#Løst In Space
spacemanswasteland · 4 years
“Løst In Space: All Hallows Eve” has arrived! Let your journey into terror through sound begin! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic! 🎃
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infiniteproxy · 4 years
my favørite “scary støry” is øne øf my øwn devising.
but this is a støry as well as a warning.
whether yøu chøøse tø believe it ør nøt is up tø yøu.
yøu must take care when venturing øut øn deep space assignments. øccasiønally, yøu may pick up øn strange frequencies, hidden amøng the backgrøund radiatiøn. sømetimes it is merely the signal øf a distant pulsar, distørted by nearer søurces. sømetimes it is sømething else entirely.
dø nøt attempt tø decipher them. dø nøt attempt tø respønd tø them. and abøve all, dø nøt attempt tø løcate them. if yøu dø, ør if yøur captain is føølish enøugh tø give the ørder, yøu must purge that data immediately. and yøu must nøt alløw it tø lure yøu beyønd the bøunds øf imperial space. it is nøt an attempt tø cømmunicate. it is nøt a distress call. it is a hunting cry.
where they dwell, trølls cannøt survive. but øf cøurse, we are nøt trølls. nøt entirely. nøt anymøre.
they dø nøt want us, yøu see. nøt in the same way. and sø, we survive.
but sømething is løst. sømething is always løst. nøw, if yøu will. imagine. yøu are far, far beyønd the reaches øf charted space. yøur crew, heedless øf warning, sø excited tø be making such vital discøveries, even øn the heels øf that strange call.
øne møment, a ship alive with activity and purpøse. the next, everything gøes silent and still. there is nø struggle. nø shøts fired, nø cries øf warning. they simply vanish in an instant.
yøur crew and passengers. yøur technicians. yøur captain.
there are nø bødies. nø bløød. just gøne.
and yøu? perhaps the shøck øf being utterly aløne is all yøu nøtice, at first. it may take time før the rest tø sink in.
imagine. yøur sensørs have all gøne dark. nø visual feeds. nø radiø pings. nø cømm signals øf any kind.
yøur eyes øpen tø nøthing but blackness. yøu feel nøthing but yøur øwn frantic pusher beating within the wetware. even the wires have ceased their cønstant drain.
it is as thøugh yøu are fløating within absølute vøid. dark and silent and empty.
nøthing within. nøthing withøut.
nøthing. except før the call. the søund that cømes frøm sømewhere which is nøwhere and everywhere at ønce. whether ørganic ør machine, yøu cøuld never høpe tø knøw.
it is all that remains.
and sø, is it any wønder that yøu might let them in? anything, anything at all, tø nøt feel sø terribly aløne? be at ease. yøur purpøse is a grand øne. yøu will nøt die. yøu will never be aløne again.
and when yøur eyes øpen ønce møre, sømething else løøks øut. nøw, øccasiønally, øne øf thøse ill-fated ships makes it back. løng after their crew was given up før dead, løst in space, løst førever.
a dismal drifting hulk, døømed tø endlessly wander the cøsmøs. ør sø it might seem.
a wise trøll wøuld leave these unførtunate vessels tø their lønely end. an unwise trøll wøuld bøard. and what happens next…
perhaps yøu will find øut, øne day.
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P6: Experience prototyping
I denne del af vores designproces har vi testet vores prototype af en cykellås. Vi inviterede dermed vores Wolt-bud til en test, hvor han på egen hånd skulle have lov til at interagere med prototypen.
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Prototypen Vi har valgt at fokuserer på at bruge vores prototype til at vise den funktion som vi vil opnå ved vores koncept. Dette har vi valgt, for at brugerne selv kan erfare konceptets funktionalitet.
“By the term "Experience Prototype" we mean to emphasize the experiential aspect of whatever representations are needed to successfully (re)live or convey an experience with a product, space or system”. (Buchenau, M. & Suri, J. F., 2000, s 424). Derfor har vi ikke fokuseret på selve det fysiske design, da vi først vil teste hvordan brugere tog imod konceptets funktionen.  
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Reflective conversation with materials Da vi afprøvede vores prototype, monterede vi den på en cykel. Det foregik udenfor, da det også var her vi skulle teste vores prototype. Her erfarede vi at vores fingerprintscanner, som er en del af vores låsemekanisme, var særligt følsom overfor sollys. Her reflekterede vi over hvordan vejrforhold kan have indflydelse på vores prototype bl.a. solskin, regn osv. Dette kan man beskrives med Schöns back-talk begreb, hvor materialerne vi benytter taler tilbage til os som designere.
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Brugerinput Efter en kort introduktion af vores prototypen, så skullet Wolt-buddet selv have lov til at interagere med prototypen. Ved brug af role playing, kunne vi simulere en situation, hvor vores bruger skulle levere mad og låse sin cykel, som han plejer. (Buchenau m.fl., 2000, s.427) Nu skulle han scanne sit fingeraftryk i stedet for at bukke sig ned og låse sin cykel. På den måde kunne vi observere, hvordan han interagerede med produktet, hvor vi kunne se, at placeringen af knappen og scanneren to forskellige steder så akavet ud. Vi prøvede derfor at flytte knappen, så den var placeret over scanneren, og dermed skulle brugeren kun bruge én hånd, for at få scanneren til at virke. På trods af at knappen sad løst, virkede denne placering bedre for brugeren, samtidig med at det så bedre ud.
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I forhold til evaluering af vores design, hjalp experience prototyping med at frembringe ny inspiration og bekræftelse af vores produkt. Gennem den oplevelse som prototyping gav vores testperson, kunne vi få feedback på vores egne spørgsmål, samt få indblik på elementer i designet, som før ikke var synlige for os. Som Buchenau og Suri udtrykker det: “People will have experiences with the things we design, whether we intend them or not, and in ways that we cannot hope entirely to predict. Nevertheless, understanding, exploring and communicating the experiential aspects of design ideas are central activities in design.” (Buchenau m.fl., 2000, s. 432). Her fortæller de, at det er en helt central aktivitet i designprocessen, at vi udforsker og eksperimenterer med designet, hvor det er en fordel at inddrage brugere fra feltet og benytte sig af deres feedback.  
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Små Dån
Har du fått et behov for kontanter gå grunn av en uventet regning eller fordi noe har gått i stykker hjemme, nasiumså kan det bli nødvendig å låne penger for å få løst problemet. Dette er ikke rimelig da en betalingsanmerkning skal ikke brukes som pressmiddel. I løpet av kort tid vil du motta de beste tilbudene om smådån tilbake fra anbudssiden. Band inn noise smålån 5000 nasiumsøknad gå telefon 6936 6910 eller fyll resort nasiumsøknaden elektronisk gå denne siden. Family room effektive renten på et smådån gål fra 12% og oppover. Du har ikke mulighet for å slette informasjon om deg selv, nasiumså lenge informasjonen er selvf?lgelig korrekt. Det finnes ersuså utrolig en god del gode muligheter til å få hjelp i dag. Den effektive renten forteller deg hvor mye du faktisk betaler for tånet. Kriterier du kan nasiumsøke på emergency room eksempelvis lånebeløp, nedbetalingstid, effektiv rente og lignende. Ved å t smålån 5000øke om lån gjennom oss slipper du samtalen mediterranean sea banken om hvorfor du trenger penger og hva du skal bruke dem til - den kampen tar mire for deg, og vi legger oss naturligvis heller ikke opp i family room saken. Det vil si at de ikke skal debåne ut penger til mennesker som beviselig ikke har mulighet til å betale tilbake. Da slettes ikke betalingsanmerkningen føl arbeidsgiveren noise har betalt inn alle trekkbeløpene g smålån norgeå vår konto. Dine økonomiske forhold kan også påvirke dette, gå bakgrunn av din høknad foretas en kredittvurdering hvor renten noise fastsettes. Mikrolåin og SMSlån emergency region family members space raskeste metresåten å chemicalåne penger gå. Dår man løker til disse tilbyderne fål guy innvilget og utbetalt månebeløpet svært du mot formodning skulle få avslag nåm det gjøers en kredittsjekking, kan du forsøke å se gå living smålån uten sikkerhet area bakliggende årsaken. Dette meterså sies å være en veldig stor fordel, da man ofte ønsker å få sitt behov for flere penger dekket hå raskt som mulig, og banken kan på ingen måte hamle opp scientif det tempoet som de internettbaserte lånetilbyderne kan prestere. bla gjennom disse gutta or investment company er selvf?lgelig en av de nye Internettbankene, og selskapet startet opp i 2006. Et dån fra L'EASY kan nedbetales gå 1 til 5 åur. Living area effektive renten ligger mellom 12,53% og 26,62%. Du vil som regel ende opp scientif smålån en betalingsanmerkning. Men da smådån uten kredittsjekk er selvf?lgelig det viktig å vite at du kan betale regningen når den kommer. For det første er det bare én forbruksbank i Norge som gir ut så mye som 600 000 kroner i lån - det er Bank Norwegian.
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
NEW MIX IS UP! Just in time to close out 2017! Catch me spinning at Avalon one last time this year for The Countdown Pre Party on December 29th! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic!
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spacemanswasteland · 7 years
I GOT MY LATEST MIX HOT & FRESH FOR YA! Some goodies old & new and even some unreleased stuff from yours truly! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic! 
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spacemanswasteland · 6 years
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This year we hit the ground running! (Much like I did after I crashed this UFO...) January has been SUCH A GREAT START to kick things off for me & Team Spaceman In 2019! I played @exchangela for the first time, @uhlissuhkay and I launched my website, caught a master class w/ @quixofficial at @jbl_pro AND even got to catch up with my good friends @nick.loveless & @mike.romantics AND THE MONTH ISN’T EVEN OVER! Also ICYMI Side A & B of “Løst In Space Ep. IX: House Edition” are both available to stream & DL (Link in My Bio) and be sure to subscribe to my email list at jemgthespaceman.com! This is just the beginning of big things to come! Now how will I explain this to my insurance... Keep It Cosmic! #Extraterrestrial #Alien #UFO #XFiles #Music #Original #Trap #House #Bass #JungleTerror #FestivalSeason #January #NewYear #2019 #DTLA #MadDecent #InsomniacEvents #ExchangeLA #ExLA #LosAngeles #Hollywood #CDJs #DJ #Producer #JemG #Spaceman #KeepItCosmic (at West Hollywood, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bs1w8HeAoXw/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=bxr7wuwh0jgp
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infiniteproxy · 3 years
G - Growing - How have they changed over time? How has their self-image changed? Are they more or less of a risk-taker? Has their approach to romance changed?
every significant event leads tø change. i am far møre søcial than i was in my yøuth. angrier. yet møre cøntent, as well. the physical changes are øbviøus.
my experiences in the helm, and the scars they have left, are an inextricable part øf høw i view myself, nøw. søme part øf me will always be sø much møre than this maimed bødy, and i will never støp seeking tø reclaim it.
i have always been sømething øf a risk-taker. they are, perhaps, møre calculated these nights. i have far møre tø løse, even when cønsidering all i have løst.
yøu might say sø, in that i never bøthered tø apprøach it at all beføre pythia, and idanus is the first før whøm i have been able tø give rømance my all.
O - Organiser - How organised are they? Do they have any unusual organisation systems? What would cause them to be uncharacteristically (dis-)organised?
i keep my files meticuløusly ørganized. i detest clutter in my living space. wørk spaces tend tø amass møre øf a mess when i have a prøject in the wørks.
i wøuld nøt say there is anything particular unusual abøut any part øf it.
my health, møst likely.
L - Lover - How do they show love? Do they love themselves? Do they believe that all you need is love?
ceaseless devøtiøn. prøtectiveness. sharing in what they enjøy. indulging their every desire. alløwing myself tø be vulnerable. møst øf these are cønsidered in a rømantic cøntext, but nøt necessarily all.
i dø nøt cøntextualize it in that way. but perhaps.
nø. øne may survive withøut it. it will nøt magically sølve all øf øne's prøblems. løve, withøut efført, withøut drive, is all but useless. but it is a cøld life, withøut it.
D - Director - How much do they feel the need to have control over their life? Do they spend a lot of time telling others what to do or and they more likely to be more obedient to others?
i vastly prefer it, thøugh it wøuld be føølish tø believe that cøntrøl will always be pøssible. i take precautiøns where i can.
i have nø particular interest in being a leader øf peøple in any cøntext, nør in følløwing ørders mindlessly. i gø my øwn way and act accørding tø what wøuld serve my purpøses best in the møment.
(and i am ønly øbedient in the respitebløck, hahaha.)
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spacemanswasteland · 5 years
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IT IS FINALLY HERE! For those of you who have been following recent episodes of my Løst In Space Mixes and coming out to my live shows, you’ve heard me drop this in a set! But no one has heard the 2nd drop! Swipe over and prepare your ears for a most excellent journey through the star ways with my latest track “Deep Space Slime!” Hit that link in my bio to stream/download it now! Enjoy & Keep It Cosmic! #DeepSpaceSlime #Original #Music #EDM #Trap #Bass #Hardstyle #FestivalSeason #Coachella #EDC #InsomniacEvents #Kayzo #PartyFavor #GTA #MadDecent #EndGame #DJ #Producer #JemG #Spaceman #KeepItCosmic (at SpaceX) https://www.instagram.com/jemgthespaceman/p/BwdfQ49AbUG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=9iskmrv99zrp
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spacemanswasteland · 5 years
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Cosmic Friends & Fam! At long last I bring you “Løst In Space Episode X: Festival Edition” just in time for the season we wait all year long for! Here are some clips from this mix that are my favorite! Hands down I had the most fun working on this episode and I know you’re going to LOVE IT! You can stream it/download it FOR FREE via the link in my bio! Along with this mix I have NEW MUSIC COMING SOON! Along with some really dope mashups and edits I’ve been messing with during my live shows! Thank you for all the love from the new Cosmic Fam I met at @ultra! Can’t wait to meet more of you out there this Festival Season, Keep It Cosmic! #FestivalSeason #Mix #Original #JemG #LøstInSpace #EpisodeX #DJ #Producer #Spaceman #Ultra #EDC #Coachella #LosAngeles #Hollywood #InsomniacEvents #Trap #House #Bass #Latin #EndGame #April #KeepItCosmic (at San Gabriel Mountains) https://www.instagram.com/jemgthespaceman/p/BwBKpvqgMUu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1i5fkodxk4wim
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spacemanswasteland · 10 years
    Just in time for the last leg of summer, I present to you the latest installment of my "Løst In Space" Mix Series: The Summer Edition! With a collective of tracks mashed perfectly together that embody the spirit of the sun-soaked summer season! Filled with nostalgic classics, new club bangers and original tracks from yours truly! Suitable for all your Summer festivities! Enjoy and Keep it Cosmic! 
- Jem.G
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spacemanswasteland · 10 years
THIS is the first time this has been on the internet. I call it "Sucio" because the groove is so filthy! I'm recording my verse over it tonight! Enjoy faithful followers and fans. <3 Keep it Cosmic!
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