aquietjune · 4 months
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Little Bird, Chapter 17: will she learn to do math, instead? (part 2) is out on Ao3
She was heading to the Warrior candidate training, again.
“Now, Annie,” her father was saying as he was accompanying her to the gate, “When you get to HQ, remember this: obey your superiors but do not trust them. They are not your allies, understand? Even if they’re nice to you, you have to assume they are trying to get something out of you.”
“Yes, sir,” Annie said.
Her father nodded, and for a while, he looked at her saying nothing. Then, he added, “The same count for the other kids. They can seem nice, but they too aspire to be chosen as Warriors. They’re not your friends.”
“Understood,” Annie said.
Months ago, she had another night paralysis while they were camping out in the wastelands. It was the depth of winter, but the sky at night was grey with debris. She didn’t remember much of where they were, or for what reason: everything of that period was a jumble in her memory, but it must have been one of the regions where the fires were extinguished first, because it was cold.
She remembered, in fact, the cold, greasy air on her skin as she gained back her consciousness. Her cold tears. And Armin’s arms.
“Annie! It’s okay,” he whispered to her ear, and kissed her on the head. “Are you cold? I’m sorry. I had to get you outside.”
She was still sobbing, after all. The others must have hated her, as it was already difficult to get some sleep in the first place, in those missions.
Yes, she was cold, and felt unpleasant all over, and yet she’d rather stay there, with Armin. She held onto him. He must have felt cold, too. But then, if they went back inside the tent, they could not touch each other like that, could they?
“Please…” she started saying. But then the opening of the tent was unhooked and Reiner came out.
“Armin, um, heh,” he said. And then, “Oh, Annie. You’re… you’re awake.”
He looked concerned, and almost hurt. As she felt fear running through her, she knew she had one of her cold stares.
“Um,” Reiner said, and extended his arms to them, showing them what he was carrying. “I brought you a blanket. I thought…”
“Thank you, Reiner,” Armin said genuinely. He reached for the blanket, and wrapped it around Annie and himself. “Sorry for waking you up.”
“No… no problem.”
Reiner threw her another glance, meeting her eyes briefly, and then went back inside.
Annie felt so embarrassed.
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I'm turning 37 tomorrow and was carded at dinner last night 🤷‍♀️
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scaryscarecrows · 1 year
In the name of the fact I am sick as all hell rn, which OC of yours is the absolute WORST when it comes to immune system?
Oh, I'm so sorry. Feel better soon!
Kitty. Dove's a tough cookie and the Squad's in good physical condition. Kitty, on the other hand, doesn't live a healthy lifestyle and is in close contact with Crane, whose equally unhealthy lifestyle combined with childhood neglect set him up for being Prone to Illness. He's better about it now, somewhat, but if there's a major bug, he's likely to get it and share the joy with her.
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mollyishlive · 1 year
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bin flooded…
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lifeofloon · 10 months
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Los Angeles River looking south toward ocean in Long Beach, CA during 'Hurricane' Hilary
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botebot-1 · 11 months
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wortverlust · 1 year
Wow auto correct messed up. 6 more hours. I've been off the last 3 days. Still busy because school, but easier because it's study at your own pace.
OOOOO sounds intriguing, hopefully it's going well? 🖤🖤🖤
Stigandr.... Stigandr!!! eufhuwohefuhu I am so late SO LATE for the reply...URGH!!! It's goin'…uhm not so well….but I still have time xD (I work on my own story atm… a webtoon… but srsly I have no idea when I'm able to post something for it... and... like idk if people would be even interessted in seeing random OCs I made ^^;;)
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wheresmysoup-p-p-p · 2 years
I was eating cheez-its mindlessly until I looked down to see little moths in the packaging and I felt my soul leave my body for a sec because I'm pretty sure i ate some of those too
In other words, I am a careless idiot fool
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angelicgarnet · 6 months
the way people online talk about autism is getting really weird, like do they know that neurotypicals still have interests? that someone being passionate about a hobby doesn't mean they're autistic? you guys know that right
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badolmen · 5 months
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sanctus-ingenium · 4 months
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🌱🌿🌱🌷 first day of spring LET'S GOOO 🌱🌿🌱🌷 [buy a print]
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muguathepapaya · 4 months
It’s Master Katara
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After one too many officials dismiss Katara, she gives a friendly reminder :]
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hoofpeet · 10 months
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fishyfishyfishtimes · 8 months
I can't believe people would slander ocean sunfish for having a lot of parasites. Uh, hello?? Every animal in nature has parasites dipshit, it came free with living in an ecosystem
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uncanny-tranny · 8 months
Basically, my philosophy around disability fakers is: I would rather a thousand people fake a disability than have one disabled person suffer without care, aids, compassion, or any help.
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had a weird dream about sheep that also involved janet jackson… and it was located in “cicilly, greece”
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