#Ladwyn Lavellan
thedosianexplorer · 6 years
Mage Armor
kicks down door Did someone ask about (practical) mage armor?
I saw your post, @cullenvhenan but this got kinda long so I didn’t want to hijack it. 
My two mages are Evaine Hawke and Ladwyn Lavellan, and they both have wildly different casting styles that factor into their armor/weapon choice.
Evaine Hawke spends most of Acts I and II wearing various light leather armors, and rarely brigandine armor in more dangerous situations. Being inconspicuous is her number one priority, so she doesn’t even carry a staff consistently until she becomes Champion. She primarily uses a combination of entropy and force magic, with a few of the arcane spells I liked from Origins thrown in. These have the advantage of being relatively invisible to the untrained eye, and she can mask the effects of her casting by throwing colored smoke grenades or miming throwing a dagger at the same time she casts a spell. Most of Kirkwall assumed she was an alchemist or rogue of some kind until she was revealed to be a mage during the qunari invasion.
The Champion armor was a gift from her friends, and included many advantages in its design so she could wear it and still be a mid-range caster. The articulated plate gauntlets are modeled after Fenris’, and let her move her hands freely. The plate armor at her elbow and shoulder are meant to catch blades/staves so she can re-direct them, and the leg plates and plate above her chest prevent burst attacks like fire spells, shrapnel grenades, etc from reaching her legs and face. Her primary casting arm is still left mostly uncovered to avoid sacrificing speed. The metal itself is enchanted to be more lightweight and has rune channels built in to direct magic more efficiently.
(Her biggest magical achievement was learning how to breathe fire which she will do with gusto, regardless of whatever armor she’s wearing.)
Ladwyn Lavellan, on the other hand, grew up Dalish where magic can be flourished rather than concealed. She primarily uses lightning magic and fights with a staff and an enchanted ironbark dagger. When she joined the Inquisition, she trained under Commander Helaine and began to use a spellsword in conjunction with her staff with her dagger as a backup. 
Dalish mages wear armor befitting of their station. It will vary between weapon choice, but is usually a combination of leather and cloth. As a First, Ladwyn’s armor is embellished with ironbark and other magical focuses, some of which would be passed down from Keeper to First and others custom-crafted. Semiprecious stone cabochons or beads are often used as focuses, in addition to embroidered sigils and wards. A First is expected to adorn and enchant their own armor as they continue to train, to prepare for eventually creating their own Keeper armor with the clan elders serving as advisers. 
Ladwyn’s armor consists of leather armor (chestpiece and coat) over a linen tunic and leggings, with additional padded layers of furs and leather for inclement weather. She commissions herself several sets during Inquisition for different environments/terrains, and to keep her busy when staying at Skyhold. Her staff is based off of the Archon Fire Staff spec’d to deal lightning damage (and complement her Elgar’nan vallaslin). She keeps her First staff as well, and wields it for ceremonial occasions. Her First staff has a socket that can be used to attach her ironbark dagger; otherwise the dagger is used as an off-hand weapon. Ironbark is folded into the blade of the dagger in a pattern-welding effect that allows the caster to channel the spell to or through the dagger. Ladwyn uses it mainly as a throwing weapon to place a metal arcane focus in an area where she wants a lightning spell to land. As long as the dagger is within sight of her, she can channel spells through it. After observing how her Mark of the Rift ability affects demons and Red Templars alike, Ladwyn trained to draw the blade of her Spirit Blade from the Anchor directly. She keeps the “empty” hilt on her belt at all times, and most outside of the Inquisition incorrectly assume that it’s an item of office. 
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antivanruffles · 7 years
thedosianexplorer replied to your post “Also it’s been 3 years, have we as a fandom decided what exactly...”
I assume they all have horses, but that's still useless when Ladwyn "Fuck Y'all" Lavellan decides to climb up a sheer rockface with her Dracolisk.
“What do your elf eyes see, Lavellan?” “A PATH STRAIGHT UP THIS MOUNTAIN, TRY AND FUCKEN STOP ME!”
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thedosianexplorer · 6 years
AO3 link for my fic is up! 
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thedosianexplorer · 6 years
[I only have the one DA:I fic up, so you get a preview of the Ladwyn WIP!]“Haleni died,” Ellana said, and her voice sounded too small for the idea. “Haleni is dead, and there were more in the forest-” she gulped in a breath bigger than her lungs- “I had to-”
Deshanna smoothed back Ellana’s bloody hair. “You saved Mahanon.” 
Ellana slumped onto Deshanna’s chest. She sighed out the air that had stopped at her throat. “His hand-” Ellana started, and stopped. Mahanon’s hand had been lost in the blood. She had felt the absence of fingers, gore that felt like crushed berries in her palm. “I couldn’t-” 
“You saved him.” Deshanna pressed Ellana’s head to her collar.  Ellana closed her eyes, and took another breath. She saved him. The shems were dead. 
“They killed Haleni and I couldn’t let them live.” 
“You did what I would have done.” Deshanna replied, and Ellana hoped it was praise. 
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thedosianexplorer · 6 years
2, 14, 25, 38 ! for... everyone? anyone? you do you
2) How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Jhera: Pretty easy. She enjoys banter, and it’s not uncommon to hear her laughing once she’s comfortable. 
Evaine: Extremely easy, but it will out of nervousness at least 25% of the time
Ladwyn: Difficult. You get a wry grin most of the time, and when she does actually bust out laughing it causes alarm.
14) What animal do they fear most?
Jhera: Ravens. Their role as Falon’Din’s servants unsettles her now. 
Evaine: Darkspawn, and good luck telling her that they don’t count.
Ladwyn: Dragons are the only creature that has ever made Ladwyn feel like prey.
25) What are their thoughts on marriage?
Jhera: Never gave it much thought, and continued to not give it much thought until a few years after the Blight ended. 
Evaine: Pro-marriage, but didn’t see it as something “for her” for a long time. 
Ladwyn: Definitely planned her dream ceremony as a small child, and has always kept it in the back of her mind.
38) What memory do they revisit the most often?
Jhera: Finding a mountain lake on patrol with Tamlen, and then sneaking Merrill and a jug of cider there that night. 
Evaine: Her family’s first harvest festival in Lothering.
Ladwyn: Getting her daughter ready to join her new clan.
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thedosianexplorer · 6 years
Chant of Light - Tag
Which verse of the Chant of Light is most representative of your Dragon Age OC and/or your OC’s relationship with their love interest?
I saw this on @louminx‘s blog a while ago and I had it languishing in my drafts: 
Jhera Mahariel
The one who repents, who has faith, Unshaken by the darkness of the world, She shall know true peace.
Canticle of Transfigurations 10:1
Zevran and Jhera
You have grieved as I have. You, who made worlds out of nothing. We are alike in sorrow, sculptor and clay, Comforting each other in our art. Canticle of Trials 1:8
Evaine Hawke
So Andraste said to her followers: "You who stand before the gates, You who have followed me into the heart of evil, The fear of death is in your eyes; its hand is upon your throat. Raise your voices to the heavens! Remember: Not alone do we stand on the field of battle.
Canticle of Apotheosis 1:7
Evaine and Fenris
My Maker, know my heart: Take from me a life of sorrow. Lift me from a world of pain. Judge me worthy of Your endless pride.
Canticle of Transfigurations 12:3
Ladwyn Lavellan
And Shartan looked upon the Prophet Andraste And said: "The People will set ourselves free. Your host from the South may march Alongside us.”
Canticle of Shartan 9:27
Ladwyn and Cullen
In the long hours of the night When hope has abandoned me, I will see the stars and know Your Light remains.
Canticle of Trials 1:2
Tagging anyone who wants to join in!
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thedosianexplorer · 6 years
Firiel shares the secrets of the Arcane Warrior with the Keepers at the first Arlathvhen after the Blight. Later, when Cillian (from Inquisition's multiplayer) decides he wants to pursue the path, he travels to her at the Vigil and spends months practicing and asking her questions about her memories. She gives him Spellweaver once he's sure he can't learn anything else from her, pleased that the sword she's been hanging onto for years finally has a new hand to wield it.
Jhera held onto Spellweaver for years as well, as none of her companions were suited for it. Morrigan helped her copy down the knowledge she learned from the elvhen spirit, but she did not see value in wielding it as a shapeshifter. Wynne, Velanna, and Anders all respectfully declined as well, already set in their own traditions. It was not until Jhera heard that the Inquisitor, one of the People, had been training in the Orlesian facsimile of the lost art that she finally found a suitable wielder. Receiving a blade in return, Evanura, was a welcome surprise.
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thedosianexplorer · 6 years
4, 6, and 10 for the creating your ocs meme! c:
4. In developing their backstory, what elements of the world they live in played the most influential parts? 
Jhera: I played Awakening first before I created Jhera’s character, so I was inspired by Velanna’s line about the Dalish losing a lot of their history during the Fall of the Dales. I created Jhera to be a living Dalish legend inspired by warriors like Lindiranae, someone to remind the rest of the world that the Dalish are a people with history, thanks, not a people of history.
Evaine: Evaine was definitely inspired by the Mages’ Collective you can interact with in Dragon Age: Origins. I thought a lot about what covert magic would look like in Thedas, and ended up developing Evaine, a magic user who relies mostly on “invisible” magic (entropy, force magic, etc) to avoid capture. I was also inspired by the legend of King Calenhad which borrows heavily from Arthurian myth, which is why Evaine has a name from Arthurian myth. The Tale of the Champion might as well be an Arthurian epic anyhow. 
Ladwyn: I was dead-set on creating a Dalish Inquisitor specifically because I wanted to write a person of a persecuted faith reacting to being considered a new messiah by the faith that’s persecuting them. 
6. Is there any significance behind their eye color? 
Jhera: Nah, I just think amber eyes are really cool. 
Evaine: Evaine’s eyes changed to blue from brown when she came into her magic, and she’s very cognizant of that change. As her family dies off or is separated from her, it’s something Evaine comes back to and dislikes specifically because it’s a reminder that her “normal” self is completely gone.
(also I have brown eyes and I love them, so I get really petty when people are like, “Omg brown eyes are so plain I wish I had a cooler eye color” so I wanted to turn that on its head). 
Ladwyn: Her eyes are a hazel-grey that becomes more of an orangey-grey when she comes into her magic, and they’re a point of pride for her. Since she wears the Elgar’nan vallaslin, I wanted an eye color that represented that “fire and ash” aesthetic. 10. If they have an LI, how much of their character is tailored to be compatible to that person?
Jhera: Real talk, I completely intended for Jhera to romance Zevran from the get-go. Alistair got my Tabris and my Surana with his adorkable wiles, and it was not going to happen again! I created Jhera to be the Morticia to Zevran’s Gomez and I am 100% happy with this decision.
Evaine: I hadn’t expected Evaine to be as compatible with Fenris as she was! They were able to sympathize about their lives on the run, and help each other come out of their shells. Playing Evaine as more of a blue Hawke made their friendship!romance extra adorable, ugh, I love them. 
Ladwyn: I completely did not expect Ladwyn to end up with Cullen. I really, really did not see that coming. But then I’d always imagined Ladwyn as an unrepentant workaholic, and that ended up meshing well with Cullen’s personality. 
(I had intended her to romance Josie but then the above happened so naturally I had to roll an Adaar AT ONCE). 
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
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@fawxblogs and I had WAY too much fun with this portrait maker and I made my first depiction of Jhera!! This is as close as I can get to her for now, until I get off my ass and make her in the Inquisition CC. I call this, “Jhera Vacationing with Zevran in Antiva and Nothing Hurts”. 
And have a bonus Ladwyn and her daughter Haleni, because I cannot help myself. 
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
Please consider Varric hounding the Inquisitor to travel with a larger group, because he’s been a party NPC before and he knows how this goes: "Listen, Braids, I've seen what happens when it's four of you against the world, and it wasn't pretty before shit got weird."
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
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OC Faceclaim Meme
I consider myself tagged by @vir-ghilani and here are my three faceclaims for Jhera, Evaine, and Ladwyn.
In order: Kawennahere Devery Jacobs is my fancast for Jhera, largely in part due to her role in Rhymes for Young Ghouls. I would LOVE to see her take on The Warden. 
Nicole Beharie has been my faceclaim for Evaine since I saw the Sleepy Hollow pilot. She’s perfect, and she was ROBBED by that show. Seriously, Nicole gives such great, “are you kidding me” face, and that is essential for any Hawke. Dichen Lachman was not my original faceclaim for Ladwyn when I created her in the 360 (I initially had fancast Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys in Star Trek: DS9). But then before I played it on the PS4, I saw Dichen’s role in Agents of Shield and completely overhauled Ladwyn as a character. She brings the kind of presence that I would want Ladwyn to have, especially in her role as Roulette in Supergirl.
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
Tagged by @vir-ghilani​ Rules: Post a sentence or excerpt from your WIP that you are proud of (be it because of how it’s written, how you came up with it, where it has brought you in the story, it’s up to you!) And tag 10 people (or however many you’d like rlly!)
Hoo boy, went way into my drafts for this one. This is Keeper Deshanna’s introduction from Clare Trevelyan’s perspective (she’s a scout in Ladwyn’s verse):
Clare was grateful that it was the Inquisitor, not her Keeper, who went to the Conclave. Andraste’s fire would not have touched Keeper Deshanna. She was clad in dull grey armor that could only be ironbark and faded burgundy robes. Claret paint spilled down her braids like blood and traced her tattoos. Clare thought of all the stories about the elven gods being locked away. Deshanna looked like she could free them all.  
None of the elves looked afraid. The Dalish inclined their heads toward her; the alienage elves watched her with awe. Mahanon moved aside as Deshanna walked toward the firepit, staff in hand. It was different than the one she held earlier, with spikes that caught the firelight and a narrow, curved blade.  
“Cousins,” Deshanna said. Her voice was soft, and Clare had to lean forward to hear her. Deshanna looked only to the alienage elves, and they clustered even closer for it.
“When I see you here, I remember my Antiva City. She is beautiful, my city, but cruel. We pressed her wine and tanned her leather, and they called us rats in thanks.  It’s true,” Deshanna said over a tide of whispers, “I escaped my city, and Clan Lavellan showed me kindness, which I return as Keeper. Now I will do you a kindness, cousins.  Clan Lavellan will protect you, and you will be free.”  Tagging @ridethefrostback, @ponylamp, @whatthefawxblogs, @flameysaur, @celeritassagittae and anyone who wants in!
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
OC and Associations
Tagged by @vir-ghilani​
ANIMAL: maned wolf // fox
COLOR(S): sunset orange // pine green // burnt umber// antique gold
MONTH: Solace (Solis) // July
SONG(S): “Elastic Heart” by Sia // “High On a Hill” by Kate Rusby // “Once We Were” by  Elizaveta Khripounova // “I Dreamt Me a Dream” (Drømte mig en drøm i nat.) - oldest known secular song in the Nordic countries; this rendition is instrumental lyre only
DAY OR NIGHT: Day (very early morning)
PLANT: Embrium // Sunflower
SMELL(S): pine // woodsmoke // freshly turned earth 
GEMSTONE: Nephrite Jade // Garnet // Amber // Septarian
SEASON: Summer
PLACE(S): the banks of the Minanter River // Storm Coast // the Hissing Wastes
FOOD: venison stew // halla milk ice cream // clove
ELEMENT(S): fire // wood
DRINK: Antivan port // herbal tea
Tagging @celeritassagittae​ @flameysaur​ @whatthefawxblogs​ and everyone who wants to participate! 
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
Description Meme Answers
@whatthefawxblogs asked for:  1, 3, 8, 12, 18, 20 and 22 for Ladwyn!
1:  Their voice after they see something cute.
Ladwyn informs the object in question (Krem’s nug plushies, a baby fox, her dracolisk) exactly how and why they’re cute, in a way that could be described as, “earnest, frank, and undeniably sincere”.
3:  Their smile when they see someone they love.
Her smile turns down at the corners, and it softens her entire face. It’s downright sappy but Ladwyn can’t even begin to care. 
8:  Their face when someone says, “I don’t love you anymore.” Ladwyn’s face twitches in parts, like it’s trying to decide how it wants to react first. Her mouth twitches like she might scream, her eyelids blink like she might cry, and her eyes stare like she’s asking, “and why not?” 
12:  How they kiss their partner goodbye.
Ladwyn will give Cullen a kiss on the forehead or temple, unless he has a headache. She’ll give him a quick peck before a meeting, and every time she leaves Skyhold she surprises him with a deep, slow kiss regardless of who’s watching. 
18:  Their voice when they’re angry with a stranger.
She will make sure her voice doesn’t shake. She holds herself tight from the ribs down, and keeps her arms and hands loose so it doesn’t look like she’s tensed up. It keeps her voice even, but takes the emotion right out of it.
20:  Their voice when it’s far too late in the night. Ladwyn won’t talk above a low whisper once it’s late at night. She’s convinced that talking too loudly will wake her all the way up, and she’ll never fall back asleep.
22:  The way sunlight shines in their eye.
Sunlight catches on the scar that cuts through Ladwyn’s left eye, the same side that has her shaded vallaslin. It makes her grey eye stand out, surrounded by shadow and ink, which is exactly what she wanted. 
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
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Fired up an old save so I could tweak Ladwyn’s appearance. This is much closer to how I picture her in my head. 
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thedosianexplorer · 7 years
23 thru 29 for Jhera and 6, 7, 10, and 11 for Ladwyn.
Hello, I don’t think I’ve gotten an ask from you before! I’ll start with Jhera:Jhera MaharielWhat does your character dislike in other people?
Arrogrance, selfishness, and cowardice are the big three things Jhera really dislikes in other people. Her willingness to work with people who have these traits entirely depends on how it benefits her clan/group as a whole, and how willing they are to not be a shit. How quick is your character to trust someone else?Trust and respect become merit-based concepts to Jhera when she leaves her clan. Acting on behalf of others, or putting someone else’s needs first, are good ways to curry her favor. If Jhera is willing to fight besides you without hesitation, she already trusts you a good amount. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?
To borrow D&D terms, I’d give Jhera advantage on Insight/Perception checks when she’s outside of her clan or party, because she is constantly on her guard. It gives her an unsettling intensity when she’s especially wary. Within her inner circle she relaxes her guard, but she would be quick to notice if one of her friends/loved ones was acting odd. How does your character behave around children?
Jhera enjoys being around children in her clan, but is less confident around human children (I think Sandal’s the closest to a dwarf child she’s met). She is also more than happy to put kids to work and would definitely be the, “Do this, it builds character” parent. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?Threats/physical violence will be quickly met in kind. She’s more likely to take time and cool off in an interpersonal conflict (something she picked up from Tamlen), but once the other person starts yelling she starts yelling. How quick or slow is your character to resort to physical violence in a confrontation?
Jhera often served as backup for clan messengers, and had to be willing to fight at a moment’s notice. She is very willing to fight or kill in self-defense, but will settle for mere intimidation when the other person isn’t a threat. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?
Jhera dreamed of becoming an Emerald Knight. She will make peace with being a Warden instead.Ladwyn Lavellan
[Ladwyn’s dreams are heavy on sensory elements, as I imagine most mages’ are, and the Anchor has only intensified that. I’ll answer both these questions with relevant motifs/sensations]6) Does your character have recurring themes in their dreams? Riverbanks and warm clay, campfires, seaside cliffs, the smell of oakmoss7) Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?Hair standing on the back of her neck, ashes, daisies, disorientation/getting lostWhen they are at their worst: bloodied/bludgeoned foxes, the taste of charnel and metal in her mouth. 10) Does your character feel more comfortable with more clothing, or with less clothing?Ladwyn prefers being covered up, especially in the cold. Pre-Anchor, she was more likely to bare her arms. And for modern/college AU because why not: Ladwyn dresses like a librarian who enjoys hiking. Lots of layers, sturdy boots, etc. 11) In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?Going into the Nightmare at Adamant was the first instance of genuine terror and fear to beat out the moment (when her daughter was almost a year old) that Ladwyn realized she was a parent. 
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