ohmyfairies · 4 years
Imagine taking fiction so personally that people liking “””problematic””” characters offends you,,,,, lmao couldn’t be me
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leossmoonn · 4 years
New Light
pairing - kai parker x fem!human!reader
type - angst, fluff
note - so this is like sometime during season 6. im rewatching the series but i haven't got to season 6 yet (im rewatching it so when i write and include situations and plots from the show, i can be correct w the timeline lol.), so sorry if some of the info and timeline is incorrect. i did a little research to try and get the timeline right though. enjoy! oh! and also i made bonnie and enzo already get together since ik they get together in like season 8
summary - kai tries to make you fall for him
warnings - mild language, suggestive language, make out scene
*gif isn’t mine*
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Kai watched you as you moved around the kitchen, making dinner for your friends and you. You were in the Salvatore Boarding House, the place you lived in after having your home destroyed by Klaus Mikaelson. The Salvatore brothers adopted you into their home. You had been friends with them for the past few years, so it wasn’t surprising you moved in. You already spent more than half your time here anyways. 
Tonight you were having a dinner party, planned by your friends and you to just relax and forget about every crazy thing that had and was happening in your life. Granted, something crazy was probably gonna happen, interrupting the relaxing night, but you held onto hope to have one normal night. Like how you used to before all the supernatural stuff.
One thing kept the hope from staying, though. It was Kai Parker. The insane witch who was ruining everything for you and your friends over the past few months. Stefan had decided to invite him over, make nice with him so you all would have him on your side. You sided with Stefan to not be in a fight with your best friend, but you deeply hated the thought of Kai sitting with you. Eating dinner, staring at you like a creepy stalker, probably plotting your death. Good thing was, though, Elena and Caroline were at the house, helping you. Everyone knew that if you were alone with Kai, you would probably kill him. Bonnie, sadly, was with Stefan and Damon, working out a plan to kill and/or get him back into the prison world. 
You were in the kitchen alone at the moment, Kai was sitting at the island table, staring at you. He had a smug look on his face, resting his chin on his palm and leaning on the counter. He never tore his eyes away from you. It made you want to gouge his eyes out. To try and ignore him, you put on music and focused on the dinner you were making. 
You sang the lyrics to ‘Since U Been Gone’ by Kelly Clarkson quietly. You moved your body to the beat, chopping up onions. 
“You have a beautiful singing voice,” Kai said. 
You rolled your eyes, huffing and ignoring him. 
“You know, I can sing, too. I used to love singing in the car with my family,” Kai said. 
“Before you slaughtered them?” You remarked. 
Kai frowned at you, pain shooting through his heart. You continued making steak, turning on the stove and letting it heat up. Elena and Caroline finally came back into the kitchen with ice cream and alcohol. You snatched the bourbon from Caroline’s hand, getting out a cup and pouring yourself a drink. 
“Can I have some?” Kai asked.
You nodded, not looking at him. You poured him a glass, walking over and setting it in front of him. His hand reached out to grab the glass, making contact with your hand. His fingers brushed against yours. You felt your skin tingle and goosebumps arose on your arm. Kai noticed and smirked. 
“Cold?” He asked. 
You glared at him and pulled back your arm immediately. “No.”
Kai chuckled, knowing you lied. He could sense you had feelings for him, even if you never would admit it. He just needed to make you see him differently so those feelings would surface. 
You went back to ignoring him, which only fueld his pining for you more. 
Elena and Caroline went over to you with the steaks.
“You know, Mr. Socio is in love with you,” Caroline said. 
“He's not in love with me. He just likes to chase people and get them comfortable, then hurt them. Since I’m the only one not with a boy who can protect me, with you having Stefan and Damon, Caroline having Tyler and Klaus at her beckoning call, and Bonnie having Enzo, he has chosen me to haunt and stalk,” you said.
Elena looked back at Kai, who was looking at you still. Elena turned her attention towards you, again. 
“I hate Kai as much as the next person, but he really looks like he has actual feelings for you. You should give him a chance.”
You scoffed, not believing what you were hearing. “Did you forget that he almost killed Bonnie and your beloved Damon to the prison world? He slaughtered his siblings and father without any remorse. Not to mention, he's an annoying prick.”
Elena laughed, “I used to think about that with Damon. But look at me now, I’m in love with him.”
“Yeah, but Damon isn’t a bad person, he just does bad things. Plus, I have seen the way he looks at you and treats you, he is every girl’s dream. Not to mention, he’s a pretty attractive guy. Kai isn’t like that. I mean, yeah, he’s hot, but he’s not the type of person I, or anyone, would want to date,” you explained and took a sip of bourbon.
Caroline smirked, “So, you are attracted to him.”
“No. You can say someone is attractive but not have any romantic feelings,” you shrugged.
In your mind, though, a little voice in your head told you that you did have feelings for him. You ignored the voice, not wanting to try and battle with your feelings. 
“Sure, Y/n. The more you deny it, the worse your feelings will get,” Elena teased. 
You rolled your eyes, flipping the steaks. Oil popped off the pan and hit your wrist. You squealed in pain, holding your wrist. 
Elena hurriedly got you a cold washcloth and pressed it on your wrist. 
“Thanks, El,” you smiled. “Mind taking care of the steaks? I have to keep a cold compress for a little.”
“Not at all. Care, can you get the sundae bar ready?” Elena asked, taking the tongs you used to turn the steak over. Caroline nodded, going over to the cabinets to get ice cream toppings out. 
You went over to the living room, slumping on the couch and grabbing the remote. You turned on ‘Gilmore Girls’. You kept the cold compress on your wrist. 
You felt the couch sink on your left. You didn't bother to look over, already knowing who it was. You two didn’t even sit in silence for 10 seconds before Kai started talking. 
“Rory and Jess should’ve stayed together. Dean’s too soft,” Kai commented while watching the tv. 
“Jess is bad for her. He's smart, but he still has no future. Dean really loves Rory and she threw that away,” you argued.
“True, but Jess loves her, too, just in a different way. Dean is so mellow. Jess is fun, exciting, dangerous. Kind of like Damon. That’s why Elena chose Damon instead of Stefan, right? Because he made her feel things that Stefan could never make her feel, which she liked better,” Kai stated. 
You glared at him. “She didn’t choose him just because of that.”
“No, she chose him because of that. You choose someone because the way they make you feel, that's how love works,” Kai said, turning his attention towards you. 
You felt his burning stare. You decided to turn to him, looking into his dark blue eyes. 
“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” you sighed. 
Kai smiled. His smile made you feel giddy and warm inside. You pushed those feelings away, piling more denial and hate in your mind towards him. 
“You have those feelings towards me, too,” Kai smirked. 
You peeled your eyes away from him, ignoring him once again. 
“Don’t deny it, Y/n. I can see it on your face. I can feel it,” Kai teased, scooting closer.
“Kai, stop,” you muttered. 
He got so close to you, you felt his breath on your cheek. Your heart rate picked up and you found it hot and hard to breathe. Heat went down south between your thighs and goosebumps formed on your neck. 
“You like me, Y/n. I can hear you breathing heavy and you heart beating fast. I can smell your arousal between your legs,” Kai said, putting his hand on yours.
You pulled your hand away. “I said cut the shit, Kai. You’re making me uncomfortable,” you lied. 
Kai’s eyes softened and he moved away immediately. “I’m sorry. I just-”
“You just what, Kai? Think you can use your witchy powers with me to make me fall in love with you? News flash, psycho, I’m not dumb,” you scoffed and stood up.
“I didn’t try to use my powers, I swear. But I can use my powers to heal your burn,” Kai suggested. 
“No, I don’t want your help,” you shook your head. 
“Get off your high horse and let me help you, Y/n. That burn will take a few days to heal and it'll hurt when you shower or brush something against it. Please, Y/n, I want to help you,” Kai pleaded. 
You looked at him. His eyes showed honesty. You sighed in defeat and sat back down on the couch. You moved close to him, your thighs touching. Kai took the cloth off of your burn and held your arm gently. The same, lovey-dovey feelings came back. This time, you didn't fight it as hard, letting yourself enjoy not having to keep up your walls.
“I’m so mean to you, why are you helping me?” You asked. 
“Because I like and care about you. I don’t like seeing the people I care about hurt,” he answered.
He put his free hand over your burn. The burn disappeared by skin forming over it. 
“Really? If you cared about me, you’d leave me alone,” you chuckled. 
“I can’t when I gotta get on your good side. With you and your friends plotting my death, I need an ally,” Kai said. 
Your distaste for him surfaced again. You pulled your hand away once the burn was healed. 
“That’s why I hate you. See, you don’t actually care about me. I knew it. Don’t sit or talk to me during dinner,” you spat and strutted over to the kitchen. 
Dinner was ready, thank the heavens. Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie came into the house on cue. 
“Bon!” You exclaimed, running over and hugging her. 
“Hey! Dinner smells good,” Bonnie smiled and hugged you back. You pulled away and laughed, “Elena and Caroline made it. I got burned.”
“You okay? I can heal you,” Bonnie said. 
“No, uh, Kai healed me already,” you said sheepishly. 
“You let that lunatic touch you?” Damon asked. 
“He was there and asked. He was being nice, but then he turned into a dick again,” you explained. 
“Well, at least you’re not still hurt. C’mon, let’s go and eat. I'm starving,” Stefan said. 
You all went to the kitchen, seeing the meal Elena and Caroline prepared set out on the table. 
“Hey, babe,” Damon smiled and went over to Elena. He put his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. 
You looked at them longingly. You wanted what they had. So in love, nothing else mattering in the world but each other. You sat down in between Stefan and Caroline. You cut a piece of steak for yourself and got some mashed potatoes and green beans. 
“This is so good, guys. Thanks for inviting me over,” Kai said with a mouthful of steak and mashed potatoes. 
“Our pleasure. Mind eating with a closed mouth?” Stefan remarked. 
You chuckled at Stefan’s comment while Kai frowned. 
“So, what were you three doing while us four were here?” Kai said, gesturing to Damon, Stefan, and Bonnie with his fork. 
“None of your business,” Bonnie said. 
“Aw, c’mon. We’re friends now,” Kai teased. 
“You’ll find out soon,” Damon smiled at him. 
Kai frowned again and ate his food in silence. 
“Do you guys want some blood to go with your wine?” Caroline asked. 
“Yes!” Damon smiled. Caroline got up to get a few blood bags. 
All of you except Kai made conversation. While you were talking and laughing, Kai looked at you. He knew his comment earlier got you two on the wrong foot again. He racked his brain with ways he could get on your good side, get you to agree with going on a date with him. He likes you, he really does, he just doesn’t know how to show those feelings without getting rude and angry. He was willing to try for you, though. After a few hours of talking with everyone, people started to excuse themselves to leave. 
“I’ll see you later, Bon and Care,” you smiled and hugged your two best friends.
“See you! Have fun with Kai, I think he plans on staying,” Caroline smiled.
“I actually am going to leave, too,” Kai butted into your conversation. 
Your heart sank slightly. Since calming down from being angry, your attitude towards him softened. In the back of your mind, you didn’t want him to leave. You wanted him to stay, to pester you, to talk to him, to sit down and have him make you feel the way you did on the couch. You wanted to sit down and enjoy his company. But on the surface, you couldn’t care less. 
“But, I want to talk to Y/n before I leave,” Kai said. 
Bonnie and Caroline looked between you two quizzically. They smiled and let you two be alone in the kitchen. 
You walked to the liquor cabinet, grabbing two glasses and vodka. Kai followed you and sat down in his seat at the island table. 
“So, what do you want to talk about?” You asked as you poured him a glass of vodka. You grabbed your glass and went to sit next to him. 
“I wanted to apologize for earlier,” he said and looked into your eyes. He took the glass without tearing his eyes away from you. 
“You apologizing? Who has you possessed,” you laughed looked around jokingly. 
Kai smiled with you as you brought your attention back on him. 
“No, this is just me. I know what I said earlier about just wanting you as an ally was wrong. I mean, yes, I want you as an ally, I want all of you as an ally, but I still like you. A lot. And I care about you a lot, too,” Kai spoke. 
You took a sip of vodka, sighing. “I accept and appreciate your apology, Kai. But, I don’t like you, not like that anyways, I-”
Kai interrupted you by taking your hand in his. “Y/n, I know I pushed earlier and made you uncomfortable, and I apologize for that, too, but I know that's not true. The look in your eyes when you look at me when you let your guard down is not a look regular friends give each other.”
Your eyes focused on his hand on yours for a few minutes, and looked back up to his face. Butterflies filled your stomach again and his words tugged at your heart strings. Your walls started to come down and as hard as you fought to keep them up, you couldn’t. Kai was getting to you and deep down, you knew he was right. That you cared for him the same way he cared about you. 
But then you remembered that he was the enemy. He took your best friend away from you, wrecked havoc on this town, and killed his parent in cold blood. You couldn’t take the chance of getting hurt. So, you pulled your hand away slowly from his, standing up and downing the rest of your drink. 
“I admit, I may have some feelings for you. Deep down inside, but I can’t take the chance, Kai. I’m sorry. Thank you for apologizing and not ruining dinner. I’ll see you later,” you gave him an apology of your own. 
You started to walk away, but Kai put his hand on your arm. He spun you around and your lips met his. Your eyes widened as Kai kissed you. You tried to fight back from not kissing him, but as his arms wrapped gently around your waist, pulling you in, you melted against him and kissed him back. 
As your lips moved with his for the first few moments, you closed your eyes and  behind your eyelids, your brain exploded. You could see colors as your lips moved with his, and your eyes rolled to the back of your head. His lips tasted like vodka and chocolate ice cream. You wrapped your arms around his neck, burying your fingers in his hair. His tongue swiped on the bottom of your lip and you opened your mouth. Your tongues met and you moaned softly in his mouth, tugging at the hair on the nape of his neck.
You pulled away, needing air. Kai opened his eyes, a big, content smile resting on his lips. 
“And friends don’t kiss friends like that. So please, give me a chance. Let me show you I’m different than what you think. Let me show you me in a new light. I can change for you. I want to change. Don’t deny what we have, Y/n.”
You stared into his eyes, knowing you couldn’t deny your feelings any longer. You gave him a small, sweet smile and nodded your head. “Okay, I’ll give you a chance. Prove me wrong, Parker.”
Kai took his hands off your waist, first pumping the air. “I will, I promise.”
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