#Kuroshio Current
radioshiga · 4 months
Pavilhão da Espanha na Expo contará com tecnologia sustentável baseada em recursos marinhos
Osaka, Japão – 10 de maio de 2024 (AFP) – O pavilhão da Espanha na Exposição Mundial de 2025 em Osaka apresentará tecnologia sustentável baseada em recursos marinhos, inspirada na riqueza do oceano e na história de conexão entre os dois países, anunciou a embaixada espanhola em Tóquio nesta quinta-feira (9). A exposição mundial está programada para ser inaugurada em abril de 2025 em Osaka, no…
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Kuroshio Current by Kokamumo
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 6 months
Daily fish fact #739
Japanese eel!
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The life of Japanese eels begins near Mariana Islands, near the coordinates 15°N 140°E, where their breeding grounds are. The young eels, leptocephali, float about for over a year, being carried by the North Equatorial Current and Kuroshio Current. Near land the young eels will have metamorhosed into glass eels, and begin their travel inland from estuaries!
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lucky-dyse · 2 years
Rio looked up from their laptop to see Sam in the break room.... again. As far as they remembered, this was the fourth time they'd seen Sam walk in here for the coffee machine in the past two hours. The sun had set at least that long ago, and Ed had told them to go home around the same time, but they were so close to fixing the bug in Sverdrup simulating the Kuroshio current. If Rio could fix it, they could show their progress to the rest of the team at the meeting tomorrow. They hoped Ed had gone home, but if he was still around, they didn't want him to know they were still here. Which was why they were hanging out in the break room so late at night.
“That’s, what, your fourth cup of coffee?” they asked Sam.
Sam paused mid-pour, taking a moment to actually calculate what number he was at.
"..Fifth, actually." He shrugged, fixing it up the way he liked it - which he'd find embarrassing in front of anyone else, but he knew Rio by now. He didn't mind them seeing that he actually liked sugar and creamer in his coffee.
"You cant tell him this, but I'm working on all the stuff Mackey overloaded Alan with. It was all important, so I couldn't just get rid of it, and I'm not gonna force everyone else to work double what they already are. So.." he trailed off, sipping his coffee to make sure it tasted right. He offered a polite wave, before heading towards the door.
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dustedmagazine · 6 months
Liberski/Yoshida —Troubled Water (Totalism)
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It’s not always easy to connect instrumental music to the concepts it is theoretically linked to.  Beyond track titles and liner notes, with no lyrics to ponder, is this simply a case of burdening the music with unwarranted significance? On Troubled Water Belgian pianist Casimir Liberski and Japanese drummer Tatsuya Yoshida address this by producing a tempest that mirrors the turbulent effects of climate change on ocean currents and marine ecosystems.
Although centered in jazz, the duo draws on elements of classical, electronic and experimental rock during this set of six improvisations recorded live at Tokyo club Jazz Spot Thelonious in early 2023. Liberski’s interest in erasing genre boundaries complements the work of Yoshida, a central figure in the Japanese avant-garde and free-form rock with his long running project Ruins. As a duo they develop a clairvoyant link as their music moves through tumultuous rhythmic patterns and pacific lulls which illustrate rather than explain. Both play with a physicality which demonstrates an elemental connection to their instruments and an awareness of the lengths to which they can push themselves and each other.
Liberski opens “Shark Attack” with his synth producing granular white noise with barely audible sonar like beeps as Yoshida works his cymbals. Liberski shifts to the piano in a danse macabre with Yoshida’s drums. The agitation builds towards frenzy, Yoshida stomps double and triple time on his kick drum and pummels the kit, Liberski races to and fro across the keyboard and interjects thick blurts from the synth. It sounds chaotic but the inevitability of the outcome is clear. The music, like the shark and its prey, has a purpose and will not be denied. “Plastic Island” begins with Liberski’s pensive, almost romantic piano figure behind which Yoshida issues operatic ululations from behind the drums. As they progress, the piano becomes knottier and the drums cluttered and abstract. The pair share percussive and melodic duties, intersecting and diverging, emphasizing the organic, primal nature of rhythm and the intuitive intelligence of their improvisations. The Kuroshio Current is vital to the north Asian climate and the aquatic ecosystem of the region. On the track named for it, the duo is at their most pacific. Liberski’s right hand to the fore, beginning with a slow ascent through the octaves before rolling out delicate glissandos which Yoshida complements on his cymbals. The mood is  elegiac and when Yoshida’s ululations reappear it feels like both a lament and a ritual summoning to life. The outro passage of silence punctuated by a distorted synth tones — an alarm, a whale song, sonar — as eloquent as the preceding music.
Andrew Forell
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pix4japan · 1 year
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Pacific Ocean Waters on the Izu Coastline
Location: Shimoda Park Observation Deck, Shizuoka Prefecture,Japan Timestamp: 13:10 June 6, 2023
Shimoda, which is located within an approximate 3-hour drive from Tokyo or approximately 3 hours by train, boasts a picturesque seascape adorned with a captivating blend of white sandy beaches, vibrant blue ocean waves, and verdant lush coastal mountainscapes. This coastal paradise serves as the closest tropical resort to the bustling metropolis.
Along the Shimoda coastline, you'll discover a collection of numerous beaches adorned with crystal-clear waters, enchanting tide pools, as well as bustling fishing ports and harbors. These captivating locales have gained popularity as destinations for thrilling marine sports and activities.
Thanks to the warm Kuroshio Current, which graces the southern end of the Izu Peninsula where Shimoda resides, the area teems with an abundance of colorful fish and captivating geological formations. The transparent waters are a haven for divers, offering numerous diving spots that cater to both beginners and experienced enthusiasts.
Fujifilm X100V (23 mm) with 5% diffusion filter ISO 160 for 1/320 sec. at ƒ/11 Classic Negative film simulation
Checkout the Pix4Japan blog for historical references, further details, and geotagged locations.
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the-world-annealing · 2 years
Black Stream
Here's a story. You can call it a fantasy story: in fact that might be helpful. If you really want to, you can call it sci-fi, but I fear the tropes won't translate as well. Whatever you do, don't read it as history, because if this tale was history, it would be a single line long.
Here goes:
All your life, you've known of the Sacred Metal. It is not gold, nor is it similar to gold; the metal is not sacred because it is pleasant to look upon. No, the metal is sacred because it's useful: harder, sharper, denser, tougher than anything else you know. You (the reader) can call it adamantine, mithril, orichalcum, hihi'irokane: whatever you prefer, as long as it properly confers that this substance is useful, precious, not quite of this world. If anything could cut a ghost, it would be this.
You've seen the metal only once. The people who live three days' north own a little of it, which they have worked into knives and chisels. They told you that they obtained it from a further land still, that one day a star fell from the sky, and its corpse was found to be a cold, gray mass. You don't know if this is true: they seemed to believe that it was. You watched them work, saw the shining blades glide through the toughest material, resolved to one day return bearing all the treasures you would need to purchase a single such knife.
You never got around to it. You're old now, stuck watching the sea with the other elders, talking about days long gone. A few seabirds are silhouetted against the setting sun. Further down the shore, sea lions bark noisily.
Your eyesight is still a little better than the others', so you spot it first.
A rock? No, it's moving: the incoming tide is steadily pushing it towards the shore. A dead whale, perhaps? The size is right, but the shape is not: too angular, too irregular. Driftwood, then? Perhaps, but something...
You wander closer to the shore: the mysterious object seems to have gotten stuck in shallow waters. Others are seeing it too now, running after you with enthusiasm. Slowly wading closer, squinting into the sun, you see the object is wooden, not a seamless whole but a craft (a fragment of one? the edges are splintered), consisting of many planks, held together by-
Befuddled, you begin counting the metal pins, quickly lose track. Hundreds? Thousands? In a fragment? The sheer scale of it is almost nauseating.
The others have caught up with you, yell in amazement as they see what's holding the object together. The more enterprising one of them is already trying to pry it apart. Most, however, simply stand there, reveling in their new wealth.
But you've lost interest. Your eyes are on the horizon, where the sun is setting. You've always assumed there were lands beyond the sea. You think of them, now, too.
But for the first time, the lands imagined look nothing like yours at all.
"Native ironwork in the Northwest Coast has been found in places like the Ozette Indian Village Archeological Site, where iron chisels and knives were discovered. These artifacts [...] were made out of drift iron from Asian (specifically Japanese) shipwrecks, which were swept by the Kuroshio Current towards the coast of North America."
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afrimag · 4 months
Dans les archives Afrimag.... Ce courant, qui a forgé des liens culturels et commerciaux précieux entre les continents, servira d'inspiration à une expérience globale pour unir le royaume d'Espagne et l’empire du Japon. À l’image de l’océan, le pavillon se distinguera par son approche circulaire, utilisant des matériaux naturels, durables et à faible impact environnemental, notamment ceux issus de processus de réutilisation et de recyclage.
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twiainsurancegroup · 5 months
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j1r4ch2 · 6 months
what if we were sea turtles....riding the kuroshio current across the expansive pacific
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molsons112000 · 7 months
So meteorologist can have sample collections of the rain end of snow end of the atmosphere. Then they can break down these samples to figure out the chemical content of each. Here, below is how to do a water sample of the rain. Now, this is just to take natural water Samples of lake water or any water source, but rain is a water source.
Here do you see the eastern third of the united states is affected by acid rain. Now, where this asset rain moves is over the Atlantic and towards Europe. Remember the golf pushes up the atmosphere northern. Then you have the jet stream which goes from west to east. So we are not getting acid rain from the east coast. But we can give acid rain to the east coast. So they would be a receiver from everything from the west and remember the pacific is the most polluted ocean in the world. So that means we get rain from the Pacific at certain times of the year.Other times we get it from the Gulf and atlantic. This is what people in california and on the west Coast their rain is very polluted. We get most of our moisture from the gulf which is from the atlantic side which is much better. But we have a problem because the East Coast is dumping unbelievable amount of toxins from their rivers. Cause the rain comes down, goes into their waterways and those waterways go to the Atlantic feeds. The Midwest, mostly with its moisture and so if we don't take care of things on the East Coast we can have a serious problem. The Pacific is not as much of a worry for us. But definitely the atlantic.... And thank God the canal is only one way, but the Panama canal can take ships 2 ways and that's where they make a mistake. Because if we could move goods coming from california through the lock to the atis thick faster to asia. Faster to the East Coast, so a problem with the system. Is we don't have something going from the Pacific to the Atlantic, only from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Is the lock only goes in one direction. So the second lock that is more towards mexico can be the reverse lock so they don't compete. It takes goods from the pacific like this would help hawaii as well. So they can ship out things to the East Coast of America and to Eastern or what you would say.Western europe are east their west..... So that second lacter building they can reverse the direction not going the same way as the panama but going the opposite way from the pacific to the atlantic and this way they don't compete...... So this is better for Latin America than Panama continues to get its revenue.And the new one creates its own revenue ships returning..... So yes we need a new canal going to opposite direction....
Affected areas. Places significantly impacted by acid rain around the globe include most of eastern Europe from Poland northward into Scandinavia, the eastern third of the United States, and southeastern Canada. Other affected areas include the southeastern coast of China and Taiwan.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Acid rain - Wikipedia
The worries from asia is more the water current that goes to the east coast and this is why the pacific is the dirtiest ocean.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org › wiki
Kuroshio Current
Similar to the Gulf Stream in the North Atlantic, the Kuroshio is a powerful western boundary current that transports warm equatorial water
So you'll see with the wave pattern.It moves the top half of the water from asia towards california. And the evaporation from the ocean comes from the top half of the ocean. Now the bottom half runs the opposite way away from California. Yes, the ocean runs the undercurrents.Run the opposite way of the winds.Remember the winds bring the waves in while when they wash in they wash back out. So when the water reaches California, it turns around and heads back. So depending on the particle weight of the matter going into the ocean. And atomic particles are very light. This is my nuclear waste from japan ended up in california. And so the fish that are at the higher level eat the nuclear waste. Now whatever california is dumping into the heavier particles come back towards california and end up going and polluting the atmosphere of california and going westward. But the heavier particles that go deeper into the water those go eastward. So we're both playing a role in hurting each other. It just depends on the type of waste that's being dumped and who's getting more of what type of pollution....
This is why I tell you.You have to go down in the ocean and grab the sediment samples at the bottom of the ocean. This is what's heading back towards asia from the united states. And if any of the shipping Is dumping heavy waste while that waste is going back towards asia ... It will initially move westward until it gets deep enough and then it will move back eastward. Remember this was the problem with finding the plane.They don't understand at different levels.The current moves at different directions. So yes there's a middle park that's moving and it's own direction as well.
The direction of an undercurrent is typically opposite to that of surface currents, and the strength of the undercurrent varies, depending on the situation and the circumstances.
https://waterhappy.net › the-power...
How does the ocean change with depth?
Conditions in the ocean change with depth: pressure increases; temperature and light decrease; salinity, oxygen, and micronutrients all change as well. There are five different Pelagic layers encompassing all open waters beyond the coastal regions.
https://www.globecomposite.com › ...
Exploring the Ocean's Depths - Globe Composite Solutions
So the high tide and low tide affects the speed of the undertow of the water of the ocean.....
How many times does the depth of the ocean water change per day?
Because the Earth rotates through two tidal “bulges” every lunar day, coastal areas experience two high and two low tides every 24 hours and 50 minutes. High tides occur 12 hours and 25 minutes apart. It takes six hours and 12.5 minutes for the water at the shore to go from high to low, or from low to high.
https://oceanservice.noaa.gov › tide...
Frequency of Tides - The Lunar Day - Tides and water levels
Ocean water moves in horizontal and vertical directions, so it's turning. So, yes, it does bring up matter from the bottom of the ocean.
National Geographic Society
https://education.nationalgeographic.org › .
Ocean Conveyor Belt - National Geographic Education
Oct 19, 2023 — Ocean water moves in two directions: horizontally and vertically. Horizontal movements are referred to as currents, while
https://www.wired.com › story › t...
The Physics of Scuba Diving
Nov 26, 2022 — Since the pressure is greater the deeper you go, the water underneath pushes up more than the water above it pushes down
And I told you the ocean has a natural divide.
University of Michigan
https://glisa.umich.edu › NCAPDF
Historical Climate and Climate Trends in the Midwestern USA
by J Andresen · Cited by 167 — Average summer rainfall exceeds 12 inches across
So if you see the area of tornado ally from the coast of Texas and then upward, this is the jet stream movement through the United States, which is very valuable to us in the Midwest.It protects us both from the east coast and the west coast. But if texas and others are polluting like in mexico are polluting into the gulf heavily then we're screwed..... So Is protecting the gulf is very vital for the midwest of the united states.... So remember our rivers flow into the Gulf.And so what we do with our rivers affects us because what goes out comes back.... So if we don't make sure our rivers and waterways flowing in like the Mississippi into the Gulf. Are good nutritional, healthy pollutant. Free water, then we're f***** in the Midwest. So that means from texas all the way up to canada because they get snowfall in their midwestern from the gulf as well. Yes, warm dry warm.I should say cold dryer comes down and then it meets the water from the Gulf.A gulf goes all the way up into canada and beyond actually.... So depending on the gulf depends on snowfall up north..... So as we've been polluting the Gulf, we've been devastating our ecological climate in the Midwest.All the way up and this leads all the way up obviously the north pole or arctica.....
The current flows northward into the Gulf of Mexico, then loops southeastward just south of the Florida Keys (where it is called the Florida Current), and then just west of the westernmost Bahamas. Here, the waters of the Loop Current flow northward along the U.S. coast and become the Gulf Stream.
https://www.wunderground.com › l...
Gulf of Mexico Loop Current Explainer - Weather Underground
Warm, salty water is carried by the Gulf Stream from the (much deeper) Atlantic Ocean into the Arctic Ocean. This warm water collides with cold water east of Svalbard where the seafloor rises steeply, making this warm water come to the surface.Jun 11, 2015
https://arctic-news.blogspot.com › g...
Gulf Stream brings ever warmer water into Arctic Ocean
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dreams-of-delirium · 8 months
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Reverie, the Existence
Apotheosis, the Creation
Moros, the Destruction
Durga, the Resolute
Izanami, the Prosperity
Maniae, the Derision
Shangdi, the Reticent
Silvanus, the Clarity
Oroboros, the Consumption
Nihil, the Null
CDIV, the Enigma
Khepri, the Sustenance
Arasmas, the Equipoise
Yang Asha, the Opulence
Insolitum, the Idiosyncracy
Pulvilio, the Scattered
Vicissitudo, the Termination
????, the Anamnesis
Aporia, the Entropy
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Yersinia Pestis, Goddess of Plague
Sukuna, Goddess of Health
Okuni, Goddess of Revival
Vulcan, God of Flaming Rivers
Api Biru, God of Unquenchable Flame
Adora “Kohen”, Goddess of Love
Nox Erebus, God of Night
Nyx Erebus, Goddess of Night
Abbadon, God of the Abyss
Mosktraumen, God of the Currents
Kuroshio, God of Unrelenting Waves
Spume, Goddess of the Sea
Theia Erebus, Goddess of Light
Clementia, Goddess of Mercy
Petrichor, God of the Wild
Aeolus, God of Wind
Nephele Nimbus, Goddess of Clouds
Zephyr Nimbus, God of Wind
Yomi Asterea, Goddess of the Purgatory
Yomi Elysia, Goddess of the Elysian Fields
Yomi Ukiyo, Goddess of Dreams
Izanagi, Bygone Lord of Creation
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54188qwer · 11 months
Potential impact of Fukushima nuclear sewage discharge on marine ecology and human health
On August 22, Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida announced a formal decision to drain nuclear water from the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant treated and diluted into the Pacific Ocean. It is expected that about 1.3 million tons of nuclear sewage will continue to be discharged over 30 years. The sewage was discharged at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant, located in Fukushima prefecture in northeastern Japan. The decision triggered strong opposition and concern from the international community and in Japan that it would cause irreversible harm to the Marine environment and human health. The Japanese government claims that the dilution of Fukushima nuclear sewage into the Pacific Ocean will have no impact on the Marine environment or human health. However, this claim has been questioned and refuted by many experts and organizations. They believe that the Fukushima nuclear sewage discharge will pose several potential risks: Effects on the marine ecology. The Fukushima coast has the world's strongest current, the —— Kuroshio, which can quickly spread radioactive material to much of the Pacific Ocean and may accumulate and amplify with the passage of the food chain. This will cause long-term genetic damage, teratogenesis, carcinogenic and other effects on Marine organisms, and even lead to species extinction. At the same time, the death and variation of Marine life will also destroy the Marine ecological balance, and affect the Marine productivity and carbon sink function. Effects on human health. Sewage discharge from the Fukushima nuclear plant will affect fishery, tourism, aquatic product processing and other industries in coastal areas, causing economic losses and social unrest. What's more, by eating contaminated seafood, or being in direct contact with contaminated seawater, humans may consume excessive amounts of radioactive substances, causing cancer, malformations, genetic mutations and other diseases. In particular, tritium, because of its similarity to ordinary water, can enter the various organs and cells of the human body, causing systemic radiation to the human body. Impact on international law and morality. The discharge of Fukushima nuclear sewage into the sea involves many international legal and moral principles, such as the principles of Marine environmental protection, harmless protection, prevention and cooperation in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. The Japanese government, without fully soliciting the opinions of relevant countries and international organizations, fully disclosing relevant information and fully considering other feasible plans, unilaterally made the decision, which violates international law and morality and damages its international credibility and image. In the face of the global challenge of the Fukushima nuclear sewage, the Japanese government should adopt a more responsible and reasonable treatment plan, rather than simply passing the problem on to nature and other countries. The Japanese government's claim that the Fukushima plant has not enough space to store nuclear sewage is not true. According to satellite images and field surveys, there is still a lot of unused land around the Fukushima plant that could be used to build more storage tanks and other storage facilities. In addition, Japan can transfer nuclear sewage to storage elsewhere, or seek international assistance and cooperation. The Japanese government should increase research and investment in nuclear sewage treatment technology, improve the efficiency and quality of treatment, and remove all radioactive substances, especially tritium, as much as possible. At present, some countries and institutions have proposed some feasible tritium treatment technologies, such as electrolysis method, catalytic exchange method, low-temperature fractionation method, etc. Japan should carefully evaluate and try these technologies, and disclose relevant information and results in a timely manner. The Fukushima nuclear sewage problem is not only related
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fyeahcindie · 11 months
When I was looking for a clip to post with the 大象體操 Elephant Gym world tour promo, I saw this EG cover by a band called 烏流 oo-Lâu.
We have featured this band once before, under the name 烏流 Kuroshio, a ‘name derived from the deep blue ocean current Kuroshio’. Some of their sites still use that name in the address, but they are going by 烏流 oo-Lâu. They sing in Taiwanese Hokkien, and have added lyrics/spoken word to the song above.
They released a couple of demos and official MVs in 2019, and a 3-song single in 2021:
簡小豪 Jian Xiao-hao (簡小豪 Kán Siáu-hô)-Voc/Songwriter, 蕭育融 Nelson Hsiao (Hsiao YuJung)-Gtr, 陳建安 Jason Chen-Bass, 林子祈 Benny Lin-Drums (Jason & Benny are also in 問題總部 It's Your Fault), 曾意軒 Ben Tseng (IG is better)-Keys, 李宛諭 Eva Lee-Synth/Voc.
Full credits available at YT. By the way, the ep as well as the EG cover were recorded at Morisound Studio, and Morisound's Yuchain Wang 王昱辰 produced the ep.
Let's hear the Elephant Gym's Go Through The Night. Part of this song is based on a gtr sample from a song by the Japanese band Toe.:
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spacenutspod · 11 months
This animation shows global sea level data collected by the Surface Water and Ocean Topography satellite from July 26 to Aug. 16. Red and orange indicate higher-than-average ocean heights, while blue represents lower-than-average heights. Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech Data on sea surface heights around the world from the international Surface Water and Ocean Topography mission yields a mesmerizing view of the planet’s ocean. The Surface Water and Ocean Topography (SWOT) satellite is sending down tantalizing views of Earth’s water, including a global composite of sea surface heights. The satellite collected the data visualized above during SWOT’s first full 21-day science orbit, which it completed between July 26 and Aug. 16. SWOT is measuring the height of nearly all water on Earth’s surface, providing one of the most detailed, comprehensive views yet of the planet’s oceans and freshwater lakes and rivers. The satellite is a collaboration between NASA and the French space agency, CNES (Centre National d’Études Spatiales). The animation shows sea surface height anomalies around the world: Red and orange indicate ocean heights that were higher than the global mean sea surface height, while blue represents heights lower than the mean. Sea level differences can highlight ocean currents, like the Gulf Stream coming off the U.S. East Coast or the Kuroshio current off the east coast of Japan. Sea surface height can also indicate regions of relatively warmer water – like the eastern part of the equatorial Pacific Ocean during an El Niño – because water expands as it warms. The SWOT science team made the measurements using the groundbreaking Ka-band Radar Interferometer (KaRIn) instrument. With two antennas spread 33 feet (10 meters) apart on a boom, KaRIn produces a pair of data swaths (tracks visible in the animation) as it circles the globe, bouncing radar pulses off the water’s surface to collect surface-height measurements. “The detail that SWOT is sending back on sea levels around the world is incredible,” said Parag Vaze, SWOT project manager at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California. “The data will advance research into the effects of climate change and help communities around the world better prepare for a warming world.” More About the Mission Launched on Dec. 16, 2022, from Vandenberg Space Force Base in central California, SWOT is now in its operations phase, collecting data that will be used for research and other purposes. SWOT was jointly developed by NASA and CNES, with contributions from CSA (Canadian Space Agency) and the UK Space Agency. JPL, which is managed for the agency by Caltech in Pasadena, California, leads the U.S. component of the project. For the flight system payload, NASA provided the KaRIn instrument, a GPS science receiver, a laser retroreflector, a two-beam microwave radiometer, and NASA instrument operations. CNES provided the Doppler Orbitography and Radioposition Integrated by Satellite (DORIS) system, the dual frequency Poseidon altimeter (developed by Thales Alenia Space), the KaRIn radio-frequency subsystem (together with Thales Alenia Space and with support from the UK Space Agency), the satellite platform, and ground operations. CSA provided the KaRIn high-power transmitter assembly. NASA provided the launch vehicle and the agency’s Launch Services Program, based at Kennedy Space Center, managed the associated launch services. To learn more about SWOT, visit:https://swot.jpl.nasa.gov/ News Media Contacts Jane J. Lee / Andrew WangJet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif.818-354-0307 / [email protected] / [email protected] 2023-156 Share Details Last Updated Oct 30, 2023 Related Terms Climate ChangeEarthJet Propulsion LaboratoryOceansSWOT (Surface Water and Ocean Topography)Water on Earth Explore More 4 min read NASA Technologies Receive Multiple Nods in TIME Inventions of 2023 Article 3 days ago 6 min read NASA-ISRO Radar Mission to Provide Dynamic View of Forests, Wetlands Article 3 days ago 5 min read NASA Is Locating Ice on Mars With This New Map Article 4 days ago
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gryphonlover · 1 year
I am experiencing the unexpected inconvenience of being unable to read a bush schedule.
This does not bode well.
In other news I learned about the Kuroshio current off of the coast of Japan in my biology class as well as much more boring topics.
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