#i just had to make sure things were clean to start with
cupid-styles · 2 days
campfire chronicles (camp counselorry)
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in which harry and y/n are counselors at a sleepaway camp and he hates her from the very second he meets her. or, a classic enemies to lovers summer romance.
word count: 9.2k
content warnings: harry's a dick at first, minor mentions of childhood trauma and divorce, small panic attack scene, tiny mention of drowning, not proofread bc im lazy
so basically I started writing this a bit ago and planned for it to be a full series but then things got ... complicated and I haven't really had much motivation to write for harry. there won't be a part two to this but I think I wrapped it up pretty okay so there isn't a cliffhanger or anything!
I'm not sure if this will be the last fic I write on here but if it is, consider it a parting gift! thank you for all the support and love and I hope you enjoy!
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Harry Styles is the bane of Y/N’s existence.
…Okay, so maybe she’s being just a tad bit dramatic. But she has good reasoning for it — she swears! All she wanted to do was make some money this summer by working at Happy Campers, a sleepaway camp that was looking for counselors to work from early June to mid-August.
She’d initially seen the flier as she shlepped her canvases and painting supplies from the sculpture studio to the art building on the other side of campus (why it was designed that way, she’ll never know — she thinks whichever builder or contractor did it had some sort of vendetta against art students). In a big, bold black font casted against a bright, borderline neon yellow background (seriously, it kind of hurt her eyes, actually), were the answers to her summer plans: COUNSELORS NEEDED FOR HAPPY CAMPERS SLEEPAWAY CAMP! EXPERIENCE WITH KIDS IS A MUST. $15/HOUR FROM JUNE TO AUGUST. 
And yeah, maybe the only “experience” she had with children was babysitting her neighbor’s daughter when she was in high school, but that was apparently enough for Happy Campers. Because within two days of her interviewing with the owner, a sweet, older woman named Linda who’s been running the place for the past 30 years, she received word that she’d been hired. 
From the end of the semester to the beginning of camp, she had about three weeks to learn everything she could about being a solid counselor. She assumed the basics — no cursing, keep an eye on them at all times, try her best not to lose her cool if one of them was particularly bratty — but did some research on the rest.
She wasn’t sure what age group she’d be assigned to, but Linda told her she’d find that information out at training — a three day-long educational overhaul where the counselors were the only ones at camp, learning about everything from lifeguarding to CPR to mental health awareness.
Happy Campers was located only about an hour and a half from her college apartment so it made more sense for her to depart from there instead of her hometown. On the drive up in her shitty Honda Accord (a navy 2008 model she affectionately named Edith), she tried her best to calm her nerves. She thought it was silly for her to be so anxious over surrounding herself with kids all summer, and a small part of her hoped she would get assigned to an older group — 5th or 6th grades would be ideal since they were sufficient enough not to be too clingy.
As the small university city slowly melted away, tall buildings and chain restaurants were replaced by sturdy oak trees and an abundance of greenery. When her drive had officially shimmied down to just 20 minutes left, she rolled down her window and lowered her music, allowing herself to inhale the fresh air. Even at her 45 mile per hour speed (5 below the speed limit, just in case some ticket-happy police cars were hiding out somewhere), she found a spark of hope in the clean, crispy air that infiltrated the interior of her car. 
Maybe this summer was exactly what she needed.
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Perhaps the warm, summer air got to Y/N’s head a bit too much. 
The second she pulls into the faculty lot at Happy Campers, she’s inundated with people everywhere. Some are hugging excitedly, greeting one another after what she assumes has been a year away, while others are pulling their hefty duffles from their trunks and throwing them in heaps on the ground. She nibbles on her bottom lip as she tries to find a parking space to pull into, her eyes twinkling some as she spots one. She flicks her right blinker on, prepared to make the turn when an older, much shitter car than hers pulls through. 
Her jaw immediately drops. Was this a joke? Some kind of first-time counselor hazing thing? Instantly, she rolls her window down and tries to get the driver’s attention, but from what she can see, he’s already busied himself with getting his things together and getting out of his car.
“Hey! Excuse me!” she calls out, waving her hands at him. When he slams his door shut and ambles in the direction of his trunk, a backpack slung on his right shoulder, she yells out louder this time, grabbing the attention of innocent bystanders. This time, she catches his attention and he furrows his eyebrows, shuffling over to Y/N’s car. 
“Yeah?” he asks, almost as if he hasn’t even realized that he completely cut her off. 
“That was my spot,” she says, pointing to where his car now resides. If she had to guess, it’s from the early 2000s — 2004 at best, she thinks. “And you took it.”
The curly haired brunette quickly turns to look at his car before whipping back around, “Was it reserved for you?”
“No, but I had my signal on and I was about to turn in—”
“Then it wasn’t your spot.” he replies, tightening his grasp around his backpack. 
“I had my signal on—”
“Yes, I heard you the first time.” he huffs, his tone bored. Y/N’s eyebrows raise at his blase demeanor. “There’s another parking lot. You’ll be fine.”
Before she has a chance to fight back, he turns on his heel to head back to his car. She watches angrily as he pulls his suitcase out with minimal effort despite the fact that it looks like it’s stuffed to the brim. When he notices her still looking at him, he shoots her an angry glare, as if to say, can I help you?
Y/N breathes out angrily through her nose as she rolls her window back up. What a dick!
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Harry tries his best not to be an asshole. 
Really, he does! He thinks he does a decent job of walking around campus and attending his classes without being a complete and utter grump (although his friends do tease him about the scowl that manages to wiggle its way onto his face sometimes). He’s gotten better at participating in lecture-wide discussions without accidentally calling the previous person a stupid prick (the guy who received that one actually deserved it, after he claimed that feminism was a liberal farce in one of his gender studies classes). 
However… the one thing that triggers that crabby, ill-tempered part of him more than anything else in the world is Happy Campers. 
It’s not because he hates the place or anything of the sort. His parents didn’t send him away when he was 7, making him spend his summers in nature year after year while he yearned for the bustling city he’d been born in. It was actually the complete opposite. He’d had to beg his mum the first year he saw the posting for it in the halls of his elementary school, immediately thrilled by the promises on the yellow paper: Boating! Swimming! Archery! Campfires! Harry couldn’t think of a better way to spend the next two and a half months of his life!
At first, his parents assumed he’d let it go after a day or two. He’d never spent a weekend away from them, let alone an entire summer. And while his mum wasn’t proud of it, she knew her son lived in the shadow of his older sister. More likely than not, she’d just end up enrolling them both in the same soccer day camp like she did last summer, and the one before that. 
Much to their surprise, though, Harry wouldn’t let up about Happy Campers. Every morning when he woke up, he asked if they had made a decision yet. When he got home from school that afternoon, he brought up the exciting activities they offered, listing off fun facts he’d Googled in the computer room about the benefits of being in nature. So when May finally tottled around and Harry was still talking about this magical sleepaway camp, they realized they had no choice but to get him a spot.
His first summer there was more fun than he ever could have imagined. He met kids his age from all over the country, spent his days learning new skills and swimming in the lake, and ended the evening with spooky stories and s’mores around a fire. Soon, a pattern began: His parents would all but drag him home at the end of the summer, he’d go to school for the year, and then begin counting down the days until the next session began. For years, Happy Campers was the only place Harry wanted to be.
When he eventually aged out of being a camper, Linda approached him about coming back as a counselor next year. He was 14 at the time and completely ecstatic — really, he couldn’t have said yes quicker, especially since things at home were getting tougher. 
His parents were in the middle of an ugly separation, his sister was older and wanting nothing to do with him, and everything about school was confusing. From social status to crushes and grades, he wanted nothing more than to hide away at Happy Campers for as long as humanly possible. For each of his teenage years, he returned as a counselor, eager to forget about his home life and go back to the only things that made sense to him: Swimming in the lake, spending lengthy, sweaty days in the sun, and making sure these kids had unforgettable summers. 
When he was at camp, nothing else mattered. He escaped from breakups, family fights, bad grades, and hard life decisions, using the site as a crutch to get through to the other side. 
So it’s possible that he’s a bit… protective of his final year at Happy Campers. 
After this summer, he’ll only have one semester left as a student in his university’s political science department. From there, he already has a job lined up at a politician’s office in their communication sector. But it also means that he’ll be working full-time, ergo… no more Happy Campers.
This place is his second home. He knows it’ll be difficult saying goodbye to it, but dammit if he’s not determined to have an incredible last few months as a counselor — yeah, maybe he’s a bit careless when it comes to acknowledging the newbies, who seem helpless, clueless, and all-around confused. But he’s not there for them. He’s here for himself, and the kids.
So, fuck the weak little new girl who couldn’t even snag her own parking spot in the faculty lot. She’ll probably be heading home before the first month anyway.
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“Hello counselors, and welcome to Happy Campers!”
Harry has to admit that even in her old age, Linda still has the same jolly, feel-good attitude she did the first summer he attended. 
And while he loves her — truly, he does, and he even called her up when he found out this year would be his last — he can’t help but slowly start to zone out as she launches into her annual speech about being a welcoming, safe, and (you guessed it) happy counselor. 
Harry’s been certified and trained for just about every safety precaution imaginable. 
Campfire safety tips? Yup.
Sun and heat protection? Obviously. (And he knows what to do in the event of sunburns — because there’s always a few — and, in the rare case, sun poisoning.)
Fire safety? Duh.
Lifeguarding? He’s been trained since he was 15 and does weekly laps at his school’s indoor pool.
Emergency procedures, food service, behavior management techniques, appropriate camper and staff behavior, and Happy Camper-specific regulations for supervision? God, he could recite them in all his sleep.
He can feel the mood of the room gradually begin to slump as Linda continues droning on about the importance of memorizing the handbook. Really, all anyone cares about right now is receiving their camper assignments. It’s the one mystery Linda tries to keep until the first day of training. Supposedly, placements are done at random, but Harry’s received his favorite group every year: 5th grade boys. They’re competent enough to take care of themselves (that means they know how to shower, go to the bathroom, and change their clothes without Harry’s assistance), but they’re a ton of fun, too. It’s the perfect age so he knows it’s a given that Linda assigned him to the same age as usual, especially since it’s his last time. 
The room noticeably perks up when Linda announces that she’ll be unveiling assignments before they break for lunch. He can feel the nerves radiating off of most of the counselors — he would be anxious, too, if he didn’t know who he was spending his summer with. He can’t think of a worse fate than being lumped in with a newbie or getting one of the younger groups — ugh. Last summer, Pauli, one of his counselor friends, got 3rd grade boys, which ended up being a mess of homesickness and actual sickness from lack of self-control at ice cream sundae night.
Harry’s sitting in his uncomfortable fold-up chair, arms folded over his eat your honey tee-shirt as he waits for Linda to finish up so he can demolish a lackluster sandwich in the mess hall. He pinches his bottom lip between his fingers, then jiggles his leg, then crosses his ankles. He’s bored, and tired, and hungry, and—
“2nd grade boys, Harry Styles,” Linda booms over the microphone, “2nd grade girls, Y/N Y/L/N.”
This has to be a prank. Linda’s a lighthearted woman and, yeah, maybe he’s hardly seen her joke around about camp-related activities in the 16 years he’s known her, but maybe she decided to start now.
But then she claps her hands and announces that their lunch break has officially begun, and Harry’s up and out of his chair faster than you can even say second grade. Long, hurried strides take him in the direction of his boss, his eye borderline twitching at the thought of dealing with little kids instead of his usual fifth graders. 
“Linda!” he calls out, attempting to grab her attention over the hasty sounds of everyone leaving the room. 
“Oh, hi Harry!” she grins, turning to face him, “Lovely to see you again. Are you excited for the summer?”
“Um, yeah,” he rushes out as he lifts a hand to tug at the roots of his hair. “Quick question though, why am I paired with—”
“Y/N!” The shrill call of Linda’s voice cuts Harry off and he grits his teeth. He glances to his side to see the girl from the parking lot — the one who all but bit his head off for taking a free parking spot. He resists the urge to roll his eyes and redirects his attention to the older woman standing in front of them. 
“Linda, I really need to talk to you—”
“Harry, this is Y/N, your fellow counselor for the second graders,” Linda grins as she slings an arm around Y/N’s shoulders. The girl blinks, her eyes narrowing as she recognizes Harry. It’s clear that she remembers him too, so she straightens her posture some and ignores him. “Y/N is new to our counseling program but I think you two will get along great!”
“That’s great, Linda, but I really just need a second with you—”
“I do, too,” Y/N pipes up from beside him and it makes Harry’s jaw clench even tighter. “I think I mentioned in our interview that I’m not the most comfortable with younger kids—”
“Yeah, and I always have 5th grade boys, so I’m not really sure what’s—”
Linda claps her hands loudly, bringing both of their complaints to an immediate stop. When they both part their lips, jaws slightly ajar, she smiles gently. 
“Harry, I know this probably isn’t what you were expecting, but it’s your last year and I figured it would be good to change things up,” she says. He goes to reply, but she places an open palm up, wordlessly signaling to let her finish talking. “And Y/N, I know you requested an older group. But Harry’s one of our most experienced counselors, so I know it won’t be too much of an issue if you were paired up together.”
They both stand there silently. 
“Unfortunately, assignments are final. If you have an issue with it, you’re welcome to leave. There is a lengthy waitlist of people who weren’t hired.”
When neither of them respond, both slightly surprised by Linda’s sudden strike of authority, she grins. 
“Good, then! I’m looking forward to seeing you two work together this summer,” she pats each of them on the shoulder, sending them an enthusiastic smile. “Now hurry up and get to the mess hall for lunch! We have an afternoon packed with trainings!”
The sound of Linda’s Teva sandals scurrying away is the only thing that permeates the awkward silence between the two. A moment later, when Y/N has finally somewhat awoken from her brief rendezvous with the five stages of grief, she mutters the same thing that’s on Harry’s mind: “Fuck me.”
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The first two days of training are hopelessly boring. 
Y/N spends every second of her day in some sort of seminar, educational meeting, or training. When she’s not listening (or pretending to, anyway — she thinks she’ll be able to manage a decent job at “conflict resolution” between seven year olds), she’s doing hands-on certifications. She has to prove that she knows how to do CPR, the Heimleich, administer EPIPENS, allergy shots, and asthma pumps, and, maybe worst of all, pull a 45-pound mannequin out of the lake. (It’s in case one of the campers accidentally drowns or flounders in the water, but she hates the fact that the dummy they’re using looks like it’s likely from the 1980s, far too worn out to be using in 2024.)
Every night, Y/N hits the paper thin mattress in her cabin like she hasn’t slept in years. She barely has enough energy to shower and brush her hair before her eyelids are fluttering closed. She hasn’t even met her roommate yet, and the only reason why she knows she has one is because all of her things are neatly organized in the main room and bathroom. 
On day three of counseling training (and the day before camp officially begins), Linda announces that they’re to spend the next few hours getting to know their co-counselor and planning activities for their groups. The girls and boys aren’t expected to do everything together but there’s a certain level of socialization expected, especially on rainy days when regular outdoor routines are washed out. 
Y/N’s torn — she’s glad she doesn’t have to be on her feet all day, going between laborious certifications to boring meetings, but she definitely doesn’t want to spend any extra time with Harry. Since learning that they were lumped together for the summer, she’d seen him around, but neither of them made any attempt at conversation. She passed by him in the mess hall every meal, saw him at lifeguard training, and sat two rows behind him at the mental health and wellness seminar, but they ignored one another as if nothing had occurred on the first day. 
Truthfully, that was fine and dandy for Y/N. She knows they don’t have to be friends or even acquaintances. Co-existence was the primary goal, but she was unsure if that was possible when he seemed to be a total and right dick. 
That morning, after Linda’s daily morning announcements, she instructs all the counselors to find their partner and get to know one another. Y/N nibbles on her bottom lip as she searches the room for him, trying to find the head of brown curls (it was the one identifying factor she remembered about him, besides having a British accent). Of course, he ends up finding her first because she chose today of all days to cover his hair with a navy baseball cap. He’s already scowling at her before she even says anything and she holds in a sigh as he plops down next to her.
“Listen, I don’t really want to spend the entire summer fighting with you—”
“Who said anything about fighting?” Harry asks, wrinkling his nose in her direction. Y/N’s eyebrow involuntarily quirks, clearly confused by his response. “What makes you think I care to even fight with you?”
“...Okay,” Y/N replies slowly, “That’s fine, I’m just saying we should try to coexist for the sake of the kids.”
“Right.” he chuckles humorlessly, lifting his cup of coffee to his mouth. The insulated mug looks helplessly small in his large hand and she flits her eyes back to his face. “You’re new, right?”
She blinks. “Yes.”
“I’ve been coming here since I was in second grade. For years, I was the only person who got to counsel the fifth grade boys but for whatever reason, Linda decided she wanted to stick me with the youngest group. That’s whatever—”
“Well, she said it was because she wanted to shake things up—”
Harry sends a harsh look her way. “I’m not finished,” he says, and Y/N’s mouth clamps shut. “The whole second grade thing would be way more chill if I wasn’t stuck with a new counselor who hasn't spent a day in her life outside of the city, but I’m not. For whatever ungodly reason, Linda assigned us together, and I’m pissed. Alright?”
Despite the frustration and anger building in Y/N’s chest, she swallows it down. Instead she takes a page out of the conflict resolution training they had yesterday (maybe it was useful) and nods her head. 
“I understand that, Harry. You’re allowed to be pissed. But you have to understand, I didn’t do anything wrong here.”
He snorts, “You shouldn’t have signed up to be here. That’s what you did wrong.”
Y/N’s eyebrows shoot up to her forehead. 
“So because I wanted a summer job, I’m a bad person? Have you ever considered that you’re just being a prissy little bitch because you didn’t get your way?”
“I don’t really give a shit what you think,” Harry replies, shrugging his shoulders, “Because this is my summer. So whether you like it or not, we’re playing by my rules.”
“Yeah, okay,” Y/N guffaws. She stands up from her metal chair, deciding she’s finished with this conversation for now. She won’t allow Harry to demean her life decisions just because he’s unhappy with where he got placed. “It’s fucking summer camp, asshole. Lighten up.”
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Y/N spends the remainder of her day brainstorming ways to entertain second graders. 
She doesn’t really care if Harry doesn’t want to cooperate, or even coexist with her. If he wants to be immature, fine! If he wants to blame her for all the things that are already going wrong with his summer, fine! She tried her best to negotiate with him and, quite frankly, it’s not on her to settle a grown man’s temper. 
At a certain point, when the anger and annoyance and frustration has cooled down some, she finds it a little relaxing. She sits by the lake and allows herself to dig her toes in the cool sand. Yesterday, she’d spent the better part of her afternoon absolutely baking beneath the bright sun, listening to one of the higher-ups talk about swimming safety. Today was far more peaceful, even with the little worms of anxiety slowly beginning to wiggle their way into her brain. As she jotted down a list of activity ideas for their kids, she tried not to get too nervous about their arrival tomorrow. 
She doesn’t have too much time to worry, though, since when she makes her way back to her cabin that evening, she finally meets her bunkmate, a sweet girl named Zara. It’s her third summer returning as a counselor so she’s far more acquainted with everything than Y/N is, and she pledges to help her out as much as she can. It relaxes her nerves even more as she climbs into the tiny shower to wash off the sun and sweat from her body before she heads to bed for the night. At home, she’s always been the type to stay up far too late, but between the hazy sunrays and jampacked days, she’s been finding herself way more tired than usual. 
When Y/N finishes her shower with her hair brushed, moisturizer applied, and pajamas on (which was really more of a pair of sleep shorts and a ratty tee-shirt from her high school’s club volleyball team), Zara flashes her an excited grin.
“Harry came by,” she says before Y/N’s even made it to her bed, “He was looking for you.”
Y/N tries not to roll her eyes at the mention of his name. She didn’t want to say anything mean in case they were camp buddies, or whatever the fuck it was called, but she had to admit, she’d think just a bit lower of Zara if she was friends with Harry.
“We’re both working with the second graders this year. He’s pissed so we didn’t do any planning today.” she replies, running a hand through her damp hair as she sits on the edge of the flimsy mattress.
“God, you’re so lucky. He’s so hot, isn’t he?”
She resists the urge to gag, “I mean, maybe he would be if he hadn’t been a total dick to me earlier.”
“I’d ignore that if it meant I got to look at him all day,” Zara giggles, grabbing a folded up piece of paper from the edge of her neatly made bed, “Anyway, he dropped this off for you. Chances are it’s a steamy love note?”
“Slim to none.” Y/N mutters as she accepts the paper from her roommate. She nestles beneath the scratchy covers and flips it open, her eyes immediately meeting a sheet full of messy handwriting.
-DIY paper kites
-indoor scavenger hunt
-talent show
-friendship bracelet making
-tie dye 
-rock painting
Sorry for being shitty today. I’ll try to be better. No promises.
She waits until Zara’s snoring softly before she folds the paper back up and stuffs it into the spine of her journal, right where she wrote down her list of activity ideas.
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On the first official day of camp, Y/N quickly learns a few things. 
One: Second grade girls aren’t as scary as she had anticipated. They’re actually quite sweet, if not a bit nervous and apprehensive. Y/N understands that — in fact, she’s felt the same way since arriving at camp a few days ago, so she finds herself bonding with the small group of girls more than she thought she would.
Two: Even if Harry says he’ll try better, he’s probably lying. 
Now, she hadn’t expected him to do a complete 360 and show up to her cabin at 6 a.m. with an apology coffee and muffin. But it would have been nice if he did as much as acknowledge her existence, especially in front of the kids!
That morning, Y/N even wakes up with slightly high hopes as she spends her first few hours of consciousness helping her campers get acclimated to their new lifestyle. But that afternoon, when the girls and boys groups get together for quick introductions and bonding, Harry doesn’t even care to introduce her. Instead, he stands there, effortlessly capturing the attention of every last one of their kids, and just… skips over Y/N!
He skips over her!
Y/N has to clear her throat and step forward, forcing a friendly grin onto her face like she isn’t prepared to rip Harry a new one as soon as they bring their group to dinner. 
“And I’m Y/N! My second grade girls know I’ll be taking care of them this summer, but I’ll be around to help Harry with the boys, too,” she says. 
“Right, yeah—”
“I can’t wait to get to know each of you this summer,” Y/N continues on. Truthfully, she hadn’t planned to proceed with some type of spiel, but she’s in the mood to be spiteful. How couldn’t she, when Harry refuses to even recognize the fact that she’s just as important? “My door is always open and I’m so excited to have a wonderful few months with you.”
The kids have zoned out by now with their blank, moony gazes. Swallowing awkwardly, she takes a step back as Harry sends her a dirty look. 
“You done, then?” he mutters. 
Blinking, Y/N nods curtly.
“Great,” he mumbles, “Well, I think it’s been a long day for everyone, so why don’t we head to the mess hall for dinner? Tonight, we have a camp-wide bonfire and s’mores on the agenda so don’t eat too much!” 
Thankfully, the kids didn’t notice the tension between Harry and Y/N, and excitedly get up from their spots on the ground to follow them to their next meal. Already, Y/N notices that the boys are attached to Harry, asking him a million questions about anything and everything. She hears thrilled chatter from tiny, high-pitched voices as she silently walks next to her own campers. 
“Harry, why do you talk funny?” (He briefly explains that he was born in London, which he refers to as a far away place in a country called the United Kingdom.)
“How old are you?” (He’s 22, just a year older than Y/N.)
“Do you have any sisters? I have one at home and she’s so annoying!” (He has one and she’s in London.)
“Do you have a girlfriend?” 
For some reason, that one makes Y/N listen just a little bit harder. She’s not sure why — maybe it’s because he’s been so persistently rude to her that she simply can’t imagine any girl willingly committing herself to him. She’s not stupid enough to deny the fact that Harry is attractive in the most conventional way, with his broad shoulders, curly hair, and ridiculously tattooed body, but she didn’t think that was enough of a justification to put up with his bullshit.
Harry chuckles at the question that comes from a boy with blonde hair and squinty eyes, hidden behind a thick pair of glasses. 
“No,” he answers, shaking his head as he pulls open the door for the mess hall, “No girlfriend for me. Besides, why would I need one when I have all of you to keep me entertained for the summer?”
Y/N swallows tightly at that.
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The first full week of camp is exhausting.
Every day, Y/N has an alarm set for 7 a.m. She showers, brushes her teeth, and does something with her hair so it’s not sticking to her sweaty neck all day. She pulls one of her four camp tee-shirts on (they all have huge, blocky lettering on the back that reads COUNSELOR), a pair of shorts, and the only pair of comfortable sneakers she owns. (She doesn’t know how Harry walks around in his dirty white Vans day in and day out. She owns a pair herself and they have minimal support, so it further annoys her that he gets to wear cute shoes while she’s stuck in a pair of running shoes.) 
From there, she’ll usually have a short and sweet conversation with Zara, who’s just as tired from taking care of her fourth grade girls. After that, she ambles across the campsite over to her group to make sure they’re all awake and getting ready for breakfast. They usually all are, with the exception of Livvy, who is particularly awful at waking up in the morning. She always has a grumpy look on her face as Y/N leads them to the mess hall for their first meal and, for some reason, it always makes her laugh to herself. 
Y/N accompanies the girls while they eat, making sure to get some sustenance in her stomach as well. She typically opts for some fruit and a bagel or toast, accompanied by the shitty watery coffee from the machine in the corner. After breakfast, Y/N plucks the schedule from the bulletin board outside the mess hall (Linda writes out a new one every day, ensuring that every group is able to try out different activities). Mornings are usually a variation of sports, then lunch, and then more relaxed activities, like ceramics or jewelry making. The second graders always have swimming at 3 p.m., which would maybe be a nice way to decompress after a hot, muggy day in the sun, if not for having to be around Harry.
She’s figured out that there’s two variations of Harry: On good days, he’ll ignore her. He’ll grab a chair, stick it in the sand, and scroll on his phone until the 5 p.m. dinner bell rings. On bad days (which usually means one of his campers gave him a hard time), he’ll torture her. He’ll critique every aspect of her approach to interacting with the kids and tell her what she’s doing wrong. (Tuesday, for instance, was a bad day. Apparently, Franklin had a total freak out about not wanting to play soccer that morning and decided to be Harry’s worst nightmare all day long, screeching about how much he hated camp. As a result, Harry showed up to swimming and spent an entire hour critizing Y/N: “You need to bring more snacks with you during the day. What if one of them gets woozy during sports? And you better carry at least three bottles of sunscreen or I swear to god, I’ll report you to Linda. That would be a stupid rookie move.”)
The whole thing is giving her emotional whiplash and is just as exhausting as being a counselor to kids all day. If Linda hadn’t had such a poor response to the two of them wanting to switch at the beginning of training, she would already be in her office and pleading her case. So when Friday rolls around and she can just tell that Harry’s had a bad day based on the dim sunglasses covering his eyes, she decides she’s not going to put up with it anymore — not for a single second longer.
She’s unsurprised when, as she’s keeping an eye on her girls playing Mermaids in the shallow end of the lake (a quintessential summer swimming game, she thinks), Harry plops down in his usual chair with a scowl on his face. Her eye roll is hidden behind her own pair of shades, and she attempts to ignore the anger radiating off of him as she digs her toes in the sand. Again — this whole situation has the potential to be relaxing. All she’s missing is… well, Harry leaving.
“Livvy told Ethan that you come into their bunk every morning to wake her up,” he says, lifting his metal reusable water bottle to his mouth, “You really shouldn’t do that. She needs to learn how to get up on her own.”
“Mind your business, Harry.” she replies, short and curt. She inhales through her nose as a breeze passes through the manmade beach.
“That is my business.”
“It’s really not,” Y/N snaps, whipping around to face him. She tears her sunglasses off her face so he can see the red hot anger burning in her eyes. “And I’m so sick of you being rude to me every single day. I’m not a punching bag, Harry, I’m a human being. If you don’t like your situation, fine, but that’s not my problem. So keep your shit to yourself for the rest of the summer, alright?”
She scuttles up from her spot, grabbing her sneakers and towel before marching halfway across the beach to where the girls are playing. Fury is still raging through her as she plops down at the shoreline with a harsh exhale. She allows the rolling tide to wash over her feet and tries to focus on the cold water instead of the insufferable man still sitting there dumbly.
Her head rises when she hears the small voice of one her campers. It comes from Alison, a sweet, kind girl with unruly ginger locks and a smattering of freckles over her face.
“No! Don’t ask her, she’ll tell on us.” Lucy urges from beside her, a frustrated pout on her lips.
“She said we could always come to her,” Alison whispers loudly. Y/N’s heartbeat increases just a tad, worried that something’s gone wrong right under her nose. “Y/N, I have a question, and I was wondering if you could answer it.”
Y/N clears her throat, “Well, I promise I won’t tell anyone about it as long as it’s nothing too serious… you guys know I have to, like, report if an adult’s being inappropriate or something, though, right?”
“Yeah. Stranger danger,” Claire nods matter-of-factly, “My mom gave me a talk before I came here. No letting people touch you an’ stuff.”
“That’s right,” Y/N agrees with a small smile. “Is it anything like that, Alison?”
She shakes her head. 
“Okay, so yeah. It can be our little secret then.”
Despite the persistent frown on Lucy’s face, Alison nods. 
“Okay… well, we were wondering… is it true that when a boy is mean to you, it’s ‘cos he likes you?”
Y/N purses her lips. “Um… I mean, some people say that. I don’t necessarily know if it’s true, though.”
“Has it happened to you?” Claire asks hopefully. 
“Has a boy been mean to me because he likes me?”
The three girls nod enthusiastically. 
She thinks back for a moment — she’s only been in one real relationship before, followed by a series of flings with lackluster people that haven’t always been the best. She doesn’t think they were mean to her because they were attracted to her, though. It was probably because she failed to have a backbone in their situationships.
“No,” she finally answers with a shake of her head, “No, and if someone likes you, they’ll care about showing it. They’ll do nice things and compliment you and… and they won’t make you wonder all the time.”
Each girl looks just as confused and lost as Y/N feels.
“...And we shouldn’t be worrying about boys this summer anyway,” she quickly tacks on, attempting to save the conversation, “Girls rule. Right?”
When grins break out on their faces, she’s thankful that second graders aren’t as emotionally aware as adults.
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For the next two weeks, things go as smoothly as expected. 
Y/N is relieved that, for once, Harry heeds her advice. They barely speak with the exception of deciding on an activity to do with the kids, and even then it’s as short and succinct as humanly possible:
“Friendship bracelet making?” 
In their brief moments of downtime, Y/N sticks to hanging around Zara and her friends Sarah and Mitch. They’re all very nice — she and Zara have a lot in common, and Sarah and Mitch have been working as counselors for the past two summers. They’re both friendly with Harry, and Y/N is shocked (but not entirely surprised) to find out that he isn’t a total dick with everyone, just with her. Sarah’s somewhat puzzled upon finding out that he’s been giving her a hard time in just about everything, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth when Y/N explains how they ended up at this point.
“He’s fairly protective of this place,” Sarah replies. Her tone is soft and soothing so it’s incredibly difficult to argue with her on any line of defense against him, even if she’s not intentionally doing so. “He shouldn’t be so mean to you, but I think this is his safe haven. Mitch said that he’s been going through some stuff and… well, I’m sorry you don’t get to experience the nice version of him.”
So am I, Y/N thinks to herself.
It’s what she’s ruminating on as she sits in the bleachers, watching her girls play soccer. (Well, half of them are playing soccer. The other half are in a circle, making lanyard keychains, and giggling about Henry Moore, a boy in the fifth grade group that apparently every girl has a crush on. It makes Y/N’s heart warm and her chest concave slightly; to watch girlhood in its purest form with the hopes that no one ever hurts them.) 
She wonders when things got this way. When fun, gleeful crushes that made her feel like a shaken can of soda, fizzy and lightheaded, faded away and were replaced with mean guys who had no reason to despise her. She swallows the lump in her throat that formed without her permission and digs her sneakered heel into the gravel below the bleachers. 
When she hears the familiar sound of rambunctious boys approaching, she quickly tucks her sunglasses behind her ears, wary of the watery eyes behind them. She sees Harry, basketball in hand, in his usual camp garb — athletic shorts and some variation of a borderline inappropriate graphic tee-shirt; this one has the words I like to watch scrawled across the chest. Y/N rolls her eyes from behind her sunglasses. She’s sure Linda would hand his ass to him if she saw him wearing that. Really, she wishes she would.
The groups intermingle effortlessly. That was one thing she was thankful for — that most of their campers got along and it was easy to take a break when they ended their days doing whatever activity together. The soccer game proceeds, now bigger with formed teams, while a few of the other boys join the lanyard circle. Wordlessly, Harry climbs up on the bleachers Y/N’s currently perched on, taking a seat two benches above her. 
It’s their usual routine of silence and she can probably predict what he’s doing. Right now, he’s probably shifted his black sunglasses from the bridge of his nose up to his wavy brown hair and squinting at his phone. He has a pink phone case, and the device always manages to look stupidly small in his hand while he uses his oversized thumb to scroll through whatever social media app has his attention. 
Y/N holds in a sigh, leaning her head to the side and pressing her ear against her shoulder. She allows her eyes to flutter shut for a few brief moments, inhaling through her nose and listening to the kids’ high-pitched chatter. It’s only when she feels the presence of someone beside her that she opens her eyes, eyebrows thick with worry when she sees Micky, one of Harry’s campers, standing in front of them.
“What’s up, Mick?” Harry asks from above her. She resists the urge to scowl — she could have handled it without him, and she hopes that whatever he needs, it’s a ridiculous request that he’ll have to handle and—
“I miss my mom.”
Y/N’s eyes widen when Micky’s eyes suddenly flood with tears. Quickly, she pushes her sunglasses back into her hair, her lips instantly parting into a sympathetic frown. 
“Micky,” she coos, her heart melting at the sight in front of her, “It’s okay. It’s okay to miss your mom, I know how you feel.”
He’s a mess of tears and snot, his little hand reaching up to knuckle at his bloodshot eyes. Y/N looks up at Harry, who seems just as worried and equally lost. He shuffles down to the same bench Y/N sits at so he’s eye level with him and presses a gentle hand to his shoulder.
“C’mon, you gotta breathe, Mick,” he encourages, rubbing his shoulder soothingly. He only continues in his tearful fit, not listening to a word either one of the counselors say. Helpless, Harry turns to Y/N, his eyes encompassing all the nerves running through each of them. 
“Mick, you have to listen to Harry,” Y/N says, reaching out to grab his hand. She squeezes it in an effort to gain his attention. “Breathe, sweetheart. Look at Harry. He’s gonna help you breathe, okay?”
Thankfully, Micky’s eyes bat open. Harry’s taking slow, deep inhales and exhales and he does the same, though his are shuttered with weepy quivers. 
“You’re doing so good,” Y/N smiles, giving his hand another squeeze. “There you go, just keep following Harry.”
Eventually, his tears stop some and his breathing regulates itself. Harry guides him onto the bench, wiggling his smaller form between his and Y/N’s. 
“It’s totally normal to miss your mum,” Harry says, leaning his elbows back. “But think about all the awesome times you’ve had here so far. You’ve been absolutely killing it at Four Square and you’re a master at ceramics. She’s gonna be so pumped when she sees that cup you made.”
“I’ve never been away from her for this long.” Micky peeps out in a small voice. Y/N swallows, her heart cracking just a tiny bit more.
“Micky, you wanna know a secret?” she asks. Harry and Micky both turn to her and she holds in a snort at the former’s intrigued facial expression. “This is the longest I’ve been away from my parents, too.”
“Mhm,” she nods, “And I miss them so much. But I’m having a really good summer here. Are you?”
Micky thinks for a moment. A second later, he nods.
“What’s been your favorite part?”
“I really like swimming,” he replies. Y/N grins. “But I like you and Harry more. You guys are my favorite.”
Her eyebrows raise involuntarily and Harry coughs into his hand. 
“You’re just like my big sister and her boyfriend,” he continues. Y/N’s eyes dart over to Harry, who looks like he wants to run for the hills. “They’re always really nice to me. And sometimes they fight and that makes my sister grumpy. But they always come back together. And even if they’re mad at each other, they never stop being nice to me.”
“Well, that sounds really nice, Mick—”
“And one time, he was dropping my sister off at home and I looked outside my window ‘cos I had a present for him but the windows in his car were all foggy and I don’t really know why but—”
“Harry, didn’t Linda say that there were orange popsicles at the nurse’s cabin today?” Y/N asks through a squeaky voice. He blinks and nods quickly, excitedly wagging his finger at her in agreement.
“Yes! She did!” he exclaims, popping up from his seat, “Micky, do you want an orange popsicle? Maybe Y/N can take you?”
“Oh yeah, those are my favorite!” 
Y/N is eager and happy to escape this terribly awkward moment. 
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Y/N doesn’t see Harry for the rest of the afternoon. 
That’s fine with her, since she thinks she’s still blushing from Micky’s little Peeping Tom recollection. She brought him to the dining hall after he ate his popsicle and gave his mom a call and, by then, he was back to normal, excited to eat dinner alongside his fellow campers. Y/N picked at a lackluster meal of beef tacos, though she was happy to listen to Zara, Sarah, and Mitch chatter on about… well, whatever it was they were talking about. 
After dinner, there’s a bonfire, and then it’s lights out. She’s exhausted by the time she gets her girls back to their cabin, ensuring that they’re all tucked in for a restful night. She closes their door with a depleted sigh, listening for the quiet click of the hinge before she jogs down the stairs and starts her walk back to her own dwelling.
Only, she nearly jumps five feet in the air when Harry’s standing there.
“Fucking Christ!” she whispers as her heart slams against her ribcage, “Is there a reason you’re standing there like a fucking creep? Or are you taking a page out of Micky’s weird little sneaky book?”
Harry snorts at that before shaking his head. “Sorry. I just put the boys to bed and I saw you were leaving. I wasn’t being creepy, I promise.”
“That’s something a creep would say.”
“I realize that,” he replies, digging his hands into the pockets of his athletic shorts, “But I mean it. I’m nowhere near as creepy as Micky.”
“Shut up,” she mutters, trying to wipe the smile off her face from his joke. “He didn’t know any better.”
“I know. I’m just kidding.” 
They stand there across from one another for another beat or two before he juts his thumb in the direction of the counselor cabins. 
“Can I walk you back to yours?”
Y/N swallows. And for reasons she doesn’t quite understand, she says, “okay.”
At first, it’s silent. The only sound is the gravel crunching beneath their shoes as Y/N tucks her arms over her chest, goosebumps forming over her skin from the night chill. Finally, Harry ventures a glance at her. 
“I want to apologize,” he says, and at first, Y/N thinks she’s hallucinating. “I’ve been really awful to you and… I shouldn’t have been.”
A snarky response sneaks past her lips before she has a chance to take it back: “Did you just realize that?”
“No,” Harry admits. She’s surprised he doesn’t reply with something equally as sarcastic. “I realized it a few weeks ago, when you yelled at me at the lake. I didn’t realize how shitty I was being to you but… then Sarah talked to me and asked why I was being this way with you, and I didn’t even have a good answer for her because you’ve been so good with the kids and you clearly do care about them and giving them a good summer. And I just felt like such a fucking idiot.”
Y/N hums non-committedly. 
“And then today with Micky, it just reminded me a lot of myself when I used to come here as a camper. This was my safe place for many, many years. There’s a small part of me that thinks it still is. I used to have panic attacks midway through the summer when I would think about life back home and the bullshit I was escaping.”
She swallows. A pit forms at the bottom of her stomach when she thinks about a young Harry having the same reaction as Micky did today.
“And I don’t know, I just thought about… how if I had you as a counselor, I would feel really comfortable and happy,” he continues, “And… minus the weird shit Micky said, I was happy to hear that he likes us together.”
Her throat dries a bit at that but she forces herself to swallow as he looks at her for a response.
“Thank you,” she finally mumbles out. They’re stopped at the side of her cabin now, and she desperately hopes that Zara is fast asleep and can’t hear an inkling of their conversation. “I appreciate that. I wish we hadn’t… y’know, gotten off on such a rocky start, but… you are really good with the kids. And I think that we do work well together, even if we’re barely speaking to one another.”
He smirks at that before shaking his head, his gaze falling to the grassy plane beneath them. 
“It was all very immature of me and for that, I really am so sorry, Y/N.”
“It’s okay,” she murmurs, leaning back against the wood siding of the lodge, “Water under the bridge, yeah?”
Harry looks back up, his eyes finding hers. With his teeth nibbling on his bottom lip, he nods. 
“Water under the bridge,” he agrees.
And she can’t figure out why, but the second their gaze locks, her world slows just a bit. Her chest stalls, her breathing hitches in her throat, and… has Harry always looked this good?
“Y/N,” he rasps out lowly. Her eyes flutter down to his neck, where his throat bobs beneath a swallow. Quickly, she blinks, her eyelashes flittering when she looks back up at his face. 
“Hm?” she asks softly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” he mumbles, inching towards her slowly. 
“Like what?”
He breathes out a quiet laugh. “Like you wanna kiss me.” 
She shrugs and he reaches out, gentle and tentative, his fingertips finding her chin. She allows his touch as he strokes over her skin, careful not to make any sudden movements as if she’ll scare him away somehow.
“Do you wanna kiss me?” he presses, his palm cupping her cheek. His hand is warm and her face is cool, and it feels so, so good.
“Do you wanna kiss me?” she repeats, eager to turn the question around.
He smirks. Lopsided and playful.
“Asked you first.” 
“You’re acting like the kids we’re responsible for,” she murmurs, nuzzling tenderly into his hold. “By the way, did you hear Henry Moore kissed Crystal Baker? The girls are devastated.”
Harry chuckles, low and sweet, before shaking his head. Butterflies swarm her stomach at the crinkles that form at his eyes and she bites her lip.
“Sounds like we’ll have to have a feelings circle tomorrow,” he says. “But right now, you’re the only thing I care about.”
Y/N hums, eyelashes fluttering at his breath ghosts over her lips. She doesn’t know when he got this close, but she also doesn’t know how she existed without having him near all this time. His other hand finds her hip, giving it a small squeeze. The fabric of her tee-shirt bunches in his grip and she resists the need to shudder.
“Can I kiss you?” he whispers, his towering form feeling as though it’s all-encompassing now. She thinks that if it were up to her, she would allow him to lay all his weight on her. 
Her brain is foggy and fizzy now, but she’s conscious enough to nod, a short affirmation, before he ducks forward to connect their lips. His lips are soft and plushy and she’s happy to kiss him back, especially since he tastes like the raspberry popsicle he ate at the bonfire. She shivers when he moves his hands up to the siding of the cabin, caging her in so she’s completely pinned against him. She’s neither particularly submissive nor dominant in the bedroom — a qualified switch is what Zara called her — but she’s eager to have her hands on him, one palm flush against his chest while the other presses against his cheek. The stubble of his facial hair scratches against her skin but she doesn’t care.
The kiss ends far too quickly for her, but when they part, noses nudging against one another, they’re both breathless with swollen lips. It makes Harry chuckle softly and he ducks down once more for a peck.
“Think you’re a bit insatiable,” he mumbles. “Pretty sure you would’ve kept going for hours if I didn’t stop you.”
He laughs, quiet and soft, at her unashamed response. “That’s fine. Good, actually. I think I could live with that.”
“‘M sure you could.” she replies, a smirk edging at her lips.
“You’re not gonna go running off into the night now, are you?” 
This time, she laughs, shaking her head.
“No. I’ll be here in the morning, bright and early.”
He smiles and presses a kiss to her forehead. “Henry Moore feelings circle at 9 am sharp?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.”
When Harry sends her off to her cabin with a pat on the bum and a kiss to the cheek, she has to bite her lip from grinning too hard.
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aakeysmash · 1 day
sukuna skipping gym to sleep in and later on does his workout in their living room, using her as a weight when doing push ups, may turn heated hehe
college Sukuna's masterlist
turned this into a college!sukuna drabble lmao sorry!! no smut this time, i wanted to elaborate a bit on sukuna's protectivness toward yuuji :)
You're humming a song from your studying playlist when you hear someone knocking at your door. You look at the clock you keep on your desk near a plant Yuuji gifted you last week. On the terracotta vase there's a scribbled note in the obvious handwriting of a child.
To: baby peach, but no more annoying screams when we play, please!
You smile. He always chooses to be baby mario when you play Mario Kart together because he doesn't want you to feel alone in case you're the only baby character. He's such a cute kid, you're lucky to have him as one of your almost-roommates.
You get up (it's still pretty early anyway) and stretch your back, hearing it pop. You open the door, and standing in front of it is the same kid you were thinking about.
"Hey," you wave at him, a happy tilt to your voice. You look at him shuffling and avoiding your gaze.
"Is everything okay, Yuuji?" you start getting worried. He mumbles something you don't hear clearly, so you make him repeat himself. He juts his lip out, then looks straight at your face.
"Can you take me to school please?"
You raise your eyebrows. Usually, this is a big brother kind of duty: where is Sukuna? Yuuji takes your silence as rejection and starts backtracking.
"Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you, I can just go alone-"
"Sure, let me grab my purse and we can go," you stop him, changing your expression to one of calmness, ruffling his pink, unruly hair.
"Are you sure it's not a bother?" he asks you hesitantly. "Big bro closed his door and I can't seem to be able to wake him up... and I'm supposed to be accompanied by an adult..."
"It's not a big deal, Yuuji. I'll take you in my passenger seat, okay? We'll be there shortly," you reassure him, nodding.
"Thanks," he says, blushing, giving you one of the biggest smiles you've ever seen him do. Your heart melts a little, and he looks at you like you've physically hung up the sun shining outside.
When you get back home, you're not even able to get to your room when you find yourself being squished between the nearest wall and a hot, rapidly rising and falling chest.
"Where the fuck is my brother?" Sukuna grits out his teeth, breathing down your neck. You wince. He's controlling his strength, but he's still a mountain compared to you, and your ribcage is starting to hurt.
"Get off of me right now or I'm calling the police, Itadori."
He notices he must have been too rough and takes a step back, mumbling an apology while still looking at you menacingly. You pat your clothes, making sure there are no wrinkles before answering him.
"I took him to school. He told me he was being neglected by his own caretaker, so I had to intervene," you shrug.
"He did not say that. He doesn't even know the word neglect," he says, sighing. His shoulders drop and he takes on a more relaxed appearance.
"What's wrong with you? You've never gotten up later than 6 am," you ask him, trying to sound nonchalant, walking toward your fridge to make yourself a toast. The truth is, you're starting to get attached to him. In the last couple of months, you've created some sort of bond, and it's probably also thanks to Yuuji and his stubbornness in making you do things like you're a family. Just last night, he forced you both to make cookies with him because apparently his friend Megumi was coming to play this afternoon and "he wanted to make a good impression".
Sukuna, on the other hand, can be a lot. The majority of the time he nudges you to get you to move out of his way (he just does it to see your annoyed face, but he's not going to tell you that), huffs in your face when you say he hasn't cleaned his dishes from the night before, and flips you off whenever you try to have a civil conversation about who's turn it is to choose the film on Friday night. But he's also pretty attentive. It's not like he makes you notice it, but he does feel bad for you when you get out of your room after an all nighter because of your studies. He thinks you're annoying because you're always trying to pry into his private life, but when you're not home Yuuji always asks of your whereabouts. Yeah, that's definitely why he can't stop thinking about you laughing with the boy he literally raised. The boy whose disappearance was driving him insane this morning.
Because sure, Sukuna tells Yuuji he's a brat 95% of the time, and the kid yaps way too much for his taste. He also manhandles the kid badly, telling him he's way too weak to be called his brother, and more often than not Sukuna tells him he's adopted and that he'll kick him out as soon as he can. But you've seen the way he prepared soup every night when his little brother caught the flu in December—he's just full of shit. He'll never admit how hard it was to raise a brother he didn't want at 13, alone and broke. But he'll make sure the child never doubts of having someone to fall back into like Sukuna did since he was much younger than Yuuji is now.
"Didn't sleep well and I missed the gym," he responds, munching on an apple. You hum in acknowledgment, not turning around from the stove.
"You know that pilates class you suggested to me last week? I found their videos on YouTube. I was thinking of starting them today," you quickly change the topic. You know you won't get more than that; him admitting he didn't sleep well was already a win.
"Wanna start them with me, chipmunk?" he asks you. You turn around to slap his arm slightly.
"I told you to stop calling me that," you say rolling your eyes.
You whine. "Yes, by the way. I want to see you suffer like the men I see on TikTok."
"Come be my weight and I'll do pilates with you today," he suddenly says. You're biting your toast and you're so caught off guard that you start coughing up crumbles. He hands you a glass of water while telling you you're too fucking dramatic.
"What does it mean to be your weight?" you tentatively ask him when you can breathe properly again.
That's how you find yourself sitting crisscrossed on his back, gripping his shirt as hard as you can, while he does pushups and tries not to laugh every time you scream about him moving too much and almost making you fall.
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brenwritesss · 1 day
Tru Fru part 3
Paige Bueckers x reader
Summary: You see Paige after the livestream happened and the two of you get closer.
(Semi-sexual content ahead.)
It had been a couple weeks since you had gone to Paige’s place and the livestream happened. Since then, it had been awkward between you and Paige, considering you didn’t really know each other and now you were trending on social media. Paige had texted you multiple times, apologizing and you had to reassure her that it was okay. At first, you didn’t see it as a big deal since no one really saw your face. However, you didn’t really understand just how popular she was until you started seeing edits starting with an intro of the video of you and Paige on her bed. 
Paige and you really haven’t hung out since then, her being busy with basketball and traveling while you were trying to finish all your studies.
Currently, you were in your room trying to finish an assignment for one of your classes when a text notification popped up on your phone beside you. It was from Paige.
Yo can I come over?
Immediately texting back, you replied with a “sure” along with your dorm number. This is the first time she would ever be over at your dorm and you couldn’t help but feel nervous.
You took the time to clean up your room a little, putting away your homework and picking up any dishes or cups that were in your room.
A knock disrupted you. Walking over to the door, you let out a breath and opened it. “Hey,” Paige said, looking at you with her hands in her back pocket. She was wearing a UConn jacket and sweatpants.
“Hey,” you replied. “Come in.” You moved out of the way so that she could come in. Paige walked in and you shut the door.
“I know I keep apologizing but I’m so sorry for the whole livestream situation.”
You let out a small laugh and led Paige into your room. “Don’t even worry about it. It’s all good. It’s not like they know who I am. If anything, I’m sorry that it’s trending and you have to deal with this sort of stuff.”
Paige felt relieved in your response, as if weight was lifted off her shoulders. She sat down on your bed, grabbing one of your stuffed animals near your pillow and fiddled with it. “It’s actually really refreshing to hear you say that.”
“Really?” You sat down beside her.
Paige looked at you, her clear-framed glasses sitting perfectly on the bridge of her nose. Her hair was in a low bun and she had on a beanie. All you wanted to do was lean over and kiss her, but you had to restrain yourself. “Yeah,” she said, “a lot of people don’t really think about how this kind of stuff affects us.”
You rubbed your hands on your thighs. “Well people should. I mean I get y’all are supposed to be like celebrities but you’re still human.”
Paige smiled at you, her eyes squinting in response. You thought the “eye-smile” she did was the cutest thing ever. It made you want to melt on the spot. Damn, you were starting to fall for her. “Thank you for saying that.”
It seemed like a long moment of just staring into each other’s eyes. When you and Paige had hung out in her room, moments like this had happened but this was different. Like the two of you were actually seeing each other for the first time. The sexual tension between the two of you had changed into something more emotional. And it intrigued you, making you want more. It made her want more too. However, it was a little overwhelming as this hasn’t happened to you in a while.
Paige’s eyes didn’t leave yours as she very slowly started to lean in, her face inching closer towards yours. A sudden bolt of fear shot through you and you turned your head away, making Paige look at you confused. You began saying, “so, how’s basketball been go-”
“Y/n.” Paige’s voice cut you off. Hearing your name coming from her mouth sent shivers down your spine.
You didn’t look at her. “Yeah?”
“Look at me,” she spoke softly, her fingers coming up to your chin as she gently turned your head allowing you to both make eye contact again. She let go of your chin, leaving behind cold marks that made you long to feel her touch. “I feel things for you.”
“What kind of things?” you asked.
She slowly laced her fingers with yours, smiling. “I think you’re incredibly beautiful and I like the way we talk to each other. And when the live happened, I felt so bad, you have no idea. All I wanted to do was apologize to you. I realized that I want to get to know you more and that I like you.”
“You like me?”
“If it isn’t obvious already.”
“I feel the same way. You have this energy that draws me to you.” You held onto her hand and you could feel her leaning closer to you.
There was a small moment of silence before she spoke, “can I,” she started, “can I try something and you won’t freak out?”
Paige chuckled. “Just trust me.”
You didn’t say anything as you waited for Paige to do something. She took your silence as permission to lean forward, lifting one of her hands up to your cheek. As she pulled your face toward hers, you felt fear but also excitement, as you had wanted to kiss her for a while but never had the courage to.
Paige closed the distance between the two of you as it started off slow, the both of you moving in sync. Something ignited in Paige that made her pick up the pace, her hand dropping from your face to your waist and pulling you closer to her body. The sudden movement resulted in a small groan from you which made Paige’s heart beat faster and her mind start racing. 
As the pace quickened, you grabbed her face, pulling yourself up from your seated position and straddled her lap. “Fuck,” Paige spoke against your lips, her hands running up and down your waist, sending shivers throughout your body as if her touch was electric.
“Paige,” you whispered softly into her and moved your mouth from hers to her neck, eliciting a small moan from her lips.
“Say,” she tried speaking in between moans. “Say my name again, princess.”
She could feel you smiling against her neck as you muttered, “Paige.”
“Holy fuck,” she breathes out. “Hearing you say my name is so hot.”
“Yeah?” You pull yourself away from her neck, taking a moment to admire the small marks you made along her neck.
Paige’s hands found themselves under your shirt, caressing the skin underneath. You melted into her touch. “I think this needs to be off,” she said, tugging at the fabric.
You pulled off her beanie that she was still wearing, throwing it to the side of your bed and then unzipping her jacket. She watched your every move, biting her lip as she admired you. “Only if this comes off.”
“Deal.” She let you take off her jacket which resulted in her pulling your shirt off, leaving her in a t-shirt and you in your bra. You both pulled each other closer at the same time, lips finding the other’s as you moaned into her mouth.
This time, she pulled away from you and found your neck. She sucked and softly bit down on your skin, leaving patches of red along your neck as she moved down towards your chest.
She flipped you onto your back, kissing up and down your chest and stomach, creating the softest sounds from you. “Paige, please.”
She looked up at you. “Please what, baby?”
You huffed, trying to find your voice. “I need you.”
“Where do you want me? Show me.” You grabbed her hands, guiding them down to your shorts, putting her fingers on the zipper. She unbuttoned and unzipped your shorts and pulled them off your body, taking in the sight before her. You suddenly felt self-conscious in her gaze but the way she let her hands slide up and down your thighs made you realize that you had nothing to worry about. 
Paige slid her fingers up your inner thighs and found themselves at your clit. “Fuck, you’re so wet for me already, aren’t you?”
You shuddered at her touch, rolling your eyes back. “Paige, don’t make me wait.”
Paige smirked, moving her thumb in a slow circle, making you throw your head back. “Tell me how much you want me,” she said, her voice so deep it made the tension between you two thicker.
“I want-”
Paige’s phone went off, a call coming through. You sighed, frustration replacing that needy feeling you were embracing. Paige noticeably angry, took her fingers away from you and picked up her phone. “Fucking hell.”
You missed her touch and all you could think about was her fingers back on you, and the way she held your body. The way her hands fit your body. Paige answered the phone, “What do you need? I’m busy right now.”
“What do you mean we have practice right now?”
“Fuck, okay. Shit, why is he pissed?”
“Okay, okay. I’ll be there just give me a minute.”
She ended the phone and looked at you, an unreadable expression on her face. “Y/n, I’m so sorry. Coach is pissed for some reason and we had a practice that I forgot about so I have to go.”
You nodded, clearly frustrated while putting your shirt back on. “It’s fine. You’re all good.”
She moved toward you, kissing your forehead before grabbing her jacket. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
You looked up at her. “Yeah, you better.”
She chuckled, grabbing your chin gently and kissing you. “You’re doing something to me, Y/n.”
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eggyrocks · 2 days
35MM CHAPTER TWELVE: drive home
track number twelve: hot knife by fiona apple
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Akaashi rests his head on someone's shoulder. He's not sure who's. Maybe Kuroo's. He's trying to clamp down on the nausea that bubbles up in his stomach. His eyes are screwed shut; the noises around him are his only guidance to the world around him. He's had too much to drink.
A low song thumps lowly through the speakers. Akaashi hears a lot of drums.
"God fucking dammit, Miya, which building is yours?
Someone crinkles a plastic water bottle and gasps for air once it's emptied.
"You can always just bring me back to your place, if you're lost."
There's a bump in the road. The person below him shifts, and Akaashi winces.
"Don't talk anymore, okay?"
"Yes, ma'am."
The blinker ticks. The headache that condenses in his temple makes Akaashi feel like his head is shrinking.
"I'm gonna fucking throw up."
There's a bit of frantic shuffle. Murmuring. Cursing. Crinkling. Maybe a paper bag. It brushes Akaashi's head as it makes it way towards the front seat.
"It's your fucking car. If you puke in it, I'm not cleaning it up."
Whispering from behind him. The call of her name. "Do you wanna be in a throuple with me and Tsumu?"
Akaashi gags, just a little.
"I think you guys should just talk about dating when you're sober, Sho. Without me involved."
"Will you drop me off at his place?"
"No, not a chance."
The song changes. This one is faster. It gets quiet for a bit. "Your head weighs like, a million fucking pounds," Kuroo complains, and Akaashi can feel his words move through his shoulders.
There are stars that dance behind his eyelids. The colors shift. The door on his left opens. There's a stream of cool air. Someone accidentally kicks his arm on the way out. The door shuts.
"Drop me off next."
The blinker starts up again.
"No, Koutarou's closest."
Something squeaks. Did the car stop again? Have they been moving this whole time?
The song changes three times in rapid succession. There's low conversation in familiar voices. The air's cold again. The weight under him shifts and disappears. Akaashi drops his head against the cool glass of the window.
It's silent for a minute. The glass makes him realize he's been sweating. The driving makes him sick. He needs water.
There's a light push on his shoulder. Gentle and unsure.
"Hey, Keiji."
His eyes peel open. His vision feels distorted. Akaashi blinks her face into view.
"We're at your place. Do you want me to help you get in?"
He stares, and pushes himself to sit upright. She's lingering in the open backseat door, leaning towards him. They're alone.
"Where's everyone else?"
"Dropped 'em off first. Your apartment's closest to mine. Koutarou's gonna come over tomorrow to pick his car back up from my place."
Akaashi blinks. Her face looks closer than he's used to. "You're really pretty."
He wonders if that was the wrong thing to say, because she leans back and steps away from the car.
"C'mon. Let's get you upstairs."
His movements feel slow, but he obliges, leaning on her as she leads him to his front door. He wants to close his eyes again. Akaashi feels so desperately like he's done something wrong. She watches as he fishes out his eyes and leans against his door.
"Goodnight, Keiji."
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-> fun facts!
yn will absolutely find a way to hold it over bokuto’s head (even though she has absolutely asked him of the exact same thing before) (especially because she’s asked him of the exact same thing before, and he absolutely held it over her head after)
akaashi is a sleepy drunk
he kept falling asleep on the ride back home
the roommate were on like their third movie of the night when bokuto asked yn to pick them up; iwa finally got them to watch gnomeo and juliet
but they didn’t get to finish :/
in the morning when they were texting they were all just lying down in their beds in their individual rooms because they were too lazy to hang out in the living room
taglist: @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @publicbathroompanic @bedeater @rottingt1tz @rintarawr @deluluforcarlos55 @ahseyy @localgaytrainwreck @cherrypieyourface @baskin-robinhoods @polish-cereal @iheartamora @ferntv @eclecticeggknightpsychic @httpakkeiji @does-directions @needtoloveoutloud @rinheartshyunlix @causenessus @bookworm-center @kettlepop @makkiroll @atsumou @eyes-ofhell @kawaii-angelanne @ryeyeyer @k8nicole @mydearchoso @phoenix-eclipses @lixie-phoria @suitstars @reneny @scxrcherr @iluvaquaphor @sleezzsister @barricadesenthusiast @staygoldsquatchling02 @nemesii @sereniteav @crimsoncamra @gsyche @evening-latte @rrosiitas @kunimix @kitnootkat @aquariarose @iluv-ace @sparkei (taglist is full)
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parkerslatte · 8 hours
Relax For Me
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Azriel x Fem!Reader
Word Count:
Warnings: smut. wing play. masterbation.
Summary: After Azriel comes home from a long mission, his best friend, Y/N, helps him relax.
A Court of Thorns and Roses Masterlist
Y/N closed the doors to her balcony and drew the curtains. The sun was only just setting but she wanted an early night, ever since she had woken up that morning she only craved to go back to sleep. Y/N yawned as she shuffled to her bedroom and climbed under the cool covers. She smiled as she did so, basking in the feeling of the cold sheets against her warm skin. 
The silk pillow was soft beneath her head and Y/N allowed her eyes to close, wanting nothing more than to drift off into that peaceful unconscious state. As she began to feel herself drifting off, there was a quiet knock at her front door. Y/N groaned and pulled the covers closer underneath her chin. If she ignored the noise then it would go away. However, not even a few seconds later, there was another knock and this time it was more urgent. 
With a sigh, Y/N  pulled the covers from her body and shuffled back through her apartment and to the front door. She frowned as she opened it, prepared to yell at whoever it was to leave. But as the door opened and revealed Azriel standing on the other side, all the irritation drained from Y/N. 
“Hi,” Azriel said quietly, offering Y/N a small wave. 
“Az,” Y/N said, blinking rapidly. “What are you doing here?”
“I finished my mission early,” Azriel said. “I thought I would come to see you.”
Y/N stepped to the side and allowed Azriel to step into her apartment. “Come in.” Azriel stepped past her and Y/N closed the door, locking it behind her. “I thought I wouldn’t see you for at least another few days. Did the rundown with Rhys go quickly?” Y/N continued as she watched Az slump in a chair in the corner of the room. 
“I haven’t been to Rhys yet,” Azriel admitted. “I came straight here.”
Y/N finally looked at what he was wearing and frowned. He was still wearing clothes covered in dirt and grime, his wings weren’t much better as they were too covered in mud and other things Y/N couldn’t recognise. 
“I missed you,” Azriel said, offering Y/N a small lopsided grin.
Y/N couldn’t help but smile back, she had always loved that specific smile of Azriel’s. “I missed you too.” Y/N stepped closer to him and took his hand in hers, giving it a small squeeze. “I would hug you but I don’t want to get mud on my pyjamas. Do you want me to run you a bath?”
Azriel looked down at Y/N’s attire. “Were you about to go to sleep?”
Y/N nodded. “I was, until you came knocking on my door. I am not complaining though. 
Azriel reluctantly let go of Y/N’s hand. “I should let you get back to sleep. I will just go straight to Rhys.”
“No, Az,” Y/N said. “You look like you are about to fall asleep if you stand up. Let me run you a bath and get some clean clothes out for you.”
“I won’t say no if you were to do that,” Azriel said. 
Y/N smiled. She bent down lightly and kissed his cheek. “I’ll even let you use all of my fancy soaps.”
“I must look like I’m about to drop dead if you are letting me use those. You nearly took my hand off the last time I went to use those,” Azriel jokes. 
“You exaggerate,” Y/N replied. “I’ll be back in a moment.”
Leaving Azriel in the living room, Y/N entered her bathroom and began to run a bath for Azriel. She placed a brand new bar of her soap in the small dish next to the basin and poured a modest amount of bubbles into it. Azriel would always say that he hated the bubbles but Y/N knew that she loved them. Y/N let the bath fill up and walked out of the bathroom. 
“The bath is currently filling up,” Y/N said to Azriel. “You can get undressed in the bathroom. If you leave your clothes outside, I can get a start on washing them for you.”
“Y/N, you don’t need to do that,” Azriel said. “I can do it back at my own apartment.”
“Az, I insist,” Y/N replied. “You look exhausted and all I want to do right now is make sure you have a nice relaxing night. I have some of your clothes here, I’ll leave them just outside of the bathroom.”
Azriel stood from the chair and reached out to Y/N, gently caressing her hand. “What would I ever do without you?”
“I’m unsure as we have been friends for centuries and there is not a moment I can think of off the top of my head where I haven’t been by your side, of course except when you go on missions,” Y/N said. 
Azriel rolled his eyes and walked away to the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. Y/N let out a small breath before settling down on the couch. 
It wasn’t long before Y/N was interrupted from what she was doing by Azriel calling out her name. From the other side of the door she could still hear the sound of him in the water so she was unsure why she was being called. 
“Az?” Y/N spoke through the door. “What’s wrong?”
There was a hesitant pause before Azriel spoke again. “Can you come in here?”
Y/N’s eyes widened. “What?”
“Please,” Azriel asked. “It’s easier to explain that way. The bubbles are covering everything, don’t worry.”
Y/N slowly opened the door and gasped at the sight. The whole side of Azriel’s rib cage was bruised and a small gash was in the centre of it. “Az, what happened?” Y/N rushed over to him.
“It was just something that happened a couple of days ago, it is healing but quite slowly,” Azriel explained.
“You must have broken a rib or two,” Y/N examined the injury. “Or three.”
“I know,” Azriel said, sitting up a bit further in the bath. Y/N couldn’t help but let her eyes drift slightly but once she realised what she was doing, she snapped them back to Azriel, who luckily didn’t notice her brief distraction. 
“What do you need me for?” Y/N asked.
A small blush coated Azriel’s cheeks. “It’s embarrassing to ask now you are here.”
Y/N smiled at him. “Go on, it can’t be that bad.”
“I need you to clean my wings,” Azriel replied, his blush deepening. “I’ve managed to do the bottom of them but I can’t reach the top without this stupid injury causing me pain.”
“Oh,” Y/N said, avoiding looking at Azriel directly. 
“Forget it,” Azriel said. “It was stupid of me to ask.”
“No, no, it’s not that,” Y/N said, fighting the urge to brush the wet strands of hair away from his forehead. “It’s just…you don’t ever let anyone touch your wings.”
“I trust you.” The comment came tumbling out of Azriel’s mouth quickly.
Y/N smiled. “I’m glad.”
Azriel cleared his throat. “Yes, well you don’t need to do it if you don’t wish to. I’m sure I can manage.”
“I will do it for you, Az,” Y/N said.
Azriel didn’t respond, not even when Y/N reached for the small washcloth beside him. He continued to stare straight ahead at the shutters and did not move as Y/N gathered supplies. 
“Lavender or lemon?” Y/N asked.
“What?” Azriel asked.
“For the oil,” Y/N clarified. “Lavender or lemon?”
“Um, lavender,” Azriel said.
Y/N smiled softly. “Excellent choice.”
Azriel barely nodded as he fixated his eyes ahead once more. The moment Y/N placed the wash cloth against his wing, Azriel immediately flinched away, splashing water at Y/N in the process. 
“Sorry,” Azriel mumbled.
Y/N placed the washcloth back onto his wing. This time Azriel did not flinch away but he was tense. Y/N continued to wipe away the grime until she threw the washcloth down onto the floor. Y/N could see all of the tension in Azriel’s body. She leant forward between his wings and draped her body on his. 
“What are you doing?” Azriel asked.
“Just relax for me, Azriel,” Y/N whispered into his ear causing Azriel to shudder. 
“I’m finding it quite difficult,” Azriel replied. 
“Do you trust me?” Y/N asked. 
“Of course I do,” Azriel said. “That's why I asked you to do this.”
“Then why are you still so tense?” Y/N asked. 
“Because I know that if I relax too much, then…”
Y/N’s eyes briefly glanced down to where the bubbled obstructed Azriel’s lower half and everything clicked together. She always knew that his wings were sensitive but never realised that he could become so pent up just from her washing them. 
“I see,” Y/N muttered.
“You should just leave,” Azriel said. 
Y/N wrapped her arms around Azriel’s shoulders. “And why should I do that?”
“Because I don’t want to make you uncomfortable,” Azriel muttered, his hands now caressing her arms.
“You won’t make me uncomfortable, Azriel,” Y/N said, her lips grazing his ear. “All you need to do is relax for me. Whatever happens, happens.”
Azriel slowly moved his head to face her and her eyes flicked down to his lips for a brief moment. She wanted to know how it felt to have his lips pressed against hers. 
“Whatever happens, happens,” Azriel repeated, his eyes flicking down to her lips. Unlike Y/N, Azriel didn’t try to hide it.
Y/N pulled away and picked up a fresh washcloth and began to wipe off the grime from his wings. Azriel flinched for a moment before relaxing against the bath, allowing Y/N to wipe all the dirt from his wings. A content sigh left his lips as she did so. 
Once all of the grime was gone, Y/N looked at Azriel and did not find one trace of rigidness within his body. “I’m going to use the oil now, if that’s okay with you.”
“I’m fine with that,” Azriel responded.
Y/N poured a generous amount of the oil onto her hands, the aroma filling the room. Y/N rubbed it into her hands and slowly reached towards his wings. She had never touched them before but she had always wondered what they felt like. She was pleasantly shocked to find them quite soft and smooth. The occasional small scar changed the texture, but they were nothing like Y/N imagined them feeling. 
Azriel’s breathing changed as Y/N continued her movements on his wings, spreading the oil across them. He took heavier breaths and Y/N could already begin to smell the scent of his arousal cutting through the lavender. 
Y/N could tell that she had hit a particular sensitive part on his wing as Azriel gripped the side of the bathtub tightly, his knuckles turning white. 
“You can leave if you want to, Y/N,” Azriel said, his voice slightly breathless.
“Whatever happens, happens,” Y/N responded. Despite her not receiving the pleasure Azriel was, her voice was breathless too. The blissed out look on Azriel’s face was one she wanted to see more often.
The sensitive part of his wing proved to be a place where Azriel liked to be touched as a soft moan slipped through his lips. “Y/N…”
“Yes?” She asked.
“Please,” Azriel said, his hips twitched under the water, “don’t stop.”
Y/N leaned forward and pressed a kiss against his wing. “I wasn’t planning on it.”
As she massaged the oil into his wings, Y/N continued to pull sweet groans from the shadowsinger. If Y/N was being completely honest, the sound was music to her ears. She had always been somewhat attracted to Azriel but it was only recently where she had begun to question her attraction to him even more and she was sure that her feelings toward him weren’t completely platonic. He was the most beautiful male she had ever seen and even more beautiful now as he cried out in pleasure. Pleasure that she was causing him all because he trusted her. 
“Fuck,” Azriel grunted, hips bucking in the water. 
“Do you want me to stop?” Y/N teased.
“Don’t you dare,” Azriel said. 
Y/N smirked before draping herself across his back once more, her hand continuing their movements on his wing. Azriel pants were even more beautiful to listen to in her ear as she pressed soft kisses against his neck and shoulder.
“Y/N,” Azriel groaned. “If you don’t stop doing that, I will come right here on the spot.”
“Am I just that attractive?” The question was aimed to simply tease Azriel, it was not meant to be taken seriously at all. 
“Yes, you are,” Azriel admitted. “You drive me crazy whenever you walk into a room. Do you know how hard it is to not greet you with a kiss whenever I see you? You are the most beautiful female I have ever seen and you have no idea how long I have wanted to say these words.”
Y/N stopped the movements on his wing. “Do you really mean that, Az?”
“Of course I mean it!” He exclaimed. “And we will talk about it after, but right now if you don’t move your damn hand Y/N, I am sure I will simply die in this bath tub.”
Y/N pressed a kiss against his neck. “Always so dramatic.”
Azriel didn’t respond. His only reaction to her words was a series of loud moans, now not afraid to conceal them. “Y/N, I am so close, my love.”
“Touch yourself,” Y/N whispered. 
Azriel didn’t need to be told twice as he released his grip from the side of the bath and wrapped a hand around his cock and began to pump it up and down fast. The sounds came tumbling out of his mouth and Y/N did not want to silence them but she couldn’t help herself as she placed her lips over his. They were soft and fit perfectly against hers. 
With his other hand, Azriel reached for her and laced his fingers through her hair, deepening the kiss. Y/N only pulled away for a brief moment. “Come for me, my love.”
With only a few more pumps of his cock and an added pressure on the sensitive parts of his wings, Azriel came panting against Y/N’s mouth. He pressed his lips against hers, craving the feeling once more. Y/N held onto him tightly until his high was over.
Azriel slumped against the bath and further into Y/N’s arms. He slowly caught his breath back and opened his eyes. 
Y/N smiled at him. “Hi.”
Azriel smiled back. “Hi.”
Y/N pecked his lips. “As much as I don’t want to leave you right now, I think you should finish up here and meet me in the bedroom because we certainly have a few things to discuss.”
“I think so too,” Azriel muttered. 
Y/N pulled away from him, despite her not wanting to at all. Her pyjamas were soaked through but she did not care as she walked to the bathroom door. “There are some clothes just outside for you.”
“Thank you, Y/N,” Azriel said.
“Don’t keep me waiting too long,” Y/N said before leaving the bathroom. 
With a bright smile on her face, she walked down the short hall to her bedroom. She changed into a new, fresh set of pyjamas and waited for Azriel. It did not take long at all for the bathroom door to open and for footsteps to pad down the hall. The bedroom door was opened and Azriel stood in the doorway. He seemed to quickly dry off his hair as it was sticking up in every direction but Y/N only thought it made him look adorable. 
“I love you,” Azriel said suddenly.
Y/N’s eyes widened. “Az–”
“I know that this is sudden and I promise that it is not just because you gave me a great orgasm in a bathtub, but I love you. I am in love with you and I have been for a long time,” he admits. 
Y/N patted the bed next to her and Azriel walked over and slid under the covers, facing Y/N. “You love me?”
“I do,” Azriel said, reaching out to caress her cheek. “I know I am not good at voicing my feelings and all of this seems so sudden but I need to tell you. We can’t pretend what just happened in the bathroom didn’t just happen and continue with our friendship like normal. I love you, Y/N. If you don’t feel the same way, I understand but I cannot go another day without telling you.”
“Az,” Y/N said, her eyes full of love. “I love you too.”
“You do?” Azriel asked, somewhat shyly. 
“Of course I do,” Y/N said. “I thought I only loved you as a friend. But recently I began to notice that friends don’t normally imagine what their friends' lips feel like against theirs. Friends don’t realise that they have always had an attraction to thief friends and find them absolutely breathtaking.” Azriel blushed. “Friends don’t act like a couple. Let’s face it Azriel, we have been acting like a couple for years, minus the kissing.”
Azriel let out a quiet laugh. “I know.”
Y/N smiled before letting out a yawn. “Now as much as I want to continue this conversation, why don’t we go to sleep.”
Azriel smirked before pressing his lips against her jaw. “I thought I could repay you for what you did for me in the bathroom.”
Y/N pulled away from Azriel’s kissed and gently held his face between her hands. “Azriel, as much as I love you, and it feels so good to say that, I was trying to sleep before you arrived here. And if I’m being honest I would rather get a great night sleep with your arms wrapped around me than an earth shattering orgasm right now. Perhaps that can wait until tomorrow. But right now, all I want is to fall asleep in the arms of my love.”
Azriel smiled and pressed a sweet kiss against her lips. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Y/N said, nuzzling her head into his chest. 
Underneath the scent of the soaps Y/N had leant him, she could still smell the familiar scent of Azriel and with that she drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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ifancyharry · 2 days
Close as strangers
Harry hurried down the hallway all the way to his room, sliding the key card against the key-reader, unlocking the door and pushing it open with his palms pressed against it.
He quickly removed his shoes, tossing them near the door, before plopping down on the hotel bed, his back against the headboard.
He fished out of his skinny jeans his phone, grimacing at the screen that read 3 missed calls from ‘Angel <3’.
He sighed as he unlocked it, typing hurriedly the number he knew by heart on the keyboard, and putting it on speaker, too tired to hold the phone to his shoulder for the call.
He waited for her to pick up as he listened to the incessant ringing of the line.
“Pick up, pick up” he whispered, biting at the skin of his thumb to suppress his sighs.
He knew he was late. And he felt like he could only imagine the disappointment YN felt when he didn’t answer her call.
He and YN had picked out a specific time throughout the day where the both of them had to be available. No matter what the other was doing, at 7 o’clock they had to answer the phone, which was a pretty understandable rule, and Harry had found it easy to comply to it at first, excusing himself to take a call or getting covered by his band mates if he couldn’t make up an excuse quickly enough. But with time, his schedule had gotten really busy.
And he sometimes missed her calls.
He wasn’t the fresh out of XFactor sixteen year old he’d been when they first started dating. He was Harry from One Direction now, and despite him feeling as the same shy guy that worked in a bakery, life around him had changed, and with it, his relationship.
He knew how she was; he knew she wasn’t answering because she was upset. And Harry really didn’t blame her, but he just didn’t find it reasonable to be upset (“stubborn little thing! — he’d say, once she had calmed down and answered the phone — It doesn’t benefit neither of us if you don’t pick up ‘cause you’re mad!”).
He rolled his eyes once the line went dead, and opened the text app instead, typing quickly with his fingers.
Baby pick up I wanna talk to you
After a couple of minutes, he wrote again: please
I miss you
And after that, he tried the line once again. This time, she picked up after five rings with a small “hello?”, her voice sounded croaky distorted from the phone.
“Hello angel. I’m sorry I didn’t answer.”
“It’s okay”, and Harry felt her sigh through the phone, “i was thinking we should push back the calls until you’re back…”
“I know you’re pretty busy,” she said, sternly, “and I don’t want to bother you.”
“What?” Harry repeated, and once he realized he already asked that, he cleared his voice and said: “you could never be a bother”.
YN couldn’t see him but she knew he was shaking his head. She tried not to picture the frown in his brows and the pout in his face, otherwise she couldn’t possibly keep going.
“Things are different now—”
“No.” He cut her off, “don’t say that, angel. Nothing’s changed. It’s still us.”
“Harry” she softened her tone to make sure he really understood her, “it’s still us. — she nodded firmly to herself — I think it’s best if we stick to texting for now. It’s okay.”
“Okay… okay, if that’s - if that’s what you want. Okay.”
“It’s better this way” she sighed once again and Harry felt her breathing through the phone, her shaky breath loud in his ears as if it were his own.
“But we’re good, right? Tell me we’re good.”
“Yes, of course we’re good.”
Harry nodded, staying quiet as the words she’d just spoken lingered in the air between them. Despite being so far away he could almost feel her right next to him as she kept talking, unaware of the heavy weight he felt on his chest making it a little harder to breathe, the sudden realization that maybe they weren’t good after all.
Hi lovelies!!! I was cleaning my drafts and I saw this thing I wrote ages ago, based on Close as strangers by 5sos. Lmk if it’s something you’d like to read and I will publish the whole thing!
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Loser Ellie x Reader
Loser! Ellie makes me drool. Like I had never thought I would be attracted to the idea of something so perverse, depraved, and almost creepy.
Wlw, loser Ellie, suggestive but not nsfw, Ellie follows you around, Owen slander.
In a University AU, Ellie is praying to anyone and everyone listening that she will be paired with you for the final project. Just her luck, you get paired with some douche named Owen who keeps eye contact with your tits more often than your eyes.
Ellie needs to work on her own project with her partner she can't recall the name of, but she overhears where and when you and Owen are going to meet to start your project. Surely you wouldn't notice if she were there?
That's how Ellie finds herself sitting on a barstool in the corner of a trendy cafe, hood pulled low over her head and peeking over the top of the comic book obscuring the lower half of her face. You and Owen sit across from one another nearly ten feet away. Ellie had to move seats in order to see your face, as it was originally obscured by Owen's big head.
She can't hear what either of you are saying, but you don't look to be enjoying your conversation.
Nearly two unproductive hours pass, and she sees you let out a sigh and shut your laptop, seemingly bringing a close to your study session. She saw you speak to Owen, who perked up and made to pack up his things. Having brought only a pencil and a small notebook, Owen was up and moving before you could give him a proper goodbye. Bracing his weight on the table and quickly rushing from the coffee shop, Owen didn't seem to notice what he had done to your unsteady table. As the bell at the door rung announcing his leave, the table wobbled, toppling over the coffee cup that Owen had left on the table, half-full.
Ellie saw the fear in your eyes as you lifted your laptop from the table as quick as you could, but you weren't able to save your notes, or your lap, from getting soaked with coffee. Unbeknownst to Owen, he had given Ellie the perfect opportunity to play hero. Ellie nearly fell flat on her face as she clambered off the barstool. Rushing to the napkin dispenser, she pulled as many as possible as quick as possible until she had two fists full. As quickly as she could while still appearing somewhat normal, Ellie made her way toward you.
You looked even prettier up close, even with tears lining your eyes and coffee staining your shirt. As you held your laptop high above the table, Ellie locked eyes with you and said "here, let me help," just loud enough that you could hear. She offered to move your laptop to a nearby table so she could clean, to which you nodded with a pathetic sniffle. Ellie haphazardly wiped the pool of coffee from the table, gingerly offering the other handful of napkins to you to wipe yourself down.
As you stand up, it becomes clear that the coffee has soaked your shirt, because Ellie can see right through the white fabric. She can't take her eyes off the lacy edges of your bra and the curves of your breasts. Having been so concerned about your laptop, you hadn't realized that you had become an unwitting contestant in the most embarrassing wet tshirt contest. Following Ellie's gaze downward, you squeaked and attempted to cross your arms over your chest to hide. Unfortunately, this only gave Ellie a better view as your arms squished your breasts together. Ellie blushed as the thought of offering to cover your breasts for you briefly crossed her mind, but then she noticed your face that blushed even redder. Your eyes were locked on the ground as you tried to come up with a way to walk home with your dignity still intact.
Instead, Ellie unzips her baggy sweatshirt and shrugs it off her shoulders. With a blush on her face and a trembling voice she says "you can take my jacket..." and the smile on your face is worth being cold on her walk home.
"Thank you so much," you beam, "but I don't know how I would return it. Would you mind giving me your number so I can let you know when it's washed and I can give it back." As much as Ellie would like you to keep the sweatshirt, she has been given a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to get your number. If she could, she would thank Owen for spilling on you, because she'll get her hoodie back smelling like you.
"For sure, let me just..." as Ellie pulls her phone from her pocket and hands it to you. She hopes you don't care about the cracked screen as you punch in your number and send yourself a text.
"Thank you so much, you're a lifesaver. I just wish I hadn't been paired with him. I already know I'll be doing most of the work."
"No yeah I don't like him either!" Ellie spits out, rushing to agree with you and confirm your suspicions.
You try to stifle your giggle at her nervousness, and realize "wait! I haven't gotten your name yet."
Ellie locks eyes with you and suddenly she forgot how to speak. 'My name? Oh god what was it, who am I?' and stutters out a "uh, um, it's, it's Ellie... Williams. Ellie Williams."
You smile, and return the sentiment, even though she's known your name for months now. "Well, thanks for all your help, Ellie. You're a real sweetheart. I'll see you around."
Ellie nearly melts hearing her name from your mouth. She waves to you goodbye with a dopey smile on her face.
That's it, she would make the professor switch your project partners if it were the last thing she did.
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iiotic · 2 days
Heartbroken; Human Alastor x Fem reader
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ask: Hi, Could you do a Human Alastor x Reader, where Reader is Alastor’s childhood friend. Reader has always wanted to ask Alastor out. The day they finally mustered the courage, they heard Alastor accepting someone else’s confession. Reader is heartbroken? - @cartoonykat
tags: one sided love, fem reader, swearing, reader being heartbroken?? Childhood friends, short oneshot, not proof read, no mentions of y/n
word count: 0.7k
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You were so little when your mother decided to introduce yourself to Alastor, your new neighbour. He was just the bestest friend of bestfriends to you! And looking back he was such a sweet child.
You and him would always play tag and hide and seek in the forest near the bayou. Of course, you'd always win since you were the best at these games, though you didn't know that your little friend pitied you and had let you win every single time.
You were always invited to his house for dinner that his mother made, and you had to admit that his mother's cooking was delicious.
When you grew a little older you started developing a crush on Alastor, admiring him and every little thing that he made. Noticing how his rounded, black glasses are adorable and how his brownish hair shined in the sunlight.
To your dismay you didn't have the guts to ask him out, yet. Thinking that you were too young for such things, you were just teenagers!! However looking back you realized that you made a horrible mistake.
Cleaning a glass behind the counter, you were met with the familiar "Ding!!" which signalled that someone just walked through the door. Looking up, you lightened up and quickly fixed your posture.
"Good morning, Alastor. Why so early?" You asked your childhood friend. He never came here at such an early hour. The Cafe was opening at eight am and it was only nine. That little voice in your head told you that maybe he was here specifically to see you but your brain told you to not get too excited.
"I just had some free time on me so I told myself why not to stand by?" The brunette responded, ordering his usual coffee. Pheraps you had a chance? You thought making his order before giving him to him.
As you saw him sit down at one of the stalls your mind started to wander to the plans you had today. You memorised Alastor's schedual, knowing what time he starts and ends his shift at the radio station. That's why you were surprised to see him walking in at such a early hour.
Today is the day, you finally got the courage to ask Alastor out. You were a tad bit nervous but your confidence and determination was high. Now you just had to wait till you get off work, grab your things and meet Alastor at his house.
The time soon arrived, for this occasion you wore a gorgeous red dress, nothing too much but just to show that you were serious about things.
Holding the present with your sweaty palms you stepped on the porch of Alastor's house. Hand up, just about to knock but your nervousness started to kick in. Is this really the time? Pheraps you should wait a tiny bit more?
No! You had to do it, now. Just as you were about to knock you heard 2 voices coming from the inside. A more masculine one and a femine one? This surely wasn't his mothers voice. Despite knowing that's wrong you decided to listen. Moving next to the open window with curtains open you were met with..
What? OH.. oh..
A loud gasp left your lips as you dropped your gift to the ground. Why? You could feel the warm tears streaming down your face as you backed away from the window.
Turning on your feet you ran away not wanting to face him, no.. At least not for now.
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(a/n) this sucks and i completely forgot about this ask. Im so sorry!! I wanted for this to be longer but after it deleted itself the first time I wrote it I said fuck it and didn't had the motivation to write it again. But I hope this wasn't too bad lol
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orange-catsidy · 3 days
i said that i havent been on tumblr much bc my real life has been going well which is true but also because wellness looks different than how i imagined it would
i've mostly just been busy. so busy ive had way less time for keeping up with socials and for my really in-depth hyperfixation-y hobbies like making gifs and archiving media of my favs and even drawing. busy cleaning and making the house nice and learning to cook and going to events. busy trying to take care of my body with skin care and exercising again and eating better. busy with annoying stuff like making appointments and repairing broken things i've had lying around forever and busy with boring stuff like 'trying to understand my finances' and 'filing taxes'. it's a good kind of busy.
//positive post with mention of past suicidal ideation
a lot of these mundane tasks that have been making me so busy lately have been things i've been avoiding or putting off for years, not just out of anxiety, but bc subconsciously i never thought i would live long enough for them to matter. even when things in my life were objectively Fine and i felt Fine, i never wanted to think about if i was happy at my job or retirement plans or getting nagging little health problems checked out or even like, putting on sunscreen to protect my skin bc i was still existing with the vague notion that i would surely die in the near future, so why bother?
it's annoying and boring to suddenly have all these CHORES pile up on me but i know it's a good sign. because the dial in my mind has adjusted from a future where i am definitely dead, young, by whatever means, to a future where i will grow old
and even though i'm busy, the days seem to pass slower bc i'm generally more present in my life and not just getting through it. hopefully once this first bunch of overdue chores is done i'll reach more of a balance and start up my time intensive hobbies again. a human lifespan is long and i have the rest of it to do everything i've been missing
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spenceragnewfics · 2 days
spencer shower sex!?
I hope you all enjoy! Love ya💕
SPLISH SPLASH | Spencer Agnew x F!Reader | 18 MINORS DNI!!
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TW: Oral (f receiving), penetration, usual smut stuff.
Word Count: 1.9k
Description: After a very long and stressful shooting week, Y/N needs a little stress relief and luckily her boyfriend, Spencer, knows just how to help.
Working at Smosh is one of the best things someone could do. The people, work, and fans are all amazing but it’s also very stressful.
The company is huge! So it’s obvious that it would come with stress but some people don’t seem to understand that. They think it’s all just fun times and chillness because you work at a content creation company.
As the main PA for the gaming channel, Y/N is a very busy person. She’s always running around getting things for shoots, lunch orders, helping the cast and crew when they run into things, and many other things.
This is a role she has had for a few years and loves it. She loves being able to meet new people, be creative, and hang out with an amazing crew. Plus, she gets to spend everyday with the love of her life, and boss, Spencer.
The two got together before he became the director of the channel but got to work even more together when he was promoted two years ago. So if anyone knows how draining the job of PA can be, it’s Spencer.
Who is currently watching his girlfriend help Chanse and Angela figure out the rules of the latest new game for Board AF. “So, you just have to be quick and clear…right?” Angela asks, confusion in her eyes. 
“Basically, it’s a lot easier to understand as you play. Which, I’m so sorry you two weren’t at the practice game but you know how last minute cast changes work.” She says, smiling softly at the two.
Usually, when there is a new game to be played on the gaming channel the cast, who are going to be playing the game, sit with her, Spencer, and Alex T to learn the game. Well it was originally supposed to be Shayne, Courtney, Tommy, and Arasha but Tommy and Arasha had different things come up so Chanse and Angela were pulled in.
“I think my problem is, the overall concept is a little weird.” Chanse explains, unintentionally making Y/N die on the inside. She’s been explaining the game for 20 minutes but they still can’t seem to understand.
Noticing her distress, Spencer walks over, putting a hand on her waist. “Hey, honey, how about you go take a little walk and get a snack. I’ll try and see if I can crack them.” He suggests, squeezing her waist in a comforting manner as she looks at him sad.
“Are you sure, because I can keep-”
“I’m sure, now go before I make you.” He kisses her cheek, sending her off the set as Chanse and Angela shout apologies.
Pushing open the set doors, Y/N takes a deep breath as she starts her walk to her desk. She smiles at people she passes by on her short walk until she gets to the gaming pod. Her desk is across from Spencer’s, and under it is a little mini fridge. She opens it grabbing the leftover iced coffee she put in there from the morning and some random snack she had.
She sighs as she sits at her desk, laying her head on it. She doesn’t understand what is making her so stressed lately but she's starting to get annoyed with it. Her phone buzzes as she lifts her head up, reading the text from her boyfriend. She’s needed back on set so they can film.
Walking back to the set, she sighs when she gets to the doors then puts on her best fake smile. “Who’s excited to shoot?” She asks, walking in and grabbing her stuff. The cast cheers as she walks over to stand beside Spencer, he puts an arm around her waist and kisses her temple. “Are you okay?” He whispers, “Yeah, why wouldn’t I be?” He can tell the smile is fake but decides to ignore it for now.
The shoot goes well and without a hitch except for the usual silliness that happens in a gaming video, but that’s what makes the shoots so fun.
Once the shoot is finished, Y/N helps get things cleaned up when Angela walks over, “Hey, Y/N.” Looking over her shoulder, she smiles at the woman, “What’s up, Ang?”
“I just want to apologize for earlier.” Angela says, her face sullen. “What? What are you apologizing for? Don’t worry about it, sweets.” She assures the girl in front of her. Placing a hand on her shoulder, “It’s just been a very long shoot week, and things have been crazy lately. It’s not your fault or Chanse’s, be sure to tell him that because I can see his sad puppy dog eyes from here.” The two laugh and Angela gives her a hug before walking away.
Not too long after, Spencer walks over as Y/N sits on the new couch, her eyes closed as she tries to enjoy some quiet time. He sits next to her and she lays her head on his lap. “What’s wrong, my little kickstart?” Y/N giggles at the nicknames before opening her eyes and looking at his blue ones. “It’s just been a very long week and I’m super tired.” She looks at him with a pouty expression that brings a loving smile to his face.
“How about we head out early? The only thing we have left today is to do some editing but we can do that at home.” He leans closer to her face, “After we have some fun of course.” He whispers, a cunning smirk on his face that perks Y/N up a bit.
“Oh really? You think we can work that into the schedule?” She jokes and he rolls his eyes, “Come on, let’s go home.” Y/N slides off the couch and follows Spencer, holding his hand as the two get ready to leave.
Once the two get to their shared apartment, Spencer pulls Y/N in for a kiss as the door closes. The kiss is gentle and sweet, something that makes her heart feel warm. He pulls back after a moment, “Go get in the shower, take some time to yourself.”
“Aw, you don’t wanna join me?” She asks, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Do you want me to join you?” He asks, wrapping his arms around her waist. “I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t want you to.” She teases before giving him a quick peck and walking to the bathroom.
Spencer waits until the shower turns on to follow her in, he takes his clothes off as he walks so that way he can go straight in. The bathroom is starting to get steamy when he walks in and the curtain is closed, hiding his girlfriend from his sight.
He moves the curtain to the side, his eyes are met with the beautiful sight of his girlfriend’s naked body. Stepping in the shower, he closes the curtain and wraps his arms around Y/N’s waist, giving her shoulder a gentle kiss.
“Took you long enough.” Y/N says, turning around so that her front is against his. “I thought you could wait just a bit longer.” He teases before leaning in to kiss her. His lips move gently against her as his hands roam her body, they move smoothly against her wet skin as she tangles her hands in his hair.
Moving a hand down, he slips it between her thighs and rubs her clit gently. Pulling back slightly, breaking the kiss, she moans at the feeling, a little of tension finally being released.
“Don’t tease me, you know I need this.” She practically whines as his hand continues to rub. “Just calm down, babe, you deserve this.” He says before gently pushing her against the shower wall and getting on his knees. “Legs on my shoulders, my little kickstart.” Y/N giggles as she does what he says. Her sounds quickly change to soft sighs as he kisses her inner thighs.
“Spence, what are you-” Her voice stops as he starts to suck on her inner thigh, using the same motion as he does when he’s leaving a hickey on her neck. “Need to make sure whenever you wear shorts people know you’re mine.” He says when he gets done with the hickey on her thigh.
Not wasting a second, his head moves to her core and a long strip up her slit brings out a long moan. Her hand finds placement in his hair as he works magic on her. The two have been together so long they know how the other ticks, what makes them feel best and how to get them to feel fuzzy.
His lips find place on her clit which makes her eyes roll back. He groans when her hand grips his hair, sending vibrations onto her clit, making her moan his name. 
“Spence, please, I need you, now!” She whines, pulling his head away from her. His beard is glistening along with his lip and his eyes are looking at her innocently. “Please.” She begs and it’s enough for him to give in.
Carefully putting her legs back on the ground, Spencer gets up and spins her around. Spitting on his hand, he gives his dick a few strokes before sliding inside Y/N. His hips start slow as he grabs her hair and pulls her against him, “Fuck, baby.” She moans, the feeling of him going in and out hitting just the spot she’s needed for days.
“You like that? Finally being able to feel what you’ve wanted for days?” He whispers in her ear, his thrusts slowly becoming faster. “Yes, yes, yes. Spencer! Yes!” She moans, laying her head against his shoulder, giving him perfect access to kiss her neck.
“Don’t hold back, please.” She begs, needing more as she feels the stress slowly melt away. “Anything for you.” He says before speeding up his thrusts, the sound of wet skin hitting skin resonates in the bathroom along with their moans and groans of pleasure. 
Sneaking a hand down, he rubs her clit with the same pace of his thrusts. The feeling of being full and the pressure on her clit starts to make Y/N’s brain feel fuzzy. A feeling that Spencer has been the only to make her feel. She feels him smirking as her legs start to shake from the feeling.
He moans as she tightens around him, making him see stars for a second. “Fuck, I love when you do that.” he groans into her neck as he continues his thrusts. 
It doesn’t take much longer for the both of them to get close. His thrusts start to get sloppy as she starts tightening around him more and more. His hand speeds up on her clit as he nibbles on the sensitive part of her neck, “Spencer! I’m coming!” She screams as the knot in her stomach pops.
“Just like that baby, just let go.” He coos in her ear, holding her against him as her legs shake even more from the feeling. “I’m gonna come too.” He moans as he pulls out. Stroking his dick fast, he has it position on her ass as he moans out her name, releasing on the plump area.
A few moments pass as the couple comes down from their highs. Shaky breaths, water falling on them, and the two holding onto each other. Y/N turns to look at Spencer with a sheepish smile, “You know, for only one ball you do cum a lot.” She jokes with a small laugh. “Eh, you gotta compensate where you can, dude.” He says while chuckling before kissing her sweetly.
Resting their foreheads on each other, they take a moment to just enjoy being together. “How about we clean up and then go cuddle and watch a movie?” She asks, rubbing his arms. “That sounds perfect.” He agrees before kissing her forehead. Both of them feeling much more relaxed than before.
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starwarsbian · 16 hours
may i request sam + first kiss? it can be readers or sams but id love to see shy and nervous sam 🤭
of course!!!!! this is terrible but i got u it anyway???
sam’s first kiss+gn!reader ౨ৎ ˖ ࣪⊹
when you first started hanging out with sam it really was because of school. you were partnered with him for a science project and it was immediately obvious sam didn’t give a fuck about it. despite his obvious disinterest in the subject you decided at the very least he should be present while you did most of the work.
“hey, i know you’re probably not going to do anything —it’s whatever— but you should be around while i work on it at least. do you want to come to mine tonight?” you say to sam, stopping him before he can rush out the door.
“yeah. sure, whatever. we’ll just walk to your place after school.”
to be honest, sam monroe had been on your mind for years but he never even looked your way; not that you’d noticed anyway. you’d had classes together since…before sam looked how he does now and you loved the dyed hair and metal seated in his skin like it was always meant to be there. to say you were excited to just be around him was an understatement although you really believed he didn’t care or want to waste his time; but decided to pity you or something.
꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱
“fuck,” sam exclaims as he shoves the boys’ bathroom door open.
why did it have to be you for this fucking assignment? why did he agree to go to your place after school?
two underclassmen hurry out of the bathroom when he grunts and tugs on his own hair in frustration. now alone and looking at himself in the mirror; hands braced against the clean white sink, he speaks to himself, “it’s fine. they’ll never know. i don’t have to be fuckin’ weird about it.”
sam slaps himself a few times, shaking his head trying to get the thoughts of your soft lips out of his head. damn his traitorous brain, he needs a cigarette.
꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱
the last bell rings, you’re not sure where sam is but grab your things and head to the exit anyway. to your surprise, he’s actually right outside already and waiting for you. you walk in silence through neighboring streets. once out of the eyesight of anyone who cares, sam lights a cigarette.
“you smoke?” he asks.
you shake your head no.
“‘f course not,” he says with a gravelly laugh.
꒰ ・ 。゚ ✦ ・ 。゚ ꒱
sam follows you up your driveway and to the locked door: you unlock it in seconds and stop him at the door.
“take your shoes off, please.”
you just barely see a flush of red come across his cheeks.
“oh yeah, of course.”
he’s nervous. his palms are sweaty. so are yours.
“‘ts a nice day out. we’re gonna sit out back,” you tell him and lead him to the sliding glass door at the back of the house. your backpacks are slung onto the table and sam sits beside you instead of across from you without even thinking about it.
there’s a nice breeze making it comfortable in your back yard and sam can’t help but notice the way it messes with your hair; he hasn’t been this close to you for this long in years and you’re even prettier than he remembered.
he’s maybe two feet away from you and you can smell the mix of his cologne, cigarettes and lingering hints of weed.
you begin to ramble about the topic you’ve chosen for your project and it’s obvious sam isn’t paying attention to your words as he drums his fingers on the wood and admires all of your features as discretely as he can. (not discretely at all)
his hands are shaking in his lap for no reason other than your proximity to him; he tries to stop it and he wants another cigarette but you’ll absolutely notice his nervousness around you if he goes through with that whole process.
you never expected this kind of behavior from sam and you almost convince yourself you’re making it up until your hand brushes his when you reach across the table for your pen. sam’s eyes dart to yours when you touch him and the flush of his face is undeniable.
“is something wrong, sammy?” you throw the nickname out like it’s casual and he feels his heart pounding in his chest.
his voice cracks in his response, “s-sammy? um. nono nothings wrong.”
“you’ve been antsy,” you say and rest your hand on top of his. he flattens his onto the table more, hoping that will stop the shaking.
“no i haven’t!” he tries to defend himself.
he won’t meet your eyes and is looking everywhere but at you. fuck it. you take his face in both of your hands and make him look at you. his blue eyes are gorgeous in the sunlight and he hears his heartbeat in his ears.
“antsy because you like me maybe, even,”you say in a soft voice.
he doesn’t reply, just stares at you in awe as he takes in the sensation of your soft skin against his cheeks.
“can i kiss you, sammy?”
“um. i’ve actually never..” he trails off.
a smile spreads across your face.
“that’s cute, actually. so, can i?”
he smiles at your response and nods.
you lean in to him and his lips meet yours. he’s still for a moment before he registers this is reality and actively presses his lips against yours. it’s soft and his breath is shakey. sam is drowning in the softness of your lips, he thinks. there’s small movements, your top lip ghosting over his bottom before a slow tentative tilt of sam’s head in the other direction to feel your lips at another angle. it’s all soft skin and the taste of your chapstick mixed with his cigarette. within those few seconds, sam’s hand began to cradle your face as well. you smile against him as you pull away.
“you. you have no idea how many times i thought about that,” he whispers and ends with a content sigh.
you giggle and decide maybe the project can wait a little bit until you figure out what he’s talking about. he’s liked you a long time too? thank god for biology or whatever
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forbebeandjam · 3 days
Without You | Bada Lee/ BEBEx Fem Reader | MINI SERIES
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Summary: you find your youngest member and decide to get out of there as quickly as possible.
Word count: 884
A/N: I have nothing to say… I just like to have an A/N 🤭 REQUEST STILL BEING PROCESSED!!!
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The scene before your eye broke you. The pool of blood was larger and the blood was all over the place and Sowoen was completely drenched in it. A man was on the floor lifeless and covered in wounds and blood as well.
"Sowoen, are you okay?" You said as you ran to her and picked her up. She was cold to the touch, shivering and tears running from her eyes as she looked at nothing. She seemed to be in shock. 
You knew because that's the same state you were in when you found out about your parent's death. 
You felt something sharp grace your leg and looked down. She was gripping a broken glass bottle. You gripped her hand and forcefully removed the bottle from her hand. You took her out of the fridge and made her sit with Cheche in a corner. 
Tatter and Kyma grabbed water and rags to help clean up Sowoen's bloody hands and face and you repeated to her that you were there and that everything was going to be alright, hoping that would snap her out of her trace. 
She ended up falling asleep on your shoulder. 
After a few hours of sitting there thinking of what to do to get out of the place without being infected, you felt Sowoen move. She was starting to wake up but suddenly her breathing increased and she started screaming. 
"Sowoen! It's me! It's Y/N unnie! Tatter is here and Cheche. Look at me!" You held her head as Kyma hugged her body tightly. 
She eventually calmed down as you kept eye contact with her and she threw herself in your arms. 
"Unnie, I was scared. I didn't mean to do it, unnie," she cried and you stroked her head until she calmed down. 
“Shh it’s alright,” you said.
"Sowoen, why did you leave the van?" Kyma asked softly. 
"I... I wanted to find fuel for the van and I remembered we had passed a gas station not long ago so when there was more sunlight I walked to get some. As I walked into the store, I realized that I didn't have any money and the worker he..."
She paused and closed her eyes tightly. 
"He took me to the fridge and tried to take advantage of me. I panicked and kicked him. He fell and I grabbed a bottle and... I killed him," she said as her voice began to fade. 
"Hey, you did the right thing. Right now we need to find out how to get out of here so please calm down. No one will ever know we were here and I'll make sure of it," you said holding her face. 
She nodded and stood up. Tatter and Kyma made sure Sowoen drank water. You looked around and found masks. You took several of them and also vinyl gloves. 
"Call Minah. Ask her if she found anything and keep her on the line so we can create a plan. Cheche, Sowoen. Come here," They walked to you. Using a cloth tape, you made sure the masks were secured and no contaminated air entered their maks.
You placed gloves on their hands and made sure everything was secured.
"Y/N, we found many things to use. Alcohol, gloves, and masks. What should we do?" you heard Minah say through the phone.
"Cover yourself with everything you can. Take all the alcohol you can so we can clean ourselves. We found fuel," you replied. 
"I will take the fuel and fill up the car. You all will wait for me to pick you up and then we can get out of here," 
"No! you can't go out there by yourself. Are you out of your mind?" Bada chimed in. 
"No, Y/N! Stop doing things to put yourself at risk. What the hell is wrong with you?”
"Dam it, Bada! I already lost my parents. I don't give a fuck if I have to die. I am not losing you or any of these girls. You are all my happiness and if I lose one of you, I lose myself. I can handle it. Listen to me!" you shouted at the phone and they all looked at you in concern. 
A loud silence was heard. 
"I am going to take the fuel and I will be back. Do not leave this place and if you can, have another fuel tank ready so we can fill up the van. I love you girls," You said before hanging up the phone. 
You kissed Sowoen and Cheche's forehead who were already shedding a few tears. And so you parted with the fuel tank in your hand. Walking slowly, making sure no one was around. Then you ran. You ran as fast as you could and finally saw the van. 
You opened the fuel tank door and started inserting fuel into the van making sure you looked around. 
What you didn't know is that there was some hidden on the other side of the van. You felt a strike on your leg and winced. 
"Thank you for the fuel pretty girl. I've been waiting for you. Now, I will go and..." The unknown men fell to the floor and lay there unconscious. 
A tall figure stood before you. 
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ros3ybabe · 2 days
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Where Have I Been?
hello lovelies. so, I started the challenege, did one day, and all of a sudden I feel off the face of the earth. I fell into a bit of a depression, and while I've managed to pull myself out, life has been busy busy busy! This is probably the 2nd busiest week of the year (the 1st will be in August, and you'll find out why). Here's an update on life:
I fly to Colorado on the 16th, so....under 5 days now. I haven't packed or anything yet, but I plan on doing that either tomorrow or Thursday. And I have to clean and prepack for when I return because....
I signed a new lease for a new place to live! I'll have roommates who I haven't met yet (I'm taking over someone lease, actually), but my lease starts August 18th. I return from Colorado on the 14th of August, so....I'm going to be very busy once I return.
I decided to call it quits on getting a 2nd job. It's going to mess up the schedule with my first job, and it would only make me 200$ more a month, which I'm not worried about missing our on since I'll still sell stuff on depop once I return from Colorado and I'm going full time at my current job.
I've gone out to lunch with my dad a few times as well, it's been really nice hanging out with him and spending time with my dad. I lucked out in the dad department and spending time with him is one of my favorite things!
I've been debating going to San Fransisco in October for an XG concert, but I don't know if I'll have the money or ability to anymore. (thank you new apartment and all those fees and expenses!)
my anxiety has been terrible. I haven't changed anything about what I do, but I did squish a lot of anxiety inducing things into the span of two weeks, which....my bad on that. Now I know, don't do that to myself.
I bought new makeup! The juvias place bronzer, charlotte tillbury setting spray, nyx eyebrow stuff, and blush, ughhh I love buying new makeup, I just wish it didn't cost money!
I've gotten better at doing my makeup! I've had people not even notice I'm wearing it because it looks natural despite being like, a full face! Thank you perfect color matches on my skin tint, foundation, and concealors!
I went to two movies with a friend. We saw the new Strangers: Chapter One and the Planet of the Apes movie. Both were definitely good, in my opinion.
I now have to plan with my boyfriend for when he needs to come down here and get his stuff and work out changing the utilities to our roommates name since I'm leaving. I don't feel like it should be my job to coordinate that, but oh well. I guess it's too hard for him and his best friend (my roommate) to call each other for once?? Ugh, men get on my nerves sometimes.
I need to ask my dad and a friend to help me move upon my return, which also means I won't be able to work that weekend, which kind of sucks.
I need to declutter my room and start throwing away things I don't want or need anymore this week to make it easier on myself when I return from Colorado but hahaha I procrastinate a lot.
I'm stressed about paying rent. I'll have to pay rent for here and rent/fees for the new place before august and then September's rent for the new place, and my new rent is about double what I pay now. so yayy, adulting and finances. I don't feel qualified to be an adult, but here I am, age 21, an adult.
That's about it for now! Lots of stress, lots of anxiety, lots of stuff happening super close together. But that's life, I guess. Forgive me for my absence from my blogs. I also stopped studying spanish for now, and my routines are non-existent. Colorado will change that, tho, for sure. I do plan on updating a little more frequently once things settle down when I'm in Colorado. but for now, it'll be kinda here and there with my posting.
thank you for all the patience and kindness, lovelies. til next time 🩷
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citylighten · 21 hours
Hello it's me and I'm in your "Asks" ☺️
What/who made you come to simblr and what/who made you stay?
Hello!! I'm pretty sure when I came to simblr I had no idea who to follow beyond cc makers, specifically @ebonixsims & @xxblacksims. My simblr account was born due to the fact I had purchased TS4 for the first time and I wanted to make a cute bedroom for Eve, as I was procrastinating on cleaning and decorating my own bedroom. That was it! That was literally it! 😂
So I was just following random simblr blogs, and eventually I saw the storytelling community due to a reblog or something. I thought it was so interesting, because like everybody else when I played the sims I constructed a narrative in my head and to see people took their narratives seriously I thought, "okay, I want to try that too."
Also, in my childhood I loved to play games like Disney's Magic Artist Cartoon Maker where you just placed 2D stickers of Mickey Mouse and friends on a background, so I'm not surprised storytelling became the thing I felt the most passionate about. 😂
What made me stay were two things. The first was the stories I found by other people and the second thing is the bonds I formed with them, once I got out of my shy state, that is.
Although I had read a hand few of stories, @rebouks definitely had the first story that stuck out to me. Both in terms of narrative and visuals! @cinamun's story was the second story I became full-heartedly obsessed with. I saw a handful of posts back when Hope was a kid, and like...the characterization was so strong with Indya, Darren, and Lil' Hope that eventually I got curious about who they actually were and read the story from the beginning. And let me say reading Things Fall Apart from start to finish was the most inspiring thing as a new storyteller who didn't have editing skills that were exactly good. Because cin's editing was n o t h i n g like it is now and with each past post I read, I saw how she experimented with new things, slightly tweaked Indya's appearance over the years. But more than that, I noticed how her story grew in terms of readers. TFA did not always get a lot of notes. It was truly a, "okay, if Cin can progress like this, I can too. If Cin can grow like this, I can too." But yeah, rebouks and cinamun are absolutely my biggest inspirations with visuals and editing. And the fact they're both very sociable people when you message them was also encouraging, because there wasn't a sense of elitism that you can find in other fandoms spaces. This made me feel welcomed and like I wasn't a pest.
After that, I read more stories which led to me creating really strong friendships! Like, Hungry for Love by the user formally known as shanisims always stands out to me. That was another story I loved and obsessed over lmao I said it recently but @straightouttasimulation is a reason why I add prose to my story caps and she's even the reason why I attempted to do gifs. Because SHE started experimenting with gifs first! And then to see how she could pull them off, I thought: "okay, let me give it a try." All and all, she's a great mutual. I love her dearly. Then I met @digital-deluxe who shared my love for the mafia genre, and shortly after I think I began talking to @ardeney-sims. Tags led me to meet @swiftviolets who was also into the mafia genre and of course, @havenroyals and I started clicking a lot! And there's so many more people I love and cherish that I'm mutuals with [but I don't wanna like, tag everyone] BUT THE POINT IS I don't think I would be excited to log onto my dashboard if it weren't for the people I talk and joke around with. Even though it's good to try and like...be there for everybody in a community because people can feel overshadowed or neglected, communities are really about the people you vibe with the most because they're the ones who directly impact your experience.
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Dean's Honesty
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Pairing: past Dean x Reader, past Reader x Mitchell (OC) Word count: 2,412
Read on AO3
Part 3 of It’s Not Mine
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Thankfully, Mitchell wasn’t there when you and John arrived. You were able to get everything in one trip because of his truck (on top of your car). You’d never have to go back there again. Your father was livid, and was the one paying for a lawyer to get your divorce. While you hated just quitting your job, it wasn’t financially smart to keep working that far away. You’d need something closer to your dad’s house. 
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That night, you, your dad, Danny, and John were sitting around eating dinner at John’s. You had no idea where Dean was, and it wasn’t any of your business. While you were thankful for him being nice to you recently, that didn’t change how wary you were of getting remotely close to him. Danny had cried that morning when he saw your face, but seemed to be doing better by dinner. You promised him that it would never happen again. 
Hearing the phone ring, John went to answer it. “Hello?” He watched you make a funny face at Danny to make him laugh. “Dean?” He furrowed his brows. “You did what?” You turned to look at him, confused. “Damn it, boy. I’ll do what I can.” He sighed before hanging up.
“What’s wrong?” You asked. “What happened?” 
He shook his head, hands on his hips. “He went and got himself arrested.” He grumbled. 
Your eyebrows shot up. “What did he do?” In all the years you knew him, you couldn’t think of anything he’d done that would lead to an arrest. 
“Danny, how’s about you go play for a bit.” John suggested. He chuckled as Danny slid off his chair and took off, food forgotten. “Well, it looks like Dean decided that Mitchell needed a taste of his own medicine.” He sounded a tad proud at that. “He was arrested for beating the shit out of him.” 
“I never in a million years would have guessed that.” You muttered, completely floored. 
“How much is his bail? I’ll pay half.” Your dad spoke up, furthering your surprise. Your dad hated violence. When he felt your eyes on him, he shrugged. “He had a good reason. Mitchell deserved it.” He said easily. 
“It’s five hundred.” He shrugged. “Not too bad.” 
“Alright. How about I go with you? We can stop at an ATM.” He stood up, finishing his soda. “I’ll be back.” He leaned over and kissed the top of your head. 
John nodded. “Alright, leave the dishes, sweetheart. Just lock the door when you leave.” You were family, and he trusted you. 
You just nodded, still shocked over the turn of events. You listened to the two men leave and got up to start cleaning up. John told you to leave it, but just couldn’t. Danny came running in wearing his Batman cape, making you smile. “Where did they go?” He asked, watching you move around. 
“They went to run an errand. Want to help me load the dishwasher before we go back to Grandpa’s house?” You asked, as he liked feeling helpful. 
“Okay!” He agreed. 
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The next day, you and Danny went to the store for a few things. You hated the looks you were getting, but you refused to hide away while you healed. “Mommy, can we get cupcakes?” Danny asked you from where he was sitting in the cart playing on his tablet. 
“I think we can do that.” You agreed, moving towards the bakery. Spotting the pies, you paused. “How about we get Dean a pie? He really likes pie.” 
“Yes! What kind? I like apple.” 
“Pecan. I don’t think you’ve tried that kind yet.” You said, moving to get one. It was a small token for him choosing to stand up for you. 
Danny had that look on his face that told you he was thinking. It was 100% Dean. “Is it yummy?” He asked, looking up at you. 
You nodded. “I think so. I’m sure if you ask nicely he’ll let you have a bite of his.” You smiled. “Let’s get some whipped cream for on top, too.” 
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Dean was just getting home from work at the same time as you. “Dean!” Danny called out, making him look over. 
He shut the car door and made his way towards the two of you. “Hey, buddy.” He crouched. “What can I do for you?” 
“What happened to your hand?” Danny gasped. 
Dean looked down at it for a moment. “It’s okay. Nothing bad happened.” He ruffled Danny’s hair before standing. “Can I help?” He asked, almost shyly, as he motioned to the groceries in your trunk. 
“Mommy bought you a pecan pie.” Danny told Dean, making Dean grin. “And whipped cream!” He said happily. 
“Really?” Dean looked at you, noting the pink tint to your cheeks. 
You nodded. “Yeah. As a thanks for letting me borrow your clothes and…ya know.” You motioned to his hand. 
He flexed his hand, ignoring the sting in caused. “I’d do it all over again.” He said simply. “You didn’t need to get me a pie, but I won’t turn it down.” Moving over, he grabbed most of the bags, leaving just a couple for you. 
“Mommy said if I asked nicely you’d let me try a bite.” Danny told Dean. “Can I?” 
“Of course.” He nodded, chuckling as Danny got excited. “When does he start school?” He glanced at you as you unlocked the front door. 
“I’ll get him enrolled this fall. I can’t believe he’s going to be in kindergarten.” You sighed, looking to where Danny was playing with a couple toys. “It feels like just yesterday I brought him home from the hospital.” 
Dean just followed you to the kitchen. He’d never be in those memories. “Do…do you think we could talk? Maybe after he’s in bed?” He asked as he set the bags on the kitchen counter. 
“Sure.” You agreed, despite your nerves. “His bedtime is at 7.” You started to empty the bags, not sure what else there was to say at the moment. “Here.” You handed him the pie and the can of whipped cream. 
“Want a slice?” He offered. 
You shook your head. “No, thank you. I’m sure that Danny would be excited for some, though. Want a plate and fork? Or did you just want a fork to eat it out of the container?” You asked, thinking about the time you’d found Dean eating a cherry pie straight from the container. 
He chuckled lightly. “I’ll use a plate. Don’t want the little guy picking up on my bad habits.” He joked, taking the small plate as you handed it to him. He moved to cut a slice, an awkward silence settling over the pair of you. 
Once the slice was heated up slightly, he topped it with whipped cream and grabbed a couple forks. “Hey, kiddo! Pie time!” He sounded happy to be sharing his pie. 
“Yay!” Danny cheered. 
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That night after you’d tucked in Danny, you slipped out back. It was only a few minutes before Dean came in through the side gate, looking like he’d just showered. “Hey.” He moved to sit in a chair by you. 
“Hi.” You licked your lip, wincing slightly. “You wanted to talk?” What did he have to say? 
He nodded. “I want to start by saying I’m sorry.” 
“You did. The first time I saw you in six years.” You pointed out. 
“I did say I’m sorry, but I want to properly apologize.” He leaned his elbows on his knees, eyes on the ground. “I was the biggest dick ever, and I understand why you’re so off with me. I don’t blame you at all.” This was clearly hard for him, so you just let him go at his own pace. “I truly didn’t think you were actually pregnant, since we used a condom.” He sighed. “Thought maybe you were saying it because you were pissed off at me because how I acted after prom. Which was shitty, and I’m sorry about that, too. I knew you weren’t like that, but I still ran with it. I wanted to push you away because you had a future outside Lawrence, a future that didn’t include me. I’d always cared about you, but then we went to prom. And I realized how much I actually loved you.” He let out a breath, tearing up slightly. “I still have those prom pictures. They’re tucked away, but they’re safe.” You clearly hadn’t been expecting that because you gasped. “I started off by being an ass on purpose and it just all came out like word vomit. I couldn’t stop, even when it hurt to see the pain in your eyes.” 
“Dean…” Your voice was soft.
“And I know I don’t deserve a damn thing, but I would like to at least try to be friends again. We were friends for years before I hurt you. We grew up together.” He thought back to birthday parties, sleepovers when the two of you were little, and telling each other your ‘biggest secrets’ (like you telling him your favorite Care Bear was Grumpy, but you pretended it was Cheer Bear). “I’ll do anything I can to start making things up to you. I’d also like to make things up to Danny, and be a dad to him. Even if you don’t want to tell him who I am for years.” 
While you hadn’t known what to expect when he said he wanted to talk, this was not even close to what would have come to mind. “I had no idea.” How could you? “I loved you, too.” You admitted. “I had thought there was no way you’d ever feel the same. I was in the band, two years younger than you, and you’d seen me through all the awkward teen phases.” 
He chuckled lightly. “Those were cute awkward teen phases. And you saw mine, too. So.” He pointed out. 
You nodded at that. “That I did.” You agreed. “Your voice cracking was pretty funny.” You remembered the first time it happened and you’d giggled up a storm. “I thought that you hated me after prom. That you regretted it so much you didn’t want to be friends anymore. Even before that fight.” 
“I can see how you’d think that. I did avoid you.” Not something he was proud of. “I loved you and got scared.” 
“It’s weird, back then I didn’t think you were scared of anything.” You sat back in your chair. “I thought that you’d always protect me from everything. I could go to you and you’d make it all better.” 
He sagged. “I just couldn’t protect you from me.” He said sadly. There was nothing to say that you could say to counter that. He was spot on, and he wasn’t someone you ever thought you’d need protecting from . “I’ll always regret what I said and how I acted that day, and for not ever checking on you, for never going to see you, and for waiting so long to apologize.” He was beyond angry at himself. “If I wasn’t an ass, you wouldn’t be sitting here with bruises and a split lip.” 
“You can’t blame yourself for that.” You told him. “There’s no telling if I would have met him either way, or someone like him. There’s no telling if I would have met someone worse, even.” 
“You wouldn’t have met him because I would have asked you to be my girlfriend, and I would have been the father Danny deserves.” He glanced at you. “But that’s not how things went.” 
“No, it’s not.” You sighed. “I’d like to work on being friends again, and it’ll take a lot to prove to me that I can tell Danny about you being his father, but I’m not totally against it.” 
He sat up straight and looked at you. “Really?!” He looked surprised, and excited. 
You gave him a small smile as you nodded. “You did beat up my soon to be ex-husband because of this.” You motioned to your face. “Makes me think that my old Dean is in there somewhere.” You were terrified of trusting him, so you knew it would be a very slow process. 
“My first arrest was completely worth it. Even if I wind up having to serve time.”
“Hopefully since it’s your first charge you won’t have to.” You would hate for him to need to be locked up because of everything. “Did you know my dad helped bail you out?” 
“I was wondering why he was in the truck.” He chuckled. 
You nodded. “He put up half the bail money.” You told him. “Both of them sounded proud of you.” Hearing the backdoor, you looked over your shoulder. 
“Just letting you know I’m headed to bed. Night, guys.” Your dad smiled. 
“Night, dad.” 
“Night.” Dean gave him a small wave before your dad shut the door and walked away. “Not gonna lie, was kinda scared to see your dad again. Thought he’d lay into me.”  “Nah. He’s not a fan of violence. He would have just told you how disappointed in you he was and all that.” 
He made a face. “That’s worse. Remember when I was 14, and Sammy was off at a friend’s for the night. Dad was drunk and I climbed in your bedroom window to sleep on your floor?”
You chuckled lightly. “You tripped and my dad came running in thinking someone was breaking in. The look he gave you…” You recalled he looked relieved, then annoyed. “He let you crash in the spare room so you didn’t have to sleep on the floor.” 
“And the next day your mom made us pancakes.” He hoped that talking about these good memories would push down those awkward moments between the pair of you. Maybe it would help you remember the part of him that wasn’t an ass. If he was lucky. “But, I’ll let you relax. I’m sure he’s up early. I remember Sammy was an early bird when he was little.” He got up, rubbing his hands on his jeans. 
“You’re not wrong.” You chuckled. “Night, Dean.” You said softly, watching him leave. 
You sat there, thinking everything over for awhile. When you finally made your way inside, it was nearly 10. You’d sat out there 3 hours, and it wasn’t like Dean was there for a long time. There was just so much going on in your head that you needed to work through. 
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Tag list: @s0urw00lf
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make-me-imagine · 2 days
Something Perfect, Something New
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Plot: Geon-Woo and Woojin hit it off with the new server at Geon-Woo's mothers cafe, more than any of them are expecting.
Pairing: Geon-Woo x Gn!Reader x Woojin
Request: reader recently moving to Korea (you don’t have to be specific about where she’s from) and taking on a job as a barista in Gun-woo’s mum’s cafe? (I’d imagine she has bigger aspirations later on but we all need to start somewhere, right?) And while the dude bros pay a visit to Gun-woo’s mum they also meet her and hit it off? This can evolve into something romantic for sure ✨
Requested by: @auraee
Warnings: Mentions of being followed/stalked towards the end, creepy guy. but don't worry Geon-woo and Woojin come to the rescue. References to a Poly-Relationship.
A/n's: I hope you meant for this to elude to a poly relationship because that's what happened! lol I see Geon-Woo's name spelled different all the time so I hope I went with the correct spelling (its geon-woo in show descriptions, and gun-woo in translations, but idk which one it really is) I started writing this a few months ago and just came back to it, so if you notice a change in tone or vibes halfway through that's why.
Words: ~4.4k
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You smiled brightly at a couple leaving the cafe as you said goodbye. The evening was drawing near, as was the end of your first week at your new job.
After making the sudden, and quite terrifying decision to leave everything behind and move to Seoul to start over, you landed a job at a cafe.
The owner, Yoo So-Yeon had been gone for a while after her cafe was nearly destroyed by debt collectors. She had told you about how her son and his best-friend helped her, and she finally felt secure enough to come back. Though she didn't give much detail, you could tell the ordeal had a toll on her and her family.
You had heard she needed help after re-opening and were lucky enough to land the job. Now you were settling in and trying to discover yourself all over again.
"Quite a busy day today huh?" Mrs. Yoo said with a smile as she walked past you.
You nodded as you finished cleaning off a table, "Nothing we can't handle though."
She let out a soft laugh as she patted your shoulder. She was fond of you, and you of her. She helped you get settled into the unfamiliar city, and had even cooked for you various times. You were glad you met her.
Hearing the cafe door open you glanced up, wondering if someone missed the 'CLOSED' sign Mrs. Yoo had just put up. Seeing two tall attractive men enter you felt your heart skip a beat.
"Ah, there you two are!" Mrs. Yoo greeted happily as she walked over to the two grinning men.
'That must be her son and his friend.'
You watched them for a minute as they spoke, before the one you assumed was Mrs. Yoo's son, due to the scar on his face she had mentioned, glanced over and caught sight of you.
You felt your heart jolt as you bowed your head lightly in greeting and smiled.
Mrs. Yoo followed Geon-Woo's line of sight and exclaimed with a small clap. "Oh, yes! You finally get to meet!"
Mrs. Yoo walked over to you before grabbing you by the wrist and leading you over to the two men.
"This is Y/n, the one who I hired to help. Y/n, this is my son Geon-Woo and this is Woojin."
You smiled at them, "It's nice to finally meet you."
The two of them bowed in greeting smiling at you. Geon-Woo had known his mother hired you, but hadn't made the trip over to meet you, seeing you now, he wished he had.
His heart was hammering in his chest, and as Woojin subtly nudged his arm, he knew his friend was feeling the same thing.
Now sitting around one of the tables, Mrs. Yoo brought over some coffee. You could feel Woojin and Geon-Woo eyeing you, and every time you looked at them they quickly looked away.
You wondered if they feared you would do Mrs. Yoo harm after all that had happened to her. But this fear of suspicion quickly faded as they started asking you questions and talking energetically, as if they were just curious about you.
Your conversation with the two men lasted almost two hours, and you tried to ignore the sly and amused looks Mrs. Yoo was giving the three of you. You couldn't help but wonder if she might try and set you up with one of them.
Eventually, Mrs. Yoo told you to go home before it got too late. The two men offered to walk you home, and after an attempted refusal that went unheard, you gave in and allowed it.
Your conversation flowed as you walked home, and by the time you got to your door, you felt as though you had known the two for ages.
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Three weeks had passed since your first meeting with Geon-Woo and Woojin. You had become closer to them than you had expected in the short time you knew them. They came to the cafe almost every day, gave you tours of the city, took you out to eat, and even helped you build the new furniture you bought for your apartment.
The seemed to always be around you now, and you weren't complaining one bit, you even started to miss them after being away from them for short periods.
Mrs. Yoo teased you about them being your boyfriends. You thought she just enjoyed the way it made you bashful and embarrassed. You hadn't quite understood just how serious she was yet.
On the outside, it was nearly impossible to tell who you were dating between them, if either, or both.
It was obvious something was developing between the three of you, but what, you weren't quite sure of yet. You were too afraid to focus on the 'what ifs' that you ignored what was already happening.
Woojin sighed as he stretched his arm across your shoulders, smiling at the new bed finally set up in your bedroom.
"See? Told you it would be worth it."
Goo-Wan smiled proudly as he started to open the new sheets you had bought for the bed.
"I still think it's too big." You said while eyeing the large mattress. You were glad to be rid of the air mattress you had been sleeping on, but this was...a bit much.
You missed how Goo-Wan and Woojin locked eyes as they began unraveling the absurdly large fitted sheet that would surely be a pain in the ass to put on.
You giggled at the two as they struggled to put the sheet on, each opposite corner coming undone as soon as they finished one.
When finished, they high fived in celebration before sitting on the end of the bed. As the looked at you with grins you felt you heart flutter before clearing your throat.
"You know I'm gonna make you two come over and do that every time I have to change the sheets right?"
They chuckled, sharing another look before turning towards you.
"How about some lunch?"
They nodded energetically and followed you out of the room. You promised them whatever they wanted for helping you finish setting up your apartment. It was the least you could do.
Watching Geon-Woo strategically time flipping the meat on the barbecue, you slowly sipped at your drink. You were overly aware of the nearby table of girls eyeing the two curiously as they whispered.
You hated that it annoyed you, so you tried your best to ignore it. Its not like you were dating them.
Looking away from the girls, your eyes locked with a mans at a nearby table. You involuntarily made a soft noise of shock at the sudden eye contact as the man smirked and winked at you.
You looked away quickly, but Woojin noticed the action. He looked back at the man before he gave an obvious look of annoyance as the guy continued to stare at you.
Woojin took a piece of meat and set it on top of your rice as he spoke somewhat loudly, "Here jagiya."
Your eyes shot up in surprise, as Geon-Woo quickly looked over at Woojin as well.
Woojin looked over at Geon-Woo before subtly motioning his head to the man nearby. Geon-woo looked back, seeing the man looking between you and Woojin, a somewhat amused smirk on his face before he eyed you knowingly.
Geon-Woo swallowed as his chest tightened with his own annoyance at the man, understanding what Woojin was doing. Geon-Woo, deciding to do the same, grabbed a few veggies as he placed them on your plate.
"Have some of these too jagiya."
Your mouth was now agape as Geo-Woo joined Woojin in his attempt at shooing off the stranger. You saw the girls nearby eye each other in surprise as they began whispering more.
You leaned forward as you spoke in a bewildered tone, "What are you doing?"
Woojin and Geon-Woo locked eyes for a second before they looked back at you, "Making sure that guy doesn't do anything."
You glanced at the man as he now avoided looking over at you. "What makes you think he was going to do anything?"
Woojin scoffed softy, "Oh please he was looking at you like he wanted to eat you."
You grimaced at the expression as you shook your head, making Geon-Woo and Woojin smirk.
Looking over at Geon-Woo you frowned, "Why'd you join in too? Now we're being gossiped about."
You motioned your head towards he girls who were still talking in hushed voices, but obviously about the three of you.
Geon-Woo and Woojin thought for a second before shrugging and speaking at the same time, "So?"
You stared at them bewildered, "It doesn't bother you?"
They shook they're head as Geon-Woo asked in an innocent tone, "Why would it?"
"Yeah, it's not like we're offended at the thought of dating you." Woojin added.
You felt your neck and ears grow hot, "But you made it sound like you were both dating me."
They nodded softly as if that was obvious and you blinked a few times unsure of what to say now. Woojin let out a soft laugh at your perplexed expression.
"Cute." He mumbled, making your ears burn even hotter.
You glared at him, "Don't tease me."
Geon-Woo laughed under his breath as Woojin stared at you with a challenging glare. "Make me."
You stuck your tongue out at him as you began picking at your food in an attempt to get past the almost overwhelming shyness washing over you. Geon-Woo and Woojin shared a knowing smile as they watched you in adoration.
Making it back to the cafe, you entered to find a few customers scattered around, as Mrs. Yoo had a conversation with another from behind the counter. Spotting the three of you, she waved in greeting.
Heading to the back to get your name-tag and apron, you were glad you didn't come to work during a rush, afraid you had left Mrs. Yoo to fend on her own for too long.
Coming back out, Woojin and Geon-Woo were at the counter talking with her. Seeing you she motioned you over and talked in a soft voice as she motioned to a young man in the corner.
"Your admirer is here."
You glanced at the man and let out a soft scoff, "Have you taken his order?"
"He says he wasn't ready yet. I think he was just waiting for you." She winked teasingly as you left with a soft shake of the head before heading over to the table.
Mrs. Yoo looked over at Woojin and Geon-Woo and repressed a laugh at their glare towards the man.
Woojin turned to Mrs. Yoo and spoke in a hushed and annoyed tone. "Admirer? Who is he?"
"A customer who came in once, and ever since he met Y/n has been coming every day since. But he only orders when Y/n is here."
Geon-Woo and Woojin looked back to watch you. You smiled politely at the man as you took his order. Their chests both clenched tightly as the man stared at you intensely with a smile, obviously crushing on you.
Heading back to the counter, you handed Mrs. Yoo the man's order.
"Did he ask you out yet?"
You spared a glance at Geon-Woo and Woojin and were almost thrown off by their intense stares.
You cleared your throat softly, "He asked when I was getting off work but I just told him I'm not sure. I'm not interested in him like that."
Mrs. Yoo nodded her head in understanding as she glanced at the two boys with an amused smile.
You looked over at the two and paused, "What?"
Woojin spoke with a bold tone, "You should tell him straight that you are not interested."
"I don't want to hurt his feelings."
Geon-Woo leaned closer, "He might get bolder though if you don't stop it now."
You bit the inside of your lip as you glanced back at the man, finding him looking away swiftly.
You sighed, "You're probably right."
Woojin nodded, "We are."
You looked back over at them again, noticing the change in their behavior. It was almost as if they were jealous again.
"Weren't you guys going to the gym to practice?"
Checking the time they both startled, "Ah we're gonna be late."
Woojin ruffled your hair as a goodbye as Geon-Woo went behind the counter to say goodbye to his mother before he gently squeezed your shoulder as he left. You waved goodbye to them before catching the man in the corners eye again. Your chest tightened as you felt a bit guilty at the thought of rejecting him when he hasn't even made a move. What if he just wanted a friend?
Getting back to work, you paid more attention to the customer. Noting that he stayed longer than usual, well after he had finished his food. When he eventually left, you let out a sigh of relief, suddenly realizing just how much his attention weighed on you. You hadn't noticed before, but now that you did, you felt a bit overwhelmed by it. Maybe it would be best to show your disinterest.
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Flipping the sign from Open to Closed, you big farewell to Mrs. Yoo as she left, heading out to have dinner with her friends.
You kept the cafe open for longer than usual to let a group celebrate a birthday. But it meant you were now leaving after it got dark.
Checking over the cafe one more time as you shut everything off, you left the cafe and looked around at the darkened sky. Looking down the road, your heart jolted a bit as you noticed a hooded figure lingering on the corner of the road.
Seeing they were standing under a Bus Stop sign you let out a soft sigh. "Don't overreact Y/n."
Turning away, you began heading down the road towards your apartment. It was about a fifteen minute walk, and the night was cool and quiet. You took in a deep breath, picking up on the hint of barbecue nearby, reminding you of how hungry you were.
Walking past a few shops, your eyes caught on the reflection of the road behind you. Yours steps hesitated as your heart sank. The hooded figure from before was across the street from you, and walking the same direction.
You let out a steady breath as you continued walking. "Don't assume, but be cautious." You told yourself, as you kept a vigilant eye and ear out.
Noticing the figure crossing the street and remaining behind you, you decided to test your theory. At the next cross-walk you crossed the street, and your heart raced when the figure did the same. Next you turned down a road you never take, and they followed. You crossed the street again, and so did they.
Having enough, you reached into your pocket and texted your group-chat with Geon-Woo and Woojin.
"Are either of you awake?"
A moment later a text from Geon-Woo came through.
"We're at the gym, what's up?"
"I'm walking home, and I think I'm being followed."
Only a few moments passed before your phone rang. Answering it you heard their concerned voices over the line and the sound of them grabbing their stuff.
"Where are you?" "Are you okay? Why are you out so late."
Already feeling more relieved to be talking to them, you kept glancing at the reflection behind you, still seeing the figure.
"The cafe closed late because of a party. I'm getting close to that store we get our smoothies from."
You heard Geon-Woo's voice in the background, "We're about five minutes from there."
"Go into the store and stay there. Don't let them get near you okay?"
"Stay on the line with me."
As you got closer to the store, you could hear Woojin and Geon-Woo on the line, obviously rushing out of the gym and running. Your heart raced with adrenaline, but also gratitude of Woojin and Geon-Woos care for you. You desperately wanted them there with you now, but took relief in knowing they were coming to find you.
"I'm at the store." You said softly as you entered, sparing a glance back to see the figure was closer than before.
They hesitated as you headed inside. You hoped they wouldn't come in, or would pass by and give up on following you.
As you smiled at the cashier who barely spared you a glance, you headed to the back of the store and acted as tough you were browsing. Hearing the bell of the store as the door opened and closed, your heart dropped as you saw the hooded figure enter the store.
You made sure to keep your distance and you maneuvered through the store, grabbing a few things here and there.
You whispered into the phone, "They came in."
"We're almost there!" You heard a panting Woojin on the line.
You swallowed nervously as you rounded the corner again, the figure getting too close for comfort. Finally hearing the door of the store open with a clang you looked over to see Woojin and Geon-Woo.
You let out a sigh of relief as your body seemed to relax from the building tension in your muscles. As they hurried through the store to you, they glanced at the hooded figure who was only on isle away. The person turned away as Woojin and Geon-Woo approached you.
Woojin spoke out loud, obviously so the person would hear him. "Jagiya there you are. Sorry we're late."
As he got to you he set his hand on your shoulder and nodded. You nodded in return as Geon-Woo reached you, "Are you okay?"
You nodded at him as he gently pulled you to his chest, "Let's go okay?"
Agreeing, you headed to the front, as Geon-Woo took the things from your hand and paid for them, his arm remaining wrapped across your shoulder.
Woojin looked back at the figure and saw his eyes. His face dropped as he was sure it was the customer from the cafe. The figure quickly left the store, avoiding eye contact. Woojin's heart raced in anger as he barely resisted the urge to chase after him. but not wanting to freak you out more, he resisted, knowing he would need to do something later.
Heading back into the street, Geon-Woo and Woojin looked around for any sight of the man. Not seeing him they let out sighs.
Woojin cursed under his breath, "I knew he would do something."
You looked at Woojin in surprise. "He?"
"It was the guy from the cafe."
Your heart jolted, but it made unfortunate sense. A few days prior, you had finally made it clear to the man at the cafe that you were not interested. He asked for your number, and you rejected him. Kindly, you had hoped. But his demeanor changed, and he left silently. You hadn't seen him again since except for once, when you saw him lingering outside the cafe, looking in at you.
"You rejected him but he couldn't take it."
Woojin's words made you shudder and Geon-Woo pulled you closer. "Don't worry we'll handle it okay? I promise." Woojin nodded in agreement.
Their words consoled you as you let them walk you home, allowing them to remind you to never walk home this late without one of them being with you.
The whole way, you continued to glance around, fearing he was still lingering. Geon-Woo and Woojin feared the same, so once they got you to your apartment, they had a conversation while you were in the bathroom.
When you came back out, now in your pajamas, they had made themselves at home on the couch as Woojin ordered food over the phone.
"You're hungry right?" Geon-Woo asked and you nodded, feeling much safer knowing they were there, but fearing when they would leave.
Sitting down on the floor in front of them as you leaned on the table you looked at Geon-Woo. "Should I call the main office and ask the security to look out for him?"
Geon-Woo moved from the couch to the floor in front of you, "We already did."
You nodded, "That makes me feel better. I wont be awake all night."
Geon-Woo smiled softly, "You don't need to worry, we'll be here."
You rose your brow, "You will?"
Woojin hung up the phone and joined the two of you on the floor. "We're staying tonight, we decided."
"O-oh. I mean...that does make me feel better, but are you sure? I don't want to-"
"We want too." Geon-Woo broke in.
Woojin nodded, "We'd feel a lot better staying with you, to make sure you're safe."
You smiled, "I'd feel better too."
After you ate and watched a movie, Woojin and Geon-Woo started to get ready for bed. Meanwhile, you grabbed what extra blankets and pillows you had and began making the living room comfortable.
Geon-Woo, coming out of the bathroom and seeing you, questioned you. "What are you doing?"
"Making it more comfortable for you."
"But we're not sleeping out here."
You stopped and eyed him, "Huh? Then where?"
Hearing a noise in your bedroom, you frowned as Geon-Woo repressed a smile watching as you headed towards the sound. Turning off the lights and checking the door, he grabbed the pillows before following behind.
Finding Woojin in your bedroom, fixing the bed, you watched him in confusion.
He glanced over at you, and spotting Geon-Woo behind you and smiled. "Ah perfect."
Walking over, he took the pillows from him before setting them on the bed.
"What are you doing?"
He looked over at you, "Getting ready for bed?"
"In...my bed?"
He looked at the bed, then to you, then to Geon-Woo and back to you before nodding. "Why do you think we got you such a big mattress?"
Your mouth was agape for a moment as you tried to find words. "S- So you could sleep in the bed with me?"
He nodded as he grinned, finding your realization and bewilderment adorable. Geon-Woo walked past you and finished helping Woojin fix the bed before they both turned towards you expectantly.
You looked between them, before they motioned for you, "Come on."
Hesitantly, you approached, "Which side do you-"
"You get the middle." Woojin broke in.
"The middle?"
"You'll be safest there." Geon-Woo excused.
"And warmest." Woojin added with a smile.
You nodded mutely as you slowly climbed into the bed, your heart racing as they climbed in after. You lied on your back and stared up at the ceiling, overly aware of how close they got to you. Woojin was facing you as Geon-Woo was still sitting up against the back of the bed, looking down at you.
Your mind was still stuck on the fact that they bought you the giant bed for the purpose of sharing. Finally breaking the tense silence, you looked between them. "But you didn't know something like this would happen so why would you be prepared to have a big bed to share with me?"
They shared a glance and smiled before Woojin cleared his throat, "Are you sure you don't know why?"
Your mind flashed back to the various times they flirted, made jokes, or acted as though they were both dating you. The various comments from Mrs. Yoo about them being your boyfriends, or you being like a child to her already.
Looking between Woojin and Geon-Woo again as they smiled softly and knowingly at you, you felt your whole body get hot with embarrassment and nervousness.
Grabbing the blanket you slowly pulled it upwards until your face was hidden.
Woojin and Geon-Woo both chuckled before they climbed further into the bed. You felt them both beside you, and were sure they were facing you.
Feeling Woojin grab the blanket you tightened your grip as he tried to remove it from your head. You heard Geon-Woo chuckle softly as Woojin pulled harder.
"Jagiya" He said softly, making your heart leap.
Suddenly the blanket was yanked from your hands again and you were met with Woojin and Geon-Woo's smiling faces as they lied facing you, sandwiching you between them.
"You don't have to be scared, or worried." Geon-Woo began.
Woojin followed, "We're still figuring this out too. We never expected to meet someone we would both have such strong feelings for."
Geon-Woo reached over and gently caressed your cheek, "We want to be with you, and protect you, and make you happy. If you'll let us."
"It might take some time to get used to the idea, but we'll wait for you." Woojin finished.
You looked between them, your heart racing faster than ever before. "But what if it doesn't work out? Or what if it causes problem's between you?"
They looked at each other and shook their heads gently. Woojin met your eyes, "We've been talking about this for a while, and I really don't think that will happen. But if it starts too I promise we will work it out. We want to make this work. We want to be with you. So we'll go slowly from here okay? But we want you to know our intentions."
"Is that okay with you?" Geon-Woo asked softly.
You thought for a moment, aware of their gazes on you as they waited patiently, though nervously.
It was obvious you had developed feelings for both of them, and your fear of choosing, or being rejected had both been subdued. You weren't sure if it was going to work out. But you knew how you felt now. You adored them, and trusted them, and felt safe with them. You believed their words, and you wanted to be with them too.
Nodding slowly, you looked between them, and they smiled, relief and joy washing over them.
Woojin, overcome by his giddiness leaned forward and pressed a sloppy kiss to your cheek, making you chuckle out of surprise. Geon-Woo chuckled as well, before he leaned forward and pressed a much more delicate kiss to your temple.
After a few more adjustments, you found yourself comfortably and safely drifting to sleep as Woojin and Geon-Woo slept on either side of you, their arms draped across you as they both held you close.
xx End xx
Wasn't sure where to end it, so I chose to stop here. This became a bit of an indulgence fic, but if there is anyone who wants a part two, or continuance of this fic/relationship, let me know, I would def be willing to write it!
General Taglist: @criminaly-supernatural, @imaginesfire, @onuen, @witchygagirl, @alexxavicry,
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