honey-milk-depresso · 2 years
I’m never gonna look at card suites the same way ever again-
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jinships-ideas · 6 years
BTS Run 44 - The Jin Harem
Bless this ep (you’ll see why)
Also, I’m posting real early this time!!!
Let’s Get It~
Check It Out~
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Wide-eyed cuties mirroring
Look at how Jk is leaning slightly towards Jin...
Gravitating to his hyung~
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Really? Jin? You had to slide your hand all over Jk’s arms?
I mean...I don’t blame you but...
Damn you for flaunting your ability to touch Jk whenever!
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He is just being a show-off now
(Low key don’t know if I want to be Jin or Jk more...)
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Taejin leaning in a little close right there
Joon: *grabs Jimin* Get away from my man! How dare you stand so near him! Chim: *Clenches fist* Hands off the goods
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Jin looking like a model with that pose
Jk looking like he enjoys model!Jin laying his hand on him
Su-J...why are you sad?
Yoongs: *wipes tears* Bitch, it’s your loss.
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Su-J laying his hands on Jin’s glorious back
I bet he wished he placed his hand a little lower...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Jin’s lingering hand...
He graces his fingertips along Jk’s arm...
Touchy Jin is touchy
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The rise of touchy Yoongs?
It’s rare for him to be touchy...BUT I’M HAPPY HE IS HERE
His arm seems angled so his hand is placed lower...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sneaky Yoongs 
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Touchy Jin strikes again~
Jin’s target this time: Tae!
Taejin blessing our screens with their visuals
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He got to touch the Worldwide Shoulders!!!
Left a visual, right a visual
Legend has it that standing between the TaeJin Visuals cleanses your soul and purifies your skin
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Yoongi let his hand fall to the back as Jin thrashes about insisting there was a ‘rabbit’
(There wasn’t)
But Yoongi is a tenacious boy so his hands naturally fall back into place on Jin’s shoulder
Yoongs also lightly smacked Jin for being too enthusiastic about the game
Yoongs: Stop trying to hard. I want to see you in a cute costume
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Yoongi... what are you ‘ahh’-ing about?
Why is he acting like he sees it just because Jin insists there is?
Someone is eager to please their oldest
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
(he does belatedly say quietly ‘there’s no rabbit...’)
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Yoongs and Jk reaching out for Jin...
Jk goes directly for jin’s hand
Yoongs goes for a tug on his sleeves...
Pretty sure I’ve mentioned I prefer soft tugs
But JK,the man going straight for the hand-holding 
Jinkook and Yoonjin shippers be rejoicing
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In the midst of chaos, Jin will be Jin and Jin is a touchy boy
Joon is a happy boy
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Hobi reaching for Jin...
2Seok being extra
Ft. Jin’s other hand in a potentially naughty area of Tae
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Chim is NOT ok with 2Seok holding hands 
He goes in and separates them, taking over Hobi’s place
Chim: Only I get to touch hyung! Fck off you bright ball
Tae just outright grabbing Jin’s hand and arm
Tae knows how to take the good stuff
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Seriously though, it looks like its a Jin harem in this frame...
Hobi: *trying his best to get right next to Jin* Chim: *insisting on keeping Jin away from these punks* Back tf up losers Joon: *trying to shove Chim away because* Damn It HE WAS HOLDING ME FIRST Jk: *just chilling because Jin is still beside him in this whole mess* Yoongi: *also chilling but giving warning to the guy who is being too handsy with Jin* Tae: *the guy who is getting too handsy with Jin*
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That’s right. It appears tiny af but that’s Yoongi STILL HOLDING JIN’S SHOULDERS
Yoongs is one persistent alpaca
Or is he a sheep? Sheepish sheep Su-J
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Jinkook’s hands almost interlock in the whole mess
In the midst of chaos, Jinkook still gives us content
notice how Jin’s Jean Jacket (the alliteration) is lifted?
Tae’s hand went under Jin’s jacket in all the excitement and lifted it up
Tae had his hand near/on Jin’s waist and lifted that jacket up
Yoongs placing his hand/hoof on Jin’s back in the whole mess
Bless the chaos 
(I mean... it makes it hard to screenshot but all the content though)
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Ok you don’t see it directly but Jin definitely fell back into Yoong’s body
Yoongi probably tugged Jin a little too hard accidentally to make Jin fall back
Or was it intentional? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Also, Jin’s hand is right under Jk’s armpit and Jk has his arm on Jin’s back...
Yoonjinkook, bless you
Ft. Cutie Tae right in front + RJ representing us Jinshippers
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Jean (LOLOLOL) amidst another chaos grazes his fingers against Tae’s hand
Jin’s other hand just rests on Tae’s arm/wrist area...
Touchy Jin having a field day
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Chaos: Happens, Yoongs: still has hand on Jin’s shoulder
Ok Yoongs. Glad to see you know how to hold onto things that matter to you in the whole mess
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Even as the group moves back Yoongs still does NOT let go...
Fine Yoongi, you win the most-persistent-on-jin’s-shoulders’ award
Tae has also yet to let go of his grip on Jin’s wrist
HNNNG I love a good wrist grab
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Tae lightly nudging Jin’s arm as he fights for the chance to answer the question
Yoongs: Really? In front of my cute face?
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Yoongi shoving Tae off the frame is so fcking funny
Yoongs:  Move bitch, get out the way
Throughout the entire scuffle Yoongs still firmly place his hand on Jin
Priorities ON POINT
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While being shoved, Jin’s hand find their way near Joon’s waist
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Jin keeps his firm hold on Su-J’s fur too~
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Tae pushing Jin with a smile on his face
Happy Tae is the only Tae we need in life
Sexy Tae too
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Happy Taejin~
Ft. Partial Anindae!Jin
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Jin always got to nudge someone 
And it usually happens to be Jk
Jk isn’t complaining, neither are we
Yoongs:  내가 웃는게 웃는게 아니야 (I’m not really laughing)
(I noticed they used this line in a previous episode but I def used it before them so don’t go around saying I copied the Run eps k?)
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Egyptian Jin?
Jin leveling up his touchiness. 2 men at once 
Yoonjinkook shippers? Are y’all alive?
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Yoongi looks like he is exclaiming how he succeeded in locking arms with Jin...
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Bangtan: *FOND FOR JIN*
Look at all their smiles!!!
I love this fam
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Badly complied Mirror Jinmin!
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Cuties sticking together~
Bless our hearts
Bless our eyes
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Jk never lets a chance to touch Jin slip by him
Ft. side glancing Yoongs + Nervous Tae
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Jin and Jk manhandling Su-J’s head...
That’s animal cruelty you little shits!
Yoongi only laughs in embarrassment XD
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Jin reaching out to Jimin~
mid-process, his fingers collided with Yoongs’~
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*Ugly sobs*
Yoonjin is so touchy this episode
Bless Run Ep 44
Yoongi even softly tells Jin to ‘be faster’ and cheers him on?
I love soft Yoonjin
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Yoongi... LET IT GO, LET IT GO
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Someone does NOT listen...
Su-J being touchy af
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Taejin being visual mirrors~ looking charming while pondering
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Aww Yoongs pouting :(
Why so sad bub?
Is it because you are not in the position to touch Jin?
It’s ok, he’s touching you!
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Awww his pouty lips+ his dejected hands...
This frame looks like Jin is holding Su-J to comfort the pouty bub :’)
(he isn’t tho)
But Jin kept walking into Yoongs while going back while his eyes looked front~
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Tiny Jin being an armrest for Yoongs~
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Jin kept hovering behind Yoongs throughout Hobi’s turn
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Aren’t you two sticking a little too closely?
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Yoongi just kept repeating whatever Jin said
Parrot Yoongs~
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2Seok denim mirrors~
They were also chatting on the side
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JinJjaYeo?! (really?!)
I like how Jin’s name works in this non-pun
Bangtan: *amazed by AmaJin*
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Hobi eyeing tf out of that cup 
Hobi: Need. Cup. Jin’s. Lips. Kiss. Indirect Tae: Really? In front of my Jeju water?
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Chim: *successfully gets the cup Jin just drank from* Jin: *trying to reach for the second cup* Joon: No without me putting my lips all over this damn cup first mister!
(Hobi DOES get to drink from the cup Jin drank from eventually!)
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I don’t care how the game goes
Jimin is the TRUE WINNER
Indirect Chu from Jin+ Jinhug
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Hobi smirking(?) as he has the entire world under his hands
2seok be blessing us
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Yoongi quietly reaching out for Jin’s hand
Jin naturally holds Yoongs’ hand too...
*Heart clench*
Soft Yoonjin Warm Yoonjin Little balls of fur 
Ft. Hobi who still holds the world under his hands
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Yoongi back to being touchy with Jin...
So Yoongs ONLY gets touchy af with Jin huh?
Tae: These flirty pricks Hobi: Bitch move, I want the food, not any of your couple bullshit Jk: What wrong have I done in life to have to endure through this? Joon: How dare you chew and display your pouty lips as though some random ass guy is NOT touching you? Chim: See this? It’s a red card. I’m banning you two from being cringey fcks in front of me Yoongs: Listen up you punks. If you don’t want to suffer through worse, STFU. Jin: *chews and complains about how he doesn’t even like sandwiches* 
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Jin opening the bottle of water for thirsty Yoongs
Why does 2Seok look like they just got a new puppy sheep alpaca and are feeding it for the first time?
Ft. hovering uncle Jk
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Hobi laughing at Jin’s ment on how Yoongs looks like rice and is eating rice
Find someone as supportive as Hobi in your life
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Firstly, 2SEOK!!!
FCK why are they coming after my heart like this?
Secondly, Jin reaching for the spoon hoping to feed Yoongs once
(he doesn’t get to but you can see him scooping tons of rice wanting to force feed and tease Su-J)
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And then Taejin just casually gets super up close and personal 
Srsly, when I first watched this episode I was low key disappointed at the lack of Jinship moments
Once again, this potato gets proven wrong!
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Namjin: That couple that will argue about something stupid and insist they aren’t arguing and suddenly they are back to being gross domestic shits
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Magical Boy acquires a new power: Teleportation
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Jin: *teases Joon* Chim: *laughs a tad bit excessively* Hobi: What a bootlicker. You think you can win the favour of hyung just by laughing at wha the says? Tae: I don’t understand... Didn’t you do that just a few moments ago? Jk: I’m so done with these dumbfcks Joon: Can someone untie me already? Yoongs: Only if you promise to stop trying to flirt with hyung with your flowery language Chim: I’ll gladly lick Jin hyung’s boots Bangtan: What?
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Ahhh Yoonjin back at it again
More like, Yoongi back at it again with his touchiness
Escalate it a little to liven things up Su-J
He kept touching and patting Jin the whole time
I’m complaining but I’m also not complaining
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Chim nudging Jin on the arm~
Jk: Yikes, they are being nasty fuc- flirts again
Joon: Enjoy while you can little shit, let’s see you try to take a bath when all your clothes mysteriously gets put above our fridge
Hobi: This hoe ain’t loyal
Yoongs:  I'm like bitch, who is your mans?
Tae: My fists of fury are about to fly right into your punkass face
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Hi everyone. Today we will learn about ulterior motives.
This right here is NamJoon. 
NamJoon encouraged Jin to take on the bet.
Reason? He has an ulterior motive.
Jin’s punishment for losing the bet is to prepare meals for the Mountain team (Tae+Joon) 
Joon eggs (*badum tss*) Jin on into accepting the bet because even if Jin wins, he won’t lose out but if Jin loses, he gets to taste a meal prepared by Jin
This here is his sly face as he tricks Jin into accepting a bet.
This concludes today’s lesson on Ulterior motives.
(Ok but I didn’t understand why Jimin was so enthusiastic about it? Like what do you gain? I wish he would think a little more for himself and made Jin cook for him tooXD)
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LMAO his fake ass tone and smile contradicting how he feels happy that Chim will def win easily
Joon, your motives are so obvious XD
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Namjin being that couple that likes to disagree on shit all the time
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Poor Jinnie grabbing onto Tae’s pant leg as he screams
(I wanted to write ‘fist’ but that sounded waaay too naughty)
ok but like the whole team (production team too) was against Jin on this.
He stood NO CHANCE. 
THey fcking hinted Chim when he first gave the wrong answer...
FAKE NEWS. This is a conspiracy!
I’ve realised my mistake. Jin mistook Chim about giving the wrong answer but Chim was right since the beginning!
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The face of a good-looking man regretting his choices
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Tae&Chim&Joon: WOOHOO Hobi: Can’t believe those 3 fools played hyung Jin: I’ve been played Jk: Punches are about to be thrown at 3 players. There is only 1 true player. That’s right. It’s me. INTERNATIONAL PLAYBOY Yoongs: Save me from this
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Jk consoling Jinnie~
What a sweet boy
Joon: *basking in the joy of being able to taste Jin’s cooking* Chim: Wait... I just realised I don’t actually win anything? HOLD TF UP
I take back what I said about how Chim wins no matter the game. 
Joon and Tae wins.
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Twinning Jinkook being sweet bubs with the younger one patting the older one’s back
Their outfit sorta parallel? Black vs White shoes, Blue denim outerwear Black Jeans vs Black outerwear Blue denim jeans
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Got cheated but still sincere and hardworking Chef!Jin cooking for Tae and Joon~
Feel his love you two!
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Jin probably ate a spoonful of salt to make sure it wasn’t Sugar
Or did he do it because he was salty
Hate me all you want I’ll still continue punning ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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This is so domestic?
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Jinnie going the extra mile to make it nicer for Tae and Joon
Joon expresses his gratefulness and how touched he felt
Bonus: Joon’s fakeass laugh when Jin requested it to make up for him waking up early to cook for them
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This, ladies and gentlemen, is 2 happy boys blissfully eating food cooked with love and affection by their very own Jin-hyung!
That’s it for this episode!
Hope you guys enjoyed~
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Until Next time~
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