oscarcito · 10 months
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incorrect quote
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wraithsoutlaws · 1 year
love waking up to finding my laptop not working :)
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That's weird. I'm not trying to prank you or something Cap. I just find it strange why I can see and use it, but you can't. Are you on mobile or PC?
laptopn... so.. uah..
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seriburupiah · 6 months
Apa Kabar B? (part 1)
Hari ini Minggu, 7 Januari 2024. Aku menulis ini ketika senja, sesaat setelah menyelesaikan olahraga ku.
Pikiranku melayang padamu ketika sore ini aku mengalami hal yang begitu menyenangkan. 
Sahabat karibku, yang belakangan membuat aku (kembali) jatuh hati, tanpa sepengetahuan ku tiba tiba datang di depan pintu rumahku. bukan, bukan hal serius. Dia mengantarkan payung yang kemarin sore tertinggal di co-working space tempat kami kerapkali bertemu hampir setahun belakangan. Dia datang tepat beberapa menit sebelum aku memulai olahraga soreku. 
Aku begotu bahagia seperti mendapat kejutan istimewa, karena aku memang ingin bertemu dia hari ini, namun karena satu dan lain hal, aku batal ke co-working space tersebut. di tengah kebahagiaan ini, terlintas namamu dalam hatiku. 
Aku tersadar, sudah cukup jauh ternyata waktu berjalan sejak terakhir kali kita bertemu. 
Maret besok, genap 4 tahun. 
Sudah banyak yang terjadi, bukan?
Saat itu, kita masih mahasiswa tingkat akhir yang sedang seru-serunya berdinamika, dengan segala pahit-pahitnya, sebelum pandemi merenggut keseharian bersahaja itu secara tiba-tiba. 
Sejauh yang aku ingat, jumat sore itu terakhir kita bertemu. 
Kamu awalnya duduk di depan sekre - ruang u303, sibuk dengan laptopn dan double folio mu. Aku berlalu dari arah belakang menuju ruang timur, mau ikut seminar. Tapi aku terlambat dan pintu masuk persis sejajar dengan papan tulis, aku enggan masuk. Aku berbalik menuju tangga utama utara, berlalu melewatimu. Aku sengaja tidak mau mengganggu kamu yang sedang fokus. Aku cukup yakin kamu tidak melihatku.
Aku memilih duduk sebentar di kursi-kursi kayu depan tangga utama utara lantai 3 itu sembari berpikir mau kemana, atau mungkin sekedar ingin melihatmu dari jauh? aku lupa. Yang jelas hatiku terpaku pada kursi kayu itu. Tidak kusadari, kamu ternyata berlalu dan tidak menghiraukanku, tanpa menyapaku. Aku kaget, karena tidak mungkin kamu tidak melihatku. 
Sampai hari ini, aku tidak mengerti kenapa kamu tidak menyapaku, apakah aku ada salah atau seperti apa, entahlah. 
yang aku ingat, besokannya sabtu, 15 Maret 2020. Siang itu aku dapat email bahwa semua kelas dialihkan online. Media kita dipenuhi dengan berita bahwa covid sudah sampai jakarta, mulai berjatuhan korban yang dirawat, himbauan untuk tetap dirumah masing-masing, dan harus mengenakan masker ketika bepergian keluar. Tersebar juga berita bahwa wabah virus ini cukup mematikan, sudah puluhan jiwa di China berpulang. Situasi menjadi cukup panik saat itu. Aku pun begitu takut B. Satu per satu teman-teman kos ku meninggalkan kamar mereka.
Tersisa aku dan 1 orang di seberang kamarku. Aku masih ingat betul pagi sunyi ketika aku membuka jendela, aku duduk diantara kamar-kmar kosong, tidak ada manusia, sementara kita di 'perintahkan' untuk tetap dirumah demi menjaga diri masing-masing dari paparan virus. Aku jadi lebih gampang menangis saat itu. Baru-baru ini, aku sadar, Aku cukup tertekan karena rasa kesepianku saat itu. 
Tidak lama, orang tuaku memintaku pulang, disaat tersiar kabar bahwa operasional bandara akan dihentikan sementara mulai 1 April 2020. Aku masih punya waktu beberapa hari sebelum terkurung dalam waktu yang tidak menentu disana. Singkat cerita, aku pulang pada 30 Maret 2020. Sore itu aku menutup pintu kos ku, memandang sekeliling, dan mendoakan agar neraka ini segera berakhir dan aku bisa melanjutkan keseharian ku yang amat aku cintai di Jogja. 
Segala hal menjadi tidak masuk akal. Segala aktivitas dilakukan dari rumah Mulai dari belajar, bekerja, hiburan, istirahat. Sampai KKN dilakukan online?! bayangin. Sederetan momentum perkuliahan lainnya juga akhirnya diselesaikan didepan laptop : skripsian, sidang hingga wisuda.
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sineral · 9 months
For the past couple of weeks, I've been in Virginia visiting family. The old laptop there doesn't like most web browsers, so i haven't been on social media much outside of mobile, which I dislike posting from. So instead I've been playing D3 (one of maybe 2 games that functions on the potato laptopn or craptop as I have been calling it), writing a tiny bit and, of course, drawing.
I hope y'all like Diablo memes and au art because I'm about to drop a metric fuckton on here as soon as I'm back. :)
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wormszonemodapk · 10 months
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The game can be downloaded from the iOS App store, Google Play Store and also through emulators on Windows laptopns and desktops. Check out our website now:- https://wormszonemodapk.info/
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sajaffery · 1 year
there has to be a better title availible then that? I have to continue the series I suppose but i’m not officially blocked anymore. i dont think i am. i’m writing everyday, its shit, but its still writing. so im not a blocked writer anymore I’m just a shit writer now. its still progress if you ask me, eventually i’ll progress to being a mediocre writer and then i’ll die. because everyone dies and because the next step up is a good writer and to predict myself becoming a great writer would be immodest and i’m nothing if not modest. i broke another rule didnt i. i promised to write one of these everyday and i havent. this is my first...post (yech) in a week nearly. maybe two weeks. I cant remember now, i would have to go back to the old posts and then i would have broken two rules. technically the first one isnt a rule. it was a promise I guess. a mission statement if you think i’m a ponce, which you probably do, but if you do then you wont have reached this part yet, you would have clicked onto something else by now, in which case fuck you (dont worry its only there for dramatic effect), even though i dont blame you i can still hate you. i dont really, i just wanted to get rid of you and if you havent clicked off by now you will definietely will now. if you havent then youre just a glutton for punishment in which case welcome brother! have seat, let me get you a drink because we are gonna get along just fine. I’m adding hastags onto this so we’ll be able to find more people just like us, S&M seems to be a popular tag but i wont be adding that, i have enough weirdos following me who only seem to be intrested in half naked man. sorry new message from tumblr. i have no followers. awsome! i am so glad, freedom at last! i can finally be myself. i can finally let go and speak my mind. its so easy to say that but if i really think about it it can be exteremely confusing because it will essentially depend on where my mind is at that particular moment becuase there will be times i will just feel like screaming and shouting at and everything and everyone (which will be no one since it is the only time i wll truly let this happen) and other times there will essentially be no noticable change in me at all. except my clothes will come off ofcourse. of course! who in their right mind would possibly choose to remain clothed if they didnt have to. i totally understand people who move to naked communes and choose to spend the rest of their lives with all their bits hanging out. clothes are just another form of prison arnt they? a confinement designed to make you self concious of yourr real self. to hold you in and keep you hidden from the real word. why havent i moved to a naked commune uet? its fair questuon there are plenty of them around arnt there? atleast i think there are, thats certainly the impression television gives you. everyother person seems to be oving to a naked comune in bad movies and rubbish television shows. i dont wwatch bad movies and rubbish tv mind you, i just like keeping up with whats happening. sort ofna of like a cautionary....oh shit shit fuck fuck fuckity mutherfucker! my fucking laptopn just froze so i had to hold on kickeing and screaming to my train of thought in the fear that i might losee it have nothing to talk to you about, like that i bit i just wrote a little while ago about the state of your mind and when youll see a difference while letting go. that was so boring, i apologise for that, i wish i could delete it, but i cant ofcourse, see previous posts for details as to why, i wish there was a way to just put up a cautionary sign when you come onto this......webpage...(it is not a blog mutherfucker!) oh comon! my fucking laptop keeps freezing.
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Dijual laptop Acer
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laptopnation01 · 10 months
Top 10 Best Second Hand Laptops for 2023
In a world where technology evolves at a rapid pace, the demand for reliable and affordable laptops continues to rise. For those seeking a budget-friendly option without compromising on performance, second-hand laptops have become an increasingly popular choice. To assist you in making an informed decision, we've compiled a list of the top 10 best second-hand laptops for 2023. Explore the possibilities and find the perfect device to meet your computing needs.
Dell XPS 13:
Known for its sleek design and powerful performance, the Dell XPS 13 remains a top contender in the second-hand laptop market. With a high-resolution display and robust hardware, it's an ideal choice for both work and entertainment.
MacBook Air (M1):
Apple's MacBook Air with the M1 chip has revolutionized the laptop industry. Even in its second-hand form, this lightweight and powerful device offers an exceptional user experience, making it a favorite among tech enthusiasts.
HP Spectre x360:
Combining style with functionality, the HP Spectre x360 is a 2-in-1 laptop that delivers versatility and performance. Its convertible design and high-end features make it a standout option for those seeking flexibility in their computing experience.
Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon:
Renowned for its durability and business-friendly features, the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Carbon is a reliable second-hand choice. Its robust build quality and impressive battery life make it an excellent companion for professionals on the go.
ASUS ZenBook 14:
ASUS ZenBook 14 offers a perfect blend of portability and performance. With its slim profile and powerful internals, this second-hand laptop caters to users who prioritize both style and substance.
Acer Swift 3:
The Acer Swift 3 is a budget-friendly second-hand option that doesn't compromise on performance. Packed with a fast processor and a vibrant display, it's an excellent choice for users who want value for their money.
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4:
For those who appreciate a premium feel, the Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 boasts a sleek design and impressive build quality. Its high-resolution PixelSense display and reliable performance make it a top contender in the second-hand laptop market.
Lenovo Yoga C930:
The Lenovo Yoga C930 stands out with its unique soundbar hinge and versatile 2-in-1 design. This second-hand laptop offers a premium audio-visual experience alongside the flexibility of a convertible form factor.
Dell Inspiron 14:
The Dell Inspiron 14 is a budget-friendly second-hand laptop that doesn't compromise on essential features. With a reliable processor and a compact design, it's suitable for everyday computing tasks.
MacBook Pro 13 (M1):
Closing our list is the MacBook Pro 13 with the M1 chip, combining power and portability. Even in its second-hand form, this laptop provides a seamless user experience and is a solid investment for those in need of a reliable workhorse.
Navigating the world of second-hand laptops can be rewarding when armed with the right information. Whether you're a professional seeking a reliable work companion or a student on a budget, the top 10 best second-hand laptops for 2023 offer a diverse range of options to suit your needs. Explore the possibilities and find the perfect balance between performance and affordability with these tried-and-tested devices from LaptopNation.
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greyscy · 2 years
Kite liberator e2
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Monaka's older co-worker Manatsu Mukai does not take kindly to that, however, and retaliates in several occasions, such as spiking his drink with habanero or kicking him in the groin. Monaka plays the part of a nerdy, clumsy high school girl while in public, making her a vulnerable target for harassment. Later that night, Monaka, the girl that currently assumes the same murderous tactics as Sawa, goes to work at Apollo 11, a maid café with a perverted regular patron. However, the lights go out in the restroom and he is attacked by the female assassin known as "the Angel of Death", who quickly disarms and shoots him, leaving a pile of white feathers on his corpse. After shooting two bystanders in the women's restroom, he takes a little girl hostage and hides in a stall with her. Meanwhile, in Tokyo, two police officers pursue a violent criminal named Tsuin through the streets and into a train station. After widowed father Orudo Noguchi and another crew member are later found to have space radiation exposure and ordered to discontinue missions, Noguchi asks Doi to deliver a package to his daughter Monaka, whom he has not seen in four years, for her birthday. Doi had been researching methods of preserving bone mass in zero gravity through diet. Because as we understand we want to serve the best service for you.Taking place ten years after the events of the original Kite film, this second installment opens with Kōichi Doi, a researcher for Defy Foods, boarding the International Space Station. We don't have any ads on our site to make the website clean and faster and works well for you guys, happy enjoy watching any movies online.
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mononezu · 4 years
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Between two jobs, this is another reason I'm slow at writing lmao
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icubud · 4 years
Surely u have 2:13 to hear Sidney Powell about the laptop.
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wuuyoung · 4 years
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ahavaha · 5 years
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USB Flash Drive Pastel Orange Gold Cream Design
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themjeansbetight · 7 years
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1uvshot · 7 years
what the fuck is wrong with tumblr mobile man 
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