lanhai-hudie · 1 year
About My OC
This is the OC my account is based on. In Chinese, her name is 蓝海蝴蝶, meaning ‘blue sea butterfly’. She’s really sarcastic, and sometimes annoying, but I’ll let her introduce herself.
LanHai-HuDie: Ugh, how dare you call me annoying! I’ve never been annoying. Or sarcastic. I would never. Humph! If you continue insulting me, I’ll… reveal your name! Anyways… Hi! Nice to meet you. Or maybe not. I… what do I say? Oh right! Introduce myself! *clears throat* I’m… prideful, almost arrogant… but that’s not relevant. I love art, but I suck at it, I love writing, but also suck at it! I talk too fast, I probably have depression, and I hate being productive! Oh, and did I mention I have can control water? I didn’t, right? Okay, done! Bye!
User: Since she left, I guess that’s all. But don’t worry, she’ll be back! I’ll let her introduce herself more in an upcoming story of her life!
LanHai-HuDie: And never call me die! I have nothing to do with death! I don’t commit murder, I swear! I’m a lovely, kind and generous person!
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lanhai-hudie · 1 year
LanHai’s Story
LanHai: So, this is my story. Let’s begin.
CW: Sad backstory, language
I was born a illegitimate child. A bastard. My parents kicked me out. Quite literally. My mother was a courtesan, my father a rich lord. “Get out!” He screamed at me. I was seven, then. I didn’t even know why he kept me for the first seven years then. I know now… but I won’t tell you. For suspense. He kicked at me, and I ran way, with only the clothes on my back. I lived on the streets, stealing money from people’s pockets. I was never caught. I couldn’t be caught. The streets of LanHai made me grow up to early. “What’s your name?” A boy, Sake, asked me once. Sake had tried to steal from me, when I was twelve. Five years of living on the streets. I didn't know. I wouldn’t know. Although I was with my father for the first seven years of my life, he never gave me a name. He didn’t bother. “I don’t know. I don’t have a name.” I whispered. Sake smirked, “then make one yourself!” “No… I— I—” I stuttered. He muttered, “You’re so good at being a thief… Hmmm… your hands are so gentle when you take things (AKA money) from someone’s pocket… How about ‘Butterfly’? I mean, I named myself Sake ‘cause I love sake!” He winked at me. I said, “I… I prefer ‘HuDie’” The Han version of ‘butterfly’. I would tell you that I had a deep reason for choosing the Han version… but I didn’t. I just liked how it sounded.
So, after that, my name was HuDie. After that day, I went through multiple names and titles, but ‘HuDie’ was my favourite, and my most used. So, that is the story of how I got my name.
User: Okay, thank you LanHai-HuDie for the story-telling. And thank you, the reader, for reading our post. A like and follow would be appreciated!
LanHai-HuDie: See you on the next post! Assuming I feel like telling the story, I’ll be there!
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