labibfaourauad · 10 months
(Labib Faor Auad)
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prawns-are-cannibals · 3 months
Watching Mike's episode of Worlds Most Dangerous Roads, and I love how he's just like that. Just like he was on Taskmaster.
Also, Ola Labin is a delight.
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Proverb 30:8 Elwanny avek mwan sa ki fo ek parol mansonz; pa donn mwan ni lanmizer, ni larises; me donn mwan zis sa ki neseser pour viv.
Remove far from me falsehood and lies. Give me neither poverty nor riches. Feed me with the food that is needful for me — Proverbs 30:8 | Labib An Kreol Seselwa (BSK Bible) and World Messianic Bible (WMB) Labib An Kreol Seselwa. This translation, published by the Seychelles Bible Society, was published in 2014 and the World Messianic Bible, which is in the public Domain. Cross References: Job 23:12; Proverbs 30:7; Matthew 6:11; 1 Timothy 6:8
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swanasource · 1 year
Sudanese-British comedian, Ola Labib via Comedy Central UK on TikTok
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asscrackcreed · 2 years
labib when al mualim asked him what he was doing while two young boys were fighting each other and bleeding to the death
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ashlabib · 7 months
Dr. Ash Labib: A Pioneer in Medicine and Innovation
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In the ever-evolving landscape of medicine, Dr. Ash Labib stands as a true pioneer, blending expertise with innovation to redefine the boundaries of healthcare. This article explores the remarkable journey of Dr. Ash Labib, highlighting his contributions to the medical field, innovative approaches to patient care, and the lasting impact of his work.
Early Life and Education
Dr. Ash Labib's journey in medicine began with a passion for healing and a commitment to making a difference in people's lives. His early life and education laid the foundation for a career marked by dedication, continuous learning, and a pursuit of excellence. From the outset, Dr. Labib exhibited a thirst for knowledge, which propelled him to excel in his studies and pursue advanced degrees in medicine.
Innovative Approaches to Patient Care
One of Dr. Ash Labib's defining characteristics is his commitment to innovative approaches in patient care. As a medical practitioner, he recognized the need to go beyond traditional methods and embrace cutting-edge technologies and treatments. Dr. Labib's integration of innovation into his practice has not only elevated the standard of care but has also positioned him as a thought leader in the medical community.
For instance, Dr. Labib has been at the forefront of implementing telemedicine solutions, breaking down geographical barriers and providing patients with access to healthcare from the comfort of their homes. This proactive approach to incorporating technology into patient care reflects his foresight and adaptability in an era of rapid technological advancements.
Contributions to Medical Research
Dr. Ash Labib's impact extends beyond the clinic, as he actively engages in medical research, contributing to advancements in various fields. His involvement in research projects reflects a commitment to pushing the boundaries of medical knowledge and finding innovative solutions to complex health challenges.
Whether it's participating in clinical trials, collaborating with fellow researchers, or spearheading his own research initiatives, Dr. Labib's dedication to advancing medical science is evident. His contributions not only enhance our understanding of diseases and treatment modalities but also pave the way for future breakthroughs that can transform patient outcomes on a global scale.
Leadership in Medical Education
In addition to his clinical and research pursuits, Dr. Ash Labib has taken on a leadership role in medical education. Recognizing the importance of nurturing the next generation of healthcare professionals, he has been actively involved in teaching and mentorship. His contributions to medical education extend beyond the traditional classroom, as he embraces innovative teaching methodologies to prepare future doctors for the challenges of a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape.
Dr. Labib's leadership in medical education is evident in his establishment of training programs, workshops, and mentorship initiatives. By sharing his wealth of experience and knowledge, he not only empowers aspiring medical professionals but also instills a sense of innovation and adaptability crucial for success in the dynamic field of medicine.
Patient-Centric Care and Empowerment
At the core of Dr. Ash Labib's medical philosophy is a commitment to patient-centric care. He goes beyond merely treating illnesses; he strives to empower patients to actively participate in their healthcare journey. This holistic approach involves open communication, education, and collaborative decision-making, fostering a sense of partnership between the healthcare provider and the patient.
By placing the patient at the center of the care continuum, Dr. Labib ensures that medical interventions are not only effective but also aligned with the unique needs and preferences of each individual. This personalized and empathetic approach not only improves patient outcomes but also enhances the overall healthcare experience.
Conclusion and Benefits of Dr. Ash Labib's Approach
In conclusion, Dr. Ash Labib's journey as a pioneer in medicine and innovation encapsulates a commitment to excellence, continuous learning, and a patient-centric approach. His contributions to patient care, medical research, and education have left an indelible mark on the healthcare landscape.
The benefits of Dr. Labib's approach are manifold. Firstly, his innovative use of technology in patient care has the potential to revolutionize healthcare delivery, making it more accessible and convenient for individuals across diverse geographical locations. This is particularly significant in an era where the global landscape demands adaptable and resilient healthcare systems.
Secondly, Dr. Labib's commitment to medical research contributes to the collective knowledge of the medical community, fostering a culture of discovery and innovation. The advancements resulting from his research initiatives have the potential to shape the future of medical treatments and interventions, ultimately benefiting patients worldwide.
Thirdly, Dr. Labib's leadership in medical education ensures that the next generation of healthcare professionals is equipped with the skills, knowledge, and mindset necessary to navigate the complexities of modern healthcare. By imparting a sense of innovation and adaptability, he is shaping a future workforce capable of addressing the evolving health challenges of our time.
Finally, the patient-centric care advocated by Dr. Labib not only improves individual health outcomes but also contributes to a more positive and empowering healthcare experience. This approach, centered on collaboration and communication, has the potential to transform the doctor-patient relationship and elevate the standard of care across the entire healthcare ecosystem.
In essence, Dr. Ash Labib's contributions to medicine and innovation exemplify a holistic and forward-thinking approach to healthcare. By combining expertise with a commitment to continuous improvement, he has not only advanced the field of medicine but has also set a standard for compassionate and innovative patient care that benefits individuals, communities, and the global healthcare landscape as a whole.
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kbanews · 10 months
Wujudkan Tekad Presiden Santri, KH. Labib Shodiq Kerahkan Semua Alumni Jadi Relawan Anies
JATENG | KBA – Sejumlah tokoh masyarakat, alumni ponpes serta perwakilan unsur masyarakat berkumpul di kediaman Pengasuh Ponpes Al Hikmah Benda Sirampog Brebes, KH. Labib Shodiq Suhaimi, Sabtu malam, 19 Desember 2023. Dalam kesempatan tersebut, KH. Labib Shodiq Suhaimi memberikan arahan kepada para peserta silaturahmi berkenaan dengan kepemimpinan nasional. Di mana, rakyat Indonesia bakal…
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But what of them? Those ‘Great Men’?
Christopher Lee, Martin Luther King, Desmond Tutu? Gerard Way, Bill Watterson, JRR Tolkien, Sun Tzu? Siddhartha, Plato, Noam Chomsky, Terry Pratchett? Neil Gaiman, Issac Asimov, Stephen Hawking, Issac Newton? Copernicus? Galileo? Hammurabi, and Gilgamesh?
When I study and speak out against the things I deem wrong I am called bold, loquacious.
When I work myself to exhaustion to develop my body as I do my mind I am called persistent, enduring.
When I dress how I want, and defy norms while in the public eye, and talk with reassurance and kindness to the shy and quiet around me, I am called trustworthy.
When I corral and condemn myself for what I have done, I am called conscious… “good”.
When I look in the mirror, I see a different man than him. The person they describe feels like another lie that I’ve been telling, perhaps all along to all the people of the world.
And how could they not, on some level, know? That I am craven, false-tongued, and selfish. That I have done such bad things to good people, with neither excuse nor explanation? How could they not know what a monster I am?
I’m 24 years old. I’m a man. I may not be as wealthy as some, but I have enough power in my inheritance that it is clear I can bury whatever I do not wish to have seen.
How could I NOT be a monster? How can you call me words so synonymous with pure, when I . Was. BORN.
And if I am therefore so certainly the product of the evils I tar upon the earth, then how can it be right to look at me, speak to me, know me, permit me?
But I cannot pretend to believe I’m an outlier. Are they not all the same? Does time not make monsters of all of us?
Of the ones like me.
But what of them then, those ‘Great Men’?
How many of them bore terrible things into the world, touched a thousand lives but on the way they ruined some?
And what of the people we leave in our wake? Are they to be a footnote in our passing, an unfortunate but inevitable casualty of the human condition, permitted to suffer as it is necessary to keep the idols we prop up chrome and shiny?
It cannot be so. We owe them better. We owe our children better. We owe ourselves better.
And yet here I stand. “Bold. Eloquent. Persistent. Enduring. Self-Conscious. Trustworthy. ‘Good’….A Coward. Liar. Idiot. Inconsiderate. Selfish.”
I thought I knew who I was. And that I was afraid of anyone else finding out. But the word has turned me on my head, and left me with a simple realization.
I don’t know who or what I am, anymore. Perhaps neither I nor anyone never did.
A B I A, L A B I B.
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gautamkumar0210 · 2 years
Dr Ash Labib,  a surgeon for 24 years at the NHS, sub-specialised in Rhinology and Rhinoplasty, truly loves what he does and has a strong enthusiasm for providing high-class treatments and procedures.
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decolonize-the-left · 8 months
"Hamas is a terrorist organization" is propaganda.
2023 June.
October 5th 2023.
October 6 at a funeral:
From March
October 13
Human Rights Watch from August
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The number of Israelis who've died in the conflict stands at 1400. Most being killed on the October 7th attack.
Meanwhile Palestine is being cut off from food, water, fuel, electricity, medicine, internet and their death toll has passed 8,000, with more being reported daily.
Do not fucking talk to me about Hamas being a terrorist organization. That's such an awful faith argument. It begs the question of why you didn't care about the crimes against Palestinians before things got this bad.
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labibfaourauad · 10 months
(Labib Faor Auad)
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panelshowsource · 2 days
sorry i took a lil break from posting gifs and stuff, it was my birthday and then i went on vacation and then i went to the dentist and now it's father's day and asdfghjk real life whirlwind ugh i much prefer my internet bubble of self-indulgence!!!
anywayz i have still been working to keep my google drive updated and add a few new things :)
new have i got news for you
new i'm sorry i haven't a clue
standup specials by ardal o'hanlon, daniel sloss, fern brady, katherine ryan, romesh ranganathan, stewart lee
what's that lady doing? by lou sanders (audiobook)
mostly unrelated to britcom, i do have a googledrive linked on my main account and share films & tv there :) new series i added there that may be of interest is russell t davies' it's a sin
also want to shout out some things on the drive that i recommend or people may have missed!
with the taskmaster podcast wrapping up, there are tons of audiobooks in the books folder :')
for (mostly) wholesome buddy comedy stuff: dara & ed's road to mandalay and great big adventure, miles jupp and elis james travel wales, rob & rylan's grand tour, world's most dangerous roads (just watched the namibia episode with mike wozniak and ola labib and LMAO the concept of the show is just so bizarre i love it), not to mention the latest series of travel man!
campervan travel series british as folk with fern brady, ivo graham, and darren harriott
i have a feeling not every tm fan has seen the actual horne section tv show (+ the 2018 special) so here they are!
does anyone else miss charlie brooker as much as me... screenwipe rewatch marathon when?
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egyptianrenaissance · 6 months
Delusions of many Egyptian nationalists
I find it strange seeing a lot of Egyptian nationalists denying the fact that modern day Egyptians are heavily influenced by Arab culture through out the centuries, claiming things like Egyptians maintaining a huge portion of their indigenous Coptic culture(if not all of it). The first step of solving an issue is actually acknowledging it, which isn't the case for most nationalists due to their continuous denial of the issues in Egyptian society. Now we have modern day Egyptians, who name their kids Arab names, speak Arabic, not speak a word of Coptic, and with a fundamentally Islamic nature. So the question is; Where is the Egyptian culture in all of this? The oxford definition of culture is "the customs and beliefs, art, way of life, and social organization of a particular country or group." According to this very definition, there is vaguely any difference between modern-day Egyptians and their Arab neighbors in the Arabian peninsula. In fact, millions of Egyptians claim lineage to Arab tribes and to the Islamic prophet Muhammad through certificates made by communities here. Yes, those certificates are mostly inaccurate and do not prove anything, but still, the idea of claiming this makes it safe to say that most Egyptians for the most part identify as Arab culturally and ethnically. Sure, one can say that there are remnants of the old culture through some Coptic loanwords, using an Arabized version of the Coptic calendar and some holidays, but those tiny remnants are not an indication of a cultural continuity by any means. Genetically speaking, modern day Egyptians are descended from the ancients, but unfortunately this does not really play a major role in shaping one's identity, at least in the case of most Egyptians nowadays.
What nationalists should be doing now is Egyptianize Egypt by teaching people about their history, promoting the Coptic language by learning it and try reviving it like how individuals like Claudius Labib tried to. Some of them do that undoubtedly and I respect them immensely, but for the ones who are still in denial of the cultural issues surrounding Egyptian society, I hope they wake up one day to the ugly reality and start doing more.
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theivorlegov1 · 2 months
اجواء رائعة مبروك المنتخب الوطني هدي البداية مزال مزال
LAK accident victim Labib enjoying time with his friends Video
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alwaysbewoke · 1 day
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This letter was written in response to President Jimmy Carter’s dismissal of Martin Luther King’s former aid, and close friend, Andrew Young (civil rights activist and Christian minister) from his position as ambassador to the United Nations because of his decision to meet with representatives of the Palestine Liberation Organization.  Having learned about a report prepared by the United Nations Division for Palestinian Rights which called for the creation of a Palestinian state, Young sought to delay the report in order that it might be raised at a more strategic time for the then Carter Administration. To this end, having met with various representatives from the Arab world, he met with Zuhdi Labib Terzi, the UN representative of the PLO, to discuss this proposal.  However, the United States had promised Israel that it would not meet directly with the PLO until it recognized Israel’s right to exist. Through an illegally acquired transcript by Mossad (Israeli intelligence agency), the details of this meeting between Young and Terzi were made public and was met with significant controversy.  Baldwin stood by Young, defending his actions as a genuine expression of the struggle for liberation, justice, and peace. Baldwin calls out the hypocrisy that supported the criticisms of Young’s actions. Baldwin makes clear that the situation in Palestine is the result of European imperialism (overall). This letter shows that Baldwin would be on the side yelling “free Palestine” today and criticizing the US which is continuously funding this genocide.
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ashlabib · 2 years
Getting Ready for Your 15 Minutes Nose Job Surgery By Dr Ash Labib
A nose job can boost your self-confidence, work performance and overall health. You must prepare well to reap the full benefits of a nasal job.
How can you do it the most effectively? What are the best methods for nose job recovery?
This article will explain how to prepare for a nasal job, realistic expectations regarding recovery and best practices for healing. How to prepare for a nose job.
Consider your lifestyle and diet. A healthy body will increase your chances of recovering from a nose job. You are also less likely to experience complications.
It is easier to prepare for a nose job if you have a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
After anaesthesia, fibre-rich foods may help to reduce constipation.
Before undergoing a nose job, it is important to avoid alcohol and smoking. During your consultation with Dr Ash Lebib, you can discuss all details.
It is possible to plan ahead for your transportation It is essential to plan your transportation before you undergo a nose job. Rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure that requires someone to drive you home after the Aesthetics Clinic.
Even though rhinoplasty does not usually require an overnight stay, it is crucial to return home safely.
Your vision may be affected if you get any bruises. You may need to have someone drive you home or assist you on the way.
You can have a friend or family member drive you to the hospital. After your nose surgery, you may need someone to watch over you for the next three days.
Spend some time away from work For a nose job, you will need to be absent from work. You should take at most two weeks off work to allow your body to fully heal.
This can help to heal and prevent problems.
Purchase Cold Compresses at Your Home Before and after a nose job, cold compresses are a good idea.
Ice packs are a must for those who have to return from a nose job. You have many options, including soft food and easy-to-digest foods. This will make it much easier to eat.
Certain Medications should be avoided Before having rhinoplasty, you should be careful with certain medications. These medications include vitamin E and aspirin.
Recovery After a nose job, a splint of metal or plastic is applied to the nose. After your best nose job is done, the splint will help your nose maintain its shape.
Nasal packs or splints can be used to stabilize your nose.
You will be closely monitored after your surgery in the recovery area. This will ensure your safety and well-being. Once your release has been approved, you can leave the clinic.
Because of the possible effects of anaesthesia on your face and any bruises, you will need to have someone drive you or assist with your return.
You might experience the following side effects after a nose job. These side effects can include memory lapses and impaired judgment.
After a nose job, you might experience bleeding or drainage for several days. A drip pad can help with these symptoms. Tape it under the nose. It will absorb blood, mucus, and other substances.
It is possible to get a headache. It is possible to feel puffy or experience pain. You can get medication that will help.
A nose job can boost your self-confidence, work performance and overall health. You must prepare well to reap the full benefits of a nasal job.
How can you do it the most effectively? What are the best methods for nose job recovery?
This article will explain how to prepare for a nasal job, realistic expectations regarding recovery and best practices for healing.
How to prepare for a nose job.
1. Consider your lifestyle and diet.
A healthy body will increase your chances of recovering from a nose job. You are also less likely to experience complications.
It is easier to prepare for a nose job if you have a healthy lifestyle and eat right.
After anaesthesia, fibre-rich foods may help to reduce constipation.
Before undergoing a nose job, it is important to avoid alcohol and smoking. During your consultation with Dr Ash Lebib, you can discuss all details.
2. It is possible to plan ahead for your transportation
It is essential to plan your transportation before you undergo a nose job. Rhinoplasty is a delicate procedure that requires someone to drive you home after the Aesthetics Clinic.
Even though rhinoplasty does not usually require an overnight stay, it is crucial to return home safely.
Your vision may be affected if you get any bruises. You may need to have someone drive you home or assist you on the way.
You can have a friend or family member drive you to the hospital. After your nose surgery, you may need someone to watch over you for the next three days.
3. Spend some time away from work
For a nose job, you will need to be absent from work. You should take at most two weeks off work to allow your body to fully heal.
This can help to heal and prevent problems.
4. Purchase Cold Compresses at Your Home
Before and after a nose job, cold compresses are a good idea.
Ice packs are a must for those who have to return from a nose job. You have many options, including soft food and easy-to-digest foods. This will make it much easier to eat.
5. Certain Medications should be avoided
Before having rhinoplasty, you should be careful with certain medications. These medications include vitamin E and aspirin.
After a nose job, a splint of metal or plastic is applied to the nose. After your best nose job is done, the splint will help your nose maintain its shape.
Nasal packs or splints can be used to stabilize your nose.
You will be closely monitored after your surgery in the recovery area. This will ensure your safety and well-being. Once your release has been approved, you can leave the clinic.
Because of the possible effects of anaesthesia on your face and any bruises, you will need to have someone drive you or assist with your return.
You might experience the following side effects after a nose job. These side effects can include memory lapses and impaired judgment.
After a nose job, you might experience bleeding or drainage for several days. A drip pad can help with these symptoms. Tape it under the nose. It will absorb blood, mucus, and other substances.
It is possible to get a headache. It is possible to feel puffy or experience pain. You can get medication that will help.
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