#Larne Line
streetsofdublin · 2 years
Great Victoria Street is a railway station serving the city centre of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is one of two major stations in the city, along with Lanyon Place, and is one of the four stations located in the city centre, the others being Lanyon Plac
BELFAST 2016 I only visited this station once and that was in 2016 and it was not a pleasant experience because of the lack of space. According to some that I spoke with it cannot cope with demand during morning or evening rush-hour. Great Victoria Street is a railway station serving the city centre of Belfast, Northern Ireland. It is one of two major stations in the city, along with Lanyon…
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ambipotentsbestie · 8 months
my take away from the pjo show now that it’s over (renew it for season 2 disney istg) is that I NEED Percy to hug Annabeth
but bestie? you may enquire, percy has hugged annabeth in the show multiple times?
and to that I say, no Percy has hugged her back multiple times. But Percy hasn’t initiated ANY hug. And I need him to
which is also one of the reasons I need it to be renewed for five seasons, because I feel like they have set it up PERFECTLY for Percy initiating a percabeth hug first to be so so iconic/impactful/life changing/edit-worthy/I will never ever ever be the same
(I also think that Walker “it’s all about the eyes” Scobell would EAT IT UP)
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I’m not really following the audio form of Dracula but I *am* excited to see how they do Mr Swaledale and I will listen to that because, in my experience, there’s a number of ways this could go:
-They get the correct accent (yay!! Wonderful!!)
-They get the wrong accent affectionate (you tried!)
-They get the wrong accent baffling (wh-what was this choice?)
-They get the wrong accent derogatory (please god no)
-They get Mina’s voice actress to say the lines phonetically in the wrong accent (a funny choice)
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skycowboys · 2 months
Hello, I adore your work, I was wondering in this world does any other form of transportation exist such as locomotives 🚂 (I’m an avid Railway/rail fan enthusiast and considering there were races between horses and the earliest locomotives, with horses and other four legged critters helping building the lines before being replaced) I feel like these “iron horses” wouldn’t exactly be much of a threat.
That's so cool. Trains are so cool. I seriously wish we had more of them here in America - both historical trains and tracks but also highspeed rail. I will die and go to heaven of happiness the moment I can take a reliable train to a destination other than the metrodome on a Twins game day sob.
The old west history of trains is fascinating and a little tragic, but yeah you're correct about the SC world. Due to the chasms, trains aren't really that viable for cross-country travel and shipping of goods. Here's a quick rail line theoretical -
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The main cities are circled in purple -
West/North/South Rook and Southcut are a farming and nymbak center due to the relatively large swaths of unbroken land and the river.
Denavi and Oakridge are known for their timber (and Denavi for lightning fish products).
Woodloch and Vale have universities.
Slipshod and Carver Canyon Falls are known for their mining, and the area north of Carver Canyon is another bread basket.
Almost all the space in between is free-range farm, timber, and livestock land.
I've drawn potential rail lines between them and you can see all of, uh, the problems lol. If there would be a maintained line, it'd be in the middle of the farmland north of the Rooks to transport grains southward to the Rooks, but people are so accustomed to skimmers (flying pegasi pulling wheeled carts on the ground) and shortwings pulling carts along paved roads, it'd be hard to convince them to put in rail lines. The people of SC are used to using what's in their local area to make a good living for themselves, supplemented with goods and knowhow brought in by pilots and trade routes supported by bridge and cable cars.
Eventually I want to make a map that includes bridges and cable cars because that might switch this up a bit, but first I gotta finish the book :)
But yeah, the pegasus is the main mode of transportation in the SC world, and other than footpaths there aren't really any others that get close to the popularity and efficiency of pegasus-centered methods.
~ Larn
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barnlarn · 6 months
hello! will the custom character given with the “most wanted” outlaw bundle of your kickstarter be considered canon? I’m not super familiar with the breeds lore; would you help ensure the character is canon compliant, even if the pegasus isn’t one of the official breeds? thank you :)
Yes, I will assist all "Most Wanted" backers should they need it. That said, I don't want to hinder creativity so there is a fine line between canon and having fun.
~ Larn
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Varney the Vampire, Chapter 15: Shiver Me Timbers
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While Henry and Marchdale are off visiting Varney, an expensive coach pulls up to an inn in a nearby town. The occupants, a grizzly old Navy admiral and his *ahem* valet, a sailor named Jack Pringle, enter the inn, demanding a private room and an audience with one Josiah Crinkles, a lawyer. These two old sailors spend pretty much the entire chapter, and indeed every moment of shared page time they get, arguing like an old married couple and talking in heavily exaggerated nautical slang.
The admiral, Bell, turns out to be Charles Holland's uncle, and he has a letter from Mr. Crinkles urging him to chase down his nephew at once and stop him from marrying into a family with a vampyre in it. Mr. Crinkles, after reading over said letter, tells Admiral Bell that he did not write the letter in question, and indeed he didn't even know the admiral had a nephew, let alone one connected with all this vampire business. The letter, then, is a forgery, penned by an unknown hand.
The two sailors insist on having a drink with Mr. Crinkles, and he offers to tell them what he knows of the whole affair, as well as some lore about vampires - specifically, that anyone who is bitten by a vampire will become one, including Charles' would-be bride. The admiral and Jack Pringle resolve to find Charles and the Bannerworths and learn the truth, and fight the vampire too if it comes down to it.
Ladies and gentlemen, the comic relief has arrived.
The chapter opens with a quite lengthy description of how gossip concerning the vampire attack has spread from the Bannerworth's servants to the whole surrounding countryside. We already knew this, of course, as Henry found out when he went to see Chillingworth, but the author reminds us anyway, at length.
There, it seemed as if the lovers of the horrible made a point of holding their head quarters, and so thirsty did the numerous discussions make the guests, that the landlord was heard to declare that he, from his heart, really considered a vampyre as very nearly equal to a contested election.
I will grant this line is pretty funny.
We are now introduced to Admiral Bell and his rascally sidekick Jack Pringle, who are one thrown bottle away from divorce at all times. These two men are so nautical it is physically painful.
He was attired in ample and expensive clothing, but every article had a naval animus about it, if we may be allowed such an expression with regard to clothing.
The author spontaneously decides his story is set in the Regency period; Admiral Bell is described as wearing "the undress naval uniform of an officer of high rank some fifty or sixty years ago", and Jack Pringle makes the following observation about the inn they've arrived at:
"They call this the Nelson's Arms; and you know, shiver me, that for the best half of his life he had but one."
Nelson, for the record, died in 1805.
To give an idea of the sort of nautical tomfoolery I had to slog through for this chapter, I will reproduce a small sample of dialogue; imagine, if you will, pages and pages of this bullshit.
"Heave to!" he then shouted to the postilion, who was about to drive the chaise into the yard. "Heave to, you lubberly son of a gun! we don't want to go into dock."
"Ah!" said the old man, "let's get out, Jack. This is the port; and, do you hear, and be cursed to you, let's have no swearing, d—n you, nor bad language, you lazy swab."
"Aye, aye," cried Jack; "I've not been ashore now a matter o' ten years, and not larnt a little shore-going politeness, admiral, I ain't been your walley de sham without larning a little about land reckonings. Nobody would take me for a sailor now, I'm thinking, admiral."
"Hold your noise!"
"Aye, aye, sir."
At least it's funny for now; the constant arguing between these two starts to wear on the nerves as the story goes on.
Jack Pringle namedrops Charles, although it's not confirmed until later in the chapter that he refers to Charles Holland.
"Well, but where's Master Charles? Lawyers, in course, sir, is all blessed rogues; but, howsomdever, he may have for once in his life this here one of 'em have told us of the right channel, and if so be as he has, don't be the Yankee to leave him among the pirates. I'm ashamed on you."
There's a lot of lawyer-bashing in this chapter.
Mr. Crinkles (don't you love how there's two different characters introduced in this chapter that are named after potato chips) reminds me of Discworld's A. E. Pessimal, minus the surprise bloodlust. A "very conversible, nice, gentlemanly little man", he contrasts amusingly with the two rambunctious sailors.
"So you are Crinkles, are you?" cried the admiral. "Sit down, though you are a lawyer."
"Thank you, sir. I am an attorney, certainly, and my name as certainly is Crinkles."
"Look at that."
The admiral placed the letter in the little lawyer's hands, who said,—
"Am I to read it?"
"Yes, to be sure."
"Read it to the devil, if you like, in a pig's whisper, or a West India hurricane."
"Oh, very good, sir. I—I am willing to be agreeable, so I'll read it aloud, if it's all the same to you."
The letter, besides warning Admiral Bell of Charles Holland's imminent decision to marry A Vampyre, contains a "definition" of vampires which is bafflingly unhelpful:
"P.S. I enclose you Dr. Johnson's definition of a vampyre, which is as follows:
"VAMPYRE (a German blood-sucker)—by which you perceive how many vampyres, from time immemorial, must have been well entertained at the expense of John Bull, at the court of St. James, where no thing hardly is to be met with but German blood-suckers."
Mr. Crinkles, as it turns out, has never seen this letter in his life. Who wrote it, then, is and remains a mystery; the authorship of this letter never comes up again in the text. I mean, it was probably Varney, but that's never confirmed.
Admiral Bell and Jack Pringle seem to have a very shaky grasp on what a vampire is; evidently Dr. Johnson's definition was not helpful.
"Shiver my timbers, if I knows what a wamphigher is, unless he's some distant relation to Davy Jones!"
"The vampyre!"
"Ah! I always forget the names of strange fish. I suppose, after all, it's something of the mermaid order?"
Mr. Crinkles provides an astonishingly detailed account of the vampire attack on Flora, and repeats the idea that all victims of vampire attacks become vampires themselves. Jack Pringle accidentally hits on the reason why in vampire stories this is usually not the case:
"Whew!" whistled Jack; "she might bite us all, and we should be a whole ship's crew o' wamphighers. There would be a confounded go!"
If vampirism has a 100% transmission rate, the vampire population grows exponentially. We will eventually learn more about how vampirism actually spreads in this story; for now, as far as anybody knows, Flora is set to become a vampire after death.
At the end of the chapter, Jack refers to Charles as "our nevy", which I will point to as evidence that he is, in fact, more than a valet. (These aren't the only gay sailors Rymer has written, either. Ask me about the background gay couple in The String of Pearls/Sweeney Todd.)
Next: The worst romantic dialogue I have ever read in my life
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worldsneverfilled · 11 months
Legend of Lan Verse - Pantheon (WIP)
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The Father Domains: Nature, Life, and Family Dwarf Created all life with his sister. Despite this, there's a fierce rivalry between the two. Creation was more of a competition than a desire to create life for the act of creation of itself.
The Mother Domain: Death Elf Benevolently rules the After, a matronly guardian for the dead. Her assistants help her literally carry the weary souls to the afterlife where they will find a home made just for them and their families if that is what the souls wish. Death is rarely feared in Luhren or Garthspire because of her; it's welcomed when the time comes. Noctre acknowledges her existence but not her authority. This has caused tension in the After, where the two butt heads about how to tend to the dead. To keep the peace, they tend to stick to their followers and leave those of the other be, much to the dismay of the few who worship one or the other while being a citizen of their opposing nation.
Daughter of Carderen and Leta Domains: Craft and Trickery Dwelf Nothing trickier than the act of creation and invention. Her name and symbol can be found in most workshops and smithies with an alter that includes a prized tool as thanks for her guidance in a craftman's workplace. In the textile arts, there's always a symbol or the first letter of her name included in the piece in honor of her. Unfortunately, invention does not come without consequences; the tools she inspires are sometimes weapons of war.
Sister of Leta Domains: Hearth, Home, Agriculture, and Famine Elf Works in tandem with Carderen in leading the home life, and guides the crops with precision and wisdom, though she also has domain over famine and plagues. She's also credited with the tides that she uses to playfully splash her husband. The oceans are harsh and unforgiving, however, and she can be fickle. Her rage stirs up hurricanes. Favors pears.
Sister of Carderen Domain: Weather Dwarf Wise and inventive with a temper of her own to be feared. She wields the fires of the heavens to rain down on the world when the mortals have angered her but is otherwise docile. While her domain does not include agriculture, she is regularly thanked alongside Lets for providing the rains that water the crops. Flooding, however, occurs when she's taunting Lets.
Husband of Jek Domains: Night and Day Kobold Created the stars in the sky as gift to his wife. Is also credited with creating the winds as a way of playing with her hair. Seen as the most benevolent and docile of the gods, few fear his wrath for he feels little anger.
Partner of Larn Domains: Science and Medicine Human Brilliant but chaotic, a short attention span, and zealously seeks to know all things at all costs.
The Giant Domains: Sleep, Dreams, Justice, and Youth Orc Guards the young; the protector with fatherly love for children of all walks of life. He's a gentle giant unless someone harms a child, and then his wrath is to be feared. His name is a curse on all who lay a hand on the young, and his wisdom is called on for justice in the courts. Like Metre, he's trusted and rarely feared. However, despite his domain over sleep and dreams, he cannot actually make people sleep; he only watches over them as they dream. He's worshiped the most by parents and those that live by the Pianes Mountains.
The Young Domains: War, Disease, the Hunt Harengon A fierce warrior who kills all without mercy. She's welcome only out of necessity and fear of her temper. At the end of the day, though, she just wants to relax with a cup of tea and nurse her neverending cold. Works with Gadren to bring insect plagues to devour crops when mortals have crossed a line.
Related myth here.
The Patient Domains: Time, Magic, Service Dragonborn Where waiting pays off because the time will always come. A generally serious man with a fondness for puzzles. He's credited with the creation of coffee and other such stimulants that appear to make time shift in the mind. He's known to walk among mortals and sit among them in taverns and cafes alike. Be wary of an overdose though; mortals can handle far less than the gods.
The Dead God Domain: Murder and Thievery Unknown None know their face and live to tell the tale. Feared by all and hated by the other gods. They're rarely invited to equinox festivals with the other gods, and none with good intentions invoke their name. Sahdlor is the chosen patron of most thieves' and assassins' guilds. Some businesses may throw a few food offerings at them now and then, causing problems with a competitor's business.
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Gods in Garthspire are mostly the same as those found in Luhren, but there are a few extras. The same with Noctre.
The Seer Domains: Divination and Charity Thri-Kreen A grumpy god with no tolerance for nonsense, but doesn't take their bitterness out on those in need. They hate their designated domains, but why inflict their misery on others? Not well liked among the other gods but not hated either since their domain of charity is invaluable. Their followers are severe and sincere, and slightly fear his wrath.
Related myth here.
The Farseaker Domains: Traveling and Archeology Unknown She wears a hooded cloak to shield her face from the elements and those who would know her business. Travelers are rarely turned away for fear of it being her in disguise. She's polite and a good guest when she does make an appearance. Ever curious, scientists and historians seek her wisdom when looking into the past for answers about the ancestors.
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The Bloodied Domain: Blood and Death Elf He replaces Leta in the pantheon and is feared by all. Blood mages study the art in his name. He's not usually welcome at family gatherings either.
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chasingcrystal · 2 years
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John saved my spirit. My ferry from Cairnryan, Scotland landed in Larne, Northern Ireland where I headed to Belfast for a few days. Once I got my bearings, I followed the coastline North! This is a famous route in Northern Ireland called the Causeway Coastal Route. I grabbed a screenshot of a map I found so y’all can see what it looks like. The ride from Belfast to Bushmills should’ve only taken 2 hours, but several locals warned me about black ice on the road ahead so this took twice as long. I super slowed down, didn’t lean and was hyper focused on the paths I chose. It was so scary. My choices of paths were as follows: On a two lane road, the third of the lane in the middle was too icy and slippery as no car tires drove over it. The third of the lane closest to the shoulder was iciest, but theoretically safest because I would just crash into the big grass berm and barbed wire fencing along farmer’s land (lol that the barbed wire was safest). Lastly, I liked the third of the lane closest to the center divider line most since that was most melted, but I worried as I could slip on a hidden patch and slide into oncoming traffic. So you can see why my anxiety heightened due to riding in these conditions. On top of all this, the day was warmest at 32F or 0C with rain/snow pouring down the last hour of my ride. Miserable Crystal. Upon the 3 hr 55 minutes mark, the duration of the misery really started to sink in. Have you ever done something so miserable, you questioned why you were doing it at all? Yeah, I reached my limit. Just as I was about to start breaking down in tears, my GPS directions told me I had arrived and to turn into John’s driveway. He greeted me and the first thing I said to him was “I’m really miserable.” John is a fellow rider I found on Couchsurfing so he knew exactly what I meant. Without saying anything, he unloaded all my dirty black ice muddied bags off my bike, had a warm bottle waiting for me, put my soaked gear to dry on the heaters and fed me tea and loaded me with food and snacks for the next 6 hours. And that’s how my experience with Northern Ireland people began. So grateful. #chasingcrystal #northernireland #bushmills (at Northern Ireland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co0Nro8P1bR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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guerrerense · 2 years
Toon Town Twenties. por Stapleton Road Por Flickr: Its as far as you can go. Stranraer is the end of the line. The station used to connect with a ferry to Larne and Belfast, it also boasted extensive sidings which handled large amounts of freight. Also known as Toon Town it lies on the south shores of Loch Ryan. The ferry port opened in 1862 and accommodated smaller vessels which could navigate the shallow approaches but as the years went buy and the ferries got bigger and bigger they couldn't safely reach the port without going really slow so as to not ground out their props. This spelt the end for the port and in November 2011 the new terminal was opened on the entrance to Loch Ryan on the north shore, this means that ferries can travel at high speed until the last minute and remain in deep water. A ferry can be seen departing at the top right of this shot. 20107 and 20096 pose for the photographers as they prepare to depart with the 2nd leg of the tour to Girvan at 1530. Confession time, I have digitally removed a lamp post which was obstructing a clear view of 20107.
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endlessandrea · 2 months
"So the question is that when you’re making something, you need some things to make stuff out of, and they come from somewhere. And they imply certain things and entail certain histories, relations of possession and dispossession, etc. Which is a kind of fundamental problem for anyone who makes stuff. But that perspective doesn’t really come up in this text. Instead, what you have is the idea of artists who have lives and then institutions which reify their lives into exhibition artifacts. But to me it’s always more interesting to listen to the discussion around the antinomies, the problems of making stuff. Firstly, because I have very little understanding of the history of fine art and the museum. But secondly, because that line of analysis tends to lead to this kind of tepid question about implication: How do we disentangle ourselves from the institution, the gallery, the exhibition, the social relations they imply? Whereas the questions about making, and the histories of the materials with which you make things, just seems to me to be a more exciting starting point, more about practical possibility, about praxis."
– This is one of the things Danny Hayward says in a conversation between Larne Abse Gogarty, Ciarán Finlayson, Em Hedditch, Marina Vishmidt and himself. The group was asked to respond to different drafts of the concept for the exhibition Illiberal Arts, which opened at HKW at the end of 2021. It's helpful to read how they puzzle (?, "rätseln" in German) over the text :)!
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arijittravels · 5 months
Unveiling Pattaya's Delights: Beaches, Bustle, and Beyond
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Pattaya, Thailand, beckons travelers with its vibrant energy, captivating beaches, and diverse experiences. While it's renowned for its exciting nightlife scene, Pattaya offers so much more for every kind of adventurer. This comprehensive guide explores the best things to do in Pattaya, from soaking up the sun on pristine beaches to exploring cultural gems and indulging in thrilling activities and  Best places to visit in Pattaya.Whether you're seeking relaxation, cultural immersion, or exhilarating adventures .
Sun-Kissed Shores and Aquatic Adventures:
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Pattaya Beach: The beating heart of Pattaya's beach scene offers a lively atmosphere with sun loungers, parasailing opportunities, and jet-ski rentals. Enjoy various water sports or simply relax and watch the world go by.
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Jomtien Beach: Slightly quieter than Pattaya Beach, Jomtien offers a serene escape with calmer waters and a relaxed vibe. Relax on the beach, try your hand at windsurfing, or explore the local markets lining the beachfront.
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Lan Islands: Escape the mainland and discover the idyllic Coral Island and Koh Larn. Enjoy snorkeling or diving amidst vibrant coral reefs, explore hidden coves, and experience the tranquility of these island paradises.
Exploring Pattaya's Cultural Gems:
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Sanctuary of Truth: Carved entirely from wood, this architectural marvel showcases intricate sculptures depicting Buddhist and Hindu mythology. Explore its various structures and marvel at the craftsmanship that went into creating this unique sanctuary.
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Wat Phra Yai (Big Buddha): A towering landmark overlooking Pattaya, Wat Phra Yai is a significant Buddhist temple. Climb the stairs to the top for panoramic views of the city and surrounding coastline. Witness the reverence offered by local devotees and experience the serenity of this sacred site.
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Anek Kuson Sala (Elephant Village): Learn about Thailand's national animal and witness the gentle giants up close. Observe elephant behavior, participate in ethical interactions with these majestic creatures, and support responsible elephant tourism practices.
Planning Your Pattaya Adventure with WanderOn
Planning your Pattaya itinerary can be overwhelming with so many options. WanderOn, your trusted travel partner, can help you craft the perfect Pattaya experience
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skycowboys · 2 years
Sorry if you’ve already said, but how does pulling gear work on pegasi? We(my family) have carriages/wagons ourselves, and I’d love to see if there’s any difference at all to account for wings!
No prob, this is a concept that I've only put some preliminary thought into, nothing too deep other than some aesthetic stuff....so please excuse my lack of knowledge.
So in general, I still keep the collar or something similar; keeping the bulk of the pulling weight on the shoulders.
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And then I imagine lines over the wings for giving directions similar to a bit and long lines.
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I know maybe they aren't super practical, but I like the vibe. Generally I don't put bridles on my pegasi (not because I dislike bridles/bits, more because I haven't quite figured out how I want to integrate them with the beak), but I do usually put rope halters on them and such, so I figured between a rope halter and wing lings the wing lines would be more effective.
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And that's about the gist of it!
~ Larn
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gktravel · 6 months
10 spots in Pattaya you should not miss in 2024
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Pattaya, a vibrant coastal city nestled in the Gulf of Thailand Known for its tropical climate and variety of attractions that combine a beautiful mix of bustling nightlife, stunning beaches and rich cultural heritage attracting tourists, has become the must-visit destination of 2024, where experiences for every kind of traveler You find an intriguing mix Whether you’re looking for adventure, peaceful relaxation, or cultural immersion, Pattaya has many places that promise to excite and entertain visitors from all over the world Take a virtual tour of Pattaya as we unveil ten unmistakeble spots that They showcase the charm and diversity of the city and invite you to wear embark on an unforgettable journey of exploration and discovery.
Perched on the picturesque coastline, Pattaya Beach stands as an epitome of tropical paradise, attracting sun-seekers and water enthusiasts With its golden sands red, crystal clear water and warm weather, this stunning beach provides the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll, adventurous water sports, or just relaxing in the palm trees rocking under the shade Near the beach The local beach road buzzes with activity, with a wide range of shops, restaurants and entertainment venues, ensuring there is never a dull moment Whether you are enjoying the sun, savoring the new flavors with delicious seafood or soaking up the warm beach weather, Pattaya Beach promises an unforgettable beach experience along with special tropical delights.
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10 spots in Pattaya you should not miss in 2024
1. Pattaya Beach
Pattaya’s main beach is a perennial favorite for tourists seeking sun, sand and sea. In 2024, it continues to attract people with its vibrant atmosphere, offering more water sports like jet skiing, parasailing, banana boat rides. Whether you’re looking for relaxation or pleasure, Pattaya Beach has something for everyone.
2. Sanctuary of Truth:
This awe-inspiring wooden temple stands as a testament to Thai art and spirituality. In 2024, visitors admire its stunning design and architecture, offering a glimpse into Thailand’s rich cultural heritage. Explore the sprawling temple courtyard decorated with images of Hindu and Buddhist deities and marvel at the intricate details that reflect ancient wisdom and beliefs
3. The walkway:
When night falls, Walking Street comes alive with electricity, pulsing with music, lights and countless entertainers. From vibrant bars and nightclubs to performing street vendors, this quaint street is a hotspot for nightlife enthusiasts. Pattaya in 2024 is a must-visit for those who want a vibrant after-dark atmosphere.
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4. Coral Island (Koh Larn):
Escape the hustle and bustle of Pattaya with a short boat ride to Coral Island, where pristine beaches and turquoise waters await. In 2024, travelers will be able to snorkel, snorkel, or simply relax on the beach while taking in the island’s natural beauty. With a variety of water activities and beachfront amenities, Coral Island offers a tranquil retreat from the hustle and bustle of the city.
5. Nong Nooch Tropical Botanical Garden:
Immerse yourself in the Nong Nooch Tropical Botanic Garden, a beautiful expanse of natural beauty with greenery and vibrant flowers. In 2024, visitors will be able to explore themed gardens, admire exotic plants and enjoy cultural performances including traditional Thai dance and elephant exhibits Whether you are a nature lover or a n 'interested in culture, this botanical paradise promises a memorable experience.
6. Pattaya Floating Market:
Experience the beauty of Thailand’s traditional floating market at Pattaya Floating Market. In 2024, visitors will be able to walk through canals lined with wooden shops and stalls selling local handicrafts, souvenirs and street food Indulge in Thai culinary delights, shop for small, unique items, or just immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of… this cultural gem.
7. Underwater World Pattaya:
Immerse yourself in the incredible world beneath the waves at Underwater World Pattaya, home to an impressive collection of marine creatures. In 2024, visitors will be able to walk through underwater tunnels, marvel at colorful corals and encounter a variety of aquatic animals including sharks, winds and tropical fish inhabiting the sea.
8. Pattaya Road (Khao Pattaya Road):
For a great view of Pattaya Bay and the surrounding beaches, head to Pattaya Viewpoint atop Pratumanak Hill. In 2024, visitors will be able to immerse themselves in a city full of skyscrapers, beaches and offshore islands. Sunrise or sunset, this scenic spot promises spectacular photo opportunities and a peaceful retreat from the city below.
9. Art in Heaven:
Unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of visual illusions at Art in Paradise, an interactive art museum in Pattaya. In 2024, visitors will be able to explore themed lobbies with eye-popping 3D models and installations. From wildlife encounters to gravity defying, this immersive art experience provides endless fun for visitors of all ages.
10. Pattaya Elephant Village
Explore Thailand’s cultural heritage and conservation efforts at Pattaya Elephant Village. In 2024, visitors will be able to learn about the history of elephants in Thai society, observe these majestic creatures up close, and even participate in elephant conservation programs with elephant rides, exhibits and educational programs, the sanctuary offers an experience that is responsibility creates wealth for animal lovers.
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gokitetour · 6 months
The top 8 seaside beaches in Bangkok
Welcome to Bangkok, the bustling capital city of Thailand, known for its vibrant culture, bustling markets, and delicious street food. While Bangkok is primarily known for its urban attractions, it also boasts several beautiful seaside beaches along the Gulf of Thailand, offering visitors the perfect opportunity to unwind and enjoy some sun, sand, and sea. These seaside beaches provide a welcome escape from the city's hustle and bustle, offering a tranquil retreat where visitors can relax and recharge amidst stunning coastal scenery. Whether you're looking to soak up the sun, take a refreshing dip in the ocean, or simply enjoy a leisurely stroll along the shoreline, Bangkok's beaches offer something for everyone. From lively beaches with water sports activities to secluded coves perfect for relaxation, Bangkok's seaside destinations cater to a variety of preferences. Whether you're seeking a family-friendly beach day, an adrenaline-filled adventure, or a romantic sunset stroll, there's a perfect beach waiting for you just a short distance from the city center. Join us as we explore the top seaside beaches in Bangkok, each offering its own unique charm and allure for visitors looking to escape the city and enjoy some fun in the sun.
Here are some seaside beaches in Bangkok.
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1. Bang Saen Beach: Famous for its vibrant ambiance and beautiful sands, Bang Saen Beach is a famous seaside location within a short drive from Bangkok. It's a well-liked location for both locals and visitors to spend a day by the sea because of its tranquil seas and the many seafood eateries that line the coast. In addition, Bang Saen Beach offers a variety of water sports, making it the perfect place for adventure seekers.
2. Hua Hin Beach: This little coastal town is three hours south of Bangkok and is well-known for its extensive expanses of immaculate beach and crystal-clear turquoise waters. Activities available at the beach include swimming, tanning, horseback riding, and kiteboarding. Along with this, visitors may tour the historic Hua Hin Railway Station and the vibrant night markets.
3. Cha-am Beach: Another well-liked beach in Bangkok, Cha-am Beach is close to Hua Hin Beach. Families with kids will find it the perfect place for a leisurely day of swimming and relaxation because of the shallow seas and soft waves. It's easy to spend the whole day by the water because there are plenty of seafood restaurants and sellers offering snacks and drinks along the beach.
4. Pattaya Beach: With its bustling environment and array of water sports activities, Pattaya Beach is still worth a visit, despite the fact that it is more well-known for its boisterous nightlife than its beaches. There are many chances for swimming, jet skiing, and parasailing along the beach, which spans for many kilometers along the Gulf of Thailand. In addition, visitors are free to explore the neighbouring sites, which include the Sanctuary of Truth and the busy Walking Street.
 5. Bang Poo Beach: Just a short drive from Bangkok, Bang Poo Beach is a serene coastal retreat in the province of Samut Prakan. The beach is well-known for its views of the neighbouring Bang Pu Seaside Resort and its stunning sunsets. Relax on the sandy beaches, stroll slowly down the promenade, or eat seafood at one of the neighbourhood eateries.
6. Koh Larn Island: If you're willing to go a little outside of Bangkok, Koh Larn Island has some of the area's most stunning beaches. Situated in close proximity to Pattaya's shore, the island is renowned for its immaculate beaches, crystal-clear seas, and abundant tropical flora. From Pattaya, tourists may board a ferry to Koh Larn, where they can spend the day swimming, snorkeling, and taking in the breathtaking scenery of the island.
7. Bang Khun Thian Beach: Located outside of Bangkok, this beach provides a tranquil haven from the bustle of the city. The beach provides tourists with an insight into the natural beauty and cultural legacy of the area thanks to its mangrove forests, salt flats, and traditional fishing towns. In addition to enjoying fresh seafood at neighbourhood eateries and boat tours of the mangrove woods, visitors may unwind on the sandy beaches and take in the peace of the environment.
8. Bangsaen Lang Beach: Tucked away in the province of Chonburi, Bangsaen Lang Beach is a peaceful substitute for Pattaya's busy beaches. Clear waves, smooth sands, and breathtaking vistas of neighboring islands are the beach's best-known features. In addition to seeing the neighboring sights, such as the Wang Saen Suk Hell Garden and the Bangsaen Fresh Seafood Market, visitors may unwind in the shade of the coconut palms and swim in the tranquil waters.
                To summarize, Bangkok's seashore beaches provide a welcome respite from the city's hectic streets, allowing tourists to unwind and appreciate the natural beauty of Thailand's coastline. From the vibrant sands of Pattaya Beach to the tranquil environment of Bang Poo Beach, each location has its own distinct appeal and attractions. For those considering a trip to Bangkok, buying Bangkok tour packages that include a beach excursion is highly advised. These packages provide a convenient and hassle-free approach to seeing the city's seaside beauties, ensuring that you make the most of your stay in the area. Bangkok's beaches appeal to all tastes and interests, whether you want to go on a water sports adventure, eat fresh seafood at beachfront eateries, or simply relax on the sandy sands. So, whether you're going single, with family, or with friends, don't pass up the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and calm of Bangkok's seashore beaches on your next holiday. Book Bangkok tour packages online and prepare for an unforgettable beach vacation that will leave you with fond recollections of sun-kissed days and stunning ocean vistas.
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automotive-75 · 7 months
Keep your Car clean with the best Car Trash can
Come to today’s age of convenience and innovation. Automotive accessories come with something new for driving. The HOTOR Car Trash Can has come out with rave reviews and is praised for its incredible -star rating. These different things have attracted the attention of customers looking for practical solutions to maintain their clean and tidy car interiors. It has amazing features, specifications, user testimonials, and lots of experience from our team. And I will discuss in detail the wide impact of HOTOR Car Trash Cans in the automotive accessory market.
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HOTOR Car Trash Can Features:
1. Adjustable Strap and Collapsible Shape: Its adjustable strap feature blends in with different vehicle structures for sure. As the collapsible shape saves space and offers various interior accessories of the car.
2. Magnetic Snap: It is equipped with metal magnetic snap, and facilitates easy replacement of trash bags. It also makes it more convenient than traditional options.
3. Durable LeakProof Inner Lining: Its waterproof and leakproof inner lining ensures easy cleaning and maintenance with no worries about spills or stains.
4. Multipurpose Functionality: In addition to serving as a trash container, this doubles as a multipurpose storage bag, transferring items such as cups, toys, and accessories. Even works as a car cooler
5. Great harmony: ensures an organized and uncluttered interior. Designed to fit seamlessly into a variety of vehicles including sedans, SUVs, and trucks.
My experience with HOTOR car trash can:
Based on my first experience with the HOTOR car trash can, it is a much needed product. Which helps the car drivers a lot in keeping the interior of the car clean. Besides, it is practical, durable, and compatible with different vehicles. With a spacious capacity and user-friendly design, it effortlessly accommodates various car setups. Its adjustable strap and foldable shape enhance its adaptability. Verify seamless integration into any vehicle. I found it easy to use and appreciated its convenience and efficiency in keeping the car tidy. Overall, my experience underscores the effectiveness of the HOTOR Car Trash Can in dealing with car clutter to enhance the overall driving experience.
Special Note: HOTOR Car Trash Can stands out as a game-changer in the automotive accessory market. Which offers unmatched convenience and functionality. Besides, with its durable construction, innovative features, and positive user feedback, it aims to improve the driving experience of all. A must have for any such person. Say goodbye to messy car interiors and say hello to a cleaner ride with the HOTOR car trash can. Larne more about the HOTOR car trash can
Deduction of car trash can:
The HOTOR Car Trash Can is a reliable user-friendly solution for maintaining a clean and organized car interior. And it has many roles as a versatile solution. Backed by its innovative features and positive real-world performance and user testimonials. It also positions itself as a valuable automotive accessory. Whether you need efficient trash disposal or a versatile storage solution, the HOTOR Car Trash Can offers a practical and well-received option to improve your car’s organization.
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theballisround · 11 months
Larne 2 Cliftonville 1
Friday 3rd November 2023 – The Northern Ireland Premier League – Inver Park, Larne Sitting in 340th place in UEFA’s Rankings, one place about Floriana from Malta, one below Iceland’s Vikingur, you can find Northern Ireland’s current champions, Larne FC. When they lined up in Helsinki for the Champions League First Qualifying Round against HJK in July 2023, it was a remarkable turnaround for a…
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