maureen2musings · 1 year
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yukariluna · 2 years
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うちの1月生まれさん約2名 ちょっと早いけど @eitarousushi さんにて ファミリーディナー SPねぎトロそれぞれ頂き Bday boys become to happy! 肖り組もしっかり堪能😆🍣😋 ご馳走さまでした! #familydinner #birthday #birthdayboys #sushi @eitarousushi #kugenumakaigan #shotenguy #栄太郎鮨 #鵠沼海岸商店街 #お誕生日 #家族ご飯 #ご近所グルメ #ご馳走さまでした (at 栄太郎鮨) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnn2JbCvWP3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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steve0620 · 2 years
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Dec. 24, 2022 9:13am 🌊🗻❄️ (Canon EOS KISS M EF55-200mm II USM) #富士山 #mtfuji #鵠沼海岸 #kugenumakaigan #canon #eoskissm (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmiOOf9J-17h1n3_XOE3ELzxerNIazsQySZnq80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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machimary · 4 months
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Suzukugui Along the quiet shopping street near Kugenuma-Kaigan station, with an unobtrusive, traditional sliding door entranceway, you will find Suzukugui, a Japanese-style coffee shop.
A solid, wooden interior, with carefully arranged seating allows one to blend in to the relaxed environment to admire the delicate, calming deep-green washi-papered  featured wall. The owner will carefully craft each drink with care, perfecting the balance of coffee, matcha or houjicha if you desire a milk-based drink. 
For black coffee drinkers, the hand drip original blend is a deep roast, or single origin, which is shallow to medium roast. Fancy a bite to eat to accompany your drink? Matcha-lovers will certainly appreciate the decedent matcha tiramisu, served in a gorgeous patterned chawan bowls. Please note that some menu items require ordering together with a drink. 
The Details Address: 2 Chome 7-7, Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0037 Opening Days: Monday, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday Closed: Wednesday and Thursday Hours: 10:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. Access: 5 minute walk from Kugenuma-kaigan station, Odakyu Enoshima Line Website: https://suzukugui.shop/
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theusasurf · 2 years
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乗りやすさ抜群のノーズライダー👌 DK SURFBOARDS 9'3" MODEL-D SINGLE NOSERIDER ノーズライダー ●MADE IN USA BRAND『DK SURFBOARDS』 ●Rich PavelやSteve Boysen等有名ブランドで数々の経験を積んだDK氏のブランド。 ●DK氏のMODELの中でも最もオーソドックスなアウトラインのノーズライダー。 ●重すぎず、軽すぎずの適度な重量感が、重いのは嫌だけどシングルFINに乗ってノーズライディングをしたい!!という夢を叶えてくれるはず。 ●テールコントロールが非常にしやすいノーズライダーです。 ●レールは50/50レールの為切り返しがしやすい仕様に!! ●SHAPER : Dennis DJ Kane ●SIZE : 9'3" × 22 7/8" × 2 7/8"(281.9cm×58.1cm×7.30cm) ●COLOR :CLR SAND仕上げ ●FIN SYSTEM : SINGLE BOX ●付属品 : 無 #dksurfboards #noserider (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CqHyhfDvjzB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pauhana88 · 2 years
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サイズアップした鵠沼で終日🏄‍♂️ (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CohO7Q5PzN8sBt0ZxcHSBalzX47N3ECLyxsSH40/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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daishi-hamada · 2 years
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そして先程、リュウさんとのラン🏃 江ノ島方面に5km走って鵠沼海岸辺りで折り返し。 天気も良くかなり心地良い! 9km越えは学生以来初だったけど、リュウさんのお陰で楽しく走れた! 折り返してからが疲れが出始めたけどなんとか! 最後の500mを全力で走るというのをやったけど、これはきつかったぁ〜💦 リュウさんかなり速い! 全く追いつけないし、そして余裕、凄すぎる! これからあの背中を追い越せるよう頑張りたいと思う! とりあえず早速左足にマメと、早々に筋肉痛になりましたw ・ ・ #ランニング #ジョギング #ランニング男子 #ジョギング男子 #目指すはフルマラソン #ランニング記録 #ちがすき #茅ヶ崎 #海沿いランニング #鵠沼海岸 (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnn4h1vPwai/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kwanamikaela · 2 years
Passage • March 16 - 21
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Dear All of you… this is essential Passage for the Human Collective; the next one. And, Energy, in all meanings of the term, is very focused.
Solar Light Wave (please, look at previous publication) is here not only because we are regularly bombarded with high vibrational Plasma Light for behalf of Ascension, but because we can have uplift Trajectory 'through' to 'cross' the 'time window' of March 16 - 21.
I'm sure that you have noticed, how plenty and generously, we are having influxes from the Great Central Sun; intensities - absorption - intensities. More or less, it challenges physical body, it challenges, how Human Beings are coping with emotional and Mental bodies plus having day to day changing events worldly. Humanity is already heroes - Divine ones remembering Divinity, Divine ones awakening to the super power to see through the maya, veils, dull foggy illusory dome of the old earth. Humankind starts to turn their eyes to the stars and multi-dimensional awareness of themselves; they starts to experience blooming of their Light bodies and subtle Knowing signals, that leads to true joy, replacing hard job with loving Divine services. >>> Trust in yourSelf is courage to create a Life you always deserved, and allow to Universe have your back, and gift to you Love and Abundance.
Our Ascension and Earth's transition to the 5th Dimensional and higher vibrational frequency is NOT has been stopped, nor during such challenging year (March 2020 - March 2021), nor further. Primary Ascension Timeline is in progress. New Earth realities are 'all around'. Human Beings (through perception) are shifting and traveling forth and back; in moments getting involved with emotional responses to corrupted Timeline. But, we also are connecting with own higher Aspects, stellar aspects, Angelic aspects… in order to access unlimited Power and Consciousness (I AM God/Source). Christed energies and crystalline Light Codes from higher expanded planes of existence are reaching out to any Soul and its Light the same, like our Hearts - Divine Flowers to highest warmth of Great Sun in a Heart of Creator.
Interconnectedness is.
We only… used to look at it from narrow angle, from, how far mind is able to understand.
Use your breathe by allowing to Breath oversee your body and mind; take long walks in the Nature to absorb clear air. Do yoga, postures, running… where your body is involved with different breathe cycles and Oxygen. It reduces stress (natural stress reaction from the body-mind, when physicality-mind faces extraordinary doses of Light, or energetical circumstances).
Note: Weird / strange sense. Sense that you are in the midst of "split of the worlds". Difficulty to get back to 'normal' or ground. Confusion.
This Can be, one of most expressed sensations during this passage; please, do not worry, know that it's directly related with it, and, you will not get lost, or crazy.
Supportive tools:
Take this period of the time like a transition for the Collective you are part of, allow to all processes in Collective level happen, and more be in own Energy.
While Collective Field around March 20/21 will be very very very (!) NOISY and RESTLESS, take time away from a social media, alternative news, so that you can nourish yourself with the gifts of Self Love and Self Care. It is an action that rises Love Vibration on the planet, we need right now.
If you choose to go in manifestations, highest Divine Blessings 💪💛 All actions in all levels are worthy.
Coming back on social media at March 22.
I will hold The New Earth radiance - Codes and interact with Ruby Ray of unconditional Love 🌹 in calmness (03/20 - 21)
If there will be newest updates, they will be published.
Namaste 🕊️💛🕊️ Loving you 🌎
Kwana Mikaela
Photo by moalani_t (Instagram)
Kugenumakaigan, Japan
March 18, 2021
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ochappime · 2 years
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今朝、海でサンドアート見て 確か以前作ったことあるなー と思って探したら写真あった ハワイで作ったお魚 ハレイワかな 後ろは娘こちゃっぴと 美女3人はお友達。 またハワイ行きたーい。 #湘南 #おちゃっぴ #サンドアート #ハワイ #ハレイワ  (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm-y-AwyCt3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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⁡ ⁡ 早朝の富士山とサーファーさん🏄‍♂️🗻 ⁡ 波打ち際をパシャーンの波を立てて歩く勇敢なお姿✨✨🌊 カッコいいですね〜😆 ⁡ ----------------------------------------------- ⁡ 持ってるカメラ、レンズが 全て入るカメラバックを新規購入したのですが、 全部入ると全部持てるは違うことだと 昨日、理解しました🤣🤣🤣 ⁡ 三脚とカメラ2台とレンズ複数は 相当な重さでした‼️ ⁡ 鳥撮影で使わない広角ズームとサブカメラは 置いて積み直しましたとさ🤣 ⁡ 広角は風景もついでに撮影する予定で 積んだのですが、これは鳥を追って 長時間歩けないと判断しました。 ⁡ それでもカメラ、大型望遠含むレンズ3本、 三脚の重さは相当なもので、 本日、筋肉痛です🤣🤣🤣 ⁡ 撮影日: 2022年12月 ロケーション: #鵠沼海岸 カメラ: #α7RV ⁡ ----------------------------------------------- #tokyocameraclub⠀ #sorakataphoto⠀ #love_bestjapan⠀ #art_of_japan_⠀ #love_camera_club⠀ #wu_japan⠀ #deaf_b⠀ #ap_japan_⠀ #何気ない瞬間を残したい⠀ #kanagawaphotoclub⠀ #かがやきフォトかながわ⠀ #japantravelgallery⠀ #japan_great_view⠀ #great_myshotz⠀ #colorful_photojp⠀ #j_world_jp⠀ #gris_premium⠀ #raw_tokyo⠀ #japan_photo_hub⠀ #impressed_jp⠀ #mtfujiphoto_ig⠀ #FUJIdelic⠀ #mtfujijapan⠀ #mtfuji⠀ #raw_allnature⠀ #富士山 #サーフィン (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cm8JWf2vA3Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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naokikouno · 2 years
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海でのんびりしたくて…🏖 #鵠沼海岸 #湘南海岸公園 #鈴鵠 #quinto #shankaar #coffeetime (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmUFOkGyuhC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yukariluna · 2 years
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今年もたっぷり堪能させていただきました😋🍣🦪🦑🦐🐟💕 食べ納め😆😋😍 来年は何から食べよう🦪😍 ご馳走さまでした🙏🏼❤️💕 @eitarousushi #oyster #oysterlover #eitarosushi #sushi #kugenumakaigan #shotenguy #栄太郎鮨 #鮨 #牡蠣 #牡蠣好きな人と繋がりたい #いつでも牡蠣 #どこでも牡蠣 #ねぎとろ #〆に悩む #うにいくら #ご馳走さまでした #ご近所グルメ (at 栄太郎鮨) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmxKVFzhbCj/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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steve0620 · 2 years
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Dec. 24, 2022 9:13am 🌊🗻❄️ (Canon EOS KISS M EF55-200mm II USM) #富士山 #mtfuji #鵠沼海岸 #kugenumakaigan #canon #eoskissm (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmiOGg_pc-eVnrGjbFjosV4rfQ27mPD9B9u-Zk0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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planetmegu · 2 years
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Wave of Grace 🏄‍♂️🌴✨ 初めて遊びに行った10月はめちゃめちゃ寒い日で、その時11月に洗礼式あるって聞いて、凍えちゃいそう🥶って心配したけど、神様は想像を遥かに超えて優しかった!当日はこの天気🌞✨ サーファーのダンディーなお���さまお二人が洗礼を受けて、さらに飛び込みでも一人! 洗礼は、人生が全く新しくされる日。お祝いにたくさんの人が集まって、賛美して踊って、アーサーのメッセージ聞いてとっても感謝でした。 着替えが役立ってよかった! 次は、膝治してサーフィンしたい🏄‍♀️🏄 「Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.」 ‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ 「だから、キリストと結ばれる人はだれでも、新しく創造された者なのです。古いものは過ぎ去り、新しいものが生じた。」 ‭‭コリントの信徒への手紙二‬ ‭5‬:‭17‬ 新共同訳‬ (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClE96HkhUpJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kuragemar · 2 years
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久しぶりに、redbecoで徘徊!気持ち良かった! #redbeco (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckhv0ZaPOba/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pauhana88 · 2 years
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小波でもなんとか割れる鵠沼🏄‍♂️ (Kugenumakaigan, Fujisawa-shi) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cnb9qlYPFfK7O7d3OgLgPCEr-JAcboZ_RIVKU80/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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