#Lá Róúil
pandolfo-malatesta · 2 years
Lá Róúil Lá róúil, lá róúil, déanfad lá róúil, Lá róúil, lá róúil, déanfad lá róúil, Lá róúil, lá róúil, déanfad lá róúil, Ní fada go bhfeicfidh mé arís thú.
Tógfar ár spiorad s'ár gcroí Beidh orainn athas an tsaoil Tógfar an cian mór dúinn Is ní fada go mbeidh muid mar a bhí.
Scartha ní bheidh mé go deo, Ó do lámh, ó do mhuirneadh is ó do thaobh, Sinn a bhí lúcháireach lá, Is ní fada go mbeidh muid mar a bhí.
A Great Day A great day, great day, I'll have a great day, It won't be long till I see you again.
Our spirits and our hearts will be lifted, The joys of life will be upon us, The great grief will be lifted from us, It won't be long till we are as we were.
I won't be separated forever, From your hand, from your embrace, from your side, We, that were happy once, It won't be long till we are as we were.
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