sh3ddingvelvet · 8 years
7-12, and 22-26!
i’ll answer these for chiaki, alistair and ai 💖7- does your oc have any irrational phobias?chiaki’s fear of abandonment isn’t entirely irrational given their past? other than that they have a phobia of dentists !alistair is afraid of spiders and has a lot of fears related to his ocd that are mainly to do with food, how he’s perceived by others, and relationships (mainly them going wrong)ai is scared of tall/intimidating men (which again isnt something id consider to be fully irrational), loud/continuous noises, large groups of people and that other people are secretly making fun of them/talking about them negatively ..
8-how is/was your ocs relationships with their parents ?chiaki was very close with their mother and felt very comfortable with her .. they loved her a lot.. their father was more distant and detached ? he didnt really have the time to spend with them …alistair felt like his mother was too overbearing for a long time but appreciates her now … and his father is more like a friend than his dad ? alistair was mainly raised by his mom but his dad was aroundai loves their parents ! one of them is very intense and forward and no nonsense which can be a bit too much sometimes .. whereas the other is quieter and gentler , but they care a lot about them !
9-does your oc feel a pressure to achieve or are they content and calm with doing what they can at the moment?chiaki just ignores pressure ? they aren’t very motivated when it comes to achieving and prefers to just , take things slow and relaxed … in the past it caused problems with their education but now it’s finealistair feels a lot of pressure socially and with his appearance ? he puts a lot of work into maintaining both but he manages even if he does get very stressed sometimes…ai works very hard for their grades .. they consider studying to be one of the most important things in their life but because theyre so dedicated to it they dont stress too much? they struggle and get stressed when they dont understand things though ..
10-does your oc guard their emotions by being tough? if not how would they?chiaki absolutely does … they act very cold and distant from most people , they dont like letting their guard down easyalistair prefers to act like hes “perfect” and hide anything thats going on ? he acts super polite and composed around most others even if its not how he really feelsai is too nervous to display their emotions but around the few people theyre comfortable with they cant guard emotions well
11-how would your oc react to hearing they’re adopted ?chiaki wouldnt care at all ? it wouldnt change anything for them reallyalistair would probably be a little surprised … but he’d accept it quickly i thinkai would only be upset if it was kept secret from them ? they wouldnt mind otherwise .. as long as their family love them thats all that matters to them
12-what is one of the most primary things your oc feels that is missing from their life ?chiaki is honestly rather content … i feel like they just miss their parents and want to see their sister more ? alistair would want a family i think? theyre stuck between living happily as a young couple with chiaki but part of him definitely wants to settle down with children … maybe move back to france ? but he’s not 100% on it yetai just wants company ? they want friends … please
22-how does your oc usually show affection? are they openly affectionate or more restricted with their affectionate emotions?chiaki is the type to be a little more reserved … they’ll be physically affectionate but not super giggly/smiley with it ? they like doing chores, making dinner, small gestures, to show their partner their affection… and they are rarely super affectionate publicallyalistair is the sort to use classic romantic gestures, lots of gifts, fancy dinners, hotel stays… he’s very traditional and sensual when it comes to expressing affectionai is very physical with their affection and will express affection through cuddling, snuggling, sharing a bed, and sex … in contrast to chiaki theyre super open and giggly and will readily say romantic things… they like making gifts, or picking very personal gifts …
23-does your oc tend to hide something about their personality/essence when meeting new people? if yes, what?chiaki is just generally very cold at first? they hide that theyre very clingy, dependant and submissive . also that theyre a kinky masosub but thats . umalistair tries to act like hes perfect when in reality hes a total airhead who cant cook, cries hysterically at romance films, has a lot of britney choreography completely committed to memory and lived off of take out food for a solid 5 yearsai is too shy to be themself from the beginning … once they relax they start being themself, so i guess for ai its basically … everything ? theyre really nervous
24-how would your oc react if they got humiliated by someone in front of a group of people?chiaki would not let that happen ? theyd come up with some sarcastic comeback or style it off somehow and afterwards just be like “god im upset im going to get my boyfriend to fuck me so im less upset”alistair would probably laugh it off ? to be fair he’s not someone people typically would try to humiliate ? but he would absolutely cry about it afterwards and chiaki would strongly consider taking a temporary break from their pacifism ai would cry hysterically and not be able to handle it at all it’d just be . their worst nightmare, basically . but honestly who would do that theyre so cute and soft why on earth . i feel like other people would rush to comfort them, though, because theyre so delicate ?
25-how would your oc process the grief caused by the death of a loved one?historically speaking for chiaki: Not Very Well . depending on who it was their reaction would range from them going into an extended deeply depressed state or being straight up suicidal themselfalistair would . probably react fairly standardly i feel ? itd be hard and hed suffer but hed probably just cling to friends and loved ones until he became able to cope againai would be really bad at handling it … it would make them very very depressed and theyd just close off even more and just . stop doing things for a while
26-what is the most intense thing your oc has been battling with?chiaki-dependancy and abandonment issuesalistair-ocdai-loneliness and hopelessness
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