to do before Kudo’s graduation Sasaki: “Um~ I want to go out to eat” (grin grin) Kudo: “Sure, let’s go! We aren’t just saying it!(?) We really will go.” Sasaki: “Also~ I want to sing together” (grin grin) Kudo: “Let’s sing! Everyone will you listen—!(?)”
くどぅー&莉佳子MC。莉佳子がくどぅーに憧れるキッカケを話してくれて「(卒業前に)工藤さんと一緒に歌いたい!」ってお願いしたんだけど、それにくどぅーが「じゃあ、カラオケとかじゃなくてコンサートで!大人の皆さん聞いてますかー?!」 Kuduu & Rikako MC. Rikako had the chance to tell Kuduu when/how she began admiring her and [when asked what she’d like to do] before [Duu] graduates, she made the wish, “I want to sing together with Kudo-san!” but at that, Kuduu said, “Then, rather than [singing at] karaoke, [let’s sing] at a concert! Everyone, will you listen to us—?!”
工藤「二人ではあんまり話したことないというか、喋ろうとすると、誰かに隠れるんですよ!」 佐々木「(ニヤニヤ)」 工藤「誰か、牧野真莉愛とかが間に入ったり」 佐々木「(ニヤニヤ)」 Kudo: “The two of us haven’t really talked, or rather, whenever we do talk, someone’s always holding back!” Sasaki: (grin grin) Kudo: “Or someone, like Makino Maria, will join in.” Sasaki: (grin grin)
佐々木「可愛いボブの子が…」 まこと「待って、その時何歳とかなの?」 佐々木「……小三とか?」 工藤「そうだよね?!私小六だもん!」 佐々木「小三とか小四で、それで、モーニング娘。さんに憧れて、モーニング娘。のオーディションを受けました!」 \ヒューーー!/ Sasaki: “The cute bob [haircut]...” Makoto: “Wait a second, how old were you at that time.” Sasaki: “.... third grade?” Kudo: “Right?! I was in fifth grade!” Sasaki: “When I was 3rd and 4th grade, I admired Morning Musume-san and took part in the audition(s)!” Crowd: *cheers*
中野ハロコンで、女限近くのお立ち台にハルちゃんが来たときの女オタの悲鳴が凄かったのが面白かったしハルちゃん苦笑しててとても可愛かった At the Nakano Hello!Con, when Haru-chan came towards the female-only area, the screams from the female wota were amazing; it was amusing. Haru-chan was laughing shyly*; it was really cute.
*My dictionary is giving me bitter laugh, strained laugh, sarcastic laugh, etc as the translation but it doesn’t make sense given the context. It seems more like she was laughing because she didn’t know how to react(?) so I used “shy” instead.
Note: I forgot to save the links but I re-tweeted them at some point so if you really need to links, send me a PM. I could probably find them but I’d rather not lol. Also, I don’t have an exact date for these anecdotes either, but it was sometime around 8/10-8/11??
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haropro-confessions · 7 years
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WE NEED GRADUATIONS ASAP. New generations can't shine by themselves until their sempai graduates. Do you remember how Kuduu and Mizuki were just back dancers because of Ai-Reina-Riho? Look at them now.
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