#LAX town car services
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Make the Journey in a Lavish Car
We are specialized in providing luxurious service to high-end customers, our main focus is on a more quality-assured relationship with every client.
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dhampiravidi · 8 months
kool-aid: the zenith of society
It would be just her luck to be in one of the biggest cities in the US when the world ended. Everyone knew about the Colorado town that had fallen ill & then there was the chemical spill in the Mississippi, but people forgot about the 1st & of course, the government claimed to be fixing the 2nd tragedy. Next, the country fell sick. When other countries reported that their citizens were showing similar symptoms & dying, it became clear to the public that there was a problem. It was like all the other international crises: conspiracy theories, celebrities making social media posts, public service announcements...
Until certain people got powers & 75% of the world had died. All of a sudden, the global panic that already existed skyrocketed. Los Angeles definitely was impacted, seeing as how there were fires, looters & screaming everywhere. The hospitals were filled to capacity. & Jas needed food. She & her roommates had been sharing their last few snacks & bottled water (thank goodness they'd stocked up when they had), but then it turned out that Adrienne had been sneaking out to see her boyfriend (despite their quarantine agreement). Suddenly she was sick. Nancy followed soon after, since they shared a room. Jas tried her best to stay in her room, unable to fly out to see her parents (not like LAX would be safe anyway). Two days later, she realized she was hydrokinetic when she took a shower.
Anyway, Jas had packed a backpack with bottled water, a small First Aid kit, two books, a handheld notepad, all the cash she had left & her phone charger (actual cellphone held in her sweatshirt pocket). She had read about some kind of government or volunteer (unclear which) convoy going around, trying to help survivors by providing clean water, transportation & food. It was supposed to be going through the city, a 20-minute drive from her apartment.
Well, after getting into a car crash that sprained her non-dominant wrist, she had to walk alongside the freeway. She ended up in whatever area, tired but proud of herself. & all of a sudden, someone was poking a switchblade in her face, demanding her stuff. Jas froze, tears streaming down her cheeks as she quietly pleaded with them. Her powers couldn't help her; what were a few tears supposed to do?
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joe9cool · 2 years
Collide-Justin Herbert- 20
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A/N: This is fiction, I do not know the Chargers or anyone associated with them.
Luck was on her side.
She arrived at the airport, and found a flight to LAX pretty quickly. It was extra money, but she didn't care.
She had shut her phone off once she arrived. While she was in the uber her phone was going off with texts and calls. Mainly from her sisters and her mom.
Not a peep from her dad. 
She should have been shocked. This is how her dad was. Always stuck up for his sister. Wanted to have the perfect family look towards outsiders. 
She and her dad used to be close until she found her love for the theater. Then it was like her dad had nothing in common with her.  It was solidified when he told her he wasn't paying for her school,but when Willa's kid got in trouble he was right there.
She had gotten on the plane thankfully with her mask no one seemed to know who she was. 
The flight went smooth, and once she landed she found herself swarmed by paparazzi who were hanging out, looking for their big break. She didn't have her sunglasses, so she was blinded by the lights. The shouting by all the men surrounding her were starting to freak her out. While she was trying to get her luggage.
"How was your Holiday Sara?"
"Look My way Sara!"
"Welcome back!"
"Sara will you be attending Harry's concert at SoFi Sunday?"
"How do you feel about Harry and Olivia breaking up?"
It was all overwhelming, she felt her breathing get heavy. She was trapped, there was no ending in sight. 
"Guys please back up." She didn't know who said it. Tears were streaming down her face as cameras were getting closer. Her air was being taken up by all of these people
She was having an attack. She turned to see a camera go off in her face. Spots aligned her vision, next thing she knew she was on the ground."
I SAID GET THE FUCK OFF OF HER!" She was in tears now
Everyone began to back off and she saw an unfamiliar face. "Ms. Wozniak I am officer Ryan with airport security are you okay?" 
She nodded and he helped her get off the ground. "I am very sorry about that, they are not supposed to be here taking photos in the airport. Do you need me to call someone?"
She didn't know who to call, everyone was out of town. She had just planned on taking a taxi back to her place to get her car and then go to Justin's.
"I can call a bodyguard service for you if you'd like." She nodded and then finally spoke. "Thank you so much. I didn't think they would be that overwhelming."
He guided her to get her bags. "If you don't mind me asking why didn't you just take the personal tunnel?"
She didn't know why, sometimes she didn't feel like a celebrity despite being in the business for a few years. "I guess it didn't dawn on me," officer Ryan laughed.
"Well I will have you wait in the office. I can call the police and you can press charges if you like."
She shook her head, not wanting to draw any attention to herself. "No, I just want to get home please.
Of course whether she liked it or not, the videos were all over tmz and other news sites.
the  article, along with the full video were up. Before she knew it she was trending on twitter. The video sparking outrage, within minutes she had Heidi texting her about releasing a statement. She told her to hold off.
By the time she pulled up to her house. She had her manager Alex calling her about hiring a personal bodyguard. Her sisters called about what had gone down with Aunt Willa, and her mom asking if she was okay.
Nothing from her dad though
She went on twitter to see her mentions blowing up and she decided to tweet out a statement.
This afternoon was very scary as I was surrounded by strangers shouting and camera in my face. While I understand that these people have to make a living, and that I'm very blessed to have an amazing  career, there is a time and a place and that certainly wasn't it. I am okay and I hope these men learn from their mistakes.
She sent it to Heidi to look over and tweak it before posting it. Once she got the okay she sent it out as well as posted it on social media. 
She looked over at the time. Shit she forgot about the game. She quickly unpacked and put her clothes in the washer. She quickly dusted over everything while waiting for the first load. She put the game on her living room tv to catch the final three minutes. The Chargers were down by a touchdown.
"Shit!" She yelled as she ran back and forth to the laundry room.
The team was running out of time. They were getting close to the end zone with seconds left.
Then unlike the Chiefs game, They were in the touchdown.
She took a sigh of relief, at least they could go into overtime. The announcers  stated that they were going to do a 2 point attempt.
She couldn't sit, she watched them gather in the huddle.
"Herbert, looks, and throws, and HE GETS THE 2 POINTS! CHARGERS LEAD WITH 49 SECONDS TO GO!"
"WOO!!!" She screamed!! She was excited. Forget all the bullshit that happened with her family, forget the fact that she and dad might not ever speak again. This was huge. They won and played a great game.
In a good mood. She hurried up and finished the load as fast as she could. Granted it would be a while before Justin came home from Arizona but she wanted to be ready. She was turned on, she hadn't seen him in three weeks, three weeks without his touch, his smell, his moans in her ear. He was her happy place 
Her family didn't matter, she had her friends and Justin.
She ran around her house, no doubt going to be staying at his place for the week. Grabbing toiletries, lingerie, and some clothes (She would just steal his hoodies and live in them) she threw everything in suitcases. Making sure she had his house key he gave her before she left.
While she was stuck in traffic she decided to face the music and open up her text. She had one from Brent asking why her sister was bitching him out. She did feel bad about that. But she didn't think Tristan would say anything 
She quickly replied , apologizing for that one. Her mom wasn't that upset, she just wanted to know if Sara made it home and Apologized on behalf of Aunt Willa. Which was bullshit. Her sisters were upset over the whole thing and wanted peace within the family, but they understood their dad was in the wrong.
All Sara messaged was that she wouldn't speak unless aunt Willa was no longer around the family.
She didn't need that in her life. And while she was at it. She was pissed that Justin just ignored her for nearly a week. While she tried to be understanding, it was a dick move. 
The mood changed to wanting to bitch him out. Maybe it was the fight with her family, or the fact that she actually stood up for herself.
She arrived at Justin's house and began to unpack. She had picked  up pasta dishes from their favorite restaurant, not really into cooking after all the baking she did. She was pissed that she forgot those cookies.
Sara set herself up by color coordinating her shirts on her side of his closet, putting her pants in the dresser space he reserved for her. In the bathroom, she put her skincare and makeup products on the counter, though he would probably just move all her products to the plastic separators in the drawers by the sink.
Everything was set up, the food was in the fridge. She had a few bites of her food but wasn't really hungry.
It was late, and Justin should be home very soon. She wanted to wait up and make love when he came in, she was exhausted from traveling. After deciding what to wear (she settled on a sheer see through cami and little panties) she made herself comfortable underneath his sheet set and scrolled tik tok. She wished Nova was there to snuggle with her, but she was at the catsitter.  Sara almost texted Justin asking to pick her up but she wanted to surprise him. Despite the earlier paparazzi fiasco, she doubted that he saw the video.
Which reminded her, Joey did. He was one of her messages asking if she was okay. He said he saw her posts on Instagram and that made him look up what happened. She just replied that she was fine and thanks for the concern.
After a few more minutes she fell asleep.
Justin was exhausted.
The win was chaotic, it was crazy.
It felt fucking good.
So good in fact, he was out to greet fans at the stadium after a shower and post game celebrations. He was talking and joking around with his teammates on the bus and plane. He didn't feel the crash until he was on his way to his manager's house to pick up the cat. He almost messaged Ashley asking to hold her one more night, but he didn't want to extend her stay and inconvenience her, though he was sure Ashley, or his cat, would have no objections
Once Nova was in her carrier with her essentials, he made the drive back home pulling into his garage; he didn't notice Sara's Mercedes. 
Nor did he notice her suitcase where she usually has it.
He was hungry, and he should probably eat something before bed.  He opened the fridge and saw his favorite dish.
Justin tore open the container and began devouring it, it was still warm like it had just been ordered. 
Which was weird. He was confused. 
How did the container of food get here?
He saw Nova sniffing around, and she darted into the bedroom. Justin's eyes landed on the suitcase.
She was here. Justin practically threw the leftovers into the fridge before following Nova, who was resting on Sara's chest. A habit that annoyed Justin because Nova wasn't a skinny girl.
Sara didn't even flinch with the weight. "Nova get off." He whispered. The cat glared at him as if to say "make me"
He did his nighttime routine, hoping Sara didn't wake up but he was so excited she was here. He was just going to text her about picking her up and she was here.
Once he was stripped down to his shorts, he slid in next to her on the bed. Nova, annoyed that her owner was here, hopped off Sara's chest, using her boob as a launch pad. That woke her up, she stirred. "Ow, what the-"
Justin threw an arm around her waist and scooted her close to him. He kissed her cheek. "I'm sorry Nova wanted to see her favorite person, didn't like it when I joined." He moved to her lips and she reciprocated for a few seconds but pulled away. "I'm mad at you."
He let out a hmm and moved to her jaw with the kisses. "Over what?"
"The bullshit you pulled last week's after the Chiefs game."
"I don't want to remember that game thank you." He pushed his lips to her neck but she pushed him away and sat up. "Well too bad because you ghosting me for nearly a week was not cool. I was worried sick."
He sat up. "I was in a shit mood, I mean can you blame me?" She shook her head. "I know you Justin, I get Sunday, maybe Monday, but I had to reach out to you." 
He sighed, knowing she was right. "You're right, I'm sorry. It was something I just always did. After a bad game. I tend to just forget and come around when I'm ready. It was not acceptable." He kissed her cheek. "Forgive me?"
She crossed her Arms. "Why should I? And what are you going to do to make sure it doesn't happen again?"
He smiled. "Well, I can send you texts throughout the day to let you know how I'm feeling."
She nodded "well that's a start. Also if you don't feel like talking all you have to do is say something. I get it, I have those days too where ya don't feel like you want to talk. Shut people out, but you can't do that one hundred percent."
He nodded. "I understand and I'm sorry." He kissed her again. "I'm sorry I worried you. I promise I will be better."
She smiled. "Thank you." She laid back down. "Not that I'm not glad you're here, but I thought you were home tomorrow. I was gonna get you flowers and all."
"I would still like some flowers, thank you very much." He laughed. "I'll get you roses, your favorite. So why are you home early?"
She thought about what transpired over the past few days. "I started a fight with my dad, and I think we are permanently estranged."
He wasn't expecting that answer out of her. "Wait what? What do you mean?"
She told him everything, all of Aunt Willa's and Uncle George's comments. Being left out, that her aunt told her she should have commit suicide. Justin wiped her tears as she told the ending. 
Justin saw red, he was pissed. How could her family be so dumb? Here was this amazing, talented girl and they said the most awful things to her. He shook his head. "You're Aunt is a fucking bitch, and you're dad has no spine. You deserve better than that. They're jealous you know that right?"
She laughed. "Please Justin."
"No, listen to me, you are beautiful, intelligent, and you know what you want out of life. You don't need anyone, you love people for themselves, and for some reason, you love a hard head like me." He wiped the tears off her face. "I love you Sara, and I'm sorry your family can't appreciate what an amazing person you are."
She was smiling through her tears. "I love you too, even though you piss me off sometimes."
He laughed. "I know I got to work on that."
She kissed him and he relaxed into it. Their tongues wrestling for dominance. Of course Justin won, he got on top of her and she ran her fingers through his hair which he enjoyed. They broke apart the kiss.
"Make love to me." He smiled. "Who am I to deny your request?"
They got lost in each other, both finishing strong and breathless. He collapsed on top of her, still inside of her. Sweat stuck their skin together. "I got to get off, I'm crushing you." He tried to move but she wrapped herself around him. "I like you crushing me."
"I like crushing you too, '' he smiled at Sara and kissed her. "I'm not letting you go, I'm tying you to my bed." She laughed. "Oh like a personal sex slave. I like it."
He rolled his eyes. "Dirty girl." He rolled off her and pulled her close to him. She looked up. "Hey Justin?"
"Yes baby?"
"Are your ribs okay? I know you told a reporter that you felt them move when you threw." She shuddered. "That has to feel weird.
He laughed. "I mean it does, but it's part of the game." She nodded and snuggled up to him. Sara tried to fall asleep but she couldn't, she knew Justin too well to know that there was something on his mind. " What are you thinking about?"
"You said that your Aunt Willa told you you should've followed through on… suicide. What happened with that?"
She looked up at him and noticed the concern in his eyes. "It was freshman year of high school. I just joined the theater and was accelerating. I finally found something I was good at. Something that I loved. However, I was bullied for it by not only my classmates, but also some close friends of the family. My aunt  and uncle told me it was a waste of time, that my sisters were all doing something that would help them get into college."
She took a deep breath. "My whole life it was always. 'Well your sisters are skinny, short and athletic. What the hell happened to you? You're certainly not a Wozniak.' They would always say it as a joke. But it hurts, you know?" 
Justin shook his head. "That's not a joke, Sara. You have to stop thinking about it that way."
"My dad always said they never meant anything . If I tried to fight back I was being a brat and to never disrespect my elders. My sisters never reacted this way, so why am I causing trouble? But they never got teased like I did. It was hard, because I would go to school, get made fun of. Then go home and get told that I better get my grades in math up because real careers need that grade. There was no peace." The tears came back. Justin wiped them with his fingers. "You don't have to tell me anything if it's too hard." She shook her head. "I was just depressed. My older sisters were all in school, so I couldn't confide in them. Any friends I did have, weren't really as well off as I was, even Erika, who would tell me that at least I had a nice room and house to come home to. I was well aware financially I had everything at my fingertips. But emotionally I was lost. Plus my parents were not coming to my plays. Every event of Katie, Brittany's, or Alyssa's was celebrated. Me it was just "Oh we will go out to dinner sometime.""One night I just felt numb, it wasn't all of the sudden, I was being destructive with sleeping, eating etc and I told Erika that life didn't feel worth it. Unbeknownst to me she told the school counselor, and I was admitted for a seventy two hour hold."He held her tighter, he didn't know anything about this and it was devastating that Sara had gotten to that place. "All of that and your family couldn't see they were the problem.""It's not really my sister's fault, they weren't around, and we have a really close relationship. My mom does try her hardest, my dad and Aunt Willa… I don't know what to say about them. Alyssa's husband Brent is amazing. He's like the big brother I never had. He and my sister were  together since middle school and Aunt Willa would constantly try to tear them apart. She didn't like the fact that he's an athlete."
Justin was silent, the pieces coming together. "So that's why you didn't tell them about me."
"It's one, but not the main. My family is big mouthed. One word of a boyfriend and then dads business associates know, my aunt's and uncles know, cousins know. We have a large circle of friends that I grew up with, so they would know. Eventually it would be tipped to the press. Justin, I don't know if we are ready for thar. It's a new world."
Justin nodded and kissed her shoulder. "I understand." He smiled. "Let's run away together and buy a cabin deep in the Forest of Oregon. I can hunt, fish, and you cook and take care of our young."
Sara snorted and busted out laughing and Justin joined in. "We can move to a small-town area like Twilight. By the way, I would like to go to Portland someday." She looked at him. "Next trip?"
He groaned. "Not the twilight reference!" She laughed. "Come on, you were paying attention when the marathon was on!" He was silent. "Vampires don't sparkle in the sunlight, they are supposed to burn." He muttered. 
The rest of the night they talked about any and everything before falling asleep in each other's arms.
"Now it's three in the morning and I'm trying to change your mind. Left you multiple missed calls and to my message you reply ``why do you only call me when you're high." Sara sang while making her omelet. Justin had left for the facility a few hours ago and Sara was going up there for a workout since no media was there on Mondays. 
She felt safe here. After their discussion about her family last night, among their childhoods and other things they were closer than ever. Granted Justin didn't have a childhood anything like hers. But they did bond over things they grew up with. (They both agreed that McDonald's snack wraps needed to make a comeback)
The sound of Arctic Monkeys was interrupted when her phone began ringing. She groaned until she saw Ann-Sophie's name pop up. She felt bad, because she hadn't seen her since Lexi's birthday party. She picked up. "Hello Miss Annie to what due to owe this pleasure too?"
"Well I wanted to surprise you, but I've been hanging out in your house for like 2 hours and you're not here. " Sara gasped. "Oh my god! I'm actually at Justin's. Come over here!" AnnSophie stayed with Sara when she visited LA. It worked out because she would have all the whole house to herself and her daughter while Sara stayed with Justin.
She was excited to have one of her best friends back in Los Angeles. Since she and Bella are models, they reside in NYC. Sometimes Sara will go down with the blonde to visit her parents in Ft. Lauderdale. Her mother was a German Olympic skier, her father was a Swedish Businessman who passed away when she was eleven, so they family had money. 
Sara sped up the process to get ready. She wondered if she could take Annie to the gym with her. She sent a text to Justin.
Hey babe my friend is in town, can she come with me to the facility gym?
J: um sure, come in a few hours when we are out on the field.
He gave her the address and the instructions. Once Ann Sophie arrived they hugged and caught up. Sara told her best friend all about her Thanksgiving weekend.  
"Speaking of the family. Where is the Queen?" Referring to little Lexi.
"She's in Florida with my mom for the week. George was supposed to take her but he's had some issues on tour." AnnSophie rolled her eyes. Sara frowned "He hasn't seen her since her second birthday in October."
"Thank you. But he has time for Charlie. I saw those vacation pictures in Mexico. Asshole." Sara thought George was able to be a father to his daughter, despite his womanizing ways that led to the breakup. Guess not.
"Well I got something that will cheer you up. Come on. I told you to wear gym wear for a reason." Sara grabbed her friends hand and dragged her out the door.
"Good lord this is a view." The blonde breathed while they were on the treadmill, the workout facility overlooking the practice field. They saw the guys doing their drills and throwing among other things.
Sara was shamelessly ogling Justin. "I hope he remembered his sunscreen." The blonde next to her giggled. "I just wish they'd take off their shirts." They both burst into giggles like teens at a sleepover.
Then a familiar voice interrupted them. "Well who is this?" 
Sara turned around to see Joey in his workout clothes. "Hey Joey! This is my friend." AnnSophie turned around and her and Joey went still.
Joey broke the silence. "Annie?"
She smiled. "Joseph."
Sara looked back and forth confused. "You two know each other?"
AnnSophie nodded. "We went to St. Augustine together."
A light dawned on Sara. "Oh! I knew you were both from Fort Lauderdale I just didn't think…" She trailed off feeling the mood of the room change. It was tension, but almost sexual? "So were you guys friends or have any classes together?" Knowing they were the same age.
AnnSophie nodded. "Yeah, we had a couple classes, had some mutual friends but that's it." Joey laughed sarcastically.
"Yeah no big deal."
Sara was lost. She knew her best friend knew about the Chargers and Sara mentioned Joey, but surely AnnSophie would have mentioned that they knew each other. There definitely was a history there.
"Soooo." Sara trailed off. "Are you doing your rehab here Joey?"
He nodded, still not taking his eyes off AnnSophie. "Yeah, if that's okay. Justin mentioned you coming but I didn't know what for."
AnnSophie smiled. "Well Joseph don't let me stop you. I know how important fitness is to you." She looked up and down his body.. Joey smiled, eyes on her body. "Well Ms. Supermodel I know it's important to you as well. I mean you were always flexible in high school." He licked his lips.
Sara wanted to burst out laughing but she also wanted to leave. She turned up the speed and began a light jog. Joey turned his back towards the girls and began his stretches. He was wearing a form fitting quick dry sleeveless tank, long blonde hair pulled back by a headband. Sara had to admit he looked good.
AnnSophie couldn't take her eyes off his body. Sara just wanted to break the tension. "So Joey, how is Kailey? You haven't told me how your date went."
She quickly realized that was not something to say. Her friend sort of woke up from the daze she was in and began to pay  attention to her phone.
Joey continued his focus on his workouts. "It's going well. I guess you could say we are steady. She was over my place last night." He turned to Ann-Sophie. "I want to Congratulate you and your boyfriend on your daughter. I'm sure she's beautiful." 
Either Joey was aloof or he was trying to see if she was in a relationship. "Well thank you, but I'm raising her, her sperm donor only comes around when he wants to look like a good dad in the papers." She was blunt about it.
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that.  I'm sure you're doing a great job raising her by yourself."
She nodded. "Damn straight, it's just me and her." 
Sara wanted to look into a camera like it was the office.
The rest of the workout was awkward, it turned into Joey teaching the girls some of his football workouts. They were all on separate mats following Joey's instructions for weights when Justin walked in. He was lost. "What's going on?"
Sara got up. "Joey is teaching  me and Annie workouts. AnnSophie, you remember Justin." She nodded towards him. "Hey Justin, how are you?"
"I'm good, thank you. Well I just wanted to see if you made it here okay. I tried texting you but…. " He trailed off. Sara wanted to tell him. "Justin, show me where the snacks are. I need a refuel."  She grabbed his hand and led him to the hallway.
"Has Joey mentioned anything about knowing AnnSophie in high-school?" Justin shook his head. "No. Why-"
"It turns out they went to the same high school and apparently they knew each other.  They are Trying to play it off but something went down between them." He shook her head. "It's like he suddenly forgot about Kailey when I asked him."
"Who's Kailey and how do you know about that?"
"He was texting me asking for advice about a first date. We exchange messages." This wasn't how she wanted to tell Justin, but it had to come out.
His eyebrows raised to his hairline. "Oh. I didn't realize you two were close." She shrugged. "Just over music and products." She kissed him. "Nothing to worry about. It's your dick I suck." She laughed as Justin's cheeks turned pink. "Fucking dirty." He groaned. "As long as you're just friends, " She nodded."I promise. Now help me get down to the bottom of this."
He smiled. "Babe, I'm not asking about his high school crush or whatever she was." She pouted and he mimicked her teasing. 
"Sara!" They turned to see AnnSophie coming  towards them. "Um Stephanie called she has time for training if you want to go."
Justin was confused. "Training for what?"
Sara smiled. "I'm walking the fenty runway in January!"
"That's great babe! I'm happy for you!" He was proud of his girl. He knew she struggled with body image so he was a little worried about putting herself on the line like this. But now was not the time or place to voice those concerns.
They said goodbye, with number 97s eyes on their backs.
Why was Bosa texting Sara?
It was on his mind while watching videos. He remembered the barbecue where Joey was very obviously attracted to her. So what was that about? How long had he been doing this? And what was said in those messages?
As they finished up meetings and practices he felt himself staring at the defender the entire time. He wasnt a confrontational guy, however this was eating him up.
He approached Bosa by his locker. Joey looked up. "Oh hey Jus-"
"Why are you texting Sara?" He cut straight to the point. The defenseman was confused. "I messaged her on Instagram because she's cool, and I consider her a friend."
 Justin's eyes narrowed suspiciously. "So you mean to tell me there was no flirting?"
Joey looked down at his shoes. "Well I would try, it was more of teasing. But this was before I knew anything was serious, I thought you were still seeing Taylor as well."
Justin was mad, but also confused. "What made you think I was still seeing Taylor?"
"I mean, she was coming around all the time acting like you two were still an item. Sara never reciprocated anything. Just liked posts. I told her about Kailey when you guys were in Oregon just asking for date advice. That was the end of it."
Justin nodded. He was pissed but he felt like it wasn't justified. The time of the barbecue was when he was still sorta leading Sara on. Granted, he wasn't involved with Taylor but still. Without another word to Joey he walked out of the locker room.
Training was getting a bit easier. Between the weight loss and practicing she was starting to look like a runway model. Of course AnnSophie who was an actual model and walked for plenty of designers was graceful with her catwalk. Not to mention she was 5'11 so she was able to swing her hips.
Practice ended a bit earlier because her friend had gotten a call from her mother saying that Lexi was running a high fever. Sara hoped it wasn't too serious for Ann-Sophie to fly down to Florida. She didn't really get to spend much time with her, especially since her God daughter was born.
They decided to meet up for lunch and shopping the next day and Sara headed to the grocery store and some other errands before going  back to Justin's. She was surprised to pull up and see his car in the garage. Practice must have ended early.
Hands full, she entered the kitchen and set the bags down on the island. Justin was on the couch watching television. She smiled when she saw his favorite impractical jokers. She walked up behind him and kissed his cheek. "Hey baby."
"Why didn't you tell me you texted Bosa? And that he was flirting with you?" 
Oh shit.
What could she do? Tell the truth. "It was early on, like little jokes. I never responded to it."
He turned towards her, his face hard. "But you acknowledged it was flirting, and didn't tell me."
She sighed. "I thought I had it under  control. Plus he's your teammate, I didn't want to come in between you. He has Kailey now."
Justin stood up. "So let me guess this straight, you go behind my back with a teammate and don't think it's important to tell me."
She felt ashamed. "I didn't mean to, I swear. When it first started that was when we're in this fragile place. I turned to him for support. It was shitty and wrong and I'm sorry." She walked over and grabbed her phone out of her bag. She opened Instagram and threw the device on the couch. "Here look at it."
Justin stared at the phone. Feeling guilty, she was telling the truth like Bosa was. "When you say you didn't want to start a conflict, is that because of what you've been taught by your family?"
She nodded. "I guess. I'm not perfect at relationships either. This is new to me as well"
He smiled. Her using the exact same line he gave her. " I'm still annoyed but I get it. I can't get mad."
And he really couldn't because he realized he was a dick during that time. Also there was the incident with Taylor.
Sara smiled and wrapped her arms around him. "I'm insecure and I'm sorry." He smiled down at her. "We grow and learn from this, you know? If we ever have an issue we talk it out." She nodded. "If Joey texts me again, you'll be the first to know." 
He nodded. She continued. "Mike sends me memes on Instagram. I might do a video game session with him?"
Justin was stunned. "Wait a minute, I thought you only watched me play video games?"
She giggled. "I can only play super Mario smash brothers and kiddie games. I'll watch the other games." Justin smiled. There was still so much to discover about his girl.
But he trusted her, and he wanted to find out everything.
"So, you want to tell me what's going on with you and Joseph?" Sara mimicked her friend's voice as they unpacked their large sushi order. They decided to order takeout and go back to her place after seeing the large amount of paparazzi out and about. They managed to snag a few photos of the girls but that was all. Sara was glad she put some makeup on. Of course AnnSophie, despite being dressed down, still looked glam in all of her designer clothes.
"Sara please. I told you we went to high school and had a few classes. That was it."
Sara decided to be bold. "Then why did it look like the moment I would walked out the room yall would have fucked all over the room?"
The blonde choked and coughed on her roll before taking a swig of tea and glaring at Sara. "I was just ogling him like you were Justin?"
"That's different, he's my boyfriend. You two, there was some history there. He wanted to rip your clothes off."
AnnSophie looked down at the food. "We had a bit of a fling in high school." She admitted. 
Sara's jaw dropped, not actually believing her friend admitting it. "No fucking way! I can't see it."
AnnSophie was shocked. "What do you mean?"
"Well he always said he got teased for his big nose."
There was a sly smile on the blonde's face. "I wasn't complaining when I sat on his face."
It was Sara's turn to choke on her food. "Get the fuck out! How come I never knew this!"
AnnSophie shrugged. "I didn't really tell anyone." 
"What happened?"
"I left high school to move to NYC to pursue modeling." There was another reason. Sara knew her best friend too well, but she didn't pry.
A knock on the door interrupted them. Peeping out the peephole she opened the door to see a big purple box with "Savage x Fenty on it.
"Ooh look at it!" She grabbed the box and was only able to push it so far. It was heavy. AnnSophie got off the barstool as Sara tore it open and reviewed an extensive amount of purple glitter and packaging before uncovering all the different lingerie sets. "This is what we must be wearing at the shoot and the fashion show!" It was lace with leather. There were some practical everyday sets but some incredibly sexy.
Smiling, she told AnnSophie her Xmas gift for Justin. Her friend volunteered to photograph and coordinate the plans. She could do Sara's hair and makeup and turn the basement into a studio.
It worked perfectly because no one knew about it except her friends.
Oh yeah it was foolproof.
A/N: So the Joey thing, I have an idea for a spinoff so the drama between his friendship with Sara will be minimum. They are good friends and that is all, Joey has a change of heart, especially after seeing Annie again.
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eckswizi · 2 years
For those of us out there who long for good rapid transit and walkable cities in car-centric North America, it can be really easy to doomscroll and it can seem that America is completely incapable of divorcing itself from car culture. But I want to let you all know: right now, at the end of 2022, it’s a great time for rapid transit. So much new construction is going on as we speak, and many new projects are almost finished. I want to go through some of the new projects that have opened over the past 12 months, or will open sometime in the next 12 months, and I want to remind you all that good transit is possible, and is becoming more of a reality with each passing day.
Here’s the most significant new construction from the past year:
The DC Metro finally opened Phase 2 of the Silver Line extension, a long awaited line that extends the DC Metro into a well populated part of Virginia. Additionally, the extension has a station at Dulles International Airport, one of the most major airports in the country.
The Los Angeles Metro opened the first half of the new Crenshaw Line (aka the K line), adding a whole new line and 6 new stations (7, counting the new lower level at the existing Expo/Crenshaw station). The new K line returns service to an area of Los Angeles that had not seen passenger rail service in several decades. The second half of the extension is still under construction, and will connect the K line to the existing C Line as well as LAX.
San Francisco’s MUNI Metro, the system that operates SFs light rail, trolley, and cable car systems, opened their brand new Central Subway. The Central Subway travels roughly North-South through the heart of the city, perpendicular to the existing Market Street Subway. The new subway line will provide service to the densely populated but underserved Chinatown neighborhood, among others.
A whole new system opened this year! Honolulu just opened the Honolulu Rail Transit, operated by the HART, is the first major rail rapid transit in the US to feature platform screen doors and driverless trains.
The MBTA (Boston) just opened the final phase of their Green Line Extension! The GLX, as it is called, brings rapid transit service to the heart of the densely populated town of Somerville, MA. 7 new stations opened as a result of the extension, with one station being rebuilt entirely!
During the summer, Amtrak extended its Ethan Allen Express route to Burlington, Vermont, with two stations in between. The extension returned intercity rail service to Burlington Union Station and the heart of the city for the first time in about 50 years!
The Long Island Rail Road (LIRR; NYC), North American’s busiest regional rail system, completed a project which improved its mainline by adding a third track. The third track is a much needed improvement that allows for more efficient and frequent train operation on a heavily used corridor.
Tempe, Arizona opened a downtown streetcar earlier in the year. The line goes around downtown, and makes the city center more easily walkable, as well connecting to the Phoenix Valley Metro.
Minneapolis opened their new D Line BRT service, a rapid bus service that is but a small part of a massive ongoing transit plan for the Twin Cities
Chicago opened a new flyover junction for the Brown Line, which will speed up and improve service on the Brown, Red, & Purple Lines
A whole new system is opening soon! Honolulu, Hawaii is soon to open the first phase of their new driverless elevated rapid transit. It will be the first non-tourist passenger rail in the state in several decades!
The LIRR will soon open a massive new underground line that allows trains to access Grand Central Terminal in the heart of Manhattan. The new terminal will also relieve pressure from the over crowded Penn Station.
The NYC Subway (MTA) has received its first shipments of its new R211 subway trains, which will be a much needed new fleet of modern rolling stock. The new trains will fill the gap left by the retirement of the 59 year old R32s. Additionally, the MTA also received several sets of the R211T, a variation on the R211 which includes an open gangway between subway cars, like an accordion/bendy-bus.
Seattle’s Link Rapid Transit is currently making major progress on several new extensions, with most of them estimated to open around 2024. The existing line will be extended in both directions. Additionally, the existing line will be complimented by a second line! There will be a total of nineteen (19!!!) new stations, as well as six (6) new stations on the Tacoma Streetcar!
CalTrain, a commuter/regional rail system that serves the San Francisco peninsula, is electrifying their system. When completed, it will bring faster, quieter, and more eco-friendly rail service to the SF Peninsula. Ignoring rapid transit, CalTrain will host the first electrified main line passenger trains to operate west of the Mississippi in several decades.
The TTC (Toronto) is currently making huge progress on their newest train line, the Line 5 Eglinton. It is a brand new light rail line that will have 24 stations along Eglinton Ave in Toronto, and will have connections to the Line 1, Line 2, and Line 3.
The TTC is also constructing the Line 6 Finch, another brand new light rail line north of Toronto! It will run west from the Line 1 along Finch Ave, and will have 18 new stations!
Montreal’s new REM (Réseau express métropolitain / Metropolitan Express Network) is almost ready to open its first phase! The REM is a new light metro line that has one line and three branches, with twenty-six (26!!!) new stations. The line will connect downtown to the airport and several major suburbs.
The MBTA is currently constructing a new commuter rail line that, on two branches, will provide service to Fall River and New Bedford, two notable cities on the south coast of Massachusetts.
Vancouver’s Skytrain is currently working on a massive new expansion of their Millenium Line to travel west and serve a densely populated but previously underserved section of the city.
The LA Metro is currently working on a new subway tunnel through downtown that will connect the A, E, and L lines. When the project is completed, the E and L will be merged into one line.
Mexico City is currently constructing a new commuter train to traverse the heavily traveled corridor between Mexico City and Toluca.
Construction is currently ongoing for the Southwest LRT Line in Minneapolis, a large extension to the currently underserved southwestern parts of the Twin Cities
Calgary is currently most of the way through construction on their new Green Line, which will be the third Light Rail line to serve the region.
Ottawa’s Trillium Line is currently closed for modernization and is expected to reopen this year
Chicago has an ongoing project to overhaul the infrastructure on the aging Red and Purple Lines
Additionally, there have been *countless* new stations constructed and a multitude of other minor construction projects that will have some major effects. Here’s some highlights:
The SEPTA (Philadelphia) added Wawa station to its regional rail system
The MBTA is currently most of the way through construction on a new station to serve the city of Pawtucket, Rhode Island
In the fall, the LIRR opened a new station called Elmont-UBS Arena
NYC Ferry established a new service to Coney Island
A new platform at Baltimore Penn Station
Much, much more
Lastly, let’s not forget the fact that a massive number of new transit lines and rail extensions have opened over the past few years, including major openings all over the country. I’ve definitely forgot something, and the fact that I have is because there is so much that has come out of 2022. We’ve come a long way, but we still have a long way to go. From where we are, rail transport and public transit in North America is only going to improve, and I can’t wait.
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Day 21, Friday, June 16: Mitchell to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to Luverne and Magnolia and Worthington and Mankato and Kenyon and Rochester, Minnesota. 480 km.
Mitchell, South Dakota is the county seat of Davison County, South Dakota. The population was 15,660 at the 2020 census, making it the sixth most populous city in South Dakota. Its primary claim to fame is the Corn Palace, a Moorish Revival, multi-purpose arena decorated with crop art; the murals and designs covering the building are made from corn and other grains, with a new design is constructed each year.
As I pull out of Mitchell, I set my Garmin to "avoid highways" and spend much of the rest of the day oriented towards Rochester, Minnesota, but essentially lost, all in an effort to avoid the Interstate.
I know that I started out on State Road 38 heading east towards Fulton and ended up in Alexandria, where I caught the 262 to Sioux Falls. Sioux Falls is probably most well known today for its 1500' waterfalls but at the turn of the last century, it was better known as the divorce capital of the US on account of its lax divorce laws.
14 miles later, I hit the Minnesota border. The sights that great me are typical Minnesota - corn, soybeans, trains, wind turbines, and solar panels. If you look carefully, you can see where they have separated the sitting train cars to make throughways for roadways and farmers' lanes.
While many of the small towns along the route consist of a set of grain elevators and a few houses and service buildings, many, in fact, are quite lovely. The entry to Luverne, for instance, is tree lined with beautiful classic wooden homes and, of course, old glory flying proud.
Another lovely small town is Magnolia, founded in 1891 and with a current population of 222.
Just after midday, I pull in to Mankato and Google "all day breakfast." Bakers Square shows up, and I stop in for my daily coffee and eggs. Breakfast for lunch. I just love being retired.
I leave Mankota and hit the home stretch towards Rochester. When I leave, my phone says I should be there in less than two hours. As I ride on, however, my Garmin puts me at well over two and a half hours. That's it. I check my phone to find out where I am and turn off my Garmin. Tonight, I'm going to figure out how to regulate my Garmin's enthusiasm for keeping me off the Interstates.
In the meantime, my phone turns me back southeastward and a more respectable arrival time. Another small town I encounter on the route is Kenyon on State Road 56 into Rochester and the location of Gunderson House.
A member of the National Register of Historic Places, Gunderson House, was built in 1895 for M. T. Gunderson (who brought electricity to the area) in the beautiful Queen Anne style, which would stand out anywhere, but particularly in this small town of pop 1,898. It's amazing to think that this amazing wooden house is over 125 years old.
I push on, and finally, around dinner time, I hit Rochester. It has been another fascinating and exhilarating day on the road. But I'm ready to get off the bike, give it its daily bath, and find myself a cold beer.
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orphancookie69 · 1 year
4/2023: Redmond, OR!
I recently had my Great Grandfather on my (biological) dad’s side of the family pass away. In life, he chose to make Oregon his home. If you have seen any of my previous Oregon trip posts, they were to see him. While it is a sad reason as a family to gather, gather we must. 
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4/14 Day 1: 
Flying compared to driving is so much shorter, but for me I just don’t like flying. We flew out of Burbank Airport on Avelo. Decent flight. Picked up a rental car, what better test drive right? Had lunch locally at Mo’s Egg House in Redmond, really good. The local hole in the walls when you leave town tend to have the best people too. Then we checked into Shilo Inns Hotel in Bend. We have stayed here before, but this time was the worst experience and it will be the last. We went to the viewing for my great grandfather. The day before a burial, the funeral parlor will place the body in a room so you can see them one last time. Some people do casket open, some closed. In some ways, it is good to see him one more time but...to think that cleaned up corpse is the last visual you have on the person is a little rough. We all went back to the hotel, and needed a meal and a drink. We went to Blacksteer Steakhouse & Saloon in Bend. Kind of a hipster place, but not bad. Came back and prepared for a long day to come. 
4/15 Day 2:
Everyone woke up at different times, by the time I was awake-I had breakfast waiting for me. There was a local donut shop, and they made a jelly donut but it was like a normal round donut with jelly in the center. Wonderful. We went to the ceremony and burial. The church service was terrible. Behind the scenes, there was debate about what not to say-what to say-who says it. Death brings out the worst in families. But man, no one was happy with that service. One of our party spoke, and it was beautiful. No one else spoke though. Someone else had arranged for a medal he earned in life to be pinned on him in death by the navy. We walked to the grave site. There was a military salute, a masonic send off, and it was an honorable service. We all gathered at a local family members home for reception. Those kind of events are odd-on one hand you want to see people you most likely are never going to see again. The other, you have a man who in death his two families collided. We came back to the hotel, and swam a bit in the pool. There is a local diner there, Shari’s, and it is so good. We got dinner and a pie. We came back, with plans to visit some beloved local things we usually hit when up here. 
4/16 Day 3:
The next day we stopped by the local McDonalds for breakfast. Then hit the road for Sisters, OR. There is so much cute shopping up there! I may have forgotten I only have a carry on to bring all the items back with me, but I made it work. We had lunch at Sister’s Saloon. We came back to the hotel, and unfortunately had issues with the degenerating hotel experience and someone walked in on one of our party while they were in the room. We had no cooperation from the hotel in resolving the matter, and filed a police report. We went to bed, preparing to fly out early in the morning. 
4/17 Day 4:
Woke up early, and gassed up the car. Did you know that Oregon is still one of those states that you can’t fill up your own gas? We dropped the rental car off, and boarded the plane. We took Alaska Airlines to LAX. Decent flight. Came back, and had to get ready for another trip. 
What did I learn from this trip? A lot. From the fact that I saw the family when I was little but have no recollection of it? That my family problems are not as bad as others? That funerals suck? That I want to be a mason? To always be safe rather than sorry, and lock your luggage? Am I glad I went? Yeah, but man-I could use a vacation. 
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callmydriverla · 1 month
Hire town car service in Los Angeles
Experience affordable luxury with Call My Driver, your premier Los Angeles town car service for all your travel needs. Whether you're planning corporate events, airport transfers, or personal travel, we offer a luxurious town car service in Los Angeles to ensure you arrive in style and comfort.
We specialize in providing the best transportation to all major airports in Los Angeles, including LAX, Burbank, and Long Beach. Our fleet of luxury town cars is perfect for any occasion, whether you're heading to a business meeting, catching a flight, or celebrating a special event. Our skilled drivers will ensure that you get to your destination promptly and safely.
We cater to the greater Los Angeles area, offering a variety of services to meet your specific needs. Our service is ideal for direct transfers, while our hourly service gives you the flexibility to have a car and driver at your disposal for as long as you need. Our special occasion services ensure that your experience is as memorable as it is comfortable.
Our commitment to providing outstanding service with an emphasis on dependability and client happiness makes us proud. Our drivers are not only skilled navigators but also understand the importance of professionalism, providing you with a superior travel experience every time. Reserve your luxury town car today and experience the utmost comfort and convenience. Whether you need a ride to the airport, a corporate event, or a special night out, Call My Driver is here to meet all your transportation needs in Los Angeles. Call us at 310-592-2720 to book your ride and enjoy the ultimate in luxury and reliability with Call My Driver.
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medixtransportation · 2 months
Efficient and Reliable Palmdale Transportation Services
Palmdale, located in the Antelope Valley of Southern California, is a thriving community that demands robust transportation solutions. Whether you need a ride to the airport, a medical appointment, or simply around town, Palmdale transportation services offer a variety of options to meet your needs. This article explores the benefits of using local transportation services in Palmdale and highlights why MedixTransportation.com is the go-to solution.
Comprehensive Transportation Options
Palmdale transportation services are diverse, catering to a wide range of needs. From private car services to shuttle buses and specialized medical transport, residents and visitors can find a service that suits their specific requirements.
Airport Transfers
Traveling to and from the airport can be stressful, but Palmdale transportation services provide reliable airport transfer options. Whether you're flying out of Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) or a regional airport, you can book a ride that ensures timely arrival and departure, eliminating the hassle of parking and navigating busy terminals.
 Medical Transport Services
For individuals needing transportation to medical appointments, MedixTransportation.com offers specialized services. These include non-emergency medical transport, ensuring patients arrive safely and comfortably at their destinations. This service is especially beneficial for those with mobility issues or requiring special care during transit.
Benefits of Using Palmdale Transportation Services
Opting for professional transportation services in Palmdale comes with numerous advantages. Here are a few reasons why you should consider using these services:
Convenience and Comfort
Palmdale transportation services prioritize the comfort and convenience of their passengers. With well-maintained vehicles and professional drivers, you can enjoy a stress-free ride to your destination. Booking services online or via phone makes the process seamless and efficient.
Safety and Reliability
Safety is a top priority for transportation services in Palmdale. Vehicles undergo regular maintenance, and drivers are trained to provide safe and reliable service. This is particularly important for medical transport, where patient safety is paramount.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Using local transportation services can be more cost-effective than owning a vehicle, especially when considering maintenance, fuel, and parking expenses. Many Palmdale transportation providers offer competitive rates and various pricing options to suit different budgets.
Why Choose MedixTransportation.com?
MedixTransportation.com stands out as a leading provider of transportation services in Palmdale. Here's why:
Specialized Medical Transport
MedixTransportation.com focuses on non-emergency medical transportation, ensuring patients receive the care and attention they need during transit. Their fleet is equipped to handle various medical conditions, providing peace of mind to patients and their families.
Professional and Experienced Drivers
The team at MedixTransportation.com consists of experienced and professional drivers dedicated to providing top-notch service. They understand the unique needs of their passengers and are trained to handle any situation that may arise during the journey.
Easy Booking and Scheduling
Booking a ride with MedixTransportation.com is straightforward. Their user-friendly website allows you to schedule transportation quickly and efficiently. Whether you need a one-time service or regular transport, their flexible scheduling options cater to your needs.
Palmdale transportation services play a crucial role in the community, offering reliable, safe, and convenient solutions for residents and visitors. Whether you need airport transfers, medical transport, or local rides, Palmdale's transportation options have you covered. For specialized medical transport services, MedixTransportation.com is a trusted provider, ensuring patients receive the best care during their journey. Explore the various transportation options available and choose the one that best suits your needs to enjoy a hassle-free travel experience in Palmdale.
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transportations750 · 11 months
Car Service Near LAX
Book a fancy car to go to or from Los Angeles Airport (LAX), or for rides in downtown L.A. and Orange County. You can easily reserve your luxury ride in advance through our website or by calling us anytime. Pickup Limo service allows you to choose the type of fancy car you want, like black cars, sedans, town cars, or SUVs. Our main goal is to make customers really happy, and we promise to give you a safe, top-quality, and reliable ride. Our professional drivers who are insured will ensure that you get the best Car Service Near LAX. We want to be the best choice for all your travel needs, whether you’re on a business trip, or just having fun.
Reliable Airport Transportation Near LAX Traveling can be very stressful. Booking flights, going through busy airports, and finding rides to and from the airport can make it even more stressful. But, here at Pickup Limo Service, we have a solution. It doesn’t just reduce stress; it makes your trip enjoyable and luxurious. We’re the top Car Service Near LAX. We are excited to offer airport transportation and transfers to both our regular clients and new customers. As a trusted and well-established limo service, we promise that you’ll be happy every time you use our services.
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Premium Quality Car Service Near LAX Airport  We provide Car Service Near LAX for everyone. Whether you live here or are just visiting our main focus is getting you to and from LAX airport. You tell us at Pickup Limo Service about how many people are in your group, your flight details (like the flight number and airline), where we should pick you up, and which airport you need to go to. Then, we’ll agree on a time to meet, and you can relax in one of our fancy limousines all the way to the airport. If you need a ride from the airport, we’ll tell you exactly where to meet us at the terminal when you land. Normally, there’s a special spot for taxis and limos. One of our experienced drivers (who will always be on time) will be there to welcome you and take you to one of our luxurious limousines. We promise we won’t keep you waiting or make you late for your flight. 
Get Timely Car Service At Best Rates  We know how important it is to be on time for flights, and we guarantee we won’t be late when picking you up. Our Car Service Near LAX is the top choice for everyone looking for a premium quality ride. We work with both individuals and businesses.  Whether you’re traveling alone from anywhere near LAX airport, or you’re a company looking for regular transportation for out-of-town clients, Pickup Limo Service is here to help. Our limo services near LAX airport are great for families, individuals, small businesses, and big companies. We aim to have clear and helpful communication with all our clients, no matter how big or small.
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limoservice760 · 1 year
Car Service Near LAX
Book a fancy car to go to or from Los Angeles Airport (LAX), or for rides in downtown L.A. and Orange County. You can easily reserve your luxury ride in advance through our website or by calling us anytime. Pickup Limo service allows you get to choose the type of fancy car you want, like black cars, sedans, town cars, or SUVs.
Our main goal is to make customers really happy, and we promise to give you a safe, top-quality, and reliable ride. Our professional drivers who are insured will ensure that you get the best car service near LAX. We want to be the best choice for all your travel needs, whether you're on a business trip, or just having fun.
Reliable Airport Transportation Near LAX
Traveling can be very stressful. Booking flights, going through busy airports, and finding rides to and from the airport can make it even more stressful. But, here at Pickup Limo Service, we have a solution. It doesn't just reduce stress; it makes your trip enjoyable and luxurious.
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We're the top car service near LAX. We are excited to offer airport transportation and transfers to both our regular clients and new customers. As a trusted and well-established limo service, we promise that you'll be happy every time you use our services.
Premium Quality Car Service Near LAX Airport 
We provide car service near LAX for everyone. Whether you live here or are just visiting our main focus is getting you to and from LAX airport. You tell us at Pickup Limo Service about how many people are in your group, your flight details (like the flight number and airline), where we should pick you up, and which airport you need to go to. Then, we'll agree on a time to meet, and you can relax in one of our fancy limousines all the way to the airport.
If you need a ride from the airport, we'll tell you exactly where to meet us at the terminal when you land. Normally, there's a special spot for taxis and limos. One of our experienced drivers (who will always be on time) will be there to welcome you and take you to one of our luxurious limousines. We promise we won't keep you waiting or make you late for your flight. 
Get Timely Car Service At Best Rates 
We know how important it is to be on time for flights, and we guarantee we won't be late when picking you up. Our car service near LAX is the top choice for everyone looking for a premium quality ride. We work with both individuals and businesses. 
Whether you're traveling alone from anywhere near LAX airport, or you're a company looking for regular transportation for out-of-town clients, Pickup Limo Service is here to help.
Our limo services near LAX airport are great for families, individuals, small businesses, and big companies. We aim to have clear and helpful communication with all our clients, no matter how big or small.
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blacktowncarla · 1 year
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healthtechservixes · 1 year
Trusted, Reliable Town Car Service From Lax Car MGCLS MGCLS is the most luxurious car service for your LAX transportation needs in Los Angeles. With almost ten years of experience, MGCLS has been providing top-notch services to all areas in Southern California. MGCLS is a top-notch car rental company that offers exceptional customer satisfaction, professional service, and efficient delivery. Our luxurious cars are always well-maintained and detailed to perfection.
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muzzamilaliabbasi · 2 years
Transportation To Cruise Terminal
Find Out Options To Los Angeles or Long Beach Cruise Ports Before we get to your options, one thing to keep in mind when planning your trip is the time it takes to get from point to point in the area. Below we’ve listed some average drive times from points of interest to the cruise ports. Looking for transportation to the cruise ports in Los Angeles or Long Beach? We have you covered.  LAX airport black car service
Whether coming from an area airport or anywhere in the Southern California area, you have a number of options on getting to the cruise terminals. And if you are electing to get a ride to the port — instead of driving your own car — it’s a smart move that will save you money. That’s because parking will set you back roughly $140 for a week-long cruise (rates vary depending on which port you are sailing from). Then there is the added hassle of navigating through Los Angeles traffic to get to the cruise terminal. Thankfully, there are a number of options available to get you back and forth from Los Angeles International (LAX), the Long Beach Airport (LGB) or other points in the area to the cruise terminals at the World Cruise Center (Port of Los Angeles) and the Port of Long Beach.
Ride Times to Port of LA (World Cruise Center) | Port of Long Beach:
Los Angeles International (LAX): 30 min | 40 min
Long Beach Airport (LBG): 25 min | 20 min
John Wayne Airport (SNA): 45 min | 35 min
Downtown: 40 min | 45 min
Beverly Hills: 1 hour | 1 hour 15 min
Pasadena: 55 min | 55 min
Santa Monica: 60 min | 1 hour 10 min
Anaheim: 45 min | 40 min and San Diego (SAN) (92.5 miles) which is considered hire long distance chauffeur services
If you're traveling to Los Angeles for a cruise consider hiring Shuttle from LAX to cruise port from Long Beach, consider flying to Los Angeles Airport, as it's only 17.2 miles from the port and a 50-minute total ride from Los Angeles Airport approximately.). The enchanting beauty, luxurious interiors and limousine comfort will add excitement to your travel plans.
Our LAX Airport Limousines offer every convenience imaginable. Best-in-class entertainment system (both audio and audio-video), DVD player with extensive DVD collection to choose from, high-speed Wi-Fi connectivity, fiber optic display, neon roof, comfortable leather-upholstered seats, privacy panel, navigation system and more. Enjoy a complimentary sweet wine tasting (our world-class limousines provide additional wine during the trip).
Long Beach Cruise Terminal transportation
If you need an LGB airport ride to or from Long Beach Cruise Terminal we can help you find and book quality ground transportation options from trusted partners. Options include shuttle, town car, SUV and limo from quality providers as Supershuttle, Groundlink and Blacklane.
The cheapest ride to or from Long Beach Airport will usually be shared shuttle van. Private shuttles are an option for larger or families, with town cars and SUV’s being popular for individuals and couples who want a little more comfort.
San Pedro Cruise Terminal transportation
San Pedro is the home of the The Port of Los Angeles World Cruise Center, also known as the busiest port on the United States West Coast. The port of San Pedro is approximately located 20.1 miles from Los Angeles International Airport and 19.1 miles from the Long beach Airport. Most major cruise lines depart from the San Pedro port, including Celebrity Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Line, Disney Cruise Line, Princess Cruises and
San Pedro is the home of the The Port of Los Angeles World Cruise Center, also known as the busiest port on the United States West Coast. The port of San Pedro is approximately located
If you're going to a coastal Baja for a cruise, consider taking a world-class limousine from LAX to Long beach cruise port . Both the Long Beach Cruise Transfer (transportation for boarding a cruise from Los Angeles to Long Beach) and the Los Angeles Limousine both stand for luxury, excitement, fun and seductive beauty. If a cruise is the ultimate luxury at sea, a limousine is the ultimate luxury on the road
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xecutiveshuttle · 2 years
Plush Transportation provides the best car service Long Beach to Lax. Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, for a wedding or a funeral, for a major sporting event, a concert, a night on the town, or any kind of trip, your No. 1 choice is Plush Transportation.
Plush Transportation 3027 Enterprise St, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 (800) 488-4541
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howdoyousleep3 · 4 years
Daddy Steve’s biggest romantic gesture?
Oh baby, I’m ready for this now. 
To date, I think the largest romantic gesture (aside from gifting Bucky with his backpacking across Europe dream trip for Christmas one year) would be the trip that Steve surprises Bucky with randomly one winter. They’re little world travlers these two, love making memories and getting away just with one another. Switzerland, upstate New York, Canada-- we aren’t picky but somewhere with lots of snow. I always picture this when I think of this trip. Secluded, away from anyone and everyone. No cell service, no wifi. There’s a television but they barely pay attention to anything that plays in the background while they’re preoccupied. 
“Just ‘cause, sugar. Can’t treat my sweet Buck to a little somethin’ special? Huh? You’ve been so focused on school and have been workin’ your cute little behind off. I’m so goddamn proud of you. Lemme treat you.” 
Steve would surprise him a day before, would tell Bucky what kind of climate to pack for and for how long, tacking on a wink and a sly, “Not that clothes will matter...”. Bucky is happily flustered for the next 24 hours, can’t stop giggling and kissing Steve on the cheek and asking him questions to try and slyly get out of him where they’re going. 
Steve takes this whole “lemme treat you” to an entirely unseen level. Surprising Bucky with a trip of all things already sets that bar high, but all these additional cute tiny surprises just keeps elevating said bar: coffee early in the morning when they leave for the airport, First Class (”Steven!”), snuggles and grabby hands on the flight over, a fancy rental car when they land, cute little stops into local stops, Flowers, there are roses and petals scattered throughout the room. Steve kisses Bucky’s red cheeks standing there in the snowy doorway as Bucky holds back tears. 
“Come on, babylove it’s cold, step inside. No tears, no tears.” 
They don’t leave the bed the first 24 hours. They’re exhausted from the flight and the snow surrounding them but being cozy and warm on the inside of this tiny cabin has them napping on and off for hours. They shower off the staleness of their flight, Bucky practically having gone sweet since they left that morning, each additional act of love one that pushes him higher and higher into the clouds. 
Watching Steve tend to a fire in the nude, hazy sweetness of a post shower handjob, has Bucky almost teary-eyed at how lucky and loved and in love he feels. 
The best part is the hot tub on the deck. The ventures into the small neighboring towns for shopping and meals and exploring are a close second, but for some reason they’ve never been anywhere with a hot tub before. Bucky doesn’t even realize it is there until the third morning. 
“Is...is that a...?” he asks with a lazy point, standing in front of the window when Steve hands him his coffee, one cream and two sugars. A hot kiss on his neck from behind gives him his answer before the lackadaisical words, “Sure is...” do. Bucky vows to wait until the evening to suggest getting in but he lasts until maybe noon before Steve snatches him up off the ground and makes his way to the front door. 
“Tired’a you lookin’ at it like you aren’t allowed to get in it. You can do whatever you want, Buck. You just sittin’ around waitin’ for your Daddy to do it for you?” 
It’s bliss if Bucky’s ever felt it. It’s overwhelming at first, being so bone-deep hot all over while the air he breathes in is chilly and startling. Ten deep breaths has Bucky openly moaning to no one and nothing in particular. Ten more breaths and Steve pulling Bucky’s lax form across his lap sideways, cradling him to his chest and kissing his temple in rapid succession, has Bucky hurtling into another cotton candy sweet cloud. 
How can things not get steamy, pun fully intended. Bucky is pleasantly drowning in love from Steve, an incomprehensible amount of love. He’s so warm, so fucking warm all over. It’s like a blanket out in this frigid weather, wraps him up and swirls around him. And there’s always that questionable characteristic of water that makes Bucky horny, that makes him wanna feels, wanna touch, makes him feel like he’s always kinda moving and pulsing. And Steve is right here, is touching him, isn’t talking to Bucky but Bucky can hear him loud and clear. 
I love you. 
When he tilts his head up onto Steve’s shoulder he’s certain he looks some level of fucked out. There’s no doubt in Bucky’s mind. When Steve puts a few fingers under his chin and hums into his kiss, Bucky’s whine is probably unacceptably loud. Being in this hot tub feels like foreplay on its own but adding into the equation Steve’s mouth and his skill and the way he fucks Bucky’s own mouth makes Bucky feel like his soul is going to leave his body. 
“Should’a gotchu in a hot tub sooner, sugar. Look at’chu...” 
Bucky is slow to react, slow to move or respond. Daddy holds him and touches him and kisses him, unrushed and thorough. He works Bucky’s mouth over like he has ownership of it, like he has something to prove. Everything feels slick. Steve’s lips are on Bucky’s mouth, his cheeks, his neck. Daddy spends a lovely amount of time on his neck, enough time to that it has Bucky begging for more before he even realizes it. 
“Daddy...Daddy, oh please, ngh Daddy...” 
They wouldn’t fuck in the hot tub (super unrealistic lmao) but damn would they spend a stupid amount of time in that hot tub feelin’ and touchin’ and kissin’. At one point Steve would just growl, long and low, pull Bucky up and over his waist until his sweet baby could finally grind and slip his way into a hot little frenzy. So many whimpers, feels so slow but so fast, just breathing into each other’s mouths. Steve’s hands on Bucky’s waist, his ass, guiding. Bucky’s hands on Steve’s neck, his jaw, wants to keep Daddy in one place, accessible. On the lucky rolls, Bucky can feel the hard line of Steve’s cock slide between his cheeks, teasing his deprived and pouting asshole.
When Steve rumbles and stands, pulls Bucky from the water, Bucky almost feels like he had become one with the water, just one big ball of sensation. He doesn’t even last through the messy prep, both of them soaking the sheets in ovenlike water, Bucky adding his own come to the mess as he shoots off with a set of shivers and a squeal. Steve makes love to Bucky on his back, holds onto Bucky’s thigh, wraps it around his narrow waist as he drives his hips home. Steve lays into Bucky, presses him so deeply into the mattress that Bucky feels like he’s moving like water again. Steve’s hand is curled around the nape of his neck, fingers in his curling hair, mouth to mouth, eyes on eyes. It’s the best, the absolute best and when Bucky comes it’s--
“Fuck, Daddy...Steve, love you, love you, I love you...!” 
Bucky makes the offhand but direct suggestion they get a hot tub. Steve points out they won’t ever get anything done if they had one. Bucky doesn’t see the issue. 
I got super wrapped up in hot tub sexy times but I hope this suffices as a romantic gesture. All the little things that I didn’t get to make this trip one of the best they’ve shared; Bucky doesn’t recall ever having been so relaxed in his life. The dinners in town, the small hiking excursions, the time spent in front of a fire with Hot Toddy’s or hot chocolate, the never being an arms-length from the other. 
It’s everything Bucky wants and needs. Better yet, Steve is everything and more that Bucky could ever want and need in a partner. 
Bucky prints out a cute and candid selfie they took on the couch in their cabin, all snuggled up and faces glowing in the light of the fireplace. Steve’s got his nose pressed against Bucky’s temple, both with immeasurable smiles on their faces. Bucky’s giggle is obvious by the lines around his crinkled eyes. Steve frames it and puts it on his bedside table. 
I hope you’re still in the mood for this kind of shit, @stardi293! I know we talked last night but who knows now lmao. Love you! Thank you for this! 
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