my-deer-friend · 2 months
I have watched three youtube videos on brewing your own 18th century beer at home and am now filled with a hubristic sense of I CAN DO THAT.
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aspergillosis · 4 months
they put some of the tumblrinas in pickle jars and they post from there but this is the secret behind their very good posting behaviours
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thatiswhy · 27 days
look i am so fucking HONGRY for paprikás csirke with some nice noods and lactofermented cucumbers it's fairly certain i will die if i don't get any
thank god i have a stove at home :D
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 4 months
making some lactofermented hot sauce again. hyped.
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other best part of The Bear is that Marcus is having the BEST time. everyone else is spinning out in various ways and he's like I can make dessert and not bread? time to lactoferment stone fruit or some shit anyway I love him
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felidaefatigue · 10 months
hello i have an amazing food tip for anyone whose lactose intolerant but is willing to have dairy but doesnt like having milk around cause it goes to waste
buy fermented low lactose yogurts. like skyr or dahi or whatever. water them down when u want milk for cereal or whatever. i lile the unflavoured kind and i add a little maple syrup.
a) theres studies suggesting that lactose intolerant people who eat lactofermented foods actually have an easier time with their symptoms
b) yogurt keeps better and is hella versatile. breakfasts and as a baking ingredient, dips, marinades.
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enyafans4communism · 1 year
tagged by @lactofermented to post my 9 fav album covers…
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cocteau twins - head over heels / aphex twin - classics / joy division - closer / animal collective - spirit they’re gone, spirit they’ve vanished / have a nice life - deathconsciousness / memento mori - jag…snäll / björk - homogenic / bauhaus - in the flat field / död mark - drabbad av sjukdom
i tag um… the girl reading this 🤍
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astrito · 1 year
Completos are a Chilean variant of the hot dog, one of many variants in Latam. The most common form you'll see in the streets or small restaurants (don't eat a completo for 5 dollars, you're getting scammed.) is the Italiano, named after the colors of Italy's flag.
The Italiano is comprised of a bun, a sausage which can be boiled or fried, optionally chucrut (sauerkraut, finely chopped lactofermented cabagge), diced tomatoes, mashed avocado, mayonaise, ketchup and finally, mustard. Of course, you can leave out any ingredients you don't like, but that's the blueprint.
Now, why the hell am I giving you this piece of mildly interesting Chilean trivia?
I put this under a read more because it's so cringe... (I'm literally not doing anything bad) (Still embarassed) (Still gonna share because I liked it)
Right now I'm waiting for my 9PM bus (at 7PM lol) (edit after writing: 8PM! jeez) but even before that, like an hour ago, I rushed to the nearest restaurant, and as always, the completo is a saviour because it was the cheapest thing I could get.
Gosh I was really hungry or it was really really good. Great, even. The mayo was homemade, too!
I was silent while eating and this thought popped into my head, "Shaplin would love to eat a completo." (SHAPLIN JUMPSCARE)
I really love her and if I tried to deny it I'd look even more deranged, lmao.
Thinking of that made me remember all the party nights eating and making 'em, and aaah... it's a really sweet drawing idea.
Right now I imagine my sona and Shaplin having the kitchen be an absolute mess, because I could have said "Yo. We should make some of these things I eat back home" and Shaplin foolishly agreed, knowing she can't even make Mac and Cheese... plus even if the food I cook is good, it's at the expense of clean spaces hehe 😔
Then, after everything is made (and the kitchen has been cleaned before Swatch could have an aneurysm looking at the mess), setting up the table for so many Swatchlings sounds funny, but at the same time kind of cute! They're a big family <3
Aside from the completos the arrangement I assume would be the same as one where people eat hot dogs (if you even do?! I have no idea!!), Snacks and sauces, sodas... Monster. (I'm normal about that energy drink leave me olone!!! /j)
Eating and making conversation, joking around as it's usual. It warms my heart to think about that.
Now it's less about the food and more about the people you've made it for.
I believe cooking for and having something to eat with someone is a great way of expressing affection, so these ideas are. Yeah. They're heartwarming, as I've said before 🥹
After eating? Oh, I really love playing videogames. I love Mario Party so you bet I put that before anyone else could even think of the console WKEJWKKEJW
Remembering Francis and Queen it's really funny to me, believing Shaplin would pick Princess Peach LMFAO. I of course, will always go with my boy Luigi >:)
(On that note, Colette would pick Rosalina! Her reason is "She looks like a very nice lady!!" while mine is that because her color is Cosmic Latte and Rosalina's whole character revolves around space, it only makes sense, don't you think?)
...Anyway, at this point I'm only rambling! Which isn't bad, not at all, but there's the point where I'll start making 0 sense!
I'm sorry for being SOOO normal about that bird. It will happen again 😔🙏
Astro OUT‼️‼️‼️
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blackhyena · 2 years
I was tagged by @gablehood thank youuuuuu darling 😋 though according to your answers you somehow posted this in the future? wild. i assume you’re holidaying in either France or the year 2030
Rules: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better!  ummm tagging @saintbronte @shazadlatifgf @girlfop @richiejerimovich @lactofermented @bisexualhorror @witchstone @scripps @ickyhands @strangetimes1986
Relationship Status: In a relationship
Favourite Colour: anything on the purple-burgundy-oxblood spectrum
Favourite Food: i feel like this varies so much based on how i’m feeling BUT given that there’s literally no point in my life where you can’t convince me to eat pizza then. its pizza
Song Stuck in Your Head: no stop it’s the ckiii soundtrack that’s so embarassing. post cancelled
Last Thing you Googled: jane goodall because [redacted] made it up for a silly character he was doing and somehow didn’t believe me when i said it was a real person?
Time: 9:25 pm
Dream Trip: Morocco!!! or any majority Islamic country tbh. i’ve never really experienced a culture like that so I really just want to do something wildly different.
Last Book You Read: I’m currently reading The Poets’ Daughters by Katie Waldegrave!! it’s very cool and I’m learning a lot, however uhh be warned it’s so fucking sad guys. But it’s a women’s history of the nineteenth century so not really sure what you were expecting.
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: Piranesi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i loved it
Last Book You Hated Reading: Just finished The intoxicating Mr Lavelle and left a really cunty review on thestorygraph because my heart was so full of hate for it. Such a cool idea and it was so shit. Go on girl give us nothing
Favourite Thing to Cook/Bake: Halloumi stew and couscous! my partner is vegan and we mostly eat plant based stuff together but whenever he’s not around I treat myself to some squeaky cheese
Most Niche Dislike: already complained about it on twitter.edu but that post where Wallace calls himself a fruitcake and all the usamericans think it means gay when it doesn’t.... homicidal thoughts in my brain
Opinion on the Circus: terrifying hated it
Do You Have a Sense of Direction: yes but only visually? i can’t remember street names or effectively follow directions to save my life but i have a good visual memory and will reach my destination by VIBES ALONE. also have a tendency to just use tall landmarks and awkwardly cross cities as the crow flies i.e. through horrid back alleys and occasionally private property. 
this was fun!! ♥♥♥
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tomatoluvr69 · 2 years
Sucks that this app is visual only and sometimes audio and I can’t come to all your houses dressed as Santa and force you to eat lactofermented ginger and carrots from a dubious and murky mason jar it tastes so good I promise
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*food network show for neurodivergent people* Guy Fieri: ok contestants, you have 13 weeks to make…food. Any kind of food. [Looks over at producer.] is this really—?
*cut to last minute* Voiceover: Our first contestant Alex spent 6 weeks researching mollusks and 6 weeks unsuccessfully trying to lactoferment a sea snail. With one minute on the clock, he’s now trying to scoop a clementine out of its skin for a “citrus soufflé”
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In other news making your own lactofermented pickles fucking kicks ass. it takes like 10 minutes to set up and then you have so many pickles.
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official-torfmoor · 6 months
I have a few tips for lactofermenting Chicory:
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Savor the Flavor: Exploring the Benefits of Lactofermented Hot Sauce
Are you looking to elevate your hot sauce game?
Enter the world of lactofermented hot sauce, a culinary delight that's not only incredibly flavorful but also offers a host of health benefits. At FlamingHamster.com, we proudly present our collection of artisanal lactofermented hot sauces that will tantalize your taste buds and nourish your body. Let's delve into the world of lactofermentation and discover why it's a game-changer for hot sauce aficionados.
What is Lactofermentation?
Lactofermentation is a natural process where bacteria, particularly Lactobacillus, convert sugars and starches into lactic acid. This process creates a tangy, flavorful hot sauce while preserving the ingredients.
Enhanced Flavor and Complexity
Lactofermented hot sauces offer a depth of flavor and complexity that is unparalleled. The natural fermentation process enhances the taste profile, resulting in a rich, tangy sauce that complements a wide range of dishes. At FlamingHamster.com, our artisanal lactofermented hot sauces are carefully crafted to provide a burst of flavor that will leave your taste buds craving more.
Probiotic Powerhouse
Lactofermented hot sauces are packed with beneficial probiotics, thanks to the lactic acid produced during fermentation. Probiotics are known to support gut health, aiding in digestion and promoting a healthy digestive tract. Adding lactofermented hot sauce to your meals is a delicious way to introduce probiotics into your diet.
Preservative-Free Goodness
One of the advantages of lactofermentation is that it acts as a natural preservative. The lactic acid and other compounds produced during fermentation help extend the shelf life of the hot sauce without the need for artificial preservatives. When you choose lactofermented hot sauces from FlamingHamster.com, you're embracing a preservative-free, all-natural option.
Low in Calories and Nutrient-Dense
Lactofermented hot sauces are typically low in calories while being nutrient-dense. They provide essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants from the fermented vegetables and peppers used in the process. At FlamingHamster.com, our lactofermented hot sauces offer a flavorful and health-conscious choice for spice enthusiasts.
Explore Artisanal Lactofermented Hot Sauces at FlamingHamster.com
FlamingHamster.com is your gateway to a world of artisanal lactofermented hot sauces. Our carefully curated collection showcases the best in hot sauce craftsmanship, providing you with a chance to experience the exquisite taste and benefits of lactofermentation. Visit our online shop today and explore the artistry of lactofermented hot sauces, adding a unique and wholesome flair to your culinary adventures.
Elevate your meals, support your gut health, and indulge in the world of lactofermented hot sauces at FlamingHamster.com. Embrace the goodness of natural fermentation and ignite your taste buds with our extraordinary collection.
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coriolisunset · 8 months
preparing a jar of lactofermented peppers somehow lead to me accidentally putting salt in my coffee hours later :<
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foodplates1922 · 1 year
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Veal ribeye with charred white asparagus, red watercress and pickled green sansho pepper jus
It's all finished with a very interesting new sauce I came up with using lactofermented ramps from last season and pickled Japanese green sansho pepper bound in a delicious homemade veal jus.
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