aerikvon · 4 months
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vverner · 1 year
Kad es paliku uz 45 stundu atpūtas pārtraukumu Langhusā/Vevelstadē (netālu no Oslo) un man sabojājās elektriskā tējkanna, bet laukā bija mīnus 15 grādi, aizgāju uz veikalu pie benzīntanka. Tobrīd strādāja pats veikala īpašnieks kas apsolīja verdošu ūdeni (par velti protams) cik man būs nepieciešams. Nu no ebreja tādu pretimnākšanu nesagaidītu- to saku no savas personīgās pieredzes. Neskatoties uz to, vienmēr esmu bijis ebreju atbalstītājs, bet nu es viņus uzskatu par kara noziedzniekiem- ne Holokausts, ne Hamas, ne Tanahs, Bībele un nezin kas nav 'indulgence' Palestīnas arābu masveida slaktēšanai
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tā kā man bija brīvs laiks, aizbraucu ar vilcienu uz Oslo, kas no rīta bij ietinusies sala dūmakā
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the-old-mayhem · 5 days
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"Sometimes Pelle would go to Langhus to collect the mail from our post office box. One day he found a dead magpie on the road. He put it in the bag and brought it home. He stored it in the portable cooler that wasn't kept cool. He had that bird in his room until it disintegrated.
Pelle was not the kind of guy who would talk to people. He would just look down and that was his standard position if he didn't know the people." - Necrobutcher, "Mayhem - The death archives" 🦇
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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itwasnotahamster · 11 months
- Letters from the Dead - (Part 1)
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Langhus, 21 March 1990 | © The Old Nick | Source: Letters from the Dead
The brackets will indicate possible context or corrections (sometimes commentary). - 💜
"Only Black is true, only Death is real!!! Gore is trend! Hello Nick! It's Dead here again. Hey- you're really good at drawing, I use to do some drawing stuff myself. I enclose something of it in this letter. Maybe we together can work something out, maybe even in Metal Destruction…? You asked of releases, if we need some artworks for that... Well we rarely give out much and as for the next release we'll probably have some photograph instead. But if we would need something that you might feel for help us out with I'll tell of it. So what we can use drawings for is for stuff like flyers, ads and letter­pages. So far I have done the drawings for that... well the main reason of that is that we have a (old!) xerox mashine and I'm the one in the band that 'can' draw. It's not so often that I have time left to spend hours or sometimes days by making drawings and too many don't like that kind of drawings I make (but fuck them wimps!). But onto the Deathlike Silence Prod. now. The 2nd edition of the 1st release on DSP. - Merciless is out now, the one you get here as promo. We're looking for distributors everywhere and everybody who can sell 10 (or more) records will receive a copy for free + that 10 records will be cheaper. As soon as this the 2nd ed. has paid, Imperator will go in studio.
Imperators LP will contain 8-10 songs (depending on how many "old demo songs" they'll use - but it'll be new trax as well) and it'll be entitled "The time before time". After that it'll probably be the colombian Masacre as the next release. Masacre will be very soon release a 7- inches with 3 demo songs on the greek label Scene of Love. That's a new started label and I hope they can give out enough copies, not limited ed. of it. Of course we give the bands free hands and they're not bounded to use at all, but I'm thinking of the fact that Masacre is selling so much... Only in Colombia their 1st, and only demo sold 1000 copies ( which is more than our Deathcrush demo has sold worldwide...). We can only press up 1000 copies each time of every edition of DSP, and the first ed. Of Merciless sold out as fast as we could pack and post it. This second ed. we recieved [received] for not a so long time ago will depend on how much stamps we can get, of how soon it'll sell out. In Norway it's very hard to sell records - it's far away from USA or South America and I don't think any real scene exists here. Do you think you can take care of some distribution/selling of DSP releases, or you maybe know someone else who's interested? [True dedication]. I think Merciless will be very easy to sell in Italy. Many zines exists there and we recieve many letters from there also. We also sell other records (given out by various underground labels) but it can be so different of what records of others releases we sell 'cos we usually don't get so many of them, so they sell out so soon. But anyway - I can tell of what we presently have got (except of Merciless)
LP's (£10000 + postage)
Agressor/Loudblast (split LP, France) "Licenced to thrash"
Arakain (Czechoslovakia, speed metal - I do not like this one!) "Thrash the Trash"
Nomed (France)... very boring mainstream... "Like..."
Abomination (USA)
Disharmonic Orchestra/Pungent Stench (Austria, split LP)
Malicious Intent (Canada) "Shades of black"
7's (£5000 + postage)
Asphyx (Holland, Limited ed. 1000 copies) "Mutilating Process"
Atrocity (Germany) "Blue Blood"
Pungent Stench (Austria) "Extreme Deformity"
Disharmonic Orchestra (Austria) "Successive Substitution"
Do not print this in Metal Destruction, I will explain it to you, ok. If you want any of these records above, please tell of how many and of what records so I can see how much the postage will be. Now over to Mayhem. For the first time we've been in studio and recorded 2 songs (first time with this line-up I mean). It'll be released on Chicken Brain Records, a swedish kind of underground label some time in this autumn. It'll be 8-19 other (swedish) bands on it, among them Merciless. I don't know the title of this compilation LP/CD. Our songs that'll be on it are "The Freezing Moon" and "Carnage". The Freezing Moon is a new one and pretty different from our other songs, as example it's a long guitar solo on a very long Doom part on it and that's because we wanted to have a solo at only one track (of our new ones). Carnage was made in '85 (!) so it's really old. It was on the 1st demo/reh - Pure Fucking Armageddon (released in only 100 copies and not available) but with the thought of the very bad sound on it we feeled for playing it again and try to keep the original sound of it. I'll tape these trax for ya but I'm not so sure of if it'll be enclosed in this letter or if I'll put this letter togeather [together] with the Merciless record but anyhow you'll get this tape. You can record it to others if you like to but please don't trade it, and I'll record some else bands too for filling out the rest of the tape. Have you heard of the INCREADIBLY KILLING GREAT band Tormentor from Hungary? Their demo is about 4 years old but it sounds like the Death/Black metal bands of today. We try to find out if they want a deal on DSP. But unfortunately they hardly speak any English at all so it seems like neither them or us understood it... We think of releasing a full-lengtht LP of Mayhem but it seems to take a fucking longtime before we got material enough for it... The only we know about it is a title that MUST be used - De Mysteriis Dom. Sathanas. That was about all future plans I can tell of I guess. I look forward to see Metal Destruction. There's a possibility that we can sell it also, but I can't say if for sure.
About Satanism... well, I'd like to join a very underground and Illful, Evil and Grim Coven. I think you know of the hassles by finding any or getting any contact with a such. I do NOT like what's created by Anton LaVey like 1st Church of Satan. I came in contact with a dude who's a degree in the American Satans Sons - Church of Satan and he explained of it has nothing to do with LaVey at all. I asked of if it does exist in Europe also and of what it is exactly... well he didn't reply. But I heard later thet Satans Sons shall exist in Europe but I still don't know in which countries it is. In Norway it's not much of this, but in Sweden (-I am swedish) that 1st Church shall be in Stockholm (the capital there) and it shall be about 5 churches built by satanic sects, used only by satanists, mostly it's under christian churches - like the one under "Mariakyrkan" (Mary's Church) in the South of Stockholm where the 1st Church of Satan use to hang around at. I know it exists really Dark covens that use human sacrifices and are eating human flesh - them are those I try to find. I do not know much about magic and I can't say I'm a practicer of it 'cos I havn't succed. What is depending on what one can do in magic (all of its kind) is of what books one can get...those are hidden in libraries and so hard to even see... 'cos of course they don't let anyone even see them. You must be a scientist or something like if you would see the microfilms of that kind of books. A great library of many various kinds of magical arts and the Blackest of Black Arts too is the British Museum in London. But it's so damned difficult to get ones claws on those books. One book I really wanna get is De Mysteriis Dom. Sathanas, unfortunately it exists only in one copy... are you practicing any magic and do you know of any covens? Have you seen/heard/felt anything supernatural? I have but I didn't understand much of what that was and I think the most of it was only so-called echoes from the past or the future [I am curious about this]. Do you know anything about astral planes and out-of body travelling? You seem to be into it and I agree about stupid trendmakers so it is something that I feel I can tell you of. I had a weird experience once, I had inner bleedings and it couldn't be found at x-rays so when it continued to bleed and bleed I finally fainted and dropped down the floor 'cos I run out of blood. The heart had no blood left to beat and my veins/artairs were almost emptied of blood. "Tecnically" I was dead. At that moment I fell down (into a door I heard of later) I saw a strange blue colour everywhere, it was transparent so I could, for a short moment, see everything in blue, till something shining white and "hot" surrounded me. What happened later is out of interest, I woke up when some ambulance men came and drove me to a hospital and there the bastards of surgery started to cut me up at the wrong side so I got a huge scar for that. However, it's someone I know who's had many out of body experiences and is using magic of various kinds and knows much more than I do of "supernatural" experiences, that I asked of this 'cos it was so strange about those colours. She told me that the first 'plane' in the astral world has the colour blue. The "earthly" plane has the colour black, then comes a grey one that is very near the earthly one and is easy to come to. The next one further is blue, and then it gets brighter and brighter till it "stops" at a white-shining one that can't be entered by mortals. IF any mortal succee enter it, that one is no longer a mortal and can not come back to the other planes nor back to this earth. After the white plane or level or whatever it goes further with other colour I don't know of, there only spirits and great sorcerers can travel. I was told that the white plane I then entered, without I knew it, was the dead world and I died. But I also got thrown back after a short time which very rarely happens. So of what I've heard of I have some kind of purpose to achieve here."
Reached the limit for this one, I will add on!
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coolkenack · 1 year
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Langhus-Avaldsnes-2.-Foto-Karmoy-Kulturopplevelser from avaldsnes.info
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xardoth · 2 years
Sephulchral Noise Zine (1989)| Pelle Ohlin
okay for starters, i have no idea how to use tumblr but i'm trying so bare with me. i'll be publishing information mostly on mayhem (interviews and such). anywho for the interview the interviewers words will be in bold and pelle's will be in italics. :)
"I don't think there's necessary to write an introduction to this MAYHEM interview, 'cause everyone know they have two new members called Dead (vocal) and Hellhammer (drums) + the other stuff. Instead you can read on and find out how long they have saved their hear, what Dead's hobby is, etc;.... The interview is answered by Dead.
Have you made some new songs in the last?
- The only new song who is finished is "The Dark Of The Freezing Moon", 'cos we throw the most of our trax after just some riffs. And a new yet untitled one.
Do you have any plans for some gigs now? Where will your first gig be?
- Our first gig (who counts) will be in Singapore the 31:th of September this autumn and then a few - not sure yet, in Russia, Brazil, and Colombia (maybe also Chile and Venezuela) and that's just before the rel. of our LP. 
Is it true that Euronymous had to write his name on each of the "Deathcrush" records after it's printing? Why?
- Yeah, it was wrong printed so he got the job of "signing" 1000 copies!
When will the next MAYHEM release be out? Is it going to be a demo or record?
- It'll be in France in the same studio as MUTILATED (Rules        !) and that's probably in the spring..? And it'll be a full length LP.
When did you start to save your hear?
- Til now probably about 4-5 years, but I'm still saving it...
Do any of you play in hobby-bands now?
- Maybe I'm in MORBID again, we've got plans for about 3 gigs again with the ancient line-up: Me and John, Shitcan and Drutt. But noone is sure of that... yet.
Marcin of ETERNAL TORMENT 'zine lived in Langhus awile, but suddenly some problems came with him. What do you think of him now?
- He suxx and his 'zine is a rip off from SLAYER mag it's just shit everything about and from him!
What do you think about the Scandinavian thrash/death scene?
- The Norwegian scene is growing up right now, but I don't think there is any real Death metal bands! About in Sweden there is so much new bands so I can't follow whis, but to say some of the most EVIL: MERCILESS, LEPROSY, GRAVE, HYSTERIAH, etc;. About Finland, it shall be tons of the most darkest Deathmetal bands, but I haven't heard much of those so I can't comment on it. Denmark seem to disappear and the most of the bands from there are split up, but it shall be some new bands from there anyhow. Iceland are also growing, but I haven't heard those bands either (Siggi Rock and Bootleg).
Euronymous told me that you were going to record a video soon. What can you tell me about it? 
- We hope we can rec. that video in 2-3 months from now. It will be Necrolust, Deathcrush and a new song: The Dark Of The Freezing Moon and maybe one more. That's all I know about it, and also maybe it will be on CCCPTV! 
What's your hobby?
- Except from scaring Christians and killing animals (seals preferably) it's cutting deeply in myself...
Tell a weird tale?
- Marcin W.
Who do you think is the most psycho person in the whole world?
- GGAllin? (???...........??? -ed)
Any last words?
- When it's cold and when it's dark the moon can obsess you!
Well that's it!! If you want to contact this might band, write to: MAYHEM, Box 75, 1405 LANGHUS, Norway."
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mayhemmerch · 4 months
Mayhem Merch
Mayhem is a Norwegian black metal band formed in Langhus in 1984. They were one of the founders of the Norwegian black metal scene and their music has strongly influenced the black metal genre. Explore the cultural impact and extensive range of merchandise from Mayhem, the influential Norwegian black metal band. From iconic T-shirts and hoodies to collectible vinyl records and posters, discover how fans can celebrate their dedication. Learn the importance of supporting the band through authentic merchandise purchases, ensuring the band’s legacy and continued success in the evolving music industry. Buy Mayhem Merch Here!
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#mayhemmerch #mayhemmerchandise
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aishavass · 1 year
"Purchasing this global Stearates market study may give customers insightful knowledge of the market
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kasperloeye · 1 year
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3D opbygning og tekstur af middelalder langhus lavet for Odense Bys Museer.
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l3onrocha44 · 2 years
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Estación de trenes en langhus
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nekroticism · 5 years
Happy 35 years of Mayhem! 🎉🎉🎉
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norgea-no · 2 years
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#viken #sørbyliv #akershus #gjøvik #blåttkurs #visitnorway #tour #bryllup #rogaland #preikestolen #natur #mobilephotography #nordrefollokommune #iphone7plus #langhushalloweenfestival2023 #europe #langhus #følgmed #sol #follo #fjortis #wanderlust #tanjaogaudun #trip #rambekkvika #scandinavian #reise #norwegian #natgeo #visitakershus https://www.instagram.com/p/CelOMXKreiX/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wiadomosciprasowe · 4 years
Lantmännen Unibake utvider produksjonen i Norge
Lantmännen Unibake utvider produksjonen i Norge
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French Bakery Company, Lier, Drammen Dato: 12-06-2020 13:30 CEST Opprinnelig tittel på pressemeldingen: Lantmännen Unibake utvider produksjonen i Norge Kategori: , Produksjon Langhus Produkter storhusholdning Produkter Hatting Klima og miljø I dag har Lantmännnen Unibake gjennomført et oppkjøp av eiendelene i French Bakery Company AS og vil med dette ta over produksjonen på Lierstranda utenfor Drammen. Oppkjøpet er et tiltak for å møte kundenes og forbrukernes økende etterspørsel etter lokalproduserte bakeriprodukter og dermed kunne tilby bærekraftige produkter i Norge.
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I dag har Lantmännnen Unibake gjennomført et oppkjøp av eiendelene i French Bakery Company AS og vil med dette ta over produksjonen på Lierstranda utenfor Drammen. Oppkjøpet er et tiltak for å møte kundenes og forbrukernes økende etterspørsel etter lokalproduserte bakeriprodukter og dermed kunne tilby bærekraftige produkter i Norge.
«French Bakery Company er et moderne bakeri laget for å produsere fryste bakervarer av høyeste kvalitet. Dette betyr mye i vårt arbeid «fra jord til bord» og ikke minst våre muligheter å innovere produkter som passer godt til det norske markedet. Vi mener oppkjøpet gir oss et stort potensial for å utvikle bedriften videre og fortsette å levere gode resultater», sier Werner Devinck, CEO i Lantmännen Unibake.
«Lantmännen Unibake Norge ser et sterkt vekstpotensial for bake-off produkter i Norge og oppkjøpet av French Bakery Company passer godt i forhold til vår langsiktige strategi. Oppkjøpet bidrar også til å styrke vår bærekraftinnsats gjennom å ta i bruk en større mengde lokale råvarer, redusere transportavstander fra utlandet, og sist men ikke minst sikre norske arbeidsplasser, noe som ikke er en selvfølge i dagens industri», sier Thomas Bjarkholm, administrerende direktør i Lantmännen Unibake Norge.
«For våre kunder innebærer oppkjøpet at vi kan tilby flere produkter som er produsert i Norge med alt det positive det fører med seg; optimalisert for den norske forbruker, økt grad av skreddersøm mot våre kunder og enda tettere kvalitetskontroll gjennom hele verdikjeden», sier Pernille Høsteland Solbu, salgsdirektør i Lantmännen Unibake Norge. «Vi ser frem til at bakeriet blir en del av Lantmännen Unibake familien i Norge».
Kilde: Pressekontor Lantmännen Unibake Norge – PRESSEMELDING –
Om Lantmännen Unibake
Lantmännen Unibake er et ledende internasjonalt bakeriselskap innen Lantmännen-konsernet. Med kompetanse innen ferske og frosne bakeriprodukter er målet å gjøre bakst til et lønnsomt bidrag for kundene gjennom høykvalitetsprodukter og innovative løsninger, basert på bærekraftig og matsikkerhet. Med hovedkontor i København, driver Lantmännen Unibake 30+ bakerier rundt om i verden og har salg i mer enn 60 land. Merke porteføljen består av en rekke veletablerte merker som: Hatting, Vaasan, Schulstad, Schulstad Bakery Solutions, Schulstad Royal Danish Pastry, Bonjour og andre. Lantmännen Unibake omsetter for 1,2 milliarder euro og sysselsetter 6000 personer i mer enn 20 land. www.lantmannen-unibake.com.
Lantmännen Unibake Norge har i dag ca. 120 ansatte og har hovedkontor på Langhus, sør for Oslo. Vi er lidenskapelig opptatt av god bakst og jobber kontinuerlig for å løse morgendagens utfordringer i bakeribransjen og å sette nye standarder for brødets muligheter. https://www.lantmannen-unibake.com/nb-NO/
Om French Bakery Company AS French Bakery Company ble etablert i Oslo i 1985 for produksjon av brødprodukter av høy kvalitet til storhusholdningsmarkedet – i 2009 flyttet bakeriet til ett anlegg utenfor Drammen. Bakeriet kombinerer moderne teknologi med tradisjonelle bakemetoder og produserer frosne bake-off brød (førsteklasses hele brød, baguetter og porsjonsbrød), hvetebakst og forbrukerpakkede produkter til detaljhandelen. French Bakery er ISO / FSSC 22000-sertifisert.
Hashtags: # #Produksjon Langhus Produkter storhusholdning Produkter Hatting Klima og miljø Produksjon Langhus Produkter storhusholdning Produkter Hatting Klima og miljø
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the-old-mayhem · 4 months
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"Greetings! My name is Abominoc, I publish a fanzine called CADAVER, CORPSE & BOWELS, it only contains the hardest bands in the metal scene! I live in Leipzig in the DDR and am very interested in Scandinavian metal bands and your scene. I��I read in Slayer-Mag that Mayhem were the most brutal band in Norway and wanted to ask you if you could forward this letter and the attached blank tape to Mayhem. I would like to discuss their music in my zine and maybe do an interview about Mayhem and what have they already released? I’ll send you a copy of my zine with the review, I’ll be very happy to hear from Mayhem!! Please send back my stamps with the tape! Thank you very much and all the best, Abominoc”
I sent this letter to Langhus in Norway in early 1990. Not a single issue of my fanzine Cadaver, Corpse & Bowels had been published at this point, but I was already busy collecting material for my upcoming underground zine from the East Zone. What would hardly have been possible in the DDR was, shortly after the fall of the Wall, just a question of enthusiasm - and I was completely enthusiastic!
- Abo Alseben ‘Live in Leipzig - Wie ich den Black Metal nach Ostdeutschland brachte.’ Translation by me. Part 1 of 2 🕯️
@the.old.mayhem on instagram
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helvetes-basement · 2 years
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The first rehearsal room of Mayhem is located at Langhus primary school. A white house at the school, which is now the corps' rehearsal room downstairs. The mayhem members themselves practiced in the attic.
Credits: Irene Andreson.
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mochie85 · 2 years
If You Let Me
Chapter 25 of my Mayari series.
Mayari Masterlist | Complete Masterlist
Summary: You show Loki just how much you appreciate him. A/N: This entire series is inspired by songs. The complete playlist can be found here on Spotify. I realized that some of the chapters in this series can be read as a stand-alone. It is character-driven, so a lot of the plot/action sequences help but do not detract from the relationship. Pairing: Loki x Original Female Character/Reader Word Count: Over 3.6k Warnings: Smut. Oral (male receiving), edging (delayed gratification), light dom/sub play, some fluff in the beginning.
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The rest of the week flew by quickly. Too quickly. The long polar nights messed with your internal clock. There were a few hours of sunlight, but it rose and set so early, that it made it hard for you to tell whether it was just afternoon or actual night. Time seemed to fly by without respect to your jet lag or your inner circadian rhythm.
You wanted to keep yourself busy and not get in Loki’s way. You had taken it upon yourself to cook for the entire team during your stay. The brothers did have a royal cook, Bridgit. She was used to only having Val or Meek to cook for, and on occasion, the brothers when they were home. But not the entire Avengers Team.
You ended up helping cook breakfast; make lunch for the team; and help with dinner. Bridgit was beyond grateful for the extra hand. So daytime, or at least the hours between nine to six, was reserved for planning and cooking for the team.
The hours after were saved for you and Loki. After dinner with the team, he would show you around town. He was excited to show you the plans they had for the village. In a span of ten years, they had accomplished so much, even with The Blip. The town grew with a proper village square, a marketplace, The Langhus, and barracks for when the Einherjar train.
Sometimes he would take you out of the city to show you the wildlands. One particular night, you both stayed out well past the wee hours of the morning, just watching the auroras. He made a half tent to shield you both from the wind as you both sat on a heated blanket watching the lights dance in the sky. This was your favorite thing to do- spending some quiet time with your love, in his arms. He was not a prince. You were not a goddess. Neither of you were Avengers. You were just two people in love with each other. And that was enough.
Loki had been busy the whole time. Plans were underway to get the Yuletide celebrations going. It was a tight timespan as the Winter Solstice was nearing next week. Val and Heimdall oversaw security for the entire festival. Thor and Tony were in charge of the New Year’s Eve celebrations. While Loki was to oversee The Winter Solstice bonfire. The start of Yuletide would kick off the entire festival and essentially set the tone for how the next two weeks would go.
But no matter how busy he got; Loki would always make time for you. He would check in on you throughout the day and leave small tokens for you on the kitchen table. Sometimes, it would be wildflowers or little love notes. Other times, he would steal you to a dark corner of the house and you would make out like young teenagers about to get caught. Every time you returned to the kitchen, you would have the brightest shade of pink on your cheeks and a smile on your face.
The eve of Winter Solstice was especially stressful for Loki. He was a perfectionist, and he did not want any excuse for a critique on his part of the festivities. He skipped dinner that night, opting for a light sandwich that you brought him just hours before. He was working with Korg and the city’s lumberjacks to build the bonfire. It was a large trunk of a spruce to represent the Yule log. Anyone watching could tell how frustrating it was to instruct the living golem. Let alone the dozens of citizens milling about. Loki was exhausted. You wanted to take that burden off him and help him relax.
Later that night, when he finally retired to your room, he came in with a frustrated sigh. He sat down by the fire and took his boots off.
“Sinta-my love, is that you?” You asked from the ensuite.
“Yes, darling.” He slumped into the chair, tired from the work and making decisions. His fingers were on the bridge of his nose, pinching to get the headache out that was just forming. He heard you come out in front of him and felt your fingers run through his hair. He let out a contented sigh as he felt your touch take away the last exhaustion of the day.
He opened his eyes to you wearing a sheer green robe with black feather trim. A smile formed on his face, appreciating the sight before him.
“I will gladly relive today for the rest of my life if it means I get to see you like this at the end of each night.” He said as his hands snuck under your robe to feel your curvaceous thighs. He traced your markings with his fingers causing you to shiver at his light touch.
“Uh-uh. Hands down.” You said with your compulsion. Loki felt his body comply, quickly lowering his hands, confused.
“Darling, how are you doing that? You’re not singing.”
“I don’t know.” You admitted guiltily. “A power I just discovered recently since…” you lifted your hair to point out the Darkside. Loki looked up at you in wonder.
“You are exquisite. Do you know that?” Loki asked rhetorically. “A true wonder!” He’s constantly learning new things about you. You were always growing into your powers and more comfortable in your own skin. His gaze wandered all over your body, touching you with his eyes since his hands weren’t able to do so. He saw your pebbled nipple peek through your robe, and he wanted to take them into his mouth. He was itching to touch you. You straddled him on the chair, your hands combing his hair.
“I want you to relax. You’ve worked so hard the past week, making sure everything is perfect for your celebrations. Give up your control to me. If you let me, I’ll take care of you.” Loki simply closed his eyes, relishing in your touch. He loved playing this game with you. Although it was usually him who took control, tonight he was excited to just give all that up and not have to make a decision. Just follow. He trusted you completely and was excited about how this night would end.
“Do you remember our safe word, my prince?”
“Mmhmm.” Loki nodded. His eyes were glinting with need.
“You will listen to me,” your voice echoed in his head. Compelling him.
“Yes.” He said breathlessly.
“Yes…what?” You asked pulling his hair, his head jerking back.
“Yes, my goddess.” He answered, swallowing, as you watched the bob of his Adam’s apple.
“Good boy. Such a good little prince for me.” You nuzzled against his nose, teasing his lips with yours. He blushed at your praise.
He leaned in to capture your lips, but you stood up from his lap. You sat back down on the settee, grabbing your glass of wine. “Take off your clothes…slowly.” You commanded, his hungry gaze watching you. You had better be careful. You knew that if you went overboard, he would find a way to pay you back when his turn came up. The thought made you rub your thighs together in anticipation.
Loki started with his socks, slipping out of them quickly. Next, his jacket, letting it fall off his shoulders and onto the floor. “I said slowly, my love, I want to enjoy you,” you said taking a sip of your wine.
He gave you a smart grin and loosened his tie. He untied it slowly and pulled it off his neck. He gently threw it at you, and you caught it with your free hand. You wrapped it around your neck as Loki started unbuttoning his shirt. He started from the top and took his time with each button. His long fingers traced down his sculpted torso. Your eyes followed as he reached down for his belt. His smooth skin glowed in the firelight.
The sound of his belt coming undone made you bite your bottom lip. You closed your eyes, relishing the sound. He loved making you squirm. Even though you might have the upper hand this time, he knew there were certain things he could do to make you go crazy. He unzipped his pants and reached inside. He grabbed his hardening cock and let out a low growl. Just because he couldn’t touch you, doesn’t mean he couldn’t touch himself.
You licked your lips and said, “Uh-uh, naughty little prince. That’s my job.” He let go of himself giving you the hungriest eyes you’ve ever seen. With his shirt still on, he pulled his pants down and stepped out.
You finished your wine and stood up. Your robe cascading over your shoulders and all around you. When you stood next to him, he could see the swell of your breast hidden underneath. All he would have to do is pull the robe-tie and he would be blessed with all your glory. But he kept still. He fisted his hands trying to quell the urge to grab you. He watched you come close. Your dark eyes somehow glittered in the low light.
“Hmmm. You look so beautiful,” you said as you ran your hands under his shirt. Your fingers caressed the hard muscles of his chest, the lines of his lean abs. You hooked a finger under the band of his boxers and pulled him closer. You ran your nose up and down his neck, smelling his scent of leather and honey. “So, intoxicating.” He let out a quiet moan at your praise. You licked his neck, then gave him a small bite. He took a quick intake of breath, and you soothed him by kissing the same spot. “Mmm. You are so good, you know that?” You felt him tense at your words. You couldn’t miss the way his eyes looked away, not wanting to meet yours. There was so much in that one comment. That one word.
“If you say so, goddess,” he said humbly.
“Hey, do you trust me?” you asked him, bringing his face back around to you.
“Unconditionally,” he answered.
“You are good! To your people, your team. To me!  You’ve taken care of me, watching out for me. Now you’re taking on more responsibility with Yuletide. I know it’s been stressful. You’ve taken a lot of that burden on yourself. I want to take care of you for a change. Don’t think. Just let me take charge. Let me take care of you. The way you take care of me.” He looked into your blackened eyes. Is that what this is about? You felt like you owed him something for taking care of you since your injury?
He tried to refute, “Darling…”
“Stop.” You put your finger up to his lips. He could feel the simple command and he obeyed. “Change into your true form.” You asked without your compulsion. You didn’t want to use your call on this one. You wanted it to be his choice. You needed him to stop thinking and just be himself. Be in the moment.
He didn’t understand your fascination with his Jotunn form. He looked at you, pained. He wanted to do it, but it scared him. He was more aggressive. More feral in this form. Yet, being in his true form was liberating. He felt things on a more basic level. No decorum, no social entanglements, or consequences. It allowed him to be himself.
Your hands traveled under his shirt and pushed it off him, stopping on his arms. “Would you like me to continue as you are? Just say the word, my prince,” you whispered, kissing his chest. He trusted you unquestionably. You had never judged him. You made him feel safe and at home.
You look at him as if he brought you the world at your feet. Loki would too. All you would have to do is ask.
With the last of his resolve melting away, he relinquished his control. The ink spot started in his heart. Then traveled through his body. His ridges came next, followed by his ruby eyes.
“Such a good prince. Let me prove it to you.” You lifted his hands to your lips. “With these hands, you carry me.” You gave them each a kiss. Then your hands traveled up his chiseled arms.
“With these arms, you protect me,” you kissed his left bicep then his right, and wrapped both of his arms behind you, engulfing you in his cold embrace. You walked your fingers up his shoulders and then lightly traced your fingers down his forehead. He smiled at your attempt to praise him.
“With these eyes, you watch over me.” You traced your finger gently down his face, closing his eyes, towards his lips.
“With these lips, you encourage me to be myself,” you whispered as you ran your lips past his. Gently touching them. It was a small taste, but he had to have more. He pulled you in for a kiss, grabbing you closer to his erection. You gently pushed him away admonishing his actions. “Cheeky prince. Do I have to tie you up now?” You giggled. You grabbed his tie that was still around your neck and tied it around his hands, cuffing him.
You untied your robe, letting it open to your sides, exposing your naked body underneath. His eyes went wide taking in your curvaceous shape. You took the belt of your robe and covered his eyes. His sight of you was short-lived. “I wasn’t done appreciating you.” You stepped back, looking at the panting, erect god in front of you. You knelt down in front of him. He could feel your robe pooling around his legs.
“With these legs, you pick me up when I’m down and support me when I can’t hold myself up.” You trailed your nails up his calf, then scratched his thighs up and under the hem of his boxers. You pulled them down, his hard cock springing forth in front of your face. He could feel your breath on him, the anticipation making him shiver.
“And with this….” you grabbed him gently, pumping your hands up and down his hard shaft, squeezing, letting out a low grunt. Your lips were on his tip as you talked, “…you give me the most intense pleasures I’ve ever received.” You licked once on his tip as a warning, then took him into your mouth. The sudden rush of heat and snugness made him tilt his head back and roar a guttural moan.
You continued to suck, hollowing your cheeks. Your tongue followed the ridges on his cock. His tied hands resting on top of your head. His fingers, opening, and closing, trying to find purchase in your hair as you took him in your mouth.
You pushed him further inside, feeling him in the back of your throat. When you took him out, you swirled your tongue at his tip before you quickly thrust your lips down his shaft. You can feel him twitch, tasting him. He was so close. His knees almost buckling.
“Goddess, I’m almost…uuuhh…I’m close...” he said panting. You took him out of your mouth, sucking hard. You stood up and pulled his tied hands to lead him back to the settee. He was losing the high you gave him as his body settled down onto the couch. You pulled your belt off his eyes. He looked up at you, his cock twitching at the sight of your naked body in front of him.
“You cum when I tell you to. Do you understand my prince?” He nodded his head. “Use your words.”
“Yes, goddess.” He said breathlessly. You knelt in front of him, opening his legs wider. He had nowhere else to put his tied hands but above his head.
You started with his inner thigh, licking then sucking. You switched to his other leg, inching up closer to his red-hard cock. “Eyes on me, prince.”
“Yes, goddess,” he said panting. You slowly licked from the base of his cock up to the tip. His face held the most exquisite look of sex on it. Loki was on the edge. His body screamed to let go it was almost painful. He tilted his head back on the couch savoring your mouth. You stopped sucking, taking him out of your mouth altogether. You bit the inside of his thigh, making him yelp and take a sharp intake of breath.
“I said eyes on me.”
He bobbed his head back, watching you. You took him in your mouth, making him hit the back of your throat. You tried to swallow but he was so thick. His cries spur you on as you bobbed your head faster and faster. “Ohgoddesspleaseplease,” he cried out. You took him out of your mouth, saliva dripping at the side of your lips.
“My prince, you’re so hard for me. Where do you want to cum, hmm? In my mouth?” you gave him one long lick up his shaft, exhaling a rough breath. “Or inside my aching pussy?” He nodded his head, unable to speak. You stood up and straddled him. Your legs resting on either side of his hips. “Speak,” you said grabbing his chin.
“Yes…my goddess. P—please, I want to be inside...” He said with a slight whine. You discarded your robe and wrapped your arms around his neck. You gave him a searing kiss, all tongue and passion. His cold body seared your heated skin. You started grinding against him, his hard-ridged cock rubbing against your wet folds. He couldn’t handle this edging anymore, but your compulsion was making it hard for him to release himself.
“Do you want to use a safe word, my king?” you asked grinding against him.
“N-no…Feelstoogood…” he muttered.You reached in between your bodies and positioned him at your entrance. “Mmm, you’re going to feel so delicious sliding into me.” He bit his lip in anticipation.
You pushed your hips down, making you both cry out. “You feel so good baby,” you said as you started grinding up and down his hard cock. Loki couldn’t take it anymore.
“…please goddess…”
“What do you need, my king.”
“I ne—need to cum. Please let me cum inside you.”
“Oh, but you’ve been so cheeky. I think I need to watch you squirm a little more.” Loki let out a pained growl. He watched your body ride him. Your breast bouncing up and down. “I’m so close, baby. Oh gods…aammmm” you moaned and cried in front of him, the sight of you getting off on him caused him to nearly lose it. You kept grinding. His rock-hard shaft felt so good inside you. You felt so full as he would hit that sensitive spot time and time again. He lifted his bound hands up and over your body.
“I’ve wanted you for so long,” you said into his neck. “But you kept denying me back at the tower.” Realization finally hits him. This was payback for the four weeks he had taken care of you.
“I’m going to make you pay for denying me.” You said, slightly teasing. “Oh, kitten. I wish you would.”
This was payback for denying you all those times you wanted something more, but he was afraid to hurt you further. You raised your eyebrow at him, daring him to say something. Your grinding got faster and stronger. You had a more powerful thrust building him up again.
“Do you see what you do to me, baby? You make me a little slut for your cock,” you panted, kissing his neck, marking his skin. Your words made him moan out your name along with Asgardian curses. You’re bouncing on him, rough and fast. His cries getting louder. You reached behind you and untied his hands from his tie. Loki flexed his wrists, relishing the freedom of not being cuffed any longer.
“Touch me. I want you to come with me. I’m going to count down, ok?” you whined. He nodded, short of breath, grabbing your waist.
“Three.” you picked up speed, slamming down harder on his throbbing cock. His fingers bruised the side of your hips as he helped himself further inside you. He let out a loud moan as he settled back into the cushion.
“Two.” The sensation and the anticipation of coming undone heightened his arousal. “Baby, you feel so damn good. I don’t want to stop,” you said, slamming harder down on him.
“One! Loki, fill me up, please…” At your words, he let go. His loud moans echo in your head. You kept riding him, unable to get enough of the sensation of his cold hard dick inside you. He kept pumping, his fingers gripping you tight.
“Oh, that’s it, goddess. Take it. Take all of me.” He growled into your ear. He held you still as he started thrusting his hips upward. The sensation prolonging your orgasm into a second wave, crashing into you. You were a screaming mess. Your head was thrown back as Loki bucked up into you, releasing his long overdue orgasm. With one last push, he thrusts up while slamming you down. You screamed his name. Over and over. You slumped over him feeling the weight of your body sinking down into his.
It was several minutes before you could open your eyes to him. When you did, he was already watching you with his ruby ones.
“You’re so beautiful, my prince,” you said as you left little love marks on his neck. It was hard to tell if they would show up on his blue skin, but you hoped they would.
“That was amazing, kitten. Maybe I should deny you more often.”
“Did my punishment not scare you enough? Maybe I just need to edge you longer next time.” You said tugging on his ear with your teeth.  
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⬅️Chapter 24: Local God | Chapter 26: So This Is Love➡️
Tags: @user13cabs @alexs1200 @lokiprompts @huntress-artemiss
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