kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
Chapter Nine: Leaky Faucet
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It had been two weeks since her first date with Jayson. She had been doing some traveling for work but now she wasback in her city it felt great. Talking to Jayson was apart of her daily Routine she woke up to his good Morning messages she went to sleep with him on the phone she watched his games every time she could she was hooked. She had forgot what it felt like to be in a relationship texting the person whenever you wanted and not being scared of developing feelings she loved it.
When she got home from work she noticed a large Bouquet of Flowers on her front porch she smiled Jayson was so sweet she unlocked her door bringing them in. She shut her door locking it and taking her shoes off going straight to her kitchen looking for the card and her face dropped it wasn't from Jayson at all .... It was Melo🙄.
Hope you haven't forgot about me yet. But We both know you can't 💕 4L
She rolled her eyes he had texted a few times when the pictures came out of her and Jayson all over Boston he wasn't happy at all for three days straight all he saw was her and Jayson on his Twitter feed. But he was getting a taste of his own Medicine for months she watched him and his girlfriend all over social media. Him liking all her pictures and commenting sweet things while she knew the truth but the moment she steps out he's mad.
But no now she was fed up she decides to FaceTime him but she hears the phone ringing at her door she gets scared but goes to her front door looking out the peep hole and there is Melo with a big smile on his face. "I hear you breathing heavy with your short ass" it's cause she was scared he's clearly crazy.
"go away pleaseeee" "you were calling me for a reason" "to tell you to leave me Tf alone Fr Melo " "I drove a while just let me in at least let me see you...."
She thought for a sec and then let him in. At the end of the day she know he won't hurt her physically he's just being annoying asf. He tries to go in for a hug but she moves. "You got some fuckin Audacity to show up here.... Like?" "I just wanted to see if you miss me?" "I think your girl does you should go see her" "why you gotta do that?" "Because why are you here? I'm trying to move on it's selfish of you to even be here right now" "ima selfish Nigga" He laughed "well stop!" "YN just answer the question do you miss me?" "I'm happy did you know that? He makes me really happy he cares about me he makes time for me" "oh so I didn't make time for you? I'm making time right now cause you important to me" she sighed
"what's your point...." "Well if you talking to somebody and I'm in a relationship ... We can still do what we do best but without all the bullshit that you made up cause .... You got somebody to worry about your feelings.... so Let me worry about your body" he brings her body close to him and she gets weak in the knees and just as he's about to kiss her .... Her phone rings saved by the bell.
She jogs back to the kitchen answering Jayson as Melo follows behind her rolling his eyes. "Hey baby you got home fast today" He says smiling in the camera making her naturally smile but she was nervous Melo was unhinged he could say anything and basically ruin this she didn't like feeling guilty. "Yeah I left the office a little early cause you know I'm going out tonight" "yeah I remember cause you gon miss my game" "maybe not we might go to a bar I'll see if they'll put it on" "they Better if not give me a call" Melo rolled his eyes smirking "bae stop 😂😂😂" "okay okay  ima let you go so you can get ready .... Don't drive if you drink" "of course not I'll Uber everywhere😘 mwah" "oooou I miss them lips ...." "I miss your lips more" he bits his lip " I doubt it Bae but text me when you get in or call and I'll do the same" "okay Jay" "alright I'll talk to you later bae....bye" "byeeee" he hangs up she fully exhales
"Well that seemed forced" Melo says with laughter in his voice she rolls her eyes "it's never forced with him though and most importantly I don't have to hide" "you let him hit yet?" "that's not your damn business" "I can't lie when I saw those pictures of you bowling in that tight ass pink dress I almost lost my mind he was right behind that ass ..... remember I had you bent over the night before that? Deep in that pussy moaning my name you couldn't help yourself then the next day somebody else on that ass how I'm supposed to feel?"
She sighed just his words made her feel him once again but she wasn't a cheater. And she hated that he had this little power over her maybe when her and Jayson do have sex it'll be gone."What I do is no longer your business you cannot be sending me gifts you can't be texting and you definitely can't come to my house anymore I mean that Lamelo I need you to understand how very serious I am I like him a lot I can potentially love him so please leave me alone maybe in the long run we can be friends but for right now let me live my life"
He walked over to her kissing the top of her head innocently as she looked up at him he took the card out of the flowers and backed up. "So you don't wanna fuck me no more?" He said half way joking but also being serious She bit her lip
"no" she says softly he smacked his lips "see.... You don't even mean that shit" "I'm not a cheater Lamelo" "how it's cheating y'all not in a real relationship yet you being loyal to niggas when y'all just talking?" "we are though we made it official the first date you don't know nothing about that though you couldn't commit if it was gun to your head" "if you think he being loyal you out of your mind no nigga just jumps into a relationship like that something wrong with him you special but he still a nigga" "well I'll cross that bridge when I get to it" "okay but if you cheat back cheat with me" "Lamelo!"
"Okay okay that was a joke my bad .... Ima head out ima lose your number and leave you Tf alone but when it don't work out with him and you hit me back up you gon have to make it all the way up to me .... I'm talking rounds" she rolled her eyes "bye the cockiness coming out of your body is not charming right now try to be happy for me" "so what you gon do when he can't fuck you like I fuck you? You think anybody knows your body like I do? I be in that shit ...... you think he can do that to you?"
That's definitely something she had thought about even on Melos off nights the sex was good.But her and Jayson hadn't had sex yet she was taking it slow. "I do think he can yeah" "you know you lying .... You think you getting three nuts with him?" "It's easy to make me cum" he rolled his eyes again
"shut up it's easy for me to make you cum not nobody else not even yourself" He was telling the truth but the only reason it took her a while was because she would start thinking about other shit or she would just get tired "well he'll figure it out cause he gives enough fucks to figure it out but as of right now it's still not your business cause even if he can't make me cum it's not your job anymore it never should've been your job so go back to your girl I have shit to do" "alright alright you getting mad so  .... I'm gone.... enjoy my flowers and I'll still send you stuff cause you deserve shit and if at any point I wanna text you I'll just dm you ... ight?" "As if you're gonna listen to me you do what you wanna do but don't expect shit from me" "ight then" he licks his lips leaving her kitchen heading straight to her front door and walking right out.
The pictures of her and Jayson were over ever blog by the time they even had a second date they were calling her the mystery girl. They saw everything from the hand holding to the kisses on the back of the golf cart they had every picture of them at dinner that night and at the bowling alley she had never scrolled so many times and saw herself it was wild and she wasn't sure if she liked it or not people still didn't really know who she was and she liked that. She's a normal girl who's dating a NBA player .... That's it.
Yo you good you seemed a little out of it on the phone... I know you didn't say anything but if I'm hitting you up to much let me know..... I wanna ease you into everything so if I'm doing too much or not enough let me know
Seeeee Jayson is perfect like he's about to go play his heart out but he took the time to text her cause he was worried. And he already knows her so well and is willing to work with her to help her unlearn some unhealthy behaviors she has in relationships.... He was Guiding her through it all she loves it here
I am so sorry it's just a lot going on here but when I can I'll explain it to you in person so I can be 100% honest but you talk to me the right amount I Love the messages and phone calls ... please don't stop
😂😂 okay okay you had me worried
Nahhh don't worry 😘 enjoy your game baby
I will every free throw that goes in is for you so make sure you send me pictures of what you wearing tonight🤤🤤
Well I know y'all about to win so it'll be a lot and You using that emoji like you know ima look good
I do know you're gonna look .... When do you not look good?
When I first wake up
I bet that's a lie I guess I'll see that soon though
Mmmm will you?
Yeah.... I'm almost certain that I will
We shall see Bae ....
Shall? Really YN
Yeah I'm fancy tonight
😂😂 I gotta go Fr bae be good and have fun
Alright bae ttyl
He loved the message
She had all intentions on telling him about Melo because now he was involved in it and she doesn't ever want him in a situation not knowing something from her past cause she doesn't wanna seem sneaky and one things for sure if you hide something like that from a partner it'll come to light
*three months later*
Melo and his girl had broken up. Messages were leaked where he was talking to other girls. What does this have to do with YN? Her messages were leaked too thankfully it wasn't any nasty things but it left a lot of people wondering why Jayson Tatum's girlfriend was texting Lamelo Ball five months ago. How did they know each other?
Thankfully the season was over so they had been spending more time with eachother. It was his week to come to her city and spend time with her. When the news broke they were just chillin on the couch her head in his lap as he played in her hair he was watching a game and she was on her phone. Doing their own thing together had been their way to relax. As she scrolled Aimlessly through Instagram she saw the blogs reporting on Melo and then she saw her contact name with her picture.... What type of Cheater puts a picture of the girl too. She didn't like him for being thorough but especially not now she gasp loudly
"oh my gosh bae" "what's up" she sat up slowly. "Ummm Melos text messages leaked...." "And?" "And some of our threads leaked too and he had my picture saved on my contact so people know it's me it's from five months ago" he rolled his eyes he remained quiet which scared her more. He was getting annoyed with the same conversation Melo was constantly coming up he was over it "Please say something" She says softly she could feel his energy but she didn't judge him for it. She completely understands it.
"you gon tell me how serious it was now? Because you didn't go in enough detail which was fine then but now people about to be a dog with a bone and I don't need nobody coming to me telling me shit about you that I don't know so tell me everything right now" "he's the guy I was talking about the first night we met—" He cut her off cause he could tell she was about to drag this on and he was running out of patience "duh you told me that tell me something else some shit I need to know is your pussy in his phone? Where you talking about sexual shit with him? Did you ever say I love you?"
Jayson snuck that last part in he had slip up during sex and said he loved her she didn't think anything of it because it was during sex but when he brought it up later she knew he was serious and she had hurt him. She ended up saying it a few weeks later when she was sure she meant it but it still hurt him not that he would ever say that out loud.
"I didn't send any pictures or videos .... Um and it shouldn't be any overly sexual stuff in there we would mostly talk in person our texts were just like plans" "what else I ask?" She sighed " no I didn't tell him I love him cause I didn't and I don't but I love  the way you treat me and talk to me and work with me I love your hands and your smile .... I love you Jayson" she kissed his cheek softly "I'm being too hard on you for having a past  ... and I'm sorry" "I feel like I keep hurting you cause I'm so damn damaged"
"nah you not hurting me I said we doing this together.....anything else I need to know?" She shook her head no "you sure?" "Well idk if this is important but remember I told you he came over here unexpectedly that one time?"
"Yeah" Jayson sits up listening intently "he basically was saying that you jumped into a relationship with me too fast and you're probably cheating .... And I think him saying that did effect me a little bit cause you're just too good to be true" "YN you acting like I haven't fucked up... we've argued I've said some hurtful shit I'm not perfect but I'm not cheating if I was gon cheat I would've just been single but I know this is where I'm supposed to be....
So don't let that shit effect you" she smiled
"I love you baby" she says softly he leans in to kiss her lips passionately "I love you too" he said quickly and then continued to kiss her she straddled his lap and his hands rest firmly on her ass. She moans when he squeezes it tightly. He pulls away slowly. "I love you .... A lot" her heart dropped she felt like he was about to say something crazy "I love you too" "but... I gotta be honest with you now that he single im a little worried about .... Us" "you don't have to be"
"but I am though and I hate to seem insecure and I get you was still trying to be cool with him but I don't even want him talking to you Fr but he don't owe me shit im asking you not to talk to him if you feel forced keep it short.... Can you do that for me?" "I wanna say yes...but if his life is in pieces right now me completely ghosting him will only make it worse" "what about my feelings though? I've been playing tug of war with him for you since I met you and he doesn't even have to pull that hard" she kissed his forehead and then his cheek.
"You're right and I'm sorry i won't talk to him and if he messages me then I'll let you know right away because at the end of the day my loyalty is to you I can't put his feelings over yours" he smiled  "thank you baby" he pulls her in giving her a big hug. He started to kiss on her neck making her moan squeezing her butt again then she heard her doorbell causing both of them to glance at the door.
"You was expecting somebody?" He asked "noo so leave them out there I want you right now" he smiled kissing her again as it got heated. The person knocked on the door "yo YN answer the door we need to talk" and just like that his mood was ruined. He pushed her off of him. "Go to your room" Jayson said aggressively "you're not talking to Deuce and this is my house" "YN I'm asking you please just go" she stood up
"what are you gonna do?" "Tell him to leave you alone .... I'll be nice just go" she rolled her eyes but listened she was interested in what was gonna happen. YN pulled up her app to look at her front porch so she could see Melo. Jayson went to the door opening it
"yo she's sleep" Melos face dropped when he saw Jayson it was like he had seen a ghost.
"Well can you wake her up it's important" "nah man she's tired we been busy but you can tell me whatever you need to tell her though" "why you saying that? cause you know everything?" "Yeah I know it all so what is it" "Some of our messages leaked my girl did it I just wanted her to know it wasn't me and I'm trying to fix it" "alright I'll let her know.... You drove all the way over here to say that?" Melo smirked
"I think we both know that isn't all I wanted to say" "that's my girl now and I'm trying to be nice to you cause I told her I wouldn't hold nothing against you but you can't be poping up to her house no more like this your place it's rude she not gon fold so just hang it up" "you sure she not gon fold? It had to be a reason you didn't let her come to the door" "I don't tell her what to do we have conversations cause I care about her something you don't know about but I'm not about to go back and forth with you my guy she don't want you no more she's good we good" Melo laughed "alright man whatever you need to believe I'm gone..... tell her what I said man" Melo says walking away Jayson shut the door causing YN to come back into the living room.
"I'm gon ask you once and I'm going to believe you so tell me the truth" His voice was very deep and direct "okay" "have you fucked him since we been together? Did you fuck him when he pop up when we had first got together? And do you love him now?" "No no and no I wish it was something I can do or say to ease your Mind" "it's just weird how confident he is that you'll be back that bothers me" "you still want the truth?" "Yes I can handle it" "it's probably the sex .... I'm sure he feels like nobody can ever top him to me so he thinks I'll be back" "and will you?"
"I need more than sex to keep me around I need love and consistency care you do all that and you fuck me what I need any other man for I don't want nobody but you and I mean that" "I can't believe I'm even about to ask this right now but do I please you?" "Bae really?" "Yes I'm really asking when we fuck do you really enjoy it cause if not let's figure it out" "everytime we have sex I enjoy myself I don't have to fake anything with you it be real" "you sure?" "I mean I can show you....." she smirked he smiled walking over to her picking her up. "Yeah show me.... We not talking about that nigga no more" he kissed her taking her to her bedroom "mmmm good"
When they got to the room they stripped eachother quickly and then she got on her knees. He watched her she felt like he was staring through her it was so intense she slowly started to get his dick wet while stroking him she kissed the tip he licked his lips.
She enjoyed sucking his dick because she knew it was completely hers. She could get as nasty as she wanted because he was all hers no sharing no wondering if somebody else was just on it She gagged when his tip hit the back of her throat so she slowly pulled away licking her lips. "Do that shit again" he groaned "do what?" He smiled slightly "choke on it... choke on me again" she didn't speak she just did what he asked her to do slowly placing him in her mouth she allowed him to gag her repeatedly as he groaned she slowly pulled away while stroking him and sucking the tip.
"Fuckkkk" he groaned she loved the way he sounded he was always so mesmerized with whatever she was doing. Almost like he was appreciative and felt like she could be anywhere else but she was here pleasing him. She slapped herself in the face with it. "Damn that's how you feeling tonight?" He groaned she moaned taking him back in her mouth sucking him slowly keeping eye contact with him. "Fuck your mouth feel so good baby .... Just like that"
he loved when she moaned while sucking dick it made him feel like she was really enjoying it and she was. The level of wetness dripping from between her thighs should be a crime right now. He didn't wanna cum too early so it was time for her to stop he was rock hard now"Alright baby show me something else"
he gently pulled her head away and helped her stand up and then he got rough which completely shocked her he flipped her around making her face the wall as she braced herself he wet two fingers and reached in front of her inserting the two fingers inside of her and then started rubbing her clit she was already so wet he didn't know what to do his other hand was wrapped around her throat giving it a slight squeeze everytime she moaned. "It feelsssss so good" "shhh I just wanna hear your pussy"
she gasp and then bit her lip whatever he said she wanted to do her main goal was to please him coming in close second her other goal was to please herself. Her hips started to grind against his hand he placed his thumb in her mouth. She sucks softly as she feels herself getting closer. He listened to the smacking noise her other lips made. "You this wet for me? It's all for me?" "Alll for youuuu" "mmmm it better be" she gasp and grabbed his arm as she almost released. "Can I cum please?" She looked up into his eyes as he smiled at her. "Let me think a lil bit" "ughhhh" "I'm thinking shhhh" he liked to play with her because she always claims she like being teased and she really did it made everything that much more intense for her. "Ple—- plea—-ohhh" she couldn't even finish saying please that's how close she was.
"You wanna cum for daddy?" She nodded her head "and when you cum for daddy then what?" "Ohhhh mmmm I don't ...." "Hmmm you don't what?" Her legs started shaking heavily he smiled he had never got her this close before without letting her go he was kinda interested to see if she would blow. "Pleaseeeeeeee!!!! Pleaseeeeee mmmmm pleaseeee daddy pleaseeeee" "answer my question first" "whatever you want but please I'm so closeeee" her words fumbled out of her mouth he barley could make any sense of it
"go ahead baby cum for me cum for daddy" "thank you daddy" he felt his hand become even more wet as she released while sucking his thumb. "That's my good girl cum for daddy" "ughhhhh" that alone made her wanna do it again. When he felt like she was done he turned her around kissing her he moves her to the bed throwing her down. He leans over spreading her legs and then kissed her clit. "Tell me somethin babe?" "Hmm?" "Can I eat your pussy?" She shivered when the words came out of his mouth it sounded like a song to her she tried to gather herself to speak but couldn't which made him speak up again "please?"
He smiled kissing the inside of her thigh skipping over his main course going to the other thigh. She thrusted her hips up to meet his lips. "Jaysonn...." she whined "Hmmm I'm just trying to please my baby girl and she likes to be teased so tell me what I'm doing wrong?" He says as fingers slide inside of her again. "....nothing nothing at all" "so can I?" "Yesss I want you to"
He kissed her clit again licking up and down and she shivered. "I love you baby" she said softly. His fingers started to flick up inside of her roughly sucking her clit. She loved getting head from Jayson cause she could tell he cared he took his time and listened to her body she didn't have to communicate because he read her mind she loved it they were completely in sync.
He moaned as his tongue curled and licked all over her. "Ooooou baby right there" she was close and they both could feel it He forced one of her legs down because she started to suffocate him. Her back arched he pulled away making her whine missing him already.  "No more teasing please .... I just want all of you" he smiled "so tell me what that means exactly" "I want you inside me Jayson" he kissed up her body engaging her in a long passionate tongue kiss. As she moaned completely read for him he finally slides inside of her they both gasp.
Yes he knew how wet she was but it felt different with his dick and he filled her up so snuggly it was so good to both of them.
"I love you too btw.... I didn't say back earlier but I do" he said while looking deeply in her eyes as he went stroked slowly inside of her. "I know" she grabbed his head kissing him. "I'm sorry for the stupid questions earlier .... I gotta just trust you" she gathered all her strength so she could talk to him clearly "it's not stupid they're real questions I get it's hard to trust people in your like of work you've seen everything" "you right but you different" "very" she smiled kissing him as his rhythm started to increase. "You feel so good" he groaned into her ear while pinning her arms down above her head she was speechless. "Say something baby....." He loved to make her talk when he knew she couldn't
"I—-" "you what?" "Can't..... you're so deep ughhhh" her legs started shaking he smirked he had already had her so close when he was eating her it's a surprise that she didn't cum as soon as he pushed inside of her. He watched her face as she licked and bit her lips to keep her cool but the noises always escaped from her mouth. She intertwines their fingers as her back arched. "I wanna cum with you can you wait for me?" She nodded her head "yessss"  him cumming was very important to her he always went out of his way to give her at least two orgasms so she liked to make sure that he got one. As time went on his hips got sluggish. "Baby .... I can't ... pleaseee" he had finally pushed her to the point where she wasn't sure if she could wait for him. "Baby I'm almost there just look at me and wait" "mmmmmm babbyyyy" "ugh fuck what's my name" "daddyyyy" "good girl cum for daddy cum with daddy" "ughhhhhhh" he sucked on her neck as the released together. He continued stroking until it was nothing left inside of him and then he fell on top of her as they struggled to catch their breath. She held on to him playing in his curls. "You know me .... So well my body you just know me" she said softly she felt him smile.
These days she wasn't worried about it Jayson could compete with Melo in the bedroom because he definitely did he listened to her when she spoke about what she liked and disliked and he like to watch her really enjoy herself he wouldn't be able to enjoy sex if she wasn't getting pleased it if she wasn't into it. She was happy to call him her man.
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Sooooo how y'all liking the book so far?
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freshthoughts2020 · 19 days
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hypebeast1ife · 7 months
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SHOP: SNEAKER THRONE Sneaker Bench Black
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bizarreutopia · 2 years
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NOT FROM HERE👽 *#design #bizarre #utopia #digitalart #nba #lameloball #puma #classic #fashion #clothingbrand #streetstyle #streetwear #streetart #grunge #underground #explorepage #explore #hiphop #daily #alien #outerspace #space #minimal #art #designer #grailedfits #stussy #illustration #basketball https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl_eJoeOuI3/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kicksaddictny · 5 months
Lamelo Ball x PUMA Collaborate on LaFrancé Lifestyle Sneaker Release
Launched through a close collaboration between LaMelo Ball and PUMA's design team, the LaFrancé draws inspiration from LaMelo's namesake lifestyle brand, blending elements of streetwear fashion, sports, and lifestyle seamlessly.
The LaFrancé silhouette epitomizes a fresh interpretation of Melo's style—a bold, chunky, street-inspired approach to off-court fashion, reflecting his dynamic personality and energy. Adorned in a fiery all-red upper and boasting a chunky silhouette, the "Amour" colorway pays homage to the exaggerated aesthetics of Y2K skate culture, setting the tone for future LaFrancé iterations.
Accompanying the sneaker release are a selection of apparel pieces, including graphic tees, a mesh tank, shorts, and track pants, priced between $40 and $110.
Noah Bice, PUMA Hoops Designer of LaFrancé, explains, "Melo's style is larger than life in every aspect. From his chains to his logos, to his ride—he's all about making a statement. We wanted the silhouette to match that vibe. The skate-inspired, chunky upper and cup sole felt like the perfect fit for Melo's inaugural lifestyle shoe."
Scheduled for release on May 17, 2024, the LaFrancé and its accompanying apparel will be available at PUMA.com, the PUMA mobile app, the PUMA NYC Flagship store, as well as Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker, Champs, and select retailers worldwide.
Key design features of the LaFrancé include exaggerated proportions, a chunky zig-zag lace closure, ultra-wide laces, and a well-padded tongue for superior comfort. The mega tongue showcases "LF" and "La France," while the ultra-thick sole features intricate imprints, including iconic graphics. Additionally, the classic cup sole is enhanced with floating ovals, incorporating design elements inspired by a butterfly, symbolizing Melo's one-of-a-kind lifestyle.
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usports · 10 months
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Charlotte Hornets guard LaMelo Ball was helped off the court after an awkward ground landing during a game against the Orlando Magic.
Full Story Here: https://usports.org/hornets-lamelo-ball-doubtful-after-right-knee-sprain/
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vinishbuzz · 2 years
"Breaking: Charlotte Hornets' Lamelo Ball suffers ankle fracture, out indefinitely" #LameloBall #CharlotteHornets #NBA
“Breaking: Charlotte Hornets’ Lamelo Ball suffers ankle fracture, out indefinitely” #LameloBall #CharlotteHornets #NBA Lamelo Ball Suffers Fractured Ankle – Charlotte Hornets In Crisis! Charlotte Hornets’ rising star Lamelo Ball has suffered a fractured ankle, leaving the team in crisis mode. Ball, who has been a key player for the Hornets this season, will now face an extended period of…
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clpthelabel · 2 years
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@melo is unstoppable on the court 💨💨💨 @hornets #lameloball #lamelo #lameloballedit #charolette #hornetsedit #hornetsbasketball #graphicdesign (at Providence, Rhode Island) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoLL3xwutJL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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courtsideheat · 2 years
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The podcast is LIVE and ready to be listened to! There is some drama happening around the deadline that you don’t want to miss… #LakeShow #Lakers #FredVanVleet #LaMeloBall #Hornets #Rockets #NBA #NBANews #BreakingNews #CourtSideHeat #Suns #WeAreTheValley #Bucks #FearTheDeer #Pacers #nationalbasketballassociation https://www.instagram.com/p/CnxUJXmvT-a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Clipper Nation #hawkhoops12uselect #hawkhoops #laclippers #clippernation #cryptoarena #nba #ncaabasketball #basketball #blessed #courtseats #tbe #bbb #lameloball (at Crypto.com Arena) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmdmky_OnX7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kolour-me-kourt · 3 months
First official chapter hope you enjoy💋😘
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How does the saying go? Never say never. Well YN was now a firm believer in that. At this point in her life, she felt like she would be dominating her career and her love life she was excelling in her job right now but her love life ... needed a little love.
She didn't do random hookups or talking stages that last forever and then you never date ..... no she liked to be wined and dined or a guy could just leave her alone and she stood firmly on that until she got this message in her dm.
A message from Melo ball simply saying hey and asking how her day was. She let it sit for a while because she was waiting for him to unsend the message or say he didn't mean to send that to her but hours went by and he never did. She had a little buzz on Instagram but she wouldn't call herself an Instagram model. But every once in a while she would see blue checks sprinkled in her likes and in her story views it made her feel good.
She used her Instagram and her sexuality to get passive money and have a little name for herself. She also gets some money from Instagram when she posts certain things and her main goal was to have several streams of income. So she could do what she really love and that was traveling. If she had it her way every weekend she would be in a different city but she was working up to that.
When she posted a cute video in her story and Melo liked it she finally responded to his dm. "My day has been good what about yours? Thanks for the like" "it's a nice video so of course.... My day been good thanks for asking" "so is there any particular reason you messaged me today?" "Just to get to know you a lil bit I keep seeing your face so I wanted to message you if that's cool wit you ....so where you from" "here and there😂😂"
When he messaged her she could tell he was playing it safe. She knows he has a girlfriend so she wasn't even trying to flirt with him but once the messages move to texting everything speed up. They went from dming each other whenever to texting almost every day. He looked out for her and they were building something. She just had no clue what it was when they were on FaceTime he was clearly flirting and she started to follow his lead but his messages were so dry she never tried to keep a conversation going once it fizzled out. He liked that about her she didn't continue talking when she didn't have anything to talk about she just let it go until the next time they would speak.
But now he felt like he had made a type of bond with her and he felt safe enough to invite her to Miami. He had a game there, and he wanted her to come to see him play in action. She felt like she shouldn't say yes but she did anyway and she was excited to see him in person. She had been to games before he knew who she was. And she always had fun at the games but she wasn't sure if they were gonna met up finally so she decided to make a girls' trip out of it.
"Who wants to go to Miami with me Friday afternoon and come back Monday night🧐 I'll pay for the airbnb since it's random "
The group chat was dry for a little while until all the messages started pouring in
They were all in truth be told they had been looking for a reason to get out of the city so this was perfect.
Three days later they were in Miami.
Miami is the city of partying and plastic surgery. A city that so many Americans flock to just to get a chance at meeting a celebrity or just maintaining a lifestyle. But YN was here for a girls' trip. She and her closest friends were taking this time to live their best lives. A trip to Miami would be new for some of the people in the group and YN just really wanted to have fun. She didn't get out much but when she did she made sure she had enough fun to last her until the next outing.
This trip was no different her friend Asia saw an invite for this party tonight. The girls were debating on going nobody wanted to go except Asia so YN being the person she is. "If it's after the game, I'll just go with you," YN says hoping it's before the game "it's after the game it doesn't really start until 11" YN faked smiled "well then I'll go with you drinks on you though" "done! That's fine I'm so excited" Asia never went into details on why she had to be at this party it was a little weird cause they weren't even party people but something in YN's spirit wanted to make sure her friend was alright and if anybody was a party girl out of the group it was Asia. She had beauty that was out of this world but would be quick to check a bitch about one of her friends.
After the game ended everyone's adrenaline was at an all-time high and they couldn't calm down. They ended up back in the house. YN and Asia quickly took showers so they could get ready for the party. Now almost everyone decided to tag along.
They ordered food and drank while blasting music. "Trin you might as well come ... like what you gon do here by yourself?" "Call my man, duhhh plus I think Brit is staying too" "as long as you're good man" "I'll be fine I'm tired I promise" "okay bet."
"Ladies who are going to the party please meet me in the kitchen in five minutes!!" YN says loudly in the hallway also texting the group chat cause the music was hella loud. She grabbed her goody bags for everyone and waited in the kitchen for everyone to gather. She scrolled through Instagram and texted her mom goodnight.
Soon everyone was downstairs looking at her. "Sooooo I got us some things so we can stay safe tonight" she passed out the bags. Each bag contained a Scrunchy that could hold things in it, a small pack of gum, three tiny bottles of liquor, a cloth lid to put over drinks, and a glow bracelet that they all had. The bracelet was so they could pick each other out... In theory.
"You so damn smart of course this made sense," Jalin says loudly. "I mean I try... But okay let's finish getting ready .... When we leaving." "The car is getting us at 11," Asia said. Everyone glanced at her "a car!?!? You mean like a Uber?" Maya said, "I mean it's a party truck whatever it doesn't matter" "oh my gosh Asia how did you pull that off," YN said, "I gotta few connects I just want us all to be able to enjoy our night get drunk off our asses without thinking about getting an Uber, " Asia says smiling brightly
"so what's protocol .... Don't bring anybody back with you? Don't leave with nobody?" Jade asked "I mean I personally don't want any strangers in the house," Asia says. "I agree," YN says quickly but then continued talking "but also I don't want y'all leaving with strangers so like ... maybe if you have to... idk what's everybody thinking"
everyone started talking over each other trying to get one answer "no never mind no hooking up, period keep your phones on you so we can all leave togetherrrrrrrrr" Jalin says everybody laughs "okay fine then" "okay can I finish getting ready I don't even know what I'm wearing" YN says looking at everybody "I mean I guess" Maya says YN rolled her eyes laughing "shutup."
The party was amazing she had fun with the girls but now it was 2 in the morning and Lamelo was texting.
"When where you planning on seeing me" she licked her lips texting back "send the addy Ill be on the way soon😘"
They loaded back up in the party bus. YN stopped at the door way  "Im meeting up with somebody tonight " YN says out loud "oh word and who is that?" Asia looks at YN ready for the details "nobody y'all know just a friend a well trusted friend but yeah I'll see y'all tomorrow afternoon" "oh so you leaving now?" "Yeah my Uber two minutes away" "be safe hoe!!! And call us if you need us" "okay love y'all" "love you too" YN walks back off the bus completely waiting on the Uber. She was happy it was a black lady it made her feel a little safer.
She checked her license plate before getting into the car. "Hey YN I'm taking you to the the St.Regis hotel " "hi and yes that's right" "okay if you want the air down or the radio changed just let me know" "oh I'm fine thank you"
The lady just smiled and turned the music up
"I'm in the uberrrr on my way" "okay" and then reality set in ...... she was going to meet a stranger .... For the first time in a foreign city .... Did this really make sense. But it was too late to back down now. He wasn't a complete stranger they had been talking all day for a couple days out the week but that's been going on for months so she would be fine. She took a deep breath counting to ten and then before knew it  she was there. It was a resort on the beach and it was beautiful.
"Thank you! I'll tip you in the app " She says to the Uber driver hoping out "you're welcome have a nice night be safe" "you too" YN shuts the door walking into the place safely and then looking down opening Uber to tip her driver before she forgot. Melo had already told her which tower to go to and how to get to the room so she listened walking right in like she belonged not trying to look at anyone or any camera for too long. She rode the elevator up and shortly enough she was at the door she knocked lightly and then he opened the door.
Every piece of nervousness left her body it was something about his smile. He moves out of the way to let her in. She could tell he was also trying to look at her ass so she made sure she shook it extra hard when she walked by him. She sits her purse down by the door it had her phone and clothes in it and she kicked her shooed off neatly by the door fully walking in. "Wow this is a nice set up." "Ahhh thanks I figured this might be something you like I remember you saying you like the beach" she turned around smiling "oh so you actually listen to me sometimes" he sucked his bottom lip
"I listen to you a lot .... You put this on for me?" "nooo I went out had a good time that's why I'm just now making my way over here" after glancing outside watching the waves she sits at the edge of the bed. "Get comfortable stay for a minute" he laughed she smiles scooting further into the bed and he sits on her other side of the bed still keep distance. She was plotting on how to make the first move but was coming up short. "Crazy seeing you in person" he says " nah Fr .... I look way better don't I?" "You do you definitely do.... Tiny though" at this point he was growing impatient and he just leaned over to kiss her but he let her close the space so their lips could finally meet he didn't want to force anything at all.
She quickly got on top he unzipped her dress while grabbing her ass causing her to pull away slowly. "You good you wanna stop?" He asks she smirks getting up dropping her dress "Damn" he says softly she takes her bra off tossing it off to the side sliding her panties down next as he watched fully intrigued. "You not drunk?" She smiled "I'm good Lamelo I did drink earlier but I'm closer to sober than I am drunk I'm very much in my right mind and I want you...." He stands up "you seem more bold then I was imaging but lay down then" his voice immediately became commanding and deep.
As his sweats started to leave his hips after he placed his condom on  He pulls her down gripping her waist tightly pulling her to the edge of the bed. He sticks a finger inside of her she gasps. "Damn you so wet already" "you acting like you not fine asf" "I know I'm fine but damn...." She laughed "cocky much" "very much but you about to learn pretty soon I can back it Tf up" his finger curled upwards and then he pulled it out slowly she felt empty but the moment  didn't last long cause she felt Melos tip right on top of her clit he used it to tap on her lightly. "Fuck just put it in already" he listens sliding in slowly, "oh fuck" she gasps he smirked he had her and he loved the feeling. For him it was the build up the anticipation of fucking her and he knew she was very New. So to feel her and explore her in this moment is all he wanted to do.
He immediately realized that he hadn't had any Pussy that was better than hers and this couldn't be the last time. A few strokes in and he was ready to blow. She kissed his neck sucking softly. Her hand went in between them rubbing her clit as his strokes increased she bit her lip. "You don't have to be quiet .... These walls not thin ... moan for me" she arched her back fully relaxing "right there ... please" her eyes were closed so even though she couldn't see him she knows he was smirking.
His hand moved hers out of the way rubbing her clit. Making her immediately lose it "yes yes right there yessss" "you gon cum for me tonight?" He asked she tried to nod her head but got tired almost immediately he smiled "I'm about to right now" she says softly "what if I stopped?" She gasped looking into his eyes again "please don't stop" he slows his hips "No Melo please don't stop please ahhhh" by the second please he speeds back up hitting her spot all over again
"bully" he starts to pull out "nooo I'm sorry nooo please don't" he leaves just the tip in staring into her eyes as her hips twisted in anticipation "don't do this to me Lamelo" he kissed her neck "say my name again" "LaMELOOOOOOOO" "I love your reactions" "fuck I'm cuming I'm cuming right now oh my goshhhh" her legs shook around his body as she released the tightness from her orgasm made him cum shortly after. He pulled out taking the condom off and tying it throwing it in the trash can she laid there speechless.
"Mmmm you trouble" she smiled looking up at him as he towered over her body "how I'm trouble" "that felt good... it was amazing" "how that make me trouble" "the first time on the first night .... You got me to Cum like that" "that's how I feel....you definitely trouble" "so what that mean? You donewith me?" She smirked "nah that means I'm attracted to danger so you number one on my list" "you sure number one?" He bit his lip she noticed he started to get hard again
"what I just say?"  "Mmmmm yes sir I fully understand" "come here" he reached his hand out so she got up taking his hand and he pulled her to the bathroom.  He turns her around to face the mirror.
"It's beautiful in here" "I wanted you to see yourself" she pressed a button that lights up the mirror. "See myself for what?" The intense stare they gave eachother through the mirror was remarkable something you would only see on tv. "If you wanna keep doing this .... I can make sure you experience some of the better things in life.... Nice hotels and plan rides you got down here to Miami by yourself cause you could afford too and you wanted too but can you imagine .... Everytime I travel you somewhere close to me" she smiled like I said earlier she loved to travel and now traveling was coming with dick? Sign her tf up
"this dick you just gave me was enough perks I didn't need this other talk or these other things but it does sound fun" he licks his lips "with that comes you having a closed mouth what we do is just for me and you .... You know I gotta girl" YN sighed instantly feeling remorseful  "so I'm here to be a steady fuck buddy nothing more nothing less?" "Exactly now if you don't wanna do that I understand completely but if you can handle getting fucked and traveling and getting gifts ... then you should ride this thang with me" he kisses her neck as she smiles "Oh I'll ride that thang alright" she smirked "bend over then" she bends over and once again he was inside of her.
           *five months later*
His fingers plunged in her deeply and slowly as she bit her lip to stay quiet. It's way too risky she couldn't believe he was doing this to her right now in the public eye .... With his girlfriend right beside him it was crazy it was un heard of but that's what her life had become.
Let me explain They were all at a dinner Lamelo Ball his girlfriend her friends and yn. YN ended up here because she was a friend of friend .... Of a friend She knew Melo ...... well very well and he knew her body the way she ticks and what would make her explode right now at this very dinner table. Luckily the food hadn't come out yet so he could focused 95% of his attention on making her cum at a table full of strangers. Never in these five months  have they ever crossed paths unplanned especially not with his girlfriend in the room.
But it made him excited he knew YN wouldn't confront his girl so why not have fun. He enjoyed watching her converse while he made her shiver. Every once in a while she would stumble over a word almost stuttering. "It must be the Rosé" she says laughing it off every time it happens but he knows she's just getting closer and closer.
She gasped loudly when his fingers curled up messaged her g spot her hands went to his arm squeezing. "What's wrong YN?" She took a second to think of a lie as half the table stared waiting for a answer. "I forgot candles to light your cake to sing happy birthday that's all .... I literally... just remembered" "it's fine we're having the after party we can sing it then I'm sure we can find some candles by then" her hips started to grind against his hand and finally she was cumming. "Oh my goshhhhh" she said softly as the conversation continued around her Melo glanced at her as he added to the conversation.
"Some of us have careers I can't be out with y'all all night " " yeah yeah yeah we know she dragged you out here and you didn't wanna deal with us" the whole table laughed at the truth. His girlfriend spoke up "I needed a DD cause I'm fucked up and I plan on getting even more fucked up" "drunk sex be the best sex" the birthday girl says looking at LBG. YN eyes closed as she came all over his fingers. When she was done he moved her panties back in place. She closed her legs tightly. She had completely zoned out never hearing g the rest of the conversation
Asia tapped her. "You good friend?" "Yeah sorry boo I had spaced out" "the food taking forever" " I get it cause I know you probably did not eat today" "yeah you know me just had a little fruit salad for lunch" YN moved her body slightly so that she could turn more towards her friends and less to Melo. Just to stay out of trouble. "I have to go to the bathroom" Jalin says gathering her things "okay I'm coming" YN says "I'll hold it down here" Asia says YN and Jalin nod walking off to the bathroom YN went into a stall cleaning herself up.
She started to get upset cause why would he do that like seriously in front of everybody. She took deep breaths.
"See if you can get rid of your friend .... And I'll be there"
The text rolled over her screen she started breathing heavier.
"Unless you trying to get cursed out don't come bothering me you're done for the night sir and I mean that tend to your girlfriend cause I am not her"
He left her open cause clearly she was in her feelings and he doesn't care enough for that. She finally flushed the toilet heading back to the sinks washing her hands. Jalin comes out of the stall looking around to see if anybody else was in the bathroom. YN raised a eyebrow laughing. "What are you doing?" "Making sure nobody hears what I'm about to say ..... if your Nigga is Lamelo Ball wouldn't you be all over him they look so weird beside eachother no type of affection he barely looking at her shit he talking more to us than her" YN laughed shaking her head the last thing she wanted to talk about was his relationship.
"Yeah but you know everybody not into PDA but I definitely get what you saying anytime I gotta man I be all over him especially in public" "it's no way in hell I would be dating a nba star and not be on him in public you know he fuckin some body in this resturant because why he being careful with how he treating his girlfriend" YN bit her lip "I hadn't noticed it that far" could he care about her enough to avoid too much pda with his girlfriend? Hmmm interesting "pay attention you right beside them see if you hear anything" "girl i am not stalking that man" "well switch seats with me🧐" YN thought for a second "you know what that's fine" "the food should be here by now let's go"
Jalin was nosey like a blogger but it was just to be in the know not to spread the information that scared YN a little bit cause it made her wonder what would happened if her friend put two and two together. Would it blow up her whole spot? Would her friend be quick to judge or understand the situation .... She doesn't wanna ever figure that out.
Once they got back to the table jalen sat beside Melo and YN sat beside Asia and the guest of honor Melo was about to grab her thigh but thankfully looked over noticing it wasn't YN he licked his lips staring her down she rolled her eyes. "YN and Jalen I want your opinion on this" the birthday girl said "okay what is it?" "is it ever okay for a man to cheat .... Once he hit a certain level are you required to be submissive and are you required to be okay with him cheating" "in my opinion nobody is required to do a damn thing it depends on that specific person. A lot of people are inclined to stay through infidelity when the bag is big enough and only increasing that's just the truth but that doesn't mean every woman has to be okay with cheating cause she's dating a millionaire or a billionaire cheating can still be a dealbreaker but I do feel like a lot of people don't care about cheating that much" "woahhh wym" Melos girlfriend said it's the first time they had spoken
"A lot of women will say cheating is a deal breaker but then find their man in bed or find text messages and still stay with that man. So at that point do you care that he cheated?" "Why would I blow my spot up just for some bitch to come in and take my place? If I leave that's just more room for her and all the other hoes" YN raised an eyebrow did she know? Jalin quickly jumped in "honestly that way of thinking is the problem you looking at the side bitch as competitors or a potential replacement when she's you're teammate" "and I ooop" Asia and YN said laughing "you sound wild asf" girlfriend started to get in her feelings
"nah Fr think about it she's on the side she's supplying something you can't sometimes it's just the need for new or different pussy sometimes she's more of a hoe but it's something the main chick don't have or she don't have enough of  ding ding ding enters side bitch .... And what a main bitch get that a side bitch don't get?" Jalen had everybody in shock she didn't plan on being the side bitch spokesman but these were points coming straight to her Melos girlfriend started to speak again
"You see us together I get his love we stay together I get gifts trips I'm with his family meeting his friends " YN laughed "I'm sorry I really am but I much rather not be dragged through the mud like everybody don't wanna be in the spotlight just for being a girlfriend like do you truly think it's a perk?" YN also started to get hot  "It is!! I wouldn't expect any of you to understand" 
"well shit I guess you right but when this get personal" Jalin says "I'm interested to know the male perspective... why do men cheat?" Asia asked Melo YN started to drink her rosé now it was getting interesting  "I can't answer that cause I'm not a cheater" nice save YN thought smirking "okay but you in the nba we know you see Niggas cheating all the time what are some of the reasons" "it's an escape with a side you don't owe her nothing if you wanna pay to make sure she don't say anything cool but you don't owe her nothing no feelings no nothing" "compared to your main chick you're held accountable for stability in a lot of ways emotionally financially spiritually physically you get my point" YN added on "exactly so if a nigga wanna escape all that that's on him but like I said I'm not a cheating Nigga" "that's my man" his girl smile wide "you never cheated or just now in this current relationship" Jalin asks the waitresses and waiters coming over singing happy birthday saved him from answering the question
*later that night
yo why are you in your feelings that whole thing didn't excite you?
Melo says to YN His girlfriend and everybody else had went to the after party. YN went home and shortly after Melo was there too
"I'm not mad I was just setting a boundary" "okay that makes sense" "yeah so what did you come over for? To talk or to fuck?" She smirked "to talk and make sure you was good I don't have time to fuck you" she bit her lip "well let me just suck it make it worth your time" "yeah that's what I like to hear come here" she walks closer to him as he leans against her bedroom wall she gets on her knees.
"You wanna suck my dick?" His voice was deep and mellow. "Yes.... May I?" She licked her lip getting on her knees going for his pants he grabbed her face "no you can't next time watch your mouth when you talking to me" he moved going towards the door she sat there in shock. He turned around "you gonna walk me out or not?" She gathered herself
"um yeah" she looked sad this had been their first real disagreement she walked pass him going to her door. " fix your face" he looked at her "why it doesn't matter anyway you're leaving" "I don't wanna remember you like that" "so you're never gonna see me again?" "I didn't realize you were that close to my girl" "ima friend of a friend of a friend" "we were all at dinner tonight" "for a birthday!!!!" "Look it seem like you caring too much already so yeah ima just leave it alone" "okay" he kisses her forehead walking out of the door.
Five months of sneaking,gifts and new locations all came to a end just so abrupt and because what? Homegirl knows her face now? So what that's her problem not his but he said what he said and now this was over.
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freshthoughts2020 · 2 months
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from $45.00
The Ferocious Guard Made His Presence Known During The Most Reason Season, Now With Post Season Experience Looks To Lead A Hungry Pack To The Promise Land!
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🏀⏳ The Ball Brothers' NBA Journey: Rising, Falling, Stalling? 🚑💔
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j-worlds-blog · 2 years
She my bestfriend🤞
Background •
Melo and y/n have been friends since they were 14, ever since they met eachother at school they were attached by the hip. Growing up into their adult years their family and many fans shipped them.
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Insta:Down town riding with my bestie❤️💯@Lameloball
Melodrip-they better get together bro!
Lballer-Bro he so fine y/n better lock in!
Liked by creator•
Gina-My man looking so fine🤩
Fan19-the fuck u talking bout? That’s her man!^
Lameloball-my girl frfr💯
Liked by creator•
It was a Friday night, the basketball game was in its 2nd quarter, the Hornets were up by 20 points, y/n was sitting on the bleachers wearing one of Melos jerseys with some ripped jeans. Melos parents were there as well as Gina, now Gina and Melo have been close friends, they met at a ball game a few years back, but ever since she’s became very obsessed. She’s always talking about him like their dating and what not. Ofc y/n wouldn’t admit it but she was jealous, Melo was hers first, his family was hers and vise versa. After the last quarter ended the hornets won 45-24. Y/n headed towards the locker rooms to find Lamelo (ofc Gina was following her) while his parents stayed and talked to the coaches.
Lamelo•I saw you drooling across the whole court mamas
Y/n• you wish I was drooling over you🤨
L• You right I wish you was drooling on this di-
Gina• Melo! Omg you were so good out there! You looked so hot.
L• Thanks G, I appreciate you coming.
G• Ofc I’ll always come to see my best friend
Y/n• Well.. Melo do you wanna go eat after we leave, I’m getting hungry and we could go wherever you want.
L•Yeah that sounds nice, lemme go get showered and changed ma I’ll be back soon. (As he leaves he kisses reader on the cheek)
G•you know i think I’ll come too
Y/n•um I think we’re just gonna grab it and go, nothing to fancy, so you don’t have to
G•look he’s my best friend too and I wanna go celebrate with him so either you like it or leave.
What Gina or reader didn’t know was that Lamelo has forgotten his phone and was listing to the conversation.
L• hey what’s going on?
G•y/n’s being really mean and telling me I can’t come with you guys!
Y/n• You know what, I’m done with your bullshit Gina! Your not his bestfriend, you can go rant to people about how you know him and all that but your fake! You use him because he gives you clout, so no you can’t come with us because he deserves to be actually celebrated and not used!
G•Uh.. Melo she can’t talk to me like that!
L• actually Gina she can, she’s my girl and if you can’t see that then fuck off. And she’s right you are fake, when cameras or people aren’t around you don’t call me to hang out or see how I’m doing, so no we aren’t friends anymore.
G•Well fuck you both because I can find way better friends than y’all!
After Gina walked away y/n and Melo looked at eachother with eyes that they’ve never seen before.
Y/n• you didn’t have to do that.. she was your friend and you really liked her.
L•no, she wasn’t my friend. And yeah I liked her but I won’t be lost without her. I’d be lost without you though.
Y/n•can we go home? I wanna talk to you in private
L• ofc just lemme grab my stuff
After they leave the stadium they headed to grab some tacos and went to his house. After they quickly and quietly ate the reader finally spoke.
Y/n• ok, this might ruin everything about our friendship, but I can’t hide it anymore. Melo I really like you.. like I’m in love with you and it hurts because I know you deserve someone who’s out of this world.. I want to be the friend that’s happy for you when you find a girl you like or the friend that you can talk about your latest hookups with but..I can’t, because I’m selfish and want you to myself. And I know y-
He touches her cheek gently and kisses her lips. Both their lips intertwined with one another’s. Them both pouring out the love they kept bottled up for so long. Neither of them letting go. In that moment they knew it was ok to love eachother, to let the feelings come out, and start something new.
The end..
Thank you for the request! I hope you like this. Like I always say, I’m definitely not the best writer and I’m sorry if it’s a lot or not enough:/ give me some tips of what I could work on, I would appreciate it💜
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kicksaddictny · 11 months
PUMA x LaMelo Ball MB.03 Toxic
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PUMA Hoops is introducing the newest silhouette in LaMelo Ball’s signature franchise, the MB.03 Toxic. Coming off the heels of the limited PUMA x LaFrancé collaboration earlier this month, the MB.03 Toxic brings Melo’s otherworldly style and performance to the court like never before.  Bubbling up from the alien underground, the MB.03 Toxic is here to rewrite your game’s DNA. This fluorescent take on LaMelo Ball’s third signature shoe shows what happens when Melo’s “Not From Here” style goes radioactive. The eye-catching designs are complemented by a supportive, double-layered mesh upper and a NITRO™ midsole for extreme power on the court.
“I’m excited to unveil the MB.03 Toxic,” said LaMelo Ball. “This shoe reflects my personality and my style, and I can’t wait to witness the magic that they bring to the court.” 
The MB.03 was designed in collaboration with LaMelo Ball, who was heavily involved in the design process, taking inspiration from his life. The MB.03 Toxic colorway is inspired by Ball's belief that he's from another world, featuring psychedelic colors of the underground and graphics reminiscent of Ball’s own alien tattoos. Designs lean into Ball’s special abilities that make him out of this world both on and off the court.    Additional features of the MB.03 include full coverage engineered nonslip rubber compound for enhanced durability and traction that’s ideal for quick cuts, as well as a lightweight and breathable fit, making it perfect for basketball players who want a shoe that will help them perform at their best. 
The MB.03 Toxic retails for $125, and will be available at PUMA.com, the PUMA mobile app, the PUMA NYC Flagship store and at Foot Locker, Kids Foot Locker and Champs Sports – starting October 27th
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stacksandkicks · 11 months
Coming to select Puma Basketball retailers on the 27th of October the LaMelo Ball MB. 03 “TOXIC” themed kicks. The sneakers will hit your pockets for $125.00 and are a must-have for LaMelo fans. CC:SD X PUMA TAGS: #STACKSANDKICKSLIFESTYLE #BLOGGER #BLOG #LAMELOBALL #PUMA
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