#Title pls help
lanhai-hudie · 1 year
About My OC
This is the OC my account is based on. In Chinese, her name is 蓝海蝴蝶, meaning ‘blue sea butterfly’. She’s really sarcastic, and sometimes annoying, but I’ll let her introduce herself.
LanHai-HuDie: Ugh, how dare you call me annoying! I’ve never been annoying. Or sarcastic. I would never. Humph! If you continue insulting me, I’ll… reveal your name! Anyways… Hi! Nice to meet you. Or maybe not. I… what do I say? Oh right! Introduce myself! *clears throat* I’m… prideful, almost arrogant… but that’s not relevant. I love art, but I suck at it, I love writing, but also suck at it! I talk too fast, I probably have depression, and I hate being productive! Oh, and did I mention I have can control water? I didn’t, right? Okay, done! Bye!
User: Since she left, I guess that’s all. But don’t worry, she’ll be back! I’ll let her introduce herself more in an upcoming story of her life!
LanHai-HuDie: And never call me die! I have nothing to do with death! I don’t commit murder, I swear! I’m a lovely, kind and generous person!
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inklore · 3 months
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if it's one thing your girl is great at it's making a million different google docs full of lists full of resources, ideas, etc that will help future me when it comes to posting fics.
fic titles are literally one of the biggest lists i have and not even in a perfect world where i write ten fics a day would i ever be able to use all of these, and i don't like to see things go to waste, and i know there's people out there that struggle with titles as much as i do. so i hope this list comes in handy for someone!
i don't think i need to say this but just in case: no one owns fic titles, anyone can use these, a dozen people or one or none. these are literally just words and letters. no one owns them. sharing is caring, enjoy lovies!
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hush hush
night away
heart stop
stone heart
waiting for
black rose
sad kids
spine breaker
look here
autumn leaves
for you
spring day
love maze
bad decisions
take two
wild flower
blue side
rainy days
face off
slow dancing
polar night
like crazy
club heaven
deeper water
romantic devil
hold me
angel eyes
picture you
after midnight
twilight zone
drain me
sorry sorry
pretty please
how sweet
bubble gum
empty box
love therapy
play me
red velvet 
cherry bullet 
midnight guest 
cherry wish 
code words
ghost walk
bad intentions 
atlas hands 
broken crown 
crystallized words 
filthy pride 
fresh eyes 
heavy feet 
hungry ghosts 
imaginary paintings 
neon jungle 
perfect storm 
slow hands 
stop signs 
sad farewells 
untranslated stars 
after hours 
bad liar 
bonfire heart 
bruised lips 
cherry bomb 
damaged goods 
dead end 
fire away 
gunpowder hourglass 
lonely together 
lost language 
old moons 
one dance 
paper knees 
sleepy eyes 
stolen dance 
vice city 
artificial heart 
cry baby 
daylight fading 
dream awake 
empty bottle 
exit wounds 
ghost orchards 
moving stones 
paper walls 
oceans away 
playing fiction 
something wild 
wild thoughts 
everybody’s fool 
eyes closed 
storms incarnate 
writing tragedies 
stereo driver 
soul searching 
party’s over 
backseat driving 
fearful heart 
backwards directions 
nosebleed seats 
high hopes 
lovers rock
wet dream 
selfish soul 
washed away 
rose rogue 
midnight sun 
teenage fantasy 
wandering romance 
sure thing 
wildest dreams 
rock candy
losing momentum 
ruin you 
heart holiday 
sink her 
cut splinters 
hot mess 
frozen devotion 
little star 
blind faith 
favorite crime 
romantic homicide 
those eyes 
play pretend 
plot line 
pretty poison 
intimidate you 
pretty face 
strawberry kisses 
lovers rock 
worlds apart 
desperate/separate ways 
those eyes 
the blonde 
loving machine 
spill blood
someone’s someone
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got my number
happy without me
not over you
crazy for you
back to you
flame of love
just one day
let me know
hold me tight
make it right
closer than this
love me again
still with you
out of love
never let go
love in space
ready to bleed 
bleed for love
between the bars 
can’t be still
cold morning mist 
in cold blood
matter of time 
piece by piece 
ship to wreck 
taut with love 
waste a moment 
can’t see straight 
down and out 
in a blackout 
just like fire 
notes on tenderness 
across the room
fire with fire 
going half-mad
loving to ruins 
rust to gold
send my love 
talking in code 
cradling a dream 
cut to black 
dear to me 
run me dry 
dancing with demons 
kiss and tell 
if you care 
the cry out 
steal this night 
just for now 
heart on fire 
hold my head 
nobody but you 
simple and plain
a familiar sound 
fool for you 
drown your memory 
falling into you 
just like heaven 
warm like beaches 
love that stings 
rotting in places 
moves on you 
save your tears 
a single tear 
light my cigarette 
long nights, daydreams 
boys like you 
love me forever 
hands on me 
like a phonograph 
taking over me 
dug so deep 
touch the ground 
heart shaped box 
where’s my love
tears of gold
lover of mine 
love me wrong
kiss or kill 
exes and why’s 
love is easy 
stupid in love 
easy to love
lost with you 
glimpse of us 
keep you safe 
death with dignity 
just like heaven 
heart of glass 
baby i’m yours 
pull my strings 
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love me a little
happy without me
you can't hold my heart
wishing on a star
give it to me
around the world in a day
waste it on me
this mess is yours
feeling like i do 
on a war path 
blood on the surface 
corner of the sky 
do the divine love 
drinking the corinthian sun 
everything is laced in (add word) 
lost in the moment 
in the nick of time 
mouth like a pomegranate 
the bones you’re made of 
when the mania speaks 
all desire & no thought 
blue in the face 
collapsing and relapsing 
middle of the night 
sail to the sun 
lay down your arms 
falling into the sky 
take me where your heart is 
she’s like the bad weather 
kill for your love 
the cigarette and the smoker 
the match and the fuse 
saint, i’m a sinner 
when the sky comes falling 
pretty little hand in mine 
even when the sun don’t shine
staring at the sun / sunset 
tangled up with you all night 
paper airplanes flying 
maybe i’m a fool 
tastes like rock candy 
blood in a lemon
(a) heart ready to die 
fate is losing its patience 
at least we feel alive 
death for your secrets 
someone’s gonna ruin you 
dancing in a crowded room 
smell you on my clothes 
always taste like you 
leave me wanting more 
hunger for (insert here) 
swim before you drown 
put your hands on me 
drink my (these) tears and cry 
i’d sleep all day just to dream of you 
so high we never stood a chance 
i’d break down anytime for you 
maybe i’m wrong, or maybe it’s true 
i only breathe so that i breathe with you
a worn out cassette 
lips on my cold neck 
talking in my sleep 
make me feel like someone else 
locked inside your heart 
hooked on her flesh 
it’s bloody and raw 
the angel of small death 
just a couple sinners 
smiles cover your heart 
charmer and the snake 
stuck on your thumb 
if i killed someone for you 
dancing with your ghost 
i miss you, i’m sorry 
woman of the hour 
shut up and look pretty 
queen of the night 
devil in a dress 
the thought of you 
to be your lover 
falling over you 
just like a movie 
love on the line 
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yoyo-s-coffee · 2 years
these 3 live rent free in my head 24/7
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I drew this while sick so you know they're high quality/j
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dizzybizz · 2 years
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incoherent mumbling and whimpering and sobbing and-
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seleneprince · 5 months
I'm looking for a severitus fanfic that I read a while ago but I can't find it again
It was about Severus adopting Harry by Dumbledore's orders, as he realised the abuse of the Dursleys. And Sirius kept sending him the most unhinged letters from Azkaban. There was also some hint of Snupin there and Charlie Weasley having some cute crush on Severus as a student, but it's only mentioned by Bill.
And in the end, Sirius told Rita Skeeter that Harry was his and Severus' child so Severus had a vis a vis with him.
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Insufferable (1/7)
My sick!Vox fic is finally up, or at least part 1 is! Decided to break into what I think will be 2 chapters. Featuring an insufferable bastard, plus caretaking from the Vees.
Next chapters: 2 3 4 5 6 7
Wavs: 1 3
“Why are the lights so fucking bright in here? Are you trying to give me a headache?” Vox was often a bit of an insufferable prick, but today he was far worse than usual. His interview for Voxtech Angelic Security was just an hour away and he’d already managed to insult pretty much everyone in the room. The lights dimmed, he returned to a previous complaint. “And why haven’t you turned the AC colder already? It’s like a sauna in here!”
“The AC is already as cold as it goes, sir.”
“Then fix it! God, what am I even paying you for?” He paused, then pulled out his cell phone. “Hey Val, are you free right now? I got an employee I’d like you to knock some sense into—or rip the limbs off of, whichever you prefer. I could do it myself, but I know how much you enjoy that thing.”The employee shuddered. “Great, thanks! See you soon.”
Vox looked around. “Where is my water bottle? There should be one on the interviewing desk. Is anyone around here doing their goddamn job?” Another employee rushed over with a water bottle. “Finally.” He took a sip and immediately grimaced. “Where did you get this? Normal water doesn’t scrape my throat like that! Disgusting.” He threw the water bottle aside, pausing only to make sure the lid was on first.
He took a deep breath, which immediately triggered a coughing fit, his voice crackling like a broken speaker. His screen went grey and fuzzy, static flaring with each cough. “Who did the last maintenance on the filtration system?” A sheepish woman stepped forward. “Fix it! Actually, no. Get out. You’re fired. The air is so thick in here I can hardly breathe.” She hung her head and wandered off. It wasn’t like she was the first to be fired on a whim, and at least Vox didn’t literally tear people apart. “I’ll take a look at it along with the AC, then, sir,” the employee from earlier offered.
“You’d better. But don’t think that’s enough to save you,” Vox said, standing so close the employee could hardly hear anything over the fan. “Val’s still on his way.” The employee gulped.
Valentino began shivering the moment he stepped in the door, but he ignored that and made a beeline for Vox. “Where’s the victim?” he asked with a grin.
Vox pointed to the man cowering in the corner. “He won’t fix the AC.” Val nodded, still shivering. “He says it’s already as cold as it can go, but I’m boiling here!” Val raised an eyebrow at that. A loud whirring started as Vox’s fans kicked in.
Val put a hand on Vox’s forehead, and jerked it away almost immediately. “Amorcito, you’re incredibly hot!”
“Save it for later, Val,” Vox chuckled.
“No, I mean it’s hard to believe how much you’re overheating. And in a freezing room, no less. I thought my hand was going to burn!” Vox crossed his arms and shook his head. “I mean it, Vox, you’re obviously running a fever!”
“Shut up. I’m fi… hi…” his screen flickered with each hitch. “Hi’tzzzcht! Fine.”
“Sir?” The employee raised a finger tentatively, regaining some boldness now that neither of them was ripping him apart. “One of the lights just broke.”
“Why the fuck are you telling me? Just fix it! Ugh, it’s a wonder anything gets done around here.” He gave a long sniff, trying to stave off the buzzing tickle. “And send a cleaning crew in. It’s way too du… huh… huh… hut’TZZZZSHT! Dusty in here.”
“We just cleaned yesterday…” the employee said weakly, trying not to look at the speaker that had just popped.
“I didn’t ask you when the last cleaning was, I asked you to clean the damn studio! Now get on with it before I change my mind and let Val rip your arms off.”
“Yes, sir. Sorry, sir.” The employee practically ran off to begin his tasks as Val gave a toothy grin, looking menacing despite the intense shivering.
“There you go. I’ll be back here for the sound check. And this place better be fucking spotless.”
Vox and Val walked out the door. “I’ll catch you at the penthouse,” Vox said, activating his teleportation powers. He only made it a few feet. “Hhh’dzzzzcht!” The hallway lights flickered.
“How about we walk together?” Val offered, wrapping his arm around Vox. Vox sighed, but it wasn’t like he had a choice. Repeatedly teleporting a few feet at a time sounded even more annoying than walking. While they walked, Val pulled out his phone with his free hand to text Velvette. “Meet at the penthouse ASAP.”
Velvette almost dropped her phone when she saw the pair of them walk through the door. “Walk” was actually a bit of an overstatement. Vox was practically staggering, leaning heavily on Val for support. His screen was dimmed, except for a bright spot in the center where his nose would be, if he had one. His fans were still whirring loudly. His normally immaculate suit was wrinkled, as if he’d crumpled in on himself repeatedly. The man was, quite obviously, a mess.
Velvette stared in silence for a moment. “Wow. He really does look awful, doesn’t he?”
Vox glared. “I’m fine. I’m just taking a quick break before the studio’s ready for my interview. Those morons still have a lot to set up.” The pair stared at him.
“Um, Vox? You sure now is the best time for an interview?” Velvette asked.
“I’m fine,” he insisted, his hypnotic eye swirling so slowly it might as well be a broken Ferris wheel.
“Right,” Velvette said, rolling her eyes as Vox’s screen flickered again. “Totally fine, and definitely not about to sneeze.”
“I’m not going to… hih’tzzzzch!” He opened his mouth to protest more, but no sound came out. Damn it, were his audio drivers glitching too? Or was it just his vocal cords? He smacked the side of his head with a grimace. “The interview has to be today. If I delay it, it’ll look like we’re hiding something.” Thank god that worked. Vox without his voice was… well, he really didn’t want to think about that.
Velvette raised an eyebrow. “You literally just smacked yourself in the head cause you couldn’t talk. You really think you’re in a good state to be giving an interview?”
Vox’s screen brightened for a moment. “I’m fine! It’s fixed now.” His screen dimmed again, then started flickering. “I’m perfectly heal… heh… hhh… healthy! Just let me go to the godda… ehh… ahh… hah’TZZZZSHT! The goddamn interview.” Valentino’s phone instantly shut off. Velvette, seeing this, clutched her phone tightly to her chest.
Val tried turning his phone back on, but it was unresponsive. “You broke my phone, Vox. You broke my fucking phone! What else are you gonna break if you go back in there?”
Vox frowned. Loath as he was to admit illness, it really was in his best interest to minimize property damage. Especially with a live audience.
“I’ll do the interview,” Velvette offered.
Vox gave a laugh that quickly turned into a coughing fit, his screen a sputtering mess of static again. “No offense, Velvette, but I’m pretty sure you’re not familiar with the ins and outs of the system.”
“And I’m pretty sure you’re not recognizing you don’t have a lot of options. Would you rather send Valentino?”
The other two recoiled at the suggestion. “God, no!” Vox replied. “Ugh, I guess if you really want to, go knock yourself out. My notes are on that tah… hhh… ahh… hah… hah’TDZZZCHT! Tablet.” Said tablet was now stuck in bluescreen. “Shit.” He rubbed his aching head, trying to think.
“Are the notes backed up like the rest of your files?” Vox nodded, not even trying to speak this time. “I can pull it up on my phone, then. I’ve got this. Backbone of the Vees, remember? You just stay here and get some rest,” she said, blowing a kiss as she left.
Velvette strutted out the door, taking with her the responsibility that had been keeping Vox together, and it was like a switch had been flipped. Vox immediately plopped himself down on the couch, limbs dangling limply. “Everything huuuurts, Val.”
“I know, Amorcito, that’s why I’m here.” He gently stroked Vox’s arm. “Now, is it really everything? Or can you be a bit more specific so I can actually help you?”
Vox’s mouth moved, but no words. A frown. A throat clearing sound. More mouth movement, still no words. A deeper frown. A self-inflicted smack on the side of the head. Still no words. The fans kicked into high gear as Vox was about to spit steam out of his head.
“Shh, gentle, Voxy. Let’s try not to blow out the power grid again, hm?” Val patted Vox’s screen. “I’ll get you something for your throat.” He searched through the fridge for some Gatorade. Electrolytes had to do something for an electric being, right? In the absence of any speech from Vox, the fans were even more noticeable. Better grab a cold compress from the freezer too, then. He placed the cold pack on Vox’s screen and handed him the bottle. Vox took a sip and shook his head. His voice still failing him, Vox made images appear on the screen. Val blinked, trying to figure out what he was looking at.
“Something wrong with the drink?” A nod. “Tastes bad?” Head shake. Val tried to think what could possibly be wrong with a drink. “Too liquidy?” Vox rolled his eyes. “Wrong color?” A facepalm. “Uh… too cold?” Vigorous nodding, and then a wince and a dizzy expression. “I got it. Just rest here, Vox. I’ll find you something.”
Val returned a few minutes later with a steaming mug of tea. Vox’s screen was dim and pale, the colors washed out. His weak fingers could barely grasp the handle of the mug. “Oh, Voxy, you poor thing,” Val said, his wings wrapping around Vox for support. The steam from the drink got into Vox’s vents and his screen started flickering. Val noticed immediately and set the mug on a nearby table, holding Vox through the buildup.
“Hhh… hhhh… hhh… hhht’dzchhht! Hhhh’zzzzch! Hhh’ZZZZZSHT! Htchh’RRRRGZZZZZZT! Ugh.” The demon clawed at his throat, then paused in realization. “Fucking hell that hurt!” He winced. “Talking hurts.” Still, better to have a functioning voice, he supposed. He gestured to the mug, and Valentino handed it to him. He took a sip, grimaced, and then finished the rest of the mug in one gulp. Val surveyed the room and realized that a few of the TV screens were out. “Let’s get you into bed, hm?” Vox raised an eyebrow. “Not like that! Unless you want to, of course…” he added, licking his lips. Vox shook his head, exhausted. Val led Vox to the bedroom, the TV clinging hard to the moth as he took a few shaky steps. Val paused, then nodded to himself. He hoisted Vox over his shoulder, ignoring the spluttering protests. “Amorcito, you can barely walk. Let me carry you for a bit.”
Vox huffed, and Val felt the static shock. “You could at least have the decency to carry me like your partner instead of, I don’t know, a corpse?”
Val chuckled. “Have you seen yourself, darling? You practically are a corpse at this point.” Still, he switched to bridal carry.
After what felt like an eternity, dragged out by Vox’s complaining that he was on death’s door, they finally reached the bed. Val laid Vox down and sat next to him. “Now then, does everything still hurt? What can I get you?”Vox’s lips moved silently, then rapidly into what Val assumed to be a string of curse words. Hard to tell without audio. Val sighed. “You really are feeling awful, aren’t you?” Vox nodded. Val stared at Vox for a while until the moth’s singular brain cell finally came up with an idea. He blew a puff of smoke in Vox’s face. Vox flinched, and his screen flickered rapidly. “Hhh… hih… hhhh’dzzzzzzcht! Hih’tzzzzsh! Hah’TZZZZZCHT! TZZZSH! Tzzzsch’TZZZZZST’dzTZZZZZSSHHT! What the fuck, Val?” He rubbed his throat. “Oh. Uh… thanks, I guess? I don’t know. That fucking sucked.”
“If you’d rather not repeat that, then I suggest you get your words out now before you lose your voice again.”
Vox scowled, but he knew it was a valid point. “I just… I’m sore all over. It’s not fair! What did I do to deserve this?” Val raised a finger. “Besides everything that got me into hell.” Val shrugged. “Ugh… my throat hurts, my head hurts, all my muscles ache, there’s this constant buzzing in the back of my head that won’t go away, everythig is blisterigly warmb whatever I try… oh for fugck’s sake, I get congestiod dnow too? Ughhhh…” He groaned and rolled over, faceplanting into the bed.
Val tutted sympathetically. “You never do anything half-assed, do you?” Vox nodded, dragging his screen across the blanket. “Vox, if you’re feeling so warm, why are you still wearing all those clothes?” A pause. Vox wasn’t sure how to respond to that. “There’s no image you need to keep up right now, Vox. Let’s get you comfortable.” Vox sat up and let Val get to work. The crumpled suit was set on a nearby chair. The sweater and shirt were pulled off and tossed to the same chair, Vox dropping his arms instantly the moment he no longer needed to put in the energy to keep them up. The shoes were removed and the pants taken off and folded up with care. As soon as it was done, Vox collapsed face down into the bed again, breathing heavily from the effort.
“You said you’re sore all over, would you like a massage, Amorcito?” A thumbs up. Val got up to find the massage bar. They’d found that using a more solid form helped avoid any accidents… they did NOT need a repeat of the time poor Vox got massage oil stuck in his vents. Val began massaging Vox’s arms, but paused when he felt Vox’s shoulders shudder.
“Hhhh’dzzzzzzchmp!” The sound was muffled into the bed. Vox slowly dragged himself up until he was facing Val. “Hit’chZZZZZZZCHT!” Sparks flew from Vox’s screen and landed on Val’s arm.
“Keep your sparks to yourself, Vox!” he said, wincing at the static shock. “Hmm… that might explain the electronics failures…”
“Sorry, Val.” He said, rubbing his screen. “Wasd’t expectig it to comb that fast.” He gave a long sniff. “Hhhhh’dZZZZZZT!” He pointed at the massage bar. “Can you put that away? I think the scent is too strong right now, my sensors must be acting up.”
Val switched to an unscented massage bar and resumed the massage. A few soft moans from Vox let Val know that his attempts were effective. Eventually the sound dropped off entirely, except for the occasional sneeze, which Val assumed meant the video demon’s voice had given out again. After a while, there was no sound at all except for congested breathing. Val gently turned Vox on his back, revealing closed eyes. Val breathed a sigh of relief. The man was much less exhausting when he was unconscious. Maybe now both of them could get some rest.
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pixiielated · 1 month
help a poor reader find a lost fic :(
there was this atsumu x reader fic on ao3 a few years back !!
reader was a pastry chef who had a bakery across onigiri miya and atsumu buys from her. reader was also close friends with seijoh4 and had a problematic ex but ends up getting over the trauma. also i think oikawa ends up visiting at some point but makki would also help around the bakery a lot!
the author also had a bunch of other haikyuu x reader fics, if that helps
i used to remember the title bec i would reread it often but now i cant anymore sobs pls help, i'm so desperate :(
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mushiewrites · 1 year
Got Your Back
Hiya! So I’ve had this fic since last September, I wrote it for @emmadoodlewrites when we both went insane for tickle machines and made up a few in a flustered frenzy. I recently rediscovered this fic and shared it with @wishitweresummer, who encouraged me over and over to upload it. So, I reworked it, somehow added 1K words, and here we are. Thank you @awkwardtickleetoo + summer for reading this through for me and for hyping it up and making me want to post it! (and thank u cal for the title ur a genius). I love how it turned out, and I hope you do too!
After George confessed his love for tickling to Dream, he decides to make him something special in support. Dream gets curious, and before he knows it, he’s stuck
(lee!Dream / tickle machine : 3.6K words)
Dream had always been curious. Everyone who knew him was aware of this fact, mostly due to the blonde getting himself into trouble because of it. Whether he was exploring new places without a map or tinkering with things he shouldn’t, he was used to things backfiring. But he didn’t really mind. He much preferred taking the risk in favor of trouble in order to learn everything he could about anything and everything he was interested in - including people.
Another thing Dream was known for was his generosity. Gift giving was absolutely one of his main love languages, and he constantly used it to show his friends and loved ones just how much he cared for them. Dream was thoughtful, always collecting things that reminded him of specific people and being so excited to give it to them, relishing in the way their faces would light up at the unexpected gift.
Recently, George had revealed some very personal information about himself with Dream. A few weeks ago, while sitting underneath an oak tree in the rain, George had told Dream his thoughts and feelings on tickling - about how much he loved it, and how much he adored the feeling of it. He told Dream how warm and safe the action made him feel, sputtering and whining through it all. It took some much needed coaxing and reassurance from the blonde, but in the end, George got it all out. Dream was there to support him through the whole thing, wrapping him into the biggest hug he could while showering him in praise.
Immediately after George had left that day, the cogs in Dream’s brain began to turn. He was set on creating things to show George that he didn’t have to be embarrassed about his secret adoration for tickling, wanting to make him something special and just for him. Dream spent many nights hunched over his crafting table drawing up blueprints, feeling like a madman whenever he came up with a new contraption to torture George with. After coming up with a few solid ideas, the building began.
It started with a small tickle machine.
It was around the same size and shape of a normal backpack, and designed to sit against the back the same way. There were eight retractable arms that sat over the shoulders, ribs and sides, much like how a koala would cling onto a person. The arms were designed to be able to perform the meanest of tickles that George could handle (or not, but that wasn’t Dream’s problem). The ends of the metal rods were covered in small rubber nubs, molded to glide expertly between ribs, to skitter up and down squishy sides, to poke and prod against sensitive stomachs - the possibilities were endless on someone as ticklish as George.
The machine was still in the prototype stages, but it was ready to be tested to make any final adjustments. He planned on waiting until the next time he was with George to test it, wanting to see how the machine worked on the smaller boy and hoping to find ways to make improvements. But the longer the device sat idly, waiting for its first victim, the more Dream’s curiosity grew.
So he decided to test it himself.
After a lot of pacing and contemplating, he walked over to the chest in the corner of the room where he kept the machine, opening the lid and chuckling nervously when he saw it. It looked like some kind of giant upside down bug, with the legs curled in on themselves while in the ‘off’ position. Dream lifted it from the chest, holding it in his hands and inspecting it while the butterflies in his stomach erupted into a whole new wave of panic. It took a bit of self convincing but he finally decided that yes, he was absolutely going to test this now. What George didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him.
Dream let out a nervous giggle as he pressed the little green power button on the middle of the machine, reaching around and holding it against his back the best he could to try and secure it. He struggled with the positioning, taking a few steps back until he felt his heels hit the wall. Dreamed leaned against it, using the wall to help hold the machine in the correct spot and allowing the arms to finally extend out and over his body, clinging on and tightening to hold itself in place. The blonde watched in amusement as the arms reached over his shoulders and hugged around different parts of his ribs and sides, settling down after a few minutes and becoming still against him. He smirked to himself, happy with the way the machine was working so far.
Dream jumped forward with a yelp as the arms began to move, pulling him from his thoughts and bringing his attention to the new sensation that was spreading across his torso. It was only the first stage of the tickling, Dream having set different settings and stages for different tickling speeds and techniques. But even at the lowest stage, it had Dream doubled over, squirming against the wall as the ends of the metal arms pressed lightly against his ribs. The drew small, slow circles into the bones, pulling strained laughs out of Dream even as he tried his hardest to hold them in. He didn’t expect it to be this bad, but it was, and all he could think about was how much this would get to George. Through his panicked giggles he cheered at his success in making a functioning tickle machine.
The arms slowed to a halt, giving Dream time to catch his breath. He stood back up on his feet, turning around to face the wall and leaning his forehead against it with a groan. He closed his eyes as he continued to take in deep breaths, smiling at the thought of George screaming and squealing having to endure this himself. Suddenly the arms sprung back to life, digging in with a little more pressure at a quicker speed. Dream was thrown into loud cackles almost immediately, pushing off the wall and throwing his head back, his arms pressed as tightly as he could to his sides in an attempt to block out the tickly feeling.
“Ohoho my Gohohod, fuck! Thihis is bahahad!” Dream knew no one was around but couldn’t help but narrate the feeling. It was just so much more ticklish than he ever thought it would be, and it was only the second stage. He clenched his fists tightly, his eyes still squeezed shut as he let out a wheeze through his laugh, hiccups and high pitched squeals following closely behind.
The arms that rested over his shoulders were prodding into his top ribs, just below his armpits. They dug in slightly, vibrating over the bones every few seconds and making Dream feel weak in the knees. The other three sets of arms were poking into his ribs and sides, moving slightly every time they lifted up and touching down, always tickling a new patch of skin to keep him squirming. He leaned forward as he cackled, trying his best to stay standing as he laughed himself silly. He couldn’t remember the last time he was tickled this much - in his defense, he couldn’t really remember anything anyway with how fiercely the machine was tickling. Through it all, though, he did have one consistent thought; it tickled, and it tickled bad.
Dream gasped for air the minute the machine came to another pause, his giggles remaining as the metal arms stayed pressed against the bones of his ribs. He couldn’t shake the ghost tickles that had his stomach doing somersaults, even when he used his hands to rub the areas around where the arms were resting. The blonde found himself giggling helplessly, deciding he’d done enough testing for one day and reaching back in an attempt to power off the machine. George could try out the more intense settings the next time he stopped by.
But as Dream felt around blindly for the power button, he realized he couldn’t reach it from this position. He opened his eyes in a panic, quickly looking around on the table beside him for anything he could use to help reach it.
“Shit. Uhm….” Dream was mumbling under his breath as he searched through different tools, eventually giving up and turning around to gently press against the wall behind him to try and successfully hit the power button. But it was no use, and the familiar sound of the machine whirring to life echoed through the room once more.
Suddenly the arms were digging into his ribs and sides, only this time, the bottom set of arms made their way over to his very sensitive tummy. He let out a shriek as they vibrated into the pudge of his lower tummy, between his belly button and the waistband of his pants.
“No no nahahahaha! Fuhuhuck, plehehease! PLEHEHEASE!” Dream wailed, feeling the second lowest set of arms moving over either side of his belly button and pressing in, vibrating again, but at a much faster pace than before. He doubled over once again, his back arching off the wall before leaning over with his elbows to his knees, cackling towards the floor with his eyes squeezed shut.
Just when he thought it couldn’t get any worse, the top two sets of arms began seeking out even more sensitive spots on his very ticklish torso. The lower of the top two sets found their way to the back of Dream’s ribs, a spot he had programmed purposely to fuck with George. He cried out at the feeling, never having been tickled there before and realizing how absolutely torturous it was. The top set framed themselves perfectly to wiggle their way under Dream’s arms, sending him flying back against the wall with his arms crossed over his stomach tightly.
“Nohoho, oh fuhuhuck, stohohop!” His knees began to wobble and he allowed himself to slowly slide down the wall, only stopping when he hit the ground with a thump. Dream pulled his knees up as much as he could, attempting to try and protect himself from the tickling but finding that it only further pressed the arms into his skin. He quickly straightened his legs out against the ground, kicking as he grabbed fistfuls of his pants, needing to hold onto something.
As the tickling continued, Dream fell to the ground on his side, turning onto his back and rolling back and forth a few times to try and hit the button against the floor. The third set of arms moved a little closer on either side to his belly button and he squealed, thrashing and squirming and kicking out as much as he could. No matter how much he pressed the machine into the ground, no matter what angle, it was no use - Dream was well and truly stuck.
The tickling finally stopped, but Dream couldn’t stop laughing. He was overwhelmed with the vibrations from the ghost tickles, still feeling the tingly circles and pokes over his torso as if they were still happening - even in the spots left untouched. He heard a noise from across the room and opened his eyes quickly, almost choking on his own breath as he saw George standing in the doorway, whose cheeks were bright red with his jaw dropped to the floor.
“G-George! I cahahan-”
“Dream?” George interrupted, his blushy cheeks somehow also appearing to be drained of all color as his eyes focused on the machine still wrapped around the blonde. “..What is that?”
The younger boy opened his mouth to try and explain, to try and make any excuse he could, but was cut off with a loud cackle when the machine clicked back on, the arms back in motion and making him scream.
“Noho not again! Nohoho plehehease! NOHOHO!” Dream let out a squeal that bounced off the walls of the room, startling George with the force of it. The older boy ran over and kneeled next to the blonde, trying to figure out what it was and what exactly was happening.
He watched with wide eyes as the metal arms poked and swirled and vibrated against Dream’s torso, focusing on his ribs and under his arms. The blonde let out a scream when the machine began to pick up speed and the bottom arms moved, making him arch up against the ground before falling back down against it, writhing and kicking as he did. Dream’s hands were wrapped around the bottom set of arms, pulling as much as he could to try and dislodge them, but finding it useless. George’s eyes trailed down to where they disappeared under the blonde’s shirt, moving a hand to grab the bottom of the fabric to slowly pull it up. George felt his face burning up as he saw the two bottom arms tickling at Dream’s belly button - one circling around the edge as the other pulled at it, occasionally dipping in and making Dream cry out in ticklish agony.
Dream swore he saw stars from how hard his eyes were squeezed shut. He knew he was screaming through his laughter, yet everything sounded muffled. His senses were on fire. The arms of the machine were sinking into every sensitive spot with precision, and with the two taunting the small indent in the center of his tummy, he thought he might seriously pass out at any second. His face was hot, and he could hear George talking to him and saying his name, but he couldn’t focus on anything else besides how horribly everything tickled. He attempted to open his eyes, but he was laughing so hard that his cheeks were keeping them squinted, blurring his vision and making it essentially impossible to see. Dream had no choice but surrender to the tickles, throwing his head back and letting himself laugh as much as he needed to.
He felt a hand grab his shoulder and pull him onto his side, and suddenly he could breathe again, taking in gulps of air and gasping through his cackles. George had managed to find the power button, finally freeing Dream from the ticklish hell he had been enduring. The brunette was carding his hand through the blonde waves, adjusting the two so that Dream’s head was resting against his thighs.
“Thank you, ohoho my God…” Dream managed through his left over giggles, turning to lay flat on his back as he draped a hand over his chest, letting out a deep sigh when he felt how fast his heart was beating. His eyes were still shut but he could hear the brunette laugh from above him, feeling his hand being moved from his chest and being replaced with one much smaller than his own. Dream moved his hand back, laying it over George’s and holding it for comfort.
“What even was that thing?” George asked hesitantly. Dream could sense the nervousness in the elder’s voice, opening his eyes slowly to adjust to the light and allowing them to focus on the brunette. George’s face was closer than he expected, making him giggle when George realized and pulled back quickly, clearing his throat and looking away from the blonde. Dream watched with a wide smile as George’s face grew an even deeper shade of red, clearly flustered at the situation he had walked in on.
“Well,” Dream spoke through his teeth, grunting as he moved to sit up slowly and cracking his back before turning around to face George. “You were nice enough to trust me with the whole tickling thing, so I wanted to do something special for you!”
Dream laughed as George physically cringed at the mention of the dreaded word, turning his attention from the blonde once again and looking down at his lap, picking at a loose thread in his pants to distract himself as he continued.
“O-Okay, and what? You decided you wanted to torture yourself to relate, or….?” He let out a squeaky giggle when Dream scoffed at the accusation, squirming to the side when a poke landed on his ribs.
“No, idiot. I actually made it…for you. For fun for us, but I was also thinking about it for the times where I can’t be there to help, you know?” Dream spoke gently, suddenly feeling shy about the whole thing and reaching behind him to pick up the small machine to hand to George. He watched as George’s face continued to turn a bright red, biting his lip to hold back the giggle that was threatening to escape to try and remain calm, knowing how embarrassing the subject was for the brunette.
“Dreeeeam,” George whined, holding the machine in one hand and bringing his free hand up to cover his face. “That’s…that’s just…”
He was struggling to find the words, torn between wanting to scream out in embarrassment, and wanting to cry because of how lucky he was to have someone like Dream supporting him. The younger boy giggled at the response, leaning forward and pulling the smaller boy into a hug. He smiled when he felt George lean into him, letting out a shaky breath as Dream used a hand to rub up and down his back soothingly.
“You’re welcome, Gogy.” Dream smirked, feeling George hide his face into the crook of his neck, whining about how much of an idiot he was. He let George pull away after a minute, using the floor to push himself up onto his feet and leaning down to offer George a hand. The brunette accepted it, grabbing the bigger hand and laughing when Dream yanked him to his feet as if he weighed nothing.
“I have a feeling this thing is gonna absolutely destroy you, Georgie.” Dream teased, poking at the machine and giggling when George turned his hips to prevent him from touching it. He noticed the elder’s blush had spread to the tips of his ears, the light pink color slowly turning a lighter shade of red the more flustered he became. George rolled his eyes at the blonde, hugging the machine to his chest as he spoke.
“Well, it sure did destroy you, didn’t it, Dreamie?” Dream made a move to walk towards the door, George suddenly stepping in his path and making the two almost collide together. He felt his own stomach flip at the question, taking a small step back and bringing a hand up to run through his hair as a way to cope with the nervousness he suddenly felt.
“I don’t know about that, but-” he tried to excuse the accusation away, but George was having none of it. He got a sudden wave of confidence, and mixed with his normal cockiness, Dream was doomed.
“No no no, you’re not gonna act like that didn’t just wreck you to pieces, Dream.” The blonde felt himself swallow hard as George took a step forward back into his space. “Which is kind of questionable, actually, because why would someone subject themselves to such torture if they didn’t like it? Care to explain?”
“N-No! No, I-”
“You liked it, didn’t you?” George held up a hand, slapping it over Dream’s mouth when he opened it to protest. “You wouldn’t have tried it if you didn’t think you’d like it at least a little bit.”
George removed his hand to let Dream answer, bursting into bright giggles when the blonde pressed his lips together tightly, his cheeks burning up and turning a dusty pink.
“I don’t!” George laughed at the way Dream was immediately defensive, not having any real excuse to offer other than a denial.
“Don’t worry, Dream. Your secret’s safe with me.” The older boy poked a finger into Dream’s tummy, making him jump back with a squeal. When he looked up again, George was walking towards the door, laughing as he went. Dream groaned, looking down at his shirt and bringing a hand up to his stomach, rubbing out the lingering tingles that George had left behind. He heard the door opening, looking up and being met with a very menacing smirk.
“Just to let you know, I absolutely will be using this against you. Watch your back, Dream. Your very, very ticklish back.” Dream felt a shiver run down his spine as he watched George flash him one last smile before turning to step through the threshold of the door with a wave, closing it lightly behind him.
Dream walked over to the crafting table, leaning back against it and letting out a deep breath he didn’t realize he was holding in. He sat down on the stool next to him, letting his head fall into his hands with a flustered whine, giggling to himself at how ridiculous the whole thing was.
When the flustered feeling finally passed, Dream was back on his feet, scribbling over blueprints of other ideas he had, making little improvements and upgrades as he worked. Dream decided he needed to up his game. If George thought that machine was mean, he decided to show him just how bad it could get. Dream was about to create George’s worst nightmare. Dream was determined to make George cry.
And he had just the idea on how to do it.
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fruitheart · 3 months
can I request a afab nb reader x rex angst fluff fic? maybe like one of his explosives go off and injures reader and they lose their memory of who he is 😖
i know you
Rex Sloan/Splode x AFAB/NB!Reader
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note ; this was such a cute idea to me HEHE, of course, here you go.. ( ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ ) fyi reader is a super
Everyone told him it wasn’t his fault. They told him it was an accident, that he hadn’t meant to. He’d have never meant to. Rex didn’t need people telling him he would have never meant to do it to know that was the truth. He was an asshole, but he wasn’t evil. Never would he have done what led up to this on purpose.
Words of reassurance and attempted comfort from everyone trying to help him feel better, trying to prevent him from blaming himself any more than he already was fell completely through. He was good at acting unbothered at first though, worried, but unbothered.
It didn’t work, how could it? When he closed his eyes, he could see you. The realization, the complete fear in your eyes, then the small flash of acceptance before the explosion went off. It was his fault the explosion happened to begin with.
When he closed his eyes, he could hear your voice call out to him before the explosion engulfed you, before it consumed you whole. He could see the look on your face right before it happened, you knew he was going to blame himself for it.
Every time he slept, he dreamt of it. Every time he laid in his bed at night and found himself finally drifting off to sleep, he was quickly met with the memory of how everything unfolded.
“Quit being such a hardass!” You scolded him. “Just follow the plan, Rex! Stop being so annoying.”
He should have listened.
He didn’t.
“Quit being such a hardass.” He mocked as you flew off, “What a bitch, they think I’m annoying?” He scoffed, rolling his eyes. “I mean, am I right?” Rex turned towards Kate, trying to get someone to agree with him.
“You should listen to them, Rex.” She glared, “Before you get one of us killed.” Running off before he could argue back with her.
He should have listened.
He didn’t.
Back-and-forth bickering between you two while in the middle of a battle. Maybe if he didn’t argue with you, he would have been paying attention to what he was doing. But that’s not how it happened.
“Damn it, Rex! Now’s not the time!” You called out from afar, busy trying to keep back Komodo Dragon. “Just shut up!” Senses overwhelmed, trying to keep up with arguing back with him amongst all the chaos.
“I’m just saying, you’re always giving me shit! You’re not exactly any better!” He shouted. Hands grasping one of the metal bars attached to his hip, charging it quickly and throwing it past you, creating a small explosion to back off the rest of the Lizard League. The explosion causing your ears to ring.
It was too much, you couldn’t keep up. It wasn’t your fault, Rex should have taken notice. He should have taken the situation seriously. Instead he was too caught up in a game of who can win the argument.
Charging another metal bar strong enough to completely decimate anyone near it, he should have noticed how disoriented you were. He thought you would have seen the explosive being chucked towards you both. He thought you would have moved out of the way in time. You were always quick with it, you were always well coordinated and aware of everything going on, you were always ready.
He should have paid attention.
You noticed the metal bar rolling towards you too late, you didn’t see it until it was already at your feet. Head snapping up at Rex, his face morphed from smug at his earlier retort, to complete horror. His lips parted and his voice screamed out your name.
Your hand reached out towards him as you attempted to move away, mouth opening,
The flash of the explosion lit your face before he could see nothing at all but the aftermath. Hands quickly wafting away the smoke as panic had his nerves shot. Ears ringing and eyes wide, he ran as fast as he could, stumbling over chunks of rubble and debris. Throat tight and scratchy as he continued to shout your name, calling out to you.
His brain saved every little detail to torment him. It saved every millisecond of it. It saved the way you looked when he found you. Bloodied and bruised, a nasty gash to your head that oozed blood down your face, patches of your skin reddened and burned. Even your suit was barely intact as most of it had been torn and burned.
Rex felt sick. How could he not? It was enough to make anyone hate themselves, it was enough to make him hate himself.
He replayed it again and again in his head until the thought made him feel like puking. He dreamt it again and again until he’d wake up gasping for air, muscles cramping and body shaking. Rex wouldn’t ever have done anything like that on purpose.
He’d have never hurt you. It didn’t matter how many times the both of you argued. How many times he called you names and how many shouting matches you had.
Weeks went by, weeks of watching you lay still in a hospital bed. In a cold white room with monitors that beeped and showed how your body was holding up.
Cecil told him how it was no surprise you survived, advanced durability, you were always able to take a nasty hit. But the damage inflicted was painful, especially the blow to your head.
It was enough to send you into a coma. They didn’t know what your status would be when you woke up, if you were to ever wake up. It didn’t matter to him, he would have sat next to your bed for the rest of his life if it called for it.
He told himself it was his fault. He didn’t care what anyone else said, he didn’t care about the reassuring remarks and pleas to just give himself a break. It was his fault he had to watch you lay there hooked up to machines. He was good at playing it off like it was no big deal, like he knew you’d come back from it, hiding away the worry.
Rex was a prick, he was a stubborn asshole, but even he couldn’t stop himself from pressing his ear up to your chest and listening to your heartbeat. And when someone walked in, he pretended he wasn’t just holding your hand in his.
He’d wait until others left before fixing your hair, brushing it out from your face and making sure you looked like you were comfortable.
He’d never show that he cared, you’d have teased the absolute living hell out of him for it, but when you looked like this, when the overwhelming guilt made itself known again… Rex caught himself holding the side of your face in the palm of his hand.
If it took living out the rest of his life sleeping in a chair beside you, he’d do so.
─ ୨୧ ─
When he walked in this morning, he was surprised to see a couple of people already standing outside your room. He was usually the first and only one to visit you at the start of the day.
“What the hell is going on here? A party? Move people!” He scoffed, trying to push past Kate and Eve.
“Rex, wait–” Eve reached for him, putting a hand to his shoulder, keeping him from reaching the door as she pulled him away.
Growing annoyed he turned to her, “What the hell, Eve? What?”
“I don't think it's a good idea seeing them right now–”
“Yeah, Eve’s right, Rex.” Mark added in.
“Huh? What is this? Move out the way, Jesus.” Rex shouted, brushing Eve’s hand off as he reached for the door handle, ready to barge in without so much as listening to them. Expecting the worst given how everyone was acting.
Swinging the door open, he was met with… Well, you. You were finally awake. He felt more than relieved, his body almost going weak at the sight of you awake and looking around. To hear your voice as you spoke to Cecil before cutting yourself off at his intrusion, eyes slowly glancing at him up and down.
Cecil turned towards him, before he could spare Rex from what was to come, he was already opening his mouth,
“Holy shit! You're awake! Oh my God, finally!” He beamed, quickly stepping to the side of the bed, grabbing your arms.
“You were out for weeks!” He laughed, “We can finally get you out of here! You don’t know how fuckin’ boring it was staying in here waiting on your ass.” His hands reached to help you out from the bed.
“Rex, I don’t think–”
“Who are you?”
At first it didn’t register what you said, not fully. He looked at you funny, like you were making some kind of bad joke, eyebrow raising and lip twitching into a smirk. Until he realized nobody had the same reaction as him. Looking back at you to watch as genuine confusion stayed on your face. His hands falling to his sides.
“What?” He laughed once more, disbelief, hidden denial.
“It’s… It’s me. Rex, it’s… I’m Rex– I’m,” He stuttered over his words, looking around. From you, to Cecil, to everyone standing outside your room.
“What the fuck is happening?” He didn’t want to face it. Not even when you looked at him wide-eyed and confused. “You know who I am, stop shitting around. I get it! I get it, I should have listened but don’t–”
“Rex.” Cecil spoke, tone stern, warning him to stop speaking. Motioning his head towards the door as he walked out, Rex followed right behind him. He spared you one more glance before closing the door behind him.
“They don’t remember who you are–”
“Bullshit!” Rex shouted, defensive and unwilling to believe it. Unwilling to accept it. “You expect me to believe this? I’ve been putting up with their ass for years!” He shook his head, looking from one person to another, desperate for some sort of support in his words. No one backed him up.
Cecil pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing, “They suffered a concussion, they were put into a coma– Rex, they don’t remember a couple of things. Alright? I understand it’s not easy–”
“My ass they don’t remember! You know, this is fucked up, alright? Whatever this game is, it’s fucked! And I’m not playing along.” He huffed, turning and reaching for the handle once more. Eyes peering through the small window in the door, watching as you looked around the room.
You looked so lost; you really didn’t remember. His jaw clenched, trying to keep it together. The look on your face when you caught him staring. You really did have no clue who he was, you didn’t remember him.
“Rex. It was an accident, it’s not your fault.” Eve tried to reassure, pressing a hand to his back. He couldn’t even take his eyes off you to look at her. “I’m sure somewhere deep down, they know who you are, they just can’t remember right now.”
“They’re suffering from memory loss.” Cecil spoke, “Their condition doesn’t seem too bad. They don’t recall who certain people are or the incident but the best we’re hoping for is that it doesn’t get worse and eventually they’re able to recover their memory.”
─ ୨୧ ─
He tried to pretend like it didn’t bother him. Like he was okay with you not remembering him. Not that he was good at pretending the more time went on. Yet he didn’t let it stop him from being right by your side while you were recovering. Rex was insistent on staying right by you, even if he still was being an ass.
He woke up rather early, back aching from sleeping in a chair that was far from comfortable. Letting out a groan, he stretched before settling back down.
Looking over at you, he hadn’t realized he was watching you sleeping peacefully for a bit now until he noticed one of your eyes open and staring right back at him. Earning an embarrassed reaction out of him as he cleared his throat.
You snorted, rubbing your face before sitting up. “How many more times am I going to catch you watching me sleep.” You yawned.
Rex turned away, flustered and slightly annoyed. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He rolled his eyes, “...When did you wake up?”
“As soon as you started staring at me.”
“I wasn’t staring.” He sneered.
“Uh huh, sure. You totally weren’t, stranger.”
“Shut up.” He groaned, slumping in his seat.
You rolled your eyes, laying back on your side as you pulled the thin sheet over your head and shielded your eyes from the light. The sound of Rex’s foot tapping against the tiled floor as he bounced his leg filling in the silence for a few minutes.
“I’m not a stranger.” His tone was almost upset. You were quiet for a bit,
“I know you’re not,” This was recurring between the two of you. He didn’t like it when you made those little comments, when you made it apparent you really didn’t remember who he was anymore. It made him feel bad. It made you feel bad. Even if you didn’t exactly remember him, you at least knew he meant something to you before.
From the way he talked about it, day after day in an attempt to help you recover what you lost, you knew you meant something to him too. He was arrogant, sure. Impulsive, full himself and a jerk, but something in you didn’t all too much mind. Like you knew he was capable of more than that.
He frowned, the last thing he wanted was to make you feel like anything was your fault. Especially when he was the reason you ended up here. If it were anybody else, he probably wouldn't have cared, but you weren't anyone else.
“It's whatever, It’s not like I’m upset or anything.”
You pulled the sheet down a bit, peering at him with an unamused look.
“You’re a horrible liar.”
“Not lying.”
“Are too.”
He leaned in, glaring at you with a pout of his lip. “How is it that you forgot me but you haven’t forgotten how to be so God damn annoying.”
You shrugged your shoulders, “If I’m so annoying then why are you still here.” Sitting up once more as you leaned into him as well, expression smug and teasing. Rex faltered, heat rising to his face before he sat back and looked away from you. Trying to play off the way his face reddened.
In truth, Rex always thought you were really attractive, now he wouldn’t say it to your face, never would he admit it to you or anyone for that matter. It’d just feed your ego, ironically coming from the guy with the biggest ego out of the two of you. But he also refused to admit to it out of embarrassment.
Embarrassed to admit that the sound of your voice and the sight of you were all very attractive to him, comforting even. Back then he was able to ignore it but since the accident, he realized just how much he thought about it. Nearly losing you was enough to shove those feelings in his face and force him to acknowledge it.
It made him sad however, you were still the same, no doubt. From the way you got on his nerves and how he felt towards you, but you no longer knew him like you used to. It felt cruel, like this was his punishment for not listening.
If this was his punishment, then he’d stick through it until the day you do remember him.
The feeling of you pinching his leg pulled him out of his thoughts,
“Ow! What the fuck?! Asshole.”
“You were staring off again, I thought you were having a stroke or something.”
He glared at you, you responded with a sheepish smile and a shrug of your shoulders. He sighed, sulking in his seat, you couldn’t help but feel bad. It felt horrible to not remember anything, but you figured it must have felt worse finding out someone you’ve known for years one day forgot all about you.
“Do you really not remember me?” It wasn’t the first time he’s asked this.
It wasn’t your first time responding, “I don’t.”
Rex looked at you, studying your face before averting his eyes as soon as you looked back at him.
“I really am sorry.”
“It’s not–”
“I am.” You tried not to tear up over it, you tried not to feel horrible for the way his eyes seemed glossy every time he remembered you didn’t know him anymore. Turning your face away, you took a deep breath before continuing,
“I know it’s not my fault or anything but it feels that way you know?” Looking down at your hands playing with the thin sheet of the bed. “I want to remember, I do– but I just, can’t. I’m trying… trying to remember.” Holding your breath to keep yourself from tearing up.
His hands gripped the arms of the chair, itching to reach out and hold you.
“Deep down I know you meant something to me before, everything you tell me feels right. I trust you, and I want to keep trying to remember–”
Rex stood from his seat, arms reaching up to wrap around your body as he held you close to him. Chin rested on your shoulder as one of his hands pressed itself into the back of your head. Tears threatening to spill from your eyes, you tried to ignore the burning sensation before eventually succumbing to it.
“Everything tells me I know you, it’s all I feel.” His hand buried itself in your hair, pressing his face into your neck.
Blinking away the tears in your eyes before he could see them when he pulled away.
He let out a dry laugh, “Talk about being fuckin’ sappy, jeez.”
You rolled your eyes. “You’re so annoying.”
─ ୨୧ ─
You’d spend a couple more days recovering, well, you had already recovered a bit ago but Cecil was insistent you stay just to make sure you’d be fine. Which you reluctantly agreed to.
Tonight was your final night here however, the thought made you relieved. Having been long tired of the stiff hospital bed and a sheet that made you itchy sometimes, you were happy to finally go back home.
Rex made sure you were comfortable, asking over and over if you needed anything, to which you responded with an exasperated ‘yes’ the more he kept asking, kicking his leg with your foot whenever you could tell he was about to ask again.
He was dead set on staying, even on your last night here. The thought made you giggle to yourself at his “hidden” worry.
You snuggled into the blanket, burying the side of your face into the pillow. Eyes just barely open to be able to still see him. Watching as he watched you. It made you feel warm, trying not to make it obvious you were grinning as you peeked at him. He would have never been like this before.
Oh yes, you remembered. Your memory had finally come back just yesterday, yet you held off on telling him as an ‘I told you so’ for not listening to you.
Watching as he squirmed in his seat, uncomfortable and tired. You rolled your eyes and sighed, sitting up and scooting over in the bed.
“Come here.”
You patted the space next to you, “Come here you dumbass, lay down.” He hesitated at first before standing up and scooting next to you, laying on his side, facing you. “God, you’re dumb.”
“Shut up, man.”
Pinching him roughly as your arms slithered to wrap around his neck, face pressed comfortably into his collar. Rex freezed up for a moment, until he eventually found his arms wrapping around your back, pressing you into him as he rested his chin on the top of your head.
You giggled to yourself, “You never would have done this before.”
He rolled his eyes, “You don’t even know that! I could have been a total sweetheart back then.”
Bursting into laughter, you held onto him tighter, “Yeah I do, total sweetheart my ass.”
“How? You don’t remember anything–”
You stayed silent, grinning against him as your legs entwined with his.
“Right? You still… don’t remember, right?” He asked, heart thumping against his ribcage. The sound of it comforting, making you giddy. Pulling your face away from him to look up at him, giving him a teasing smirk.
“Oh, you are… such a fucking dick.” He groaned, unable to hide the way his face softened. His hand made its way into your hair as he pressed you back into him. Relief washing over him as he realized you were finally back, really back. As he realized you finally remembered him.
Arms tightening around his neck, you pressed a soft peck to his cheek, noting the way one hand grasped onto your waist and wrapped around you tighter.
“You deserved it. Don’t blow me up next time, jackass.”
“I get it! Trust me, I won’t be doing that again any time soon.” He grumbled, pouting his lip.
Shrugging your shoulders, “I forgive you… obviously.”
Letting out a soft exhale through your nose, you listened intently to the way his heart slowed into a relaxed beat. Closing your eyes and slowly falling asleep in his embrace.
“I love you too, Rex.”
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diazheartsbuckley · 7 months
Wip Wednesday Thursday ✨
Okay so I tried to contain myself to only having one main wip but I can’t help it lol. So with some help from some lovely moots (you know who you are 💋), I’m presenting a new fic. It doesn’t have a name yet but let’s call it the second chance fic 🫢
Hope you guys will like this ☺️
(Idea and tags below cut)
So this fic is inspired by a scene from Station 19 and revolves around established buddie. The couple have been married for some time but when Buck gets a chance at a temporary job overseas, things start to change between them. Because Buck didn’t become interim captain, this is a huge opportunity for him and he’s very excited about it but Eddie has his doubts because of the time difference and their busy schedules. It leads to a lot of tension and arguments between the couple which eventually leads to Eddie leaving the 118, transferring to another department to get a break from all of the struggles that they’re going through - because they can’t leave it at home. Eddie doesn’t tell Buck about this transfer (because that man doesn’t wanna talk about his feelings)
Buck then decides to take the job overseas anyway because maybe a break is what they need. They try to make it work but they’re both incredibly busy and the time zones are a mess and all they do when they talk is to argue because they’re both frustrated and tired. Buck keeps in contact with Christopher but soon his connection with Eddie starts to fade.
Eddie still has residual trauma from Shannon leaving him, so all he can do is to mope around and be disheartened about the situation. Buck doubts that Eddie could still love him. They can’t seem to make amends when Buck returns and after some failed attempts at getting back together, Buck sees no other way out than to file for divorce and Eddie receives the papers at work, only angering him even more. Neither of them actually want to get divorced but they struggle to communicate their feelings and Eddie thinks that Buck maybe found someone else while he was away and that’s why he filed for divorce.
So it’s about them learning to communicate and to find their way back to each other. Plus it’s also going to have a good amount of angry (make up) sex 🫣
This introduction was very long so if you made it this far, thank you 😂
Tagged by @devirnis @jesuisici33 @athenagranted @disasterbuckdiaz @exhuastedpigeon @spotsandsocks @daffi-990 and @tizniz 💘 (consider this your tag for fuck it friday 💋)
Tagging for fuck it friday!! @watchyourbuck @honestlydarkprincess @cal-daisies-and-briars @vampbuckley @giddyupbuck @butraura @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @wildlife4life @wikiangela @namjroon @lover-of-mine @steadfastsaturnsrings @elvensorceress @jeeyuns @fiona-fififi 🦋🩵
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lalizah · 6 months
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Pov: You're staring at the remains of your antique side table because your best friend is emotionally constipated
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nicalysm · 10 months
Do you ever read a fanfic without an account and accidentally exit without saving it and now it's lost forever...
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That moment when you’re struggling to find a dcxdp fic but can’t remember if it was on tumblr or ao3 and all you remember was Bruce didn’t know Jason was alive until he came up to the watchtower begging for help to find his son (Danny) and this revealed himself by whipping his helmet off after finding him
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jensensfanfic · 2 years
could you do a protective ellie one shot? like maybe the reader gets hurt and ellie loses her shit on whoever hurt her? thank for considering !
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pairing: student!ellie x fem!reader
word count: 1.8k
warnings: fighting (not much), bullying, mentions of a few minor injuries, reader wears glasses, reader has anxiety
a/n: i'm gonna say you're both around 16/17 in this. school systems confuse me everywhere, so just apply that to whatever year group you'd be in. reader is written as being quite shy and quiet in this one! also, i name the a-hole liam :). hope you like it!
Unsurprisingly, the news that you were the new kid in class had already travelled well, making it through the entire school within a day. The thing that made this bad news was that everyone's eyes were on you. They were probably waiting to see if you were going to be a spitfire, loud mouth who took nobody's crap, or one of the quiet kids: an easy target.
You were the latter. Quiet, introverted, not used to having more than one friend, but very accustomed to eating alone every lunch.
Nobody bothered you much for the first month or so, but then one guy had seen you eating lunch with a teacher, and now you were the subject of nerd jokes.
You had sat with your Maths professor one time to go over some homework. It had taken longer than expected, and you decided to grab a cereal bar from your bag, your tummy begging for it through growls. This tiny choice had deemed you nerd, teacher's pet, and a plethora of other jokes relating to the fact that you wore glasses.
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Then, one day, it escalated. One of the self entitled 'popular' guys had taken a seat in front of you at lunch. He started blabbing on, tossing around the nerd jokes, clearly looking for some kind of response that you refused to give. Even if you wanted to tell him to piss off, you never would because the thought of doing so made your heart race.
You were caught up in your own thoughts, his voice sounding as though he were underwater, when he suddenly bangs his hands down onto the table. You flinch, glancing around, seeing that the movement had caused your drink to spill.
"Crap." You mutter, picking it up before it could get onto your clothes.
"Oh, so you have a voice." The guy says, mockingly as he looks over to his friends, who are all laughing. "The freak actually talks."
"I—" Before you can speak, you see a shadow move over the dining table. Looking up, you're surprised to see that it's Ellie Williams.
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Ellie wasn't a quiet kid like you, but she also wasn't a nobody either. You'd seen her with a couple of friends, but you'd also seen her alone, smoking on her way to and from school, or sitting in windows with her guitar or a notepad. Ellie was that girl that no one knew too much about, but they were all curious – mostly about her tattoo since she didn't even attempt to hide it on most days.
Ellie was in a few of your classes, one of which she was seated in front of you. You would sometimes find yourself trying to peek over and look at her sketches she doodled during lessons. She was incredibly talented, once or twice you wanted to compliment her, but then your pounding heart would stop you.
She was also really, really hot, but that was a thought you pushed away, for fear that if someone found out, that would be the next thing you'd be singled out for. Plus, it's not like you would ever tell her.
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"Hey, Liam." Now, she was standing next to you, notepad tucked under her arm, one hand pressed against the table. "Back off, okay?"
"Williams? The fuck do you want?"
"I want you to leave the girl alone." She glances at you, and you immediately cast your eyes down. "Go fuck with someone else."
Liam scoffs and then goes back to his friends, flipping Ellie off as he walks away.
"Jesus." Ellie refills his seat, plopping down with a grunt. "Sorry about him. He's a dick. Hard to believe he used to be kinda cool. Anyway... Are you good?"
"Uh..." She waits patiently for your answer, and you gather quickly that she's not planning on leaving until she gets one. "Yeah... thanks."
"Cool." She stands again. "See you around."
You mutter a 'bye', but she is already halfway across the dining hall, shooting a glare at Liam's table as she goes.
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Over the next few weeks, Ellie comes to your defence several more times. She tells you how sick she is getting hearing Liam and his friends torment you.
"I just... don't really care. If I react, it'll just make it worse. I can handle it." You momentarily realise that Ellie has gotten more words out of you than anyone else since you'd transferred here to Jackson Academy.
"Yeah, well, you shouldn't have to deal with it. Tell 'em to fuck off." Ellie sighs then, loudly. "Hey, you wanna get lunch together today?"
"What, so you can sit there like a bodyguard or something?"
"Maybe." Ellie laughs, grabbing her things, along with your own bag. "Come on."
"Uh, okay..."
After you've eaten everything, Ellie pulls out her sketchbook while you tap away at a game on your phone. You watch her squint and twist her head, concentrated on whatever it is she's drawing.
"You know..." You remind yourself that Ellie has called you her friend many times, and she defended you, so she's not going to lash out or anything... you decide to bat the anxiety away for a second. "You're really talented. I've seen a little of what you've drawn here and there and... it's really good."
Ellie's pencil stops, and she looks up at you through her lashes. "Really?" She smiles and then looks up fully. "Thank you."
"You're welcome." You feel the spread of heat on your cheeks and rest your head in your hands in an attempt to hide it. "So, uh, what're you drawing?"
"You." Ellie answers instantly.
You blanch. "What?"
"That's okay?"
"No, it's fine. Just, uh– why me?"
"Your face." Ellie pauses again and drops a pencil into her case, swapping it for a slightly thinner one. "It's interesting."
"Interesting?" You feel a drop in your stomach, you anxiety ridden brain immediately thinking of the worst case scenario - that maybe this was an elaborate plan to mock you and—
"Pretty." Ellie sees the panic and diminishes in a word.
"I meant you have a pretty face, and I wanted to draw it. Okay?" She chuckles softly, pushing her pencil into her hair bun and then reaching over to touch your arm. "Chill."
"Right... uh–"
"What's going on here, ladies?" You are once again met with the sight of Liam's annoying face. He stands inches away, obnoxiously smacking his lips as he chews on some gum. "Aw, you two pals now? Or..." He wiggles his brows, and then you realise that Ellie's hand is still on yours, and he's looking right at them.
Years of pent-up frustration fill your chest, and you stand suddenly, your chair scraping along the floor and creating an ugly sound that makes you cringe. "Liam, for fuck sake, can you just... leave me the hell alone."
"Ooh, the kitten has claws. Did Williams tell you to–"
"Shut up!" You yell, gaining the attention of a few more students as they look on and listen in. "Just fuck off. Go smoke a joint or jack off with you buddies, whatever the fuck. Just get lost."
You tap Ellie on the shoulder, who raises her brows in question. "Wanna go?"
"Uh, yeah." She gathers her pad and pencils and stands with you, looking a little impressed. "Let's go."
Before you can make even a couple of steps, you trip over something and go tumbling to the ground. Unfortunately, your elbow and chin take most of the fall, but you ignore it for a moment to twist and find the source of what happened.
Liam is standing above you, his foot still frozen mid-air, and he actually looks surprised. For a second, you think maybe he regrets tripping you, but then his friends are all cheering. He looks back and forth between them and then echoes their laughter, but it sounds forced - and you should know, he'd laughed around or in front of you a lot by this point.
"Are you okay?" You hadn't even noticed Ellie kneeling at your side.
You look up at her and nod, but upon seeing your face fully, she switches from concerned to pissed off. She abruptly stands, and you follow her movement until she is nearing Liam. You notice her fist is clenched, and before you can scramble up to stop her, it connects with Liam's face.
She shakes her hand after, flexing her fingers and looking down at where he now sits on the floor. "Asshole."
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The next day, you meet Ellie on the bleachers before school. "So, what's the damage? Detention?"
"Yeah, every day for a couple of weeks. But it was worth it."
"Not really. Haven't you had like a perfect record before this."
Ellie nods, and you sigh. "Ellie..."
"What? It's done, I can't take it back."
"Why did you have to hit him?" You gently prod your bruised chin, the dull ache less painful and more annoying.
"Literally, you ask me that question as you flinch and poke around your fat bruise. I fucking hit him because he hurt you."
"Ugh, it's not that bad."
Ellie rolls her eyes. "That's not the point. I don't know if you've noticed, but over the past few weeks, I've gotten kind of attached to you."
"Um..." You frown, not quite believing what you just heard, but something blooms in your stomach, sends a wave of tingles up your arms and legs. "Okay. I... don't know what to say to that."
"It's pretty simple, my oblivious friend. I've had my eye on you since you enrolled in this crappy fuckin' school. Everytime that stupid fuck said something to you I wanted to hit him. And then when you were on the floor and I saw you were hurt... I wanted to rip his face off."
"Jesus, Ellie."
"What can I say? Maybe I have some anger issues. The point is... I finished your drawing."
"What? I-" You're so confused that you laugh. "How does a drawing conclude your point in this conversation?"
"Take a look." Ellie smiles, smug, but with a hint of nervousness. She points to her notebook between you, and you take it. Flipping through the pages, you search for your drawing, and when you find it, you blush right away. "So?"
Your hand glides down the page. Ellie has drawn you with your head resting on your hand during lunch, one hand on your phone. She has even drawn the name of the game you were playing in that moment. Underneath, your name, followed by your name.
'I always thought it was kinda weird to gift someone a drawing of their own face... anyway I like you. Can I buy you dinner sometime? —Ellie :)'
You pluck the pencil from her ear and find a new page. You scribble for a minute or so, and Ellie is impatient, tapping her foot on the metal seats.
When you're done, you turn the sketchbook around. Ellie quickly reads it and then grins.
In big letters you had written, 'YES'.
Then, underneath, in much smaller writing:
'(Also, I think you're really, really hot.)'
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phenakistoskope · 8 months
Saeed Akhtar Mirza: The City Films
Arvind Desai ki Ajeeb Daastaan (1978)
Albert Pinto Ko Gussa Kyun Aata Hain? (1980)
Mohan Joshi Haazir Ho! (1984)
Salim Langde Pe Mat Ro (1989)
Naseem (1985)
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for some reason i feel like its important that people see the titles of my current hermit/empires wips from my laptop’s onenote app,,, if you want the context for some of these lmk 💀💀💀💀
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