pinkyjulien · 6 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 668/??
Finally gave Val' his Wilding appearance 😩👌 still a wip but I'm lowkey obsessed hgfhghf
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bloodsalted · 6 months
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🪲 it's beetlejuice day!!!! 🪦
// so i will be back after the show tonight! gotta start getting ready. woo! so excited! gonna be so much fun. having dinner at the theatre first, so yeah! gotta head there a little early. but so awesome of an experience! put some memes out and will be working on them when i'm back. plus the random others i have saved in my inbox. dw. i haven't deleted anything. i just..you know. collect em and reply as my days go by.
sending much love to everybody!
might do a little bit of pictures from the theatre. least before the show starts. so if you wanna? ooc; beetlejuice 2024 is a tag that's happening. :D
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objectlovingobject · 3 months
Does someone wanna draw me a picture owo
(I want some1 to draw my puter)
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salmon-park · 2 years
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qazastra · 2 years
@ yall who know what hypmic is, please please show me sasara art
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shakeyoj · 1 year
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here comes the bOooys
lil bit of werewolf wednesday some Auggo and Villy by @squidinu
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ravenstargames · 1 year
✦ Lost in Limbo Devlog #6 | 10.03.23
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And another month has gone by! 💜 For this one, you'll have to excuse my lack of eloquency, but this weekend has been really hectic for me personally, so my brain is struggling a bit to keep up :')
We are very close to receive our final grades for our master, but we are anticipating nothing but good (or at least not bad) news! With that being said, the team has picked up the pace again and we are feeling really good about it. Everyone is really excited to work work and work, so let's jump into it, shall we?
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And what better way to start this devlog than with our handsome, our stupid, our magnificent Lord Amon, Golden Dragon of Dagalis? 🌟
As you can see, we have started working on the demo CGs and we are beyond excited! Our plan is to finish Amon's CG and snatch a few screenshots of the game to finally, FINALLY open our itch.io page! We don't want to spoil too much of the CGs but we still want to share a decent amount of stuff in our devlogs, so we'll see how we manage, hehe. We hope you like Lord Amon in this CG so far as much as we do, because Raquel is as per usual doing an impeccable job with our local himbgod! 💜
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<<The voidbound, creatures born from the Midnight Tower's chest. Intelligent to a degree, they protect the Beyond —the tower's domain— from any trespasser. >>
This month we have started the concept art stage of our signature creature, the voidbound, and boooy is it looking good so far! Again, we don't want to spoil too much because we want you all to be surprised and spooked (hopefully!) when you play the demo and meet these little guys🖤.
I'm so glad Astro finally had a chance to put his creature design skills to use, because he's honestly fantastic at creating monsters and giving them just the right vibe. Consider yourself about to be scared or seduced if you are like me!
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This month we finished our jugdment chamber! 💜 Aside from a few dust and smoke effects and maybe some small corrections along the way, this is another finished background for LiL's demo! There's a feeew more to go but with a little organization and plenty of force of will, I think we'll be able to tackle them all. Now that the first demo has less backgrounds, it's a fairer amount of work.
We also have had Kayden work on special "mini CGs" that will add to the immersion in certain scenes, but again, we don't want to spoil the whole demo content!
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Currently, the demo script is sitting at 42k words, every option included. I'm hoping I can finish corrections either today or tomorrow and send the script over to Allie, our mighty editor! I already finished writing a breakdown of the characters and demo story for them to read, but I want to send both things at the same time. I know the writing is taking more time than we initially planned —in our first devlog if I remember correctly, I said I was already coding it, and I was— but it's for the benefit of the game. I don't want our demo script to be mediocre or to just be "good enough". I want to be proud of what I've written and I want my team and I to be able to be honest about this kind of stuff with the people that are looking forward to play our game 💜.
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This month has been good overall. It has been difficult for me in personal matters, so I hope you forgive me for the usual typos or grammatical oopsies. This devlog was meant to be posted last night (GMT+2) but I was exhausted and didn't want to rush it :').
During October we are hoping we can work on as many art assets as we can, and if the script gets corrected and approved, maybe I can begin coding it very very soon!
As always, thank you so much for supporting us, for being here, and for looking forward to our demo! 💜 We hope we are living up to the expectations!
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2aceofspades · 1 year
Hi! :]
You're last few parts of your au hurt me so much I was ✨️inspired✨️
Firstly you've actually inspired me a lot for my own au and I'm even learning morse code and it's been so fun to learn and watch people decipher it, you inspired me so much that I figured it's only fair to show you the part you inspired out of me haha
(For some context In my AU leo is dancing on the line of death and donnie makes a clone in order to save his life but things didn't go quite as planned, resulting in leo's soul linking with the clone that wasn't quite ready and is now basically a lil bean) in chapter two near the very beginning, we get a peek into Casey's childhood after watching past Cassandra holding baby leo recovering a memory he'll never forget
By far one of my favorite scripts for the upcoming parts
I really hope you like it, and thank you for being a huge inspiration for me <3
..The world fades away as he's drawn back to that day, his mom hadn't returned from a mission, leo had organized a search party to go looking for her in a couple of hours after everyone rested a bit. But he didn't want to wait, he wanted his mom and he wanted her back in the base, where it was safe, where he got hugs when she returned.
He put on his puffy jacket that was torn up and had holey, and a rugged hat that April had given him. He peeks around the corner of donnies lab, noticing leo talking to donnie, he took this chance to sneak past while their attention wasn't on the cameras, he quickly makes his way to the base exit, and takes his first steps outside the base.
"MAMA!!" Casey cried as he continued to walk, the winds beating against his reddening skin, his nose running and his eyes getting puffy, it didn't snow, but the winters were still fridgit and harsh, especially with no trees to block the cold temperatures
"Mm-mmmAMAAA" Casey cried again, the tears he was fighting back making his eyes burn from the harsh and frightening winds, his fingers were red and felt hot, his breathing was shallow and his hot breath steamed in the air, after what felt like hours he stumbled onto his knees, his hands under his pits and his body shivering into itself "m-ma-mm-maama!" He cried as loud as he could but it came out as a shaky whimper, he grips his hat and pulls it over his burning ears as his tears fell down his cheeks, freezing his skin as they fell
"-by boooy?" He hears something through his loud sobs from his covered ears, he knew this voice, yes! It was his mom! He let's his hat go to turn his head, a large smile forming on his freezing, tear stained face "m-ma-!" His smile fell just as fast as it grew, just a few feet from him stood his mom yes, but something was off, she could barely stand up right, her frame twitched and strained from where she stood, half her face was covered in some strange.. flesh organic material, her uncovered eye along with the multiple other eyes that didn't belong to her all stared right at him, but not with softness and care he felt secure and safe in, he felt the fear, but the bloodlust was unbearable.. was this really his mom? "Ma..?" His breath huffed out as his heart beat started to pick up pace
"M-mmy baa..babyy boOOyy.." her voice sounded as if she had choked on razor blades, it sounded so much like her but not like her at all, her hand reached out, her fingernails broken and her face was torn up, especially on the unnatural side. Her voice choked as tears began to fall, her only humane eye on her son who sat on his knees in the freezing cold, glistening from the tears falling down her tearing skin "caaAASsseeeYYy" he voice sounded desperate as she suddenly began to move, starting with a few shaky steps before breaking into a stumbling sprint, her eyes honing in on the boy frozen in fear, his eyes wide and puffy
Her jaw basically came unhinged as her entire structure changed, she jumped up as her body tore itself apart, snapping and popping as kraang claws exploded out of her body, her eyes honed in on its next victim, letting out a shrilled shriek as Casey fell back on his palms, his heart pounding, his mind racing, screaming to run, his breath catching in his throat, preventing him from letting out any noise, only frozen in place as his mother's jaw gets ready to snap down and end his life
"CASEY!!" He jolts back to life as a green and blue flash slams into his mom, sending her flying away from him, crying out as her body slammed against the solid ground, he stared in complete shock, his mind still processing the events, watching his mothers body convulsed and snap more "-sey! Casey hey! Are you hurt??" He felt two large hands engulf his shoulders and neck, diversing his attention from his mother and staring up at leo, he could feel the warmth of his touch begin to linger into the fabric of his jacket, making him realize just how cold he really is "oh God, shitshitshit, I gotta get you out of here" he moves his arms to scoop Casey up but suddenly, as fast as lightning, he pushes himself off one knee and curls around Casey, suddenly seeing his mom snap her jaw through Leo's forearm and locking it there, he let's out a forced cry as he uses his free arm to pull Casey into his chest to ensure his safety from her claws that dug into Leo's same arm that was extended out to put as much distance as possible
"Casey, augh, listen to me" his voice serious but also tender, Casey looks up at him again but hesitantly, his attention on leo who had a pained expression on his face, but it didn't seem to be from his arm "I know you don't understand, I know you're- arg! Confused-" she pushed back causing leo to fight back and push harder to keep her away from harming Casey who jumped from the sudden pushback
"B-but.. this..." he frowns as he sees Casey's eyes weld with tears, his nose, ears and fingers were red, he'd left the building two hours ago and leo hadn't realized till donnie replayed the footage, he gently puts his hand on the back of Casey's head and pulls his head under his neck, resting his chin on top "I'm so sorry case, but mama isn't coming home.." His voice whispered as he continues to fight Cassandra, barely recognizable now
"B..but mama's right here!" Casey points a small finger at his mom "she's right here!! Wh-why can't she c-come home?!" He began to cry out and leo winced as her jaws tightened "casey..."
"NO! I WANT MY MAMA!!" He yells as he tries to push away from leo but his shivering body and small frame did not benefit him "I want my mama home!! I want my mama safe!!" He holds his arms out to Cassandra, tears falling down his face "I want my mama's hugs!!!" He sobs out, shakingly clenching and unclenching his fingers towards her "mama!! Mamaaa!" His voice broke and wavered, he Bagan crying so hard he'd hiccup sometimes in his sobs
Suddenly, she stopped fighting, her hands dropping to her sides as she falls completely to her knees, her jaws releasing its hold on leos arm that stayed up and ready for another round, staring at Casey with her own tears "m-my booy..." her gaze follows up from Casey to Leo's face, she blinked and raised a hand up slightly "..l..llluuee?" Leo's eyes widened slightly but he nods, pulling Casey close once again for safety
She says nothing for a moment, reaching her hand out but stopping just before reaching casey her hands shaky and her fingertips black and blue, casey reaches his hands up and wraps his hands around her fingers whimpering "mom?"
She gives Casey's hands a weak squeeze before pulling her hand away and placing her palm on the blade of Leo's sword, bowing her head down and leo pulls back and stands up immediately, holding casey in his arm as he wraps his hand around her wrist "Cassandra no! I.. I can't do that.." His Lip quivers as he pulls her hand away from his blade "please, don't make me do that..." His grip tightened on her wrists, but not hard, just enough to show his worry "we can, we can figure something out..?" He whispers out his arm starting to feel hot and tingly
She pulls her hand back "y..yoOOu.. mus-s-stt" she lowly croaks as she lowers her head again "before.. n-nooo time.." her nails dug into the dirt as she lowly hissed, fighting back against the kraang instincts and control
Leo turns his head away to blink away his tears, he knew what he had to do, he just really didn't want to do it, especially with casey "I'm so sorry" his voice broke out as he grabs the handle of his blade with his numbing hand.
He gently tucks Casey's head into his chest. Being sure he can't witness what he has to do, he slowly raises his arm as he hones his attention at the back of her neck, his chest jumped a bit as he fought back his tears, but he didn't make a sound.
She looks up at them one last time, and smiles with all her pride and joy at seeing her kid one last time
Her eyes fall close
And he swings
Casey sobs into Leo's chest as he walked through the world, Leo's scarf wrapped around Casey's neck and face, his breath warming his cheeks and nose, his arm fell completely numb after an hour of walking, but still remained protecting casey from the high winds, his breathing began to grow heavy and his pupils began to narrow
He hears it, in his head, in his veins it boils his blood dispite feeling so cold
The urge
The bloodlust
"K I L L"
After a couple moments that's all he can hear
He suddenly slumps over against an old ruin building, carefully setting casey down before falling to his knees and grabbing his arm. His breathing heavy and his sight hazey
"L-leo?" Casey spoke quietly and leo nearly jumped out of his skin seeing blood on him, it must've got on Casey when he KILLKILLKILLEDKILLEDKILLED "Aagghhh!" Leo had reached out to comfort Casey but he was hit with such pain he curled in on himself, gripping his arm so tight he was digging his nails into his skin "leo!" Casey rushes up and helps leo stay upright but after a moment he couldn't keep up Leo's weight and he ended up laying on his stomach, face down and his eyes struggling to stay open "Casey.. please.." His eyes began to fall closed as he spoke "the base is only 20 minutes away.. its straight forward.." he bares his teeth causing Casey to jump back a bit, having never seen leo look so aggressive "you have to leave me here.. case.." he whimpers as his eyes closed, he didn't know how much longer he could fight this
Casey shakes his head violently and grabs Leo's bitten arm and pulls, attempting to drag him back to the base himself "no! I'm not leaving you too!!" He whines and pulls as hard as he could, his shoes scrapping against the dry, dead ground. "I don't wanna be alone!" He cries
Leo could only mutter a few unrecognizable words, his eyes falling closed and his body only seemed to get heavier. Casey quickly kneels down by his head and lightly pats his hand on Leo's face and shoulders, trying to wake him "nonono! C-come back! Please..?" He attempts to chur to try and wake him up but his throat felt like it was closing in on itself
His attention draws in on the bite on his arm, the injury was deep and dispite the freezing temperatures it continued to ooze with dark red blood, he noticed that the area around the bite was turning blue and black and his veins were bulging down his arm and progressing up towards his shoulder. He didn't understand what what happening but he knew he had to get rid of that part.
He carefully drops Leo's head back onto the ground and frantically began to search around the area for something that'd help him with that after a moment of frantic looking his eyes landed on Leo's sword and a familiar bracelet tied around the base of the handle, choking back tears Casey hesitantly walks over, exstended leos arm outwards then slowly grabs the handle of his sword, carefully pulling it out from its holder on Leo's shell, the blade thumps on the ground by Leo's neck and shoulders, it was much heavier than it looked and the bracelet made it a bit uncomfortable to hold, with some strained effort Casey holds up the sword above his head, he hones in on his target and he knows he has to get rid of that part, but he's scared
His heart was beating against his ribcage, his lungs were dry and in a constant squeeze, his muscles trembled against his bones as he held this sword above his head, the weight of it Making his arms go a bit numb. His sight was blurry from fighting back his tears, he really didn't want to do this "i-im sorry sensei" he weakly whimpers out in case he was listening, and brings the sword down with all his might, feeling it slice clean though, and hearing that awful noise for the second time this day
Now he was faced with a bigger problem, the bleeding, he did not account for the blood, and the sheer amount of it. He takes off his jacket and presses it unto his arm but it kept pooling out.
His green skin was paling and the harsh winds were taking its toll on Casey's small frame, tears streaked down his face as he carefully tucked himself under Leo's arm trembling.
It had felt like a decade went by, feeling their bodies grow colder and colder, his eyes slowly blinking, getting heavier with each motion. Just before his eyes fell to a complete close a flash of colors danced across his blurry vision before being engulfed by darkness, only faintly hearing three distinct voices before suddenly waking up in the medbay
That is where the memory ends
... at least for that part
Again I really hope you enjoyed it and I can't wait to show you the finished version once I get to that part, have a great day/night! Drink lots of water and don't forget to eat :]
---some aftermath---
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They buried her under one of the few trees left
None of them were alive, but them just being there brought some comfort and hope at a chance
Casey's eyes stare down at the two sticks that leo had snapped off the dead tree and tied them together
He stares down at the distorted ground just underneath the tied sticks, his fingers so numb they burned, making the dirt trapped under his fingernails noticeable
Like razor blades to skin
Feeling as an constant reminder of what he just lost
The ground had been hard to drag his fingers though, even with his sensie's help it was still a battle, in more than one way
His heart felt heavy, like a brick tied to the string of a ballon being dragged down by the weight, his tears burning his skin from the fridgit winds numbing it
As leo picked him up into his arm and holds him up, he feels the warmth seep into the cloth of his clothes and leans into it, helping him feel safe and secure
They stare at the dirt for a moment, not a single word spoken within the time, it almost felt wrong to speak
With a shaky hand, he lightly waves at the ground, shivering as a icy breeze blows by
With a hollow and wavered voice, casey speaks quietly, not wanting to wake the world around him
"I love you, mama"
"Sweet dreams"
They stayed for as long as they could, but as the sun started to hide behind the ruins of new York city, they too had to hide away from the harsh world
Back to a place that no longer felt familiar
I'm just...in shock. Oh my goodness when I tell you that Cassandra's first line l i t e r a l l y gave me ~chills~
Ahem??? Ouch. That hurt my heart/lh
Reading the whole way through had me on the edge of my seat oh my stars-
The fact that Cassandra basically told Leo to end her...and he actually did it?!??!! And then Casey frickin' chopped off Leo's arm?!??!!! Oh gosh there's so much pain and anguish all compacted into one horrible series of moments oh goodness gracious have mercyyy 😭😭😭/pospospos
This is amazing, you are amazing, I am in shock and awe like-
Damn. I've been floored 🫠
And the art?!??! Oh gah! Aughh I love the deep, rich colors and their big, sad eyes. They look like they've lived through a nightmare. Gah! I love it I love it!!
Thank you thank you thank you! Aawwwee!! Thank you so so much for sharing your work with me I am so very flattered and grateful 🥹💙✨
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vince-linder · 7 months
Valentines Day Double Date
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The gang having a lil double date, just a cozy afternoon in the middle of nowhere. Only Vin got moody all of the sudden, while it was all his idea. Crazy bastard.
@wingedhorrors Look at our boooys <3
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thehollowwriter · 4 months
I downloaded Ibis paint and made a very shitty lil Finn XD
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I only have a phone for now so it was a bit of a pain. Maybe if I had a laptop it would be easier? Anyways the boooy. I was just messing around with some stuff .
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kaebedom-me · 2 years
Im not sure if you're open for requests rn but i am so inlove with your stories with the poly bois haha, (youre actually the only one ive seen really write for it and youre also the one who dragged me into liking it so thank you hahaha)
BUT anyways would it be alright if you could write something with childe and kaeya in a modern!college! au where perhaps the gn!reader has been secretly bullied for yknow, taking the two, most sought after, bois in the uni? But the readers stubborn and keeps it to themselves till maybe the bois notice a bruise of sorts or smth? 👁👁
sorry if this was long but have a good day!!
i lOVE this overused trope and aaa I'm so glad you enjoy they!! i think they're the best to this day they're my strongest main :')
if i were reader i'd honestly be thriving and be rubbing it in people's faces like hah sucks to be you bitch
maybe reader is like that uwu i also get that sometimes it's hard to deal with constant mean things being said about you uwu
i kinda see you not wanting to tell childe and kaeya about it because they won't let it slide so easily, they are protective over you after all
also you wouldn't put it past them to not do anything stupid drastic about it so you kinda just keep it on the down low hoping it'd pass you know
but boooy were you wrong, for the sake of plot I'm saying these people are relentless and lifeless and have nothing else better to worry about in their busy college life and the bullying just kept coming LMAO
it started out small, people not wanting to be in groups with you then maybe acquaintances started exclude you from activities the verbal bulling didn't come til after a while
the boys arent stupid they aren't blind and oblivious about it but you never made it out to be a problem so they don't want to risk making you upset by interfering
childe would call out someone for being mean to you though and that usually steers people away for a while
kaeya doesn't try to bully people back but he can't help the things his silver tongue spits out sometimes, ain't no one is gonna disrespect his s/o in front of him
hates that you're bummed about it for a while so will try to make it up to you by bringing you out of dates outside of the town do other uni goers don't see
til one day these high school bullies started to grow some balls, saw that the boys were protecting you a lot and just had to jab at you when they weren't around, some were brave enough to make a passive aggressive comment around them too v rude
i feel? they'd try to interfere like subtly? like want to deter the attention from you but somehow made it worse for awhile HAHHAHAHA
like leaving hickeys on you was not a good idea because you were tripped over by some fucking bitch when they saw it. they even made a comment about how humongous your insect bite was
you'll prolly try to stop them from doing anything weird to you for a while
it really started something when the tripping happened. maybe you still try to be meek about it and hope it'll go away but people are just that free you know? power trip or whatever
they just took it as encouragement and started to corner you while you were going around uni
that's when things became physical enough for childe and kaeya to notice
they'd hate themselves for letting it come to this because you are miserable and they could've done something much sooner and maybe they should've umu
will make you cough up names of the people who have been physically abusive and if you don't they'd be a lil frustrated and disappointed
i see it mostly being like them interpreting it as you don't trust the two of them enough to share your troubles with
they'll think they haven't been attentive enough or maybe they haven't been doing anything to let you know that you can lean on them for support
(but it's actually your brain that's stupid and stubborn umu)
but it's ok because it's time to fix everything so you can be happy again
childe and kaeya have enough friends and intel to know snuff out the morons that's been bothering you
and if it happened to be someone they used to associate with they'll prolly going to be chewed out by kaeya and beat up by childe
i wanna say they gather evidence and send it to the bullies' respective profs but i think they're more the type to settle this on the down low and make people really regret what they've done to you
they do gather evidence and send it school and put the info public to ruin people's lives but that's not until they got their revenge uwu
they type to go and confront the bullies uwu what you can't take what you dish out? childe and kaeya can be even meaner bullies too if they chose to but instead they use their charm for good smh
will scare bitches into never wanting to set foot outside of their room again
but won't do anything drastic enough to draw attention to them, they're better than these people ofc
childe and kaeya can be a very scary combo and you wouldn't want to piss them off. they're both schemers and nasty
one will break your bones while the other would break you emotionally uwu all for shits and giggles because that was what seemed to get them off when it was you
when all is said and done and they've completely ruined your bully's life they'll come back to you for a long talk
wants to know whats up and wants to make sure you don't feel like you have to carry something like this alone again
pampers you a ton
if you're like sdfalfgh about them handling it their way you're gonna have to deal with it because it was the only way
(it wasn't they were just in a bad mood because you were sad)
they'll!! reassure you a ton too!! and talk enough to uncover why you handled it the way you did
they want to be there for you and want you to rely on them for things like these!
also you made them worry a whole fuck ton so you better apologise!!!!!
soft make up and reassurance sex tho :bottom emoji: because you three were really hurt during this time
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You know, the Act of Lies Au would likely have a lot of differences, not just from the main AU but from canon as well.
Fred and his SMGs, Spudnick, their worlds, 1 & 2's Admins, and Axol are still alive because no Genesis and Revelation Arcs (though there's a good chance that threats of similar power levels showed up Because Content, and those threats still resulted in the reveal of 3 and 4's origins and meeting Fred, Spudnick and their SMGs and friends since otherwise we'd basically have to speedrun those reveals when the Reset Arc happens and that arc already has a crapton of crazy reveals).
The God Box probably wasn't destroyed so Duck never returned, The Haltmann Arc either didn't happen or involved TV Adware giving Susie God Box Material right from the source (wouldn't put it past them).
Either 3 and 4 have completely different Admins or (for simplicity's sake) Domain and Forum in this universe are separate characters from -1 and -2. Whoever they are, they still replaced Singularity with Lil Coding because WE NEED THE BOI!!!!
While Byte is still...well, Byte, his plan in his debut arc relied on Domain and Forum being his creations, so there's a good chance it just didn't happen and he's quietly waiting for an opportunity to further his true goals.
This would mean that the IRL arc either didn't happen (unlikely given everything was driven specifically by Welony's ambitions) or just took longer to happen since she didn't have a former Admin feeding her info. Granted, that could be circumvented by Cluster (that asshole from the Override Incident) getting NPC'd as a harsher punishment than canon if we want things to stay mostly in order.
Considering Nimbus and Tulip's new situation I'd assume that Watered Down Dreams and the Best Worst Party Ever either don't happen or add to their internal conflicts.
Duck not coming back...doesn't actually change Worm's return in the slightest, since he's after any notably Powerful and Unique Program or Virus for his power boost plan. Also I'd assume that the climactic event of this AU would be a heavily modified Legacy Arc considering the Union's involved.
Also not timeline-related, but I'd imagine that while he's willing to work with them since they clearly have the same goals as him, Barry would probably not like -1 and -2 at all since they're SMGs and his hatred of the Meme Cycle is absolutely directed at those meant to uphold it, and those biases don't go away just because they happen to agree with him.
Yeah, that's what I was going for in the AU! A huge ripple affect, where one small decision instead leads to bigger changes all throughout the AU and canon. Because we need at least one AU where things are majorly different from the get-to.
Cluster becoming a part of Welony's plans would fit SO well with what it wanted, so yeah, it would definitely become her new little pawn being. Domain and Forum also being separate entities in this AU is what I'm going with too. (And yeah, we need LC!! The BOOOI!!!!)
And yeah, the hugely climatic event is in a modified Legacy Arc, specifically that scene where it was Frenzy who got the Source Code during the chaos. Instead, it's Tulip, and lemme tell you.. this was the first scene I thought of in the AU, and so it's the most fleshed out.
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dreadful-home · 2 years
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elgat404andmore · 1 year
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Grian my boooy! :P just lil sketch nothing to crazy today
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anna-neko · 2 years
I would like to dedicate chapter 5 of this fic to that One Customer who handed me a giant-ass ice coffee (much sugar and milk) near the end of my day. Thank you ma'am, u made Retail x-mas Hell bearable Coming home to front-row seats of the …uhh…fic process…has really… reset some things in my fujoshi brain
*clenches fist* Ms. @owl-ghost was layin down the smooching scenes and I'm here frellin over-caffeinated …awake at 2am slinging verbs like they goin outta style! (Daryl the viking to Henry's mermaid: t'was my brainspace and boooy did i dive deep) Ya need someone middle of the night to toss ya Aerosmith and GreenDay lyrics? with a touch of BonJovi? ooooh boy is me awake middle-of-fuck AM good at this!
Everyone go read @owl-ghost's lovely lil Daryl x Henry AU work There's 1 wholeass scene am hella proud of! (she sketched it out, set flat colors, I filled in some commas and an adjective or 2 and suddenly MASTERPIECE..._) (ʘ̥ ε ʘ̥)b
In Love and Contempt - Owl_Ghost - Dungeons and Daddies (Podcast) [Archive of Our Own]
PS: ya know whats amazing? Reading the finished chapter when it's up! The in-progress doesn't have certain scenes (like a movie edit w/ VFx placeholders still rendering) and ooooh man, the anticipation!! To roll up in there, click that link & read some fresh AU fluff
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leggyre · 2 years
Can you tell us some stuff about your splatoon ocs?
OH BOY so ive been meaning to drop some stuff about them(even the oldest ones because they've got some updates boooi) but ive been too busy drawing squid and playing squid bideogame to write about squid do u get me
so UH ill use this as my excuse to do at least some rambling uwU (<- me before i wrote this whole fuckin thing) they're all around the same age (17-19) but their character arcs sorta start based on the game i made them for (does that make sense?)
i wanna get them all smth decent on toyhouse eventually but this will do for now lmao
okay so this post is long as hell its readmore time
so to start with the splat 1 crew who were around 14 when i first made them;
but first here's the post w most of them, for reference :-)
Fernanda is basically the focus point of everything that happens here. Definition of girlboss; she moves every plot point because she is bold and determined to reach her goals. Her main objective is the classic BECOME THE VERY BEST and for that she's constantly trying to assemble the perfect team; though the means to reach that goal are pretty flexible. She's pretty much feral in battle, and is what some might call a "tryhard" in-game. She does try very hard. Way too much sometimes.
-anyway the moment she became a legit kid who is a squid at 14 she started going to turf war bc it was always her passion. Additionally, the moment her Childhood Bestie(tm) Speckle reached the same age she dragged him too. Personally, he'd rather not get into that stuff because hes very timid and nervous and scared and- yeah, that- but he's willing to do it with a friend; specially Fernanda, whose secondary hobby is beating up people who are mean to him. Thats sorta how they met in the first place.
She is, however, very determined to teach him the ins and outs of turf war and challenge him to go out of his comfort zone. He likes using brushes because he's an artsy person, but since it's a mostly aggressive weapon type, Fernanda wants him in the frontlines with her. It's just strats guys she totally isn't also doing it just to spend more time with her friend :-) shhh
But he sorta sticks like glue and depends a lot on her for safety, which isn't really the best idea in her mind. SO to try to teach him to be more confident she eventually starts joining the opposing team instead.
Needless to say, Spec is terrified being in a team without her. Doesn't help that she's the enemy, either, even though she usually doesn't outright splat him when they eventually clash. She moreso tries to give him a lesson first. It doesn't work very well. And worse yet, at one point some annoying ass charger starts targeting her specifically whenever she gets close to the other side of the map.
...And that's Gabriel (but i just call him gabe) :) He sorta notices how this girl keeps going after the same guy over and over again and eventually went 'yeah okay thats enough' and just started giving Speckle some support. (wanna make a lil note here that this is based on an actual thing that happened to me in game; i ran out of ink in a fight and the team charger blasted them and we both went BOOYAH. ill never forget u bro)
So yeah spec being spec he glued onto gabe instead. fernanda was, indeed, very upset by this because not only she couldn't enforce her lessons anymore but also spec was just doing the thing she didn't want him keep doing in the first place. And dealing with gabe is like. very, very annoying. specially for her as a roller main. he's always camping at the same few spots and he pretty much always avoids confrontation of any kind; motherfucker just jumps back to spawn or to a teammate who's safe. He has not only an advantage in range, but also his aim is impeccable. it's terrible hes terrible
anyway spec, despite being timid, actually grows attached to people really fast. from then on, every time they spot gabe in the lobby he waves and invites him to join them. fernanda is very annoyed my this but eventually she actually forms some sorta friendly rivalry with him(instead of, ynow, her being motivated purely to kick his ass). she ends up inviting him to join her (to be) Perfect Team(tm) and they all start hanging out more and learning how to work as a group.
also theres this plot thread
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its really just classic fluff n they end up dating like god intended
now there's like a big story gap here because, uh, it used to be some shared stuff with a friend but-- Yeah. im not sure what to do with that just yet. (..and its the big arc where fernanda has the most character development, strengthens her goals and improves herself. big gay shit too. bummer. 😔)
This gap extends all the way to the timeline of Splatoon 2, where they're all around 16
But lemme add some misc stuff that's happened since the first game tho; -Speckle has a new hobby, weapon customization! :-) he mostly does it for fun or for his friends, but occasionally someone comes up offering pay for it. he's not very confident about actually selling the stuff, but hey, he wasn't the one who asked for money. -Gabe learns to camp less but he gets tired real fast. -Fernanda and Gabe actually form a good and strong bond???? the rivalry is still there and they sometimes do 1v1 because she wants to get better at fighting people with far ranged weapons. -Actually, Fernanda's skill in particular grows exponentially. She's really giving it all she's got. Speckle might be less scared of going to turf alone, but it still makes him sorta nervous. -They move together to a lil place near Inkopolis Plaza because I don't follow real world rules (does a little dance) i will spare you of the somewhat underdeveloped socioeconomic hcs i made for this
Splatoon 2 is the "Fernanda goes out scouting for a 4th person to complete their team and Spec befriends every single candidate" arc. It's what it says on the very specific tin. Just three of them won't do, and they have to get a 4th team member in order to start actually cooking some neat strategies because everyone has to be in on it.
They do turf and ranked matches and Fernanda tries to recruit the people who do best alongside them. In this process they meet Fernando, aka Fucco bc hes a fucker thats all there is to it lmao(though I have to mention Gabe is the origin of this nickname because he can't fucking stand Fernando; everyone else just sorta agrees because Yeah It's True), and through him they also are introduced to Roberta(bobby) and Orlando(orb!!!), who are his buddies and theyre just here to chill tbh.
When Fernanda rejects Fucco as a possible team member he is absolutely offended by it. So he rallies up his allies(see: his two friends) to clash against the og trio. Thing is, they don't really have much experience as a team. Bobby and Orb just sorta do turf casually, for fun. Fucco is the only one of them who is actually competitive and he just thinks great at it (hes average at best). He's always acting like they're the mean girls when both teams cross paths and tries to make up for his lack of skill with witty remarks, which, granted, is something he actually is good at.
He sorta starts pushing his teammates a bit too much to the point they're not really having fun anymore so they have to like stop supporting this for a moral lesson that he does not listen to and makes him feel betrayed so he gets upset at them. And then these battles devolve into just 1v1 between [chuckles] Fernanda and Fernando with everyone watching it like it's a saturday morning cartoon because honestly theres no contest here. This obviously makes him break eventually, and so Fernanda now is the one who has to break the moral lesson about idk fighting with passion, teamwork, actually accepting your own flaws and working around them and not through them, etc etc all that anime kinda stuff. Maybe throw something about the power of friendship there too just for flavor.
So while all these things happens, Spec is just being nice with the other team. He sometimes just stops mid-battle to listen to Orb rambling about something as he often does(yeah they just sit there but don't worry Gabe is always there to watch for whiny tryhards too), gives them a lil booyah when they do cool stuff, and always invites them to chill at the cafeteria when they're all done with their matches. And they do, although Fernando has a little uuuuuuh trouble with this. There's always a long exchange of threatening glares between him and Gabe and/or Fernanda. He's mostly only there because Orb is a friend he'd die for. and Orb really likes Speckle too.
Annnd yeah when this is all settled down and Fucco has finally stopped trying to be a nuisance these guys all merge into One Larger Group and he actually gets to join Fernanda's team in turf; not as one of them, though, just hanging out with them. It's all just shenanigans for them for a while after all that's done (-:
Eventually they meet MY BOY Michael aka Mikemas which is like Splatmas but with his (nick)name because he was 12 when he made that username. I switched the protagonist POV to him because, in case you haven't noticed, I just really love him. He's a little bastard who's got a significant following on the internet; he occasionally livestreams turf war(and other stuff) and has a BIG passion for music. Also makes funny short skits and other trendy type of content you'd see from an online personality. Speaking of online personality - that's all his sorta dumb egocentric attitude is. Though he is very confident, most of the dumb shit he says and does is mean to be a joke (see: "I don't need this, I'm an influencer" while being completely aware he isn't of that scale yet). Biggest highlights are the Calamari Inkantation ballad cover - the thing which usually makes people notice just how good his vocals are - and the "Now Or Never But Every Loop Gets Faster" video.
And then there's Manga, who I just got out of the afriendmadethis limbo because he and Mike go hand in hand. They live together and they're childhood friends who are, really close, not in a romantic way but in a way you'd probably think is. Manga participates in the internet presence stuff as well, he plays the keyboard and has a soundboard of funny sound effects for streaming :-) He's nonverbal, very quiet and deadpan most of the time but he's basically got the same sense of humor as Mike; they're very similar in a lot of ways that would make you question if maybe they're actually siblings? (they aren't) He's just less confident and less likely to engage in dumb shit; to the point he kinda has to act like a fuckin babysitter because someone keeps "forgetting" to take the medicine for their bipolar disorder and we simply can't let that happen so I guess we gotta fuckin suplex him to do it I guess. A lot of things need to have parental controls enabled because someone is very prone to addiction and keeps trying to play videogames for 24 hours nonstop without consuming anything but the hoard of iced tea they have in the fridge, which occasionally has to be locked also.
(in conclusion mike would've never been allowed to live away from his family if manga wasn't there)
Anyway yeah they meet Mike in turf and he's actually almost as good as he says he at it is so he earns the invitation to claim the honorable title of 4th member of Fernanda's team. ...Okay. It's more like. He's the one person who accepted it, I guess. And thus, Mike and Manga get to join their table at the cafeteria.
The last characters I made for Splatoon 2 were these guys, who never really got any development(or even names) until Splatoon 3 so I'm kinda pushing them to be for the Splat 3 plots I've been cookin'. And they finally have names - Vespa Gel, Roll and Viv.
So yeah now where we are, Splatoon 3 where everyone is 17-19. This is all still going on in the general area near Inkopolis Plaza, though we'll get to the mentions of Splatsville soon.
Mike was a very late addition to the team, so he isn't very well adjusted to the way they go about in turf and... He isn't really what we can call responsible, and is quite the chore to deal with. This bit of plot is mostly about several dumb conflicts between him and Fernanda because he keeps skipping practice, missing calls, and mostly acts independently instead of trying to work as a team. He is, however, a vital asset because of the skill level and comes in clutch very often, which is why he hasn't been kicked out of the team yet.
Now the stuff here is mostly still a mess so I'll get to some key points that happen parallel to that conflict--
-Mike meets Viv in turf and they bond a lot not just during matches but also afterwards bc Viv just sorta likes taking walks around the plaza and Mike tags along, initially because he wants to know when he could expect to see Viv in turf again because its good stream content and he just really likes going against people who match his skill bc it's fun :-) This sorta leads to them just hanging out a lot and meanwhile everyone at the table is just... sorta giggling quietly about how sus he's being bc of how he excitedly talks about Viv but he pushes back saying it's just some fun kinda rivalry y'now??? nothing to see here.
-Viv eventually has to stop hanging out bc he kinda is part of a gang that now kinda despises Mike. Well, Vespa, specifically, but the other two have goon brain so they gotta pretend they also hate him. They could hurt him in all sorts of bad ways because the boys r kinda unhinged, so Viv decides it's the best option to stop hanging out at the plaza(which is actually pretty far from where he lives)
-This is heartbreaking, of course, specially bc it happened right as Mike accepted that Yes, He Has The Hell of a Crush and sorta hits some insecurities he has.
-But right after he meets Sen, and they kinda have a relationship? One where they are together, but both don't really want to admit it? because theyre both fucking stupid lmao (jk its related to more serious things but yeah)
(this is where i pause bc im legally required to share a ref of him though i dont have a good and finished one so just take this)
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(fucken pastel anime boy babeeey)
-Sen is from Splatsville, he moved to Inkopolis alone to work towards a career goal by taking some extensive courses and apprenticeships. He is constantly overworking himself and being stressed due to it, but he really doesn't want to grow attached to anyone in Inkopolis because he is very deeply affected by separation. This move itself has been very hard for him, even though he still has contact with his friends back in the Splatlands, and he doesn't want to have to go through it again when he eventually goes back home. Well, that was the plan until he was forced to have a funny little guy who sticks like glue, as a treat :-)
..this is all I can confidently share for now, but there's a lil bit in the crock pot that I've been brainstorming because Splat 3 finally convinced me to take a dip on making the agents ocs. its THE GIRLS they're the ones featured in this post. i wanna do an alt story mode with them eventually but no promises since im bad at keeping my word LMAO
(small note i forgot to add, they are kinda connected to the main group bc they are sen's aforementioned friends they bully him on inkstagram)
(UPDATE) dear lord ive named them theyre Amber(Captain), Camellia(4), Elizabeth(8), and Goo(3) (<- but u say it more like its "gaw"). Lil' buddy is just lil' buddy but goo will occasionally call him cute lil nicknames when no one is lookin' so they do the fabled bABYTALK!!!!!!!!!
heres some extra stuff w them 😌
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and these bc theyre funny
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theres definitely more of these but searching for them specifically is tough DJFHGHBGDF
i want you to know that ive been writing this on and off ever since you sent this ask
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