#La Loge
mote-historie · 3 months
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George Barbier, La Loge, Modes et manieres d'aujourd'hui, 1912
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mcgiggers · 2 months
London, Paris - March 2024
Just back from a fantastic art viewing adventure in the old world which featured stops at the Tate Modern and Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art in London, and the Musée d’Orsay, the Foundation Louis Vuitton and the Bourse de Commerce in Paris. The four-day trip was on the back end of a stay in the 13th century hilltop village of Petritoli, located in Le Marche, where local churches and those in the neighboring towns displayed marvelous medieval and renaissance style treasures. In the big cities, however, the focus was more on contemporary offerings. The whole made for a fascinating journey through an exciting part of art history.
An attempt to see the Yoko Ono exhibit at the Tate Modern was stymied by sold out crowds. The serendipity in poor planning however resulted in an opportunistic visit to the museum’s permanent collection, more specifically the magical second floor featuring modern masters and post war stalwarts. With entire rooms dedicated to the likes of Joan Mitchell and Gerhard Richter, among others, the walk-through played out like a greatest hits tour where around every corner an even more marvelous sensory treat was served up. Highlights of the visit included: Georges Braque’s early cubist masterpiece “Clarinet and Bottle of Rum on Mantlepiece”, 1911, oil on canvas (31.9 x 23.6 in.); Giorgio Griffa’s painterly “Tre linee con arabesco n.111”, 1991, acrylic on unstretched and unbleached canvas (114.4 x 76.4 in.); and Agnes Martin’s contemplative grid patterned renderings “On a Clear Day”, 1973, thirty screenprints on paper (each 12 x 12 in.), edition 32 of 50.
On the other side of town on the campus of one of the world’s most renowned art schools, a Matt Connors exhibit, Finding Aid, opened its doors at the Goldsmiths Centre for Contemporary Art. Featuring new and older works by the American abstract artist, the expansive grouping of paintings, sculptures and drawings cleverly paired Connors’ soft geometric abstraction and minimalist marking styles.  Showstoppers included: the large-scale bold vertical diptychs “Mural for a Gay Household I” and “Mural for a Gay Household II”, 2018-2020, acrylic on canvas; the vibrant “Red Top (deployed hatch)”, 2015, acrylic on canvas; and the sparse “Echo Implies Room (Orange/unprimed)”, 2012, acrylic and colored pencil on canvas.
Forty-eight hours later, the Eurostar abetted transition to Paris was speedy and eventless. Even under cloudy skies, the City of Light was totally sublime and uniquely picturesque. The art stops along the way were knockout shows in beautiful venues which in and of themselves were artistic and architectural marvels. At the Musée d’Orsay, the magnificently repurposed train station was the setting for the Paris 1874: Inventing Impressionism exhibit. The show celebrates the 150th anniversary of the inaugural exhibit of the then avant-garde movement and chronicles the transition from staid and traditional realism to hazier and freer interpretations of subject matter capturing a moment in time, an impression, so to speak. The cast of characters that led the way included MVPs in the annals of art history - Monet, Renoir, Degas and Cézanne, among others, all of whom figure prominently in the exhibit. The highlights included: Auguste Renoir’s “La Loge”, 1874, oil on canvas (31.5 x 24.8 in.); Claude Monet’s “Impression, soliel levant”, 1872, oil on canvas (19.63 x 25.63 in.); and Edgar Degas’ “Classe de danse”, circa 1870, oil on wood (7.75 x 10.63 in.).
The next visit on the journey was the futuristic Frank Gehry-designed Foundation Louis Vuitton and the Mark Rothko retrospective. The comprehensive exhibit brought together 115 or so works of the powerhouse American abstract artist and presented a chronology of the evolution of his early figurative renderings to mystical and surreal style paintings and finally, to his entrancing iconic floating forms. The highlights included: the early representational scene “Contemplation”, 1937-1938, oil on canvas; the surrealist masterpiece “Slow Swirl at the Edge of the Sea”,1944, oil on canvas; and dozens upon dozens of mesmerizing large format colour abstractions, including, “Orange and Red on Red”, 1957, oil on canvas (68.8 x 66 in.) and “No. 14”, 1960, oil on canvas (114 x 105 in.).
The last planned stop in Paris was the Pinault Collection at the impressively remodelled Bourse de Commerce. Spiralling up the majestic rotunda, works by contemporary art rockstars were prominently displayed. Among these were: Peter Doig’s haunting “Pelican (Stag)”, 2003-2004, oil on canvas; Maurizio Cattelan’s poignant “Him”, 2001, wax, human hair, suit, polyester resin and pigment; and a monumental installation by Sturtevant replicating the mythical room staged by Marcel Duchamp at the 1938 International Surrealist Exhibition in Paris.
Closing off the trip and reaching back in the art history timeline, a truly memorable work was discovered by happenstance during an unplanned visit to Eglise Saint-Séverin. Dating back to the 13th century, the gothic style place of worship housed numerous elaborate chapels which were all built around altars and adored by art of the time. A particular work stood out as it was presented alone hung high on a huge wall under a circular stained-glass window surrounded by nothing else but the serenity of the immediate environment. It totally radiated under the spotlight that illuminated a depicted religious figure sitting at a table who perhaps was Saint Séverin, a devout 6th century hermit and the church’s namesake.
Meanwhile, in the new world, there was a lot more commotion as Hogtown’s Jurassic Park was hit with an asteroid of epic proportions that essentially wiped out all remnants of a recent championship team.  The Dinos were dissected and dismantled. Gone are Crazy Eyes and OG-Won Kenobi, and team leader Scottie B and the much-maligned Austrian Big succumbed to season ending injuries. All the while, the newly minted Raptors including RJ the Prodigal Son Barrett and Immanuel La Squig Quickley struggled to stay healthy and make their mark. The result has been a team that is nowhere near relevant in the standings nor the hearts of fans. With the prospect of a lengthy and bumpy rebuilding process ahead, Dino fans can perhaps take some solace in rooting for the success of Raptor expats applying their trade elsewhere or maybe even Canadian hoopsters playing for true championship contenders. It’s all a lot rosier than the current state of affairs in Jurassic Park.
For more information on any of the venues, artists or works mentioned, or the sad sack Dinos, “Just Google It”.
There you have it sportsfans,
MC Giggers
(Https://mcgiggers.tumblr.com) Reporter’s Certification
I, MC Giggers, hereby certify that the views expressed in this report accurately reflect my personal views and that no part of my compensation was or will be, directly or indirectly, related to the specific views expressed herein.
I also certify that I may or may not own, directly or indirectly, works of artists mentioned in this report and that I may or may not have a strong bias for such artists and, more generally, for “Pictures of Nothing”.
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lounesdarbois · 2 months
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coquelicoq · 2 years
i complain a lot about how wordy dumas is but i must admit it was very funny when he took two pages to say that albert thought he was gonna get so many chicks during his tour of italy and it's been four months and he has gotten zero chicks.
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philoursmars · 4 months
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Allez, une série de 5 posts : "Invader à Marseille" ! (si vous en connaissez d'autres, dites-le moi !)
Rue de la Loge avec Notre-Dame de la Garde en ligne de mire
Promenade Louis Brauquier, sous le Fort Saint-Jean.
Quai de la Joliette, sur la façade Art Déco de l'ancienne Compagnie Générale Transatlantique
Sous l'église Saint-Laurent
Rue de la Loge
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inrng · 1 year
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Photo: A.S.O./Aurélien Vialatte
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tagnon123 · 2 years
Signer un pacte avec le diable
Signer un pacte avec le diable
En réalité , le pacte avec diable consiste à récite une prière d’invocation qui vous permettra de faire appelle à diable pour vos besoin financière et changer l’existence de votre VIE Une fois que vous serrez en possession de la prière d’invocation, vous devez la récité 6 (six) FOIS toutes en suivant les instruction secret qui vous serra envoyer une fois que vous aurez passer votre commande…
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nouvellesdumaquis · 9 months
Célestin "Ma Mère" (NOUVEAU CLIP)
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élestin est de retour en cette rentrée avec la vidéo de Ma Mère, un superbe clip évoquant l'écologie sur un mode tendre et poétique, avec des images en animation faites par le studio Folimage. Coup de cœur chanson française du moment.
Moitié du duo Fills Monkey, Célestin alias Sébastien Rambaud, raconte ses histoires d’une plume malicieuse, qui virevolte entre ironie, lucidité, engagement et poésie.
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Avec son nouvel extrait, Ma Mère, extrait de l'album Deuxième Acte, sorti il y a quelques mois de cela, le musicien parvient à parler d'écologie en échappant aux stéréotypes et en délivrant un message poignant et juste. Dans une chorégraphie effrénée, Célestin nous interpelle sur l’urgence de sauver sa mère yéti tandis que des silhouettes noires dansent, consomment, et la maltraitent sous le regard impuissant des animaux.
Célestin est en concert à Paris à La Petite Loge le 15/09 (complet) et le 04/10.
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iweb-rdc001 · 11 months
Éliminatoires Coupe du Monde 2026 : la RDC hérite le groupe B et devra affronter le grand Sénégal !
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Les citations de Taha-Hassine FERHAT 10
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clamarcap · 1 year
Grande Symphonie de salon
Antonín Reicha (26 febbraio 1770 - 1836): Grande Symphonie de salon n. 1 in re minore-maggiore per 9 strumenti solisti (oboe, clarinetto, fagotto, corno, 2 violini, viola, violoncello e contrabbasso; 1825). Le Concert de la Loge, dir. Julien Chauvin. Adagio – Allegro Adagio [13:40] Minuetto: Allegro [20:53] Finale: Allegro vivace [24:52]
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danhgbo · 1 year
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rikwintein · 2 years
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kikacafom · 2 years
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dowetopuvebo · 2 years
omplète sur toutes les formes de prière, sur la manière de prier, sur les effetsVictorieux, et par saint Jean, son serviteur. Amen. Consécration de l'étole. Prière. ✠Seigneur, mon Dieu, mon pouvoir est à
La méthode rosicrucienne pour prier demande une préparation, ou « mise en prière », qui consiste à se retirer dans un endroit calme, à s'intérioriser, puis à
</p><br>, , , , .
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grandmaraboutorogan · 2 years
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le plus puissant maître au monde,le plus honnête de tout les marabout ,marabout compétant, vrai marabout dans ses rituels, Rituels très efficace sur le portefeuille magique,je cherche un vrai marabout ,marabout orogan marabout au monde marabout voyant,voyant au culte vodun,le vrai portefeuille magique 666 sans aucune conséquence ,portefeuille sans aucune conséquences,les avantages du portefeuille…
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