#Lahaina massage
massagemauistyle · 1 year
Deep Tissue massage in maui
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During a deep tissue massage,Our therapist will focus on areas of
tension in the body by using slower movements and applying deeper
pressure. This massage can help relieve back pain, relax tight
muscles. For More info please visit our website -
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March 30th, 2021
Day 7: A Last Day of Leisure By The Pool and Beach
Sadly, today was our last day in Maui and we were determined to make the most of the limited time we had left before our red-eye flight back to Los Angeles. Because Cynthia had to get up for an early morning start for her interview, I did the same and decided to get out of bed at sunrise to maximize my morning. 
While Cynthia was interviewing, I went downstairs to the beach to see how things looked at sunrise. As I headed down and looked around, I realized that sunrise was definitely not as exciting as sunset on the westside of Maui. Something else I noticed was that the sidewalks behind the hotel, the beaches, and the pool area at the resort were, surprisingly, already starting to get busy even though it wasn’t yet 7:00am. I briefly strolled along Kaanapali Beach and took in the view of the beach before it got too crowded and too busy. What beautiful morning weather to enjoy on our last day! 
Once I was done with the beach, I walked back to the resort to see the grounds in the daylight. I roamed around the pool grounds and took a look at some of the five pools. I checked out the flamingos, parrots, and coy fish in the ponds near the hotel lobby before rounding back to scout out an area that we could claim next to the pool for the morning. Luckily, though the pool area was starting to get busy and some people had scoped out their spots, there were still plenty of pool chairs left for us to pick from. So, while waiting for Cynthia to finish up and come down, I chose two pool chairs positioned in the sun knowing that it might get too cool if it gets too shady next to the pool. 
Before long, Cynthia came down to join me by the pool. After securing our pool towels for the day, we chilled in the sun next to the pool before I decided to take a dip in the biggest pool in the area: the family pool. I jumped in and swam in the cool water for 45 minutes or so. Because it was still early in the morning, the big kid slide in the middle of the property was not yet open for use, so I just swam around in the pool (because I didn’t have any pool equipment to mess around with) until it was time for brunch. It was really nice to finally jump in a pool after a couple of failed attempts over the last few days. 
After grabbing some complimentary tote bags from the Westin on our way up to get ready for breakfast, we cleaned up before finally heading over to Down The Hatch again, this time for a much-anticipated breakfast. Since the restaurant stops serving breakfast pretty early and lines are a known thing at Down The Hatch, we made sure we got there with plenty of time so as to not miss out on their yummy breakfast menu. And luckily, the line wasn’t too bad by the time we arrived. For breakfast, we had their Spinach Avocado Benny and Southern Style Chicken Benny, each served with deliciously crispy home fries, and an order of Banana Bread Mini French Toast with Lilikoi Cream Cheese. Oh my goodness. This breakfast was OH SO GOOD! 
We took our time enjoying our very delicious breakfast before turning around and heading to the Royal Lahaina for our very-well-deserved massage sessions we had been looking forward to. When we first booked this trip, we knew we wanted to splurge on some nice spa massages to reward us for the last few difficult months of work and job hunting. Ultimately, after looking around at options and prices, Cynthia decided that going with the massages at the Royal Lahaina would be most economical. Because Cynthia’s session was scheduled before mine (because we couldn’t book a couples massage), I dropped her off so that I could head to the Westin to check out of our room. After I checked out, I drove back over to the Royal Lahaina and checked in for my lomi lomi massage and was offered a free hot stone massage with it! Nice! My hour-long lomi lomi was amazingly calm and relaxing, and I think that at some point, I may have fallen asleep as a result of the much-needed relaxation. But on the other hand, because it was so relaxing, I didn’t get any of the knots and strains in my shoulders and right calf muscle massaged out and still had them after the session. If only I could have ordered exactly what I wanted done… Oh well. It was still super enjoyable!
Once the massage session was done, I regrettably left the spa room and met with Cynthia outside. Because she had an informational call scheduled around this time, I left Cynthia to her call and walked over to Kahekili Beach to kill some time while waiting for her to finish. With the sun out in full force, I enjoyed a hot and pleasantly beachy walk along the water, stopping every now and then to photograph some of the crashing waves and rip curls that looked so cool.
When Cynthia finally finished, we headed back to the Westin to enjoy some more beach and pool time. It was so nice to just sit and chill without too many to-dos to check off. And it was really nice to just sit by the pool and relax. Not that I did any of that, haha. I actually spent much of the afternoon swimming and sliding down the big slide into the pool before doing it again. And again. And again! SO MUCH FUN! I shot down the slide six times or so before I ran over to grab Cynthia to coerce her into trying it out as well! Because it was so fun!
After thinking it over and talking to some other tourists, Cynthia finally decided to give it a try and after a long wait in line, she finally went down the slide… albeit slowly, haha. But good for her for trying a slide again after the traumatic experience she had the last time I got her on a water slide in Orlando… Once Cynthia was done with the pool for the day, I went down the slide two or three more times before calling it a day at the pool as well. But I wasn’t done with the water. I couldn’t stop there on my last day in Hawaii! With the remaining time I had left before an early dinner, I ran over to Kaanapali Beach to take one last dip and swim in the Hawaiian waters. By this point in the afternoon, the tide was starting to rise and the waves were starting to grow bigger and bigger. It was crazy to experience the (relatively) big waves and the rising and undulating tide while floating and swimming in the water! With every incoming wave, it was crazy how high I floated up and how far the beach floor dropped beneath me. Imagine how fun it would be to ride these waves with a boogie board or a floatie! 
Once I was done with the ocean, I went back to the pool to grab Cynthia so we could head out to our early dinner at Paia Fish Market on Front Street. The wait at the restaurant was a little longer than expected so Cynthia took that opportunity to go find gifts for people while I waited in line and eventually ordered the food. We picked Paia Fish Market for dinner because we wanted to finish off the trip with some highly-rated fish tacos and Paia Fish Market provided us with just that at a cheap-enough price! I ordered the fish taco dinner, which consisted of two fish tacos (one was with Cajun seasoning and the other was with butter, salt, and pepper) with coleslaw and cajun rice, for myself and ordered a Cajun shrimp taco and a butter, salt, and pepper fish taco for Cynthia. After Cynthia returned with her first round of gifts, she left again to buy some Honolulu Cookie Company cookies while waiting for our food since we found out last minute that the cookie store closed early. By the time our food came out, Cynthia was still waiting to buy the cookies. So I went ahead and ate and waited for Cynthia to come back to eat some of her food before we raced out of the restaurant to make it back to the resort for our last sunset of the evening. 
Before we arrived at the resort, Cynthia had already decided that she would take it easy and slowly make her way to the beach at her own pace. So when we got to the Westin, I ran through the resort first to get to the beach, the entire time eyeing the sky and horizon in anticipation of the beautiful upcoming sunset. Once on the beach, I realized that the perspective I was looking to capture sunset from was not immediately available in front of me. So I ended up rushing down the sidewalk that connected the back of all the resorts along the beach for half a mile or so until I approached a bend in the shoreline. There, I stopped and looked back as the sun was setting and realized that this spot would probably be my best bet for capturing some sunset landscapes. I walked onto the sandy beach and pulled out my camera and tripod and quickly set up for the sunset photoshoot. 
The scene was incredible. As the sun set, the sky was painted in a variety of oranges while the clouds provided beautiful textures in the clear, muted blue sky. Wow! And along the horizon, as I was photographing sunset, I also glimpsed a couple of silhouetted boats floating by, providing me some great photographic pieces to place in the foreground of my sunset landscapes. The sunset on our last day was extraordinarily beautiful and spectacular! And probably the best one I saw while in Maui! So lucky to have had the chance to witness a fantastic sunset on my last evening in Maui! 
Once I had made my way back to the Westin after the sun had disappeared from view, I caught up with Cynthia, who was in line making use of our free drink tickets. Before long, she had come poolside with my Frozen Mai Tai and her cocktail of choice. As we sat next to the pool and listened to live music being played at the restaurant behind us, we sipped at, and then chugged, our free cocktails and celebrated our last evening in Maui, soaking it all in as our vacation came to an end. 
After one last glimpse of the beautiful resort and pool area, we left to pick up our luggages from the valet guys at the front and rushed to the car to reorganize our stuff before speeding along to the airport to catch our flight back to Los Angeles. I can’t believe how quickly our seven days of island life on Maui flew by! So sad to leave this tropical island paradise called Maui and head back to work in busy, traffic-y L.A... But alas, all vacations must come to an end...
5 Things I Learned/Observed Today:
1. Pool chairs, beach chairs, and cabanas with front row views of the pool or the beach definitely get scouted out and claimed early in the day at beachside resorts. But if you wake up at sunrise, chances are that you’ll probably be able to grab a nice place to lounge for the day before they’re all reserved and taken! Also, it’s important to take into account the position of the sun throughout the day and the shade coverage of the resort buildings to make sure you get the ultimate poolside/beachside spot! 
2. Even while on vacation in Hawaii, tons of tourists are still really active in the wee hours of the morning! Walking around at sunrise, you see runners and joggers, yoga people, walkers, and bikers. I guess people need to keep their beach bods ready! 
3. A lomi lomi massage is a traditional Hawaiian massage that uses gentle, continuous, flowing massage strokes in combination essential oils. To me, it feels pretty much like a Swedish massage. It’s so very, very relaxing and soothing! The only issue... it doesn’t go deep enough (like deep tissue) to relax really tight and worn-out muscles from a lot of physical activity. 
4. After experiencing and seeing some big waves here in Maui, I can say that waves in Hawaii can get PRETTY big! When you combine these big waves coming in with the steep dropoff in the water, it makes the perfect formula for a strong rip current that can pull you further away from shore. Definitely be careful when out in these active Hawaiian waters! 
5. Restaurants and shops close so early in Maui! As you have seen me write in previous posts, you can really get screwed over if you start looking for dinner places late in the evening after chasing sunset because a lot of restaurants seem to close before or around 9:00pm. Makes it difficult to eat what you want to eat without planning far in advance or rushing to dinner last minute before it closes. Shops similarly close earlier than you think, so plan accordingly and look at their closing times online before you head out with plans for the day.
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Aloha Thai Massage provides the best relaxing & invigorating Thai, Lomi Lomi, Swedish, Deep tissue massage in Maui and Lahaina, Hawaii. Call 808-856-5889.
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maastrash · 4 years
41 and 13 please?
Forever Stuck With You 
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co written with my bff @verryberriess hope you all enjoy! (ps the prompts were “have you lost your fucking mind” and “I could kiss you right now”)
masterlist // ao3
Rowan Whitehorn couldn’t help but smile as he watched his beautiful wife spin in circles, arms flailing, as she let the sea breeze cool her flushed cheeks. Red-faced, Aelin might have had one too many fruity cocktails from their dinner at the small diner, hidden within Whalers Village. Rowan had wanted to end their Hawaiian honeymoon watching the stars from the beautiful, white-sanded Lahaina beach behind the restaurant, but Aelin just couldn’t seem to sit still. 
Throughout the duration of their dinner, he watched Aelin slowly lose control over her speech and movement. Her words slurred together, eyes becoming heavy-lidded, yet she still seemed so alive. Her voice became louder, movements more dramatic, it was a miracle she hadn’t broken anything. Rowan knew he was starting to feel the effects of the alcohol as well when he couldn’t stop smiling at the utter perfection that was his wife. He lost all sense of time as he watched her smile back at him. He truly admired her so much. She was a ball of energy, his Fireheart. There was nothing else he needed in this life, but her. 
Rowan currently carried a checkered, red and white picnic blanket underneath his arm, along with a fluffy throw blanket he had stolen from their hotel suite. After walking up and down the stretch of the whole beach, Aelin seemed to have finally sobered up. Her gait had steadied and she appeared even-tempered in her movements, no longer stumbling across the loose, powdery sand. 
Content, Rowan set down the picnic blanket and called out to Aelin, “Would my lovely wife care to join me in watching the stars this evening?”
As Rowan made himself comfortable, he glanced in Aelin’s direction. She slowly made her way towards him and settled next to him, her golden blue eyes less clouded as she pressed a feather-light kiss to his cheek before cuddling into his side. Aelin beamed, “I would love nothing more.”
The couple sat together for a few moments enjoying the sounds of the waves crashing against the rocks. They listened to the rhythm of the tides rolling in and out towards the shores, the subtle chirping of field crickets hidden somewhere in the grassy field behind them, and enjoyed the night sky that loomed above them. The contrast between the dark blue, and purple hues compared to the glowing, radiant stars supplemented Aelin’s and Rowan’s awe of the scenery. But of course, Aelin couldn’t sit for long. Soon she was up and dragging Rowan along with her to where the sand met the sea. Holding hands, they walked further into the water. Shallow enough to walk through easily, but deep enough so the waves hit them just below their knees.
They stood in the water, and Aelin wrapped her arms around Rowan’s torso. In response, Rowan pulled her close and breathed in her lemon verbena scent as he held her against him. He could live in this moment forever. Standing in the most beautiful place on earth with the love of his life in his arms, Rowan could not wish for a more perfect memory. 
His thoughts, however, were soon interrupted as Aelin suddenly ripped herself from his grasp and began sprinting full force into the middle of the ocean. Maybe she was not as sober as he had thought. 
He watched as his Fireheart became an absolute menace in the water. Her splashing, coupled with the oncoming waves, led to a completely drenched Aelin stuck in the clothing she had not bothered to take off. “Come out here Buzzard, the water is perfect,” she called, not seeming to mind her current situation.
Rowan laughed at the utter ridiculousness of his wife. Only she would run into the ocean, fully clothed, in the middle of the night. “Have you lost your fucking mind Fireheart,” he laughed softly. “What if a shark eats you?”
“I’d like to see a shark try to take me down,” Aelin countered confidently.
Rowan rolled his eyes but swam out to his wife anyways. While the water had only reached up to his torso, Aelin floated. Aelin wrapped her legs around his waist and secured her arms on his neck. “I could kiss you right now,”  she whispered against his ear. 
“Why don’t you then?” he asked, raising a brow.
“Because then I couldn’t do this.” Before Rowan could react, Aelin had jumped on top of him. She tackled him into the water and quickly leaped off. When he resurfaced, wiping the salt water from his eyes, Rowan witnessed Aelin clutching her sides, barely able to breathe from laughing at his short demise.
Rowan narrowed his eyes and glared at her jokingly, “You’re gonna regret that.” He ran his fingers through his wet hair and tried to appear threatening. He could only imagine how he must have appeared. He had his hands at his hips trying to replicate an imposing stance, but he probably more or less resembled a wet dog. He wouldn’t allow Aelin the satisfaction of his discomfort, despite his inward cringe at the fact that his soaked clothes now stuck to his skin.
“Oh yea,” Aelin teased. “Come and get me.”
Aelin used the momentum of an incoming wave to push her back towards the shore. By the time Rowan made it back to the picnic blanket, Aelin was already eagerly awaiting his arrival. Rowan stood transfixed. She had taken off her wet dress and laid against the blanket only in her undergarments. Her damp hair spread out beneath her and left trails of water around the blanket. Aelin had fixed her arm to hold her head under her palm, lying on her side in order to show off the black and gold, lacy lingerie she had recently purchased. It was a floral lace garter bodysuit, black with gold-accented flowers along the plunging neckline, emphasizing her curves and revealing cleavage. The piece had caught her eye after she remembered Rowan’s deep appreciation for her shimmering golden nightgown. By the look on Rowan’s face, Aelin could tell this was an even greater success than the first. 
She made a mental note to thank the kind shop lady for suggesting her a waterproof fabric. 
“Do you worst,” she winked as he approached. 
Rowan couldn’t stop running his eyes over Aelin. The moonlight illuminated the outlines of her face so perfectly, adding to her already vibrant glow. The dim lighting highlighted her prominent collar bones, he couldn’t help but imagine himself leaning in and burying her with kisses upon kisses from her jaw down to her shoulders. Rowan would be lying if he said he wasn’t tempted to take her right there on the beach, but his need for revenge outweighed his roaring desire. That didn’t mean he couldn’t have a little of his own fun though. 
He slowly stalked towards Aelin, watching her closely to note her any change in facial expression. He took his time, intentionally stalling his steps before he reached her. And when he did so, he slowly crawled on top of her form, putting into practice what he had so vividly imagined earlier. He first started at her jaw, slowly descending his trail of kisses towards her neck to the slight of her shoulders. His wet hair left behind their own path against her skin, marking his every action he took upon.
Rowan glanced at Aelin, taking in her current state. Her eyes were closed and she breathed deeply. Although she lay sprawled across the blanket leaning into Rowan’s touch, it wasn’t enough. Not even close. He needed to taste her, needed to hear her. Roughly capturing her lips and moving his hand from her neck to cup her face, he kissed her slowly. He allowed his other hand to roam free and reach for something hidden in the sand next to them. Once he took hold of what he needed, he quickly maneuvered their bodies. Like a dance, Rowan flipped them around, airborne for milliseconds to quickly wrap the sherpa throw around their frames. It wasn’t long before they were tangled with each other. They were as close as physically possible with Aelin’s body now resting atop of Rowan’s, his arms encircled her waist while the throw expertly encased them. There was absolutely nothing separating them now. 
Aelin’s cheek squished against Rowan’s chest. She peered up at him within their human burrito,  “Ok, you got me,” Aelin sighed, defeated. She would have raised her hands in surrender, but they were glued to her side. “Can you unroll us now?” 
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay like this? I must admit, I quite enjoy it,” Rowan said pressing a kiss to her forehead.
“Yes I’m sure, you’re squishing my face you oaf. Plus I’m already stuck with you forever we don’t have to make it literal,” Aelin joked. 
Rowan laughed, as he unwrapped one of his arms around Aelin and pushed out of the throw blanket that encased them. He unrolled Aelin and helped her sit up, extending a hand to her, “Payback’s a bitch.”
“Mhm whatever,” Aelin mumbled. She crawled into Rowan’s lap and rested her head on him. “I’ll be sure to get you tomorrow.” 
Rowan chuckled softly to himself as he ran his fingers through Aelin’s hair, massaging her scalp. She leaned into his touch before slowly drifting off to sleep. Once her breathing evened out, Rowan laid down as well, gently pulling Aelin to his side and assembling the fleece blanket to unfold on top of them. Soon, he too was lulled to sleep by the sound of the waves. The couple slept all through the night, wrapped in each other’s arms beneath the glimmering blanket of stars - the perfect end to a perfect honeymoon.
Tags: @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy  // @girlnovels // @aelinninielelain // @julesherondalex // @rosehallshadowsinger // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5// @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle  // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior  // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // @abraxos // @perseusannabeth // @acourtofmarauders // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlove // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour // @flourishandblottsx // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // 
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gogoprivatetours · 3 years
Honolulu Airport Shuttle Service on Top 5 Things to Do for Honeymooners
Honolulu is a top choice for honeymooners from around the world because of its culture, scenery, hotels, and amenities that offer a perfect ground for romance. Honeymooners can take chocolate tours, book couple’s spa massages, trek the trails, or enjoy Hawaii’s epic sunrise. If you are visiting Hawaii for a honeymoon getaway, a private service round trip tour by Honolulu Airport Shuttle Service will be your best choice. They will pick you from the airport, and guide you to the most relaxing honeymoon destinations in Hawaii. Spend your first night in a secluded beach hotel Hawaii is home to many hotels uniquely designed to accommodate honeymooners. They offer a romantic setup of the lighting, warm pools, secluded gardens, and private beaches to give you all the privacy you want. Lanai is one of the places you can visit and Honolulu Airport Shuttle Service will help you get to the right hotel. Located on the opposite side of Lahaina, the island is home to a super-luxurious Four Seasons Resort Lanai, a place specially built for honeymooners. A chocolate tour is just sweet in a Honolulu Airport Shuttle Service ride Hawaii is a leading manufacturer of various brands of chocolates and the ingredients are grown within the island. The factories are involved in the growing process, picking, processing, and anything else that will help produce the most delicious chocolates. They have created spaces for people to go and watch the processes and also taste various brands. Talk to your shuttle manager and let them drive you to one of the factories and enjoy tasting various flavors. The panoramic views at Pololu valley lookout are just romantic A hike might make you sweat, but the panoramic views you get once you reach the top will make your day lively. Take a hike to the Pololu Valley lookout and enjoy the breathtaking breeze as you view the spectacular coastline in Northeast Kahala. The blue waves hitting the jagged rocks are scenic enough to make you sit there an entire day. Get pampered with spa treatments There is nothing romantic like visiting a couple’s spa treatment and you lay side by side with your spouse to enjoy a massage. After the massage, you will spend more time in the Jacuzzi or you may choose to go swimming or bask in the sun. Some of the state-of-the-art spa facilities are found at Honolulu spa, and spa pure. Book a private shuttle service for the best honeymoon experience Hawaii is dotted with spectacular places you can visit and romantic activities you can do for your honeymoon. The island has at least 14 hotels and resorts designed for honeymooners. To make your honeymoon the most romantic, you require a shuttle service that will offer you privacy, comfort, and security. Our shuttles offer more than this because we give you an all round trip service. If you need more information, call us right away at (808) 436-0005.
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timesharesonly · 5 years
How to Stay at this Exclusive Ka'anapali Beach Resort
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The Hyatt Residence Club on Maui’s Ka’anapali Beach is the perfect place to relax and unwind during your next Hawaiian vacation. Hyatt Residence Club members have exclusive access to this resort with their points, but non-members can rent a timeshare from Timeshares Only. At this Hyatt Residence Club in Maui, guests have access to almost 2,000 feet of pristine beach and a large tropical sanctuary to enjoy scenic views of the island’s natural beauty.
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Inside the Hyatt Residence Club Ka'anapali
The Hyatt Residence Club on Ka’anapali Beach gives guests a wealth of amenities to enjoy during their stay. One, two and three-bedroom villas offer a range of accommodations from couples on romantic getaways to the multi-generational family vacation. Each villa is complete with gourmet kitchens, including stainless steel appliances and plenty of space to spread out. In every unit, a free-standing tub and separate walk-in shower brings luxury and relaxation, so long afternoons of laying in the sun can end with a serene soak. Watch the sunset on the private balconies with a tasty refreshment, or spend time stretched out in the large living room areas. On-site the Hyatt Residence Club Ka'anapali beach resort is the zero-entry Wailele lagoon swimming pool, with a perfect backdrop of the Pacific Ocean surrounding the property. Sip on a cocktail from the poolside bar, Pau Huaka'i Tiki Bar. Or, if you're on kid-duty, there's a super fun kids water area.
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The Lahaina Provision Company is the on-site market, which provides guests with fresh fruits and vegetables, gourmet ingredients and even freshly-made sushi. Inside the Lahaina, you’ll also find a coffee bar (the Pawa Kope) which serves delicious local coffee and pastries. If you’re looking to keep your exercise routine in check, the onsite fitness center won’t disappoint. There are elliptical machines, treadmills, free weights and machines. The floor-to-ceiling windows open the room to Maui scenery to look at while you try to stay motivated doing intense cardio.
Explore the Rest of Maui Off the Resort
Of course, the Hyatt Residence Club has a concierge with a wealth of knowledge and must-see activities for guests to enjoy on the island. Only a short stroll away is the Ka'anapali Beach Walk, complete with tons of shops and restaurants. Adventurous spirits need to check out the Beach Activities Center for scuba diving lessons, jet ski rentals as well as paddle boards and kayaks. Or, go straight to the Hyatt Residence Club Ka'anapali concierge to arrange for a complete adventure. They would be happy to set you up with a helicopter tour of the island, or ATV excursions through the tropical foliage. If you've dreamed of seeing Hawaiian waterfalls, explore one of Maui's most breath-taking valleys on a waterfall hike. Nestled on the famous Hana highway, there are several unique and easily accessible waterfalls to see.
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While the Hyatt Residence Club Ka’anapali does not have a spa, there are fantastic options nearby. Just next to the resort, vacationers can delight in the excellent service at the Marilyn Monroe Spa. It offers classic facials and massages in addition to salon services like hair cuts, color and styling. After a rejuvenating day at the spa, take a stroll at another nearby shopping destination - Whalers Village. This outdoor shopping and entertainment area centers around a popular whale museum. There are also luxury shops, a playground and splash pad and live music and hula lessons  in the evenings.
Ka'anapali Beach Resort Resales
If you're reading this and dreaming about the adventures you can take on the Hawaiian island of Maui, dream no more. Becoming a Hyatt Residence Club member means a lifetime of vacations in the most sought-after destinations. It can be as easy as buying a Hyatt timeshare resale! Skip the larger price tag and go straight for the secondary market, where buyers can find their perfect timeshare for less. Other Hyatt Residence Club Locations: Beach House ResortCancun Caribe Villas and ResortCoconut Plantation ResortGrand AspenHacienda del MarHigh Sierra LodgeHighlands InnMain Street StationMountain LodgePinon PointeLake Tahoe Resort and CasinoSunset HarborWild Oak RanchWindward Pointe ResortZilara Cancun
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Windward Pointe in Key West
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Sunset Harbor in Key West Read the full article
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Take care of your skin with the help of Lahaina hydra facial therapy
The hydra facial is one of the most energizing treatments, which syndicate the control of a hydradermabrasion. The machine used for this facial therapy is pulling out the entire pore-clogging material and effective serums are being pervaded deeply into your skin at the same time. The hydrafacial therapy in lahaina is an absolute facial to take care of the dull, clogged pores and also sun screen filled skin. Apart from any other procedures, this unique hydra facial treatment is offering the best serum system that rinses, equally exfoliates and also citations to eliminate the dead skin cells and impurities while replacing the essential nutrients such as peptides, antioxidants and hyaluronic acid.
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Why hydra facial- Relax, Refresh and Renew
If you wish to be good to yourself and look younger always, you can simply pick this hydra facial therapy treatment that hydrates, rinse and also extract. This hydra facial treatment can always make you feel relax, refresh and renew as well as remove all those dead dry skin, ugly black heads, brown spots, breakouts and also vacuum away the dead dry skin. Whenever you want this kind of facial treatment, you can please book advance in your Lahaina massage and then guarantee your appointment date and time. Even the Lahaina massage therapists are well-talented professionals to service and also polite to everyone. Of course, the massage on Maui is somewhat you should not miss, while you are visiting this attractive island.
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worldhotelvideo · 6 years
Intersur Hotel Colon in Colón, Argentina (South America). The best of Intersur Hotel Colon Hotel. Welcome to Intersur Hotel Colon in Colón, Argentina (South America). The best of Intersur Hotel Colon. Subscribe in http://goo.gl/VQ4MLN The common services in the establishment are wifi available in all areas. In the section of food and drink you can enjoy breakfast options, restaurant, room service, snack bar and vending machine (snacks). For health, the establishment includes fitness, foot massage, solarium, full body massage, salt-water pool, sauna, hot spring bath, swimming pool, fitness centre, heated pool, spa and wellness centre, hot tub/jacuzzi, indoor pool (all year), outdoor pool (seasonal), pool/beach towels, massage and back massage. For the reception services we will be able to have luggage storage, 24-hour front desk, tour desk and concierge service. Within the related areas we will enjoy shared lounge/tv area and terrace and sun terrace. Cleaning services will include laundry. If you stay for business reasons in the accommodation you have meeting/banquet facilities. We could highlight other services such as lift, non-smoking throughout, non-smoking rooms, heating and air conditioning [https://youtu.be/JEJH7rT5kCM] Book now cheaper in https://ift.tt/2LYsqr5 You can find more info in https://ift.tt/2uXHVZI We hope you have a pleasant stay in Intersur Hotel Colon Other hotels in Colón Noha Casa de Campo https://youtu.be/MXM5OM6zqUg Other hotels in this channel Novotel Deira City Centre https://youtu.be/VrkSZZPy5L4 Cruccùris Resort https://youtu.be/3SQYzEyZJ9s Country Inn & Suites By Radisson, Mysore https://youtu.be/eaUNrAowkPc YOTEL Singapore Orchard Road https://youtu.be/S7l5T8yzAc8 Hotel Les Ondines Sur La Plage https://youtu.be/SBDuF2QYqCI The Orchids https://youtu.be/2iv8wQi6xdQ Marriott's Maui Ocean Club - Lahaina & Napili Towers https://youtu.be/Q0RsFWt7yqI Yaling Hotel https://youtu.be/HjjbPlS5nU4 Sol Katmandu Park & Resort https://youtu.be/pjgA9Y3jkoo Radisson Blu Hotel Amritsar https://youtu.be/WAurIH1rwyY Millennium Hotel & Convention Centre Kuwait https://youtu.be/NKvgMleH5Hw Seapoint Boutique Hotel https://youtu.be/mZ2Ed0qRY5s Posada Ana Ponce https://youtu.be/QvfWOmYL0hM Mingle At The Eden https://youtu.be/B2Co5z7OW-A The Beehive Inn https://youtu.be/6pNhHYtcxFw In Colón we recommended to visit In the Argentina you can visit some of the most recommended places such as Termas De Colón, Termas de San José, playa punta colon, Parque Dr. Herminio J. Quirós, Museo Provincial Molino Forclaz, Museo Histórico Regional de Colón, Granja La administración, Casino Colón and Playa Nueva. We also recommend that you do not miss Playa Honda, Voulliez, Monumento Orígenes Fundación De Colón, Letrero Colon, Monumento Recuerdo Del Hermanamiento De Colon Y Sion Valais, Espacio De La Memoria, We hope you have a pleasant stay in Intersur Hotel Colon and we hope you enjoy our top 10 of the best hotels in Argentina based in Intersur Hotel Colon Tripadvisor Reviews. All images used in this video are or have been provided by Booking. If you are the owner and do not want this video to appear, simply contact us. You can find us at https://ift.tt/2iPJ6Xr by World Hotel Video
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Everyone says “time flies” but I don’t think you really feel it while in the daily grind. If I wasn’t sure of that before, now my two munchkins, who aren’t quite so small anymore, are constant reminders that time is ever fleeting. Nothing is permanent and the ability exist in the present without desire or regret is incredibly hard to surrender to. Every moment flows to the next like the waterfalls at the Ohe’o Gulch in Hana, Maui. Crystal clear water cascading down out of a rainforest into the turquoise pacific. It’s magic, and when we won’t slow down to enjoy the view we miss it. It had been almost seven years since we had gone to Maui on our honeymoon when we received a save the date for a dear friend’s wedding. I was honored to be invited, but thought that with Chris’ busy work schedule, kids and a stressful home improvement project that this was a trip we would have to sit out. Much to my surprise (and great joy) as soon as Chris saw the invite he exclaimed, “amazing, I can’t wait!”. We began to plan our trip over the next few months and shaped it similarly to the way we did our honeymoon. We had three separate destinations on the itinerary. I was nervous that travel with the kids would prove draining (which at times it was) but for the most part it was an absolute dream.
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We landed at the Kahului airport at around 2pm on a Thursday and promptly each grabbed a kid to divide and conquer the luggage claim and car rental. We were off the airport premises within 20 minutes and on our way to our first destination at the Polo Beach Condos in Wailea. I had some trouble in transmitting the keyless entry code to the itinerary I wrote up resulting in an inability to unlock the door,  we thought we were too early to check in so we got back in the car and set out to grab lunch at the Grand Wailea just a couple minutes up the road. After refueling we grabbed supplies then realized we were supposed to type the # sign in before the code and like that we were in our beachfront condo in paradise. We explored the beach and pool before settling in with some frozen pizza for dinner, gourmet I know… The next day my parents arrived and we gave them the tour after they got acclimated. The condo’s private beach connects to the public Polo Beach and the paved beach walk that runs between the beaches and resorts sprinkled along that Wailea stretch. We walked from our beach over to the Fairmont for some lunch and frosty adult beverages, then back to the condo for swimming at the pool. The sweet smell from the plumeria trees and the warm sticky air awoke my senses. The following morning we were up with the sun and out to grab gear from Snorkel Bob’s by 9am. Our kids are 4 and 6 so I wasn’t sure that we’d really be able to do an activity like this but they LOVED it, and so did we. My youngest had on floaties but our oldest just held onto dad and explored the wildlife off of Ulua Beach. We saw a variety of fish but none as exciting as the Humuhumunukunukuapua’a, aka the Reef Tiger Fish and the official state fish of Hawaii. It’s as fun to say as it is to see in real life. My oldest son loves to watch documentaries and shows about marine life so this was truly one of the highlights of the trip for all of us. The wonder and amazement in his eyes and the enthusiasm with which he spoke about seeing the animals swim right next to him will forever stay in my heart.
After two more nights at the Polo Beach Club Chris and I were ready to set out on our solo adventure for the trip. The wedding day was here and we had managed to sneak off for two nights to the ultra luxe Four Seasons Wailea sans children, a vacation inside our vacation! Of course we were just a couple minutes away if needed but my parents were happy to keep the kids entertained and away for most of those 48 hours. Upon check-in we were greeted with a delicious cucumber lemon infused water and a cool lavender towel that I awkwardly wiped my hands and neck with so as to not be rude. The service at the Four Seasons is unmatched, granted we don’t stay at these sorts of places often. We had booked the room without realizing there was a room block so during check in I mentioned it and asked if we might be able to receive the block rate. The accommodating staff took care of us and issued a credit for the difference. We dropped our bags in our garden view room which was as perfectly set with comfy bed, nespresso, speakers softly playing island music, and a couple of chewy powdered sugar dusted lemony cookies that I ate all myself (Chris isn’t big into the sweets). We then left the room to embark on the festivities for the evening. Ferraro’s is a poolside restaurant and bar at the resort where we started the evening with some cocktails before heading to the lobby. The beautiful bride had emphasized that we meet in the lobby at 4:30 sharp so as not to miss the ceremony. I just assumed it would be onsite at the hotel however several people had speculated that we’d be escorted off site, which is indeed what ended up happening.
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We were transported to a beautiful grassy knoll overlooking the ocean. The bright altar sewn with vivid orange roses, purple orchids, green hydrangeas and more did a spectacular job of framing the gorgeous couple on this perfectly calm afternoon as they declared their love for one another. The vows were romantically heartfelt and left not a dry eye in attendance, at that moment they were true love embodied for us all to see. The cocktail hour was back at the hotel near the lobby where high top tables and purple orchids were merely props for the delectable appetizer tasting and sunset viewing soiree. Couples and friends all posed as the cotton candy sky illuminated – a postcard worthy backdrop.   After the cocktail hour we made our way to the reception on the ocean front lawn. Again stunning and elegant, every detail thoughtfully executed and representative of the happy couple. Bruno Mars played on the speakers to bring them in for their fun entrance before the first dances began. Every person who spoke about the officially formed Wu’s brought soundbite after soundbite that Oprah would deem a “tweetable moment”. This authentically good and kind duo were definitely made for eachother. We rounded out the evening with an unreal buffet (3 tables full of the most delicious food), a dessert bar that even I wasn’t able to take full advantage of due to lack of space in my belly, dancing, and even a nightcap in the lobby bar. Oh and they had a fire performer, I mean come on, it was breathtaking. The Kearney and Wu families know how to throw an epic celebration of love.
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The next morning after nursing our hangovers for a bit we met my parents and our kids in the lobby for breakfast downstairs at Duo. They have a beautiful buffet for adults and a pretty sweet one for keikis, powdered donuts included, however we all opted for made to order meals off the menu. Their Ulupalakua Ranch Breakfast was phenomenal including their unique potatoes that are perfectly crisp on the outside and fluffy soft on the inside.After breakfast we set up the family at the pool, then Chris and I made our way to the Grand Wailea for our massages. This spa is world renowned so we booked our treatments there. Upon arrival we were shown the facilities and escorted to the locker rooms to change and start our experience. My massage was top notch however I did think the facilities felt a bit cheesy and dated. I fell asleep during my massage which is a testament to how relaxed I felt, definitely a good sign. Post massage we went straight for the Serenity Pool back at the hotel where we ordered a Poke sampler to share which I devoured most of without regard for my partner. It all worked out fine as he ordered his own sushi roll shortly after. We sipped on Lahaina Lemonades and reenacted our time spent there on our honeymoon taking silly posed photos and laughing A LOT. Dinner reservations were at Spago we shared a pork belly appetizer and ahi tuna poke in sesame miso cones, yum! For dinner I got a fish curry with rice and Chris enjoyed a szechuan style beef dish, also delicious. My dish came with three flavor enhancing sauces that I was advised to add only after tasting them each individually, instead I threw them all in at once for a flavor tango that danced all over my tongue. We finished up with a chocolatey volcano for dessert. Our experience didn’t disappoint and we felt transported back in time to when we were married. We retired to bed and enjoyed sleeping without kids for another night before returning to the condo to set out on our next adventure. Check in later for part two of our Maui vacation. As always thanks for reading!
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Beauty, Love, and a Dream Vacation (Part One) Everyone says "time flies" but I don’t think you really feel it while in the daily grind.
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massagemauistyle · 1 year
Beach Massage Maui
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Our Massage Maui Style services include Lomi Lomi, Swedish, deep
tissue, Wailuku massage,pre-natal Massage,Lahaina massage and
more. Let one of our licensed therapists treat you to a relaxing
massage.For More Info please visit our website-
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investmart007 · 6 years
Top 10 Real Estate News – Ariana Grande, Shakira & America's Best Beach Towns
New Post has been published on https://is.gd/SCc34M
Top 10 Real Estate News – Ariana Grande, Shakira & America's Best Beach Towns
Pompano Beach, Florida/ June 29, 2018 (STL.News)
“Top 10 Real Estate News” “America’s Best Beach Towns” According to a WalletHub analysis of over 50 factors ranging from housing costs to water quality and number of waterfront homes, Florida has 5 of the top 10 U.S. beach towns and 4 more ranked in the top 20. Lahaina, Hawaii was ranked #1 followed by Naples, Florida #2, and Sarasota, Florida at #3. “Pete & Ariana’s New York Apartment” According to TMZ, pop star Ariana Grande and ‘Saturday Night Live’ comedian Pete Davidson are living in one of Zaha Hadid’s designed buildings in Manhattan’s Chelsea neighborhood. It is not clear whether the newly engaged couple are renting or buying the $16 million apartment. Hadid is the first female winner of the Pritzker Architecture Prize. She died in 2016. “Muhammad Ali’s Michigan Farm For Sale” Muhammad Ali’s longtime Michigan farm is for sale at a very specific price. The last two numbers represent Ali’s 37 career knockouts – $2,895,037. Ali bought the 81-acre property in Berrien Springs in 1975 and spent his summers and some of his retirement years there until his Parkinson’s disease became more advanced and he moved to Arizona. Structures on the property include the main house, carriage house, pool, garages, barns and office epicenter. The elaborate gym has a boxing ring in the center, exercise equipment, a steam room, baths, massage room, laundry and spa. “Cindy Crawford’s Malibu Beach House” Cindy Crawford and her husband, Randy Gerber (George Clooney’s tequila business partner), have sold their Malibu beach-bluff house for $45 million. They put the 5,300-square-foot home with tennis court, pool and path from the bluff to the beach on the market two years ago at $60 million, later reduced to $50 million. “Millions of Households Still Underwater” According to Bloomberg, a decade after the collapse of the housing market, about 4.5 million U.S. home owners are still under water and owe more than their homes are worth. Over 700,000 owe more than twice their home’s current value. Hardest hit areas are Virginia Beach, Baltimore, Chicago and Washington D.C. “Higher Taxes Drive Higher Florida Prices” With higher taxes in northern U.S. states such as New York, Illinois, Massachusetts and Connecticut, more people are moving to no-state-income-tax Florida and driving up the price of luxury properties. According to Realtor.com, prices of Florida luxury condos and homes, defined as the top 5% of the market, are up 19% in the Sarasota area, 14% in Naples and about 9% in Fort Lauderdale. “Oprah Gets Another House” Oprah Winfrey collects all kinds of homes all over the United States. She has or had several fancy condos in Chicago, a farm in Indiana, a home in Hawaii, an equestrian estate in California, a mountain home in Colorado and her latest purchase of a 43-acre estate on Orcas Island near Seattle. She reportedly paid $8.275 million for her newest home. “Michael Phelps House & Pool For Sale” Michael Phelps has listed his Arizona home for $4.1 million. The 6,000-square-foot, ranch-style home includes five bedrooms and seven baths along with a 350-bottle wine room, marble countertops and limestone fireplaces. Phelps bought the Paradise Valley home in 2015 for $2.5 million. “Shakira Relists Miami Contemporary” Pop singer and former ‘Voice’ judge Shakira spends most of her time in Europe these days, so she is selling her Miami Beach home she bought in 2001. With 8,400 square feet and views of the Miami skyline, the six-bedroom, nine-bath home on half an acre near Miami Beach’s oceanfront luxury condos is on a street that has been home to a number of celebrities including Cher, Matt Damon, Billy Joel and Jennifer Lopez. This is Shakira’s second attempt at a sale having previously listed the home at $13 million and $14 million; she is now asking $11.6 million. “Ben Affleck’s Big House” Ben Affleck’s island vacation home off the coast of Georgia is for sale at $8.9 million. The compound includes the 6,000-square-foot, plantation-style Big House; 10,000-square-foot Oyster House, which is a more casual place with six bedrooms and bunk beds built from salvaged merchant ships; and the Summer House handy for cookouts and hanging out. The estate is located on 87 acres on Hampton Island overlooking North Newport River.
_____ SOURCE: https://www.prweb.com/releases/2018/06/prweb15598501.htm
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/of-the-best-rainy-day-activities-on-maui/
25 Of The Best Rainy Day Activities On Maui
The Best Rainy Day Activities On Maui
You come to Maui for the ocean, beautiful scenery, fantastic restaurants, relaxing atmosphere, amazing activities and to have a relaxing vacation. You most likely don’t expect it to rain!  But sometimes it does!  During this 2018 winter season, Maui has seen an unusual amount of rain. That much rain can put a hitch in your ‘sunny beach time‘ giddyup!  Not to worry, we’ve put together the most extensive Best Rainy Day Activities on Maui guide to help you find something wonderful to do while it’s raining!
We chose to buy our condo on the ‘dry’ side of Maui. Kihei is considered the desert area and though we do get rain, it’s generally short-lived. Even still, this year we saw some torrential downpours and I actually bought an umbrella on Maui for the first time.
It’s hard to rely on the weather forecast because the weather can change in a matter of minutes. You just have to adopt a ‘live in the moment‘ attitude and Ho’o Nanea or go with the flow. 
Parts of Maui get rain every day, or nearly every day. The Hana side is the wettest side of the island and rain is expected over there. Maui is made up of hundreds of micro-climates and if it’s raining in one area, generally speaking one can find sunshine on another part of the island.
  Let’s take a look at all the activities and adventures you can take in when it rains on Maui.  These are, of course, listed in no particular order.
1. Head to a sunnier part of the island.  Well seasoned Maui travelers know that if it’s raining in Lahaina, come to Kihei – it’s probably sunny. If your plan was to lay on the beach and soak up some rays or snorkel and play in the ocean and Mother nature has other ideas, then have a look at some of Maui’s web cams to see if there’s a dryer spot you can lay your towel down and have a swim. (TIP– when you’re homesick for Maui, you can visit the webcams while you plan your next trip!)
2. Take in a Free Hula/Polynesian Show. There are several places that offer free live Island style entertainment, not just hula but other types of free things to do such as Ukulele lessons, crafts etc. Check out these places for free activities Shops At Wailea,  Lahaina Cannery Mall,  Queen Ka’ahumanu Shopping Center (Kahului).
Photo by www.hawaii.com
  3. Shop Till You Drop.  There’s no shortage of shopping to be found on Maui and since we just mentioned three of the largest shopping malls on Maui, you might as well do a little shopping while you’re there. Look specifically for Maui Made products so that you’re supporting the local economy and artists. A few other places to take in some shopping is the open-air Kalama Shopping Market (Kihei), Kahana Gateway Shopping Center  (Lahaina) and Maui Mall (Kahului).
4. Island Art Party in Kihei.  Talk about a custom island souvenir! Get in touch with your inner artist. (From their website) Put on apron…Order a drink…have a seat…it’s time to paint and party! No experience necessary. Just follow along as a Partista ( Party Artist) provides step-by-step instructions in creating the featured painting. More info here.
  5. Take in a movie.  Maui has 3 movie theaters (one in Lahaina and two in Kahului) and one slated to open soon in Kihei.  If you’re like me, you never seem to find time to make it to the movies at home. If it’s raining, go take in a movie and most likely by the time the show is over the rain will have stopped.
6. Visit Maui Ocean Center. Come face-to-face with sharks, stingrays, turtles, and thousands of vibrant tropical fish at Maui Ocean Center – The Aquarium of Hawaii!  Read our post on visiting the Maui Ocean Center.
  7. Check out a live show.  Live entertainment can be a great way to ride out the rain storm.  One of my all time favorites is Ulalena, Ulalena is a world-renowned Hawaiian theater production dedicated to telling the story of Hawaii’s people. Burn’n Love the best Elvis show this side of Las Vegas! The Historic Iao Theater in Wailuku offers live plays and entertainment. If you dig magic, then go see Warren and Annabelle’s Magic Show.
  8. Get the royal treatment at a Spa. Who doesn’t love a massage?  Go ahead and pamper yourself, you’re on vacation. (TIP– Check groupon.com for a coupon)
  9. Try one of Maui’s Escape Rooms. What is an escape room you ask? An escape room is an interactive adventure game in which players solve a series of puzzles and riddles using clues, hints and strategy to complete the objectives at hand. Great activities for families, friends, birthday parties, celebrations and even businesses because they rely on team building exercises. At the time of this posting, there are presently 5 different escape rooms to try on Maui.
10. GlowPutt Golf. The original Glow in the Dark Miniature Golf Course.  A staple in the Hawaii entertainment landscape for more than 10 years. Check it out.
  Maui is made up of hundreds of micro-climates and if it’s raining in one area, generally speaking one can find sunshine on another part of the island.
11. Wine Tasting and Winery Tour.  Head upcountry (drive safely) to Maui Wine and enjoy sipping some island made pineapple wine or try one of their sparkling wines!  We love Maui Winery and have posted about them before.  More info here.
12. Watch channel 7 – The Maui Visitor channel on TV.  If you’re the type that never can sit still, embrace the vacation mentality and why not just lay back and watch a little TV. The Maui Visitor Channel always has fantastic,  informative shows. Pour yourself your favorite beverage and kick back! It’s ok to be doing nothing, you’re on vacation!
13. Stay in, Play Games, Enjoy Family Time!  In our crazy-busy lives we don’t often stop to just enjoy family time. There are plenty of games in the TV cabinet so why not pull a few out and have some family play time.  You won’t regret it!
14. Read.  Along that note of staying in and just relaxing, why not pick up a book from our lending library (there’s one available at the lower pool), or from our condo selection of books (take one, leave one) and kick back and relax.  We have several guide books for you to read and you can spend the time planning your next Maui adventure.
15. Try your hand at Glassblowing!  Moana Glass in Lahaina. Wow, here’s a cool activity rain or shine. Check out the finest glass art and glassblowing experiences where you can blow your own glass pieces – now there’s a souvenir!  (TIP– Check groupon.com for a coupon, at the time of this posting there was a $50 off coupon)
16. Makai Glass. Speaking of glass blowing, if you’re upcountry doing one of the other rainy day activities, why not also try Makai Glass studio. They have a cool observation deck where you can watch the action take place below. 

17. Go Museum Hopping.  Maui has lovely museums and a rainy day is the perfect time to go explore them.  Here’s a list of Maui museums and historical houses. Another not listed at that link is the ‘Story of Hawaii‘ Museum located at the Queen Ka’ahumanu shopping center in Kahului. More info on the museum here.
18. Visit Maui’s historic towns. Head upcountry and do some exploring around Maui’s quaint and historic towns. Visit Paia, Makawao, Kula.  Bring your umbrella and don’t worry if you get a little wet. You’re in Maui – and if you’re lucky enough to be in Maui, you’re lucky enough!  These sweet towns offer wonderful opportunities for strolling, shopping, and dining.
It’s raining and the kids are driving you nuts! Get out there and find an adventure. There’s no shortage of things to do on Maui even when it rains!
19. Visit Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center.  If you’re upcountry doing #18 on our list, then you’re just around the corner from the Hui No’eau VAC. Check out their art exhibitions, do a guided tour or pick up a handmade one of a kind piece in their artist’s shop.  Stop in for a visit. More info here.
  20. Explore Front Street Lahaina.  Take your umbrella and head over to Lahaina to walk up and down Front Street.  Lahaina boasts many art galleries, restaurants, shops, museums and of course the Banyan Tree. You’ll find plenty to do even if you do get wet in the process. You won’t be sorry – Maui rains are like a warm shower.
21. Visit Dan’s Greenhouse.  If you’re in Lahaina, hey, why not hit up Dan’s Greenhouse for a live souvenir! Dan’s is located across from the south-east corner of Lahaina’s famous Banyan Tree and sells exotic plants. But the fun comes in the form of parrots and pigs! Dan’s specializes in exotic flora and fauna! More info here.
22. Take a submarine ride adventure. Lahaina is home to Atlantis submarine – if the weather isn’t too bad and just drizzly, then this might be a good option. Not so good if it’s storming.
  23. Try out a new cafe or restaurant.  Maui has no shortage of great cafes and restaurants and a rainy afternoon is a perfect time to venture out and eat. Here’s your chance to go visit a restaurant, either nearby or across the island that you’ve never tried before.
24. Go visit the penguins at the Hyatt Regency.  The Hyatt in Lahaina is host to half a dozen African black-footed penguins and they’re quite a site. Daily penguin feedings happen every morning at 9:30 am in the Penguin Habitat in the Atrium Lobby More info here. 
  25. Chase a Rainbow!  The saying goes ‘No rain, no rainbows’ so why not make the best of the rain and find a rainbow. Maui is know for it’s stellar rainbows and the pot of gold at the end IS the island of Maui!  Go out and chase!
Bonus Activities & Updates
We’re bringing you updates to the list as we find more fun stuff to do while you visit Maui – And.It.Rains!
Bonus #1 – Let the kids (big kids too) bounce off some of that energy at Ultimate Air Trampoline Park. An indoor trampoline bounce-o-rama! More info here.
Do you have a favorite rainy day activity for Maui? Leave us a message in the comments section below and let us know!
    Looking for more Maui vacation ideas? Lots of things to see and do,
come on over and visit our Local Maui Guide or Maui Events Calendar!
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janetchavezcom · 7 years
USA’s 15 Best Summer Adventure Vacations To Get Your Adrenaline Pumping
If museum trips and beach time make you drowsy, it might be time to consider an adventure vacation this summer. These are our top picks for high-energy travel spots, along with some sweet vacation rental pads where you can unwind after scaling desert cliffs, kayaking rapids, or leaping from tall buildings (safely, of course). Because not every summer vacation should be relaxing.
Top Adventure Trips In America
America’s not for the faint of heart. The lower 48 alone have sheer rock walls, raging whitewater, and endless surf breaks. Add in Alaska and Hawaii, and you’re dodging grizzly bears and lava flows. Sound like fun? We think so too. If you’re planning a summer adventure vacation in the USA, every one of these destinations is bucket list material.
Vacation rentals—which you can book right here FlipKey—are a great choice for active trips, with room for the whole adventurous crew. Choose from homes with their own beachfronts, hot tubs, and fully equipped kitchens for cooking up your catch of the day. They’re affordable, too, so you can save some cash for a post-adventure massage (you might need one).
Call up your most daring friends or family, browse our top summer adventure vacations, and book a great place to stay. Better yet? Once you decide on a destination and rental, you can book all your tours, activities, and attractions with our friends at TripAdvisor—right on their site!
Custer, South Dakota | Black Hills And Badlands
In the heart of the Black Hills National Forest, Custer is a great home base for an adventure vacation in South Dakota. Think “Home on the Range”: herds of bison, thick pine forests, and rocky peaks rising from the prairie. The Black Hills are a magnet for mountain biking and hiking, but to experience the scale of America’s great plains, check it all out from above on a hot air balloon tour.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Custer!
Anchorage, Alaska
Summer in Alaska means long days and sunshine, ideal for adventure trips to the surrounding mountains and coast, which get vast and wild just beyond the city limits. Search for grizzly bears and caribou on a wildlife tour from Anchorage, or hike the vast Matanuska Glacier, donning crampons for a hike across the ice.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Anchorage!
Springdale, Utah | Zion National Park
A rainbow of towering sandstone cliffs below a huge desert sky—Zion National Park is among America’s most spectacular places for adventure travel. The options are endless here, and you can dare yourself to follow the vertigo-inducing path to Angel’s Landing, get wet while canyoneering in The Narrows, or try scaling the heights on a guided rock climbing expedition. We recommend staying in a Springdale rental, so you’re right at the park’s front door.
See all TripAdvisor rentals near Zion National Park!
Colorado Springs, Colorado
The Rocky Mountains erupt on the edge of Colorado Springs, an adventure travel hotspot with easy access to the Front Range. Scale the towering sandstone of Garden of the Gods on a rock climbing tour, then try off-roading into Colorado’s Pike National Forest, driving up to 11,200 feet above sea level.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Colorado Springs!
Outer Banks, North Carolina
With coastline for days, the Outer Banks make a dreamy summer adventure vacation destination. This is the spot to leave mainland life behind. Explore the shore on a rented beach cruiser bicycle, take a paddleboard out for a spin, or amp up the adrenaline while learning to surf in Kill Devil. Nags Head also boasts the famous Jockey’s Ridge State Park, with two of the highest sand dunes on the East Coast.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in the Outer Banks!
West Yellowstone, Montana | Yellowstone National Park
The first national park on earth, it’s no surprise that Yellowstone appears on many adventure travel bucket lists. It’s a popular destination—with a West Yellowstone rental being the perfect home base—but there are plenty of ways to ditch the crowds, too. Instead of approaching the bubbling geysers and pools by land, launch a kayak into Yellowstone Lake for a completely different perspective on the volcanic landscape. Not exciting enough? Go look for wolves and grizzly bears on a private wildlife tour.
See all TripAdvisor rentals near Yellowstone!
Sedona, Arizona
Red rocks and maze-like canyons hold a lifetime of hiking trails that that surround this new-age desert town. Locals swear it’s an energy vortex, but it’s also a great home base for some of the best summer adventure trips in the American southwest. Join a float trip down the Colorado River, or take an off-road Jeep tour to ancient ruins. Not all Sedona adventures mean getting dirty, though (this intuitive-led spirit journey goes way off the beaten path).
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Sedona!
Pocono Mountains Region, Pennsylvania
Forested peaks, churning rivers, and endless trails make the Pocono Mountains a stellar summer adventure vacation. You can ride a powerful surge of water on a white-water rafting trip that’s timed to a dam release, then rent a bike to take on the 26-mile Lehigh Gorge Trail, pausing for swim breaks in the nearby river.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in the Poconos!
Maui, Hawaii
From towering waterfalls to bamboo forests and world-class surfing, the gorgeous island of Maui has the ingredients for an unforgettable adventure vacation. You can ride a bike down a volcano then zipline through the jungle, or paddle into the break at Lahaina with a private surfing instructor. If you start to overheat, trade the lush lowlands for bare, volcanic rock in Haleakala National Park, an otherworldly landscape of cooled lava and cinder cones.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Maui!
Hood River, Oregon
Wind whistles through the Columbia River Gorge, whipping kiteboarders and windsurfers across the broad waterway at top speeds. Not that it’s all flat water at this adventure travel destination—white-water rafting on the nearby White Salmon River is a thrilling trip through Class III and Class IV rapids.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Hood River!
Franconia, New Hampshire
New Hampshire’s White Mountains aren’t as famous as the West’s large peaks, but don’t be fooled. Mount Washington, the tallest summit in New England, sees some of the most dramatic weather on earth. Just driving the super-exposed toll road to the top is an adrenaline rush. To really leave the crowds behind on an adventure tour, opt for a helicopter trip over the White Mountain peaks and valleys of Franconia Notch. Another fan favorite for getting a bird’s eye view is hopping aboard the Cannon Mountain Aerial Tram.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Franconia!
Bar Harbor, Maine
Take a pre-dawn hike up Cadillac Mountain and you’ll catch America’s first light—its peaks see the earliest sunrise in the continental United States for much of the year. The mountaintop is a favorite destination in Acadia National Park, a gorgeous adventure travel spot that sprawls across Mount Desert Island. Rappel down Otter Cliff then tackle challenging rock climbing as waves crash below your feet. For stellar views of the surrounding islands, scale the exposed paths up Beehive Trail, which features iron rungs sunk into the pink granite.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Bar Harbor!
Yosemite National Park, California
One of California’s most iconic spots for adventure vacations, Yosemite National Park is a pilgrimage place for outdoors-lovers. Get your heart pounding on a guided hike in the High Sierra, or climb the steep path up Half Dome, an exposed rock peak that’s a Yosemite Valley rite of passage. It’s not all so hair-raising, though: after a long day on the trail, find a shady spot by the Merced River to soak your feet.
See all TripAdvisor rentals near Yosemite!
Gatlinburg, Tennessee
The gateway to the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Gatlinburg is a great summer adventure vacation destination in the South, with plenty of ways to get off-road and into the woods. Try renting a four-person ATV for a day of exploring that’s rugged and independent. If you’d rather hunt for some of the waterfalls hidden throughout the park, opt for a guided hiking tour that leaves marked trails behind.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Gatlinburg!
Las Vegas, Nevada
Not every adrenaline-fueled adventure trip is about the great outdoors, and Las Vegas is ground zero for some seriously heart-pounding experiences. If you’ve got the nerve, challenge yourself to jump from the Stratosphere Tower, race exotic cars,  go skydiving, or try “land sailing,” streaking across the desert in a sail-powered trike.
See all TripAdvisor rentals in Las Vegas!
This post was originally published on the TripAdvisor Rentals blog. FlipKey is a TripAdvisor company.
The post USA’s 15 Best Summer Adventure Vacations To Get Your Adrenaline Pumping appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from Tips For Traveling https://www.flipkey.com/blog/2018/03/01/usas-15-best-summer-adventure-vacations-get-adrenaline-pumping/
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One of the reasons why we chose to spend our vacation on the Hawaiian islands was because of our Maui experience, in July 2013.  We chose the same resort for our stay,  The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii, for many reasons, but most importantly because we couldn’t imagine staying anywhere else.  With our tennis racquets in tow, we embarked on the last leg of our Hawaiian adventure. 
We flew from Honolulu, on Island Air to Maui.  As we waited for our flight in the Honolulu airport we noticed that Island Air also flew directly to Kapalua (next time we will fly to Kapalua direct, instead of Maui).  We took an Uber from the airport area to the resort (tip: Uber will not pick up at the airport,  we were picked up off airport property.  The Uber ride was around $45 in comparison to the taxi which will cost around $135 to $150).  The drive from Maui airport to Kapalua was a breathtaking coastline drive, around 45 minutes to an hour.   As a bonus, our Uber driver shared with us the great places to surf in the area and the different surfing trends in Maui.  We were dropped off at our resort, The Ritz Carlton, Kapalua.
We stayed on the club level of the Ritz Carlton, Kapalua with an Oceanview room.  The club lounge offered its own club concierge plus several offerings throughout the day (breakfast, lunch, snacks, beverages and dessert).  The concierge was very knowledgeable about the local restaurants, activities such as luaus (you have to experience a luau once – we did last visit, arranged through the Ritz Carlton Kapalua), golf (on property), other excursions such as helicopter tours and of course, where to play tennis!
We were excited to play tennis on one of the two tennis courts at the Ritz Carlton, Kapalua since during our last stay, the courts on property, were under construction.   We were told racquets and balls were available for our use; however, we brought our own and walked down the trail of the resort towards the ocean.  The tennis courts were nestled in the hill with the resort view on one side and the ocean view on the other, next to a pavilion.  If you continued to walk a short distance, down to the beach, the Burger Shack is known for their burgers and shakes, with oceanside seating in its coconut grove.   We played on the pristine tennis courts despite the October trade winds, our biggest opponent, with the ocean as our back drop.  We were in paradise.
When staying at the Ritz Carlton, Kapalua, guests have access to the Kapalua Golf Resort and Tennis Garden.  Shuttles are available to take guests to the many restaurants, golf or tennis.  We planned our next couple of days with semi – private lessons with the head pro.  We were also invited by the Kapalalua Tennis Garden staff to play in the daily organized mixed doubles that day.  We headed to the resorts pool after playing tennis.  On the way down to the pool, we passed the fitness center and spa.  The resort offered many classes including yoga and a resort hike.   After a leisurely time at the pool, we stopped at the spa to set up a spa appointment.
The resort’s spa was phenomenal.  The spa shop carried a large line of merchandise from yoga clothing to beauty supplies.  I found vitamin drops for my water bottle, to try out.  I thought it would be a great way to remember to take my vitamins.  I booked my massage which came with an complimentary foot treatment (perfect for my tennis feet).  The locker rooms had their own steam room, sauna, and its own relaxation room.  I loved how the relaxation room was set up with chaise lounges, separated by sheer curtains.  It was private yet open, with soft lighting.  The spa assistant provided me with a warm neck heated wrap, as I waited for my massage.  My massage was amazing!   Afterward, the therapist showed me to a coed outdoor lounge with its waterfall fountain.  It was a little bit of paradise in the spa.  The spa reception explained that if you did not book a spa treatment, daily spa use was $25.  The Ritz Carlton Kapalua Spa delivered an experience almost as rewarding as our time at the Kapalua Tennis Garden.
At the Kapalua Tennis Garden in Lahaina, Maui, Hawaii, we played tennis with the Head Tennis Professional, Nick Provenza.  Nick Provenza formerly was a Tennis Professional for the Four Seasons Resort in Orlando, Florida.    Nick challenged us from beginning to the end of each drill.  We had great takeaways from our time with Nick.   We were surprised after just hitting once with him that he could offer unique constructive advice.  It was difficult when it was time to return home from Maui, because tennis with Nick was that good, at the Kapalua Tennis Garden!
The advice that Nick gave me was:  when receiving serve from the Ad court side, I should take a couple of steps to the left.  He said, with a big forehand, by standing more to the left, I should be able to receive a lot more forehand opportunities.  If the server hits down the middle, I should still be able to return that ball, too!  I banked his good advice for my next match (and it worked!).   
The Kapalua Tennis Garden, offered many clinics daily,  for different levels to sign up, as well as daily organized double, round robins.  The Pro Shop was well stocked with anything you might need for tennis with friendly assistance to ensure all your tennis needs were met!  The Kapalua butterfly vibration dampener purchased from the Pro Shop was placed on my tennis racquets as a reminder of our exceptional experience. The symbol for Kapalua is a butterfly with a pineapple in the middle.  We were told that the butterfly stands for the transformation from agricultural land to resort and the pineapple stands for hospitality.  Our visit to Kapalua Tennis Garden epitomized the Kapalua symbol from beginning to end.    We only had two days at this great tennis facility, but we definitely had great tennis instruction and workouts.
After our workout, we had lunch at the club lounge (For those with avoid gluten, the club lounge offered many gluten free choices, including gluten free bread upon request).  We then hiked along the ocean trail near the resort (about 2 1/2 miles).  We chose a path to the Cliff house, a specialty restaurant perched on a cliff, with waves crashing below.  At the end of the rocky path, we ran into a large group of Hawaiian teenagers, as they dove from the cliff, into the ocean.  They bravely timed their dives with the waves as their friends watched and basked in the sun on the cliffs, high above the ocean.  After the tide became stronger, we continued to walk along the coastline while the waves broke against the rocks with awesome force.  We were in paradise, in the middle of the ocean.
At the end of each day, on the back balcony facing the ocean, at the Ritz Carlton, Kapalua, the slow rhythmic beat of the pahu drum brought out the Hawaiian Native, who chanted towards the sunset and blew into her conch shell as the sun set.  It was a beautiful Where to live in Aloha!way to be thankful for so many things.
Mahalo, Maui!  We were truly blessed to have had the opportunity to visit Maui, Hawaii.  From hiking alongside the ocean, playing tennis at the Kapalua Tennis Garden, the delicious epicurean offerings of the club lounge, relaxing Spa and awesome sunset serenade, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua as one of the the best places to live in Aloha!
I would be honored if you would share this review or like it!  Please share your comments or own experience!
Sunset ceremony, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Sunset ceremony, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
cheers, Sunset ceremony, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Coastal hike, Kapalua, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Our tennis drill at Kapalua Tennis Garden, with Nick!
Kapalua Tennis Garden, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Weather station! Kapalua Tennis Garden, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Nick, Head Tennis Professional, The Kapalua Tennis Garden, Maui, Hawaii
View from the tennis courts, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Kapalua Tennis Garden, Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Beautiful Hawaiian flowers, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Rainbow, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Hiking the ocean trail, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Beautiful floral arrangement, entrance of, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Tennis courts, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Oceanview room! The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
Island Air, our hopper flight from Honolulu to Maui, Hawaii
Tennis courts, The Ritz Carlton Kapalua, Maui, Hawaii
                Where to live in Aloha! One of the reasons why we chose to spend our vacation on the Hawaiian islands was because of our Maui experience, in July 2013.  
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janerchambers88 · 7 years
9 Affordable Island Honeymoon Destinations Right Here in the US
They say all you need is love… but we like to think a spectacular island honeymoon never hurt anyone!
While it might be tempting to spend big bucks on a post-nuptial trip to Bali or Fiji, you don’t have to break the bank to have the honeymoon of your dreams. In fact, some of the most beautiful (and affordable!) island honeymoon spots are right here in the US!
Whether you’re ready to book or still adding inspiration to your Pinterest boards, our list can help you decide where to kick off your married life together. From coastal towns just a hop, skip and a jump away from the mainland to lush Hawaiian villages in the middle of the Pacific, we’ve highlighted some of the most affordable island destinations and the can’t-miss restaurants nearby. Honeymoon bliss found!
Hatteras Island, North Carolina | Avg. Weekly Rate: $846
For many honeymooners, Hatteras is just right—offering a quintessential Outer Banks experience, from endless beaches and historic lighthouses to romantic waterfront dining! Plant yourself in the sand and take in panoramic views of the Atlantic as far as the eye can see. Feeling adventurous? Try your luck kiteboarding through the waters of Pamlico Sound, or cast your fishing line into the water right from the beach. At the end of the day, retreat to your vacation home to listen to the waves wash over the shore. You’ll leave your stresses of planning on the mainland when you escape to Hatteras Island for your honeymoon!
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: The Open Water Grill keeps things “simple and delicious” with a menu that features fresh Outer Banks seafood and a long list of cocktails. Dine on the deck overlooking the water or enjoy the colorful decor inside—you can’t go wrong here!
See all Hatteras Island vacation rentals
Marco Island, Florida | Avg. Weekly Rate: $849
You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced a Marco Island sunset. The sky becomes a dazzling watercolor of pastels and serves as the perfect backdrop for a cozy dinner for two on the water. In addition to its breathtaking setting, Marco Island offers plenty of adventure! Tour Everglades National Park in a swamp buggy, rent stand-up paddleboards to explore the surrounding waterways, or simply lie on the beach, Piña Colada in hand.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Cafe de Marco Restaurant is where visitors and locals alike go for succulent Gulf seafood in Marco Island. Specialties include Shrimp Aubergine, Tilapia and Snapper Almondine and it’s diverse menu offers something for even the pickiest of eaters. Call ahead for a reservation and enjoy your meal in the outdoor courtyard.
See all Marco Island vacation rentals
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii | Avg. Weekly Rate: $895
If wide swaths of golden beaches, privacy and an endless supply of tropical drinks are what honeymoon dreams are made of, Kailua-Kona definitely delivers! Wake up each morning to the smell of Kona coffee brewing and enjoy breakfast on your balcony. In the afternoon, head to the beach for swimming and snorkeling, or hike the local trails until you reach a secluded waterfall. The fun doesn’t end once the sun goes down either! Make your way downtown for a Mai Tai or kick up the romance stargazing at the summit of Mauna Kea.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Known for its award-winning food and exceptional dining experience, Roy’s is a staple in Waikoloa. The cuisine is island-inspired and rooted in freshness and flavors that are totally worth the splurge.
See all Kailua-Kona vacation rentals
Mount Desert Island, Maine | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,227
Home to the majestic Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island is where honeymooners go to escape the crowds and unwind amidst nature. Stroll along scenic Shore Path, which wraps around a portion of the island, or wake up early and hike to the top of Cadillac Mountain for a jaw-dropping sunrise. If you’re just as happy sunbathing on the beach, pack up your cooler and spend the day at Sand Beach. Whether you’re looking for a spot along the rugged coastline or a rental right downtown, this affordable island destination has plenty to choose from for your honeymoon.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Red Sky is the perfect place to celebrate your nuptials. From fresh seafood caught off the coast of Maine to locally grown produce, there’s something to please all palates here.
See all Mount Desert Island vacation rentals
Whidbey Island, Washington | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,137
You don’t have to be a wine connoisseur to appreciate Whidbey Island (but it won’t hurt!). This picturesque island in Puget Sound is known for its critically acclaimed wines, craft beers and world-class spirits. Enjoy a tasting at one of the island’s two distilleries or sample the region’s unique wines over a romantic dinner for two. In addition to its culinary scene, Whidbey Island boasts a number of secret beaches, beautiful state parks and scenic hiking trails, which make it an unmatched setting for your honeymoon.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Treat your taste buds to a delightful meal at Christopher’s on Whidbey during your honeymoon. This island favorite has been serving fresh Northwest cuisine and distinctive local wines for more than 30 years.
See all Whidbey Island vacation rentals
Sanibel Island, Florida | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,211
Surround yourself with swaying palm trees and white sandy beaches on Sanibel Island. Located just off Florida’s Gulf Coast and accessible via car, it’s an affordable island honeymoon spot with serious appeal. Rent bicycles and cruise along the coastline, browse the local art galleries, or comb the beaches for seashell souvenirs. Just want to relax? Sanibel Island boasts 15 miles of unspoiled beaches, warm water and abundant sunshine. Whether you’re all about the romance or looking to experience the area like a native, it won’t disappoint!
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Sweet Melissa’s Cafe features impeccable service and an inviting atmosphere all honeymooners will enjoy. Choose a specialty cocktail, share a small plate or order an entree—there’s plenty to choose from on the menu at this Sanibel Island treasure!
See all Sanibel Island vacation rentals
Lahaina, Hawaii | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,589
For easy access to some of the world’s best beaches, look no further than Lahaina. This historic waterfront town sits on the coast of Maui and draws millions of travelers each year. When you arrive, make your way straight to the beach. Whether you’re swimming, surfing or sunbathing, any stress from wedding planning will vanish as soon as you hit the sand. Once the sun sets, stroll down bustling Front Street to shop and dine at your leisure. The possibilities for fun and romance are endless in this tropical paradise.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Owned by Mick Fleetwood of the rock band Fleetwood Mac, the award-winning restaurant Fleetwood’s on Front St. is well-known for its live entertainment and top-notch food. Stroll around downtown Lahaina and let the music drifting from the rooftop  lure you inside for happy hour or dinner.
See all Lahaina vacation rentals
Fire Island, New York | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,750
It’s unlikely you’ve ever experienced a place quite like Fire Island. With car-free streets and small-town vibes, you’ll feel like you’ve gone back in time when you step off the ferry. Explore the quaint island via bicycle or walk hand-in-hand along the wooden boardwalks, taking in 360-degree views of nature. Whether you prefer romantic picnics on the beach or lively happy hours where cocktails are never far from reach, this affordable island honeymoon destination has a bit of everything.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Famed for its refreshing “Rocket Fuel” cocktail and waterfront location, CJ’s Restaurant & Bar is the place to go on Fire Island.. Stop in for the mouthwatering food and stay for the lively beach party atmosphere.
See all Fire Island vacation rentals
Kiawah Island, South Carolina | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,836
Pop the champagne and settle into a cozy waterfront cottage during your honeymoon on Kiawah Island. This destination is famous for its wind-swept beaches, championship-level golf courses and tasty Lowcountry fare, and it continues to be a fabulous source for honeymoon bliss. After a round of 18 holes, pamper yourself at the spa with a couples massage or drift to sleep in a hammock at your rental. From its pristine natural landscape to its laid-back atmosphere, Kiawah Island is an ideal island honeymoon destination that doesn’t break the bank.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: For those who enjoy tender filet mignon and fine wine, The Ocean Room at Kiawah Island is a must. Its signature dishes and unparalleled steakhouse experience keep visitors coming back time and again.
See all Kiawah Island vacation rentals
*Weekly rates reflect the median rates for a one-bedroom rental in that destination from June-August 2017, according to FlipKey data. 
The post 9 Affordable Island Honeymoon Destinations Right Here in the US appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
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mrrolandtfranco · 7 years
9 Affordable Island Honeymoon Destinations Right Here in the US
They say all you need is love… but we like to think a spectacular island honeymoon never hurt anyone!
While it might be tempting to spend big bucks on a post-nuptial trip to Bali or Fiji, you don’t have to break the bank to have the honeymoon of your dreams. In fact, some of the most beautiful (and affordable!) island honeymoon spots are right here in the US!
Whether you’re ready to book or still adding inspiration to your Pinterest boards, our list can help you decide where to kick off your married life together. From coastal towns just a hop, skip and a jump away from the mainland to lush Hawaiian villages in the middle of the Pacific, we’ve highlighted some of the most affordable island destinations and the can’t-miss restaurants nearby. Honeymoon bliss found!
Hatteras Island, North Carolina | Avg. Weekly Rate: $846
For many honeymooners, Hatteras is just right—offering a quintessential Outer Banks experience, from endless beaches and historic lighthouses to romantic waterfront dining! Plant yourself in the sand and take in panoramic views of the Atlantic as far as the eye can see. Feeling adventurous? Try your luck kiteboarding through the waters of Pamlico Sound, or cast your fishing line into the water right from the beach. At the end of the day, retreat to your vacation home to listen to the waves wash over the shore. You’ll leave your stresses of planning on the mainland when you escape to Hatteras Island for your honeymoon!
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: The Open Water Grill keeps things “simple and delicious” with a menu that features fresh Outer Banks seafood and a long list of cocktails. Dine on the deck overlooking the water or enjoy the colorful decor inside—you can’t go wrong here!
See all Hatteras Island vacation rentals
Marco Island, Florida | Avg. Weekly Rate: $849
You haven’t lived until you’ve experienced a Marco Island sunset. The sky becomes a dazzling watercolor of pastels and serves as the perfect backdrop for a cozy dinner for two on the water. In addition to its breathtaking setting, Marco Island offers plenty of adventure! Tour Everglades National Park in a swamp buggy, rent stand-up paddleboards to explore the surrounding waterways, or simply lie on the beach, Piña Colada in hand.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Cafe de Marco Restaurant is where visitors and locals alike go for succulent Gulf seafood in Marco Island. Specialties include Shrimp Aubergine, Tilapia and Snapper Almondine and it’s diverse menu offers something for even the pickiest of eaters. Call ahead for a reservation and enjoy your meal in the outdoor courtyard.
See all Marco Island vacation rentals
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii | Avg. Weekly Rate: $895
If wide swaths of golden beaches, privacy and an endless supply of tropical drinks are what honeymoon dreams are made of, Kailua-Kona definitely delivers! Wake up each morning to the smell of Kona coffee brewing and enjoy breakfast on your balcony. In the afternoon, head to the beach for swimming and snorkeling, or hike the local trails until you reach a secluded waterfall. The fun doesn’t end once the sun goes down either! Make your way downtown for a Mai Tai or kick up the romance stargazing at the summit of Mauna Kea.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Known for its award-winning food and exceptional dining experience, Roy’s is a staple in Waikoloa. The cuisine is island-inspired and rooted in freshness and flavors that are totally worth the splurge.
See all Kailua-Kona vacation rentals
Mount Desert Island, Maine | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,227
Home to the majestic Acadia National Park, Mount Desert Island is where honeymooners go to escape the crowds and unwind amidst nature. Stroll along scenic Shore Path, which wraps around a portion of the island, or wake up early and hike to the top of Cadillac Mountain for a jaw-dropping sunrise. If you’re just as happy sunbathing on the beach, pack up your cooler and spend the day at Sand Beach. Whether you’re looking for a spot along the rugged coastline or a rental right downtown, this affordable island destination has plenty to choose from for your honeymoon.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Red Sky is the perfect place to celebrate your nuptials. From fresh seafood caught off the coast of Maine to locally grown produce, there’s something to please all palates here.
See all Mount Desert Island vacation rentals
Whidbey Island, Washington | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,137
You don’t have to be a wine connoisseur to appreciate Whidbey Island (but it won’t hurt!). This picturesque island in Puget Sound is known for its critically acclaimed wines, craft beers and world-class spirits. Enjoy a tasting at one of the island’s two distilleries or sample the region’s unique wines over a romantic dinner for two. In addition to its culinary scene, Whidbey Island boasts a number of secret beaches, beautiful state parks and scenic hiking trails, which make it an unmatched setting for your honeymoon.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Treat your taste buds to a delightful meal at Christopher’s on Whidbey during your honeymoon. This island favorite has been serving fresh Northwest cuisine and distinctive local wines for more than 30 years.
See all Whidbey Island vacation rentals
Sanibel Island, Florida | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,211
Surround yourself with swaying palm trees and white sandy beaches on Sanibel Island. Located just off Florida’s Gulf Coast and accessible via car, it’s an affordable island honeymoon spot with serious appeal. Rent bicycles and cruise along the coastline, browse the local art galleries, or comb the beaches for seashell souvenirs. Just want to relax? Sanibel Island boasts 15 miles of unspoiled beaches, warm water and abundant sunshine. Whether you’re all about the romance or looking to experience the area like a native, it won’t disappoint!
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Sweet Melissa’s Cafe features impeccable service and an inviting atmosphere all honeymooners will enjoy. Choose a specialty cocktail, share a small plate or order an entree—there’s plenty to choose from on the menu at this Sanibel Island treasure!
See all Sanibel Island vacation rentals
Lahaina, Hawaii | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,589
For easy access to some of the world’s best beaches, look no further than Lahaina. This historic waterfront town sits on the coast of Maui and draws millions of travelers each year. When you arrive, make your way straight to the beach. Whether you’re swimming, surfing or sunbathing, any stress from wedding planning will vanish as soon as you hit the sand. Once the sun sets, stroll down bustling Front Street to shop and dine at your leisure. The possibilities for fun and romance are endless in this tropical paradise.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Owned by Mick Fleetwood of the rock band Fleetwood Mac, the award-winning restaurant Fleetwood’s on Front St. is well-known for its live entertainment and top-notch food. Stroll around downtown Lahaina and let the music drifting from the rooftop  lure you inside for happy hour or dinner.
See all Lahaina vacation rentals
Fire Island, New York | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,750
It’s unlikely you’ve ever experienced a place quite like Fire Island. With car-free streets and small-town vibes, you’ll feel like you’ve gone back in time when you step off the ferry. Explore the quaint island via bicycle or walk hand-in-hand along the wooden boardwalks, taking in 360-degree views of nature. Whether you prefer romantic picnics on the beach or lively happy hours where cocktails are never far from reach, this affordable island honeymoon destination has a bit of everything.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: Famed for its refreshing “Rocket Fuel” cocktail and waterfront location, CJ’s Restaurant & Bar is the place to go on Fire Island.. Stop in for the mouthwatering food and stay for the lively beach party atmosphere.
See all Fire Island vacation rentals
Kiawah Island, South Carolina | Avg. Weekly Rate: $1,836
Pop the champagne and settle into a cozy waterfront cottage during your honeymoon on Kiawah Island. This destination is famous for its wind-swept beaches, championship-level golf courses and tasty Lowcountry fare, and it continues to be a fabulous source for honeymoon bliss. After a round of 18 holes, pamper yourself at the spa with a couples massage or drift to sleep in a hammock at your rental. From its pristine natural landscape to its laid-back atmosphere, Kiawah Island is an ideal island honeymoon destination that doesn’t break the bank.
Our Romantic Restaurant Pick: For those who enjoy tender filet mignon and fine wine, The Ocean Room at Kiawah Island is a must. Its signature dishes and unparalleled steakhouse experience keep visitors coming back time and again.
See all Kiawah Island vacation rentals
*Weekly rates reflect the median rates for a one-bedroom rental in that destination from June-August 2017, according to FlipKey data. 
The post 9 Affordable Island Honeymoon Destinations Right Here in the US appeared first on The FlipKey Blog.
from The FlipKey Blog http://ift.tt/2s1yjK3
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