pnuk-r0ck · 2 months
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lyranova · 1 year
Finally!!! Finally I got to read Chapter 7!!
Oh the beginning was so painful because... it was so understandable. He does have a good opportunity in becoming the King of Spade. It is a good "deal" as well as a chance to find his roots, but it means having to leave Neva behind.
And quite honestly Ciel being focused on getting Yuno married is... a very mother -thing to do, as well as being oblivious to some things. Especially since Neva and Yuno are both very private people.
And Neva... she doesn't want to stop him from achieving his dream, even if it's through a bit different route than what they both initially thought. So, she loves him enough to see him go.
While he's also trying to respect her dreams and wishes. He doesn't want to take them away from her.
I think they're very human in this chapter. They're very understandable, while also, as they agreed, they're "excellent at communication" XD
But it's so important that they had that talk.
Especially because HE PROPOSED!!!! It was so spontaneous and sweet and genuine!!! He really does love her and she loves him.
She really made that, quite literal, leap of fate for him XD
Oh this was such a lovely chapter~
Love you lots
Lauraaaa!!! I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to answer this, things have just been crazy IRL so I’m only now able to answer 😭!
It really was painful, even as I was writing it I was like “Gosh I can just imagine the conflicting emotions Yuno’s feeling rn 😭!” because it’s a really good opportunity for him to learn things, but it also means he has to give up something too *cough* Neva *cough* 💔!
Yeah Ciel is very much…scatter brained in this 😅. She’s juggling so much with the Nobles pressuring her into choosing an heir and trying to keep them from being able to find any “flaws” with Yuno (which is partially why she is trying to find him a wife since, it’ll not only secure the Grinberryall line to the throne, but it’ll also keep the Nobles mouths shut for a little bit). And unfortunately due to being distracted by all of that she kind of missed the most obvious thing which is YuNeva being together already 😔😅.
So true 😭, Neva loving Yuno so much that she’s willing to let him go was just ahwkwjhe aaaahhh it broke my heart to write 🤧! Because they both thought they knew where they were going, but life threw them a curveball and they both had hard decisions to make 😔.
Wgjwjwh aaahhh thank you, I’m so glad you felt they were very human in this chapter that’s exactly what I was going for do I’m very happy it translated into this chapter 😁! They are very “excellent” at communication 😆, I see YuNeva as being that couple who know each other so well and yet they still have trouble communicating at times 😂!
YESSS HE PROPOSED 🥳🥳!!! I don’t know why I always imagined it being spontaneous with YuNeva (other then they always plan things and are very serious and meticulous IMO 🤔). But this is how I always imagined it going and it came out better than I expected and I’m so glad you loved it 🥺💕!
Neva: They always said if you really love someone you should take a leap of faith for them.
Yuno: I don’t think they meant it literally Neva…
Thank you so much Laura I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapter and thank you for sending this lovely comment, reading this and thinking about YuNeva really helped my mood today so thank you so much dear and I love you lots 🥺🥰💕!!
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resernit · 2 years
the quarry characters as zodiac signs (bcs i was bored ❤️)
abi - taurus
abi is very realistic, one of the most logical out of the group. all through out the game she went with the safe options; hiding in the bunker, pushing nick away, running when nick was attacked no matter what you choose. though the one time she was confrontational, when she pushed nick into the water, she did it out of straight anger because he wouldn't listen to her. she's very similar to a taurus in her determination, intelligence, temper, and artistic ability.
nick - cancer
what we saw of nick in the game was mostly him being manipulative. however, before his personality changed because of the infection he was very in tune with his emotions and even philosophical in a way. he's the stereotype of a cancer: emotional, quick to anger, and spiteful when not in their right minds.
ryan - sagittarius
even though the stereotypical sagittarius is funny and energetic, i'm basing my choice for ryan off of personal experience with this sign. he had a hard time comprehending when he was being joked with, or flirted with, all through out the game. he was oblivious as much as he was fierce, and as fierce as he was blunt. he had very main character traits that i feel connect with a sagittarius's very well. Leadership skills, determination, independence, and impulsiveness is ryan just wrapped up in a few words.
emma - leo
emma was a total badass all through out the game. she went out on her own, managed to save herself twice, and destroyed a man's heart in the process. she's confident, dominant, creative, and determined; what more is there to say?
dylan - libra
dylan was extroverted, friendly, and logical through out the full game. if it wasnt for him and his quick thinking, half of the characters would be dead. dylan avoided serious conflict, and refused to interfere whenever things got intense, regularly to freeze up. he doesnt handle harsh situations well; but that didnt stop him from using quick thinking to stop himself from getting infected and saving ryan, abi, nick, emma, and kaitlyn with the idea of the wire. even handless for half of the game he saved lives. all of his personality traits, including hiding his REAL personality, correlate well with those of a libra.
kaitlyn - capricorn
kaitlyn, our resident ambitious badass. she works as the leader of the group, using logical but empathetic thinking to make decisions. she helps ryan, dylan, abi, and nick many times in the span of the night; and refuses to hide until everyone around her is safe. yet, she was pessimistic and ruthless at different points in the game. all of these traits fits the ones of a capricorn.
jacob - aries
the stereotypical aries is easy to anger, hyperactive, brave, and determined. as well as jacob fits all of those, he's also incredibly sensitive and acts without thinking. his bravery is more a form of him just not comprehending the things going on around him; which is also a very... ariesy trait. (i love you guys, and jacob, dont @ me 😭)
laura - scorpio
LAURAAAA. laura. laura had one goal in mind the full game; saving max. she's determined, brave, loyal, and honest. she was even empathetic at points in the game when with ryan. every one of her personality traits point to her being a scorpio, enough said.
max - gemini
even though max usually just went with what laura said, and was rather quiet, he was technically the first one to guess werewolves were the things that were fucking with them. he's smart, funny, and mostly un-confrontational unless he's threatened. he's also prideful to a point where he refuses to talk about failure, hence his hidden letter. what a gemini.
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teddypng · 2 years
hii alicia beloved, it makes me so happy every time I see you and your little teddy icon in my notifications 🥰🧸 I hope you’re doing so so well 💖
lauraaaa my sweet 😭💘💘 i’m good NOW u make me so happy! u and ur garden r soo lovely….. i am always lurking in ur blog -> 🧌
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I hope you’re doing well😭💕💕 i apologize for being inactive lately but life is quite demanding these days😞😞 it’s nothing bad, just very little time for internet hijinks😞
I love and miss you💕
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I'VE MISSED YOU TOO! I do think about how you're doing every now and then 🥺
I'm pretty good. But it's a mood with life requiring so much. There are days when I feel like I barely have time to look at my phone 😭 But overall I'm good. Vibin' with my new event, other writing projects, trying to art, knitting projects, irl friends, hobbies... Work. Y'know, the usual 😅
I love you too so much, and am so very happy to hear that you're doing good ❤️🔥
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l-tora-l · 1 year
I love your theme lovely! Anyways, how are you? How have you been? How was your say today?
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*-* Me massaging you *-*
I’m doing okay! My results are coming TOMORROW THO😭 And you? How have your exams been😮? Are they almost done (hopefully completely done by now 😭)?
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mickstart · 2 years
Lauraaaa! Hiiiiiiiiii <3
You need to watch this, cause Jev talks about his first FE race and it made me tear up 😭💞
(have good day 💖)
This is so soft and I love him so so so so much but also this is SO funny because I'm sure that's how he feels about it Now but like jev. I have heard from Multiple people that you were Not thrilled about joining A New Category and you did Not feel like you were becoming Part Of Something Bigger at the time keep lying for the camera baby boy.
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monkeesrainbowroom · 10 months
lauraaaa 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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dykefever · 1 year
lauraaaa how did you find somewhere to live i've been looking for months and i swear moving is one of the hardest things to do 😭😭
it’s a fucking NIGHTMARE! right !! but i’m currently in a sublet and i think just going to be v v lucky because the person’s room im subletting wants to move out and asked if i wanted to just take over the room. that’s not 100% though so possibly will not have somewhere to live xx
i would say make sure u have an ad on whatever room finding app you use and try and find people to team up with! there are so many people looking for rooms and like. not many available so i think that’ll be a better bet. i’ve also had more responses that way xx good luck!! moving sucks so much but finding somewhere is just a numbers game really keep messaging you’ll get there !
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hooned · 4 years
LAURAAAA!!!! 🥺 HE IS SIMPLY THE CUTEST ISN'T HE?!?!?! 💙 that little blue tiara he wears is so so precious. and the fact that we can never imagine 2gether sarawat doing such things?? but here comes still2gether sarawat!!! breaking everything we thought we knew about him!!! 💙 it's sooo cute!! and he looked so so eager to wear it as well!!! 🥺 i didn't know i could LOVE someone more than i did UNTIL I SAW SARAWAT IN THAT LITTLE BLUE TIARA. 🥺 the actual CUTEST.
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piethemoon · 2 years
Lauraaaa 😭😭😭😭
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lyranova · 1 year
Tangerine, chartreuse, viridian, saffron, lavender, fuscia, blush, periwinkle, and razzmatazz 😤❤️🔥 for the ask game!
Agwjwkwjheejnwwliwbw Lauraaaa thank you so much 🥺😭🫂💕💕!!! You’re always welcome to hang out on my blog and we can share your favorite food 😁, oh and…
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An uno reverse and hug for you as well agwkwjssh 😆!
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lyranova · 1 year
Chapter 2 of the Word To Come!
Oh Gauche is so worried! 😭❤️🔥 He just needs to get to Grey and then, when he's almost there he gets the father shakes!! Papas tend to be like that. Scared and feel helpless because they really can't do much, in a way. Since being there is the most important thing for them to do.
But he does love his wife and kid, that's for sure.
I loved how Yami was there, stepping up as a Captain (or the uncle) and just help Gauche calm down, as well as mellow out the Bulls so that the Adlai family has space.
This is was sweet!! ❤️‍🔥
Lauraaaa I’m so sorry it’s taken me so long to answer dear 🥺! But thank you so much for your sweet words 💕!
Yes Gauche was so worried 😭, whenever I thought about Aloys being born I just always imagined Gauche being worried about Grey and kind of silently panicking (I also imagined his worry turning into anger and him taking it out on everyone else [because some people get angry when they’re scared/worried/etc;] but I didn’t really incorporate that idea into the chapter 😔).
You’re right Papa’s do tend to feel that way, and luckily Gauche had Yami there to kind of…empathize with him on that feeling since he went through it with Charlotte and Hikari 🥺! Yess Captain/Uncle Yami to the rescue 😁, he was able to calm everyone down and I think he was able to calm himself down at the same time.
Knowing Yami he probably learned from when Hikari was born that the Bulls all kind of freak out (especially when he isn’t around) so this time he tried to make sure to calm everyone down and give them all their own space so they can regain their composures 😅!
Thank you so much for your comment dear and I’m sorry again it took so long to answer 🥺💕!
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lyranova · 1 year
Congrats on 500 Lyra!! You've more than earned it! ❤️‍🔥 here's to many, many more 🥂
Awnwkekwmejkssn Lauraaaa thank you so much 🥺😭🫂💕💕!! I still can’t believe that I’m at 500 even after going to sleep and waking up 😆, but thank you so much and here’s to (hopefully) many more 🥂🥳!
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lyranova · 2 years
I know I took my sweet time with the chapter, but I loved how cutely sheepish Will and Zera were with each other right after William saved her from the bandits. They really do care, or are starting to care, for each other on a deeper level.
And it's even more evident when she drags him away to wear something less eye catching,... At least when it comes to the Black Market. XD
And the end! Aw come now Zera, he should meet your family, because they'll be his in-laws, right 😛🤣
Oh! And them being now on first name basis made me squeal in joy!! ^^
Lauraaaa 😭💕💕!! No worries no worries, I had a feeling you were busy with school and IRL so it’s okay! I’m also behind on BWHI 😭!
Yess They’re very much beginning to care for each other, and i think it was a nice change to see Zera be a bit sheepish since she’s always more confident 🥰!
Hehe it is more evident that way, and I don’t think Zera actually realized it when she did it 👀. Because if she didn’t really care she would have just let him walk around as a Magic Knight, but instead made him change so he would “blend in” better 🤣!
Agwjwhhwhw tbh I think Zera was being a bit more “selfish” in that moment, since she knew Rika was more angry at her then William XD! Plus I think Zera was like “As they say, no man left behind” so she was going to take him with her so he didn’t end up killed by Rika or her brothers (also she knew William would probably tell them where she was if she left him behind lol 🤣!).
Yess they’re finally on a first name basis 😭! It took them long enough, but now they’ve finally reached that stage 😌💕!
Thank you so much Laura and I’m sending hugs and love to you 🥺💕!
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lyranova · 2 years
Okay! I read 23-25 and I'll try to summarize my thoughts on all ^^'
I really really really loved the whole scene between Zera and Alistair! She was so nice to him, and gave him a lot of motherly advice. And I love how now he'll know that his mom would be very supportive of his relationship with Hikari.
I was rolling on the floor when Zera mentioned about the Captain of the Golden Dawn being on her tail about every little thing, like she'd be some hardened criminal. Oh I just know that when he catches her, she'll give him a piece of her mind XD
The dynamic is just *chef's kiss*
The Witch Queeeeeeeeen! Oh damn I did not see the twist coming! Ezio with his true magic being the key to this!
But he really must have been so nervous about having to be in such prime light in something so big and influential. I could practically see him shaking.
And the choice of who goes into the future was also intriguing, but I'm sure that there is a reason for it.
The departure between Alikari was so touching, even if there is foreshadowing of something. I'll be eager to find out!
And the ending! Dun dun dun duuuuuuuuuuun
Lauraaaa 😭💕💕!!
Aaahhhh thank you I’m so glad you liked Alistar and Zera’s interaction 🥺💕! It was really fun to write and imagine them meeting since they weren’t able too and, in a way, I wonder if she felt some sort of “motherly” connection towards him and thats why she decided to give him some advice 👀. Oh yes she would 100% be supportive of Alistar and Hikari, she was probably taking bets on how long it would be before they got together hehe!
Ahwjsjah I’m so glad you loved their dynamic XD! Tbh I had so much fun imagining Zera and William’s first meeting and how much she thinks he’s just on her tail about everything when he most likely isn’t 😂! Oh she for sure will, I have a silly HC that she probably doesn’t even know what the Captain of the Golden Dawn looks like she just knows his name and that he’s on her case, but even so when she finds out ooof he’ll never hear the end of it 😂!
Yesss the Witch Queen!!! I actually had this idea for Ezio for a while, when I made him I was trying to find a magic that was a mixture of Vanessa and Finral’s and I stumbled across “Cosmic Threads” (there’s a bunch of articles on them they’re basically the thread of space according to an article) and it was similar I just made some minor adjustments hehe! But yess our Ezio is the key to all of it 😁!!
Oh yeah poor Ezio was shaking like a leaf I’m sure 😭, i mean he’s already intimidated by the Witch Queen so he was already shakey before she dropped this news on him. I imagine he looked just like Finral did in the Underwater Temple 😭!
Yee I have a reason for it being those five 👀, I was going to send more originally but that would have been a lot of ground to cover 😅, and I figured since those five were pretty central to the story I decided to send them to the future and leave the others in the past. Also it gives more content for the other families when I write the spin-off side stories hehe 👀😁!
Yess the Alikari moment 😭! I enjoyed writing that, because in a way it shows that Hikari, who is pretty strong and confident, even gets nervous sometimes! Ah yes the foreshadowing hehe 👀😈😂.
And the ending hehe, luckily in the next chapter will explain Botis a little more and you get to see what kind of devil he is 😁!
Thank you so much Laura and I’m so glad you enjoyed the chapters 🥺💕!!
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