#Obsessed with the chaps especially- I mean the whole fit really
pinkyjulien · 6 months
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Valentin & Mitch | 668/??
Finally gave Val' his Wilding appearance 😩👌 still a wip but I'm lowkey obsessed hgfhghf
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user211201 · 3 months
Gym Goggles
--- Originally posted by ZacharyEverlust before 2018-08-22 ---
--- Note: Pokémon Leader TF ---
The Coach blew his whistle, and off goes another successful victim--applicant! Gomennasai for that error. But yes, we are all applicants here aren't we?
The next one of us is a delightful little chap who was personally invited to join us in Dorm Desire Academy. Average build, you can tell since he's stripped naked aside from the privates which are covered by swimming trunks. He should be getting rid of them soon anyway.
By the way, you could tell that he's one of those anime-obsessed teenagers if you pay a visit to his room, devoted to reading tons of manga and playing many kinds of anime-based games. Well, you could tell that too if you knew the man personally. I mean, that's why I invited him after all.
Boy, don't you know how these types just absolutely love to imagine being fit, more muscular versions of themselves. Charismatic, shouting and boasting about in their teenage-slang. Cheerful and popular, basically total jocks. I mean! Just look at how great they turned out back in the Academy!
No dumbing down in case you guys are wondering, just pushing aside and reorganizing their talents in academics and pushing it all into sports and leadersip. Though its really case by case scenario if you are going into detail.
But yes, time to start narrating properly again. Let's call the chap "Baikoha" for now.
"WHERE are your GOGGLES?!" The coach shouted."Don't you know that all new students are required to wear their FULL-SET of equipment before the lesson?"
Baikoha winced, his hands fumbling about in his trunks. Attempting to find the branded pair of swim-gear that's tucked in. "Why did I sign up for swimming lessons again?" He thought. Noting that this week is "Sports Week" at campus, a tri-monthly Dorm Desire event in which its a mandatory for new students to take part in one sporting event each time in the year.
He took out the swimming goggles, light blue lens with rubberized ocean colored sides. It was quite similar to the rest of the goggles of the other participants in line. Although, like what the mini-swimmer's package that was sent to me has said. It's of a completely different branding.
"Congratulations, you've obtained one of the two limited edition "Marlon & Brawly" branded goggles." It said, and judging by the rest of the swimmers' mass produced "Dorm Desire branded" goggles. It looks like him and one other guy are the lucky ones for this semester.
Well, you would be if the coach wasn't pissed off at you.
He quickly wore the eye-wear, a loud "Click" sound signifying the goggles being attached to my face. The surroundings gained a dark-blueish tone, as the chap stared at the deep blue open-aired swimming pool, which seems to be remodeled and designed like the ocean itself.
Stepping forward...little by little. Nervous to mention to the coach that he's "not particularly sure how to swim"..., especially considering that this side of the pool only seem to be really deep. And that's only what it seems! Imagine how deep it actually is!
"So you're one of those newbies huh? The coach spoke,uh ohWell once this week is over, I'll have you diving like a professional!" He gave a really fierce-looking grin, as he raised his right arm and--
The helpless chap is slammed into the pool, water flows and culminates around the branded goggles. Bubbles bubbling about.
Bubbles beam towards the corners of the student's lips.Streaming past the edges of his tongue, the uvula, and into the numerous systems in his body. Body completely paralyzed, limp and light. But alive as ever, with red hot blood pumping to overcome the oxygen deficit in the lung.
Triggering the whole body, as the bubbles work inward. Down the legs, through the arms, chest, and most importantly the head. All of it beginning to realign themselves into a proper swimmer's form. New info being slowly bubbled into his thoughts.
The first were the arms. Starting strongly as they slowly align into position, arms bulking and tanning themselves deeply with the illumination of the sun. Mixed with the cool richness of the minerals in the pool, forming a light chocolate collagen-rich tan showing confidently on his swimmer-ised, nimble and exposed biceps.
Next were the chest. Pecs pumping out like a heart, chest firm, proudly synchronized with the darkening skin tone from each arm. Blood bubbling into the veins, lungs being completely filled with air bubbles, muscles aching for some action. His body stings up!
Arms moving further and wider, involuntary to the new brain sensors as they spread wide! Performing a powerful backstroke underwater, solidifying those strong back muscles that complement the skill and strength of the swimmer. Broad shoulders, with abs glistening with a healthy Tan like the rest of his upper torso.
Legs giving a mighty dolphin kick, popping out those glutes as they form a proud bubble butt, shining out underneath the new trunks growing beneath. Tan line forming just around the waist. Bottom as clear and white as the gentle milky river.
Bubbles leave his pores via the lower portion, releasing the laziness, unenthusiasm, and stress. Legs marloning and Shoot!ing past the unathletic height. The Negative energy being destroyed and bursting all over his feet as two pair of plain-sticky dark blue sandals form over his well-developed feet.
His mouth forms a steady grin, unattractive thoughts seeping out of his new darkened coat, trunks expanding and wet-suiting down his tall legs, brightening into a positive light blue with three thick paler strips down each thigh. Pairs of fins youthfully pop by at the ends of each leg. Completing his favourite wet-suit.
The light brownish hue covers his entire neck and face. His eyebrows and hair dye themselves a sharpedo blue, angular jaw and prominent cheekbones showing off the cheeriness of the man. The man who enjoys being in the water.
"Study-nerd's essays, homework, and watching anime are total bummer dude!" His vocal cords cooled, laced with Surfer lingo. * "Radical thoughts like surfing, swimming and marine biology are totally in."* Hair styling itself into a fin of a sharpedo, with some white dotted sparkles spotted near the front.
"Yo, what's an anime? ...Man, for some reason. I feel like I was in one!"
The man thought, furrowing his well-shaped eyebrows before shrugging off almost instantly. The last bits of the negative bubbles leaving through his mouth, steady and high capacity lungs lay deep in his body. As the soothing wave carries him up the depth of the pool, shooting up as it transforms into a tidal wave and--
The new man rose to the surface.
Flipping up his special goggles and allowing the light blue aura of the pool's surface to diminish any doubt he once ever had. Eyes revealing to be a calm, and a refreshing blue, with the confidence and fierceness of an all time swim-goer.
Embracing and relaxing in his new identity, as Marlon, Former Gym Leader of Humilau City's Gym and now the Captain of The University's Water Sports Group. A Carefree Surfer Jock who loves nothing more than being in the water.
"Yo! Brawly! Sup!" Marlon raised his hand. HI-FIVE "Hey Man! Totally drenched me over here! Haha!" He laughed.
The two of them were inseparable, fierce competitors and the greatest of friends back when they met in orientation. Recognizing the other Gym Leader back when they were roomies. And having being given their own special goggles together by the higher-ups as a reward for being one of the best pairs in their category. The Ocean.
With their knowledge of the ocean, surfing as well as a healthy match of Pokemon battles and tons of working out. With Marlon and Brawly taking the lead in The school's Swimming/Water Polo and Dynamic Surfers Teams respectively, The Captains of the University's Water Sports Group were unstoppable together.
"Dude! Race you to the top of the diving board." Marlon swam. "Oh yeah? Well I'm gonna wipe you down man!" Brawly jumped in and swam right after him.
The two of them made their way to the diving board.
"Hey Man! Watch this--I'm gonna make--!"
"A Bigger Splash Than The Sea!"
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melodiesofblueroses · 4 years
𝘓𝘪𝘱 𝘉𝘢𝘭𝘮
→ 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
🎕 𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: Levi’s lip balm seems to work miracles when y/n compliments him on how soft his lips are, then he runs out and tries to find another one that’d work just as fine. 
🎕 𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: Fluff
🎕 𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: ~2.2k  
🎕 𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴 𝘶𝘱: f!reader
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“your lips are so soft.” levi froze, as if on instinct, immediately upon hearing those words. if only he could see his face at that moment, he’d bet that it looked all red and awkward and unattractive. this was such a special moment, and now it was all ruined thanks to him. ughh, if only he would’ve stayed all cooped up in his room. but all those thoughts were quickly swept to the side when levi reflected back on what had just happened in the past few seconds. his crush had kissed him! kissed him, right on the lips, after the two of them shared a stroll through the gardens!! levi, the demon who thought that he’d only have his favorite characters besides him, was able to find romance. 
“i. um, well-i…” he was at a loss for words. one of his largest romantic dreams had finally come true, and all levi could do was stand still. it was too much for him to take at that moment honestly. should he say thanks? respond with ‘you too?’ go in for another kiss? none of his romcoms or manga ever went over this scenario, so he was all on his own. so levi did the only thing he could do, mumble out something incoherent and hope that y/n would pick up the message. 
“you’re so cute.” at this point, y/n was probably trying to murder the demon. she couldn’t help it though. it was so fun teasing the avatar of envy, especially when he reacted so cutely. “well, i’m gonna go ahead and head back to the house. i’m a bit tired right now.” with that, y/n waved levi goodbye, adding a little wink as one final tease, before skipping back as she hummed contently. she was pretty proud of herself for building up the courage to kiss him directly after all these months of crushing on him. 
levi stood amidst the garden filled with blooming flowers special only to the devildom, still dumbfounded at what had just taken place. the human exchange student had just kissed him out of nowhere and then went on to compliment how soft his lips were. unconsciously, he moved to touch his lips, shivering a bit upon the sensation of his finger on his lips as he remembered how her lips felt. geez, he’d have to thank that special edition ruri-chan lip balm he managed to snatch for tonight.  
it had been a few weeks since the little night walk (at least that’s what the other brothers called it), and levi had grown more conscious of his lips, whether for better or for worse. his most valuable possession had gone from his tsl collection to lip balm, which was quite a jump. every morning and night, levi always managed to apply some of the balm in order to ensure that his lips were the softest. after all, he never knew when the next time y/n would surprise him with a kiss. maybe if he was confident enough, he’d be the one to make the first move. pfft, like that’d ever happen. 
“gahh! this can’t be…” levi muttered, staring poignantly at his now empty lip balm. of course this would only happen to him, his luck was pure rotten. his ever cherished lip blam that made y/n compliment him was now all done, finished, empty to the core. and it was a limited edition one! there was no way levi would find another one of its kind. he was freaking out. now there was no way that y/n would ever kiss him again, not with his crusty and chapped lips. i mean, they weren’t that bad just yet, but soon they will be if he doesn’t find a suitable alternative fast. “maybe i could ask asmo for one.”
“ask me what?” levi was, needless to say, shocked at the sudden voice that answered him, not expecting a visitor to, well, visit his room. of course, it was none other than his younger brother asmo, standing in the doorway in all his might and glory, adjusting his pair of flower earrings that he always had on. 
“n-nothing,” he mumbled, deciding it was better to keep it to himself since asmo would no doubt tease him due to the fact that levi was trying hard to impress y/n. he’d pick on his outfits, personality, the way he stumbles over his words when talking with others, the fact that he was way too obsessed with games and anime, and basically everything that made levi, well, levi. and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to handle all those comments. “anyway, where are you going, and what are you doing in my room?” he pointed out, eyeing his brother up and down. asmo was dressed up quite a bit, which didn’t really say much since he was always walking around in the latest fashion, but he figured it’d be a way to shift the conversation away from him and his troubles.
“i’m going to run a few errands with satan, and I, being the caring younger brother,” asmo glared at levi for his previous remark, “wanted to stop by and see if you wanted anything.” in truth, levi did want something: a new lip balm, but that would be too embarrassing to admit. plus, levi not wanting any new anime merch or the latest volume release would be too suspicious, and asmo would surely poke his nose into whatever was bothering his dear older brother.
“i need you to leave me alone.”
“a new set of clothes for you would surely be nice,” the younger scoffed, taking the time to belittle his clothing choice, just as levi had suspected. “what did you want to ask me anyway?”
“i said nothing.”
“annd i don’t believe you.” 
“whatever, i don’t care. just leave me alone.”
“i’m not leaving until you tell me.” ugh, this constant back and forth was giving a levi a headache, and he knew how persistent asmo was, especially when it came to gossip and the personal lives of others. the avatar of lust was surely to find out sooner or later, whether through him, y/n, or some demon that had just so happened to pass by just as levi and y/n shared that kiss. although he wasn’t too keen on explaining what had happened between him and y/n, levi decided that it was better to do so in order to regain his privacy. then again, would asmo even leave him alone if he found out that his brother and the human were pursuing a relationship? well, it would be best not to think about that possibility right now.
“ugh, fine. i was just going to ask if i could borrow one of your lip balms,” he mumbled, looking to the side in order to try and cover up his blush. plus, seeing asmo’s shocked face would only make him regret his choice even more. the sooner this whole ordeal was over, the better. 
“lip balm?” as suspected, asmo was, needless to say, confused at the request. i mean, this was the demon that always asked for the latest installment in manga, games, tsl, etc. all of a sudden, he’s worrying about chapped lips. it was quite a shocking transition to say the least. “well, that i can do. i’ll make sure to buy one that fits you.” levi sighed in relief, expecting this to be the end of this conversation, but asmo had other plans in mind. “but why this all of a sudden? trying to impress y/n?”
“w-wha? uhh...no! of course not,” levi retaliated, although he himself wasn’t fully convinced at his own statement. for one, he was a blushing mess, which he could tell since his cheeks suddenly felt way too warm. secondly, he was tripping over his words, and his brothers know all too well that he only does that when embarrassed. they did live with him for thousands of years after all. asmo shook his head, as if disappointed that his older brother would even attempt to escape from this one. 
“levi,” asmo said a bit too seriously, cupping his older brother’s cheeks and staring him in the eyes. “we all know. the other night, when you and y/n went out for a walk, y/n came back all giddy, and you were a mess. honestly, i can’t believe you thought this would get under my nose of all demons.”
he was, well, speechless. i mean, levi didn’t believe for one second that he’d be able to get away with this “relationship.” for one, anytime someone mentioned y/n to him, levi would blank and act like a fool. also, his brothers knew him way too well. there was basically no such think as privacy within the house of lamentation. yet, he couldn’t help but feel humiliated. he himself wasn’t even entirely sure as to why he felt this way. 
maybe it was because a relationship between a demon and a human was highly looked down upon, or maybe he was afraid of his brothers’ teasing. he was a yucky shut-in otaku after all. there was no doubt they’d make jokes about it (especially that scumbag mammon). then again, maybe he was just feeling humiliated because his “secret” was never a secret in the first place. his feelings for y/n were always out in the open, so nothing really big had been revealed. well, he had time to ponder over his feelings some other time. right now, levi needed to get that lip balm from asmo. 
“yeah yeah whatever. can you just get me a lip balm?” 
“of course. i have one in mind that’d be perfect for you.”
here levi stood outside the house of lamentation once more, hand-in-hand with y/n. she had once more invited him to walk with her through the blooming gardens. they weren’t really anything special to levi since they were a view he was accustomed to, but for y/n who was from the human realm, they were a spectacle. amidst the dreary and bleak devildom lay life, which was quite a shock to both angels and humans we expected hell to be as depicted in various media: treacherous. but the colorful array of flowers provided for a pop of color, a sharp contrast from the dark atmosphere.
“mirage flowers are so pretty,” y/n sighed, rubbing one of the petals between her thumb and index finger. “i wish i could take one back home, but i doubt diavolo would let me.” levi stood in silence as he intently listened to her thoughts that she was spilling to him. did she really trust him enough to tell him everything that was on her mind? that thought surely made his heart skip a beat. 
when he finally snapped out of his little stupor, he noticed y/n looking at him rather strangely (he was oblivious to the fact that it was a dreamy stare). was there something on his face? did he forget to fix himself up? wait, what if she found him disgusting now?! all these thoughts and anxieties flooded his mind, and it clearly showed on his face that he was now in panic mode. 
but then, he felt her lips on his once more, and levi’s mind blanked, just as it always does in situations like this. it was another dream come true, the one where y/n would kiss him again. maybe, just maybe, she didn’t really hate him as much as he thought. why else would she kiss him again? maybe she’d even compliment his lips once more; he hoped so, especially since he owes asmo way too much for that tiny stick of lip balm he had bought him, so it had better been worth it. the thought of that happening made him burn up. 
“mm,” y/n hummed once the two parted, licking her lips as she seemed to be lost in thought. “strawberry?”
“uh, yeah.”
she hummed contently once more and laid down on the bleak and dreary devildom grass, patting the spot besides her, insisting levi to do so as well, to which he happily complied. well, it was a pretty dumb move of him to think that she wouldn’t notice his lip balm considering the fact that he had smothered it on prior to the walk. y/n didn’t seem to mind it too much though, and she did seem to like its strawberry taste, so i guess this was a success after all? it’d be best for levi not to dwell on it too much now, especially considering the fact that y/n had just snuggled in closer to him. this was way too much for levi’s fragile heart. first, she had asked him to take a walk with her again, and then she kisses him outta nowhere, and now they were cuddling? geez, he’s got to ask asmo for the name of the brand later.
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anochuu · 4 years
kimetsu no yaiba | reverse harem
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⤧feat Sanemi, Uzui, Giyū and Kyōjurō
⤧ Fluff
⤧Slightly Rated
⤧Long oneshot
The ravenette young man slowly find himself tossing the drowsiness away and have come to an awaken when that certain voice calls out for him-his eyelids fluttering open trying to adjust with the light of the afternoon sun.But a shadow seem to conceal them right around his view;coming to a clear it is someone who is looking down at him.
He blinks the sleepiness away which made the female slip a few faint chuckles from her lips,he really looked like a child waking up from his nap.
"Should you really be sleeping here outside?"
He stifle a yawn,now forcing himself to sit upright with a stretch of his arms.He looks at his surroundings momentarily where he remembered planning to take a short rest by the engawa in one of the Ubuyashiki's estate where it meant for the other demon hunters to sleep in.
"Why not?"
"Are you serious? You just got back from an injured mission,did you not? What happened to resting in Shinobu's place?" She sat herself down on the veranda as well now,she is not wearing her haori so Giyū must have guessed she left it back at her own room.
"What about you?" He ask,voice groggy and hoarse when his throat felt dry
"Me?" She blinks twice,
"You just got back from a mission too.Why are you here?"
"You noticed?" Her smile slowly broke out,widening their form that always manage to make Giyū heart flutters in a pleasing way.
"I was just on my way back home 'till i smelt your scent here."
"My scent?"
She nods, "Yeah, after all, Giyū scent is unique tee-hee."
Oh have mercy with his heart
"Is that so.." He murmur,gaze casts downwards and she who senses it lean closer,cradling his cheek with one of her hand, shifting the warmth of her palm to his cold skin.
"You look really tired,Giyū.Will you not rest properly?" She sounded very concern and he uses this chance to lean against her touch.
"Will you be here?" He knows he is acting like a pampered child right now but he can't help it.Whenever (y/n) is around he will only show that fragility side of his only to her;her who manage to thaw the ice in his heart.  Her words are very delicate,assuring and soft which he found himself falling to her sweet honey voice all the damn time.
(y/n)’s lips curve a small but genuine smile, "May i come closer?"
This is what he loves about her; she will always ask for his consent though she knows very well that he will always say yes nonetheless but she still does.  Giyū nodded and she scooted closer where his arms opened ready to welcoming her into his embrace that eventually often ended up with his head resting upon her lap; loving how she would ran through her fingers to comb his black locks,soothing both his mind and physique.
"I met a boy today." He conversed,
 "His whole family was slaughtered by the demons." And he felt her touch stops for a second,before continuing again.
"But left for his sister."
"And i take it you saved them?"
He didn't answer as the silence hovers above the two.
His navy blue gaze bore intensely into her (e/c) ones, "No matter what happened later,will you trust me?"
Her smile slowly fell,she looks like she is trying to figure out the reason behind his eyes but couldn't find any;so what is he talking about?
"Was it life-threatening to you?"
"Will it ease your mind if i said i will?"
He doesn't move or utter a word though his stare never left hers.Sometimes Giyū is unreadable and (y/n) is having difficult times to understand him but all so far ever since she met him, he never hurt her in fact, he adores her so that he  will always remind her through words and actions that he is very caring.
"As long as Giyū believes what's right,then i will believe you too." She concluded.
My dear,what a beautiful creature and her heart so
With that said, Giyū prop himself up, levelling his gaze with hers.He waste no second as he dip in to a soft kiss to her plush ones that looks very irresistible with its natural rosey colour,inviting him to taste it.  One hand went to the back of her head as he leans deeper in result for the girl to arch her back-Giyū took the advantage to let her lie down onto the floor,his mouth working against hers in a fiery but yet soft passionate lock.
(y/n) shut both her eyes closed;wrapping her small arms around his neck intend to pull him closer;his scent getting stronger into her sensitive nose.His grip around her hip is gentle and that almost tickles her.
Her lips are very sweet like bees seeking for the sweetness of nectar buried inside a flower;her smell of faint lily only tantalise his yearning for her even profound.  Does the other men feel like this too whenever they got closer to her? So does that mean she is not only his alone?
He knows (y/n)’s trait is to be kind to everyone but right now he couldn't see it as anything but upsetting. Because that trait only suitable with someone as bright as her; like Rengoku does.
But will he withdraw from it? Of course not. Not when he can get to hold her like this as he wishes to.  He deepens the kiss,she feels the slight tip of his tongue brushes against hers.
She is madly obsess with Giyū’s voice whenever he would whisper her name between their mingled breaths.So it is fitting to return the favour,
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"Lady (y/n)!"
The girl spun around noticing the very familiar vibrant yellow-haired young man with red streaks approaching towards her,his white haori flutters behind his back accompanies with his usual bright smile that could lit almost everyone's day in an instance just by looking at it
"Kyōjurō!" Her face breaks into a wide smile,lifted the edge of her kimono to run straight to him almost stumbling along the way.She tackles the Flame Pillar to a hug which he then brought her for a single spin
"I haven't seen you for some times! Where have you been? How are you?"
"Slow down there ,goddess.I will answer one at a time." He laughs,still refusing to let the girl go.Not that she is complaining but she had longed to be in his strong embrace again,his comforting warmth and she simply cannot go a day without having Rengoku in her lives.
"I was training the kids that got recruited recently into the Corps.I'm sorry i haven't been seeing you recently,i missed you." Rengoku leans in,burying his nose into the crook of her neck with strands of his hair tickling the side of her face.
"You are a teacher now? That occupation suits you the best,have you ever heard yourself through speech?"
"Do not tease me my love." He chuckles, "And how are you? i have a break so i drop by in hoping i can see you." He caresses his lips across her cheekbone,feeling the warm breath swept onto her skin causing shivers down her spine.
"Drop b—" But then she remembered, there is no one by the estate other than her currently.She had sent all her retainers out for a day off in return for their hard work these past few days so how?
"Did you just—jumped over the walls?"
"Yep!" His face is beaming instead of feeling guilty, "I knocked but no one answered!"
"And you see it fitting to sneaked in instead?"
"Why not?" He laughs,"Do you not like it when i sneaked in to see you?" His sunset pair of vivid eyes softens at her sight making all the heat crept up from her neck and gradually gathers on both her pale cheeks colouring it beet red,
"That's so sly of you.."
There is a hint of smirk on his face, "Look at me (y/n)."
When she does, Rengoku peers into her face, "I want to kiss you."
In his eyes, it is frustrating how other men gets to see how beautiful and breathtaking her face is in this close space. The thoughts where others could ran their fingers upon her skin irks his mind that he needed to confirm something, to sate his frustration behind his gaily facade. He remembers where she lies down with Giyū beside when he found her taking a break valuing the time to spend with her when it becomes so busy.  Not to mention the other two Pillars that couldn't keep his hands off her;especially Shinazugawa.
With the devil lurking behind his head,he didn't wait for her respond as Rengoku dive in for a fierce kiss.
Ah His rough and chapped lips crash on hers;stealing all her oxygen away immediately as she held onto the fabric of his haori,his strong bicep went over the back of her waist to crush her body on him to enjoy the warmth and hopefully her scent that will linger on his clothes so he can catch a whiff of her on him at times.
When his kisses became desperate and rough, her mind went blank and she lost her own control letting him swallow every of her small tiny moans,
"Breathe through your nose,(y/n)." He whispers between kisses, "Regulate them."
Even now,he sounded like a good teacher but it somehow stimulates her even more while on the other hand he can feel her breath getting unsteady and he will have no choice but to end this soon so he reminded her again to allow it lasts longer.
How adorable
He pulls away after making sure to leave a bite on her lower lip.(y/n) collapse on his broad chest,inhaling the air that escaped from her lungs.Rengoku continue to kiss the side of her head lovingly,
"I knew sneaking in always got to see you."
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"Will you,(y/n)?"
"For the last time,Uzui i won't be your fourth wife."
"Why not?"
"I'm not a fan of sharing."
The male hums,watching her figure around and about in the garden and he thanked the heavens above he chose the right timing to came by. (y/n) will always changes her outfits whenever she is done with missions; so he gets to see her other side of beauties.
"Mhm don't mind me,darling.Keep doing whatever you're doing."
"I'm asking a question,silly." She laughs,that melodious light sound that sings for his heart.
"You look wonderful in anything,exceeding my flamboyant type." He merrily said,watching from earlier where the servants of her house behind her held the colourful obis and kimonos  in different patterns for her to try on.He is saying a fact though, (f/n) is downright a beautiful goddess in his eyes; her beauty exceeding every women he had ever seen in this vast world and secretly he admit,she is far more beauteous than all of his three wives.
Don't get him wrong; he insist on her marrying him is not just because of looks.She is one of the strongest female Pillars he ever encountered other than Shinobu and Mitsuri.Her special abilities is beyond expectations despite her fragile form.
  She wield both Breath of (element) and (element) user,her physical combat is remarkable and she will always proudly presents it was because of her hard training under Giyū and Kyōjurō.
Then his eyebrows form a crease between them upon other male's names in his head came across.The thing is, he had just came back from a mission for exactly a week and kami-sama knows what those vermin done to her in his absence.
He was snapped out from his own daze when he looks up to see her already standing right before him,a frown etched across her face visibly clear,
"You've been spacing out rather a lot today,something in your mind?"
"Yeah,whether to sleep at your place or mine tonight?"
His blunt response cause the heat crept up from her neck to her cheeks, "What the heck are you saying!? and in this broad daylight!"
He laughs,always find her reaction amusing, "i'm serious, will you not warm my bed tonight?" He took one of her hand in his to place chaste kiss around her fingers all the while keeping his intense maroon gaze to look into her eyes.
She smiles, "No."
Then his face fell to a sulk, "No? why no?"
"as i said,i'm not a fan of sharing." She drew her hand back to her side,noticing the ghost pout on his lips that she secretly found it very rare on a man as eccentric and loud as the Sound Pillar is.
So she tip on her toes, placing a quick but intimate peck of kiss on his lips catching the man taken aback.  He blinks at her triumphant smirk, "but this'll do for now.We shall see tonight."
He watches her back walking away as he still stand on his ground,baffled. The corner of his lips curve to a grin eventually,catching up to her,
"You think that was enough?" he huffs to himself,imagining the bigger possibilities in the back of his head once he get his hands on her tonight.
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       Some say the Wind Pillar is the demon from hell himself because all he speaks are nothing but curses, rebukes not to mention his emotional rage all the damn time.  But then again, all demon slayers have their own pasts that made them who they have become today so why the judge?
Though that is still no excuse for this certain Pillar to be so rough on the rookies that they start calling him the 'lunatic pillar'
"But my Nemi is the nicest of all~!"
(y/n) laughs out loud,doubling over whenever she got the opportunity to tease the Wind Pillar's younger brother who always turns beet red like the tomato in the Butterfly Estate's garden.
Animated steam blowing out from his both ears,unable to look at the girl in the yes because as everyone said, she is a beauty to behold and Genya who hits puberty,is now extremely shy in front of these complicated creatures.
"you are so cute!"
kami,did she even hear herself right now?
How did it come down to this? one moment he was enjoying the handmade ohagi in his engawa by himself until she decided to pay a visit out of the blue,choking the tea in his throat.
  It happens in a slip of a tongue when they were talking about his older brother,he uses his secretive nickname he always had inside his imagination.But now that she heard it loud,she simply won't just stop.
"But i completely understand you," her voice regained back to its compose, "He is just very bad at expressing himself so maybe somebody just had to teach him."
"Teach me what?"
their heads shot to the right where a drawling snarl was heard.There,the mentioned white-haired male is now approaching them closer
"Ooh if it isn't my Nemi~!"
They sensed him flinch,his glaring eyes now glowering even darkened to the point Genya just wanted to crawl into a hole underneath the house right now.
"What the actual fuck?"
She feigned a dramatic gasp, "Nemi! watch your language,please! Hello? a kid here?"
He mutters another incoherent curses underneath his breath, running his hands through his white locks, "What the hell are you doing here?"
"I'm stopping by on my way back from Oyakata-sama's headquarter."
He rose an eyebrow, "Why?"
"Aah,are you curious?" she wiggles her eyebrows and rather to deal with her childish act right now,he simply waved her off,heading inside the house, "never mind."
"And you, rather than slacking off why don't you train your damn limbs off?"
She frown at the exchange yet brief conversation-well,technically not one but that is the daily talks the siblings will only get.  So (y/n) excused herself from Genya to follow the older Shinazugawa inside.
"What do you want again?" she heard him groan knowing full aware she is trailing behind him into the kitchen
"What was that? Genya was waiting for you to come home,you buffoon."
"What'd you call me?"
"Nothing," she huffs,"Would you like some tea,buffoon?"
She casually prepares the teapot and mugs from the shelves after numerous times visited his estate.He did said make herself at home so she is putting to a good use at that opportunity.
"If you're only here to talk my ear off,i'd better sleep." he grunted,crossed his arms as he leans onto the counter,watching the girl in his kitchen.
"A simple 'I made Ohagi' is a big step for him,you know?" she hands him the warm tea,
He only looks away silently sipping it,
She sighs, "Sanemi.."
She waited patiently,staring intently at the man before she heard distinct mutters behind the mug over his mouth,
"i said i'll fucking try,okay." He gives in,mumbling.
This brought a smile upon her lips. With the close distance, Sanemi casually reaches for her hips before tugging her closer so he can hold her into his big and safe embrace,rests his forehead onto one of her shoulder,
"There,there why don't you take a rest while i accompany Genya for a while?" she caresses the back of his head,her fingers twirling at some strands of his white-titanium hair.
"Forget about that twat, i thought you're here to see me."
"That twat happens to be your brother." she lightly slap the back of his neck with a frown,a faint warn for him to watch how he speaks though that is a fairly fat chance.
"Yeah yeah whatever." Sanemi dismissed listlessly,nuzzling his nose deeper to her scent that he would be lying if he was to say it does not calm him. After a long and tiring afternoon unceasingly lone training,this is just what he needs.She always comes at the right timing.
(y/n)’s lips pulled to a firm,straight line when she then felt his lips brushes the skin along the valley between her neck and shoulders sending vague shivers down her spine.His other hand went over her back to pull the collar of her yukata down.
Without any warning, his teeth starts to nibble as she tensed in his arms.He carelessly place the mug from his hand to the counter behind him,knocking it over for the little liquid to spill.
She let out a yelp when he starts to add little strength to bit on a certain spot,sucking them to make sure he leaves a mark.  He pulls away just enough to admire the single hickey he just made that comes to life in its redness against her skin.
She deliver a slap again but this time,on his forearm,
"Pervert,what was that for?" she frown,
"What, the mark i gave you last time gone expired,i'm only duplicating it." he shrugs but the smug smirk on his face screams sorry not sorry.
"So the other bastards know you belong to me."
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 6, Part 1 of 2
(spoilers for everything MDZS/Untamed and a little for Princess Weiyoung)
[covers MDZS chapter 18 and a bit of chaps 56 and 66]
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other…there’s so much Wangxian-ness in this episode, one post couldn’t contain all of it)
Team CQL went rogue for the two major events featured in this episode—the Cloud Recesses drinking incident and the WangXian bathing scene—and really, bless them and their ancestors for that decision. Not only did the changes provide Wei Ying and Lan Zhan with additional bonding time, but they actually had significant bearing on future events.
Originally in the novel, Lan Zhan didn’t actually partake in the drinking incident that got Wei Ying punished: some nameless disciples, Nie Huaisang and Jiang Cheng were the ones who actually took part in those activities. Lan Zhan only found their drunk asses the next morning and dragged Wei Ying off for disciplinary action (although, from the way the scene was described in the book, it actually seemed like he was more angry at Wei Ying for looking at porn, lol). However, for the live action, that entire scenario was transformed into Lan Zhan actually getting drunk for the first time, albeit against his will. Of course it would have been better if he willingly joined in, but at that point in time, that would have been illogical, not to mention completely out of character for him, so even though Wei Ying sort of did Lan Zhan wrong, there was probably no other way he could have gotten him to share a drink with him otherwise.
I am especially grateful for this change because that is the moment when my eyes were finally open to Wang Yibo’s talents as an actor and I started to really appreciate his performance. Prior to this episode, I was actually wondering if he was playing stoicism so well because that’s really all he was capable of doing, but then, when he dropped that rigid façade and gave us a charmingly adorable drunk Lan Zhan, I realized that everything that came before were indeed acting choices, that he was definitely able to do more than that. Not to mention, he also had pretty good comedic timing. I started to look at him in an entirely new light after watching this episode, and the rest is, as they say, history.
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Upon revisiting this episode last night, I finally realized something that I never thought of before, and I feel actually pretty stupid for not even making the connection until now.  During the Koi tower scenes in the present, when Wei Ying as the paperman was eavesdropping on Jin Guangyao and his wife’s conversation, I couldn’t figure out how JGY was able to put Qin Su under his control the way he did, but in watching this episode again, it finally came to me: he probably used a modified version of the charm that Wei Ying used on Lan Zhan in here. After all, JGY was one of the many people who raided the Burial Mounds and took over the Yiling Patriarch’s possessions after his death, so it would make sense for him to discover this particular memento as well. When I first watched this episode, I was mainly just impressed by how powerful the charm is that it would be able to put someone like Lan Zhan under its spell, considering he’s not just some lay person, but rather someone who already had a pretty high level of cultivation by then. I simply saw it as yet another indicator of just how talented and powerful Wei Ying was even at that young age. But now, thinking that Team CQL may have laid the groundwork for something that was going to happen so much later just makes me so much more impressed with their planning.
Of course I could simply be overthinking this whole thing and JGY’s magical powers could just be his own magical powers, or something common to the cultivation world that my dumb brain just overlooked, but for those few seconds when I thought I came upon a fascinating connection, I was quite proud of myself, so allow me to coast on that sense of euphoria just a little while more.
Bonding and other cuteness
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Of course I loved every single moment of the Drunk!Lan Zhan sequence, starting with that tiny little flirtatious gesture by Wei Ying. Seriously, how CUTE is that?? Makes me smile every time I see it, and I’ve rewound that little moment numerous times. How anyone can be resistant to Wei Wuxian’s charms I can never understand, but clearly Lan Zhan was still holding out on him. I’m glad that Team CQL chose this incident to reveal the nature of the Gusu Lan head ribbon since it directly led to Wei Ying’s bonding moment with Lan Zhan. Even though the other man was still generally cold to him, it was really sweet that Wei Ying still felt comfortable enough to share the precious memory of his parents with him.
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It’s a real shame that Lan Zhan didn’t remember any of it the next day, but I did take comfort in the fact that he still knelt by Wei Ying like a united front to receive Uncle Lan’s wrath and punishment. I’m sure most of that was motivated by his own pride and sense of righteousness, but I still found it touching, especially with how much Wei Ying was defending Lan Zhan so that he would be spared the disciplinary action. Wei Ying was much less protective in the novel during that scene–he was mostly indignant–even  though he was still the one to blame for Lan Zhan’s involvement in the whole incident by basically tricking him into breaking curfew. I love that even though Team CQL changed the drinking incident, they still managed to maintain the spirit of its novel counterpart, much like they did with the Phoenix Mountain Hunt.
And then of course there was this:
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Which was obviously a treat for our imaginations to get our creative juices flowing so that we can imagine on our own what might have taken place during the night that led to Wei Wuxian waking up in his half-dressed state. For this gift, I am eternally grateful to the production team.
Jiang Cheng Has Fun For Once
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I was actually surprised that Jiang Cheng would join in on the drinking party because up until then he had spent most of his time basically disapproving everything Wei Ying did while also seemingly in a constant state of worry that he would embarrass their sect. Imbibing alcohol was clearly a violation of Gusu Lan rules so it’s kind of amazing that Jiang Cheng willingly join in on such an act of rebellion. Nie Huaisang, on other hand, I totally expected to be a part of the shenanigans…I would’ve expected nothing less from him…but Jiang Cheng was a pleasant surprise. I really enjoyed seeing him let loose like that, especially since we got to find out what he looked for in a mate.
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The sad thing is Wen Qing actually fit all of his requirements for a wife, except for that family one, which i in the end, proved to be the most important one after all since it became the deal-breaker, dooming their relationship before it even got a chance to get started.
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Another rather sad aspect of seeing Jiang Cheng so at ease and acting like a total goofball is that this really would be the only time we would ever see him this way.  His time at Cloud Recesses was probably the most enjoyable and carefree for him. I doubt he was ever able to enjoy himself the same way again. It actually makes me wonder if he EVER was able to have fun, period, during the last 16 years. Just thinking about what he’s gone through makes me wish I could give him a great big hug. 
Reason #10 for Why I love Big Bro Lan Xichen
His amused reaction to hearing about Wei Ying’s transgression:
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…which was immediately followed by his “oh shit” response to hearing his little bro was also involved.
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Big Bro Xichen is just too adorable, AND HE DESERVES ALL THE LOVE IN THE WORLD DAMMIT.
Uncle Lan is One Mean Mofo
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Seriously, what’s with Lan Qiren’s obsession with the number 300? I really need to know if there’s some significance to that number since it’s featured in BOTH of the major disciplinary incidents in the show that were carried out by Uncle Lan.  For this first outing, those rulers looked downright brutal; it’s a utter miracle that Wei Ying and Lan Zhan were even able to survive being beat 300 times with that medieval torture device. At the very least their spines should’ve been broken, paralyzing them for the rest of their lives. In the novel they were only caned 100 times, which is still a lot but it’s still a somewhat grounded enough number that I could believe they would be able to heal from their injuries. But 300? They should be maimed. I’ve noticed that with chinese dramas though: they tend to be excessive when it comes to inflicting punishment. I actually stopped watching a show once because the main character was being beaten repeatedly in the stomach (Princess Weiyoung) while being held prisoner. That particular character should not have survived that beating…at the very least he would’ve needed his nutrients to be delivered by IV for the rest of his life (even though IVs didn’t exist yet) because there was no way his stomach was ever going to work again after that. I was almost offended by how ignorant the screenwriters were about basic anatomical and biological functions so I decided to just stop watching (well, the fact that I wasn’t that into the show anyway probably contributed to my decision as well) Of course the 300 floggings weren’t enough to discourage me from continuing forward with The Untamed, but it did throw me out of the show for a good moment because I couldn’t get over how ridiculous that number was.  Uncle Lan really has a sadistic streak in him
Not to mention, he was also surprisingly tactless. He had just learned about Wei Wuxian’s mom from big bro Xichen and I couldn’t believe that he would just throw that info at the Wei Ying in such a careless way, only to shut him down when the poor guy desperately asked for more details about his mom. Uncle Lan had to know enough about Wei Ying’s background to understand how sensitive he would be in regards to his deceased parents, so I was actually taken aback by how heartless Uncle Lan was being during that scene, so much so that for a while after, I really wasn’t feeling much love towards him. Although, now that I think about it, love is probably a misnomer any way since I doubt I would ever love Uncle Lan nor can I even say I ever actually liked him–he’s too much of a fuddy-duddy for my tastes. It’s more like I just accept his existence, appreciate his importance to the Lan brothers, and I find his disapproval of Wei Ying kind of amusing. But in that moment, I definitely did straight out dislike him for being such a cold SOB, especially towards Wei Wuxian.
To be continued in Part 2…(posted)
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har-rison-s · 5 years
teenage dirtbag
request: Can you make a thor oneshot where the reader is teen and has a big crush on him and she or he is always trying to impress with modern culture but one day he reads i dunno her diary and finds loads of pictures ( that he didn’t even knew existed)of him and writings and he confronts the reader
A/N: This is so cute! And I hope I made it as cute as I hoped to. Really interesting to write Thor. I've never done that before. And I love Thor. He was the reason I even started to watch Marvel movies. And I love him. Many injustices were done to his character arc and development, but um... TAIKA WAITITI PLEASE DIRECT THOR 4. I love Thor Odinson. PLEASE SEND MORE REQUESTS WITH HIM!!! Happy reading!
main masterlist
mcu masterlist
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Dear diary,
why do I even start my writings like this? It's stupid and sounds like I'm a helpless romantic girl in some movie. But if I would be in a movie, maybe my dreams would come true...
Yesterday I told Thor about Youtube and he couldn't understand it, not at first. But, when I showed him a couple of cat and fail videos, he found them amusing, and so the idea of using Youtube. He even asked me to help him set up an account. He said he wanted to “capture” the team training or having a fight. A succesful lesson of modern culture for him, that.
Said I'd help him do it tomorrow, which is today and I'm bound to help him whenever he asks. Now I'm going to have a shower and then join the others for breakfast. After that, me and Thor will make him an account on Youtube. I can't wait. Finally, for the first time, I'm going to be alone with him. Me and Thor. Only us two. I can't wait. I already said that. Well, whatever. 
Okay, then. I'll return to you later. Hopefully, after a succesful time-spending with Thor. 
Thor looks up from the notebook he was reading. His eyebrows are furrowed and his eyes squinted. “So, is she just writing here whatever she thinks? Is that what it's for? And why is almost everything about me?” He thinks.
Thor looked so good today. - June 15th
I miss Thor's long hair, so beautiful. Especially when he tied half of it behind his head. Maybe I should ask him for his hair routine, it's always shiny and flawless... - April 30th
Told Thor about 'yeet' today, in front of others. They made fun of me. And they always do. It's started to get on my nerves. I'm just a kid. Maybe that's exactly why they make fun of me. But Thor didn't. He thanked me for teaching him Earth's modern language. - November 16th
Training with Thor. First time for me. And I couldn't concentrate. One of the most stupid moments in my life. Couldn't stop staring at his muscles that were about to burst from underneath his Tony-given tank. Christ, I still see them now. - March 7th
We had Netflix & Chill today, with the whole crew. My idea again. We started watching Stranger Things, season one. Thor was silent through the episodes. Did he not like it? Was it confusing him? Too colorful? Strange things, if I must say so myself. - July 12th
So many mentions of his name. It seemed weird. And what was even weirder than that were pictures of him. Ones he didn't know were taken. But then again, he never knew when pictures are taken of him. But these ones... These were not taken in public.
One was of Thor in the kitchen, talking with Tony. He remembers that. They were still talking about what's worthy enough to hold Mjolnir. Steve Rogers came into the room later.
Another picture was of Thor smiling, surprisingly, sitting in the sofa, a drink in hand. Thor was remembering another childhood prank he played on Loki to get back at him.
There were some group pictures, with some small doodles around Thor's head. Hearts? Butts? A picture of Y/N and Natasha, a picture of Y/N and Steve. A picture where Y/N is photographed by someone else. And, taking the words underneath the picture, it was Sam Wilson who took the picture.
Then, there are some pictures of Thor in the gym and some with him just practicing with Mjolnir, some with him talking to Vision. Lots of different ones, but mainly with Thor in them. 
Some of the pictures looked like... printed chap-snats? Chat-snaps? Snapchats. Yeah. An application in the cellphones that Y/N showed him one day. Thor liked the funny effects the application put on his face.
What was this all about? The pictures, the writings, the doodles? Some sort of... obsession maybe? Or, maybe she's a big fan of him. Either way, the pictures were disturbing Thor only a little bit. So he had to ask her what's that about. They've got to stop, whatever it is. Secretly taking pictures is clearly a violation of privacy, even to a self-loving and loathing god like Thor.
Thor puts the notebook back down on the desk it was laying on before he picked it up. He was actually waiting for Y/N in her room so they could set up the “You-tube” account. Thor was actually excited for that, but what he'd found in the notebook lessened his good mood a bit.
He leans, slightly sitting down, against the desk and waits for Y/N to come in. She will be, he knows that. Thor only left breakfast early cause he wanted to see Y/N's room for himself first. He was afraid, though, so he didn't want to freak the kid out with his reaction. Anything could be in a teenager's room, it could look like a portal to the Dark dimension or just look like a battleground.
But her room is nice, very pretty, fitting to herself. Soft tones, black bed sheets, pretty curtains, shelves full of books and sketchbooks, flowers by her bed and on the desk. There's even a small plush bunny on her bed. Very cute. Thor smiles when he notices it. She must have had it from her childhood. 
Y/N walks into the room and stops dead in her tracks. “Thor.” She mumbles, eyes wide. She's actually eating some nuts she took from the kitchen, they scrunch beneath her teeth as she looks at Thor, eyes frozen on his. She's practically hypnotized. 
“Y/N.” Thor greets, nodding. “Still enjoying earthly breakfast?” Y/N nods. “Some foods here are good, but nothing like Asgard's was, I have to admit. But,  still, you people eat it and you're not dead yet.” 
Y/N laughs. Something no one else would do at Thor's strange comments, and it makes him glad someone appreciates his thoughts, someone hears them and doesn't think them weird. Well, at least that's what he thinks she's reacting like. 
“God, I always forget to give you Belgian waffles or French Crepes. They're the best, honestly.” She says and walks past him, her posture a bit strange. “You taste them and you have no doubt about our food being at small bit bad.” Thor hums. “So, you came here to set up your Youtube account?”
“Yes, yes, of course. I was waiting for you, lady Y/N.” He responds. “But I, uh, well, I have many questions on my mind, but one of them is uh...”
“Ask away.” Y/N says, opening her laptop. Her eyes are trying not to look at Thor every once in a while. Though, it's very hard. 
“What is your blue book for?” He asks, turning slightly to the young girl. She glances at him briefly. 
“What? This one?” She points at her diary on the desk next to her laptop. Thor nods. “Oh, it's um, it's only for... Well, not only, I... I leave pictures there and uh, write down whatever I want to. Nothing interesting, really.”
“Nothing interesting? There were some things that intrigued me there, I must admit.” Thor says, boldly, without faltering. 
Y/N hums, and only a second later does she realise what his words mean. “Wait, you went through my diary?” She asks, voice full of shock.
“A diary?” Thor echoes. “Yes, well, I did. I thought it... Well, I didn't really think anything, I was just interested cause it... looked pretty.”
Y/N chuckles, but quietly. “Wh-what did you, exactly, see—uh—read in there?” She stumbles over words. Her crush on Thor is about to become very evident, if it wasn't already.
“Oh, uh, your writings and pictures,” Thor says, “May I ask some more questions?”
“Uh-huh.” Y/N says, her voice high-pitched and worry-laced. 
“Why do you have pictures of me in your, uh, diary?” He asks and Y/N's entire being freezes. “I assume you're the one taking them.”
Y/N clears her throat. “I, uh, yes, I... I like to take pictures of, uh, of everyone.” She gives her best white lie. 
“Do you have, maybe, pictures of others? Like, Captain Rogers or Stark or Natasha? Just them?” 
“Natasha, some of her.” Y/N squeals. “The others, I don't... I don't find quite interesting.”
“Not as interesting as me?” Thor clarifies. “I'm flattered, Lady Y/N. But... why draw hearts around me? Do you draw them because you think I'm more interesting?”
“Oh, no,” Thor hears Y/N mumble as she throws her head in her hands. He looks at her with concern, worried if she's sad or anxious, “okay, I'm just gonna tell you and embarrass myself in the process, but at least I'll get it over with now and quick.” She rambles, looking into Thor's eyes. The god nods. “I, uh, I just... I kinda... Well, I like you more than the others. We call it a crush between teenagers. It's when you...”
“Oh, I understand.” Thor says, nodding. He looks away and Y/N anxiously watches him think it over, what she said. Oh, crap, he's going to laugh at her. He's going to laugh and then tell everyone else. Maybe she should not have said anything at all. “That's completely okay, Lady Y/N. Thank you for telling me.” He says. “It's all okay, but... you're just young. And returning those feelings wouldn't be right.”
Y/N nods. 
“You look sad, miss Y/N.” Thor says after they both nod in silence to each other. “Let me give you an embrace.” He opens his arms to Y/N and she nods once again before letting herself fall into the god's embrace. He rubs her back comfortably, but finding it strange that she's quiet, not saying anything. He has to make her feel better. “Can we watch the cats dancing again?” Thor asks and hears the familiar sound of Y/N's giggle.
Permanent taglist: @v0idbella @inlovewithmiddleagedcelebs @works-of-fanfiction @destiel-stucky4ever-loki-queen @stfxlou @ur-gunna-h8-ths @one-taylor-one-vision@empressdreams @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie @deardeacy @fvckyeahbenhardy @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16 @mrsmazzello @benhardyseyes @langdonzvoid @intrrverted @the-freak-cassie-131
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serenagaywaterford · 5 years
did you see what fiennes said about fred in that latest etonline article? "Now seemingly stuck in prison, the actor’s only hope is that his cellmate is “not a big burly chap that has predispositions like Christopher Meloni's character [Commander Winslow].”" am I reading that correctly?????
Nope, I don’t read these idiots talking about THT anymore lol. Especially Fiennes. His take means nothing to me cos he’s full of shit and cares more about his own vision than what the show was trying to explore. (But I did just google that quote and skimmed the article now.)
But honestly, I’m just rolling my eyes at this. So they’re really sticking with the Winslow was gay/bi thing? Really? THAT is what you want to focus on in this show. Cool beans, THT. I want to say nobody cares but apparently there are a lot of straight fangirls who salivated about that almost immediately. Like, there was Fred/Winslow fic within 24 hours? Super.
But god forbid the show OR fans actually care about real canon gay characters like Moira or Emily, who are openly lesbian, one in a relationship that was just dropped after 2 seconds. (Clea Duvall, you deserved better.) I don’t even like Bledel and I don’t really connect to Emily, but that whole storyline being dropped like that? INSANITY. And I’m supposed to believe they’re going to show a genuine refugee experience? LMAO. Like you have been doing so far, MIller? Oh, please. Give me a break. Once again, it’s like some American fairytale refugee portrayal. Bullshit. Total bullshit. So not only did they not portray anything close to a real refugee experience, they also just dropped both gay women’s stories like they mean shit.
They’re women though so... It fits that this show doesn’t care and would rather focus on queerbaiting/teasing slash fangirls and focusing on men, unless Moss wants to stare at a camera some more. And god forbid you ship any non-canon WLW either. (I mean I get certain wlw ships on THT are quite difficult to swallow and problematic lmao. But still.)
I don’t know why Fiennes/THT/fans are so obsessed with Winslow’s sexuality. I literally don’t give a flying fuck. I didn’t care then, and I don’t care now. Neither do I care about Fred’s.
Anything related to Fiennes/Fred is just so boring to me.  
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zoebechtle-blog · 7 years
Unlikely Chapter 1
I will be the first person to tell you - there was nothing about this relationship that made sense. On paper, we were painfully dissimilar: him, a sexy, successful Irish popstar wanted by half the world, and me, an American werewolf living in London. Well, not quite a werewolf, but it took monthly waxings to keep my Greek heritage off my upper lip. I barely topped out at 5’2” on a good shoe day, and leaned more towards the plump end of the body shape spectrum. My grandmother often spoke of my child bearing hips and tried to convince me that men liked a big ass and full boobs. She had yet to be proven right. Meanwhile, his chicken legs looked like they could barely support him. He binged watched ESPN and Golf Channel, and I had zero hand/eye coordination (the fact that I played soccer in high school was a fluke - there were no cuts). Before I met him I barely even knew what a melody was and had forgotten everything I had learned in elementary school music classes. He played the guitar like he was born with it, and pulled notes out of the air to make music that made my heart ache. As I said, nothing about us made sense.
I’d moved to the UK to attend grad school four years ago, and ended up staying. After spending my first year year here alone, and going on what can only be described as a series of tragic dates with men I’d met online, I was lonely and seemingly incapable of making friends. In an act of desperation, I texted my godmother’s niece, Hannah. The one and only time I'd met her we were six. She had told me that my hair cut made me look like a boy and I tripped her going up the stairs. It definitely was not love at first sight. I’d come to London with the number programmed into my phone, but determined not to contact the now-grown mean girl. However, desperate times...
It turned out that Hannah had actually grown up quite kick ass. She did something in the financial sector I could not begin to explain, but she was funny, charming, and when drunk could belch the alphabet. Given that my previous 52 Saturday nights had been filled with Netflix and listening to my neighbors fight or fuck, I latched on quickly. Over the course of the next few years I became friends with her crowd of friends, and a few people I befriended came into the mix. It was a small but lovely urban family, and for the most part we all accepted one another for who we were. I barely missed getting laid so good that my head pounded into a headboard while screaming out for God. Barely.
Hannah was obsessed. Seriously. I was ready to brain her. The girl had finally swiped right and found a guy she was really into. For weeks we heard about him ad nauseum - Willie was Irish, worked at a firm four doors down from her in The City, and seemed like an all around decent chap. Being bitter, I naturally hated him before I met him. The nail in his coffin came the night Hannah casually brought up his roommate, and how she thought I’d like him. Nope. Not the dreaded friend fix up.
“Stop it right now. You know that’s a hard no.” I flung a piece of baby corn at her out of my stir fry to accentuate my point.
“C’mon. He’s proper cute, and is laddy without being a lad.”
“Yeah, because everything about me screams that I’m the lad type.”
“It’s not like a new type would kill you. There are only so many men in London who live in their mother’s basements with cats.”
“Never going to let me live that down, are ya?”
“Nope. Come on. He’s a musician and he’s hilarious. I met him at their house the other night. I think you two would get on. So does Willie.”
“Willie hasn’t met me. How does he have any idea who I’d get along with?”
“Obviously he’s heard all about you and the rest of the gang and seen pics on my Insta.”
I went back to my dinner frowning. It’s not that I didn’t want to meet guys, it’s that I was scared to meet them. Undoubtedly I would say something weird or awkward, or give out far more information than they ever wanted to know. A few dudes had piqued my interest over the years, but no one that I liked ever really liked me, and vice versa. A lot of mediocre to decent sex had been had (I’m not angel - momma knows what she likes), but that whole happily ever after thing didn’t seem like reality. At 27, I resigned myself to possibly getting a hamster (allergic to cats and who wants to walk a dog in London?) and embracing my spinsterhood.
This conversation and my lack of game stayed in the back of my mind for the next few days. Hannah was right about needing a change in my scenery. Especially since the failed date with the cat dude. My eyes itched in the memory. However, it was Thursday, and Thursday was quiz night at the pub. Most of our crew usually turned out to showcase our combined hundreds of years of education and to get a decent drunk on. I intentionally scheduled a light caseload on Fridays in the event of a hangover. I may get older, but wiser didn’t seem to be coming with the territory.
As luck would have it, I stayed late with a client this evening so I had to book it from the Tube stop to the pub. I texted Paul, one of our friends, asking him to save me a seat and order me a Stella. And a shot of Jameson’s. It had been that kind of day.
A text buzzed from Hannah as I got within a block of the bar. “Are you coming from work?”
“Yup. Got tied up in a session. Be there in 5.”
“What are you wearing?”
“Are you trying to come onto me, perv? Work clothes.”
“That you rolled around the floor all day in?”
What the fuck? I looked down at my black jersey pants and green boatneck tee. It wasn’t the most fashionable thing, but I did spend the majority of my day on the floor working with kids with autism. It’s not like I could do that wearing cashmere and stilettos. And who the fuck was I trying to impress? Two of the guys in our crew were gay, and I’d hooked up with the straight one already. These people had seen me vomit through my nose. Nothing I do could phase them.
Walking into the bar I greeted Eric, the doorman, with a wave (yeah, I’d made out with him once upon a tequila evening) and flashed a peace sign to Allie, our favorite server. We sat the same table every week thanks to the fact that Paul worked a few blocks away and often took a late lunch/early dismissal to get here in time to secure a table. Counting heads, I noticed the numbers were off. Instead of our usual 7-8, there were 10. Oh hell. New people.
As I got closer, I noticed Hannah hanging on the arm of one of the new faces. Great, it’s meet the boyfriend time. And he obviously brought his friends. I said a silent prayer that they weren’t stupid-we take pride in our 10 week unbeaten streak. Oh well, here goes nothing.
“What’s up, bitches?” I shouted as I wrapped my arm around Carly’s shoulder.
“Zoe!” Multiple people responded in salute as I squeezed in next to Paul. The empty seat was flanked by an unfamiliar blonde head, and being me, I didn’t look at him or acknowledge his presence.
“A Stella and a shot, my queen,” Paul said, gesturing to the table while offering his ruddy cheek for a kiss.
“Thank you, pookie bear.” I leaned down and blew a raspberry on his cheek.
“Zoe!” I heard Hannah trying to get my attention from three seats away. Grabbing the shot and sucking it back (oh, burning), I made eye contact with her, silently yelling for her invasion of my safety zone, and waved.
“This is Willie!” She squeezed the arm of the pale, dark haired guy next to her. He grinned, and shit, I did like his smile. He practically was a heart eyed emoji looking at Hannah, so I could check my attitude for the night.
“Hi, Willie,” I shook his outstretched hand. “We’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Likewise, Zoe. I hear I need to be on my toes around you lot.”
“We’re friendly savages once you get to know us,” I assured him.
Hannah piped up, “This is Deo, Willie’s brother.” Deo had eyebrows that challenged my tact, but he gave me a friendly smile. I made brief eye contact and nodded. Fine and dandy.
“And this is Niall. Willie’s roommate.” The blonde on my left grinned at me and offered his hand. Well holy motherfucker. This is why she was asking if I had changed. He was beautiful. Seriously. The scene from Wayne’s World where Wayne sees Cassandra for the first time basically became my life. I swear I could hear “Dreamweaver” playing in the background. I averted my eyes as I felt Paul elbow me.
“Hi,” I was very focused on tucking my purse under the table and adjusting my jacket just so on the back of the chair.
“Hey there,” he said. His voice sounded like the shot of Irish whiskey burning its way to my stomach. Oh hell. His (large, beautiful) hand was still hanging out there, waiting to be acknowledged. Unable to respond to basic decorum, I gave him a sideways high five. Oh my god. Paul loudly snorted into his beer as my face flushed hotter than the sun.
My phone beeped, saving me from more embarrassment. I looked at the text from Jess, sitting across the table. “Breathe, Z. And wipe the drool.” My response was the middle finger emoji. While I was texting her, Brian sent a message from the other side of Hannah, “Your game is on point as always.” “Piss off. It got you into my bed twice in the last year.” Ugh, he was pompous asshole. Unfortunately, he was also genetically blessed, so I sometimes got weak.
Unsure what to do and faced with a dry throat, I knocked back most of my pint. Sweet, sweet beer. My right leg start jiggling uncontrollably as I stared at the table in front of me. I could literally feel the heat coming off of Niall, and knew with the tight fit of the table if I turned even slightly our legs would touch. I scooted closer to Paul.
“Oi, Z! You’re on my lap. Unless you suddenly grew a cock, I’m not drunk enough for that!” Oh fuck you, Paul. I could feel Niall laughing beside me, and prayed it was at Paul’s inappropriateness and not my obvious social anxiety. Sensing my nerves, Jess stood and announced a toilet break and motioned for me. Carefully standing to not rub my ass on Niall’s shoulder, I slid behind Paul, digging my nails into his shoulder and hissing, “Another pint and shot, dickface. And this round is on YOUR tab.”
In the bathroom, Jess pulled out her makeup bag. “Okay, we need to cover up this flush. You look like a drunk sailor.” Hannah burst into the room with Carly hot on her heels. Christ, we were such a cliche.
“I can.not. believe you didn’t tell us Niall Horan was coming to quiz night, Hannah!” Carly stole a lipstick from Jess’s bag and started re-lacquering her lips. “I mean, what the fuck? We’re your best friends!”
Hannah took the compact of powder foundation from Jess and started working on my face, even as I tried to smack her hands away. “I didn’t know he was coming for sure. I invited Willie so you all couldn’t dodge meeting him. He asked if it was okay if he brought his mates.”
“Wait, you didn’t know Willie is Niall’s cousin? Do you not follow any of their instagrams? They post pics of each other all the time!” Jess shrieked.
“Yeah, I found out last week when I went over to his house. He hadn’t told me before. I assume he didn’t want a girl using him to get to cousin.”
“Niall FUCKING Horan and you didn’t tell us!” Carly continued to rage, pulling out her bun and fluffing her hair.
I stood in shock while Hannah tried to put concealer on a zit on my chin that wouldn’t go away and Jess sprayed something into my hair. “Wait up. Who the hell is Niall Horan and why are we freaking out that he’s here? Should I be freaking out? I gave him a fucking HIGH FIVE.” I didn’t know who he was but I could feel the panic rising.
All three stopped and looked at me. “Zoe. Niall Horan...From One Direction.”
“Oh my god. He’s the blonde one. I only know the name of Harry with the long hair. The blonde one is super cute.” Three pairs of eyes looked at me as if to say, “Duh.” “Omg, I’m sitting next to him. I GAVE HIM A FUCKING HIGH FIVE, HANNAH. Jesus.” The layer of powder spackling my face was now useless. My flush could heat a thousand homes during a blizzard. “Is this the cousin you wanted to fix me up with? Are you insane?!”
“Wait, what? You wanted to fix Zoe up with Niall?” Carly looked offended, and frankly I couldn’t blame her. She was the hot one. Hannah was the sweet one, Jess was the responsible one, and I was the funny one. We all had our unassigned roles, at least in my head.
Rolling her eyes, Hannah resumed my impromptu makeover as I stood, still dumbfounded. “Yes, slag. You have a boyfriend, in case you’ve forgotten.”
“I’d drop him in a sec,” Carly interrupted.
“Anyhow, yes, I wanted to fix up Z. His sense of humor is almost as evil as hers, and she deserves a nice, normal guy.” She poked me in the chest with a mascara wand to make her point.
“Hardly normal, isn’t he?” I responded, finally gathering a few of my thoughts. Jess laughed at my gaping jaw. “Han, I’m going to die at this table of embarrassment, and even if I don’t, Paul is going to murder me if we lose because my brain is cheese right now. I can’t TALK in front of a regular guy I don’t know. Nevermind one who is fucking famous.”
“Relax, Z.” Carly finally sensed my pending tantrum and threw her arms around me. “You’re fine. And remember, Paul is an asshole if we lose at trivia. Those bastards from Social Meme-ia are dying to break our streak. Tossers.”
An hour and a half later, we were in the middle of round two, and solidly kicking ass. I still had not made eye contact with Niall, though a few times during moments of excitement, I had bounced up and down and our legs collided. Each time I yanked mine back in horror, and I could hear him let out a little laugh. Carly had switched seats to be sitting across from us, and she was all but laying her tits on the table at him. I admired her confidence. Niall appeared to be eating it up, so good for him. Two whiskeys and three beers into the night, I was loosening up. Now I could at least blame my flushed face on the booze.
“Next two questions are for our science geeks in the crowd,” Ted, the quizmaster informed us. “Yes!” Paul pumped his fist and threw his arm around my shoulder. “This is all you, Zo!”
“No pressure or anything, thanks,” I laughed. The two questions dealt with the brain, and I squealed in delight. We won top points and took a solid lead. I made eye contact with the leader of Social Meme-ia and raised my eyebrow cockily. And maybe scratched my nose with my middle finger. Take that, losers.
“Science geek, eh?” Niall nudged my arm, forcing me to look into his blue eyes that basically cut my soul. He smiled the sweetest, softest smile I had ever seen. I (thankfully) resisted the urge to caress his cheek. And I realized I had not responded and was just staring at him.
“Um, yeah. I have a biology degree.”
“Don’t let her fool you, Ni,” okay, when did he become ‘Ni’ and why was Paul bellowing in my ear? “My Zoe girl has three fucking degrees and is the queen of the science category. She kills that ‘FUCKING WANKER at Social Meme-ia every FUCKING WEEK.’”
Trying to apologize for my drunk friend, I explained, “Paul leans on me because the only organ he can name is a penis.” Did I really just say penis?
Niall’s face turned bright red and he started cracking up. “You are all amazing.”
“Thank you, Ni!” Paul again shouted in my ear, causing me to physically cover it from his thunderous drunk voice. Also, again with the Ni? Had they even spoken to one another before this exchange? I took a swig of my pint and realized he was talking to me again.
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I said, do you use your biology degree? What do you do?”
That’s an easy simple question. Even I can handle this. “Me? What do I do?” Okay, maybe not. He nodded at me encouragingly, and I polished off the rest of my Stella. “I use my powers for good instead of evil. I’m an occupational therapist at a clinic for autistic kids.”
“Very cool. I work with an autism charity in Ireland.”
“That’s cool.” God, Zoe. Open your mouth and let words fall out. It’s not hard. “Um, which charity?”
Allie came to the rescue with another round of pints. Niall motioned to me and himself, and she nodded in some understanding.
“What was that about?” I questioned.
“I ordered you and I another round of Jameson. I think we need to bond over shots-you’ve got a lot to say in that pretty head that you’re not letting out.” His grin split his face and I, to my own shock, found myself smiling back at him.
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greatdrams · 8 years
Malt Beyond Scotland. Reviews of Westland and Starward
I love Single Malt Scotch Whisky. If you’re reading this, then I expect you do too – or at least know someone who does. If not, this may not be the website for you...
Thing is, incredible Single Malt is made all around the world now. Japan’s probably the next most famous these days – just wish I could actually afford any of it. But then you’ve Kavalan in Taiwan, Amrut in India, Mackmyra in Sweden, etc etc ad infinitum.
Which is absolutely wonderful news as far as I’m concerned, and today I’m going to be reviewing two of them. Squaring up on opposite sides of the Pacific, separated by well over 8000 miles of water, we have Seattle’s Westland American Oak and Melbourne’s Starward. (OK, I know Melbourne isn’t technically on the Pacific, but you get my drift. It’s in the way, in any event, so far as travellers are concerned.)
We’ll kick off with Westland, as there’s been a buzz around them lately in the wake of their purchase by Remy Cointreau, who also own Islay’s Bruichladdich.
I happen to think this is rather a good fit; like Bruichladdich, Westland do things a little differently. I think Remy Cointreau will embrace that, whilst hopefully increasing its presence worldwide. Remains to be seen, of course, but I’m staying optimistic.
How do they do things differently then? Well let’s start with the malts. If you look on their website – and you should, it’s unusually informative – you’ll discover that they use five. Washington Select Pale Malt, Munich Malt, Extra Special Malt (I’m not sure, either), Pale Chocolate Malt and Brown Malt.
I’m not a beer drinker, which I know is an odd confession for a whisk(e)y geek, but to me that adds up to a lot of thought in the brewing process. Which should be absolutely fundamental to whisk(e)y making. Surely the more interesting the wash, the more characterful the distillate?
They also specify their yeast strain – Belgian Brewer’s – and the rather long fermentation time of 144 hours. Spirit is housed primarily in new oak, with a few ex-bourbon casks for good measure.
Which poses some intriguing questions for malt lovers such as myself. Primarily, what flavours are each of those malts bringing to the table? Are they mashed together or separately? (Surely together?) What influence do the ex-Bourbon casks have beside the far more assertive virgin oak barrels?
All in all, this is a Single Malt which I would be fascinated to taste in its constituent parts; to experience those five malts separately and then as a unified whole. To taste a sample without the influence of new oak, and then without the influence of ex-bourbon. Before I’ve even opened my bottle I find myself drawn in – not by marketing story or some bizarre finish or other, but by genuine whiskey interest. Which I think is pretty great.
One last aside, before I crack on with the actual tasting. The website states that the whiskey’s age is a “minimum of 24 months.” In Scotland, of course, that would mean it wasn’t legally whisk(e)y at all, but of course evaporation and extraction rates are different in America. Not to mention legislation.
It does make me wonder whether £65 per bottle is slightly high though. I do understand that Westland is quite a small enterprise, but when you consider the quality of many American whiskies under £50 a throw – Baker’s 7, Woodford Double Oak, Elijah Craig 12 etc – a £65 price tag demands quite a lot.
Anyhow. To business.
Westland American Oak Single Malt Whiskey – An intense, piercing, and startlingly pure nose. All about the high notes; there’s dark chocolate (also chocolate stout – thanks Liv!) – but beside that there’s a touch of menthol and blackcurrant. The sort of aromas you might find on youngish New World Cabernets. Sweet; those new oak casks doing their usual caramel and vanilla thing – but not cloying, thanks to that purity and youthful lift.
Palate tells a similar story, although the flavours become a little more unctuous as vanillas and sugar crash in on top of the chocolate and fruit. Surprisingly viscous – really sticks to your teeth, but that’s sugars, not tannin. The alcohol keeps things clean, fresh and lively – though it’s not fiery, as the intensity of flavour and weight of body maintain balance. Oak influences, but this spirit isn’t especially ‘woody’. Suspect those five malts are making rather a lot of difference. Long finish. 46% ABV.
Interesting, different and very tasty indeed. First encountered this back at the Whisky Show in October, and was sufficiently impressed to make a rare foray over my usual £50 per bottle limit.
Yes, it’s not especially old, but there’s enough character from malt and oak to keep the youthfulness in check. If anything, it adds a refreshing vibrancy. I think it’s cracking. Seattle clearly knows its way around a tun and a still. But what else would you expect of Frasier’s hometown?
On which note, we’ll sail across the Pacific for a peek at Melbourne’s Starward.
I don’t usually comment on packaging, but when I unwrapped my bottle of Starward all the designers in my office gathered round, cooing in a complimentary tone. It’s also only one letter and a space away from being Star Wars, so that’s my pour sorted for 4th May.
“New World Whisky Distillery” proclaims the label, which goes some way to explaining the name. It’s aged in Apera casks, which is what Australians call their Sherry-style fortified wine, in lieu of being allowed to call it Sherry. I���m a big fan of sherried malts, so I was intrigued to try an Apera-aged expression.
I put off buying and trying Starward for a while though. My reason was a stupid one – and if Whiskylassie reads this she will quite rightly say “Hah!” Very simply I couldn’t understand why Starward was being sold so much cheaper than any other Australian whisky currently retailing in the UK.
Not really having heard anything about it beforehand, I was slightly nervous to spend £46, when the next cheapest I could find was in the region of £80 a throw. Somehow it raised alarm-bells, and I wondered whether the reason was rooted somewhere in the quality.
So on finally tasting it last year, I was surprised – and thrilled – to discover that I loved Starward (spoilers). Better still, I had a good chat with the chaps behind the stall at the Whisky Show, who were the friendliest people I met there. (And that’s a massive statement.)
The upshot was that I bought myself a bottle last month, and here for your consideration, are my notes:
Starward New World Malt Whisky – Despite the low strength, there’s a chewy robustness to this whisky that put me straight in mind of the Scottish Highlands. The Apera presence is clear, but not swamping. There’s red fruit, chewy malt and a slight hint of nutty, oxidative character on the nose. For some reason I’m put in mind of pink wafers too – and that’s not the first time I’ve thought that about Starward! Some baked apple, caramel and a touch of sultana contribute to a nice brooding depth.
Viscous and grippy; there’s a lot of natural sugar from the casks, and the Apera has contributed to an unctuous, almost sticky mouthfeel. Wonder whether the Apera was closer to PX or Oloroso in style? More of the fruit, but there’s a touch of burly meatiness. Certainly a deep-flavoured whisky – ‘Autumnal’ for me – but there’s enough zip from the alcohol to prevent it from becoming flat or cloying, and to remind you that this is still technically a young whisky. 43%ABV
Starward has been one of those whiskies that just sticks in my head, and niggles at me. In a good way! I really can’t stop thinking about it. When I poured a glass for Will, my partner in tasting crime, he guessed something like Glenfarclas. And he loves Glenfarclas. I wouldn’t say it was exactly like any specific Scottish distillery – but that sense of the meatier, sherried Highlanders still won’t leave me alone.
I absolutely adore Starward. I think it’s worth every penny of £46, and my only regret is that I’ve already used so much of my bottle getting people to taste and experience it that soon I’ll have none left! Funnily enough, as you read this, I’ll be in the middle of my first ever Australia trip (probably getting mangled by some ghastly animal or other) and I’m gutted that I won’t have the chance to visit them in Melbourne.
But how do I think the two compare?
Well, I don’t. There’s no point. They’re about as far apart in terms of flavour as it is possible for two unpeated Single Malts to be. Where Westland is about the high notes, Starward brings the bass. Westland is (mostly) virgin American oak, Starward is ex-Apera.
But both were unquestionably amongst my favourite discoveries of last year, and I can’t wait to try further offerings from each distillery. The only thing that splits them in my preferences is the price. Westland is £20 more expensive than Starward, and I’m afraid that doesn’t quite stack up in terms of quality.
But then the ex-Apera/Sherry style isn’t for everyone. My bourbon-obsessive friends would be far happier with the Westland than with the Aussie. I suspect my Scotch-focussed father and uncle would lean more towards the Starward.
We’re drifting into the realms of subjective there, so it’s time to draw a line. The point is this: the brave New World of Single Malt really does have something for every palate. And whilst that’s hardly big news, I wonder how many UK-based whisk(e)y drinkers are fully taking advantage?
On this evidence, they should be.
The post Malt Beyond Scotland. Reviews of Westland and Starward appeared first on GreatDrams.
from GreatDrams http://ift.tt/2liXpEy Adam Wells
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razberryyum · 5 years
The Untamed/陈情令 Rewatch, Episode 2 (spoilers for everything)
(covers MDZS chaps 6 - 10 and a bit of 13)
WangXian meter: 🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰🐰
(a 🐰 is earned every time there is a WangXian scene or even when they’re just thinking of each other)
I always tell people when I’m trying to get them to watch The Untamed that when they get to this particular scene in the second episode, they’ll know if they will be into the show. To me, this is the game-changer moment: you’re either in or out after this. If this scene doesn’t emotionally move you enough to at least continue on with the drama, nothing else will.  It is seriously one of the most romantic scenes I have ever seen captured on screen. This was the moment that made me realize not only was I now fully committed to CQL, but that I had also found a new obsession and was ready to devote myself to Mo Dao Zu Shi.  After all, something that can lead to the creation of such a beautiful scene MUST hold other invaluable treasures. So into the MDZS rabbit hole I went, happily diving head first.  
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Even now I’m still amazed that this scene exists in the intact form that it does. I started The Untamed with little to no expectations, especially knowing the restrictions it was under AND having just finished Guardian and experiencing how poor creative decisions can arise due to censorship (or at least, using that as an excuse for their dumb story choices). As I mentioned previously, the first episode was a hard sell since they definitely did not put their best foot forward first, but I liked Xiao Zhan immediately and Wei Wuxian as a character was interesting enough that I wanted to learn more about his past that led to his death and rebirth. The small glimpses we saw of his relationship with Lan Zhan also fascinated me, but then with this second episode, the weak points of the pilot still remained: there was still bad CGI (the statue) and very amateurish technical mistakes (in the recognition scene, at one point, in a close-up shot they’re holding onto each other, but in the next far away backside shot they’re clearly standing apart from each other, only to return to holding each other once again once the camera cuts back to a close-up...whoever the editor is on CQL probably should dunk their head in the toilet every time these editing errors pop up) that made my initial viewing of this episode a frustrating one for most of its runtime. I think I spent most of my initial viewing just distracted, playing on my phone or something, until the big WangXian moment happened and then I was shocked and awed.  I know I wasn’t paying close attention that first time because when I rewatched the episode later on, I realized I missed a lot of dialogue and details. I have since revisited this second episode numerous times more, and I do feel bad about how dismissive I was initially. It’s a pretty loaded episode: it has funny, poignant, creepy, mysterious, and cool moments while still feeding us bits of the overarching plot. I definitely have developed an affection for it since my first viewing and it’s become one of my favorite episodes in the series.
Of Pining & other Heart-achy Things
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This simple line from Jiang Cheng is enough to make my eyes well up with tears: I can’t help but imagine Lan Zhan traveling around the world for sixteen years, most likely all alone, stopping at different places to play Inquiry, fervently hoping that maybe one day he’ll finally receive an answering chord from Wei Ying, only to be confronted by a deafening silence again and again and again. How utterly sad and disappointed he must have been every time, and yet still, he never gave up and just went to the next location to do the same thing and experience the same heavy disappointment all over again. If that doesn’t make your heart ache, I’m sorry to tell you, your heart is no longer functional.
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It’s a detail I don’t remember if the novel covered, but I’m assuming that Lan Zhan was the one to bring Wei Ying’s inventions like the spirit attraction flag and the compass back to Gusu and incorporate them for use in his sect’s normal cultivation practices.  I know other people have use his tools as well since that nameless cultivator at the start of the episode was also using the spirit compass, but I feel that with Lan Wangji, he probably purposefully acquired and adapted WWX’s techniques so that every time they’re used, they can serve as a reminder of Wei Ying for him. Though it does make me wonder how Lan Zhan managed to get those approved by his uncle; I can’t imagine Lan Qiren being ok with using anything that was created by the man whom he blames for the corruption of his beloved nephew and model student. Did LWJ just pretend he created them instead? That doesn’t even sound right. Maybe Uncle Lan decided to be merciful and just let Lan Zhan win this one since he was probably obviously miserable after Wei Ying’s death.   Yeah, I can buy that scenario, especially since the flag and compass are pretty useful tools.  
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I wondered did LWJ already suspect “Mo Xuanyu” was Wei Ying before he started playing Wuji on his flute. It’s curious that he happened to be in that part of the forest at that time. I’m guessing his Wei Ying senses were tingled when he heard about Mo Xuanyu’s skills from Sizhui and the boys so that’s why he was hanging around the vicinity just in case MXY reveals his true identity. After waiting 16 years for this reunion, it’s no wonder Lan Zhan had no qualms about holding onto WWX’s wrist in public for much longer than socially appropriate.  
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I actually get a little emotional every time I rewatch this episode and watch Jin Ling display his mad archery skills because I would always think of how much he takes after his dad. His parents would’ve been so proud to see him all grown up like this; Shijie would’ve been so happy she probably would get teary-eyed as well every time she saw her boy in action. Sure, he’s a spoiled little princess, but he is also a pretty skilled princess with a heart of gold and I just wish they had more time together as a family.  
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They looked so happy, look at all those smiles. It really makes me so sad that Wei Ying will probably never be able to hug JC like that again, and of course he’ll never be able to hug Shijie period. Great now I want to cry again.
Lan Jingyi Appreciation Section
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I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned this precious boy by name so far, so I wanted to take this opportunity to show him some much deserved love. Lan Jingyi with his resting bitch face and steady stream of snark was really the MVP of this episode. He actually made me laugh out loud a few times...in fact, he almost always makes me laugh as soon as he scrunches up his face like he’s smelling something bad. I recently saw someone mention that he’s really the most un-Lan of the Lans (sorry, I forgot who posted that so I apologies for not giving proper credit) and that is really the perfect description of him. I love this kid as much as I love Sizhui and Jin Ling, and I am also sincerely fascinated by him. I mean, who raised him in the Gusu Lan sect? Cuz I cannot imagine Lan Qiren being the one since Jingyi undoubtedly would’ve had all his snark driven out of him at an early age. Hell, the amount of disciplinary action he probably had to have gone through would’ve probably killed him at a young age.  Did he join the sect when he was already fully formed so that’s why he’s still breaking Lan sect rules right and left? He threatened an old man and is like rude to everyone. I don’t know all 3000 rules but I’m pretty sure being mean to the elderly and insulting to supposedly mentally unstable people are probably not allowed. If anything, his disposition would make him more suitable for the Lanling Jin sect and yet he’s with the stuffy Lans. WHY? I could watch a whole spin-off series with just him and the other juniors as long as we get to learn about how he came to be with the Gusu Lan sect. He’s hilarious and adorable, and among the many the reasons why I wish we had more episodes for the present-day arc, one of them is because I wanted to spend more time with the juniors, especially Lan Jingyi, even if it meant the screenwriters would’ve had to go off book and create new scenes for them. It would’ve been well worth it to hear LJY throw more shade at people.  
Random Bits of Randomness
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It’s kinda crazy how WWX just stood there with his back turned, oblivious to Jin Ling’s attack. If Lan Zhan’s blade hadn’t blocked JL’s sword, that would’ve been the end of our main protagonist. I just thought that was such an odd scene...I would’ve felt just a little better if Wei Ying had at least had a little more awareness that an attack was heading for him and made some attempt to get out of the way.  
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Ugh, that mask. First of all it’s ugly AF, and secondly it’s so freaking ill-fitting it was distracting. Would’ve been nice if the production team gave him a mask that actually fit his face. I mean, did it HAVE to be THAT damn big? I’m amazed they don’t have bts clips of Xiao Zhan tripping and hurting himself because the stupid mask blocked his vision.
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Other than being a brilliant mastermind and Oscar-worthy actor, Nie Huaisang has got to be one of the greatest cultivators if not THE greatest cultivator of all time to be able to conjure up an illusion like that. That thing was doing real damage to people. If it was just a phantom, what the heck was holding up those two cultivators in midair like that? And what kicked Jin Ling around? I know Wei Ying was able to drive people crazy with his flute during his Yiling Patriarch phase, but his handiwork still felt more grounded and reasonable than this.  
Questions I still have (please feel free to answer them):
- Who was that old man at the grave? Someone NHS paid to just hang around the graves until the juniors and WWX came by?  
- So NHS basically fucked up Yan’s entire family and God knows how many other people just to get WWX to eventually play his flute to lure Wen Ning out from wherever he was hiding?
- How did JGY not know Wen Ning escaped? Or did he just leave those details to Xue Yang so he didn’t really care about what happened to Wen Ning?  I’m trying if this was addressed in the book but my mind is coming up empty. I don’t think it was brought up in the show though, or I just completely missed it.
Overall Episode Rating: 9 Lil Apples out of 10
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