marragurl · 4 months
We’ve all basically agreed that Aventurine’s boss form is a transformation, like there’s no other explanation for how our short king suddenly gains height (other than his heels of course)
Unlike fellow magical girl Childe Ajax Tartaglia, we never actually saw Aventurine’s transformation!
So until they actually show us the damn thing, or give us a different Stoneheart’s transformation, I’m gonna have some fun and headcanon that no actually, it’s not a transformation. To keep up his dramatics and acts, my boy instead just lugs around a whole-ass costume to change into whenever he needs to do a quick boss fight.
(Ratio constantly nags him about why he always has so much luggage, it’s because of this. He needs all 152 costume pieces and those things take up space Ratio, let a man express himself, damn. A whole suitcase is dedicated to just the shoes since his heels hide extra stilts in them to give him the height advantage. Ratio is always silently judging him whenever he changes, but in the sense that he can’t believe that this is the love of his life and of course he’ll help zip up the back, stop whining Aventurine)
I’m just imagining him making that dramatic announcement to the Astral Express all “come and find me” and then quickly rushing to get into the outfit and make sure his hair and accessories are all in place before they show up. The whole reason he was giving that dramatic speech in 2.1 was because the crew arrived too early and he was rushing to get into those ridiculous boots of his and he needed to buy time fast. Ratio was in the back operating an out of sight crane to constantly keep Aventurine floating in the air.
So following that train of thought, headcanon that all Stoneheart boss forms are just the Stoneheart’s being dramatic as fuck for the aesthetic OR if it turns out that no one else has a cool boss form, then Aventurine is the only one who does this whole thing because he’s a dramatic king.
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An education chapter 19
  A/N: Sorry for the wait, you guys! I’ve been put through the ringer lately, and I’ve been working really hard to get back to a normal point in my life – it hasn’t happened yet, but I figured writing could at least distract me a little. Sorry for the length, but the next chapter is going to be jam-packed, so I felt like a shorter chapter would be fitting!
Hope you’ll like this chapter! 
I got to give a huge shout-out to @sherlockstolemyname, because no matter how stressed or angry I get, she’s always there to support and rage with me. Thank you, you perfect, wonderful plum-fish.
As always, remember I always say yes to requests and feedback feeds the writer (please, guys, anything and all things matter! I really need to hear if you guys like it, or I lose steam)
An education masterlist
Buy me a coffee (or help me pay my bills)
Pairings: Dean x Reader
Warnings: Fluff, (a little) angst, language
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The start
 I woke up with a headache and a bout of nausea hit me like a ton of bricks; I groaned and rolled to the side, squinting against the soft, morning-light coloring the motel-room. I caught Sam’s eye. He looked worried – I shook my head at him and sat up, willing my stomach to calm down. “Don’t worry, I’m fine. I just slept bad, promise.” He shook his head. “Don’t believe you, but we don’t have the time for you to be sick right now. We’ve got some bad stuff going down.” I stretched and looked around. “Where’s Dean?” Sam sighed and rolled his shoulders, trying to disperse the apparent ache. “He went out for a briefing with Jody. He didn’t want to wake you.” I nodded, because he had a habit of doing that these days; he seemed worried I wouldn’t get enough sleep, so he let me sleep in for way longer than necessary. In reality, I got plenty of sleep – I was pretty sure I was getting sick, because I was asleep the minute my head hit the pillow for the last week.
I looked at Sam again; his head was buried in the Lesser Key, and he looked like a chewed-up chew-toy – he looked horrible. “Sam, did you sleep?” He shook his head. “No. I’m trying to translate all of this, but I just can’t. It’s not like Enochian or anything I’ve seen before.” I frowned and stretched my hand out for the book. He handed it to me, and I looked at the odd words in front of me. “I think it’s old Norse or runes. Or maybe a mix?” I scanned the page. Sam sighed and stood up, pacing the room. “Damn it. We need the page translated, and some old fart decided to switch it up!? FUCK!” Sam shouted, and I looked at him, my eyes huge with surprise. Sam never swore. He left that to me and Dean, and we did a fine job swearing for him as well. “Wow, Sam. I didn’t even know you knew those words, dude.” He grunted as the door opened behind me, and I turned to look at Dean, who looked worn out and very, very tired. Fuck it all to hell. I stood up and went to him, cupping his face in my hands. “What’s up, babe? You okay?” He shook his head. “We’re in trouble, guys.” He caught Sam’s eye from across the room and continued as he shrugged his jacket off. “Jody told me, that she’s been keeping an eye out for activity around the area. It looks like someone or something is getting ready for an attack. I think we’ve walked into a fucking trap, and now we have no way of getting out.” I froze, my hands falling from his shoulders to hang limply next to me. “What?” My voice was small. He nodded. “Y/N, do you have any idea what that text says?” Sam urged me, but I just frowned. “Why should I be able to read runes? Or old Norse?” I turned to him with a surprised look on my face. Why on earth would I be able to do it?” He shrugged. “You’re Freyja’s creation. I’m guessing she installed some sort of… Dictionary in you, maybe?” I laughed and turned to Dean, expecting him to laugh as well, but he looked like he might actually agree with Sam. “Are you kidding!?” I said and rolled my eyes, grabbing the book. “Fine, I’ll try. But it sounds fucking insane.”
I looked at the words in front of me, and I instantly hated it. I could read it, and it was goddamn stupid I could, and I really didn’t want to tell Sam and Dean they were right. I sighed. “I can read it.” Sam grinned, and Dean kissed my shoulder. “Get to work, babe. Me and Sam will get the weapons ready.” He pulled the duffel out from next to the bed, while Sam pulled a bunch of spell-books out from his bag; we had already decided to bind all of our weapons, the best we could, carve sigils into them a cast spell over the bullets. Better go prepared to our deaths, I guess.
“Alright.” I sat down and looked at the words in front of me. I hated that my brain had turned into a translator, but on the other hand, it was pretty damn cool. Mungát dreyri ykkarr óvinr enda fold skrípi. Fárbjóór fárbjóór halda Loke. My eyes ran over the words again; I had to make sure, the thing I just read was actually what it meant.
“Guys.” I looked up at them. “I think I know what it means.” Sam and Dean looked up at me, both pairs of hands stopped, hovering over various weapons, their eyes trained on me. I smiled. “drink the blood of your enemy to bring an end to the world of horror. Destroy the destroyer to contain Loki.” Dean looked confused. “what does that mean?” I grinned even wider. “First of all, I think it’s a metaphor, the drink blood part. I think we need to kill the highest demon, and then Loki loses his hold on the mortal world, which means…” Sam grinned back at me. “You can stab him and send him back.” I nodded. Dean lit up into a huge smile and jumped up, wrapping his arms around me.
“Then that’s what we do. We stab the son of a bitch, send him back to the magical kingdom of weird and get rid of the demons as well. Fucking amazing!” He grinned and twirled me; my stomach lurched again, and I squirmed to get down – Dean let go of me and I barely got to a muttered “sorry” out, before I rushed to the bathroom and emptied the contents of my stomach. Shit. If I was sick, everything would fall apart – I couldn’t fight while vomiting.
I heaved a deep breath and fell back against the door, cold sweat in a thin sheen on my forehead. I didn’t know what to do. A soft knock resonated against the door, and I grunted as I moved away from the door, so Dean could step in. He sat down next to me, wrapping his arms around me. “Are you okay, babe?” I nodded and sighed. “Sorry. I am, I promise, I just… I think it’s the stress, honestly. The fact that the fate of the world is on us, kind of makes me want to puke.” Dean chuckled. “you and me both, sweetheart.” We sat in silence for a while, my heart relaxing a bit and my stomach settling again.
“Y/N?” I looked at Dean. He was staring at the yellowing tiles on the wall, his brows furrowed a bit. “You always get this little line right between your brows, when you’re thinking, you know?” I said with a small smile, poking the line with my finger. He chuckled and grabbed my finger. “Y/N.” I waited for him to continue. “I’m scared.” I cocked my head to the side and looked at him, really looked at him. He looked like a kid, a kid who knew he was walking towards certain death. I rested my head on his shoulder and looked at his boot. “Me too. I think we all are, Dean.” He snorted. “I’m serious. I’m terrified I’m going to lose you or Sam or lose myself to this fight. I’m afraid I’ll never be me again. I’m afraid I’ll stop being your wife, but start being your widow. I’m scared, Dean, more than you know.” He sighed. “What are you scared of?” I asked, tracing small circles on the back of his hand, that was hanging down from my shoulder. He shrugged and lifted my head a little in the process.
“I’m scared for you and Sammy. I know you’re a boss ass bitch, but yeah… I’m still scared of someone sneaking up behind you and killing you. I’m scared for Sammy. I’m scared for me. I’m just… It feels different, this time. I know it’s because it’s a huge fight and we’re dealing with several pieces of shit here, but… I realized last night, that you’re my wife.” I grinned and punched him lightly – he winced. Oops. My lightly wasn’t his lightly. “I hope you’ve realized it before last night.” He chuckled. “Yeah. I just mean… You’re my wife. You’re the thing, I care about the most in the whole, damn, rotten world. You’re everything I got, sweetheart. You and Sammy, you guys are my life. And here I am, about to almost give it up for some stupid goddess.” He drew a deep breath and I looked up at him, stretching my neck as much as I could to kiss him on the cheek.
“I know, Dean. Listen, you’re my life. Just as much as I am yours. I know it’s fucking horrifying to go into this, but we have to do this, for the sake of the rest of the world. Besides…” I stood up, pulling him up as well, and smiled. “Sam would kill us in the afterlife, if he died and didn’t get to bang the hot goddess again.” Dean roared with laughter as he opened the door and leaned down to kiss me; I sighed against his lips. It always felt like coming home, when I kissed him.
“Dudes, come on. There’s a best friend and brother here.” We had momentarily forgotten Sam, as we kissed, and we pulled away to smiled apologetically at Sam, Dean’s hand still on my ass. “Sorry, Sam.” I said with a grin. Dean smacked my ass a few times, before sitting down next to Sam, pulling the gun from the table and started to carve a sigil on the side of the barrel. I shook my head and sat down on the bed, trying to focus on something. Sam pulled some weights from his bag and handed them to me. “I’m sorry, but you need to train. You need to focus your strength and know it well.” I rolled my eyes but took the weights. “Alright, Master Yoda. I’m going to the gym.” I pointed towards the hall – thankfully, the motel was connected to a small gym, so I might as well use it. “Hey, Y/N?” Dean shouted, just as I was about to step out from the room. I turned on my heel to look at him. “Maybe you should train with someone.” I quirked my eyebrow at him. “Remember the last time, you tried training with me?” He smirked boyishly and shrugged. “Your sports bra was distracting.” Sam rolled his eyes. “too much info, dude.” Dean waved his hand dismissively at Sam. “I didn’t mean me, I meant Cass. He’s going to fight with us either way, and he’s a strong angel – he might teach you a few tricks.” I nodded at Dean. “I’ll try calling him down, I guess.” I waved behind me as I stepped out to the empty hall, silently praying for Castiel to show up; Dean was right, and at any rate, I needed someone to train with me – I wouldn’t get much out of punching sandbags, since I punched through them.
A flutter of wings announced his arrival, and I smiled as I walked briskly, the swish of his coat next to me. “Are you up for getting your angel-butt kicked?” I asked as I pushed the door to the gym open. Cass stepped inside and turned to me. “I can’t say I am, but I do know I’m willing to train with you.” He shrugged his jacket off. I smiled widely and looked around the room, feeling the subtle stir of energy in my body; I was readying for a fight and it felt amazing.
“I’ll be gentle.” I grinned, as I kicked my leg up and swirled in the air, kicking out towards his face.
TAGLIST: @redeyedvixen, @hobby27, @trustnobodyshootfirst, @killerunicorn3, @mypage-myfandoms, @xcarapherneliabearx, @gatorgal94, @akshi8278, @wingedcatninja, @supernatural-idjit-95, @polina-93, @built-from-nothing  
FOREVERLIST: @supernaturalmagicfolk, @redeyedvixen, @al1y, @roonyxx, @heyitscam99, @sherlockstolemyname, @tayyfvck, @starletzombie, @jensenyourdeanisshowing, @linki-locks11       
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