nokingsonlyfooles · 9 months
Well? Haha no. Not well.
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But heeey, I got this here stylus working! I didn't expect an actual Lenovo stylus - this thing is refurbished - but it seems to be one. It works good! It just needed a new battery!
I got a paperlike (ish, it's not brand name) screen protector for this because I'm going to be using a stylus a lot and I don't wanna hurt it but ohhhhh baby this thing glides like butter on the screen itself. Excellent drag. And I am wobbly as all hell without lots of drag, so that is AWESOME 🤩. Paint.net still can't straighten me out with its smoothing feature, as you can see - but GIMP can! GIMP got way different and more Photoshop like a while back, and I stopped used it because I didn't like the interface. I still don't, but I love that line smoothing so I WILL figure it out. I've also got an SVG editor to learn, Inkscape! I don't know if I'll use it often, but if it's not too difficult I'll at least use it to resize things.
So, the new computer is a Lenovo Flex 5, 14 inches, Windows 11, 16 gig of RAM! Best Buy Canada still has some at this price, which is LESS THAN I paid for my tablet with 8 gigs (admittedly, over 4 years ago). AND I had to buy the keyboard and stylus separately for that. It's four inches bigger. It feels HUGE. It's on the chunky side, because it has that cool hinge that'll let me fold it into a tent. It also has a weird French Canadian keyboard - there are SO MANY special characters on it and I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO ACTUALLY TYPE ANY OF THEM. I can't always used shift to type @ anymore. Why? I HAVE NO IDEA!
Aw, frig, my eyes are tired and the text is dancing. I'm not at the point where it gets blurry and stays like that, but I'll get there if I don't take a break. Prrrrobably don't have enough stamina to illustrate yet, but give me a while. I CAN GET STRONGER!
Typed but not proofread! I need to stop reading!
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mysteriousdreaming · 7 years
A Little Fall Of Rain [12/?]
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Sorry this chapter took so long, and sorry its so short! I just wanted to do a small update to get myself back into the story. Life has been pretty crazy recently so thanks for all the lovely comments, I now think I'm back in a place where i can start writing symmrat regularly again!
Another knife sailed through the air, slicing easily into the thin paper that had been pinned on the dartboard on the other side of the room. Winston's cheery face smiled back, knives ranging from butter knives to a large meat cleaver scavenged from the kitchen sticking out of the photos eyes, nose and various other features. Junkrat reached to the side of him and picked up another blade. To say he was pissed off at the large primate would be an understatement. He was furious. He was lying alone in his room with a drip once again attached to his arm while the team had gone out on a mission leaving him all alone.
If he was completely honest he wasn’t surprised. He knew that his previous mission was probably his last for quite a while, and that another 3 days of hell had been looming on the horizon, but he couldn't help but feel cast aside. He’d tried to convince Hog or even Mercy to at least stay with him so his boredom wouldn’t drive him more insane than last time. He tried pleading, threatening and even begging, but the fat ball of fluff had firmly stated that due to the status of the mission (and the status of the company behind it meaning possible future funding) everyone had to go.
Well, everyone except him. Obviously.
He tried to convince himself that the mission sounded extremely boring anyway, just sitting and guarding something in an Egyptian museum. But he couldn’t help but feel it also seemed like an annoyingly good opportunity for some thieving and and general snooping about.
He’d also assumed that the doctor had now told Winston about his condition, if the sympathetic looks he had recently gotten from the ape were anything to go by. He wished that he could just ignore it and get on with his life, but having someone else know-who wasn’t Roady or Mercy-felt wrong. He'd talked to Hog about it during the week when the old mercenary had been in a fairly good mood in an attempt to get it off his chest. His large friend had told him that even if no one else at the watch point ever found out, since Winston was 'The Boss’ he had to know. If he didn't, he could end up assigning him to risky positions on missions, possibly putting the Junker, and the others, in danger.
So he was left bored out of his mind locked in his room with only Athena for company. She was better than nothing,he had to admit, although the disembodied voice of a bot being the only other thing in the large facility in the event of an attack made him slightly uncomfortable.
That and the fact that Doctor Ziegler and Winston had had instructed Athena to lock the door (and windows) in his room in order to prevent another...escape.
He stretched out on his bed with an annoyed sigh, arching his back and letting out a yawn “Athena?”
It didn't take long for the female voice to reply
“Yes Mr Junkrat?” He always got a chuckle out of how stupid ‘Mr Junkrat’ sounded, but he sure as hell wasn't going to give a bot his real name (although he was sure that the computer could easily find it if she wanted to, after all his wanted posters were surly plastered all over the internet and he vaguely remembered filling it in on the mountains of paperwork Winston got him to fill out when he was first hired).
“Can you let me out?”
“I’m afraid I cannot. My instructions from winston were very clear, do not let Junkrat out of his room under any circumstances.”
Jamison groaned, angrily glaring at the ceiling “So, If there's a fire, or if Talon descend on the watchpoint like angry feral Dingos on a fresh corpse, I'm meant to just sit here like a melon?”
“That’s an obvious exception. In the case of an emergency the locks will be disabled and you will be encouraged to find safety.”
His frown twisted into a devilish grin. So he would be free in an emergency ay? All he’d need was a smoke bomb and a detonator. Or a lighter…
“Any attempts to deliberately set off the alarms will be met with severe punishment and possible discharge from the watchpoint or Overwatch as a whole.” Junkrat jumped as the female voice seemed to almost read his thoughts.
“Aww, fuck off! You’re no fun Athena” he whined, stretching back out on his bed with a huff
“My job is to protect Overwatches Agents, not to be ‘fun’.”
The AI had a point. A really annoying one, but a point. Freedom really wasn't worth the risk of getting kicked out of Overwatch either. Where else would he find free food, water and some pretty nice people who had his back? Not in the outback that’s for sure, and on the streets he was still a ‘wanted man’ with police breathing down his neck constantly.
With his escape plan thwarted before it even began he was back to being bored out of his mind. He tried to entertain himself with the handheld ‘gaming’...thing….that Hana had lent him, but quickly got bored with all the games he had available. The girl was such a high level on them all that without knowing how to play he quickly became frustrated with dying over and over again, and he didn’t dare restart them and face Hana’s wrath.
His gaze drifted around the room before it landed on Symm’s broken alarm clock. He’d offered to have a look at it for her, insisting that since she helped him fix his leg it was the least he could do. She’d told him it would be easier to buy a new one, but gave it to him anyway, saying he could keep it for scraps if he couldn't fix it. Even that small gesture made him smile.
It was an old style, one that wound up at the back, and he was excited to open it up and to see how it ticked. He grabbed a screwdriver and undid the screws on the back, eagerly inspecting the gears and small, intricate parts. The more he thought about it the more he realised how much the clock suited the orderly woman's personality. All the parts were extremely delicate and fragile, placed together in just the right way. It was easy to ‘wind up’, but the end product worked perfectly and smoothly for the task it was made for, every piece had its place and worked in perfectly. And when it was put together it was quite beautiful.
He stopped, putting down the screwdriver and the cog he was messing with. Where the hell did that thought come from? Of Course he knew Symm was attractive, he couldn't deny that. Her long black hair fell over her shoulders perfectly, and her eyes sparkled like liquid gold under the workshop lights, but he wouldn't have normally called her beautiful.
Would he?
He tried to shake the thought out of his head and go back to work on the clock, but it remained nagging in the back of his mind.
He didn’t like Symmetra...did he?
He saw her as a friend, obviously, but as more? He’d really began to love just sitting in the workshop with her, just the two of them focusing on their own projects. It was nice just being around her. But he still didn’t know if she even liked being around him. Sometimes it would be just like they were best buds, but then other times he felt that she just saw him as some filthy savage.
He let out a sigh, going back to the clock. Even if he did like her, she probably wouldn't like dirty junker like him.
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