#bitch hes a fictional character
meirimerens · 29 days
stop quoting bell hooks' The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity, and Love at me white girl and start pressuring your Militaro-Industrial Complex Attack Dog of a husband to resign from his job at the "Killing And Maiming Foreign Civilians And Raping Foreign Women And Girls And Bombing Their Houses Too And Poisoning Their Country's Water For Decades To Come" Factory.
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gokupowers · 1 year
feel like modern Dave writers/kins forget he's hussies self insert and written to be totally fucking lame in canon bc hussie was a 25 year old loser living in his parents basement making anti SJW rage comics at the time . dave strider is an awesome character but he is genuinely so fucking embarrassingly lame and a loser and it's a beautiful thing & we need to remember our roots #makedavelameagain
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rowanoftheunknown · 11 months
Okay listen it's been 4 days I'm over it but I hate that everyone is like "that's where Izzy's arc was meant to end, he accepted his death" yeah no when I developed my support system and dismantled my toxic habits and moved on from my trauma my psych took me out the back and said you're free and shot me like a lame horse
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mrs-snape5984 · 3 months
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“How can you miss someone, you've never met? 'Cause I need you now, but I don't know you yet…”
“But can you find me soon because I'm in my head? Yeah, I need you now, but I don't know you yet…” (“IDK You Yet” by Alexander 23)
Being devoted to a fictional character for about 21 years can be challenging from time to time. Sure, it’s called “having a comfort character” for reasons, and I can’t deny, that my long lasting love for Severus Snape has given me the much needed comfort and consolation all over those years. He was by my side, whenever I felt the urge to escape from my traumatic reality…and fuck…there was way too much in my life, which made me flee to Severus. Don’t worry, I won’t mention all these experiences in this text (I’ve already done this in one of my other pathetically whiny posts).
But there’s another issue, that comes with the adoration for a fictional character…something torturous, heart-wrenching and devastatingly painful: It’s the piteous longing for someone, who will never be mine in real life….a goddamn feeling, which is eating me alive! Of course, I’m still coping with my current situation of being doomed to a life in darkness (fuck you, ME/CFS!!!!!) by writing my own ridiculously self-inserting fan fictions about Sevy and Jules…only for myself…solely to soothe my troubled heart. Furthermore, the many artists of Snapedom might know me as someone, who’s requesting immensely personal artworks for my blog…always using them to emphasise my journal entries here.
But there are times, when this isn’t enough anymore! I’m surrounded by Severus in my dark room… one could say, that I’m living in my private Snape-and-Wizarding-World-in-general-Museum. 😅 Everything here feels like my very own comfort blanket, which I’m pulling tighter around my trembling body to create a sensation of warmth and safety. And yet… yeah… and yet, I’m fucking lonely! Lying in darkness and solitude all day makes this cruel longing for Severus become agonising and almost unbearable. I’m bawling my eyes out for someone, who will never be able to hear my heart crying out for him. And to be honest: In my age, this is a sentiment, which I’m absolutely ashamed of!
For the past 21 years, I’ve known this miserable emotion only in this exact context. But now, something happened, which made the confines of my heart and the walls, I’ve built around myself, shatter into pieces…leaving me vulnerable and emotionally churned up like never before. Becoming close and trusting friends with someone, who’s living so far away from me - separated by the ocean - turns out to be blessing and curse at once.
Suddenly, I feel confronted by the same emotions, which my pining for Severus provokes in my heart…a yearning for a deeper connection - regardless of the relationship’s nature between us friends. And just like in the song, which I’ve mentioned above this text, I’m asking myself: “How can you miss someone, you’ve never met?”
Fortunately, I’m able to reach out to my friend in these occasions. I don’t have to weep over my fan fictions or my art collection…no, I can just grab my phone and annoy the fuck out of my beloved confidant. And I think, this is beautiful! 🥹
For this heartwarming piece of art, I’ve commissioned my friend @alinearthp once again. I asked her to draw Severus and my undeniably self-inserted OC Jules as young adults…going out to grab some butter beer in “The Three Broomsticks”. Whenever my longing for Severus becomes too strong, I’m trying to imagine him doing something casual like that with me…and now I’m doing the same with my long-distance-friend. For this reason, I’d like to dedicate this loving post to him. @preciousthelmadonna, you’re in my heart and in my thoughts every single day, since I got to meet you on tumblr. Despite those 6095 kilometres, which separate us from each other, it seems as if you’re right beside me, whenever we’re talking about everything and nothing at once. I’m beyond grateful for our connection, my love. Thank you for being you.
Oh, and @alinearthp, you made me smile with this cute drawing of Sevy and Jules! Thank you for your understanding of my ideas and for each of your lovely and kind messages! Feel hugged, my dear!
🖤Severus & Julia🖤
🖤Sevy & Jules🖤
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haunteddragonssun · 4 months
I've been playing this game called Sea of Stars and I am no longer normal about it.
I literally need to go to sleep but all I can think about is that fact that my fav, my boy Garl (photo below) is going to die and I have to be a normal person in the morning.
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This boy waiting TEN YEARS (not knowing he'd need to wait that long) for his best friends to finish school and trained ALL ON HIS OWN so they could all go adventuring together once they were out.
They (the trio of friends) try to prove themselves as kids causing a monster to attack and Garl protects his friends losing an eye in the process (not a spoiler literally the prologue to the game).
He sneaks in one night (to their magical school in the sky) to leave them cookies cause he misses them.
He's the voice of the group because surprise of all surprises, two kids spending the entirety of their formative years (like 8-18) only having each other and 1 teacher do not develop adept social skills.
Those two only had each other for ten years and after meeting Garl again NEVER make him feel left out or like they out grew each other.
He wants to stay be their side forever.
They want him with them forever.
How am I supposed to be normal about this?!??!?
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more historical fiction needs to be set in ww1. bonus points if you fag it up
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asgardswinter · 7 months
Unfriendly reminder that you’re a piece of shit if you headcanon Ghost being an abuser and rapist when hes a victim himself :)
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gutz-radio · 1 year
the more izzy antis say izzy hands isn't some sweet babygirl or whatever the more i'm gonna treat him like one yeah so what if he's mean. he's my sweet innocent babygirl it's just him being quirky and funny. grow up.
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princekirijo · 20 days
World's most frustrating feeling: having multiple ideas and character designs but despite working on the thing for nearly 5 YEARS still being nowhere close to having a coherent plot 💀
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ardentpoop · 8 months
ppl on that post I made abt 9.13 bringing up how traumatizing possession is for sam bc of his experiences with meg and lucifer etc. like yes but even if gadreel was a one-time event what dean did was still horrifying lol.
this fandom treats Hurting Dean’s Feelings like it’s a sin. cry me a river tbh
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measureyourlifeincake · 2 months
someone in the comments of the new iwtv teaser said "Sam is not beating the allegations of being possessed by Lestat" and like. have you heard of a thing called "acting"
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skiesareblue · 11 months
There's a point at which disliking Rebecca just falls into vastly tired women-hating tropes lacking any nuanced thought and part of this fandom's definitely made it there
#abuse mention#inspired by seeing the tv tropes page. and then people praising it#brief summary of parts of the tv tropes page would be *she was an awful bitch who deserved to die*#like can we have some perspective#some consideration for where info on her comes from. those characters vested interests. the fact that all of this is then filtered through#*i*. you think i is reliable here#ich and maxim are weird and fascinating and i love them as fictional characters#but i hate how horrible and downright stupid the rebecca hate has got#and i dont like her anyway#but phrases like 'utterly selfish narcissistic bitch' who's husband killed her in a 'righteous fury'#because divorce would have 'destroyed manderley' (bullshit) and she 'rather had it coming' because she was 'utterly rotten'#just say you dislike women and go jesus#thats not even all the quotes i hated on the page#its excused with well she was an abuser/maxim's a victim of abuse which is headcanon.#which i still dont rhink justifies the stuff being said but more importantly#its as easy to textually back up maxim being an abuser as it is rebecca#and he's the one with structural power and she's the one who's been murdered#he's also the one with all the power to shape the narrators views. because he's alive and rebecca's been murdered.#which will affect how the narrator reports events and conversations thoughout the story#my headcanon? sure but just as supported by the text as the other interpretation and i dont belitted and victim blame women to do it#and in no way do i think rebecca's perfect. I think the level of awful you think she is is based on personal interpretation#and that maybe in a public fandom space/website and not just your own blog not talking about women like might be nice
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ignitification · 11 months
As someone who is emotionally attached to Eren Jaeger as a person first, and a villain second, I think there is just something so tragic beyond the level of sadness his character gives. He has been doomed by the narrative since the beginning, we all know what his end was going to be - and yet. And yet, the hope that maybe there was something over those walls that would not end up as badly as it did remained until that last frame, as forgiveness Eren would never allow himself has been bestowed to him. He will always remain as the boy who sought freedom, but in the end, never achieved it. And there is simple despair in the fact that he tried so hard to change, so hard to make it better and the uncertainty of whether that was ever enough. Eren never lies to see the day. And that, I think is both poetic and heart-crushing, because it represents the death of a dream that he desperately fought and killed for and that has disappointed him as he thinks he has disappointed everyone else.
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 11 months
Observing peoples reactions to morally gray or black actions committed by different characters is so funny. Throughout all of G. War the character tags were chock-full of people unironically enraged claiming “Bruce isn’t even capable of doing something bad like that.” about an action that is pretty well in line with his character journey thus far, meanwhile there are still new posts that gain traction that open with lines like “I know Jason has committed his fair share of sins/crimes but” like bro when. In 2010?
Also. The whole premise of the b*tfamily™ that you so love is built on the load bearing wall being that they are a crime family. Hell, do people just collectively forget the part where Bruce manufactures and freely uses weapons with his own furry brand logo plastered all over them, causing all sorts of 'explosions and more!' property damage all over the streets of Gotham? Pretty sure that makes him a terrorist but you people don't feel the need to go around reminding fandom of that every five minutes.
#as someone who loves post crisis Jason more than the average person who considers themselves a Jason fan:#how much longer are we going to pretend that’s still where we are today#to all the people who get so fucking worked up anytime Jason does something other than sit there and look pretty#what exactly do you want to see him do in comics anyway? vacuum his apartment?#like please let him fuck shit up for people whose plans were messed up anyway please let him have opinions and act on them#kelseethe#these people assume fans like Jason *despite* all his ‘wrongdoings'#when we repeatedly post about why Jason fucking with people was epic and cool and justified#while they sit there being upset that their traumatized problematic fav with a god complex#acts like a traumatized problematic bitch with a god complex lol#‘do Jason fans even know why they like his character’ seems like someone is in need of some introspection#disclaimer: l'm not a bruce anti. you know that liking a problematic character doesn't mean wanting to erase#every atrocity he committed and putting him through a redemption arc#I just have low tolerance for the utter ignorance of some of his fans lol#and that of his writers who market him as the agreeable voice of reason#while simultaneously portraying him as an abusive father + war criminal lol#the way I used the terms ‘morally gray/black’ here is subjective.#personally I don’t consider killing drug dealers/kingpins in a fictional universe morally gray because I’m not a fucking narc lol#but abusing your son for over a decade then literally breaking his brain is undeniably morally black in & out of universe
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eebie · 10 months
people who act like liking.or dare i say sympathizing with spot as a character is a moral failing
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b4kuch1n · 2 years
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this is, indeed, fanart for @metanoia-blues! just straight up aped a whole scene from the latest episode (ep. 70) to draw into comic form lol. what a time I chose to join back in on the journey
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