#Land Survey Company in India
infotechs · 4 days
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carservice · 21 days
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fatehbaz · 1 year
British presence in the Straits Settlements […] (Penang, Singapore and Melaka) as a whole opened the way […]. Governor Andrew Clarke [...] clearly intended that economic botany should follow the quest for tin. Hardly three months after the [signing of the treaty legitimising British control in Malaya] [...] the Governor pressed Lord Carnarvon, Secretary of State for the Colonies, himself a keen botanist and collector, for the services of a ‘scientific botanist’. [...] Intimate plant knowledge among local [people] [...] assisted the discovery of many [plants valuable to European empire] [...] and the absorption of a number of vernacular names such as kempas (Koompassia), pandan (Pandanus) and nipah (Nypa) into scientific nomenclature. Equally, indigenous names for timbers, pre-eminently meranti and cengal, attained the status of trade names on the international market. Malay knowledge [...] proved also invaluable for commerce and [...] industries.
The Great Exhibition of 1851 at the Crystal Palace in Hyde Park, which displayed representative samples of colonial resources, was a microcosm of empire. Empire [...] co-sponsored the surveying, mapping and inventorying of people, lands and products for the ends of imperial power. Tropical nature, once a source [...] of wonderment, was brought to the domestic market place.
High on the imperial economic agenda were the Malayan territories, the source of gutta percha (from Palaquium gutta). Ingeniously adapted by the Malays [...], the plastic qualities of gutta percha were investigated for medical and industrial use by the [English East India] Company surgeons, T. Mongtomerie (1819-43) and T. Oxley (1846-57). [...] At the same time Oxley successfully pioneered the use of gutta percha for plastering fractures and preserving vaccine, the latter hitherto unable to be kept even for a few days. When a Prussian artillery Officer [...] then perfected its use for insulating telegraph cables, the product immediately gained strategic importance for the empire. Similar adaptations of other indigenous uses of plants paid dividends to industry and agriculture. [...]
The emergence of Hevea rubber in the Peninsula, superseding gutta percha as an industrial product was, again, the result of scientific exchange within the close-knit colonial botanical network [...] [following] [t]he illegal exportation by Kew [Royal Botanic Gardens in London] of the seedlings from South America to Ceylon and the Singapore Botanic Gardens [...]. Out of the seedlings sent in 1877 to Singapore, seven were planted by Hugh Low in the Perak Residency Garden. These and those raised in the Botanic Gardens furnished the seeds for the first plantations.
Though an introduced species, indigenous knowledge [...] of a wide variety of gums and exudates [...] benefited the plantation industry.
This [...] scored a major triumph for the colonial plantation industry. [...]
Large areas of Melaka had already been laid to waste by [...] a fast-growing variety of Brazilian cassava introduced in 1886 by Cantley.
The same cultivators soon turned the Imperata grasslands to rubber, but its rapid spread meant that a number of native plant species either became very rare or were entirely exterminated. The wild ancestor of the domestic mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) is a likely example. [...] During his visit to Singapore in 1854 Wallace identified, within just a square mile, some 700 species of beetles [...].
All text above by: Jeyamalar Kathirithamby-Wells. "Peninsular Malaysia in the context of natural history and colonial science." New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies Volume 11 Number 1. 2009. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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newstfionline · 5 months
Saturday, April 20, 2024
Young People Get Their News from TikTok. That’s a Huge Problem for Democrats. (CJR) Democrats are doing the most awkward TikTok dance. The House’s attempt to force TikTok’s Chinese parent company, ByteDance, to sell the social media behemoth to an American entity has put Democrats from President Biden on down in a tough spot. Most are now on record backing a bill that could shutter a fast-growing platform that’s most popular with the young voters they so badly need. TikTok users aren’t just kids mindlessly scrolling dance videos. Roughly one-third of Americans aged 18–29 regularly get their news from TikTok, the Pew Research Center found in a late 2023 survey. Overall, TikTok claims 150 million American users, almost half the US population.
Russia Builds New Asia Trade Routes (Bloomberg) Russia is pressing ahead with construction of two new transport corridors linking Asia and Europe, seeking to weaken sanctions over its war in Ukraine at the same time as Middle East turmoil is disrupting global trade. The shipping and rail networks via Iran and an Arctic sea passage could strengthen Moscow’s pivot toward Asian powerhouses China and India and away from Europe. They have potential to embed Russia at the heart of much of international trade even as the US and its allies are trying to isolate President Vladimir Putin over the war. The routes could cut 30%-50% off transit times compared to the Suez Canal and avoid security problems plaguing the Red Sea as Houthi rebels attack international shipping over Israel’s war against Hamas in Gaza.
An ISIS Terror Group Draws Half Its Recruits From Tiny Tajikistan (NYT) The mother of one of the suspects in the bloody attack on a concert hall near Moscow last month wept as she talked about her son. “We need to understand—who is recruiting young Tajiks, why do they want to highlight us as a nation of terrorists?” said the mother, Muyassar Zargarova. Many governments and terrorism experts are asking the same question. Tajik adherents of the Islamic State—especially within its affiliate in Afghanistan known as the Islamic State Khorasan Province (I.S.K.P.), or ISIS-K—have taken increasingly high-profile roles in a string of recent terrorist attacks. Over the last year alone, Tajiks have been involved in assaults in Russia, Iran and Turkey, as well as foiled plots in Europe. ISIS-K is believed to have several thousand soldiers, with Tajiks constituting more than half, experts said.
India’s Lok Sabha Election (1440) The world’s largest democratic elections begin in India today as nearly 1 billion voters head to the polls. Over the next six weeks, voters will determine the composition of the 543-member Lok Sabha, the lower house of India’s parliament responsible for nominating a prime minister. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party are seeking a third consecutive term against a coalition of parties called the Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance. A simple majority of 272 seats is needed to rule for the five-year term—BJP won 303 seats last election. Economic concerns, particularly inflation and unemployment, are chief issues among voters. Modi, 73, is favored to win and maintains a 75% approval rating, particularly due to his government’s welfare programs and infrastructure projects.
Nearly half of China's major cities are sinking, researchers say (Reuters) Nearly half of China's major cities are suffering "moderate to severe" levels of subsidence, putting millions of people at risk of flooding especially as sea levels rise, according to a study of nationwide satellite data released on Friday. The authors of the paper, published by the journal Science, found 45% of China's urban land was sinking faster than 3 millimetres per year, with 16% at more than 10 mm per year, driven not only by declining water tables but also the sheer weight of the built environment. With China's urban population already in excess of 900 million people, "even a small portion of subsiding land in China could therefore translate into a substantial threat to urban life," said the team of researchers led by Ao Zurui of the South China Normal University. Subsidence already costs China more than 7.5 billion yuan ($1.04 billion) in annual losses, and within the next century, nearly a quarter of coastal land could actually be lower than sea levels, putting hundreds of millions of people at an even greater risk of inundation.
Iranians both nervous and relieved after narrow Israeli strike (Washington Post) An uneasy calm settled over Iran on Friday as residents took stock of Israel’s pre-dawn strike in the central province of Isfahan. The attack, which was narrow in scope, appeared aimed at de-escalating tensions, analysts and officials said, after a massive Iranian missile and drone attack against Israel last week. But Iranians in Isfahan, which hosts sensitive military and nuclear facilities, said the strike was a reminder of how close the country has come to an all-out war, after years in which Israel and Iran fought mainly in the shadows. Iranian officials and state media downplayed the attack, dismissing the strike as insignificant and saying the explosions reported in Isfahan, more than 200 miles south of Tehran, were from Iran’s air defenses intercepting drones. Israel has made no official public comment on the strike, and the primary target remained unclear. In Isfahan, a city famed for its ornate Islamic architecture, residents said life continued normally on Friday but that the streets were quieter than usual. The city is the third-largest in Iran with nearly 2 million residents.
Soldiers who lost limbs in Gaza fighting are finding healing on Israel’s amputee soccer team (AP) When Ben Binyamin was left for dead, his right leg blown off during the Hamas attack on the Tribe of Nova music festival, the Israeli professional soccer player thought he would never again play the game he loved. “When I woke up,” the 29-year-old said, “I felt I was going to spend the rest of my life in a wheelchair.” Then Binyamin learned about a chance to be “normal” again: Israel’s national amputee soccer team. “It’s the best thing in my life,” said 1st Sgt. Omer Glikstal of the team’s twice-weekly practices at a stadium in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat Gan. “It’s a very different game than I used to play, but in the end, it’s the same,” he said. Amputee soccer teams have six fielder players who are missing lower limbs; they play on crutches and without prosthetics. Each team has a goalkeeper with a missing upper extremity. The pitch is smaller than standard. At team practices, the Israeli players are undeterred by the absence of an arm or a leg. “We all have something in common. We’ve been through a lot of hard and difficult times. It unites us,” said Aviran Ohana.
Israel blames Gaza starvation on U.N. (CBS News) Under pressure from the U.S. and other allies to flood the Gaza Strip with humanitarian aid, Israel insists it’s doing everything it can, and it blames the United Nations for the starvation of thousands of Palestinians in the war-torn enclave. In a Wednesday morning social media post, the Israeli government said it had “scaled up our capabilities” and it included a video clip showing hundreds of white containers that it said were loaded with aid and waiting for collection inside Gaza. The United Nations says it’s not just about getting food into Gaza, but distributing it once it reaches the territory. U.N. aid agencies say those operations have been severely hindered by the almost total destruction of Gaza’s civilian infrastructure. Many roads have been blown up, along with health, water, sanitation and food production facilities. Humanitarian workers do what they can. The demand to fill bowl after bowl at emergency food distribution points is never ending. Still, a third of children under the age of two in Gaza are currently acutely malnourished, according to the U.N. children’s charity UNICE.
Drought Pushes Millions Into ‘Acute Hunger’ in Southern Africa (NYT) An estimated 20 million people in southern Africa are facing what the United Nations calls “acute hunger” as one of the worst droughts in more than four decades shrivels crops, decimates livestock and, after years of rising food prices brought on by pandemic and war, spikes the price of corn, the region’s staple crop. Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe have all declared national emergencies. It is a bitter foretaste of what a warming climate is projected to bring to a region that’s likely to be acutely affected by climate change, though scientists said on Thursday that the current drought is more driven by the natural weather cycle known as El Niño than by global warming. Its effects are all the more punishing because in the past few years the region had been hit by cyclones, unusually heavy rains and a widening outbreak of cholera.
A Little Bit of Dirt Is Good for You (NYT) Scientists have long known that a little dirt can be good for you. Research has suggested that people who grow up on farms, for instance, have lower rates of Crohn’s disease, asthma and allergies, likely because of their exposure to a diverse array of microbes. In the 1970s, scientists even found a soil-dwelling bacterium, called Mycobacterium vaccae, that has an anti-inflammatory effect on our brains, possibly both lowering stress and improving our immune response to it. When we’re touching soil or even just out in nature, “we’re breathing in a tremendous amount of microbial diversity,” said Christopher A. Lowry, a professor of integrative physiology at the University of Colorado Boulder. A recent Finnish experiment found that children attending urban day cares where a native “forest floor” had been planted had both a stronger immune system and a healthier microbiome than those attending day cares with gravel yards—and continued to have beneficial gut and skin bacteria two years later. It’s not just good for kids; adults can also benefit from exposure to soil-dwelling microbes, Dr. Lowry said. So this spring, make a little time to go outside and get grimy.
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In India these days, a new debate is going on about the LGBTQ community , and the importance of the matter can be understood from the fact that the apex court of the land, the Supreme Court of India, has taken interest in this matter and is hearing the plea for giving a conclusive judgement.
Generally, I am clear about my stand on such matters and am always clear about my sides. But this time, it's quite difficult to choose. I am saying so not because of any grudges or any hatred for the community but because of the valid logic provided by the Union in the SupremeCourt. I personally believe in the cause of same-sex marriage and am greatly inclined towards it. This bias can be due to the institution I am a part of, which has always supported this cause. Yet when I see the larger picture of same-sex marriage, I believe that it's better not to pass any such law in haste and that we should first understand the concept from the perspective of society and law.
So where should we start? According to my limited knowledge or what I have perceived about this case till now, the lgbtq society is asking for legalising marriage and giving them the dignity and basic rights they deserve. As Menaka Guruswamy rightly pointed out, "marriage is not only a question of dignity; it is also a bouquet of rights that LGBTQ people are denied," which is absolutely correct.
But according to me, India as a society is still not ready for such a change. The community is constantly giving the example of countries like Canada and the Netherlands,  which have legalised same-sex marriage. But the reason that this won't work in India is due to the fact that, deep down somewhere, same-sex marriage propagates an "anti-birth mentality," and this is probably the reason why the birth rate of Canada, the Netherlands, and Sweden is lower than other countries.
Elaborating further, it will be very hard for a couple to sustain same-sex marriage in India because of the stark cultural differences that we have with the countries that have legalised it. Moreover, a study with '' no basis :what the study don't tell us about same sex patenting'' questions the parenting skills of the same-sex parents and conclusively points out that even the couples that go for children are not able to provide them with the quality life they deserve. Another study named "A New Study of Young Adults Conceived Through Sperm Donation" points out that the children of homosexual couples are more prone to getting into bad company and bad habits than the heterosexual couple. Also, it is seen that life is difficult for the children of homosexual couples in places where same-sex marriage is legalised. At the end, it is concluded that the development of the child of a homosexual couple is slow in comparison to that of heterosexual couples. Hence, experimenting with the legalisation of same-sex marriage won't be any good, both for the couples and their future progeny.
Another major problem with respect to same-sex marriage is the danger of diseases. The writer of Homo sexuality'' and the politics of truths'' say that the same-sex couples are more susceptible to sexual disease than the normal couple, and the life expectancy of the homo men is low in comparison to the normal men. There are many other reports that point out that the danger of aids in homosexuals is high.
A study of the Netherlands' mental health survey and the Incides study pointed out that homocouples are more prone to bad mental health in comparison to the normal couple.
Hence, to conclude, I believe that the time is still not right to legalise same-sex marriage in India, as we as a society first need to understand the basics of same-sex marriage, we first need to educate the masses on this issue. We as a society first need to evolve on this matter and understand the need and cause of such relations, and this can't be done after the law comes into existence as Indian society will react opposingly to this phenomenon. We have to be very delicate on this matter because it will change the whole structure of society, marriage, and whatnot. Making a law without involving the society in the matter will be imposing the wants of the few on masses who are not ready for such a change. The same argument was put forward by J. Sai Deepak in court, as he commented that when we are talking about implementing such a big change in society, we need to involve the society in this matter; otherwise, the society won't react favourably to this, and this will be challenging for the homo couples. Hence, it is necessary for the lgbtq community to first educate the society and then ask for legalising same-sex marriage. Moreover, it's very complex for giving the legal status, as Tushar Mehta rightly pointed out that lgbtq also contains a plus, which is worth thinking about as we still don't know how many more such shades are there, and making law without a proper understanding will be no good.
In the end, all I believe is that though I might look inclined towards the centre more, I still sympathise with the lqbtq community and support them. No matter what the verdict, it will be a win-win for me.
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innernachoblaze · 4 days
Gis service providers in indiaGIS Service Providers in India: Driving Innovation in Geospatial Solutions GIS service providers in India are at the forefront of delivering advanced geospatial solutions to various industries. These companies utilize state-of-the-art technologies to offer services such as remote sensing, mapping, and spatial data analysis. Remote sensing involves the use of satellite imagery to monitor land use, agriculture, and environmental changes, while mapping solutions help in creating detailed maps for urban planning, infrastructure development, and navigation. Additionally, geospatial data analytics provides actionable insights for sectors like agriculture, mining, and disaster management. Surveying and GPS solutions enable high-precision land surveys and resource management. Indian GIS service providers cater to a wide range of industries, including agriculture, forestry, urban development, and transportation. Their expertise enhances decision-making processes, ensuring efficient resource utilization and contributing to the country’s overall development.
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ekainfra2020 · 5 days
The Role of Highway Consultants in India's Infrastructure Development
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India's infrastructure development is at a pivotal moment. With rapid urbanization and the need for improved connectivity, the country's highway system plays a vital role in economic growth, regional development, and social mobility. As India pushes toward becoming a $5 trillion economy, modernizing its road network is one of the most important tasks at hand. This is where highway consultants in India become critical, offering expertise in planning, designing, and overseeing road projects to ensure that the country’s roadways are sustainable, safe, and efficient.
Highway consultants are integral to this process because they offer a blend of technical expertise and project management skills, ensuring that projects are not only completed on time but also meet regulatory and safety standards. These consultants often represent a bridge between public infrastructure goals and private construction capabilities, helping governments and construction firms navigate the complex process of road construction and maintenance.
The Role of Highway Consultants in India
The highway consultant company in India serves as a vital partner for both public and private sector projects. Their role extends from project conceptualization to its completion, encompassing various phases such as feasibility studies, design, procurement, and supervision of construction. These companies work closely with government agencies like the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) and state highway authorities to ensure that projects align with the country’s broader infrastructure goals.
Feasibility and Planning
The first step in any highway project involves a comprehensive feasibility study, which highway consultants in India are tasked with conducting. This includes analyzing traffic patterns, geographical constraints, environmental impacts, and the economic feasibility of the project. By leveraging advanced software and technologies, highway consultants help stakeholders make informed decisions, ensuring that the proposed road or highway will serve its intended purpose effectively.
During the planning phase, highway engineering consultants conduct surveys and collect data to identify potential challenges and constraints. They also work on preliminary designs and layouts, considering factors like alignment, gradients, and land acquisition requirements. This early-stage input is crucial for ensuring that projects move forward without delays.
2. Design and Engineering
One of the most important roles of highway engineering consultancy firms is designing the infrastructure that will form the backbone of India’s road network. Highway consultants are responsible for creating road designs that meet the country’s stringent safety standards while also accommodating high traffic volumes and future expansion needs. This phase involves the preparation of detailed engineering designs, including road alignment, pavement structure, drainage systems, and traffic control mechanisms.
For projects that are particularly complex, such as those involving mountainous terrains or urban settings, a highway engineer consultant is crucial for ensuring that the designs take into account the unique environmental, social, and economic factors of the area. These consultants also consider sustainability and eco-friendly designs, which have become increasingly important as India looks to reduce its carbon footprint.
3. Regulatory Compliance
Adhering to regulations is another essential aspect where highway engineering consultants come into play. Given the stringent environmental and safety regulations governing road construction in India, these consultants help ensure that projects comply with all the necessary legal frameworks. This includes acquiring permits, ensuring environmental clearances, and following guidelines set by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
Furthermore, highway consultants must ensure that all design elements, materials, and construction methods meet the safety and durability standards laid out by government authorities. This is especially crucial in India, where road accidents remain a significant concern, and ensuring road safety is a top priority.
Project Management and Execution
Beyond design and regulatory compliance, highway consultants in India are also deeply involved in the execution and supervision of road construction projects. This involves project management, procurement, and overseeing day-to-day construction activities. Highway consultants are often responsible for managing large teams of contractors, engineers, and workers to ensure that the project stays on track and within budget.
Procurement and Contracts
Procurement is a vital aspect of highway construction, involving the purchase of materials, machinery, and services required for the project. Highway engineering consultancy firms play a critical role in preparing tender documents, managing the bidding process, and selecting the right contractors for the job. They also oversee the signing of contracts and ensure that all parties involved meet their obligations.
The expertise of a highway engineer consultant is also important during this phase, as they help assess the technical capabilities of contractors and suppliers to ensure that the materials and services procured meet the necessary standards. This reduces the risk of substandard materials being used, which can lead to premature deterioration of the road.
Supervision and Quality Control
During the construction phase, highway consultants in India act as supervisors, ensuring that the project adheres to the approved designs and plans. They monitor the quality of materials being used, oversee the performance of contractors, and ensure that safety standards are followed. This is critical for avoiding structural issues, ensuring the long-term durability of the road, and preventing costly repairs down the line.
The role of highway engineering consultants in quality control cannot be overstated. From ensuring the correct mix of asphalt and concrete to monitoring the installation of drainage systems, consultants ensure that every aspect of the construction meets the highest standards. Quality control also extends to safety inspections, making sure that worksite conditions are safe for workers and the public.
The Impact of Highway Consultants on India’s Infrastructure Development
The contributions of highway consultant company in India are not just limited to individual projects. By playing a crucial role in designing, managing, and supervising road construction projects, they contribute to the country’s broader infrastructure goals. Well-constructed highways are vital for economic growth, allowing for faster movement of goods and people, reducing transportation costs, and connecting remote areas to urban centers.
Economic Growth
Improved road infrastructure is directly linked to economic growth, as it boosts productivity by reducing travel time, improving supply chain efficiency, and enabling better access to markets. Highway consultants in India contribute to this by ensuring that road projects are completed on time and within budget, thus providing the infrastructure that businesses need to thrive.
2. Regional Development
India’s highways play a key role in connecting its diverse regions, from the industrial hubs of the north to the ports in the south. The work of highway engineering consultants helps ensure that these connections are not just functional but also efficient, fostering regional development and bridging the gap between urban and rural areas.
3. Sustainability
As India becomes more conscious of its environmental impact, highway engineering consultancy firms are increasingly focused on incorporating sustainable practices into road construction. This includes using eco-friendly materials, minimizing land degradation, and designing roads that can withstand the effects of climate change. By focusing on sustainability, these consultants help reduce the long-term environmental impact of road construction.
The role of highway consultants in India is vital for the country's infrastructure development. From feasibility studies and design to regulatory compliance, project management, and supervision, these professionals ensure that India's highways are built to the highest standards. Their work not only helps improve connectivity and regional development but also contributes to economic growth and sustainability. With India's road network expanding rapidly, the demand for experienced highway engineering consultants will continue to grow, making them indispensable to the country's infrastructure landscape.
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sphaviation · 5 days
Dominant Sectors Leveraging Drone Technology in India
Drones have become a transformative tool in various industries across India, enabling efficiency, precision, and cost-effectiveness. The widespread adoption of drones is reshaping sectors like agriculture, real estate, defense, and beyond. Below are the key sectors where drones are making the most significant impact:
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1. Agriculture
Drones play a crucial role in modernizing Indian agriculture. They assist in crop monitoring, precision farming, spraying fertilizers and pesticides, and even assessing crop health through advanced imaging techniques like NDVI (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index). By optimizing resources and increasing yield, drones are helping farmers become more productive.
2. Real Estate and Infrastructure
In real estate and infrastructure, drones are revolutionizing the way land is surveyed and projects are monitored. Developers and builders use drones for 3D mapping, aerial photography, and progress tracking, making the design, approval, and construction phases faster and more accurate. Drone footage has become a vital tool for marketing real estate projects as well.
3. Surveillance and Security
Drones are extensively used in security, both by government agencies and private firms. Their ability to cover large areas quickly makes them ideal for border surveillance, crowd management, and monitoring high-risk areas during public events. Many industries, including oil and gas, use drones for inspecting pipelines, towers, and other infrastructure in hard-to-reach areas.
4. Media and Entertainment
Drones have become a game-changer for the Indian media and entertainment industry. Filmmakers and content creators use drones for stunning aerial shots that were once difficult or expensive to achieve. Drones add a new perspective to films, commercials, and even weddings, helping the industry evolve creatively.
5. Delivery and E-commerce
The potential of drone technology in e-commerce is enormous, with companies exploring ways to make drone deliveries a reality. Though still in its nascent stage in India, drones are being tested for delivering medical supplies, food, and essential goods, especially in remote areas. The success of these trials could redefine logistics and last-mile delivery.
6. Disaster Management and Rescue Operations
In times of natural disasters like floods or earthquakes, drones provide a lifeline. They help in assessing damage, locating stranded people, delivering relief supplies, and providing real-time data to help authorities make quick decisions. Drones have been instrumental in saving lives and optimizing relief efforts across the country.
7. Mining
Mining companies are using drones for surveying, mapping, and inspecting mines, offering a safer and more efficient alternative to traditional methods. Drones provide accurate data about mining sites, which helps in planning and decision-making, as well as ensuring worker safety.
8. Healthcare
Drones are beginning to make strides in the healthcare industry, particularly in the delivery of medical supplies and critical healthcare services to remote areas. With the ability to bypass congested urban areas or difficult terrains, drones can deliver vaccines, medicines, and even blood to hospitals and clinics faster than ground transportation.
9. Environmental Conservation
Drones assist in wildlife monitoring, tracking endangered species, and preventing poaching. They are also used for environmental surveys and forest management, providing data that helps conserve natural resources. These efforts play a vital role in India’s environmental conservation initiatives.
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talent4ucompany · 6 days
Top No Investment Online Jobs in India: Earn Money from Home
In today’s digital age, earning money online has become more accessible than ever, especially in India. Many people are searching for no investment online jobs that allow them to work from home without the need for upfront payments or investments. Whether you’re a student, homemaker, or looking for extra income, the internet provides plenty of opportunities for anyone with a laptop and a good internet connection.
In this article, we will explore the best online jobs without investment, how to apply for them, and how you can start earning daily.
Why Choose No Investment Online Jobs?
Many people are hesitant about online job opportunities because of the scams that ask for registration fees or investments upfront. However, there are numerous online jobs from home without investment that are legitimate and provide real earnings. The advantage of these jobs is that you don’t need to spend money to get started, making them accessible to everyone.
Moreover, the flexibility to work from home or any location makes these jobs ideal for people looking for additional income streams without sacrificing their current commitments. Whether you want to earn 1000 Rs per day without investment online or simply make extra cash during your free time, there are plenty of legitimate options available.
Best No Investment Online Jobs in India
Here are some of the top no investment online jobs you can explore to earn money from home:
1. Freelance Writing
If you have a passion for writing, freelance writing can be one of the most lucrative no investment online jobs. You can write articles, blogs, product descriptions, and other types of content for websites or businesses. Websites like Upwork, Fiverr, and Freelancer provide platforms for Indian writers to find gigs.
2. Online Form Filling Jobs
Another popular no investment online job is filling out online forms for businesses. These jobs are simple and don’t require any special skills. Many companies outsource data entry and form-filling tasks to freelancers. You can find legitimate opportunities on job portals like Naukri or Indeed.
3. Virtual Assistant Jobs
Virtual assistants help business owners manage administrative tasks like responding to emails, scheduling meetings, and managing social media. This job offers flexibility and can be done from home. It’s one of the best work from home jobs in India without any investment.
4. Online Tutoring
Online tutoring platforms are a great way to earn money if you’re knowledgeable in subjects like math, science, or English. You can join platforms like Vedantu or TutorMe to get started. Many of these platforms don’t require any upfront investment and pay on an hourly basis.
5. Daily Payment Online Jobs
If you’re looking for daily payment online jobs without investment, there are platforms like Swagbucks, Ysense, or Clickworker that allow you to complete small tasks like surveys, watching videos, or reviewing websites for a daily payout. This can be a quick way to make extra money without any commitment.
How to Apply for Online Jobs Without Investment
Finding legitimate online jobs without investment can be overwhelming with so many options available. Here are some steps you can follow to find and apply for these jobs:
Search on Legitimate Platforms: Avoid websites that ask for money upfront. Use trusted platforms like Upwork, Fiverr, or job portals like Indeed and Naukri, which offer free online jobs without any registration fees.
Create a Professional Profile: Whether you’re applying for freelance writing gigs or data entry jobs, having a complete and professional profile with your skills and previous work experience increases your chances of getting hired.
Submit Applications Consistently: Some platforms may have competitive job listings, so be consistent in applying for jobs. The more you apply, the better your chances of landing a gig.
Watch Out for Scams: Always be cautious of job offers that sound too good to be true. Genuine employers will not ask for payments upfront. Stick to well-known and verified job platforms.
How to Earn 1000 Rs Per Day Without Investment Online
If your goal is to earn 1000 Rs per day without investment, here are a few strategies:
Freelance Jobs: By working on writing, graphic design, or virtual assistant jobs, you can easily reach this target by taking on several projects at once. Most freelance jobs pay well, especially if you have specialized skills.
Online Surveys and Microtasks: While survey websites might not pay as much, platforms like Swagbucks and Clickworker allow you to earn small amounts per task, which can add up over time if done consistently.
Sell Digital Products: If you have a creative skill like making digital art or designing templates, you can sell these on websites like Etsy or Gumroad without any investment.
Legit Online Jobs in India
Finding legit online jobs in India without investment can be a challenge, but they are out there. Here’s a list of some trusted platforms to find such jobs:
Upwork: Freelancing website with a wide range of job categories including writing, design, and development.
Fiverr: Offers gigs in multiple categories where you can showcase your skills.
Swagbucks: A great platform for microtasks like surveys and video watching.
Freelancer: Another freelancing website offering thousands of job listings.
Vedantu: One of India’s top platforms for online tutoring jobs.
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infotechs · 26 days
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carservice · 5 months
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fatehbaz · 1 year
In this remarkably rich account of land and profit-making in colonial Calcutta (now Kolkata), Debjani Bhattacharyya traces the transformation of marshes, bogs, and muddy riverbanks into parcels of fixed, bounded, and alienable property under British colonial rule. Framed evocatively as a “history of forgetting” (6), Bhattacharyya details the everyday enactments and contestations of imperial power undertaken by colonial officials and merchants, hydrographers, Indian property owners, urban planners, surveyors, and speculators between the 1760s and 1920. Over this period, the fluid and culturally multivalent spaces of the delta were translated and transformed into “dried urban landscapes of economic value” (12). [...] [T]he economization of space was so encompassing that earlier ways of understanding and inhabiting the delta’s shifting lands and waters were [obscured] [...].
The British thus had to produce landed property both conceptually and materially in a process that proceeded through two entangled registers of power. The first was the legal register, which translated shifting and indeterminate aqueous spaces into apparently solid landed property through modes of legal classification and arbitration. The second register of power concerned hydraulic technologies of drying and draining the landscape (10), which materialized these legal categorizations in the production of urban space. 
By the early twentieth century, these “technologies of property” (5) had produced new lines between land and water in the city and rendered its fluid ecologies, such as marshes and bogs, as valuable “land-in-waiting” (172) for property development and financial speculation. [...] 
[T]he delta’s fluid ecology emerges at times as a limit on the property-making activities of the East India Company and the British Crown [...]. Bhattacharyya’s account highlights the mobility of the delta’s fluid landscape, with water, silt, and mud taking on agentic roles and shaping historical trajectories. [...] [Bhattacharyya] provides a fascinating account of the meanings of rivers and other watery spaces in Bengali cultural life, drawing on folk songs, poetic genres such as the maṅgalkāvya, storytelling, and forms of artistic representation such as painted narrative scrolls. [...] Bhattacharyya recovers forms of relationality and claim-making in the fluid deltaic environment that exceed the representations of colonial cadastral surveys and revenue records. [...] 
[H]owever, Calcutta became increasingly disconnected from its watery past. [...] [There was an] increasing entanglement of the urban land market with infrastructural projects to dry land and control water. These included the excavation of an extensive network of canals; the construction of docks in Khidderpore and the draining of the Maidan [...]. A collective amnesia about Calcutta’s fluid ecologies set the stage for the emergence of a speculative real estate market by the beginning of the twentieth century [...]. This period saw Calcutta’s remaining wetlands and marshes rendered as “land-in-waiting for property development” (169) in a process that continues to the present day.
All text above by: Calynn Dowler. “Debjani Bhattacharyya, Empire and Ecology in the Bengal Delta: The Making of Calcutta.” Asian Ethnology Volume 80 Issue 1. 2021. [Bold emphasis and some paragraph breaks/contractions added by me.]
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garudsurvey587 · 28 days
drone survey in mumbai
In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, drone surveys have become an indispensable tool for various industries. Whether it’s urban planning, construction, agriculture, or environmental monitoring, drones provide accurate and timely data that can significantly enhance decision-making processes. In cities like Ranchi, Noida, Pune, Mumbai, and states like Haryana, the demand for drone survey services is on the rise, reflecting a broader trend of embracing modern technology for efficient outcomes.
Why Drone Surveys Are Essential
Drone surveys offer a multitude of benefits over traditional survey methods. They provide high-resolution aerial images and 3D maps, making them ideal for large-scale projects that require precise measurements. Drones can cover vast areas quickly, reducing the time and cost associated with manual surveys. Additionally, drones can access hard-to-reach or hazardous areas, ensuring the safety of surveyors while delivering accurate data.
Drone Survey in Ranchi
Ranchi, the capital of Jharkhand, is witnessing rapid urbanization and infrastructure development. As the city expands, there is a growing need for accurate and efficient surveying methods. Drone survey in Ranchi have become a game-changer for construction companies, urban planners, and government agencies. These surveys provide detailed topographical data, enabling stakeholders to make informed decisions about land use, infrastructure development, and environmental conservation. By utilizing drones, projects in Ranchi can be completed faster and with greater accuracy, ensuring sustainable growth for the city.
Drone Survey in Noida
Noida, a thriving industrial and IT hub in Uttar Pradesh, is known for its high-rise buildings, expansive residential complexes, and bustling commercial zones. The city’s rapid development demands precise and efficient surveying techniques. Drone survey in Noida offer unparalleled accuracy and speed, making them the preferred choice for construction companies, real estate developers, and government bodies. With drone technology, large areas can be surveyed in a fraction of the time it would take with traditional methods. This efficiency is particularly beneficial in Noida, where timely project completion is crucial for maintaining the city’s growth trajectory.
Drone Survey in Pune
Pune, a prominent city in Maharashtra, is known for its educational institutions, IT parks, and manufacturing industries. The city’s diverse landscape, which includes urban, suburban, and rural areas, requires versatile surveying solutions. Drone survey in Pune cater to a wide range of industries, from agriculture to construction. In the agricultural sector, drones can monitor crop health, assess soil conditions, and optimize irrigation practices. In urban areas, drone surveys provide critical data for infrastructure development, traffic management, and environmental monitoring. The ability to capture high-resolution images and create 3D models makes drone surveys an invaluable tool for Pune’s development projects.
Drone Survey in Mumbai
Mumbai, the financial capital of India, is a bustling metropolis with a complex urban landscape. The city’s rapid growth and high population density present unique challenges for urban planners, developers, and government agencies. Drone survey in Mumbai have emerged as a powerful solution for addressing these challenges. With their ability to provide accurate and real-time data, drones are being used for various applications, including land surveys, building inspections, and disaster management. In a city like Mumbai, where space is at a premium, drone surveys offer the precision needed for efficient land use planning and infrastructure development. Moreover, drones can access areas that are difficult to reach, such as narrow alleys and high-rise buildings, ensuring comprehensive data collection.
Drone Survey in Haryana
Haryana, a state with a mix of urban and rural landscapes, has seen significant development in recent years. The state’s proximity to the national capital, Delhi, and its growing industrial base have increased the demand for advanced surveying techniques. Drone survey in Haryana are playing a crucial role in supporting this development. Whether it’s for agricultural land mapping, infrastructure projects, or environmental conservation, drones provide the accurate and timely data needed to drive progress. In rural areas, drones can be used to assess crop health, monitor water resources, and plan irrigation systems. In urban areas, they are instrumental in land use planning, road construction, and real estate development. The versatility of drone surveys makes them an essential tool for Haryana’s ongoing development.
Benefits of Drone Surveys
1. **Accuracy**: Drones equipped with high-resolution cameras and LiDAR sensors can capture precise data, ensuring accurate measurements and detailed maps.
2. **Efficiency**: Drones can cover large areas quickly, reducing the time and cost of surveys. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for large-scale projects.
3. **Safety**: Drones can access hard-to-reach or hazardous areas, minimizing the risk to human surveyors. This is especially important in industries like mining, construction, and disaster management.
4. **Versatility**: Drones can be used in various industries, including agriculture, construction, urban planning, environmental monitoring, and disaster management.
5. **Real-Time Data**: Drones can provide real-time data, allowing for quick decision-making and immediate action when needed.
As the demand for accurate and efficient surveying methods grows, drone surveys have become the go-to solution for cities and states like Ranchi, Noida, Pune, Mumbai, and Haryana. These regions, each with unique challenges and opportunities, benefit immensely from drone technology's precision, speed, and versatility. By embracing drone surveys, industries and government bodies can ensure that their projects are completed on time, within budget, and accurately. As technology continues to evolve, drone surveys will undoubtedly play an even more significant role in shaping the future of urban and rural development in India.
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trueenewshub · 2 months
MSMECCII Concerts With Frost And Sullivan.
From Varanasi’s saris to Ludhiana’s hosiery to copper manufacturing in Yamunagar, Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) is the backbone of the country yet they have not been able to match up to their potential.
Understanding the requirement of aid to this sector, Indrajit Ghosh-led MSMECCII has undertaken groundbreaking initiatives by organizing conferences and seminars on varied issues ranging from recycling of plastic, climate change, energy and sustainability.
It has conducted successful leadership conferences for MSME in Food and Beverage, Agriculture Jal Shakti and GST Education.
In July 2024, MSMECCII took a leap by collaborating with the American Transformational Growth Major, Frost & Sullivan laying down a unified agenda to leverage the MSME manufacturing units to compete with the global players.
Frost & Sullivan, the American Business Veterans will visit the MSME’s survey their structural activities and prepare an exhaustive report on the module by which the MSMEs can adopt specific global parameters to improve their manufacturing units in line with the global standards of operation.
International Business Startup and Entrepreneurs Association is also part of this association.
This training will aid the MSME owners to achieve an edge over other industries and enhance their work modules with pan-India customers particularly for their overseas customers.
Post completion of the training, the MSMEs will be provided with the Certificate of Achievement by MSMECCII and Frost & Sullivan.
Similar association and certification process will take place between World GREXPO Foundation & Frost & Sullivan for MSMEs in the Middle East to make their manufacturing units well-equipped as per global norms. MSMEs are corner stones for the Arab economy and contributes to about 90% of the economy hence this association comes as a major boost.
MSMECCII, GREXPO & Frost & Sullivan aims to place India’s most crucial sector on the world stage as equal players in knowledge, skillset, productivity and functionality.
India’s roughly 50 million MSMEs employ about 120 million people depicting the number of employees per firm. This gives an indicator of the size of the structural problem in the sector.
This robust network of MSMEs continue to face the most significant hurdle of access to finance, only 16% receiving funds.
Not only finance hurdle, MSMEs have faced tax issues, labour problems, poor infrastructure and technical hassles impacting their land ownership. An assimilation of factors led to reduced productivity of the most crucial sector of India, rather the backbone of the country.
The MSME sector is battling the 45-day payment rule quite hard and relaxation might not come easy.
On major lacuna of the industry pushing back the growth is absence of skillset. This was well identified by Frost and Sullivan as well as MSMECCII.
Indian MSMEs are far behind from skillset perspective compared to other counterparts in other countries. They are dependent on informal workers with limited technical know-how dampening the productivity forcing the small firms to hire low-skilled jobs rolling back long-term growth.
MSMECCII with the support of Frost & Sullivan will offer market research, data analytics growth strategy consulting and corporate training to the Indian MSMEs.
These MSMEs will range from varied industries like manufacturing FMCG plastic hardware and a whole range of manufacturing companies understanding the need of such structured training.
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The Future is Digital Marketing
Marketing enthusiasts have always been playing wild guesswork. They depended on data provided by market research agencies. These agencies ensured that they provide rich consumer insights based on consumer calls and survey forms. However, this data soon got outdated.
With the rise of the internet, we have new technologies in place. Digital marketing provides more accurate real-time information about consumers. Search engines and social media platforms track their online behaviour. Thus, it is the new way of marketing. You can choose an online MBA in Digital Marketing in India for lucrative career opportunities.
Why Digital Marketing?
The marketing metamorphosis did not happen overnight. Billboards and television advertising are still the norm. However, you won’t be able to accurately measure the ROI through these traditional campaigns. Digital marketing gives you a clear picture of the return on investment on your online campaigns. Even social media metrics can be analysed. Therefore, all companies are making a strategic shift towards digital marketing.
Unveiling the Online Marketing MBA
Let's examine different types of digital marketing channels. You can master any of them to land opportunities in a media company.
Content Marketing: Creating valuable content like blogs, videos, and infographics.
SEO: Increasing organic traffic on a website.
Social Media Mastery: Using social media to spread brand awareness.
Data Demystified: Using big data analytics to mine audience insights.
The Digital MBA Advantage
Many PG online courses offer digital marketing as a specialisation. You will perform well in this degree as it requires intuition and critical thinking. You just need to apply your knowledge to some digital marketing tools. Therefore, you will become a stellar digital marketer in no time.
How the Online MBA Empowers You
Online programs are excellent ways to start your digital marketing journey. They will provide you with a good foundation to start your career. You will learn everything you need about digital marketing from the comfort of your home. Moreover, you won’t spend much on tuition fees.
Success Stories
Many famous digital marketing gurus have leveraged their knowledge to their advantage. Neil Patel is a classic example. He has raised an entire empire based on digital marketing education. Marketing companies also use digital marketing to enhance their client’s numbers. SRV Media is an excellent agency that has helped educational institutions increase their market presence.
The future is digital, and the savviest marketers are wielding the power of online strategies. Don't get left behind! Pursue an online MBA in Digital Marketing. You will unlock a future of lucrative career opportunities and cutting-edge marketing prowess.
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sphaviation · 21 days
Shaping India's Future with Drones
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 1. Agriculture
   - Precision Farming: Drones equipped with multispectral sensors can monitor crop health, optimize the use of resources like water and fertilizers, and increase crop yields.
   - Efficient Pesticide Application: Drones can distribute pesticides evenly, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact.
   - Land Surveying: They can quickly survey large areas of land, helping farmers make informed decisions.
 2. Healthcare
   - Medical Supply Delivery: Drones can deliver critical medical supplies, such as blood, vaccines, and medicines, to remote and inaccessible areas, significantly improving healthcare access.
   - Emergency Response: Drones can reach disaster-hit areas quickly, providing real-time data and helping in rescue operations.
 3. Infrastructure and Urban Planning
   - Surveying and Mapping: Drones can provide accurate topographical data, helping in the planning and development of infrastructure projects.
   - Monitoring Construction Sites: Drones can oversee construction progress, ensuring that projects are on schedule and within budget.
 4. Environmental Conservation
   - Wildlife Monitoring: Drones can monitor wildlife without disturbing them, providing valuable data for conservation efforts.
   - Anti-Poaching: They can be used to track and prevent illegal poaching activities in protected areas.
 5. Logistics and E-commerce
   - Last-Mile Delivery: Drones can be utilized for the efficient delivery of goods, especially in congested urban areas, reducing traffic and pollution.
   - Supply Chain Management: Drones can optimize inventory management and delivery schedules, improving overall logistics efficiency.
 6. Security and Surveillance
   - Border Security: Drones can monitor India's extensive borders, providing real-time surveillance and improving national security.
   - Urban Surveillance: In cities, drones can assist law enforcement agencies in monitoring public events, ensuring safety, and responding to incidents swiftly.
 7. Disaster Management
   - Real-time Data Collection: During natural disasters, drones can provide live footage and data, helping authorities make informed decisions and deploy resources effectively.
   - Search and Rescue: Drones equipped with thermal cameras can locate people trapped under debris, speeding up rescue operations.
 8. Economic Growth
   - Job Creation: The growing drone industry will create jobs in manufacturing, operation, maintenance, and software development.
   - Startup Ecosystem: India is witnessing a surge in drone startups, contributing to innovation and economic growth.
9. Regulatory Support
   - Progressive Policies: The Indian government has introduced policies like the Drone Rules 2021 and the Production-Linked Incentive (PLI) scheme, encouraging the adoption and manufacturing of drones in the country.
   - Ease of Doing Business: Simplified regulations and support for startups are making it easier for companies to enter the drone industry.
 10. Cultural Integration
   - Community Engagement: Drones are increasingly being used in community-driven initiatives, from monitoring local resources to promoting tourism, aligning with traditional practices while integrating modern technology.
Drones are set to revolutionize various sectors in India, making processes more efficient, improving accessibility, and contributing to economic growth. As technology evolves and adoption increases, drones will play a critical role in shaping the future of India.
Contact: +91 85277 87146, +91 18001237199
Website: SPH Aviation 
Instagram: Sph Aviation (@sphaviation) • Instagram photos and videos 
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550342603590&mibextid=ZbWKwL
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/sph-aviation?trk=blended-typeahead
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