#or any tvd boys
nerdie-faerie · 6 months
I'm once again thinking about the missed opportunities to have Klaus and Kol bond more. Part of Klaus' whole motivation as a vampire is to get his werewolf part back and to finally be stronger than Mikael (sort of, I'm simplifying) both of which can be obtained by breaking his curse. But Kol? Kol is the only other original that can relate to having a fundamental part of themself ripped away from them. Klaus might not have known he was a werewolf until he killed, but he likely still had a connection he couldn't explain, as evident by him going to watch the wolves transform. And something he'd never been able to explain was now gone. He might only be able to realise the connection afterwards through its absence.
Kol though. Kol had grown up with magic, a connection to nature and the world around him in a way the rest of his siblings supposedly didn't have. And then he gets turned. And not only has his baby brother died, his father has just murdered him and the rest of his siblings after forcing them to drink human blood, which he'll later learn. Now, not only does he have to deal with the grief of Henrik's death and also his own but also the loss of his magic. A loss that's likely only worsened by Kol being a self-proclaimed child prodigy.
Kol is pretty much the only one who could understand what Klaus is going through with the binding of his wolf. We know Kol searched for ways to get his magic back/carry on practicing magic in the same way that Klaus was looking for ways to break his curse. While Klaus likely could still feel his wolf there despite being bound, Kol has no access to his magic anymore. I just think they should've been able to bond or connect over their shared loss of an intrinsic aspect of their selves at the hands of their parents
#TVD#The Mikaelsons#Kol Mikaelson#Klaus Mikaelson#briefly back on my the originals shouldve gotten to be a family goddammit and as someone from a big family im personally offended bs#i did right a lil snippet about them bonding over this that i havent posted yet for the joml verse but still think its an unexplored concep#need more witch!kol acknowledgement honestly. just need more content of my boy#anyway. klaus having a fascination with the moon and kol telling him about celestial events and how it affects his magic when theyre boys#klaus losing that connection to the moon feeling lost & extra tempermental feeling his wolf claw at its binds and vowing to break his curse#kol determined to get his magic back at any cost relating to that devasting loss and promising to help him find a loophole for his curse#kol who becomes extra reckless and determined when he learns that theres a way to break klaus' curse so maybe he can get his magic back too#that knowledge and recklessness combined with his loss of magic driving him to become the volatile vampire that we see#that leads to him being daggered repeatedly but that first time breaks something in that bond between him & klaus that never fully recovers#it makes him bitter and resentful only fueling his reckless behaviour particularly when there seems to be no leads on reclaiming his magic#that he becomes distant from his siblings in the process especially with finn still daggered but that distance only cements the idea#to his siblings that hes a danger and cant be trusted that he needs to be daggered if theyre to stay safe from mikael#the loss of his magic leading to his spiral as a vampire and him being ostracised by his family > actual tvdu kol canon#klaus being trapped in a room staring at the corpse of his little brother knowing he never repaired that relationship with him#and now he never can so he refuses to look away as penance and a reminder of his failings to his little brother#*edit: one of the reblogs on this post is the author of big bad wolf and honestly she does an amazing job at portraying the mikaelsons#as actual siblings if you havent read it its one of my favourites for characterisations but we need more 😭 i want it to be the norm
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 5 months
sorry thinking abt that damon audio ppl use for rhysand and broke out in hives
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
Hey! How are you? I was just wondering if you could write a forwood au drabble where they’re both married and have twins just like in the books. (With some stelena bamon endgames but I don’t wanna be too demanding)
I am so much better after having received this request. You are truly after my heart, this is the au that I LIVE for. So, I only did the drabble, no moodboard but if you DO want a moodboard for this au, feel free to just ask and I will be more than happy to make one because, again, this au is EVERYTHING to me. And now, for some domestic Forwood with some mentions of Stelena and Bamon:
“Are you absolutely sure you want to do this?” Tyler asks sceptically. He sets the plate down on the table and then rests his hands on the back of the chair in front of him. “Don’t you think it’ll be… weird?”
Caroline breathes out a laugh, saying, “No,” then stops, whips around, and stares at him with wide-eyed alarm and a plate still in her hand. “Why? Do you think it’ll be weird? Oh god, it’s weird, isn’t it? This is insane! What was I thinking?”
Like a switch flipped, she dove right into the deepest end of the pool and sunk right to the bottom. Tyler’s gotten used to it over the years, but truth be told, he hasn’t quite adjusted to just how heightened she’s been since having the twins. 
“No, Care, that’s not what I said,” Tyler quickly soothes, moving over to stand in front of her. He reaches out and gently strokes her forearms. “You’re not insane. I was just thinking about you. You know, what with everything that’s gone down with Stefan and… with Damon. Are you going to be okay in a room with both of them?”
She looks him dead in the eyes like a startled little chipmunk for a good second or two. Then, with a sigh, she deflates like someone’s popped open the little seal on the back of her neck and let out all of the air that was filling her to bursting point. 
To his surprise, she flings her arms around his neck and hugs him tightly. The forks in her hand jab a little uncomfortably into his right shoulderblade but he chooses to ignore it for the moment. He instead chuckles lightly into her hair as she takes a deep breath into his shoulder. 
“Hey, you okay?” he asks softly, stroking a hand up and down her back. He wonders if he should go and get the twins for her to focus her attention on; it calms her emotions right down to have them in her sights and be looking after them. 
“I just…” She pulls back to look at him with startlingly crystal-clear eyes, full of clarity and sincerity as she holds him at arms-length and smiles at him like he’s the only other person in the world. “God. I just love you so much. You know that, don’t you?” 
“Yeah, of course I do,” Tyler says with a twinge in his chest. He knows it, and he hears it often enough that it shouldn’t still make him feel like the romantic interest in a cheesy teen movie, but here he is anyway. “And I love you, Care.” 
Her smile stretches until her eyes crinkle like a joyful kitten, then she continues, “And I love that you care so much about me, and how I feel, if I’m okay. I really do. I promise you that I am going to be okay tonight. It’s all in the past now, and we are moving forward with our new life. We have the twins, we have our home. We have each other, and I could not be happier about that.” 
Tyler’s cheeks positively ache from trying to bite back the full extent of his smile. “Yeah?” 
“Yes, you dummy! This is everything I’ve always wanted.” She rolls her eyes. “I know it may have seemed like I wasn’t really one for the domestic, settling down… white picket fence life when we were at school, but… deep down, I wanted it. I hoped that I could have it, that I could actually do it and be good at it. Being a mother and… a partner.” 
There’s some emphasis on the last word, Tyler notices. He’s not stupid. But he’ll let her continue to think he is for another hour or so, just until they have the appropriate audience and dessert is about to be served with a particular piece of silver included. 
“You are amazing,” Tyler tells her fiercely, sliding his hands up the side of her neck. She leans into his touch, her bottom lip pushing out a little. “And, I totally believe you when you say that you’re all good about this dinner party idea. But be totally honest with me: how do you actually feel it?”
“Oh, I’m a nervous wreck,” Caroline says without missing a beat, confirming what he’s been observing for the last twenty-four hours. “Mainly just because I’m worried about a fight breaking out between either Stefan and Damon or you and them, but also because both Elena an Bonnie have confided some news in me that they’re planning on sharing tonight with each other and I’m not totally sure how they’re both going to react.”
Eyebrows raised, Tyler takes a step back, going back to setting the table as he prompts her with a simple, “Oh? Why? What’s their news?” 
She groans loudly, head thrown back, hands out at her sides. “Okay, so, technically I’m not supposed to say anything because I promised both of them that I wouldn’t, but you don’t count. I know for a fact that Elena tells Stefan everything, and the same for Bonnie with Damon, which, frankly, I think is even more insane than this dinner party because I wouldn’t trust him to keep a surprise party a secret, never mind anything of any importance.
“But anyway. Get this, would you believe, Elena and Stefan eloped.” 
Tyler’s eyebrows are practically off his forehead. “Wait, seriously? Wow.”
“I know! I mean, they’re married now! Which is totally crazy, right?” 
Biting hard on his cheek to keep a straight face, he nods with furrowed brows, and swallows hard before speaking. “Yeah, no, it’s crazy.”
He catches Caroline side-eyeing him, but he makes sure to give nothing away as he adjusts the last plate and she sets out the last of the cutlery. 
“And Bonnie’s news?” he asks, steering her back on track. 
It’s successful, too. Her eyes immediately widen and she’s talking a mile a minute, saying, “Oh god, that’s even crazier. I don’t think it’s even fully sunk in for me yet, I mean, I just can’t even picture it – I don’t want to, either, to be frank. Right, yeah. So… Bonnie’s pregnant.”
Tyler whistles through his teeth. “What? And it’s–”
“Definitely Damon’s, she says,” Caroline confirms, nodding.
“I can see why you’re nervous,” he says faintly, to her passionate agreement. 
He’s still processing that piece of information when the baby monitor crackles – not that they really need it when they both have hearing better than anything that requires a battery. 
Caroline’s head perks up like a dog’s ears. “Oh, is it five already? I need to feed them again.” She rubs her temples. “Do you think it’s worrying that Brianna is drinking more than Lucas is? Maybe it’s me. Maybe my milk is making him sick or something, do you think that’s possible?” 
“I think that they’re both perfectly fine,” Tyler says calmly, “but if you’re really worried, we can check in with the midwife again with any questions. I’m sure it’s just because Cas was a bit later than Bri. There’s always the formula stuff, see if it makes a difference for him.”
“True. I might try it,” she muses, biting her lip. 
There’s another groggy cry from upstairs. Seeing Caroline’s obvious need for a minute to go over her thoughts, he kisses her cheek and says, “I’ll get them.”
“Thank you, you’re the best, I love you!” she calls after him. 
“I know!”
#bonniesdamons#ask away earthlings!#the vampire diaries#forwood#caroline forbes#tyler lockwood#stelena#bamon#tvd#tvd au#no I will not go into detail about how they are all alive nor how any of them conceived without any cure involved#this is the way it is and you will all LIKE it#also I couldn't resist using the names of their twins from the books#I love that their boy was actually called 'lucas' because that was the name I gave to parkwood's son in my twin au for them#and 'brianna' is such a pretty name I love them for that#I imagine that their full named in this au are 'brianna carol lockwood-forbes' and 'lucas william mason lockwood-forbes'#because you can never have too many middles names right? especially when you have so many deceased relatives#I almost wish that their canonical book son's name WASN'T lucas because it almost feels weird considering everything with luke#but hey it is what it is even if I do think that forwood in tvd would have named their kids#'elizabeth carol lockwood-forbes' and 'william mason lockwood-forbes'#so we would then have lizzie and will#OR it could be 'carol elizabeth lockwood-forbes' and then we would have carrie and will#just to you know not have the same name as lizzie from actual tvd canon#I may need to make some forwood twins gifsets like I did for stefanie and for parkwood's twins#BUT ANYWAY#I hope this was okay and if you ever want more from this au just let me know I will be more than happy to oblige#I JUST HAD ANOTHER THOUGHT their kids nicknames if they had been elizabeth and william could have been lizzie and billy#or carrie and billy I'm not fussy#or even ‘thomas mason’ which could be shortened to ‘tommy’ because I feel like caroline remembers tom#suggestions for what any of you think they would name their twins are welcome!
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nicolos · 11 months
so according to the wiki, esther gave Klaus a necklace that made him weaker, so he wouldn't trigger the werewolf curse by mistake. Ignoring the bit where it's completely insane to make your child weaker you Know your husband picks on that kid specifically, but also the idea that she knew for sure he had the werewolf gene.... do witches have parental identity spells? did she know when she was pregnant?
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physalian · 17 days
7 Misused Tropes (And How to Improve Them)
Tropes in isolation aren’t inherently bad, but a lot of them are prone to poor execution. Each one of these probably could have a whole post by themselves. A few of these used to be good but have since fallen by the wayside as their original meaning has been lost.
7. Dramatic Miscommunication
You know the ones. I think it’s worse when the story is otherwise good, the writers just could not come up with a better way to get X alone or send Y off on the necessary side quest than the lowest of low hanging fruit.
Two essential ingredients for fixing this trope: Precedent and consequences
Precedent–have the character doing the missassuming already be prone to jumping to conclusions, already suspicious or insecure, or misled by a third party so this looks inevitable, instead of pulled out of your ass.
Consequences–usually these are big blow up fights that fizzle out without any impact on the plot once they fulfill their purpose, but if it’s a nasty enough fight, characters shouldn’t just forgive and forget. While they might not completely ruin relationships, it should have characters taking a step back and either second guessing where they stand, or using this blowup to fix an underlying issue in said relationship.
6. Love Triangles
Good Love Triangle for the first 3 seasons: Elena/Stefan/Damon (TVD).
Bad Love Triangle for the entire series: Bella/Edward/Jacob (Twilight).
The difference between them (besides time to flesh out both candidates) is that both brothers brought valid pros and cons to Elena’s life, both got the chance to be with her, and Elena’s whole arc wasn’t solely focused on the agonizing choice of which brother she should pick. Regardless of which camp you’re in, Stefan brought stability, that classic cliché high school romance, mostly all good vibes. He never challenged her or talked down to her or got aggressive with her. Damon did the opposite, for better or for worse, and we know which direction the show went.
On the other hand, Jacob never for one second stood a chance with Bella and the narrative wasn’t kidding anyone. They never so much as went on one date (unless you count the motorcycle ride) and it seemed like Bella was only letting him hang on for pity’s sake. Theoretically he brought pros to the table that Edward couldn’t (like, idk, being alive), but the narrative never explored what could be done with him. He just ended up being the Nice Guy friend who then decided it’d be hot to lust after an infant.
5. Agency-less Chosen Ones
These tend to be wish fulfillment characters that bring nothing to the story and have no discernible skills, yet are constantly in the middle of the action, have all the love interests fawning over them, and are Important and Critical to saving the world… because the narrative said so. They don’t make a single choice the entire plot except to move forward or stagnate, chosen by the gods or a prophecy or fate and destiny.
The problem: These characters walk with the crutch of “I’m the chosen one thus I don’t need a reason to exist in the story” and that’s just not a satisfying narrative shortcut. So? Give them agency. Even if they’re chosen by some ancient prophecy, you still have to convince the reader why the Universe wasn’t just talking out of its ass.
Good example: Emmet from Lego Movie literally says he’s useless and has no skills and cannot think outside the Lego box. He’s supposed to be as generic as painfully possible and when he does have creative ideas, they’re supposed to be asinine and stupid. And yet. He might be physically dragged around by the other characters, but he has plenty of choices, plenty of opposition to what’s happening, plenty to say about the state of his world, and his ideas do matter and his intimate knowledge of the instructions and playing by the rules is how they win.
4. Bad Boy Love Interests
These guys were supposed to be counter-culture icons, standing up to The Man for the little guy because he knows the system is broken and rigged. He’s an affront to the stereotypical nuclear lifestyle, he resents a robotic and soulless office job and wants to create art or music or in some way benefit his world and isn’t going to play nice just to get his way. He exists in contrast to the nuclear female protagonist: Conservative, demure, rule-following caged bird who falls in love with him because he shows her that life isn’t meant to be lived in The Man’s cage. He respects the authority that deserves respect, the teachers who actually give a shit, the janitors, the librarians, but probably not the principal or the police or the local politicians, because he knows they don’t respect him and respect is a two-way street. He’s probably a mama’s boy or at the very least loves his parents (if they’re alive) and while he might engage in a little property damage like graffiti, it’s for a good cause.
This dude is NOT SUPPOSED TO BE: Abusive, controlling, aggressive, or condescending to his love interest. He’s not supposed to be an overprotective stalker or plagued by insecure jealousy over any other man in his love interest’s life. He’s not rude to his friends or arrogant about his own smarts and doesn’t think he knows best about every little thing in the world. He’s not sexist or racist just to make himself feel better and he doesn’t pressure his love interest into sex because she owes him or whatever.
Please bring back classic bad boys. That is all.
3. Major Character Death (for shock value)
I remember the implosion of the Walking Dead fandom after they killed Carl, one of the very few characters who was supposed to make it to the end, for… various sketchy reasons and I could never figure out what was true. Some theorized that his actor was aging out of the ‘child actor’ payscale and they didn’t want to pay him as an adult and while I have no proof, it wouldn’t surprise me at all.
Carl died after getting bit in just one of those hectic moments where he got unlucky, while doing something noble and stupid. In isolation, it fits the nature of the “anyone can die” show but man did it just come across in poor taste.
Obviously “for shock value” shouldn’t be the reason you do anything in your story but there is still a way to pull it off without it causing a riot: Make sure they get killed in a non-contrived way. If you plan on killing off one of your heroes suddenly, either make it bitterly ironic, or make it a situation that this character would absolutely get themselves into. The more it “fits” the less likely audiences will see the hand of the author coming in just to break the character’s fictional contract.
2. The Power Inside You All Along
This trope is usually disappointing because it tends to melt a character’s whole arc down into something pointless—this whole adventure was apparently useless if they didn’t actually need to grow or change or challenge their conceptions of the world. They could have got up off the couch as joe shmoe and beat the villain day one.
While that’s probably not what their creator intends, ‘it was inside you all along *wink*’ tends to feel that way, as it discourages internal conflict. Usually, their creator is likely trying to convey the message that one need not change, that it’s what’s inside them already that makes them special.
I present to you once again Kung Fu Panda’s “there is no secret ingredient” i.e. “the power inside you”. The difference is. Po still has plenty of internal conflict: his own self-confidence. He begins the movie eager but inexperienced and a bit oblivious, fanboying it up around his heroes. He and Shifu both insult his weight and his lacking kung fu skills, and his arc is learning self-confidence, learning how to use his weight and the body he has to fight in a way that the villain isn’t prepared for, to where Po can shit-talk him to his face during the final fight.
Most failures of this trope don’t bother exercising their protagonist. They’re pissy and resistant for the entire story and only win when the narrative agrees they were right all along. Therefore, no change, no conflict, no resolution.
1. Strong Female Characters
So many of these read like "slapped boops on a male character". They don’t work for many reasons (usually being very preachy with their agendas), but they especially don’t work when by trying to be pro-feminist, they’re still reinforcing masculine standards. A lot of people, when Captain Marvel came out, said “you didn’t have any issues with Tony Stark being an asshole but now you do when he’s a woman” which. No.
Tony was an asshole, but being an asshole was the whole point of his character, and he got humbled right quick by getting blown up and held hostage. “Proof that Tony Stark Has a Heart” and all that.
Carol was an asshole with nothing to substantiate it, and never got a reality check. She had amnesia so we didn’t get insight into who she was before to understand this transition into dickishness and was so OP, she wasn’t ever physically or emotionally challenged like Tony was.
But the other thing is this: Slapping boobs on a male character with a slew of toxic masculine traits also says that to be a successful woman, you must behave like a man. It swings so far from the femme fatale sexy leg lamp that it comes around and eats its own tail. These characters are just mean and insecure and build themselves up by tearing down the men around them.
So. Calhoun from Wreck it Ralph is this exact trope done extremely well. She’s aggressive, arrogant, loud, rude, and cynical. For about 10% of her arc. The movie immediately throws her into a situation where her strengths are basically useless—she’s stuck in Candy Land and has to rely on someone who is the antithesis of her game and character to make it out. The movie also shows you why she’s cynical via her tragic backstory.
Not only that, she’s more than just a heap of toxic masculinity in a pixie cut. She laughs, she cries, she admits when she’s wrong, she has a soft side, a gentle side, a caring side, and remains a badass through and through.
Or, once again rolling out Tigress from Kung Fu Panda: Proud, aggressive, the snubbed chosen one, cynical, mean, and overconfident in her abilities. Tigress nearly gets her entire team killed in her arrogance. She’s allowed to be wrong, very wrong. She also has her soft moments and, like Calhoun, has a very valid reason for being jaded, and is still shown to be capable of softness and nurturing during the evacuation.
Third example to hammer home that I don’t hate badass women: Andromache. Jaded, overconfident, short-tempered, aggressive, and a little mean-spirited. Tragic explanatory backstory? Check. She is also caring and loyal to her team, allowed to get emotional, allowed to be wrong and fail and lose, and kind of the surrogate mom of the team, who can also laugh and joke around and have light-hearted moments.
Whether the character is a man or a woman, being an arrogant asshole who takes zero accountability and refuses to admit when they’re wrong and never loses, audiences aren’t going to like them.
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froggibus · 1 year
Corruption - Kol Mikaelson
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Genre: smut/nsfw
Pairing: Kol Mikaelson x f! reader (reader uses f! pronouns & has a pussy)
Word Count: 3.2k
Summary: when you meet an original vampire at the Grill, the last thing you expect is to come home with him
CW: corruption, coercion, dubcon, blood drinking, seduction, use of good girl, praise, degradation, dry humping, nipple play, dom! kol, sub! reader, semi-innocent reader, riding, size diff if you squint (he's a big boy ong), creampie, unprotected sex (pls be smart lol)
omg day one of kinktober, I’m so excited!! this is a bit of a curveball given I’ve never wrote about TVD on here but me and my bf were watching it and I’ve had absolute Kol brain rot lol.
also ow grand finals today!! ante up 💚
Kinktober Masterlist
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The usual hustle and bustle of the Grill fills your ears as soon as you push past the door. You have your apron thrown over your shoulder, attempting to tie up your hair and run to the back at the same time. 
You manage to make your way through the maze of tables without bumping into anyone, thankfully. You wrap the straps of your apron around your waist and clock in just as the clock strikes 4:30. 
“Close one.” Matt Donovan nudges your shoulder teasingly. 
You shrug him off, slinging a cloth over your shoulder. “Hey, some of us actually need to study.”
The blond rolls his eyes and heads to the sink. You clip a pen onto your waist and drop a pad of paper into your pocket, smoothing over your hair before heading onto the floor. The Mystic Grill opens at noon, but since you and Matt are in school, more often than not you find yourselves working later in the afternoon.
And with working late comes the drunken idiots and vampires. 
You’re on your way to clean tables when a rowdy group of men burst through the doors. Usually, you’d just roll your eyes and wait for them to settle before coming over. But something about this group just seems…different. Your mind practically screams vampire.
Aside from the fact that they’re so hot you would have noticed them before, their accents make it clear that they’re not from around here. A mix of a classic English accent with a hint of something else behind it, a hint of something more ancient. Another red flag.
You come to their table almost as soon as they’re settled, not wanting to keep them waiting too long. “Hi, welcome to The Grill. My name is y/n and I’ll be serving you today. Anything I can get you guys started with?”
The one in the suit speaks first. “A gin and tonic, please.”
You nod and scribble it down on your notepad, turning to the blond one in the center. “And for you?”
“Martini, love.”
On any other day, the pet name would make you roll your eyes, but you find yourself fighting the urge. There’s something electric in the air, something dangerous, and you don’t want to aggravate them.
The younger one on the end smirks at you, dark eyes raking over your figure. He’s by far the tallest and broadest of the group, muscled shoulders hidden underneath his brown jacket. You shiver beneath his gaze. 
“A negroni, darling.” He says casually, but there’s a hint of patronizing beneath. 
Unlike the blond man, the name doesn’t make you roll your eyes. There’s no bitter taste in your mouth—just the chill of something new.
“Right away.”
You overhear them laughing as you practically sprint to the back, your heart racing in your chest. You can feel eyes on you but you don’t dare turn around. By the time you’re out of sight, their laughter has faded to hushed whispers around the table.
Kol can’t help but glance at the swinging door that leads to the kitchen, waiting for his cute little waitress to emerge. The innocent air around you is intoxicating in itself, and he finds himself wondering how your blood would taste, and how pretty and wet you would look opened up in front of him.
He pushes the thoughts away once he feels his pants tightening.
You come back a few minutes later, their drinks piled on the tray in your hand. You place them on the table one at a time, starting with the man in the suit. He thanks you, and it’s clear he has the best manners of the three.
When you get to the last man, you have to lean in slightly to place the drink in front of him. As you get close, you can smell his cologne, like a combination of sandalwood and iron. The scent draws you in, and you have to force yourself away from him. 
Your body heats up and your heart pounds, voice shaking as you ask: “C-can I get you guys anything else?”
“No, love, I think we’re—”
He interrupts the blond one with a smirk, “hang on a minute, Niklaus. Maybe there’s something else I want from our pretty waitress.”
You swallow hard at the compliment. You don’t trust yourself to properly form words right now, so you simply nod at him and wait for him to speak.
“Hmm,” Kol picks up the menu and pretends to examine it. 
He knows he’s being cruel, but he can’t help it. He loves the sound of your racing heart, of the blood rushing through your veins. God, he’s so tempted to compel you to come and sit on his knee and offer him a drink. But compulsion is just too easy, and where’s the fun in that?
He looks up at you through his lashes. “What would you recommend, love?”
“Um,” you shift your weight from foot to foot, “I-I’m not too sure, what are you in the mood f-for?” 
You curse yourself for stuttering so much, but you’ve never felt like this before. It’s like all your senses are in overdrive, your body turning into an inferno. Just him looking at you is enough to turn you into a weak kneed mess.
Dark eyes look you up and down, that fucking smirk coming through again. “Something…sweet.”
“I-I can go get you the dessert menu.”
You don’t even wait for an answer before you’re practically running to the kitchen and gulping down half of your water bottle. You can hear them laughing once more, laughing at you, probably.
“You’re so cruel, brother,” Elijah scolds him.
Kol just shrugs and sips his martini. 
“You can’t exactly blame him, can you? She smells delectable.”
He freezes up at that. He’d almost forgotten for a second that his brothers could smell you too, and that if it came down to it, he would be last in line for a taste. No, he shakes his head. That simply won’t do. You’re his. 
“Ah, don’t worry little brother,” Klaus nudges his shoulder. “She’s all yours.”
Their conversation is interrupted when you come back, tail between your legs, with the dessert menu. You practically toss it on the table in front of them, refusing to make eye contact.
Kol resists the urge to laugh at your bashfulness. Your shy demeanor only makes him want you more, the alcohol just barely sating his need to lay you across the bar and fuck you then and there.
“On second thought,” Kol says after examining the menu, “I think I’ll wait til later.”
You nod and take the menu from him, your hand brushing his larger one. The contact sends sparks through your nerves, goosebumps forming on your arm. You make a blissful second of eye contact with him before scurrying off. 
Hours pass, and your shift is coming to an end. You managed to avoid that group for the rest of the night—Matt insisting on taking your shift so you don’t have to deal with what he calls the “Original” vampires. 
Of course, just as you’ve walked out of the back with your hair loose and your apron stuffed away in your bag, a familiar voice calls to you.
“Leaving so soon darling?”
You stop dead in your tracks. You’ve always ignored customers as soon as you got off the clock, only focused on getting out of the door and back to your house. But that electric feeling in the pit of your stomach is so strong that it compels you to turn around and face him.
He’s so much taller than you, so much broader than you. He’s standing so close that you can smell him and that you have to look up to meet his eyes.
“Well, my shift’s over and I-I should really go study, so…”
“What a shame,” he offers you a dazzling smile, eyes practically ignited while looking at you. “I was hoping I could entice you into a drink.”
“A drink?” You swallow hard, “with you?”
“Of course, unless there’s someone else?”
Something about the darkness that falls over his face when he says that tells you to tread lightly. That dangerous electricity is back, and it's holding you in place. You know you should go home, you should study and go to sleep and never speak to him again. But you can’t.
“No! There’s, uh, there’s nobody else.”
He offers you his hand. “So, a drink then? My place?”
You reach hesitantly to grab it, knowing those sparks are going to consume your body like kindle the minute you do. The palm of your hand touches his and you know there’s no going back.
Twenty minutes later and you’re sitting on his couch, sipping a vodka cranberry. Kol sits next to you, just close enough that he can feel the heat radiating off of you. Anytime he shifts or speaks, that sandalwood scent floods your nostrils and stirs something in the pit of your stomach. 
He gently sets a hand on your thigh, not missing how your blood pressure spikes. He inhales that sweet scent of your blood, now mixed with something else. Something that smells suspiciously like arousal.
“So, love,” he leans in closer, “how about a taste, hm?”
“A-a taste?” You can’t tell if he means a taste of your blood, or a taste of something else.
“Just a little, I promise it will be quick. It might even,” he lowers his voice, moving his lips closer to your soft neck, “feel good.”
His words have you clenching your legs, your pussy starting to ache from need. You’re sure he can smell it, with his super sense and all. His hot breath on the side of your neck already feels so good, you’re so tempted to let him drink from you. 
Kol almost moans at that alone. He lets his fangs pierce through his gums, dragging the sharp teeth across the most sensitive part of your neck. One of his big hands wraps around the base of your throat, holding you still.
The graze of his teeth against your skin has you softly whimpering, biting your lip to not make too much noise. Just the thought of him sinking his fangs into your skin and sucking the blood straight from your vein has you gushing, panties beyond ruined.
There’s a slight burn and then a sharp pain as his fangs sink into you. You whine and squeeze your eyes shut, trying to stay still. You can feel the vibrations of him groaning at the taste, feel his fingers tapping against your throat. It’s almost overwhelming, the pain and pleasure combined.
“You’re being so good,” he mumbles into your skin, “such a good girl for me.”
You moan from his words. You are being a good girl, and god, it feels so good. He pulls away, keeping his hand on your neck. You shiver from the cold air on your warm skin, missing his touch.
He rubs his hand up and down your thigh. “That was very good, darling.” He gently squeezes your inner thigh, “do you want to keep being good for me?”
The offer is enticing, and despite having class tomorrow, you find yourself wanting to stay. Wanting to please him in any way he asks. 
“I-I have class tomorrow, I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” You start to get off the couch, but just as you make it to your feet, he’s pressing himself against your back.
His hand squeezes the base of your throat, the other one rubbing your pussy through your jeans. “But didn’t it feel so good? I know you want more, love, I can smell it.”
You swallow, biting your lip to keep from moaning. His hands on you feel so good in themselves, and you wonder how other parts of him would feel. 
“Just a few more minutes, hm? Then you can go home, snug as a bug.”
“I-I’m not sure…”
“But doesn’t it feel so good, being my good girl?” He digs his hand into your clit as if to prove his point. He knows he’s won you over when he feels you start to soak through your pants. 
You sigh weakly, “okay, just a few more minutes.”
He guides you back to the couch, leaning over top of you. Your blood outlines his lips, his breath tasting like copper and liquor. He leans in, smashing his lips against yours. 
One of his hands moves down to dig into your waist, fingers gripping you so hard you’ll bruise. He forces his tongue into your mouth, running it across the backside of your teeth. 
You melt into his touch, letting him do whatever he wants.
His other hand snakes under your shirt, going to massage your chest. His cold fingers meet your overheating skin, pinching your nipple between them. You whine into his mouth, only granting him easier access to you. 
“You’re being such a good girl,” he moves his lips down your neck, “such a good slut for me.”
“‘m not a slut,” you whine, your back arching into him against your will. 
He pushes his knee between your legs, grinding it into you. The contact is all too much, and you’re hardly aware of the noises you’re making. Hardly aware of your own actions. 
“Not a slut,” he says breathlessly. “But you’re fucking yourself against my leg.” 
“I-I’m…” you trail off as you realize he hasn’t been moving his leg this whole time—you’ve just been grinding against him. 
There’s a wet spot forming on his jeans from where you were rubbing yourself, and hot shame floods your body. 
“I-I think it’s been more than a few minutes,” you go to stand but he tugs you into his lap. 
“Aren’t you enjoying yourself? Enjoying being my little slut?”
You only get wetter with his words, and sitting on his lap like this, you can feel the imprint of his hard cock through his jeans. You can’t help but rock against him, desperate for friction, desperate for anything. Maybe being his slut isn’t such a bad thing…
He tugs your shirt over your head while you move, giving himself easier access to your chest. He sucks dark marks into your neck, fingers playing with your nipples while you grind your pussy into his bulge. 
“Such a good little girl.” He groans, gripping your hips so he can grind against you. 
You whine, trying to grind harder against him. You need more friction, you need more pressure. 
“Tell me what you want, darling.”
“I-I—” you’re cut off by him pinching your nipples hard. 
“Use your words.” He teases, biting into your neck.
You try to tell him you need more, but your words are failing you. All you can do is close your eyes and bite your lip and rock back and forth on his lap. 
“Do you want me to fuck you? Fuck you hard and cum inside you, hm? Is that what my slut wants?”
You nod furiously, “yes, please.”
“I want to hear you say it.”
“I-I want you to fuck me, please fuck me, Kol. I-I need you so bad.”
Kol throws you over his shoulder faster than you can register, carrying you up to his bedroom. He tosses you on the bed, tugging his shirt off before hovering over you.
He strokes your jaw with his thick fingers, “if you want me to fuck you, you’re gonna prove how badly you want it.”
“P-prove it?”
He flips the two of you over so that he’s laying under you, his bulge grinding perfectly against your throbbing core. He bounces you up and down slightly, his hands gripping your hips. 
“Prove how badly you want it, fuck yourself on my cock and then if you’re a good girl, I’ll give you what you want.”
You look down at his hard cock straining through his jeans. You’ve had sex before, sure, but you’ve never been on top. You’re not even quite sure how to ride. 
You straddle his waist, tugging down your pants and panties. Your panties are absolutely soaked, ruined with your own slick. You gasp once the cold air hits your aching pussy. 
Kol helps you to take off his own pants, his thick cock hitting his stomach. The pink tip is practically dripping with precum, coating his hard base in his own juices. 
You can’t help but lick your lips at the sight. He’s so big, and you can practically taste the precum from here. 
“What are you waiting for? Get on with it then.”
You slowly stroke the shaft, your hand barely wrapping around his girth. “I just,” you sigh, avoiding eye contact, “I’ve never really—”
“Been on top?”
“Yeah,” you squeeze his cock. 
“Lucky me,” he smirks and grabs your hips, “don’t worry, love. I’ll guide you.”
You climb on top of him, lining up his cock with your dripping entrance. Just the feeling of his length hovering below you. You lean forward and slowly drive your hips back, Kol holding up your hips so you can push down onto him. 
You sink onto his cock. It stretches you out as you push farther down on him, his cock perfectly filling you up. You whine, pressing yourself against his chest and driving your hips all the way down. Kol groans, digging his fingertips into your sides. 
“Such a good whore,” he mumbles, letting you do all the work. 
You desperately fuck yourself up and down his length, trying to get him all the way. He’s so big inside of you, all you want is to stuff yourself full of him. Your pussy gushes with every thrust, your juices leaking out and coating his groin. 
“I-I need more,” you whine, pressing your face into his shoulder. 
“Hm? You need more?”
“I need to cum, I’m so close, please…”
Kol grips your hips and flips over so that he’s laying on top of you. He drives his hips forwards, slamming his cock all the way inside of you. He grabs your ankles and throws your legs over his shoulder, giving himself a better angle. 
He pistons into you, balls smacking against your ass with every thrust. “God, you’re so fucking tight. My little whore, spreading herself open for me.”
He leans in to kiss on your neck, his teeth grazing where he’d bit you earlier. His tongue reaches out to lap up the dried blood, moans filling your ears. 
“Kol, I-I’m so close!”
“Be a good girl and cum around my cock, huh darling?”
The pet name has those shivers traveling up your spine again, the pleasure reaching a point where it’s overwhelming. You dig your nails into his back, desperately whining for him to fuck you harder. 
One more thrust and you’re coming undone, that knot in your stomach exploding. Your pussy gushes around him, that ache that’s been plaguing you all day finally fading. 
Kol props himself up, shoulders straining to keep himself steady as he drives his cock inside you. Every thrust is a challenge, as if he’s trying to completely lose himself in your pussy. He’s gasping and grunting, and as soon as you feel his cock twitching, you know he’s close. 
A few more sloppy thrusts and suddenly he’s cumming inside of you, hot streaks filling your pussy. He’s left gasping, lazily pumping inside of you. He flips you over so that you’re laying on his chest. 
“Did that feel good, darling?” He strokes your hair, keeping you close to him. 
“Mm, so good,” you mumble, eyes starting to close. 
“You did so good for me, love. I can’t wait to see what that pretty little mouth can do, too.”
You feel yourself heating up at his words, but for now, all you can focus on is his hot cum running out of your pussy and coating your thighs. Kol rubs your back, letting you rest. 
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marlenesluv · 1 year
Hiiii! If it’s possible could you do an insta AU with any of the boys where the reader is a famous Turkish actress and model (miss Türkiye)?? Thank you bae 💖
Appreciation. (PG)
hii!! yesss, i can definitely do this! and you’re welcome! i chose pierre since i haven’t written for him yet. i hope you enjoy 🩷
pairing: pierre gasly x miss turkey reader
fc: aleyna şirin (miss turkey universe 2022)
warnings: sexual comment, nothing else tho
note: i used some kika and pierre pics but j pretend ur kika lol. i tried to use ones that you can’t rly tell it’s her. love kika tho. also, i mentioned that y/n is an actress in the vampire diaries, but you can just pretend it’s another show lol.
masterlist here -> masterlist link
^ check my list for all posts! ^
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liked by: pierregasly, lewishamilton, and 427,882 others
y/n.user: 🐻🍂🤎
view comments…
pierregasly: ❤️❤️❤️
*liked by creator*
charles_leclerc: i still don’t get why you’re dating him
↳ danielricciardo: right?? does he even have big dick energy? drop the energy 😏
↳ pierregasly: she’s not responding to this.
↳ y/n.user: tu as quand même une grosse bite
translate: you do have a big dick though
↳ charles_leclerc: omg😭
↳ pierregasly: Y/N😳
user8: y/n can speak french??
↳ bananachar: yeah! she said once in a interview with pierre that she learned to speak french to speak to his family in their language
↳ user8: shut uppppp, that’s too cute AHHHH🥺
missturkeyfanpage1: OUR MISS TURKEY IS SHININGG. ACTRESS AND MODEL???? and then there’s pierre
paddockgirlies: the middle picture 😖
↳ f1wags: the IT couple fr
carmenmmundt: okay, pretty lady😮‍💨🩷
↳ y/n.user: carmen🥹🥹
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liked by: y/n.user, georgerussell63, and 563,023 others
pierregasly: my lucky charm❤️ @y/n.user
view comments…
y/n.user: P1 BABY
↳ pierregasly: P1🍾
maxverstappen1: congratulations, pierre!!
↳ pierregasly: thank you, max!
f1fanedit55: you did so well today!! congrats on the win
user4: part 1,000,000 of y/n and pierre making me feel single and lonely
alpinef1team: big congrats, man! you did incredible!
y/nandpierrefp: miss turkey and mr soon-to-be world champion
↳ gaslyyyyy: MANIFESTING IT🤞🤞🤞
carlossainz55: you did amazing, mate!
↳ pierregasly: thank you! so do you, carlos
user1: b&w y/n and pierre pics are too cute AGH
your instagram story:
Bebeğim -> turkish for “babe”
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seen by: pierregasly, landonorris, and 427,005 others
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liked by: y/n.user, olliebearman, and 612,923 others
pierregasly: not racing for two weeks means going with y/n to her shoots and filming for tvd 🧛‍♀️
view comments…
y/n.fanpage: LEAVE PIERRE, IM BETTER🔥😖
gasleeeey6: why is she dating him and not ME
f1wags: y/n is THE moment
danielricciardo: the comments…LMAOOO. we all know y/n is wayyy out of pierre’s league fr
↳ pierregasly: what??
↳ landonorris: so true. y/n could get anyone and she chose pierre???
↳ pierregasly: literally fuck off
↳ y/n.user: aww haha, thx guys! love u pierre ❤️
↳ pierregasly: love you too….❤️❤️
tvdeditpage: pierre is shook by these comments
↳ teenwolfbby: he shouldn’t be
formula1posts: we need to appreciate the way pierre posts her so much. man’s is sooo down bad
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liked by: pierregasly, carmenmmundt, and 571,887 others
y/n.user: my biggest supporter, my best photographer, and the loml all in one 🩷
view comments…
pierregasly: mon amour❤️
↳ y/n.user: aşkım❤️
translate: pierre->my love, y/n->my love
user7: parents 🙏
formula1updates: pierre is an amazing photographer hollyyyy
↳ pierreedits: his job if he stops f1 fr
tvdbbpage: the dress?? HELLO😵 she is stunninggg
yourbsf: you really ate this up babe, ig you too pierre
↳ pierregasly: gee, thanks
↳ y/n.user: thank you loveee. aw pierre, you’re so pretty, it’s okay
↳ pierregasly: ……pretty? i’m gonna come smother you now with cuddles
↳ y/n.user: okie😇
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liked by: y/n.user, oscarpiastri, and 659,025 others
pierregasly: miss turkey and her ken
view comments…
user7: THEM >
y/n.user: my f1 ken🫶
↳ pierregasly: my miss turkey barbie🫶
f1wags: wow🥲
lilymhe: the second photo-??
↳ y/n.user: j felt like it for our anniversary 🤗
↳ formula1updates: it was their three year anniversary of when they started dating!!
y/n.pierre.fp: 🇹🇷🥹❤️
y/n4ever: pierre posts her so much, it warms my cold dead heart 😊
↳ user2: ugh same
(reposts, comments, and likes are appreciated!^-^)
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shelbgrey · 2 years
Next to Me(Emmett Cullen)
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Paring: Emmett Cullen X Swan!Wolf!Reader
Summary: after y/n and her brother lost their parents 7 months ago the two move to the rainy town of Forks Washington to live with their Uncle Charlie. As the two readjust to life their cousin Bella comes to live with them and with that their lives will change forever when two of the Cullen boys take interest in them.
Note: I don't own any of the characters except for the ones I added. I'll be also adding the Salvatore Brothers and kinda have a TVD and twilight crossover. Rosalie and Damon Salvatore will be together in this story. The reader is also Cousins with Sam and they're related through her mom(all touch more on that in the story)
🧡Portal to the Eleazar Denali series
Chapter 1: oh the tragedies
Chapter 2: laughter is the best medicine
Chapter 3: new school year
Chapter 4: The big vampire with the dimples
Chapter 5: Bio Blues
Chapter 6: people talk
Chapter 7: votes and poems
Chapter 8: The Missing Cullen
Chapter 9: the imprinting thing
Chapter 10: the interuter
Chapter 11: the accident
Chapter 12: bad dreams and bio trips
Chapter 13: the greenhouse
Chapter 14: the council has spoken
Chapter 15: the cold ass Beach
Chapter 16: 20 questions
Chapter 17: prom dresses and hoes
Chapter 18: chess and suspicious minds
Chapter 19: they're vampires y/n!
Chapter 20: Testosterone and Truck repairs
Chapter 21: is she even Italian?
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argikiya · 9 months
Bonus/Special/Extra chapters of some of my favorite books/series.
As most of my favorite series or books are getting a lot of bonus chapters but most of the time they are only available in certain special editions which is a true menace and impossible to get hands-on globally, I'm making a guide for the chapters as I've found a lot of helpful Tumblr users/readers already posted them in the internet. So I'll collect them, make a thorough list, and keep editing them if any new material is released. Feel free to comment if you want to add anything or let me know about any other series. I'm keeping the list under the cut to avoid spoilers for those who want to avoid them.
Red, White and Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
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The henry's pov chapter from the new Red White And Royal Blue collector's edition. - set after the incidents in the book
The Folk Of The Air Trilogy - Holly Black
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The Cruel Prince Barnes & Noble exclusive short story - A Visit to the Impossible Lands
Some deleted scenes from TCP (AU)
Deleted scenes of The Wicked King from Barnes & Noble exclusive edition
Cardan's letter from Queen of Nothing -(read after finishing the series)
Deleted scene of The Queen of Nothing from Holly Black's newsletter.
Walmart exclusive The Stolen Heir chapters.
The Stolen Heir Barnes & Noble bonus content.
There are also additional Folk of The Air contents and a more detailed list - click here
Legendborn Series - Tracy Deonn
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Selwyn's pov chapter and Bloodmarked excerpt - to read after the first book
The Raven Cycle - Maggie Stiefvater
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A Very Declan Christmas - Holiday Drabble
300 Fox way Holiday Piece - written as part of an event
A Minor Raven Boys Holiday Drabble -click here
Book #4.5 - Opal
The Secret Sanghai Universe - Chloe Gong
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This one could be a little confusing as it is a really long universe containing two separate but interconnected series. So I'm making the list according to the timeline of the book's contents are in (not based on the timeline they were published/released) which list Chloe Gong once shared in her Instagram stories and also available on her website. (Check out her list for more detailed, less-confusing blurb on the contents of each bonus content and their timeline)
A RomaJuliette Christmas Special
The Benedikt & Marshall bonus - Barnes & Noble Exclusive Our Violent Ends Edition
The semi AU romajuliette + benmars fic - click here
Roma's Letters - Barnes & Noble exclusive These Vioent Delights.
Book 1 - These Violent Delights (Post TVD contents ↓)
5. Roma Gets a New Mug
Book 2 - Our Violent Ends
6. The Priest and The Shepherd (Set before Foul Lady Fortune but better if read after reading FLF)
Book 3 - Foul Lady Fortune
Book 3.5 - Last Violent Call
Book 4 - Foul Hearts Huntsman (Post FHH content ↓)
7. In True Delights - The Epilogue of all epilogues
Once Upon A Broken Heart - Stephanie Garber
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The three different special edition epilogues of A Curse For True Love
The first epilogue
The second epilogue
The third Epilogue
Simon Snow Trilogy - Rainbow Rowell
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My Rosebud Boy A Simon and Baz AU - Rainbow Rowell
This short story was written as a bonus for people who ordered Scattered Showers from the Bookworm in Omaha, Nebraska. It's an alternate universe story about Simon Snow and Baz Pitch, characters from Rainbow's Simon Snow Trilogy. It was printed by the author in a brochure format.
for everyone who's missing out on this cute little gem here is the google drive link - I found it from the tumblr comment section where a generous fan shared the link. Thank you.
All pic credit @pinterest
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glossykissies · 16 days
🌟Headcanons for readers if they were supes.🌟
Deer reader would have powers of suggestion through eye contact , mind control type stuff very cutesy and demure. + healing(like she could heal ppl and also herself or maybe just herself up to u) . This power would tire her out and she’d have wobbly spells like you’ve said before! with pope catching her omg that was cute. Very useful to the boys to have the girl with the enchanting eyes (literally) do reconnaissance for them. Had to work her up to it tho cuz she’s shy
Puppy reader would be invulnerable and super speed maybe? Both or one of them. I feel like it’s just so her with how active and adventurous she is. Much slower than A train but still VERY fast unfortunately she hasn’t got the hang of it yet so ends up burning her shoes and getting her socks on fire when stopping. Why the invulnerability comes in handy!
Kitty reader would be able to turn invisible very cunty very her. also teleportation into shadows cuz again how chic and black cat coded. But her clothes can’t turn invisible like the girl from fantastic 4 , actually most invisibility powers would like that. She’d be very useful on the boys missions and it could open up to situations between soldier boy , butcher , MM 🤭 reminder for myself to look up fics abt MM.
Bunny reader rlly stumped me omg but the best I could come up with is ability to control fire or liquify or soldify matter idk i think I need u and the council to weigh in with thoughts cuz I’m so lost ☹️ maybe the reason she was on the team u said earlier
you’re a genius i love thisssss !!!
deer having wobbly spells even in this universe yes !! the boys get so used to it that everytime she uses her power one of them are already behind her ready to catch her if need be <3 she’s the biggest sweetheart n theyd die for her !!!!
pup having super speed and accidentally setting her socks on fire whenever she runs on carpet without shoes !!! i love that idea sooo much, having that as a background scene and seeing m.m or frenchie chasing her around trying to put her out would be so funny !!
kitty is def an invisible girlie <3 if anyone ever yells at her and she’s not in the mood to yell back because she’s feeling sensitive she goes invisible so no one can see her cry :( i can also see her shape shifting into a cat form … she uses it to throw ppl off me thinks … kinda like a whole puss in boots vibe when she wanders up to whoever they’re tryna take down and gives them the 🥺 eyes and when they lean down to stroke her she attacks, clawing their eyes out !
hmm bun is difficult cos i can’t rlly see her being a supe originally !! much like the spoilt brat reader i see her being useful to them as she’s on the inside, a socialite, knows all the right people and has the key codes to any building from flirting with the right people … just all around useful ….. but if she’s gonna be a supe — she’s gonna be voughts favourite cash cow. a supe popstar, marketed towards teen - 20s girls, super cute aesthetic like sabrina carpenter. her power would be kinda like deers, she can compel people (think tvd style compelling) so they send her to conventions for self help where all she needs to do is bat her eyelashes, look someone in the eye and say “you will never smoke again” to heal them. homelander refers to her as ‘his little moneymaker’, but of course she gets tired of the constant sexualisation from the men in the seven >:( maybe she finally breaks….. going to her new friends for help…….
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daenysthedreamer101 · 8 months
TVD S5 EP11&12 (mostly a rant about Tyler and Caroline)
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I'm not even gonna talk about the first 10 episodes, Silas was annoying AF I'm glad he's dead. Also, Katherine as a human was hilarious.
Tyler deserved better. I said it. I never really understood the Tyler hate. Like, yeah he was a douche in S1 but if we're judging him by his S1 personality shouldn't we all hate Caroline by that logic? Cause she was kind of a bitch in S1.
Caroline sleeping with Klaus...yeah no I don't even know what to say. I knew it was coming, just didn't know when. It was dumb and just didn't really make any sense to me. I was never really on board with them, to begin with.
Why did Klaus come back to MF in the first place? To see Katherine dying? Anyways... It always felt to me like Klaus was being really pushy and trying to flirt with Care when she was obviously not into it (she seemed pretty content and happy with Tyler)
Like sir, you have a whole ass baby on the way (idk what happened with that storyline cause the Mikaelsons went to New Orleans and I'm not watching TO rn) and you're here in MF trying to hook up with a girl who repeatedly told you she wasn't interested. Dare i say, you look kind of pathetic.
Tyler my boy, you deserve better, you really do. And then, when he hears Care talking to a Katherine-possessed Elena about Klaus he is obviously heartbroken.
Look, Care, I like you, I really do, but I can't defend you on this one. It's preposterous to me that she's the one acting all shocked when Tyler gets upset. Like, you slept with the man who ruined his life, who killed your best friend's aunt (RIP Jenna you will always be missed), and oh, killed his mother! (RIP Carol you were innocent)
Also, this might just be me, but did everyone forget that Klaus was gonna kill Care in the sacrifice ritual thing back in S2? Maybe I'm just really bad at letting things go but I would never get over that? Like I would never want to be friends let alone anything more with a person who brought so much suffering to me and my friends.
You almost died because of him, twice! Damn it Caroline, where are your morals!?
Call it a moment of weakness I guess, but still, it was hella stupid. And then Stefan defends Caroline? Like no don't defend her she did a stupid thing!
Tyler is my guy and I like him. I understand not liking his character but you cannot seriously say that he was in the wrong in this situation. He had every right to be upset. And Caroline was stupid for what she did. Maybe it's because Klaus said "You'll never see me again" so she thought "fuck it, I might as well since he'll be gone for good" but still dumb af
The show has been off the rails since S4 it can only be worse from here lol
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tvdvoreandstuff · 2 months
which tvd boys are least likely to digest you?
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Stefan is one of the few preds in the verse that will show you mercy on digestion. Beg hard enough and he'll feel bad and let you out of his stomach, or he'll keep you there permanently.
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Jeremy is probably the nicest pred in the entire verse. He will only eat you with your consent and once you feel uncomfortable in his gut, he'll let you out.
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And of course the most adorable character in the tvdu, Josh Rosza! Josh doesn't typically get any prey as he's one himself, however, sometimes his boyfriend, Aiden will offer himself up for the vampire. .
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splatooshy · 10 months
a peek into my notes app.
file: 🧛‍♀️😜
tvdu oneshots mixed with opinions. completely different from my ‘tvdu opinions’ file and my ‘bloody hell! silly oneshots’ files. this is only 1/4 of the file.
damon in guyliner
y’all the witches go on about how vampire evil vampire must be stopped and then they take away someone’s magic for stopping said vampire
Damon just licked his lips in anticipation. "Oh, you know how I like having things pushed inside me, don't you?"
“You can’t avoid me forever, Damon!” Elena warned. “Maybe so,” he admitted, “but I’m still gonna try.” He darted around her, blurring towards the staircase and sliding down the banister, mentally shouting ‘parkour’ in his head. Damn. He’d been spending too much time around the little Gilbert. And teenagers in general. “Parkour!” Jeremy cheered from the couch, cradling a bowl of cereal like it was a newborn. Yup. Too much time around teenagers, Damon thought as he rolled his eyes.
“I just don’t get it,” Matt grumbled confusedly as Caroline walked away. She wanted to talk to him. Now she was walking away? First Stefan yanked Elena from him and now Tyler had taken Caroline. He and Elena had been on the verge of getting back together until Stefan showed up and stole her away. And just when he was seriously reconsidering his breakup with Caroline, Tyler was suddenly swooping in and taking her from Matt. It wasn’t fair.
ok but the locker rooms at the batting cages in denver 🤭
“Pretty boy?” Stefan spluttered. “Well, you are kinda pretty.” Elena shrugged into the mirror as she applied eyeshadow. “She's not wrong, brother.” Damon piped up from the doorway. “You’re a little bit pretty.” He patted his brother on the cheek and went to join Elena at the mirror, snatching her eyeliner with a triumphant grin. “I'm not pretty!” Stefan denied with a small whine. “Not compared to me, no.” Damon smiled sweetly, turning to reveal those blue eyes, now rimmed with black kohl.
s1 damon / eternal teenager verse: “Why is it she’s always telling you to leave her alone when she’s the one seeking you out?”
damon: “My father used to say I had the devil in me, but really it was just my riding instructor.”
someone (jeremy) gets runic tattoos with elena’s doppelganger blood because they want to be the avatar.
“Oh my god, it’s a room full of Elijah’s.” “I had that exact same nightmare once.” OKAY but put that line in tvd and Damon then goes “Really? I had a sex dream about that.”
“you really are quite the little slut, aren’t you, Damon?” The velvety croon of Elijah’s cultured voice makes it sound all the more dirty, and Damon can’t help but let out a small moan as he nods. “Very good,” the Original murmurs, and oh fuck. Elijah can do whatever he wants with Damon as long as he keeps talking like that.
“That’s so hot.” - Damon, every day. Alternatively: “Anyone else a little turned on right now?” // any time he gets pinned to a wall, he whispers “traitor” to his dick.
sassy elijah vs sassy damon except they kiss.
“Now, what am I going to do with you?” “Something terribly naughty, I hope.” delijah.
dabekah are essentially cats. very sassy ones. like a slinky black cat and a fluffy white one
idk some wedding, kol gets confused with american accents and brings a bear trained to carry rings
compel the president to make random holidays
kol and rebekah watch the hunger games and decide to do a real life version, compelling the tributes
“Klaus and Stefan pulling another devious act,” Klaus gleefully mumbles, high on the wolfsvain(™️) joints Damon and Kol had invented. Stefan just stares at him for a minute, silence filling the room as they blink in tandem.
 elijah walks into the boarding house, kisses the girls on their hands. damon holds out his expectantly, and smiles deviously when elijah actually kisses it.
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fairykery · 11 months
The Vampire Diaries opinions people hate me for:
Forwood is actually a good ship and I wish it didn't have to go down like that, at the expense of Caroline's character.
I ship Klaroline; but Klaus was toxic. I could only ever see this ship becoming endgame if Klaus redeemed himself first.
Caroline had chemistry with everyone except Stefan.
Bamon had potential (and it was literally in the books). If they had come up with a "I had my humanity off" plotline it would have made the ship work🤷🏻‍♀️
Bonezo is a good ship and is clearly less toxic than Bamon; but it only happened to please racist dullena fans that complained about Bamon's romantic implications(even if it happened in the books)
Caroline, Katherine, Bonnie, & Stefan are the most interesting characters of TVD
Jeremy & Anna were cute IDK🤷🏻‍♀️
Matt did not deserve the hate. His feelings were valid. All his friends were killers and he was an abandoned, heartbroken boy, whose mom was a drunk and pedophile, and his only sister & family was killed by the boyfriend of his ex-girlfriend who he loved alot, just cause he decided he was bored. He remained loyal & brave to his friends and they didn't account for their murders and killings & stopped caring for the innocent.
Alaric was not a bad father and teacher. Even if he had his slip-ups he was actually an interesting & good character.
Damon is way too defended In this fandom. People should like the character and not defend the wrongs?! Just how many women has he compelled to sleep with him and to let him drink their blood? And what about what he did to Aaron whitmore? He slaughtered entire families of Innocents even while dating Elena. So all that "sHe mAkEs hiM bEtTeR" crap, is not valid. You can like Ian's acting and the smugness of his character, & like the character for those reasons, without defending the terrible acts of the character.
Delena was a horrible ship. The only reason it's popular is due to the shallow fact that people see Ian as more handsome than Paul. The ship only has good chemistry and looks. Beyond that, there is nothing.
Stefan is still the better man. (Fried humanity/off humanity Stefan don't count just as it goes for all the other vampires) Gaslighting writing through the other characters won't change that(Nice try, Julie P)🤷🏻‍♀️
Alaric and Jo were really cute together. I don't care. They made epic twins together.
Elena is overloved; but overhated at the same time. It's annoying. Just love the kind human girl that she used to be and hate the vicious, selfish girl she became, without hating her for breathing. That simple.
Klelijah(Katherine x Elijah) is not a good ship. Katherine loved stefan. She was only using Elijah to survive, and back then she only pitied him. Elijah also only was with her because of what he did to Tatia
Katherine did deserve better though, even if she did bad things. Making her the biggest/& ultimate devil and pretending there wasn't any good in her was incredibly misogynistic. Like Damon & Klaus did worse things and they get happy lives and good character ends? Like No! Horrible! Katherine's core was a scared little girl who wanted to live a normal human life while still being powerful and beautiful. She was chased for 500 years, had to see her entire family slaughtered, lost a baby because of misogynistic expectations, found her again, just to see her last family die again. Did she do horrible things? Yes; all to survive. But she also saved Jeremy, Damon, Stefan, encouraged Elena to be honest about what she felt for Damon even when she didn't have to.
Caroline did annoying things; but overall she was an interesting character. And she was way too smart and strong as a vampire. I loved seeing it.
Bonnie deserved so much more than the show gave her. I hope she gets her own show one day. A show about witches would be pretty lit.
Rebecca could have tried harder to be kinder and less evil. I get she had centuries of habits she needed to break but still. (Elena stabbing her in the back was still shit though)
Klaus was evil to his default and was an abuser to his family. I'm glad he changed/died for hope; but still I would have been nice if there were other factors to this action.
They shouldn't have thrown away the good of Elijah Mikalson. He didn't deserve that. The way they also tried to pull a Stefan on him.
Haylijah was a cute ship🤷🏻‍♀️
Esther wasn't wrong about her children being evil as vampires. And what she wanted to do with them was have them live as humans.
What the originals did to Marcel was fucked up
What the originals did to Davina was cruel
I wish we could have seen more of the witch that played "the hollow".
Glamorizing Hope's evil side is not "a flex". Again, like the character & actor art; but not the vicious actions.
Hosie should have been canon
That random new original sister was so unnecessary.
Kolvina is the most interesting ship of the entire TVDverse I wish there was more of them
All TVD ships were good I just find: Steroline, Delena, & Klamille to be cringe. Steroline only happened to compensate Forwood/& Klaroline and justify Delena. And Delena only happened because of looks and the love story was trash. Klamille was also a compensation ship to Klaroline so yeah, cringe.
TVD writing, lore, acting, cinematography,. directing is all a 10. The only thing that is trash is the ending and all the romantic entanglement the show had.
Warning: This isn't to start an agree to disagree party. This post is just so that those that agree with me can high-five with me. If you disagree, don't even bother commenting on this post. Everything is a matter of perception & perspective. I'm just sharing mine, while venting. By jumping on this post to fight with me you are immediately self-labeling yourself as entitled. Everyone has their own opinions bestie so don't even.
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ɪ ᴡɪʟʟ ᴡᴀɪᴛ ꜰᴏʀ ᴜ
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Characters: Hope Mikaelson x Black!Stem!Reader
From: Legacies
Type: Drabble
Synopsis: Hope’s determined on not letting anyone else into her fragmented world. Yet, when things get overwhelming, she finds that you are the only person to soothe her.
Warnings: mild cursing, spoiler warning for legacies season 3-4, mentions of character death
A/N: my friend has been slowly but surely getting me ba k knto the TVD universe, and upon doing so I've rediscovered my crush on my favorite lil redhead Hope 🥺🥺 be nice to this i havent watched legacies in a HOT minute. Song Inspiration: “WAIT FOR U” by Future, ft. Drake & Tems, “Unthinkable” by Alicia Keys, “Flaws N’ All” by Sonta
Tags: @mbakuetshurisprincess @shuriszn @verachii @writingintheshadowsforever @cafehyunji @lulu-network @babyboiboyega @badass-dora-milaje @niyahwrites
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Three fifty-seven is what reads in bold red letters on the digital clock that sits on Hope’s night stand. They burn against the back of her eyelids, yet do not promote any kind of sleep. They only prove as a reminder as to why she had not been graced with slumber.
There’s a picture that rests next to the clock. A candid photo taken by MG on one of their days into town to enjoy themselves as regular teenagers. Her eyes traced over every feature of herself in the picture; mouth wide with laughter and eyes shaped into crescents at the joke Caleb had made that she, for the life of her, could never remember. A boy sat next to her, head full of black curls and skin milky and freckled with perfectly imperfect blemishes that once made her heart swoon. 
She never gathered the courage to take the picture out of its frame. She never had the courage to let go of one of the few good memories she had of that time. When things were simpler - as simple as they could get in the life she led. When she could look at that boy and tell herself that she made the right choice in trusting him with her heart.
Imagine, having to kill the one person you wanted so desperately to love.
No, the redhead’s own voice echoed through her mind, which was both empty and becoming increasingly overwhelmed at the same time, I am not doing this tonight.
Hope slips from underneath her covers, slipping from underneath the weighted blankets that had failed to help in her mission for sleep, slipping from the warmth they provided. Her long sleeved shirt did nothing to shield her from the cool air that contrasted the warmth of her blankets, the still breeze of the room nipping at her bare legs. Only shorts adorned her bottom half, cut off mid-thigh and leaving her pale skin rippled with goosebumps in the process.
Perhaps she thought the cold would provide some sort of shock to her brain that would make her realize how tired her body was, how it begged to be allowed rest, but it proved all for naught. Now Hope was exhausted and cold, with no way of remedying the situation.
Well, there was one remedy.
Hope glanced at her phone that rested on the nightstand. Her eyes lingered on the device for a long time, her mind battling for reason. It’s four in the morning, she reasons, there’s no way she’s gonna pick up.
Yet, she remembers your bouts of insomnia and knows that you find yourself waking much earlier than you intend to for class anyway, and there’s a small part of her that reasons that it wouldn’t hurt to try.
So Hope hesitantly grabs her phone from the mahogany surface of her nightstand, unlocks the device with her fingerprint, and finds herself scrolling a bit too eagerly to find your contact information.
What would the people around her think if they saw her now, she wondered, frantically calling up the girl who she made it very clear with that there would be no possibility of a relationship in any near future? Would they think her mad? Would they call her delusional? Both were traits that certainly ran in her family, and she would not be surprised if a part of her had still remained that way after only recently returning back to her original self.
She finds your contact information, but her thumb all but hovers over the call icon that rests under your name. Perhaps she shouldn’t be a bother to you, Hope thinks. She’ll think I’m crazy, she thinks, and yet, perhaps it is that particular thought that drives her to press the icon anyway. Because if Hope was crazy for wanting to even hear your voice to calm her aching soul, then perhaps such a title that was placed upon the likes of her father wasn’t so bad.
One ring; the pit inside of her stomach grows in intensity. It seems like the wait between rings is even more agonizing than the actual wait for an answer.
Two rings; Hope is beginning to regret listening to the part of her that has a soft spot for you. Why did she have to remember your sleep schedule? Why did she have to get her hopes up?
Three rings: you won’t answer. You’re asleep, and if she hasn’t already interrupted your slumber, she would surely have to come up with some creative excuse to use tomorrow when the two of you met in class-
A monotone click sounds. Silence, for a few seconds, though to her they seem like hours.
Then, your voice sounds. 
“What the fuck, Hope,” you groan through the cellular device, and Hope’s aforementioned worry of awakening you is confirmed by the rustling of sheets and a following groan. She knows she should feel guilty, but the satisfying tingle that runs across her skin from hearing your voice takes away from any remorse she surely would have felt, “it’s…four in the fucking morning-”
“-I know,” Hope interjects, “I just…couldn’t sleep.”
There’s a pause; it’s intense, and Hope finds herself wondering what you’re thinking. Could you be silently cursing her out on the other end? She surely wouldn’t blame you if you were.
There’s more rustling that follows the pause, which causes worry to grow in her stomach, before she hears your voice again, “you want me to come down?”
“......could you?” She bites her lip, tugging at the skin on the pink area, and she doesn’t understand why she should be fearing rejection from you, as if you’d ever give her the pleasure of feeling such an agonizing sting to the heart.
“...yeah,” you finally answer, “yeah, just gimme a minute.”
There’s a blessing that comes with you staying a floor above Hope. It’s fairly easy to slip down the different dorm floors, she’s figured out, In the time between hanging up and waiting for you to come, Hope finds herself stuck in a state of overwhelming thoughts. They’re loud and varying in range, but all of them revolve around you.
Hope remembers when she rejected your advances a month prior. The expression on your face had been emblazoned into her mind, forever carved into memory how she had crushed your world. And yet, you’d been nothing but kind to the tribrid, still considering Hope and her feelings in every engagement the two of you had. You acted as if the rejection never took place; she wondered if this was your own coping mechanism for dealing with heartbreak. It certainly would be more healthier than any method Hope called herself using.
How could you still be so kind to her? How could you still be so willing to love her when she had expressed no possibility of reciprocation? Could you tell that Hope never meant as such? Did you still have hope in her?
How could one have hope in a desire openly denied? The more she thought about it, the more she wondered if such a question should be asked to you, or to herself.
A knock sounded on her door, bringing Hope from her state of entrancement. “Door’s open,” She mutters out loud enough to be heard, which prompts the soft click that sounds with the twist of the knob to her door. The creaking reveals you, slipping into her room, and almost immediately, your presence makes everything better.
There’s very little exchange of words from here on. It’s as if this is a practiced routine, one that had been engaged in for a while with the way you expertly slip into Hope’s bed, under Hope’s covers, and pull her into you. You place her head above your heart so that the melodic thumping of the muscle gives her mind something else to focus on. The way you operate with care in regards to her being has her heart aching, though she can’t decide if its from yearning for you or antipathy of the concept of loving someone.
She could contemplate on it another time, though, because the combination of your heartbeat and the low humming you’ve taken to doing has her body finally succumbing to her inclination of sleep. The last thing she remembers is you muttering words she’d never heard before - perhaps words to a poem or lyrics to a song you fancied.
I will wait for you, rings in her mind long after she’s succumbed to your gentle caress of her hair, and even in sleep, Hope wonders if that is a challenge you’re truly up to take.
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crimsonlyinglilly · 3 months
Day 26 “Don’t lie to me.”                               
| Rage | Choke | Paranoia |
Second to last fill for @juneofdoom
Klaus arrives too late to the Gilbert house, as he's forced to face the death of a brother .
Back to Taste of Sin, follows on from Part one
Still Set TVD Season 4 Episode 12
He smells it before he arrives, smoke and ash.
‘It's too late’ the horrifying realisation hits Klaus when he gets to the open Gilbert door, white Oak dagger in his pocket to find the Gilbert siblings standing over a burnt body, white Oak stake still in his heart.
He was going to deal with Kol, how dare they-
Another little brother dead because Klaus was too slow, too slow getting Henrik away from the wolves, too slow for Kol, he had planned to dagger him, keep out of the way until the cure business was dealt with.
Like he had every other time Kol started being a danger to himself, he didn't like doing it locking his wild brother away but he was for his own good.
And now he was gone, Klaus had failed him.
“What did you do?” he forced the words out, easier to sink into rage than grief, ignoring the burning in his eyes, he'd mourn Kol properly later when he dealt with his killers.
“It was an accident, we didn't-” Elena tried, but her voice only stoked his anger
“Don’t lie to me,” he snarled, the aching in his throat from his rage not the growing sorrow “you planned this.”
“It's not-” she tried again,
“He never would've gotten inside if you hadn't set a trap for him.” he spat the words at her cutting off whatever excuse she had, his little brother was lured in and killed, alone. Without his family, he shouldn't have let them leave, let them split up, Elijah would never have let this happen. 
He was going to have to tell Elijah, who already could barely face him.
“No, Klaus, you don't understand.” he ignored her again, nothing his little brother’s murders said mattered other than their dying screams. He sighed looking at the house they were protected, but only as long as they stayed within it.
“I'm going to burn this house to the ground.” he promised, “And then, when you try to flee for your lives, I'll kill you both without blinking.”
“You kill us, you'll never get to the cure. You'll never be able to make any more hybrids.” The little hunter warned and Klaus for a moment re-evaluate his plan, killing Him would leave him dealing with the curse again but perhaps it was deserved for failing Kol and it would be one way to bring Elijah back to him.
“You really think I care for an instant about my bloody hybrids?” he snapped, “I want the cure so I can destroy it. I would've killed you all the second we dug it up, but now I'm just gonna watch you burn instead.”
He barely finished his words before pain hit him forcing him to his knees.
The Bennet witch walked pass him but he didn’t care, not even to question why she told the Gilberts to ‘Invite him in’ he just had to kill them.
“Come in.” the boy said the word he was waiting for.
The witch‘s magic trip him over the threshold 
“Living room. Go!” she shouts as he starts to push himself up, when he freezes. 
Falling into the house had brought him closer to the body, close enough to notice what he hadn’t before.
That wasn't Kol.
Rage vanishes into confusion, horror and fear, a deep fear of the unknown because that couldn’t be-
“‘Lijah?” He speaks without meaning to the name escaping him but it sounds too much like a child as his mind refuses it to accept it, making his thoughts stall.  
The witch's hold on him vanished but Klaus didn't really notice, his body frozen on its own from the growing disbelief and horror.
The body was burnt, almost unrecognisable but Klaus could tell his brothers apart.
A life of watching out for Kol and just watching Elijah make it instinctual, he doesn't need the tattered and charred remains of a suit Kol would only wear if forced to make it clear.
That wasn’t Kol. 
Wasn’t his wild reckless little brother. 
In a way he had been prepared to lose Kol, since he had taken the lost of his magic and their new existence and become even more reckless.
But it couldn’t be, no, it wasn’t-  
Elijah was smart, fast, strong, skilled and not dead. 
He couldn’t be dead.
Klaus had never lived without Elijah being somewhere, never existed in a world without his always caring big brother. 
So the body on the floor couldn’t be- 
Elijah, Elijah, ELIJAH. 
It was a trick. 
Had to be. 
This wasn’t real.
“This is a trick,” he snarls, tearing his eyes from the body to look up at the witch, “make me see one brother in the place of another.”
But she looked confused, smart enough to not take her eyes from him, but clearly unaware of any of it. She had no need of a trick; she already had hold of him the sensible part of his mind that suddenly sounded like Elijah reminded him.
Why? Why Elijah? The one that was always trying to protect them, to temper his worse. He can’t be gone. 
“How?” he ignores the almost break in his voice.
“I thought he’d stop it.” The little hunter explains, sounding confused by it himself.
Klaus could almost imagine it, his brother speaking to them, he just always had to talk, to offer them a chance, the stake taking him by surprise, his brother’s shock as he died.
Died alone, without the family he had worked for so long to protect, to be reunited with.
“He wanted to believe in the best of people, of humans, idealising what we lost.” He admitted, seething rage burning his throat, as he forced him up off the floor “I should have stopped him, made him see.”
He had tried but never completely, grasping at it himself, to Elijah's belief in the best to people, because as long as Elijah believed that then he stayed with Klaus in hopes of Klaus' own redemption.
It was never meant to cost Elijah his life, they were meant to be immortal, he hadn't learnt anything from Finn's death.
He was the oldest, fear shot through him at the realisation, he who led Henrik to his death and joined into Kol’s fun always expecting Elijah to clean it all up.
“I'll make up for that mistake by leaving pieces of your corpses around the town.”
“Klaus you have to understand I never wanted Elijah to be hurt.” The doppelganger swears and Klaus could admit it might be true, his brother was charming, kind and good, the girl wouldn't have stood a chance, and he always had a weak spot for them, ghosts of Tatia.
The thought of them had never made him more sick than now, had Elijah's last moments been looking at the image of his first love watching him die, that she used the image to lure him to his death.
He thought Katarina had been the danger, not sweet innocent Elena.
Elijah was dead, the world was wrong and broken.
He stalked after them, he hadn't felt a rage like this since he woke after the five to find his brothers daggered for the first time.
Any hesitation about killing the hunter had vanished, he'd take the curse again, none of them could be left alive there- this whole town had cost him too much already.
Maybe one of the hallucinations would be Elijah, he could still speak to his brother. He’d take cruel vile words over nothing, a few more years before he had to face a world without his voice.
Oh he had wasted time the last couple of decades, running from Elijah, taunting him because Elijah could never have given up on him. He had pushed it but they were meant to have time for Elijah to calm down to return to Klaus' side.
Like they always did.
Hitting the barrier came as a surprise, but he doesn’t let it stop him as he throws himself at the invisible wall.
Hitting it means he doesn’t have to think about it, about who the body was that the hunter pulls the stake from, the doppelganger slowly backs away from it with fear and almost confusion like she couldn’t understand.
He was going to kill the hunter first so she would understand the pain of losing a brother, maybe he'd kill them all before her; the salvatore brothers, the Donovan boy, find Tyler, drag him back to tear him apart, make her watch as he killed everyone she loved before he left her to rot.
“Witch,” he warned, “you can't do this to me.”
“You have no idea what I can do now.” she replied, he would have laughed if he had more of himself but most of him was howling is grief.
“I will hunt all of you to your end!” he threatened, it was a promise he was immortal no matter where they ran and hid, he was going to kill them, Katarina had only lived as long because Elijah had distracted him from his search when he truly tried in the early days. 
“Elijah was the only thing that ever held me back, what do you think i’ll do to you all without him. Do you hear me!” he screamed.
Klaus roars as they leave, beating his fists against the barrier, clinging to his rage to escape the growing horror and despair at the idea of his brother gone, his lodestone’s absence.
How was he meant to exist without Elijah?
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