#Water power
jediaxis101 · 3 months
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So I've seen some talk on this site bout why percy is so strong in Tartarus nd I want to propose my own theory:
Percy was empowered by the river Phlegethon
So the first event where Annabeth is like wth Percy how u moving superhuman in TARTARUS, is when he kills Arachne right AFTER they drink from the Phlegethon
Water makes person strong and this water ws described by Annabeth as the ambrosia of Tartarus, so it would make sense for Percy to get extra strengrh from this river especially after ingesting it
Thank you for coming to my TED Talk
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aesthetic--mood · 8 months
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Katara Aesthetic Blue (Avatar)
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jadeseadragon · 23 days
Philip Thurston @thurstonphoto
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sonicskullsalt · 16 hours
shared with the Good News App // goodnews.eu
A historic Scottish hydro power station has resumed operations after its first major upgrade in 90 years. The Tummel hydro power station started generating renewable electricity in 1933, using water from a dam system spread across a huge area in Highland Perthshire. It closed in 2022 so that the two main turbines could be replaced as part of a £50m project designed to extend the plant’s operational life by at least 30 years. The two original turbines were able to generate 34 megawatts of electricity. The replacements will increase that capacity to 40 MW - enough to power 20,000 homes.
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manochulios · 2 years
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Just some Nya with all the comcept of She-ra happening here 🌊
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kittenninja14 · 7 months
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Some Nya Smith fanart, lol
Drawn on Magma Studio
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kokirikim · 7 months
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in a discord server I'm in there was mention of some sort of magical girl art challenge, where based on your favorite whatever whatever you'd build a magical girl and then draw the results. I had a yellow short haired girl wearing jirai kei fashion, with a bow and arrow, water powers, and a deer companion as my stuff to work with. I'm relatively pleased with the results I think? I like my little deer friend.
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raquel-lopez · 1 year
Mensaje de la conciencia del agua💧para el despertar de la humanidad, por la Diosa Gisela, y a través de Maria Merçè Carbonell, canal de Luz, de la Comunidad "Luz y Conciencia" y dice:
"Soy la Diosa Gisela, la divinidad que vela por los ecosistemas, los equilibrios, el amor y hermandad, tanto entre planetas como dentro de este planeta.
Siente el poder del agua, siente el poder del amor.
Con cariño os digo que el océano Ártico se ha expandido para todos y que el agua tiene un mensaje para vosotros. El agua de todo el mundo, donde quiera que esté, se comunica entre sí, no importa si es en un lago o en la montaña más alta, no importa si es en una nube o en la Antártida, tan lejos del Ártico como sea posible, no importa. Todas las aguas resuenan con la misma frecuencia y ajustan esa frecuencia a esta nueva vibración que ha despertado. En el agua encontrarás las energías que buscas.
Para muchos de ustedes, este cambio los hará sentir diferentes, les hará cuestionarse quiénes son o qué sucede a su alrededor. Esto se debe a que respondéis a vuestra nueva frecuencia con cambios, situaciones y relaciones distintas. ¿Qué está sucediendo? El cambio no tiene por qué ser malo, de hecho es beneficioso, pero puede causar incomodidad y confusión. En el agua encontrarás la respuesta. Coge un buen vaso de agua, tómalo entre tus manos, respira hondo y deja que te ayude a equilibrar tus energías cuando te sientas sacudido. Este es un consejo que te doy hoy y te lo daré siempre. El agua tiene todas las energías que buscas, porque es ancestral, y el agua que tienes en tus manos ha viajado por todo el planeta, ha estado en aguas oceánicas, en mares, en ríos, en las nubes, en forma de vapor, en forma de hielo.. El agua que tienes en tus manos tiene todo lo que buscas, si no lo crees posible, pruébalo.
Toma el agua y pídele que te ayude a equilibrarte, a despertar esa energía de amor, fuego, resiliencia y adaptabilidad del Ártico.
En vuestro corazón se abren nuevas energías, se produce la expansión de vuestros dones y capacidades. Cuanta más conciencia y aceptación, más fácil será el proceso. Y el agua, cuando la vida te lo ponga difícil, te dará exactamente lo que necesitas. Es una herramienta poderosa".
~Diosa Gisela~
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Message of the awareness of water💧 for the awakening of humanity, by the Goddess Gisela, and through Maria Merçè Carbonell, channel of Light, of the Community "Light and Consciousness" and says: "I am the Goddess Gisela, the divinity that watches over the ecosystems, the balances, love and brotherhood, both between planets and within this planet. She feels the power of the water, she feels the power of love. With love I tell you that the Arctic Ocean has expanded for everyone and that the water has a message for you. The water of the whole world, wherever it is, communicates with each other, it does not matter if it is in a lake or on the highest mountain, it does not matter if it is in a cloud or in Antarctica, as far from the Arctic as possible, It doesn't matter. All waters resonate with the same frequency and adjust that frequency to this new awakened vibration. In the water you will find the energies you are looking for. For many of you, this change will make you feel different, it will make you question who you are or what is going on around you. This is because you respond to your new frequency with different changes, situations, and relationships. What's happening? Change does not have to be bad, in fact it is beneficial, but it can cause discomfort and confusion. In the water you will find the answer. Take a good glass of water, take it between your hands, take a deep breath and let it help you balance your energies when you feel shaken. This is advice that I give you today and I will always give it to you. Water has all the energies you are looking for, because it is ancestral, and the water you hold in your hands has traveled the entire planet, it has been in oceanic waters, in seas, in rivers, in the clouds, in the form of steam, in form of ice.. The water you have in your hands has everything you are looking for, if you don't believe it possible, try it. Take the water and ask it to help you balance, to awaken that energy of love, fire, resilience and adaptability of the Arctic. New energies open up in your heart, the expansion of your gifts and capacities takes place. The more awareness and acceptance, the easier the process will be. And water, when life makes it hard for you, will give you exactly what you need. It's a powerful tool."
~Goddess Gisela~
Image channeled by: Elena Kagami
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drnikolatesla · 2 years
"When I was 9 years old I built a turbine in a mountain stream on my father’s land and connected it up with bolts to all sorts of machinery. I told my uncle, ‘Some day I’m going to America and I will run a big wheel at Niagara Falls.’ I had read about Niagara Falls and it fascinated me. My uncle didn’t take it seriously. ‘You’ll never see Niagara Falls,’ he told me.
"But I did come to America, and I did put a big wheel in Niagara Falls.“
— Nikola Tesla
“Tesla, 76, Reports His Talents At Peak.” New York Times, July 10, 1932.
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unicornmanfish · 9 months
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One more with her
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jongupscrookedteeth · 3 months
EXO, Suho -
werewolf super power moodboard
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Please note that I created the collage but the photos are not mine credit to original owners.
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globalgreening · 3 months
Global Greening Flagship Projects for Desalination, Energy Storage and Hydrogen Production
As many people know the integration of solar, water and wind energy is essential for sustainable living, production and working future. Everyone should consider how these solutions can be tailored to fit various contexts and address specific regional challenges – especially efficient and intelligent energy consumption and energy storage. By adapting technologies and strategies to meet local needs, we can maximize the impact and sustainability of renewable energy initiatives. Global Greening Deserts project developer have been developing world-leading concepts and projects for many years. Agrovoltaik, Energy Storage Park, Greenhouse Ship, Greening Camps and RecyclingShip are some of the flagship projects. Urban Greening Camps are another outstanding large-scale developments, especially for megacities and regions that need better, faster and more efficient greening or re-greening. Solar cities with more water storage capacity through sponge city concepts, brighter and greener spaces, modular and mobile greening, more biodiversity and diverse green spaces with healthy soils that reduce heat, emissions and disaster risks.
Rural Development: Enhancing Livelihoods and Sustainability
Solar Water Pumping for Agriculture: In rural areas, access to reliable water sources can significantly impact agricultural productivity. Solar-powered water pumps can provide a cost-effective and sustainable solution for irrigation, enabling farmers to grow more crops and improve their livelihoods.
Community Water Projects: Developing community-managed water projects that use solar energy for purification and distribution can ensure access to clean water in remote areas. These projects can reduce waterborne diseases and improve overall health and wellbeing.
Renewable Energy Cooperatives: Establishing cooperatives where community members collectively invest in and manage solar energy systems can promote local ownership and sustainability. These cooperatives can generate income, reduce energy costs, and empower communities to take charge of their energy needs.
Urban Renewal: Transforming Cities into Green Hubs
Solar Rooftop Programs: Encouraging the installation of solar panels on rooftops of residential, commercial, and public buildings can transform cities into green energy hubs. Incentive programs, such as subsidies and tax credits, can motivate property owners to adopt solar energy.
Integrated Water Management: Urban areas can benefit from integrated water management systems that use solar energy to power water treatment, recycling, and desalination processes. These systems can enhance water security and support sustainable urban growth.
Green Infrastructure: Incorporating green infrastructure elements like green roofs, solar-powered street lighting, and water recycling systems into urban planning can reduce the environmental footprint of cities. These features can also improve air quality, reduce urban heat islands, and enhance the quality of life for residents.
Disaster Resilience: Enhancing Preparedness and Recovery
Portable Solar Solutions: In disaster-prone areas, portable solar power systems can provide critical energy for emergency response and recovery efforts. These systems can power communication devices, medical equipment, and temporary shelters, ensuring that affected communities have the resources they need.
Water Purification in Emergencies: Solar-powered water purification units can be deployed quickly in disaster areas to provide clean drinking water. These units can reduce the risk of waterborne diseases and support the health of affected populations.
Resilient Infrastructure: Building resilient infrastructure that integrates solar and water energy systems can enhance the ability of communities to withstand and recover from natural disasters. This includes designing buildings and facilities that can operate independently of the main grid and ensure continuous access to essential services.
Strategies for Scaling Up: Replication and Adaptation
To maximize the impact of solar and water energy integration, it’s crucial to develop strategies for scaling up successful projects. This involves replicating proven models, adapting them to different contexts, and ensuring that they are sustainable in the long term.
Replication Frameworks: Developing frameworks that outline the key components and best practices of successful projects can facilitate replication in other regions. These frameworks can include technical specifications, implementation guidelines, and lessons learned.
Adaptation to Local Conditions: Adapting projects to local environmental, cultural, and economic conditions is essential for their success. This may involve customizing technology, engaging with local stakeholders, and addressing specific challenges unique to the area.
Sustainability Planning: Ensuring the long-term sustainability of projects requires comprehensive planning, including maintenance, funding, and capacity building. Establishing local management structures and securing ongoing support can help projects remain viable and effective over time.
The integration of solar, water and wind energy offers a transformative pathway towards a sustainable future. By harnessing the power of these renewable resources, we can address critical challenges related to energy access, water scarcity, and environmental degradation. The efforts of Suns Water and similar initiatives are vital in driving this transformation.
As we project developers continue to explore and implement renewable energy solutions, it is critical to foster collaboration, innovation and community engagement. By working together, we can create a world where clean energy and safe water are accessible to all, where environmental sustainability is prioritized, and where artistic expression continues to inspire and mobilize change. Suns Water innovative, creative and advocatory style of working brings many good results, hope and inspiration in the developments. The future is bright, and with the collective effort of individuals, communities, and organizations worldwide, we can achieve a sustainable and resilient planet for generations to come. Together, we can turn the vision of a world powered by solar and water energy into a reality, ensuring a prosperous and harmonious future for all.
Education and Sustainable Development
Empowering young people and future future generations through better education, environmental awareness and commitment to real sustainable goals. One of the most important aspects is promoting a sense of responsibility for the environment and providing the tools and knowledge needed to make a difference - also to ensure that the legacy of sustainable practices continues.
Educational Programs and Curricula
School Partnerships: Partnering with schools to integrate renewable energy and water management topics into their curricula can inspire students from a young age. Interactive lessons, field trips to solar and water energy sites, and hands-on projects can make learning about sustainability engaging and impactful.
University Collaborations: Collaborating with universities to offer courses, research opportunities, and internships focused on renewable energy and water management can prepare students for careers in these fields. Universities can also serve as testing grounds for innovative technologies and approaches.
Online Learning Platforms: Developing online courses and resources that cover various aspects of solar and water energy can reach a global audience. These platforms can provide accessible education for people of all ages, from students to professionals looking to expand their knowledge.
Community Engagement and Awareness Campaigns
Workshops and Seminars: Hosting workshops and seminars on topics related to renewable energy and water management can raise awareness and provide practical knowledge to community members. These events can be tailored to different audiences, from homeowners to local business owners.
Public Awareness Campaigns: Running public awareness campaigns that highlight the benefits and importance of solar and water energy can foster community support. Using various media, such as social media, local newspapers, and community radio, can help reach a wide audience.
Community Events: Organizing community events such as clean energy fairs, art festivals, and sustainability expos can engage the public in a fun and educational way. These events can showcase local projects, provide demonstrations, and offer opportunities for community members to get involved.
Engagement and Leadership
Mentorship Programs: Creating mentorship programs that connect students and young professionals with experienced leaders in the fields of renewable energy and water management can provide valuable guidance and support. These programs can help young people navigate their career paths and develop their skills.
Innovation Challenges and Competitions: Hosting innovation challenges and competitions that encourage young people to develop creative solutions for renewable energy and water issues can stimulate interest and innovation. These events can offer prizes, scholarships, and opportunities for further development of winning ideas.
Technology and Innovation: The Next Frontier
The field of renewable energy is constantly evolving, with new technologies and innovations emerging that have the potential to revolutionize the way we generate and use energy. Staying at the forefront of these developments is crucial for maximizing the impact of solar and water energy integration.
Advanced Solar Technologies
Perovskite Solar Cells: Perovskite solar cells are a promising technology that offers higher efficiency and lower production costs compared to traditional silicon solar cells. Research and development in this area are rapidly advancing, with potential for widespread adoption in the near future.
Bifacial Solar Panels: Bifacial solar panels can capture sunlight from both sides, increasing their efficiency. These panels can be particularly effective in areas with high levels of reflected light, such as snowy or desert regions.
Solar Windows and Building-Integrated Photovoltaics: Solar windows and building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) allow for the integration of solar energy generation into the design of buildings. These technologies can turn entire structures into energy producers without compromising aesthetics.
Innovative Water and Wind Technologies
Advanced Water Recycling: Technologies that enhance water recycling processes, such as membrane bioreactors and advanced oxidation processes, can make wastewater treatment more efficient and effective. These systems can be powered by solar energy to further reduce their environmental impact.
Atmospheric Water Generators: Atmospheric water generators (AWGs) extract water from humid air, providing a source of clean drinking water. Solar-powered AWGs can offer a sustainable solution for water-scarce regions.
Solar Thermal Desalination: Solar thermal desalination uses solar heat to evaporate and condense water, separating it from salts and impurities. This method can be more energy-efficient and sustainable compared to traditional desalination processes.
Rethinking traditional wind power generation and further developing Vertical Axis Wind Turbines, which are much more efficient, environmentally friendly and aesthetically pleasing. Some of the best systems are also part of Greening Camps concepts and Energy Storage Parks. Even the flagship projects like the Greenhouse Ship and the Recycling Ship can be powered by VAWTs and produce a lot of hydrogen. The concept papers were published many months ago.
Integrating Artificial Intelligence and IoT
Smart Energy Management Systems: Integrating artificial intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies into energy management systems can optimize the use and distribution of solar energy. These systems can predict energy demand, monitor performance, and automate adjustments to improve efficiency.
Water Resource Monitoring: IoT sensors and AI can be used to monitor water resources in real time, providing data on water quality, usage, and availability. This information can be used to manage water resources more effectively and respond to issues promptly.
Predictive Maintenance: AI can predict maintenance needs for solar and water energy systems, reducing downtime and extending the lifespan of equipment. This proactive approach can save costs and improve the reliability of renewable energy systems.
Social Equity and Inclusion
Ensuring Access for All: Efforts must be made to ensure that renewable energy and clean water are accessible to all, regardless of socioeconomic status. This includes implementing policies and programs that support underserved and marginalized communities.
Community-Led Development: Empowering communities to lead their own renewable energy projects can promote social equity and inclusion. Providing resources, training, and support can help communities develop solutions that meet their specific needs and priorities.
Addressing Environmental Justice: Ensuring that the benefits of renewable energy and water projects are equitably distributed is crucial. This involves addressing environmental justice issues.
Long-Term Sustainability and Resilience
Climate Resilience: Developing renewable energy and water systems that can withstand and adapt to the impacts of climate change is essential for long-term sustainability. This includes designing infrastructure that is resilient to extreme weather events and changing environmental conditions.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Aligning renewable energy and water projects with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) can provide a comprehensive framework for achieving sustainability. These goals address a wide range of social, economic, and environmental issues.
Global Collaboration: International collaboration and knowledge sharing are critical for addressing global challenges. By working together, countries and organizations can leverage their strengths, share best practices, and develop coordinated strategies for sustainable development.
Super Visions and Visionary Transformation: The Path Forward
As we move forward, let us continue to explore new frontiers, push the boundaries of what is possible, and work together to build a brighter, greener future for generations to come. The vision of a world powered by solar and water energy is within our reach, and with dedication, creativity, and collaboration, we can turn this vision into reality. Together, we can create a sustainable and resilient planet where all life can thrive. Suns Water is the original project or working title for the organization and future company SunsWater™.
The creator of this outstanding project believes in the good forces or powers of humanity, real nature, natural technologies, solar, water and wind energy. That's why he also found many great ideas, developed awesome concepts and projects. The founder and some real scientists believe that most of the water on planet Earth comes or came from the sun. There is a lot of research on how much space water was created in the early days of the formation of the solar system. Most of the water on planet Earth does not come from external sources such as asteroids or meteoroids. Planetary and solar researchers can confirm it. We scientific researchers hope that more people will discuss and exchange about such studies and theories.
The initiator of the Sun's Water Theory has spent many years researching and studying the sun, planets and moons in relation to water and ice. Large data sets and historical archives, internet databases and much more data have been analyzed to determine the actual reality. Mathematical and physical logic can prove that most of the water comes from the sun. Another great discovery made by the founder of the Suns Water project is a solid form of hydrogen, he calls it "Sun Granulate".
The journey towards a sustainable future powered by solar, water and wind energy is both challenging and inspiring. It requires a collective effort from individuals, communities, organizations, and governments worldwide. By embracing innovation, fostering collaboration, and prioritizing education and equity, we can create a world where clean energy and safe water are accessible to all. Through its projects, partnerships, and community initiatives, SunsWater can inspire a global shift towards sustainable practices and technologies.
The concepts and specific ideas are protected by international laws. The information in this article, contents and specific details are protected by national, international and European rights as well as by artists' rights, article, copyright and title protection. The artworks and project content are the intellectual property of the author and founder of the Global Greening and Trillion Trees Initiative. Any constructive and helpful feedback is welcome, as is any active and genuine support.
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miaqc1 · 4 months
This AMV was in 4 parts. I only uploaded the last one. The rest can be watched on Internet Archive.
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bumblebeeappletree · 1 year
Hydropower is a bit like the ‘boomer’ of renewable technology which needs to catch up with the times. While it produces more renewable energy than all other sources combined – it has a terrible social and environmental record. And an even more uncertain future. What does this grandfather of renewables need to do to stay relevant for the new gen?
Reporter: Aditi Rajagopal
Video Editor: Aditi Rajagopal, Henning Goll
Editor: Michael Trobridge
We're destroying our environment at an alarming rate. But it doesn't need to be this way. Our new channel Planet A explores the shift towards an eco-friendly world — and challenges our ideas about what dealing with climate change means. We look at the big and the small: What we can do and how the system needs to change. Every Friday we'll take a truly global look at how to get us out of this mess.
#Hydropower #ClimateChange #RenewableEnergy
Read more:
A brief history of hydropower: https://www.hydropower.org/iha/discov...
Development banks and hydropower project: https://ceeca-bhr.org/online-media-br...
Example of corruption from Bosnia-Herzegovina: https://link.springer.com/article/10....
Climate change and hydropower in the Amazon: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science...
Reducing impacts of hydro – solutions from the Amazon: https://www.nature.com/articles/s4146...
Hydropower expansion without building new dams: https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10...
00.00 Intro
01.25 Hydropower: Grey zoned
03.38 Heavy on the planet
05.37 Same sh*t, new decade
07.04 Power dynamics of power
08.05 The climate paradox
09.03 Hydro sans dams?
10.35 New generation: ‘Boomer’ hydro going Gen Z
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kittenninja14 · 7 months
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Nya fanart bc I felt like it, lolll
I got a little lazy for the background (not to mention that i got 2 tests tmrw that i gotta study for) so I took it from google and edited it a bit, lol.
I had a lot of fun coloring her!!! <333
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